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$PEPE PEPE 40% cenu pieaugums sasniedz 95 miljonu dolāru šķērsli: kas tālāk Blockchain analītikas platforma Spotonchain atklāja, ka Hejs turpināja pirkt 24,39 miljardus PEPE, kuru vērtība ir 252 000 USD. Šāda apjoma vai apmēra darījumi, ko kriptovalūtu tirgū veic slavenas personības, bieži piesaista uzmanību un var ietekmēt tirgotājus. PEPE nav vienīgā mēmu monēta, kas mūsdienās strauji pieaug. Nozares vadošie žetoni, tostarp DOGE, SHIB, WIF, FLOKI un BONK, arī piedzīvo ievērojamus ieguvumus, atspoguļojot pašreizējo noskaņojumu plašākā tirgū. $PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT)
$PEPE PEPE 40% cenu pieaugums sasniedz 95 miljonu dolāru šķērsli: kas tālāk

Blockchain analītikas platforma Spotonchain atklāja, ka Hejs turpināja pirkt 24,39 miljardus PEPE, kuru vērtība ir 252 000 USD. Šāda apjoma vai apmēra darījumi, ko kriptovalūtu tirgū veic slavenas personības, bieži piesaista uzmanību un var ietekmēt tirgotājus.

PEPE nav vienīgā mēmu monēta, kas mūsdienās strauji pieaug. Nozares vadošie žetoni, tostarp DOGE, SHIB, WIF, FLOKI un BONK, arī piedzīvo ievērojamus ieguvumus, atspoguļojot pašreizējo noskaņojumu plašākā tirgū.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BTCPredictedNewATH #moonbix #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC Pepe cenas prognoze: cik drīz PEPE cena var pārlēkt par 100% līdz USD 0,00002? Pepe cena ir parādījusi noturību tirgus svārstību apstākļos, piedzīvojot 6.1% pieaugumu pagājušajā nedēļā, neskatoties uz 5.4% kritumu pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Ņemot vērā neitrālu tirgus noskaņojumu un nozīmīgus tehniskos līmeņus, Pepe cenas turpmākās kustības varētu ievērojami palielināties, ja tiks pārvarētas galvenās pretestības. .Tehniskā analīze: Pepe cena pašlaik tirgojas nedaudz zem 50 dienu EMA un 200 dienu EMA, kas liecina par mēreni lācīgu perspektīvu īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā. Nesenās cenu korekcijas ir novietojušas marķieri lejupejošā trajektorijā lejupejošā kanālā, un tehniskie rādītāji liecina, ka būtu nepieciešams izrāviens virs šīm EMA, lai ievērojami atjaunotos pirkšanas temps. PEPE cenu prognozes: līdz 2024. gada augusta beigām Pepe cena, iespējams, varētu sasniegt USD 0,00002 atzīmi, ja tai izdosies pārvarēt kritiskos pretestības līmeņus, piemēram, 50 dienu un 200 dienu EMA. Šī augšupejošā kustība liecinātu par gada sākumā novērotā rallija turpinājumu, iezīmējot nozīmīgu pavērsienu žetonam un tā investoriem. $$PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT)
#BTCPredictedNewATH #moonbix #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC

Pepe cenas prognoze: cik drīz PEPE cena var pārlēkt par 100% līdz USD 0,00002?

Pepe cena ir parādījusi noturību tirgus svārstību apstākļos, piedzīvojot 6.1% pieaugumu pagājušajā nedēļā, neskatoties uz 5.4% kritumu pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Ņemot vērā neitrālu tirgus noskaņojumu un nozīmīgus tehniskos līmeņus, Pepe cenas turpmākās kustības varētu ievērojami palielināties, ja tiks pārvarētas galvenās pretestības.

