Binance Square
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto imitācija Imitācija var būt vārds neoriģinalitātes formai, katram izgatavotam un vērtīgam produktam galu galā ir daudz atdarinājumu kā otra veida oriģināls. Vai nu imitācijas nolūkos, vai nespēja iegūt oriģinālo produktu. Tad kriptogrāfijas pasaulē mēs pazīstam Bitcoin kā galveno monētu pastāvēšanas pionieri, kuras pēc tam tika izveidotas pēc Bitcoin klātbūtnes. Ja ņem no formas, izmantojot vārdu par imitācijas esamību, rodas jautājums, vai monētas pēc Bitcoin ir iekļautas kriptogrāfijas imitācijas formā?

Kripto imitācija

Imitācija var būt vārds neoriģinalitātes formai, katram izgatavotam un vērtīgam produktam galu galā ir daudz atdarinājumu kā otra veida oriģināls. Vai nu imitācijas nolūkos, vai nespēja iegūt oriģinālo produktu.
Tad kriptogrāfijas pasaulē mēs pazīstam Bitcoin kā galveno monētu pastāvēšanas pionieri, kuras pēc tam tika izveidotas pēc Bitcoin klātbūtnes.
Ja ņem no formas, izmantojot vārdu par imitācijas esamību, rodas jautājums, vai monētas pēc Bitcoin ir iekļautas kriptogrāfijas imitācijas formā?
Skatīt oriģinālu
Neliela maksa, ātri un kvalitatīvi Vispieprasītākā un prioritārākā izvēle, par nelielu samaksu, bet ātri. Cilvēka dabas pamatizvēle, kas vēlas kaut ko vienkāršu, ātru un lētu, bet kvalitatīvu. Tātad, vai kriptovalūtu daudzveidības ziņā pastāv "kvalitātes" konteksts? Ja atsaucaties uz ātro un lēto pusi, visi noteikti teiks, ka ir daudzas valūtas, kurām ir abas. Bet vai pēc kvalitātes var teikt, ka tas ir tas pats, kas ir sasniegta ātra un lēta sajūta. Jo kvalitātes valoda parāda jēgu, kas kaldina atzīto esamības pusi un arī attīstīto vērtību.

Neliela maksa, ātri un kvalitatīvi

Vispieprasītākā un prioritārākā izvēle, par nelielu samaksu, bet ātri. Cilvēka dabas pamatizvēle, kas vēlas kaut ko vienkāršu, ātru un lētu, bet kvalitatīvu. Tātad, vai kriptovalūtu daudzveidības ziņā pastāv "kvalitātes" konteksts?

Ja atsaucaties uz ātro un lēto pusi, visi noteikti teiks, ka ir daudzas valūtas, kurām ir abas. Bet vai pēc kvalitātes var teikt, ka tas ir tas pats, kas ir sasniegta ātra un lēta sajūta. Jo kvalitātes valoda parāda jēgu, kas kaldina atzīto esamības pusi un arī attīstīto vērtību.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kriptogrāfijas šifrēšana Mēs bieži dzirdam frāzes "cilvēku humanizēšana" valodu, kur teikuma nozīme ir civilizēt cilvēkus, lai tie būtu kulturāli un saprātīgi. Pēc tam konteksta mērķis ir vairāk cienīt līdzcilvēkus. Lai iemiesojums glābtu/palīdzētu cilvēkiem, kuri atrodas briesmu vai grūtību zonā. Kripto pasaulē, ja teikums tiek lietots un pasvītrots jēdzienā "Kripto šifrēšana", tad jēdziens pēc nozīmes, nolūka, piemēra un mērķa būs vienāds. Nozīmes jēdzienā, ja tā ir specializējusies kriptovalūtu pasaulē, tēma ir kultivēt kriptovalūtu, lai tā būtu kultivētāka un spētu kļūt par saprātīgu kriptovalūtu. Savā ziņā tas nedaudz atšķiras no vienkāršā jēdziena par cilvēkiem, kuriem ir saprāts, jo kriptovalūtai nav iemesla, taču šādai attieksmei vajadzētu būt izstrādātājiem un sekotājiem kā daļai no pašas kriptogrāfijas kopienas.

