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Pirkt HANKUSDT TAS IR KOTĒTS ..MEXC UN CITĀS BIRŽĀS TAM KOPĀ IR 1 miljards Monētu maksimālais piedāvājums PIRKT tagad... dos LABU PEĻŅU NĀKOTNĒ.. #hankusdt #HANKUSDT
TAS IR KOTĒTS ..MEXC UN CITĀS BIRŽĀS TAM KOPĀ IR 1 miljards Monētu maksimālais piedāvājums PIRKT tagad... dos LABU PEĻŅU NĀKOTNĒ..
#hankusdt #HANKUSDT
Skatīt oriģinālu
vai nu BTC pārkāpj 69500 ​​ar veiksmīgu atkārtotu testu vai atgriežas atpakaļ uz 66,5-67k, līdz tam brīdim ar šīm lēnajām BTC kustībām spot darījumos ir mazāk vietas peļņai, tiks publicēti jauni tūlītējie darījumi, kad tiks sasniegta viena no zonām. #Market_Update
vai nu BTC pārkāpj 69500 ​​ar veiksmīgu atkārtotu testu vai atgriežas atpakaļ uz 66,5-67k, līdz tam brīdim ar šīm lēnajām BTC kustībām spot darījumos ir mazāk vietas peļņai, tiks publicēti jauni tūlītējie darījumi, kad tiks sasniegta viena no zonām.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pat ja jūs tirgojat sarkano. Es neieteikšu jums DCA. Izmantojiet stoploss, kur jūtaties iespējams. Neievadiet nekādus iestatījumus. Jasmiju ļoti manipulē aziāti, es teiktu, ka pieskarieties tai, ja vien jums nav stingras riska pārvaldības. #JASMAY raktuves
Pat ja jūs tirgojat sarkano.

Es neieteikšu jums DCA. Izmantojiet stoploss, kur jūtaties iespējams.

Neievadiet nekādus iestatījumus.

Jasmiju ļoti manipulē aziāti, es teiktu, ka pieskarieties tai, ja vien jums nav stingras riska pārvaldības.

#JASMAY raktuves
Skatīt oriģinālu
Param airdroms 23. maijā! Savienojiet savu metamaskas maku ar saviem parametru kontiem. #PARAMGaming
Param airdroms 23. maijā! Savienojiet savu metamaskas maku ar saviem parametru kontiem. #PARAMGaming
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pērciet EPX, paldies vēlāk Pirkt diapazonu 0,0001850 Gūstiet peļņu 0,0001950 Un tālāk jūsu rokās…
Pērciet EPX, paldies vēlāk
Pirkt diapazonu
Gūstiet peļņu
Un tālāk jūsu rokās…
This is our total setup, it may run for a few days or weeks. There will be ups and downs in the price so no need to panic there, especially spot traders, Future traders can use the EMA21 Strategy to exit the trades and manage stoplosses. I'll update the targets according to chart. #ROSEUSDT @everyone
This is our total setup, it may run for a few days or weeks.
There will be ups and downs in the price so no need to panic there, especially spot traders, Future traders can use the EMA21 Strategy to exit the trades and manage stoplosses.

I'll update the targets according to chart.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Mērķa Op pirkšanas diapazons 2,50–2,60 #Optimisum 1) 2,56096 2) 2,58631 3) 2,61167 4) 2,63702 5) 2,66238 6) 2,91594 7) 3,16950 8) 3,42306 9) 3,80340 Nekādu SL nelietošu. Ļaujiet tai darboties 1-2 nedēļas vai pat vairāk, atkarībā no situācijas laikā. Pārvaldiet savu risku, nepārspīlējiet sevi vienā tirdzniecībā, jo būs daudz garu uzstādījumu, esiet pacietīgs, meklējiet tos. @visi
Mērķa Op pirkšanas diapazons 2,50–2,60

1) 2,56096
2) 2,58631
3) 2,61167
4) 2,63702
5) 2,66238
6) 2,91594
7) 3,16950
8) 3,42306
9) 3,80340

Nekādu SL nelietošu. Ļaujiet tai darboties 1-2 nedēļas vai pat vairāk, atkarībā no situācijas laikā.