.Tehniskā analīze: Pepe cena pašlaik tirgojas nedaudz zem 50 dienu EMA un 200 dienu EMA, kas liecina par mēreni lācīgu perspektīvu īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā. Nesenās cenu korekcijas ir novietojušas marķieri lejupejošā trajektorijā lejupejošā kanālā, un tehniskie rādītāji liecina, ka būtu nepieciešams izrāviens virs šīm EMA, lai ievērojami atjaunotos pirkšanas temps.

PEPE cenu prognozes: līdz 2024. gada augusta beigām Pepe cena, iespējams, varētu sasniegt USD 0,00002 atzīmi, ja tai izdosies pārvarēt kritiskos pretestības līmeņus, piemēram, 50 dienu un 200 dienu EMA. Šī augšupejošā kustība liecinātu par gada sākumā novērotā rallija turpinājumu, iezīmējot nozīmīgu pavērsienu žetonam un tā investoriem. $$PEPE
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #CATIonBinance #SpotGoldATH #Write2Earn! Telegrammas spēles, piemēram, Hamster Kombat, pārveido lietotāju iesaistīšanos TON ekosistēmā, padarot sarežģīto šifrēšanas pasauli pieejamāku un patīkamāku. Šīs spēles, ar kurām var nopelnīt, vienkāršo blokķēdes mijiedarbību, piesaistot plašāku auditoriju, izmantojot to saistošo un vienkāršo mehāniku. Apvienojot spēles ar kriptovalūtu atlīdzību, Hamster Kombat veicina lielāku decentralizēto tehnoloģiju ieviešanu un izpratni par tām. Nākamo piecu gadu laikā tādas spēles kā Hamster Kombat varētu ievērojami uzlabot lietotāju līdzdalību, veicināt blokķēdes tehnoloģijas masveida ieviešanu un katalizēt izaugsmi ekosistēmā. Tā kā arvien vairāk lietotāju pievienojas Hamster Kombat un līdzīgām platformām, mēs varam sagaidīt darījumu pieaugumu, palielinātu tirgus kapitalizāciju un spēcīgu, dinamisku kopienu, kas ir gan izglītota, gan ieguldīta kriptogrāfijas nākotnē. $Šī geimificētā pieeja blokķēdes iesaistīšanai varētu būt atslēga, lai atbrīvotu kriptovalūtas plašu atzīšanu un integrāciju ikdienas dzīvē. $HMSTR USD {spot}(HMSTRUSDT)
#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #CATIonBinance #SpotGoldATH #Write2Earn!

Telegrammas spēles, piemēram, Hamster Kombat, pārveido lietotāju iesaistīšanos TON ekosistēmā, padarot sarežģīto šifrēšanas pasauli pieejamāku un patīkamāku. Šīs spēles, ar kurām var nopelnīt, vienkāršo blokķēdes mijiedarbību, piesaistot plašāku auditoriju, izmantojot to saistošo un vienkāršo mehāniku.
Apvienojot spēles ar kriptovalūtu atlīdzību, Hamster Kombat veicina lielāku decentralizēto tehnoloģiju ieviešanu un izpratni par tām.

Nākamo piecu gadu laikā tādas spēles kā Hamster Kombat varētu ievērojami uzlabot lietotāju līdzdalību, veicināt blokķēdes tehnoloģijas masveida ieviešanu un katalizēt izaugsmi ekosistēmā. Tā kā arvien vairāk lietotāju pievienojas Hamster Kombat un līdzīgām platformām, mēs varam sagaidīt darījumu pieaugumu, palielinātu tirgus kapitalizāciju un spēcīgu, dinamisku kopienu, kas ir gan izglītota, gan ieguldīta kriptogrāfijas nākotnē.

