Binance Square
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Katram tīklam ir mēmu marķieris, draugi.💰 Solana → $Bonk Base → $BRETT ✅ ETH → $PEPE BSC → $SHIB $BRETT Tirgus ierobežojums ir zemāks nekā citiem, un @BasedBrett šķiet ļoti piemērots tīkla daudzveidībai, tāpēc tas ir viens no projekti, ko pievienoju savam tirdzniecības sarakstam 📈 Akciju tirgos vērojams arvien lielāks apjoma pieaugums ikdienas apjoma ziņā, un domāju, ka pēc tirgus atveseļošanās tas kļūs populārāks 🤝 Paskatīsimies no tehniskā viedokļa 👇 4H skats, mēs virzām pretestību, un es sagaidu, ka ar izlaušanos vispirms palielināsies 50%. Es domāju, ka kāpums vēl vairāk paātrināsies pēc tumšās zonas izlaušanās.
Katram tīklam ir mēmu marķieris, draugi.💰 Solana → $Bonk Base → $BRETT ✅ ETH → $PEPE BSC → $SHIB $BRETT Tirgus ierobežojums ir zemāks nekā citiem, un @BasedBrett šķiet ļoti piemērots tīkla daudzveidībai, tāpēc tas ir viens no projekti, ko pievienoju savam tirdzniecības sarakstam 📈 Akciju tirgos vērojams arvien lielāks apjoma pieaugums ikdienas apjoma ziņā, un domāju, ka pēc tirgus atveseļošanās tas kļūs populārāks 🤝 Paskatīsimies no tehniskā viedokļa 👇 4H skats, mēs virzām pretestību, un es sagaidu, ka ar izlaušanos vispirms palielināsies 50%. Es domāju, ka kāpums vēl vairāk paātrināsies pēc tumšās zonas izlaušanās.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Draugi, es cenšos iegādāties USD CHO MEXC. Pašlaik pieejams vietnēs Gate, BingX, Uniswap, BSC un Raydium📈 $CHO @ChoiseAI ir vienīgais#AIprojekts, kas sadala ieņēmumus saviem īpašniekiem. Ir 20X potenciāls. Turklāt līgumi ar Visa un Mastercard liek tām dominēt tirgū. Milzīgi jauni saraksti, Entropy blokķēdes palaišana un nozīmīgi paziņojumi veicina impulsu. #blockcain #cho $ETH
Draugi, es cenšos iegādāties USD CHO MEXC. Pašlaik pieejams vietnēs Gate, BingX, Uniswap, BSC un Raydium📈 $CHO @ChoiseAI ir vienīgais#AIprojekts, kas sadala ieņēmumus saviem īpašniekiem. Ir 20X potenciāls. Turklāt līgumi ar Visa un Mastercard liek tām dominēt tirgū. Milzīgi jauni saraksti, Entropy blokķēdes palaišana un nozīmīgi paziņojumi veicina impulsu. #blockcain #cho $ETH
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin analīze 📍 Vitalitātes indikators: iznīcinātās naudas dienas Btc pārskaitījumu likme, kas līdz šim ģenerēta ar #Utxo. Tas mums nodrošina mobilitāti tirgū reālā izteiksmē. #Dzīvīgums ✅ Krāšanas periods ir beidzies. Uzkrāšana (turpinās konsolidācija) Rallijs nav sācies gan BTC, gan Altcoin. #liveliness #utxo $BTC
Bitcoin analīze 📍 Vitalitātes indikators: iznīcinātās naudas dienas Btc pārskaitījumu likme, kas līdz šim ģenerēta ar #Utxo. Tas mums nodrošina mobilitāti tirgū reālā izteiksmē. #Dzīvīgums ✅ Krāšanas periods ir beidzies. Uzkrāšana (turpinās konsolidācija) Rallijs nav sācies gan BTC, gan Altcoin. #liveliness #utxo $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
DeFi projekta @ApeBond obligāciju pieaugums septiņu mēnešu laikā pieauga 20 reizes līdz 12 miljoniem USD. Viņi arī paziņoja par platformu, kur tādas monētas kā #Btc, $Eth,#BNBvar iegādāties tiem, kam ir $ABOND👇 Pašlaik tiek veikta#BNBobligāciju piedāvāšana $ABOND, tika saņemta arī tehniska reakcija no atbalsta josla. Es izmēģināšu savu veiksmi ar zem joslas apstāšanās nosacījumu ar tendences pārtraukumu. Mcap vērtība ir 3,8 miljoni USD. Skatīsimies 👍 #abond $BNB
DeFi projekta @ApeBond obligāciju pieaugums septiņu mēnešu laikā pieauga 20 reizes līdz 12 miljoniem USD. Viņi arī paziņoja par platformu, kur tādas monētas kā #Btc, $Eth,#BNBvar iegādāties tiem, kam ir $ABOND👇 Pašlaik tiek veikta#BNBobligāciju piedāvāšana $ABOND, tika saņemta arī tehniska reakcija no atbalsta josla. Es izmēģināšu savu veiksmi ar zem joslas apstāšanās nosacījumu ar tendences pārtraukumu. Mcap vērtība ir 3,8 miljoni USD. Skatīsimies 👍 #abond $BNB