Pārvaldiet savu risku, nepārspīlējiet sevi vienā tirdzniecībā, jo būs daudz garu uzstādījumu, esiet pacietīgs, meklējiet tos.

$XVG ilgtermiņa skats
Pēc diagrammas xvg man šķiet bullish, un es drīz gaidu nākamo posmu. tā ir monēta ar mazu vāciņu, ko var viegli sūknēt x2.
bet, lūdzu, pieminiet, ka tā ir veca monēta bez lietojamības, kas, iespējams, nākotnē mirs
#xvg #xvgusdt
Watch in May
Watch in May
Crypto Ahmet
🔥💥Šeit ir 3 populārākās mēmu monētas, ko skatīties maijā

1. Shiba Inu (#SHIB )
Pašpasludinātais Dogecoin slepkava ir vēl viena mēmu monēta, kas pēdējā laikā ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu cenu izsekošanu.

SHIB cena
Taču, ņemot vērā lielo skaitu pamatelementu, viņš nākamajā mēnesī var sākt ar labo kāju. Kā piemēru var minēt 2. slāņa mērogošanas risinājuma – Shibarium – augšāmcelšanos. Pagājušajā nedēļā tīklam tika veikta būtiska jaunināšana, un 2. maijā tiks veikts vēl viens jauninājums.

Arī Shib dedzināšanas programma ir pieaugusi, izraisot miljoniem žetonu izņemšanu no apgrozības. Mehānisma galvenais mērķis ir laika gaitā padarīt mēmu monētu mazāku un potenciāli vērtīgāku.

2.Pepe (#PEPE )
Vardes tematiskais īpašums ir viens no retajiem īpašumiem, kas ir zaļš divu nedēļu mērogā, taču tas joprojām samazinās 7 dienu laikā. Mēģinot prognozēt labākos rezultātus maijā, jāņem vērā tās pieaugošā nepastāvība un augošā kopienas bāze.

PEPE cena
PEPE nesen ir izpelnījies īkšķus no daudzām kriptovalūtu biržām, tostarp Coinbase, un tās cena pēc paziņojumiem ir reaģējusi pozitīvi. Papildu atbalsts tuvākajā nākotnē oktobrī var izraisīt vēl vienu mītiņu.

3.Bonk Inu (#BONK )
Šis žetons nesen apgrieza Floki Inu (FLOKI), lai pievienotos 5 lielāko mēmu žetonu klubam. Solana ar tirgus kapitalizāciju vairāk nekā 1,5 miljardu ASV dolāru apmērā ir otrs lielākais šāda veida aktīvs, kas izveidots blokķēdē.

BONK pēdējo divu nedēļu laikā ir bijis viens no labākajiem rādītājiem kriptovalūtu tirgū, un tā cena ir pieaugusi par vairāk nekā 50%, neskatoties uz palēnināšanos.
Brace yourself..
Brace yourself..
📢🔥 Attention Bitcoin (BTC) Investors: Brace Yourselves for FED Chairman Jerome Powell's Speech Tomorrow! 🚀💼

The cryptocurrency industry faces yet another whirlwind as sudden declines in Bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins spark investor pressure. But fear not, as tomorrow's speech by US Federal Reserve (FED) chairman Jerome Powell could provide clarity and potentially influence the crypto market's direction.

🎙️ What to Expect from Powell's Speech:
As per market experts, Powell may hint at the need for more time before policy adjustments, suggesting a possible rate cut in the future. The Fed is likely to adopt a wait-and-see approach until gaining clarity on inflation.

📉 Bank of America Economists' Insights:
Economists anticipate quantitative tightening to slow down, with the US Treasury's monthly redemption limit possibly halved. Powell is expected to express satisfaction with the market's pricing of this year's rate cuts.

💡 Expert Opinions:
While some foresee a smooth path ahead, others caution about potential market challenges post-rate cuts. Powell's tone and stance tomorrow could significantly impact market sentiment and direction.

🌟 Potential Impact on the Crypto Market:
A softer stance from FED officials could potentially alleviate some pressure on the crypto market, leading to a partial recovery.