$Šī geimificētā pieeja blokķēdes iesaistīšanai varētu būt atslēga, lai atbrīvotu kriptovalūtas plašu atzīšanu un integrāciju ikdienas dzīvē. $HMSTR USD
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BTCReboundsAfterFOMC Kriptovalūtas glabāšanas soļi biržā 1. darbība: pārbaudiet vairākas kriptovalūtu biržas. Jūs vēlaties izmantot apmaiņu, kas atbalsta plašu kriptovalūtu klāstu, kurai ir laba lietotāja pieredze (UX) un kas tiek atbalstīta jūsu valstī. 2. darbība. Atveriet kontu vēlamajā biržā. Konta atvēršana parasti aizņem apmēram piecas minūtes. Tomēr jums būs jāapmierina biržas zināšanas par savu klientu (KYC). 3. darbība: izpildiet KYC prasības. Iesniedziet personas informāciju, piemēram, e-pasta adresi, tālruņa numuru un juridisko vārdu. Jums var tikt lūgts iesniegt komunālo pakalpojumu rēķinu, valsts izdotu personu apliecinošu dokumentu vai citus apliecinošus dokumentus, lai apstiprinātu, ka esat īsta persona. 4. darbība: noguldiet savu kriptovalūtu. Pēc seifa iestatīšanas varat droši uzglabāt savu kriptovalūtu. Lai noguldītu kriptovalūtu, ir nepieciešama maka adrese, kas bieži vien atrodas jūsu vēlamās kriptovalūtas darījumu lapā. Lai iegūtu vajadzīgo maka adresi, jebkurā ekrānā meklējiet 40 burtu un ciparu rakstzīmju virkni vai sāciet depozīta darījumu, un tai vajadzētu parādīties. $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)

Kriptovalūtas glabāšanas soļi biržā

1. darbība: pārbaudiet vairākas kriptovalūtu biržas. Jūs vēlaties izmantot apmaiņu, kas atbalsta plašu kriptovalūtu klāstu, kurai ir laba lietotāja pieredze (UX) un kas tiek atbalstīta jūsu valstī.

2. darbība. Atveriet kontu vēlamajā biržā. Konta atvēršana parasti aizņem apmēram piecas minūtes. Tomēr jums būs jāapmierina biržas zināšanas par savu klientu (KYC).

3. darbība: izpildiet KYC prasības. Iesniedziet personas informāciju, piemēram, e-pasta adresi, tālruņa numuru un juridisko vārdu. Jums var tikt lūgts iesniegt komunālo pakalpojumu rēķinu, valsts izdotu personu apliecinošu dokumentu vai citus apliecinošus dokumentus, lai apstiprinātu, ka esat īsta persona.

4. darbība: noguldiet savu kriptovalūtu. Pēc seifa iestatīšanas varat droši uzglabāt savu kriptovalūtu. Lai noguldītu kriptovalūtu, ir nepieciešama maka adrese, kas bieži vien atrodas jūsu vēlamās kriptovalūtas darījumu lapā. Lai iegūtu vajadzīgo maka adresi, jebkurā ekrānā meklējiet 40 burtu un ciparu rakstzīmju virkni vai sāciet depozīta darījumu, un tai vajadzētu parādīties.
#mememcoinseason2024 #CATIonBinance Memecoin Sensation Popcat Hits New All-Time High After Surge To $1 Popcat, the latest Solana-based memecoin sensation, has crowned itself as one of the best-performing cryptocurrencies in the market. The memecoin has stolen the spotlight following its 117% surge throughout Q3, outperforming other well-established tokens in the sector. POPCAT Hits $1 Billion Market Cap Status Memecoins Memecoins became the leading sector during this cycle, with many tokens outperforming most altcoins over the last few months. At the front of the frenzy, dog-themed tokens like dogwifhat (WIF) stole the spotlight during Q1 and Q2. However, a feline rival is challenging its spot as Solana’s best-performing memecoin.$SOL
#mememcoinseason2024 #CATIonBinance

Memecoin Sensation Popcat Hits New All-Time High After Surge To $1

Popcat, the latest Solana-based memecoin sensation, has crowned itself as one of the best-performing cryptocurrencies in the market. The memecoin has stolen the spotlight following its 117% surge throughout Q3, outperforming other well-established tokens in the sector.