#Binance launchpool for @thenotcoin has begun! First, let's talk about @thenotcoin. - It is a #Web3 based game project on the #Ton network, running on Telegram. A platform where you can play on Telegram and accumulate points with a few simple tasks. You can also do mining. There is also support from the #Ton network and the #Ton foundation. Therefore, the hype for the project increased and its community grew. Airdrop was made for those of you who have played this game on Telegram before or have done tasks or mining. The steps for Claim are as follows: - After entering the application via, we click 'open' and it asks us to connect a wallet. You can connect with Tonkeeper, MyTonWallet or TonHub wallet. If you do not have this wallet, you need to click 'create a wallet' and create a new wallet. **Important Note: Do not lose your keyword trace after creating a wallet. -After creating a wallet, you can click 'Exchanges' in the "Balance actions" section and withdraw the airdrops to your exchange account. **Important Note: Do not forget to enter the $Not deposit address and Memo code when withdrawing to the stock exchange. Let's talk about participating in #Binance Launchpool. First of all, if you do not have an account, create an account from the link (…). Then click on… and stake #BNB or $FDUSD, which is a completely risk-free and stable coin. You will have participated in Launchpool. Max Token Supply: $102,719,221,714 NOTE Launchpool Token Rewards: $3,081,576,651NOTE (3% of Max. token supply) Initial Supply in Circulation: $102,719,221,714NOTE (100% of Max. token supply) 85% of the Launchpool token rewards will be distributed to those who stake #BNB and 15% to those who stake $FDUSD. So staking #BNB here means you get more $NOT tokens. Farming will end at 03.00 on 16.05 and will be listed at 15.00 on the same day. (Don't forget to KYC your Binance account) $BNB #Notcoin👀🔥
#Binance launchpool for @thenotcoin has begun! First, let's talk about @thenotcoin. - It is a #Web3 based game project on the #Ton network, running on Telegram. A platform where you can play on Telegram and accumulate points with a few simple tasks. You can also do mining. There is also support from the #Ton network and the #Ton foundation. Therefore, the hype for the project increased and its community grew. Airdrop was made for those of you who have played this game on Telegram before or have done tasks or mining. The steps for Claim are as follows: - After entering the application via, we click 'open' and it asks us to connect a wallet. You can connect with Tonkeeper, MyTonWallet or TonHub wallet. If you do not have this wallet, you need to click 'create a wallet' and create a new wallet. **Important Note: Do not lose your keyword trace after creating a wallet. -After creating a wallet, you can click 'Exchanges' in the "Balance actions" section and withdraw the airdrops to your exchange account. **Important Note: Do not forget to enter the $Not deposit address and Memo code when withdrawing to the stock exchange. Let's talk about participating in #Binance Launchpool. First of all, if you do not have an account, create an account from the link (…). Then click on… and stake #BNB or $FDUSD, which is a completely risk-free and stable coin. You will have participated in Launchpool. Max Token Supply: $102,719,221,714 NOTE Launchpool Token Rewards: $3,081,576,651NOTE (3% of Max. token supply) Initial Supply in Circulation: $102,719,221,714NOTE (100% of Max. token supply) 85% of the Launchpool token rewards will be distributed to those who stake #BNB and 15% to those who stake $FDUSD. So staking #BNB here means you get more $NOT tokens. Farming will end at 03.00 on 16.05 and will be listed at 15.00 on the same day. (Don't forget to KYC your Binance account) $BNB #Notcoin👀🔥