Stay tuned for Powell's speech tomorrow night, as it could shape the trajectory of both traditional and crypto markets! 🚀🔍

#HKETF #BitcoinETFs #Megadrop #Fed
Wanna Make 5x to 10x in This Bull Run?? Hello everyone! Happy Thursday and Hope you are doing great. Do you really wanna make 5x to 10x in this bull run? Are you in the Fomo of top memecoins ? Dont worry here i am with top memecoins for 2024 to look upon $Omikami $skid $MONG $SHIB #GROK $PEPE $BONK $bob $MYRO $RFD $can $pepe2 $FLOKI $wojak $COQ $peng $HARAMBE $mim $meme $elon $VOLT $SNAP ….. What Other #MEME's am I missing? 🤔 let me know bellow 👇🏻👇🏻 Do your market research before investing in any of them. Only invest which you can lose. #BullorBear" #BullorBear #Memecoins #SHIB
Wanna Make 5x to 10x in This Bull Run??
Hello everyone! Happy Thursday and Hope you are doing great. Do you really wanna make 5x to 10x in this bull run?
Are you in the Fomo of top memecoins ?
Dont worry here i am with top memecoins for 2024 to look upon
What Other #MEME's am I missing? 🤔
let me know bellow 👇🏻👇🏻
Do your market research before investing in any of them. Only invest which you can lose.
#BullorBear" #BullorBear #Memecoins #SHIB
I'll give you a few tips. Shiba, Floki, Bonk, Pepe are addicted to bitcoin!!! bitcoin will reach $80,000.00 and then go up to $100,000.00!!!! That means old coins will go really high, and if you invest $100 to $300 in mim coins you will make a big profit!!!! This will all happen very quickly but also at the end of 2024!!!! If it takes a long time and you see you have lost money, don't get emotional and stay cool and wait until what I say happens, business is like a life, sometimes you have good days and sometimes you have bad days...... but After every bad day, there comes a good day. #shiba-inu: #Bicoin65K #Memecoins #SHIB #BTC🔥🔥#BullorBear
I'll give you a few tips.
Shiba, Floki, Bonk, Pepe are addicted to bitcoin!!!
bitcoin will reach $80,000.00 and then go up to $100,000.00!!!!
That means old coins will go really high, and if you invest $100 to $300 in mim coins you will make a big profit!!!!
This will all happen very quickly but also at the end of 2024!!!!
If it takes a long time and you see you have lost money, don't get emotional and stay cool and wait until what I say happens, business is like a life, sometimes you have good days and sometimes you have bad days...... but After every bad day, there comes a good day.
#shiba-inu: #Bicoin65K #Memecoins #SHIB #BTC🔥🔥#BullorBear
#PDA $PDA The selling pressure is ended officially, Korean meed KRW their native currency. Now imagine coin with all the sell pressure gone , don’t get shocked if you see a huge candle with 50% gain in this week 🚀 i have been buying at every dip and my average entry now stands @0.1280 worth 136K$ Congratulations and hold for life there’s no more downside now i am pretty sure about it, i have all my tokens on stake now
$PDA The selling pressure is ended officially, Korean meed KRW their native currency.
Now imagine coin with all the sell pressure gone , don’t get shocked if you see a huge candle with 50% gain in this week 🚀 i have been buying at every dip and my average entry now stands @0.1280 worth 136K$
Congratulations and hold for life there’s no more downside now i am pretty sure about it, i have all my tokens on stake now
Informative For shiba lovers…But think normally you can get Good profit.. To push Shiba Inu's price to $1, the community would need to burn nearly all of its tokens, specifically 99.99998% of them. This means reducing the total from 589.3 trillion tokens to just 6.3 billion. Given the current rate of burning 34.2 billion tokens in the past month, even if this pace is maintained, it would only lead to about 410 billion tokens being burned in 2024. This amount is far from sufficient to achieve the $1 target within the year. #shiba-inu #SHIBAInsights #HotTrends
Informative For shiba lovers…But think normally you can get Good profit..
To push Shiba Inu's price to $1, the community would need to burn nearly all of its tokens, specifically 99.99998% of them. This means reducing the total from 589.3 trillion tokens to just 6.3 billion. Given the current rate of burning 34.2 billion tokens in the past month, even if this pace is maintained, it would only lead to about 410 billion tokens being burned in 2024. This amount is far from sufficient to achieve the $1 target within the year. #shiba-inu #SHIBAInsights #HotTrends