POPCAT Hits $1 Billion Market Cap Status


Memecoins became the leading sector during this cycle, with many tokens outperforming most altcoins over the last few months. At the front of the frenzy, dog-themed tokens like dogwifhat (WIF) stole the spotlight during Q1 and Q2. However, a feline rival is challenging its spot as Solana’s best-performing memecoin.$SOL
#CathieWood #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR Top Cryptocurrency to Buy Before It Soars 6,200%, According to Cathie Wood of Ark Investor Wood sees several possible sources of Bitcoin's growth. Her single biggest factor is the view that Bitcoin is a digital form of gold. It's becoming a store of value that can be used to hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. She sees a shift in sentiment. Bitcoin is moving from a speculative investment to a vehicle of wealth protection, pointing to the banking crisis of 2023 that saw a surge in money moving into Bitcoin. During times of crisis and uncertainty, people tend to move money out of what they see as risky assets and into safer ones.$ETH $BTC
#CathieWood #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR

Top Cryptocurrency to Buy Before It Soars 6,200%, According to Cathie Wood of Ark Investor

Wood sees several possible sources of Bitcoin's growth. Her single biggest factor is the view that Bitcoin is a digital form of gold. It's becoming a store of value that can be used to hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. She sees a shift in sentiment.

Bitcoin is moving from a speculative investment to a vehicle of wealth protection, pointing to the banking crisis of 2023 that saw a surge in money moving into Bitcoin. During times of crisis and uncertainty, people tend to move money out of what they see as risky assets and into safer ones.$ETH $BTC
#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR How to Earn Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) on Binance Launchpool Hamster Kombat has quickly become the most popular Web3 interactive game of all time. Since the introduction of Notcoin, the trajectory of these Telegram bot-based project has skyrocketed. Hamster Kombat claims to be the third-fastest app in history to reach 150 million users, trailing only Pokémon Go. $HMSTR is Hamster Kombat's native utility token and is used in the following functions:🔺In-game currency: Purchase in-game items (E.g. character skins) , upgrades & services (E.g. Premium support assistance, community tools & SDK for game developers.). Let's see how you can claim Your Free $HMSTR 💈 Hamster On Binance Launchpool 🔸Token Name: Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) 🔹Max Token Supply: 100,000,000,000 HMSTR 🔸Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,000,000,000 HMSTR (3.00% of total supply) 🔸Smart Contract Details: TON 🔹Staking Terms: KYC required ⚡ Hourly Hard Cap per User: 🔸3,541,666.66 HMSTR in BNB pool 🔹625,000 HMSTR in FDUSD pool$TON $SOL $ICP
How to Earn Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) on Binance Launchpool

Hamster Kombat has quickly become the most popular Web3 interactive game of all time. Since the introduction of Notcoin, the trajectory of these Telegram bot-based project has skyrocketed. Hamster Kombat claims to be the third-fastest app in history to reach 150 million users, trailing only Pokémon Go.

$HMSTR is Hamster Kombat's native utility token and is used in the following functions:🔺In-game currency: Purchase in-game items (E.g. character skins) , upgrades & services (E.g. Premium support assistance, community tools & SDK for game developers.).

Let's see how you can claim Your Free $HMSTR 💈 Hamster On Binance Launchpool
🔸Token Name: Hamster Kombat (HMSTR)
🔹Max Token Supply: 100,000,000,000 HMSTR 🔸Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,000,000,000 HMSTR (3.00% of total supply)
🔸Smart Contract Details: TON
🔹Staking Terms: KYC required
⚡ Hourly Hard Cap per User: 🔸3,541,666.66 HMSTR in BNB pool
🔹625,000 HMSTR in FDUSD pool$TON
#Write2Earn! Potential for Bitcoin volatility caused by rate cuts is quite high Bitcoin (BTC) faces potential price volatility this week as the Federal Reserve (Fed) is likely to cut the US interest rate by at least 25 basis points (bps), according to the latest “Bitfinex Alpha” report. However, the movement depends on whether the Fed will cut 25 bps or 50 bps, as a smaller cut could trigger “bullish optimism.” In contrast, a more significant cut will likely make investors go with a “cautious de-risking.” Bitfinex analysts highlighted that this volatility might be more evident in inflows across spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETF) and derivatives markets. Moreover, rate cuts are often followed by a sell-off in equities and other risk assets on the near team, which adds to investors’ cautious stance. Yet, the report points out that these past patterns provide guidance but are not fail-proof to predict future behavior.$BTC $ETH $USDC