Kriptogrāfijas šifrēšana

Mēs bieži dzirdam frāzes "cilvēku humanizēšana" valodu, kur teikuma nozīme ir civilizēt cilvēkus, lai tie būtu kulturāli un saprātīgi. Pēc tam konteksta mērķis ir vairāk cienīt līdzcilvēkus. Lai iemiesojums glābtu/palīdzētu cilvēkiem, kuri atrodas briesmu vai grūtību zonā.

Kripto pasaulē, ja teikums tiek lietots un pasvītrots jēdzienā "Kripto šifrēšana", tad jēdziens pēc nozīmes, nolūka, piemēra un mērķa būs vienāds.
Nozīmes jēdzienā, ja tā ir specializējusies kriptovalūtu pasaulē, tēma ir kultivēt kriptovalūtu, lai tā būtu kultivētāka un spētu kļūt par saprātīgu kriptovalūtu. Savā ziņā tas nedaudz atšķiras no vienkāršā jēdziena par cilvēkiem, kuriem ir saprāts, jo kriptovalūtai nav iemesla, taču šādai attieksmei vajadzētu būt izstrādātājiem un sekotājiem kā daļai no pašas kriptogrāfijas kopienas.
Skatīt oriģinālu
GEM un mēmu laikmets 2024. gads ir jauns kriptogrāfijas laikmets kā jauns laikmets, kas nedaudz atšķiras no iepriekšējās kriptovalūtas pastāvēšanas. Šie laiki ir radījuši daudzas dominējošas izmaiņas kriptoekosistēmā, kur šis jaunais laikmets aizsāka katras blokķēdes pastāvēšanu, attīstot to attiecīgo ekosistēmu esamību. Daudz aktīvāk nekā iepriekš, kur arvien vairāk un vairāk masveida jaunu žetonu projektu dzimst katrā esošajā blokķēdes ekosistēmā. No modelēšanas, kas piedāvā nelielas aplikāciju spēles, kā arī tik sēņojošo mememonētu veidošanu.

GEM un mēmu laikmets

2024. gads ir jauns kriptogrāfijas laikmets kā jauns laikmets, kas nedaudz atšķiras no iepriekšējās kriptovalūtas pastāvēšanas. Šie laiki ir radījuši daudzas dominējošas izmaiņas kriptoekosistēmā, kur šis jaunais laikmets aizsāka katras blokķēdes pastāvēšanu, attīstot to attiecīgo ekosistēmu esamību.

Daudz aktīvāk nekā iepriekš, kur arvien vairāk un vairāk masveida jaunu žetonu projektu dzimst katrā esošajā blokķēdes ekosistēmā. No modelēšanas, kas piedāvā nelielas aplikāciju spēles, kā arī tik sēņojošo mememonētu veidošanu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Priecīgu Eid al-Adha.
Priecīgu Eid al-Adha.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Daudzi indivīdi un grupas/kopienas kopumā veido labas mēmes. Tas pats attiecas uz Kripto pasauli ar daudzajām monētu mēmiem, kas ir bijuši līdz šim. Piemēram, ir mēmu monēta "Doge Coin", kas norāda uz tās pievilcības spēju kļūt par ikonisku tendenču mēmu monētu kriptovalūtu pasaulē. Vēl viena populāra mēma ir tās logotipa esamības izpausme, kur shiba inu suns aizstāj daudzās emblēmas, kuras parasti izmanto monētas valūtā. smieklīgi, informatīvi un izklaidējoši. #doge #meme #pump #hype
Daudzi indivīdi un grupas/kopienas kopumā veido labas mēmes. Tas pats attiecas uz Kripto pasauli ar daudzajām monētu mēmiem, kas ir bijuši līdz šim. Piemēram, ir mēmu monēta "Doge Coin", kas norāda uz tās pievilcības spēju kļūt par ikonisku tendenču mēmu monētu kriptovalūtu pasaulē. Vēl viena populāra mēma ir tās logotipa esamības izpausme, kur shiba inu suns aizstāj daudzās emblēmas, kuras parasti izmanto monētas valūtā. smieklīgi, informatīvi un izklaidējoši.