$CHO has been in existence with more than 1 million users since 2017. It has also made a name for itself with its partnerships with Visa and Mastercard. @choiseAi continues with continuous innovations. I have $CHO in my portfolio. Upcoming L1 Blockchain projects could be a game changer in #Entropy. Additionally, an airdrop of $48 million in #VLT rewards encourages long-term investment. With a new listing and potential merger, is poised for significant growth. Already available on Mexc, Gate and BingX. Technically, the trend continues in an upward direction. There is no problem as long as it does not close below the support band I specified.📈 #blockcain #cho
$CHO has been in existence with more than 1 million users since 2017. It has also made a name for itself with its partnerships with Visa and Mastercard. @choiseAi continues with continuous innovations. I have $CHO in my portfolio. Upcoming L1 Blockchain projects could be a game changer in #Entropy. Additionally, an airdrop of $48 million in #VLT rewards encourages long-term investment. With a new listing and potential merger, is poised for significant growth. Already available on Mexc, Gate and BingX. Technically, the trend continues in an upward direction. There is no problem as long as it does not close below the support band I specified.📈 #blockcain #cho
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ethereum#etfsaruna labi atspoguļo tirgu. Tagad kāds teiks: "Brāli, pirms dažiem mēnešiem tas pats tika teikts par #Bitcoin. ETF atnāca un bija kritums." Bet tā tik un tā ir lieta. Īstermiņā dominē loģika "Pērciet baumas, pārdodiet ziņas". Tas bija viens no galvenajiem#Btcpieauguma iemesliem. Ilgtermiņā tie ir ļoti pozitīvi soļi attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu. Vēl viens Ethereum kāpuma skaistums būs altcoin kustības. Lielākā daļa no mums ir ieguldījuši altcoins, nevis Bitcoin. Tāpēc Ethereum kustības mūs visus atdzīvinās. $COOKIE $PARAM #cookie #param $ETH
Ethereum#etfsaruna labi atspoguļo tirgu. Tagad kāds teiks: "Brāli, pirms dažiem mēnešiem tas pats tika teikts par #Bitcoin. ETF atnāca un bija kritums." Bet tā tik un tā ir lieta. Īstermiņā dominē loģika "Pērciet baumas, pārdodiet ziņas". Tas bija viens no galvenajiem#Btcpieauguma iemesliem. Ilgtermiņā tie ir ļoti pozitīvi soļi attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu. Vēl viens Ethereum kāpuma skaistums būs altcoin kustības. Lielākā daļa no mums ir ieguldījuši altcoins, nevis Bitcoin. Tāpēc Ethereum kustības mūs visus atdzīvinās. $COOKIE $PARAM #cookie #param $ETH
We will earn between 1000-5000 #USDT with zero cost and 10 minutes of effort a day 💪 #Blum project has great supporters and investors. Binance is one of them. For this reason, the $Blum project will yield more profit than other projects. How will I win? 1. Run the bot:… 2. Start a farm every eight hours and play the simple game. $BTC $SOL $USDC #USDT. LİNK 🔻
We will earn between 1000-5000 #USDT with zero cost and 10 minutes of effort a day 💪 #Blum project has great supporters and investors. Binance is one of them. For this reason, the $Blum project will yield more profit than other projects. How will I win? 1. Run the bot:… 2. Start a farm every eight hours and play the simple game. $BTC $SOL $USDC #USDT.