Potential for Bitcoin volatility caused by rate cuts is quite high

Bitcoin (BTC) faces potential price volatility this week as the Federal Reserve (Fed) is likely to cut the US interest rate by at least 25 basis points (bps), according to the latest “Bitfinex Alpha” report.
However, the movement depends on whether the Fed will cut 25 bps or 50 bps, as a smaller cut could trigger “bullish optimism.” In contrast, a more significant cut will likely make investors go with a “cautious de-risking.”
Bitfinex analysts highlighted that this volatility might be more evident in inflows across spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETF) and derivatives markets.
Moreover, rate cuts are often followed by a sell-off in equities and other risk assets on the near team, which adds to investors’ cautious stance. Yet, the report points out that these past patterns provide guidance but are not fail-proof to predict future behavior.$BTC $ETH $USDC
#BinanceLaunchpoolCATI #NeiroOnBinance #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR Future Price Prediction for Catizen Experts predict a potential price surge upon the token's listing. The Catizen airdrop price prediction suggests that $CATI could reach $2.00 in the mid-term and even test $5.00 to $10.00 in the long term, depending on market liquidity and sentiment. Catizen price prediction 2025 The Catizen price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 1.142209 on the lower end and $ 5.34 on the high end. Compared to today’s price, Catizen could gain 399.84% by 2025 if CATI reaches the upper price target. Catizen price prediction 2030 The Catizen price prediction for 2030 is currently between $ 2.82 on the lower end and $ 4.57 on the high end. Compared to today’s price, Catizen could gain 327.40% by 2030 if it reaches the upper price target. $BNB $BTC $SOL
#BinanceLaunchpoolCATI #NeiroOnBinance #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR

Future Price Prediction for Catizen

Experts predict a potential price surge upon the token's listing. The Catizen airdrop price prediction suggests that $CATI could reach $2.00 in the mid-term and even test $5.00 to $10.00 in the long term, depending on market liquidity and sentiment.

Catizen price prediction 2025

The Catizen price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 1.142209 on the lower end and $ 5.34 on the high end. Compared to today’s price, Catizen could gain 399.84% by 2025 if CATI reaches the upper price target.

Catizen price prediction 2030

The Catizen price prediction for 2030 is currently between $ 2.82 on the lower end and $ 4.57 on the high end. Compared to today’s price, Catizen could gain 327.40% by 2030 if it reaches the upper price target.
#FOMC #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #NeiroOnBinance Top News 1.Bhutan 🇧🇹, Tiny Country With $3B GDP, Holds Over $780M in Bitcoin Bhutan’s state-owned Druk Holdings touts digital assets as one of its focus investment groups. 2.CZ Set to Be Released From Prison on September 29 The Binance founder is currently living in a halfway house in San Pedro, California. 3.Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) members vote on where to set the rate. Traders watch interest rate changes closely as short term interest rates are the primary factor in currency valuation. A higher than expected rate is positive/bullish for the USD, while a lower than expected rate is negative/bearish for the USD. 4.Russia permits crypto for foreign trade, with regulations expected by November. Initial crypto use is limited to select banks under an experimental legal regime. Cryptocurrency is banned for domestic use, restricted solely to foreign trade. $BTC $BNB $SOL
#FOMC #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #NeiroOnBinance

Top News

1.Bhutan 🇧🇹, Tiny Country With $3B GDP, Holds Over $780M in Bitcoin
Bhutan’s state-owned Druk Holdings touts digital assets as one of its focus investment groups.