#doge #meme #pump #hype
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ēnains koks spēj dot ēnu ikvienam, kurš zem tā patversies, un, lai cik liels koks stabili stāvētu bez zaļām lapām, tas tik un tā nespēs dot ēnu nevienam, kurš zem tā patversies. Diemžēl, jo vairāk attīstās kriptovalsts, ne jau ēnaināks viss ir iegūts, bet jo mazāk un grūtāk to iegūt. #hard #empty #
Ēnains koks spēj dot ēnu ikvienam, kurš zem tā patversies, un, lai cik liels koks stabili stāvētu bez zaļām lapām, tas tik un tā nespēs dot ēnu nevienam, kurš zem tā patversies.

Diemžēl, jo vairāk attīstās kriptovalsts, ne jau ēnaināks viss ir iegūts, bet jo mazāk un grūtāk to iegūt.

#hard #empty #
Moldy's CoinIn the crypto dictionary, there may not be or be found in the form of the existence of an actual buluk coin, because crypto is basically not in literal form but only in the form of digitality or has no physical form. However, in another sense, this cannot be separated from a proverbial metaphor to represent the existence of coins that are obsolete or no longer in operation. In the usual context of crypto mania, the existence of a coin / token that is no longer operating is commonly referred to as "Death Coin", so it clearly refers to a coin that is dead and no longer possible to operate. However, when taken in depth, the average crypto is created from a program language, which means that its death is not a death that cannot be operated at all. Because there are still generating words from development, adoption and injection of funds. Crypto has penetrated and created so many thousands of projects that were created. Of the thousands of coins/tokens, there are those that fall into the realm of success and failure. So many successes that run remain on the side of the chasm that is quite vulnerable. A little left behind, the possibility of being left behind is the greater the percentage that can be exposed. It is not just one, two, three, or a count of fingers. But it is thousands if categorized and collected based on data on the number of coins included in the dead coin cart. So it can be said to be included in the list of bad coin collections that have long been abandoned. From the early days of crypto to kin, each generation has given birth to many bad coins. Especially after the presence of smart contracts, where heartlessness adds to the presence of worthless tokens. As the worst record, it can be said that 2017 - 2018 was the worst year that produced the most bad coins and tokens. In conclusion, bad coins are an intense part of every year to be said to be created. So that it increases awareness of the dangers of investing in the crypto world properly and safely. -===-

Moldy's Coin

In the crypto dictionary, there may not be or be found in the form of the existence of an actual buluk coin, because crypto is basically not in literal form but only in the form of digitality or has no physical form. However, in another sense, this cannot be separated from a proverbial metaphor to represent the existence of coins that are obsolete or no longer in operation.

In the usual context of crypto mania, the existence of a coin / token that is no longer operating is commonly referred to as "Death Coin", so it clearly refers to a coin that is dead and no longer possible to operate. However, when taken in depth, the average crypto is created from a program language, which means that its death is not a death that cannot be operated at all. Because there are still generating words from development, adoption and injection of funds.
Crypto has penetrated and created so many thousands of projects that were created. Of the thousands of coins/tokens, there are those that fall into the realm of success and failure. So many successes that run remain on the side of the chasm that is quite vulnerable. A little left behind, the possibility of being left behind is the greater the percentage that can be exposed.
It is not just one, two, three, or a count of fingers. But it is thousands if categorized and collected based on data on the number of coins included in the dead coin cart. So it can be said to be included in the list of bad coin collections that have long been abandoned.
From the early days of crypto to kin, each generation has given birth to many bad coins. Especially after the presence of smart contracts, where heartlessness adds to the presence of worthless tokens. As the worst record, it can be said that 2017 - 2018 was the worst year that produced the most bad coins and tokens.
In conclusion, bad coins are an intense part of every year to be said to be created. So that it increases awareness of the dangers of investing in the crypto world properly and safely.
Endless Token Cultivation Every coin has a token, every blockchain has a smart contract, every smart contract should have clarity on its existence, so that it can have the ease of building bridges and the basic foundation of crypto currency can stand firmly. The rise of tokens originating from smart contracts has become a dilemma and has also become the magnitude of crypto development to date. As an example of meme tokens that are present like garbage lying around. When viewed, it will look like the cultivation of loopholes as a space for profit alone. Which basically only adds problems to the expected existence of tokens as smart contracts are created. Where this grounding becomes a place for the birth of various obscurities of the token garbage created. The worst thing is that it creates more room for crime than prevention. It is still clear how many bad views due to tokens are created, where the ponzi scheme space is increasingly rampant. The coffers of fraud and money laundering also become a nest with the existence of tokens that have no direction and purpose. This means that polemic after polemic adds to people's bad view of crypto existence. Even though there are still many problems at the blockchain ecosystem level. The struggle for decentralization and the regulatory realm for adoption is still long, even coupled with the existence of worthless token cultivation, where will the real crypto future take us? -===-