💥@patex_ecosystem is preparing for Latin American tokenization! According to Coingecko, the market value of Real World Assets (#RWA) Coins has reached 7.5 billion dollars! 📈 Significant rises 📈 Ondo: 864% in 4 months 📈 Pendle: 12806% in 1 year 📈 Mantra: 3934% in 7 months The question is whether their success will continue based on their results in tokenizing assets in Latin America 👀 Keep following me 😎 #RWACrypto $USDC $BTC $ETH
💥@patex_ecosystem is preparing for Latin American tokenization! According to Coingecko, the market value of Real World Assets (#RWA) Coins has reached 7.5 billion dollars! 📈 Significant rises 📈 Ondo: 864% in 4 months 📈 Pendle: 12806% in 1 year 📈 Mantra: 3934% in 7 months The question is whether their success will continue based on their results in tokenizing assets in Latin America 👀 Keep following me 😎 #RWACrypto $USDC $BTC $ETH
WorkoutApp ( $WRT ) project is a new gem coin focused on exercising and earning. This cryptocurrency, which has a market value of only $187,000, is one of the cheapest coins on the market right now. Even the 24-hour trading volume is at the same levels as the market value. The team conducted a pre-sale focused on success, not money, and quickly announced the MEXC listing after a sale of just $100,000. This cryptocurrency, which is currently listed on the MEXC exchange, may achieve new successes in the future. WorkoutApp also has a partnership with the world-famous sportswear store called Rebook, one of the sponsors of Beşiktaş. It aims to integrate its innovative sports application into many gyms in Europe. Even today, while many projects allocate 20% or more tokens to the team, the Workout team allocates only 10% tokens. The share allocated to the team is small and will remain locked for a long time. Tennis champion Marcin Kasica is among the consultants of the project. $WRT coin is among the cheapest GEM coins. Currently, there are almost no projects in the market that have a market value of 187 thousand dollars and carry out such important works. If you want to buy $WRT token; (You can leave MEXC link) Coingecko coin information;… #workoutapp
WorkoutApp ( $WRT ) project is a new gem coin focused on exercising and earning. This cryptocurrency, which has a market value of only $187,000, is one of the cheapest coins on the market right now. Even the 24-hour trading volume is at the same levels as the market value. The team conducted a pre-sale focused on success, not money, and quickly announced the MEXC listing after a sale of just $100,000. This cryptocurrency, which is currently listed on the MEXC exchange, may achieve new successes in the future. WorkoutApp also has a partnership with the world-famous sportswear store called Rebook, one of the sponsors of Beşiktaş. It aims to integrate its innovative sports application into many gyms in Europe. Even today, while many projects allocate 20% or more tokens to the team, the Workout team allocates only 10% tokens. The share allocated to the team is small and will remain locked for a long time. Tennis champion Marcin Kasica is among the consultants of the project. $WRT coin is among the cheapest GEM coins. Currently, there are almost no projects in the market that have a market value of 187 thousand dollars and carry out such important works. If you want to buy $WRT token; (You can leave MEXC link) Coingecko coin information;… #workoutapp
🚨Friends, everyone earned around 200-300$ on average from Notcoin. There is a similar project again🚨 -You click on start and collect points by sliding your finger left and right on the screen. -Like Notcoin, it may be listed on major stock exchanges after a while. Let's prepare for the listing by collecting points now, we will probably win something together again.💰… Click on the link, press start and start collecting points 🤞🏻 #yescoin #nocoin
🚨Friends, everyone earned around 200-300$ on average from Notcoin. There is a similar project again🚨 -You click on start and collect points by sliding your finger left and right on the screen. -Like Notcoin, it may be listed on major stock exchanges after a while. Let's prepare for the listing by collecting points now, we will probably win something together again.💰… Click on the link, press start and start collecting points 🤞🏻 #yescoin #nocoin
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