2.CZ Set to Be Released From Prison on September 29
The Binance founder is currently living in a halfway house in San Pedro, California.

3.Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) members vote on where to set the rate. Traders watch interest rate changes closely as short term interest rates are the primary factor in currency valuation.

A higher than expected rate is positive/bullish for the USD, while a lower than expected rate is negative/bearish for the USD.

4.Russia permits crypto for foreign trade, with regulations expected by November.
Initial crypto use is limited to select banks under an experimental legal regime.
Cryptocurrency is banned for domestic use, restricted solely to foreign trade.

#BinanceLaunchpoolCATI Binance Launchpool Welcomes CATI Binance revealed on September 13 that Catizen would be the 59th project on its Launchpool. Catizen is a cat-themed gaming bot built on the Telegram mini-app platform. Since its inception six months ago, Catizen has attracted 34 million players and boasts over two million active on-chain users. The project reports an 800,000-paying user base and an average revenue per paying user of $33. Catizen has a total and maximum token supply of 1,000,000,000 CATI, with 9% allocated for Launchpool token rewards. Users can stake BNB and FDUSD to receive CATI airdrops over four days starting September 16, 2024, at 00:00 UTC. Binance will list CATI on September 20, 2024, at 10:00 UTC, with trading pairs CATI/USDT, CATI/BNB, CATI/FDUSD, and CATI/TRY.$BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)
Binance Launchpool Welcomes CATI

Binance revealed on September 13 that Catizen would be the 59th project on its Launchpool. Catizen is a cat-themed gaming bot built on the Telegram mini-app platform.

Since its inception six months ago, Catizen has attracted 34 million players and boasts over two million active on-chain users. The project reports an 800,000-paying user base and an average revenue per paying user of $33.

Catizen has a total and maximum token supply of 1,000,000,000 CATI, with 9% allocated for Launchpool token rewards. Users can stake BNB and FDUSD to receive CATI airdrops over four days starting September 16, 2024, at 00:00 UTC. Binance will list CATI on September 20, 2024, at 10:00 UTC, with trading pairs CATI/USDT, CATI/BNB, CATI/FDUSD, and CATI/TRY.$BNB
#GrayscaleXRPTrust Grayscale XRP Trust is one of the first securities solely invested in and deriving value from the price of XRP that enables investors to gain exposure to XRP in the form of a security while avoiding the challenges of buying, storing, and safekeeping XRP directly. Shares (based on XRP per Share as indicated below) are designed to track the XRP market price, less fees and expenses. XRP is a digital asset that is created and transmitted through the operations of the peer-to-peer Ripple Network, a decentralized network of computers that operates on cryptographic protocols. The Ripple Network allows people to exchange tokens of value, called XRP, which are recorded on a public transaction ledger known as a blockchain.