Endless Token Cultivation

Every coin has a token, every blockchain has a smart contract, every smart contract should have clarity on its existence, so that it can have the ease of building bridges and the basic foundation of crypto currency can stand firmly.

The rise of tokens originating from smart contracts has become a dilemma and has also become the magnitude of crypto development to date. As an example of meme tokens that are present like garbage lying around.
When viewed, it will look like the cultivation of loopholes as a space for profit alone. Which basically only adds problems to the expected existence of tokens as smart contracts are created. Where this grounding becomes a place for the birth of various obscurities of the token garbage created. The worst thing is that it creates more room for crime than prevention.

It is still clear how many bad views due to tokens are created, where the ponzi scheme space is increasingly rampant. The coffers of fraud and money laundering also become a nest with the existence of tokens that have no direction and purpose.
This means that polemic after polemic adds to people's bad view of crypto existence. Even though there are still many problems at the blockchain ecosystem level. The struggle for decentralization and the regulatory realm for adoption is still long, even coupled with the existence of worthless token cultivation, where will the real crypto future take us?
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai tā var būt nozīmīga lietojamības vērtība?Vai Bitcoin Cash var radīt vai faktiski būt nozīmīga lietojamības vērtība, kas faktiski nepieciešama, lai atspoguļotu kriptovalūtas pasaules esamību, kas tiek radīta un pieņemta kā valūta? Jautājums, uz kuru patiesībā būtu jāatbild, lai atklātu kriptovalūtas esamību. Patiešām, lai sapnis kļūtu par realitāti, ir jāpieliek lielas pūles un jāpieņem. Un, ja sapnis nav sasniedzams, tas tikai sajutīs tukšumu skumju lokā. Bet vai dzīve joprojām netiek dzīvota, jo sasniegts vai nē, tas paliek tas pats laiks neapstāsies.

Vai tā var būt nozīmīga lietojamības vērtība?

Vai Bitcoin Cash var radīt vai faktiski būt nozīmīga lietojamības vērtība, kas faktiski nepieciešama, lai atspoguļotu kriptovalūtas pasaules esamību, kas tiek radīta un pieņemta kā valūta?
Jautājums, uz kuru patiesībā būtu jāatbild, lai atklātu kriptovalūtas esamību.
Patiešām, lai sapnis kļūtu par realitāti, ir jāpieliek lielas pūles un jāpieņem. Un, ja sapnis nav sasniedzams, tas tikai sajutīs tukšumu skumju lokā. Bet vai dzīve joprojām netiek dzīvota, jo sasniegts vai nē, tas paliek tas pats laiks neapstāsies.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Jaunākā kriptovīrusa "IF" atklāšana Šobrīd ir atklāts jauns kriptovīrusa variants ar nosaukumu Virus "IF". Pazīmes, ka esat bijis pakļauts vīrusam, ir: Ja Bitcoin tirgus situācija vājinās, kriptovalūtu lietotāji arī vājināsies uz nerviem. Ja kāda no lielākajām biržām veic apkopi laikā, kad tirgus ir strauji mainīgs, lielākā daļa cilvēku būs dusmīgi un saspringti, jo viņi neko nevar darīt.Ja Bitcoin tirgus piedzvo asu bulli tad daudzi cilvki sapņo, sakot Ja tikai man btu daudz Bitcoin vai Altcoin.