What are your thoughts about this kindly do Comment below..i know..nobody will believe and say…that i don’t know anything about crypto…but you should all know this is crypto and anything could happen over a Night… $LUNC April Price Forecast 🚀 For April 5, 2024, the forecasted price range for LUNC (Terra Classic) is expected to be between $0.8 and $0.93, drawing from current data. Predictions about LUNC's price are mixed. For instance, AMB Crypto anticipates an average price of $0.00025 for each token, while TradingView suggests it might be around $0.000016. Some experts are more positive, thinking LUNC could hit $0.93 by 2024. Keep in mind, these forecasts are speculative, relying on historical trends and general market mood. The real future price could differ because of many potential influences. #USTC #LUNC🔥 #TerraClassicRising #TrendingPredictions
What are your thoughts about this kindly do Comment below..i know..nobody will believe and say…that i don’t know anything about crypto…but you should all know this is crypto and anything could happen over a Night…
$LUNC April Price Forecast 🚀
For April 5, 2024, the forecasted price range for LUNC (Terra Classic) is expected to be between $0.8 and $0.93, drawing from current data. Predictions about LUNC's price are mixed. For instance, AMB Crypto anticipates an average price of $0.00025 for each token, while TradingView suggests it might be around $0.000016.
Some experts are more positive, thinking LUNC could hit $0.93 by 2024. Keep in mind, these forecasts are speculative, relying on historical trends and general market mood. The real future price could differ because of many potential influences.
#USTC #LUNC🔥 #TerraClassicRising #TrendingPredictions
10 balsis • Balsošana ir beigusies
💸💯 Excited about diving into the world of cryptocurrencies under $0.10? Here are the top three picks to consider for next week: 1. Gala (GALA): After a period of consolidation, GALA surged by over 100%, showcasing bullish momentum. Although facing resistance at $0.0828, there's potential for further upside if the price breaks above $0.0584. Keep an eye out for a bullish trend towards $0.08284, but be cautious of a bearish reversal towards $0.0427. 🎮🚀 2. Bonk (BONK): Trading within a closed range, BONK saw a 68% surge before encountering resistance at $0.0000270. If it maintains support above $0.0000212, bulls could target $0.0000341. Conversely, a bearish scenario may test the low of $0.0000111. Keep a close watch on market dynamics! 🔨🔥 3. JasmyCoin (JASMY): JASMY displayed a neutral trend within the range of $0.0123 to $0.0162, with multiple attempts to break resistance. A 50% surge followed by consolidation hints at potential bullish momentum. Watch for a breakout above $0.0162 towards $0.030, while remaining cautious of bearish pressure towards the low of $0.0162. 🌟💎 Exciting times lie ahead as these cryptocurrencies navigate their respective price ranges! Keep tabs on market movements and stay informed. 📈💼 GALA #BONK #JASMY #Gala $XRP #HotTrends
💸💯 Excited about diving into the world of cryptocurrencies under $0.10? Here are the top three picks to consider for next week:
1. Gala (GALA): After a period of consolidation, GALA surged by over 100%, showcasing bullish momentum. Although facing resistance at $0.0828, there's potential for further upside if the price breaks above $0.0584. Keep an eye out for a bullish trend towards $0.08284, but be cautious of a bearish reversal towards $0.0427. 🎮🚀
2. Bonk (BONK): Trading within a closed range, BONK saw a 68% surge before encountering resistance at $0.0000270. If it maintains support above $0.0000212, bulls could target $0.0000341. Conversely, a bearish scenario may test the low of $0.0000111. Keep a close watch on market dynamics! 🔨🔥
3. JasmyCoin (JASMY): JASMY displayed a neutral trend within the range of $0.0123 to $0.0162, with multiple attempts to break resistance. A 50% surge followed by consolidation hints at potential bullish momentum. Watch for a breakout above $0.0162 towards $0.030, while remaining cautious of bearish pressure towards the low of $0.0162. 🌟💎
Exciting times lie ahead as these cryptocurrencies navigate their respective price ranges! Keep tabs on market movements and stay informed. 📈💼 GALA #BONK #JASMY #Gala $XRP #HotTrends