Grayscale XRP Trust is one of the first securities solely invested in and deriving value from the price of XRP that enables investors to gain exposure to XRP in the form of a security while avoiding the challenges of buying, storing, and safekeeping XRP directly. Shares (based on XRP per Share as indicated below) are designed to track the XRP market price, less fees and expenses. XRP is a digital asset that is created and transmitted through the operations of the peer-to-peer Ripple Network, a decentralized network of computers that operates on cryptographic protocols. The Ripple Network allows people to exchange tokens of value, called XRP, which are recorded on a public transaction ledger known as a blockchain.
#TON #TelegramCEO $TON The Open Network (previously Telegram Open Network as TON) is a decentralized computer network consisting of a layer-1 blockchain with various components. TON was originally developed by Nikolai Durov who is also known for his role in creating the messaging platform, Telegram. Telegram had planned to use TON to launch its own cryptocurrency (Gram), but was forced to abandon the project in 2020 following an injunction by US regulators. The network was then renamed and independent developers have created their own cryptocurrencies and applications using TON. Toncoin, the principal token of The Open Network is deeply integrated into the Telegram messaging app, used for paying rewards to creators and developers, buying Telegram ads,hosting giveaways or purchasing services such as Telegram Premium.
#TON #TelegramCEO
The Open Network (previously Telegram Open Network as TON) is a decentralized computer network consisting of a layer-1 blockchain with various components. TON was originally developed by Nikolai Durov who is also known for his role in creating the messaging platform, Telegram. Telegram had planned to use TON to launch its own cryptocurrency (Gram), but was forced to abandon the project in 2020 following an injunction by US regulators. The network was then renamed and independent developers have created their own cryptocurrencies and applications using TON. Toncoin, the principal token of The Open Network is deeply integrated into the Telegram messaging app, used for paying rewards to creators and developers, buying Telegram ads,hosting giveaways or purchasing services such as Telegram Premium.
#MarketDownturn #Babylon_Mainnet_Launch Testnet Babylon Babylon's testnet is built on BTC Signet, a test network for Bitcoin that uses the same proof-of-work (PoW) consensus as the Bitcoin mainnet. As such, there are no real Bitcoins staked on this testnet, rather only Bitcoin Signet which can be obtained for free through faucets. To participate in the Babylon testnet, users need to download browser extensions from OKX and Keplr wallets, which support the Solana network, on which the Babylon protocol is built. In addition, users also need to acquire Bitcoin Signet through Signet Faucet and Babylon testnet token (BBN) through Babylon's Discord faucet channel. Users who mint Bitcoin Signet and BBN on the Babylon testnet will be rewarded with a "bitcoin pioneer pass NFT", a non-fungible token that demonstrates their participation in the testnet. The pass has a limited supply and a claim period that runs from February 28 to March 5. The pass will also give access to some exclusive features that will be announced later.
#MarketDownturn #Babylon_Mainnet_Launch

Testnet Babylon

Babylon's testnet is built on BTC Signet, a test network for Bitcoin that uses the same proof-of-work (PoW) consensus as the Bitcoin mainnet. As such, there are no real Bitcoins staked on this testnet, rather only Bitcoin Signet which can be obtained for free through faucets.

To participate in the Babylon testnet, users need to download browser extensions from OKX and Keplr wallets, which support the Solana network, on which the Babylon protocol is built. In addition, users also need to acquire Bitcoin Signet through Signet Faucet and Babylon testnet token (BBN) through Babylon's Discord faucet channel.

Users who mint Bitcoin Signet and BBN on the Babylon testnet will be rewarded with a "bitcoin pioneer pass NFT", a non-fungible token that demonstrates their participation in the testnet. The pass has a limited supply and a claim period that runs from February 28 to March 5. The pass will also give access to some exclusive features that will be announced later.
#BTC_MarketPanic_Dip #RecessionOrDip? Bitcoin plunges to multi-month lows, wiping out over $220 billion in value amid recession fears (BTC), the world's largest cryptocurrency by market value, plunged to multi-month lows on Monday as concerns over a potential US recession, fueled by disappointing economic data, spurred a rush to safe-haven assets. Bitcoin has plummeted to around $53,000, marking a significant decline, while Ether has also turned negative for 2024, reflecting broader concerns in the crypto sector. This downturn is driven by regulatory pressures, adverse macroeconomic factors like weak US job data, and the Japanese stock market crash. Investors, fearing a prolonged bearish trend, are reacting with increased volatility and panic," said CoinSwitch Markets Desk.
#BTC_MarketPanic_Dip #RecessionOrDip?

Bitcoin plunges to multi-month lows, wiping out over $220 billion in value amid recession fears

(BTC), the world's largest cryptocurrency by market value, plunged to multi-month lows on Monday as concerns over a potential US recession, fueled by disappointing economic data, spurred a rush to safe-haven assets.