Jaunākā kriptovīrusa "IF" atklāšana

Šobrīd ir atklāts jauns kriptovīrusa variants ar nosaukumu Virus "IF". Pazīmes, ka esat bijis pakļauts vīrusam, ir:
Ja Bitcoin tirgus situācija vājinās, kriptovalūtu lietotāji arī vājināsies uz nerviem. Ja kāda no lielākajām biržām veic apkopi laikā, kad tirgus ir strauji mainīgs, lielākā daļa cilvēku būs dusmīgi un saspringti, jo viņi neko nevar darīt.Ja Bitcoin tirgus piedzvo asu bulli tad daudzi cilvki sapņo, sakot Ja tikai man btu daudz Bitcoin vai Altcoin.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mada Hirosenepirazu Japāņu valodā "Mada Hirosenepirazu" nozīmē "vēl nav plaši izplatīts". Kas mūsdienās joprojām nav plaši izplatīts attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu? Kripto ekosistēma joprojām ir jauninājums, kas attīstās. Un starp daudzajām īpašajām lietām par kriptovalūtu ir viena lieta, ko ir visgrūtāk izdarīt un izplatīt. Atbilstošas ​​infrastruktūras pieņemšana ar noteikumiem, kas nodrošina tās drošību. Kripto ekosistēma piedāvā plašu unikālu un novatorisku funkciju klāstu, kas var radīt būtiskas izmaiņas tradicionālajā finanšu sistēmā. Tomēr būtiskais izvietošanas jautājums joprojām ir šķērslis. Tas galvenokārt ir saistīts ar neatbilstošu infrastruktūru, īpaši globālā mērogā.

Mada Hirosenepirazu

Japāņu valodā "Mada Hirosenepirazu" nozīmē "vēl nav plaši izplatīts". Kas mūsdienās joprojām nav plaši izplatīts attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu?
Kripto ekosistēma joprojām ir jauninājums, kas attīstās. Un starp daudzajām īpašajām lietām par kriptovalūtu ir viena lieta, ko ir visgrūtāk izdarīt un izplatīt.
Atbilstošas ​​infrastruktūras pieņemšana ar noteikumiem, kas nodrošina tās drošību.
Kripto ekosistēma piedāvā plašu unikālu un novatorisku funkciju klāstu, kas var radīt būtiskas izmaiņas tradicionālajā finanšu sistēmā. Tomēr būtiskais izvietošanas jautājums joprojām ir šķērslis. Tas galvenokārt ir saistīts ar neatbilstošu infrastruktūru, īpaši globālā mērogā.
Best crypto to buy in 2024-2025 Surely everyone is looking for what the best and most profitable crypto in 2024 to 2025 will be. If that's what you are looking for then you are in the right article to find out the crypto that will give you a lot of profit. For some people, it may be common and many know about the existence of coins or tokens that are good to have in their portfolio. But of course there are also those who know, are confused to choose or are still surrounded by anxiety or fear of losing. If your condition is at a level that does not want to miss the bull run this year and next year then here I will tell you the coins and tokens that are mostly bought or owned. 1. Bitcoin 2. Ethereum 3. Solana 4. Binance Coin 5. Bitcoin Cash 6. Polygon Matic 7. Optimism 8. Doge 9. Litecoin 10. Memecoin of your choice with a percentage of 30/100. For the part at number 10 why I gave a sign of the condition of the existence of a crowded memecoin market which is likely to jump sharply during this bull run. The memecoin market is the lowest market but can provide huge profits among others, but keep in mind the percentage is only 30% to avoid huge losses if your choice is wrong. So as not to interfere with the benefits obtained from the existence of coins no 1 to no 9 that you already have. One thing to remember is not to buy memecoins or tokens that use the Ethereum network but do not offer layer two or brige on the project. Because in the end it will only be a display token in your wallet lineup later. -===-

Best crypto to buy in 2024-2025

Surely everyone is looking for what the best and most profitable crypto in 2024 to 2025 will be. If that's what you are looking for then you are in the right article to find out the crypto that will give you a lot of profit.