1. Initial Bitcoin Halving (November 2012): - Price pre-halving: $12 - Price post-halving (November 2013): $1,146 - Surge: 95-fold increase 🚀💰 2. Second Bitcoin Halving (July 2016): - Price pre-halving: $658 - Price post-halving (December 2017): $20,089 - Surge: 30-fold increase 🚀💸 3. Bitcoin's Third Halving (May 2020): - Price pre-halving: $8,800 - Price post-halving (November 2021): $69,000 - Surge: Roughly 8-fold increase 🚀💹 Exciting to see the potential for a new all-time high for #BTC 🔥🔥🔥 post-halving in 2024! Can't wait for the #CryptoNews 🚀🔥 and #HotTrends to unfold! Keep an eye on $BTC $ETH $BNB for more exciting developments! 💰📈#HotTrends
1. Initial Bitcoin Halving (November 2012):
- Price pre-halving: $12
- Price post-halving (November 2013): $1,146
- Surge: 95-fold increase 🚀💰
2. Second Bitcoin Halving (July 2016):
- Price pre-halving: $658
- Price post-halving (December 2017): $20,089
- Surge: 30-fold increase 🚀💸
3. Bitcoin's Third Halving (May 2020):
- Price pre-halving: $8,800
- Price post-halving (November 2021): $69,000
- Surge: Roughly 8-fold increase 🚀💹
Exciting to see the potential for a new all-time high for #BTC 🔥🔥🔥 post-halving in 2024! Can't wait for the #CryptoNews 🚀🔥 and #HotTrends to unfold! Keep an eye on $BTC $ETH $BNB for more exciting developments! 💰📈#HotTrends
$BTC Remember last time told you that BTC will go dip in few days and y'all should wait for it before buying? here it is again. If you have less than $1,000 and aiming to become a millionaire during this bull run, consider putting no investment in large, well-known cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, SOL, XRP, SHIB. Instead, look for brand new cryptocurrencies that are just starting out. Try to buy these when they are first offered for sale, before they are widely available. Learn how to use a 'sniper bot' to purchase new potential cryptocurrencies as soon as they hit the market. There have been cases where people made over $50,000 by investing less than $50! It only happens in crypto space. I've been advising you to invest in Arkham and FET when they were around $0.50. Don't worry if you missed out on this advice. I'll be sharing small projects I'm investing in, which I believe have the genuine potential to grow more than 300 times during this bull cycle. Greater rewards come with greater risk. Following the above strategy, you may lose 100% of your fund. That's why I don't allocate more than 5% of my portfolio for such strategy. If you're aiming for a more reliable way to generate wealth like a professional investor, then establish a small business or learn a skill so you can generate a decent amount to invest. Then learn the investing rules and trading techniques. By this way you can safely make millions within a few years.#BTC
$BTC Remember last time told you that BTC will go dip in few days and y'all should wait for it before buying? here it is again.
If you have less than $1,000 and aiming to become a millionaire during this bull run, consider putting no investment in large, well-known cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, SOL, XRP, SHIB. Instead, look for brand new cryptocurrencies that are just starting out. Try to buy these when they are first offered for sale, before they are widely available.
Learn how to use a 'sniper bot' to purchase new potential cryptocurrencies as soon as they hit the market. There have been cases where people made over $50,000 by investing less than $50!
It only happens in crypto space.
I've been advising you to invest in Arkham and FET when they were around $0.50. Don't worry if you missed out on this advice. I'll be sharing small projects I'm investing in, which I believe have the genuine potential to grow more than 300 times during this bull cycle.
Greater rewards come with greater risk. Following the above strategy, you may lose 100% of your fund. That's why I don't allocate more than 5% of my portfolio for such strategy.
If you're aiming for a more reliable way to generate wealth like a professional investor, then establish a small business or learn a skill so you can generate a decent amount to invest. Then learn the investing rules and trading techniques. By this way you can safely make millions within a few years.#BTC
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