Bitcoin has plummeted to around $53,000, marking a significant decline, while Ether has also turned negative for 2024, reflecting broader concerns in the crypto sector. This downturn is driven by regulatory pressures, adverse macroeconomic factors like weak US job data, and the Japanese stock market crash. Investors, fearing a prolonged bearish trend, are reacting with increased volatility and panic," said CoinSwitch Markets Desk.
#BinanceHODLerBANANA #US_Job_Market_Slowdown US unemployment rate hits 4.3% in July as job growth slows considerably The increase in the unemployment rate from 4.1 per cent in June marked the fourth straight monthly increase, the U.S. Labor Department reported on Friday. It has risen from a five-decade low of 3.4 per cent in April 2023. The labor market is slowing, driven by weak hiring, rather than layoffs, as the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes in 2022 and 2023 weigh on demand. "The latest snapshot of the labor market is consistent with a slowdown, not necessarily a recession," said Jeffrey Roach, chief economist at LPL Financial. "However, early warning signs suggest further weakness. If the labor market weakens further, markets will likely price in three cuts this year." Nonfarm payrolls increased by 114,000 jobs last month after rising by a downwardly revised 179,000 in June, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics said. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast payrolls would advance by 175,000 jobs after a previously reported gain of 206,000 in June.
#BinanceHODLerBANANA #US_Job_Market_Slowdown

US unemployment rate hits 4.3% in July as job growth slows considerably

The increase in the unemployment rate from 4.1 per cent in June marked the fourth straight monthly increase, the U.S. Labor Department reported on Friday. It has risen from a five-decade low of 3.4 per cent in April 2023. The labor market is slowing, driven by weak hiring, rather than layoffs, as the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes in 2022 and 2023 weigh on demand.

"The latest snapshot of the labor market is consistent with a slowdown, not necessarily a recession," said Jeffrey Roach, chief economist at LPL Financial. "However, early warning signs suggest further weakness. If the labor market weakens further, markets will likely price in three cuts this year." Nonfarm payrolls increased by 114,000 jobs last month after rising by a downwardly revised 179,000 in June, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics said. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast payrolls would advance by 175,000 jobs after a previously reported gain of 206,000 in June.
$SOL $AVAX One Ethereum Rival Following in the Footsteps of Solana’s (SOL) The smart contract platform Avalanche (AVAX) is following SOL with “muscle memory, long and strong.” AVAX has entered its “final setup,” AVAX will rally after reclaiming a key support level at $27.Inmortal is also bullish on Solana itself. SOL will eventually rally above its diagonal resistance and surge to $260 in September of this year. #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Solana_Blockchain #Avax🔥🔥
One Ethereum Rival Following in the Footsteps of Solana’s (SOL)

The smart contract platform Avalanche (AVAX) is following SOL with “muscle memory, long and strong.”
AVAX has entered its “final setup,” AVAX will rally after reclaiming a key support level at $27.Inmortal is also bullish on Solana itself.

SOL will eventually rally above its diagonal resistance and surge to $260 in September of this year.
#ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Solana_Blockchain #Avax🔥🔥
$SOL $ETH Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and Crypto Markets Look Ready To ‘Send’ As Stars Align The former head of crypto at ARK Invest tells his 292,200 followers on the social media platform X that several catalysts are now lining up, hinting that digital asset markets are on the verge of a rally. According to Burniske, a partner at venture capital firm Placeholder, the highly anticipated launch of Ethereum-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs), Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaking at an upcoming Bitcoin event and the current state of BTC, ETH, and SOL charts all suggest major bullishness for crypto markets. #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #SOFR_Spike

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and Crypto Markets Look Ready To ‘Send’ As Stars Align

The former head of crypto at ARK Invest tells his 292,200 followers on the social media platform X that several catalysts are now lining up, hinting that digital asset markets are on the verge of a rally.

According to Burniske, a partner at venture capital firm Placeholder, the highly anticipated launch of Ethereum-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs), Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaking at an upcoming Bitcoin event and the current state of BTC, ETH, and SOL charts all suggest major bullishness for crypto markets.
#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #SOFR_Spike
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