For some people, it may be common and many know about the existence of coins or tokens that are good to have in their portfolio. But of course there are also those who know, are confused to choose or are still surrounded by anxiety or fear of losing.
If your condition is at a level that does not want to miss the bull run this year and next year then here I will tell you the coins and tokens that are mostly bought or owned.
1. Bitcoin
2. Ethereum
3. Solana
4. Binance Coin
5. Bitcoin Cash
6. Polygon Matic
7. Optimism
8. Doge
9. Litecoin
10. Memecoin of your choice with a percentage of 30/100.
For the part at number 10 why I gave a sign of the condition of the existence of a crowded memecoin market which is likely to jump sharply during this bull run.
The memecoin market is the lowest market but can provide huge profits among others, but keep in mind the percentage is only 30% to avoid huge losses if your choice is wrong. So as not to interfere with the benefits obtained from the existence of coins no 1 to no 9 that you already have.
One thing to remember is not to buy memecoins or tokens that use the Ethereum network but do not offer layer two or brige on the project. Because in the end it will only be a display token in your wallet lineup later.
Liquidation and Fragmentation of ecosystems in the crypto worldWhat is liquidity in crypto: Concretely in the crypto world, liquidity refers to the ease and speed of converting crypto assets into fiat currencies or other crypto assets without experiencing a significant impact on the price of the asset. High liquidity means that there are many buyers and sellers active in the market, which means that transactions can be made quickly and efficiently.Liquidity is very important in the crypto world as it affects several important factors, such as:1. It can be seen from the price of crypto assets. Where high liquidity can help stabilize the price of crypto assets, because the large number of buyers and sellers can quickly absorb excess or lack of demand.2. Then in terms of trading volume. With high Liquidity can clearly encourage higher trading volumes, ultimately investors are more confident to buy and sell liquid crypto assets.3. The existence of crypto asset adoption. In this momentum, high liquidity can increase the adoption of crypto assets, because at least more people are willing to use crypto assets if they know that they can easily convert them into fiat currencies or other crypto assets.From the three points above, there are several factors that can also affect the liquidity of crypto assets.1. The influence of the popularity of the crypto asset. More popular crypto assets tend to have higher liquidity because more people are familiar with them and are interested in buying and selling them. For example, we can look at Bitcoin and Ethereum, which can be entrenched in the first and second positions until now on the coin market chart.2. Another influence is the existence of listing conditions on crypto exchanges: Crypto assets listed on large crypto exchanges tend to have higher liquidity because these exchanges have many users and high trading volumes.3. Meanwhile, another influence can be seen from the conditions of supply and demand for crypto assets. Crypto assets with less supply and higher demand tend to have higher liquidity because there are more people who want to buy them than those who want to sell them.Then let's move on to what ecosystem fragmentation is in the crypto world.From several sources, it is said that ecosystem fragmentation is a condition where there are many different platforms, protocols, and standards in the crypto ecosystem. Where this fragmentation condition can cause difficulties for users to move from one platform to another, and can make application and service development more complex.It is clear that many crypto players say there are several factors that cause the condition of ecosystem fragmentation in the crypto world, including:- Freedom and decentralizationSince crypto is designed to be a free and decentralized system. This allows any individual or group to create their own platform or protocol.- Speed of developmentBlockchain and crypto technologies are evolving at a very fast pace. This leads to many new innovations, which can also lead to fragmentation.- Lack of coordinationThere is no central authority governing the crypto ecosystem. This makes it difficult to achieve coordination between platforms and protocols.In addition, ecosystem fragmentation can also have several negative impacts, such as some of the things that are very often a problem in the crypto ecosystem.- Difficulty switching platformsUsers have to create a new account, learn how to use the new platform, and move their assets to the new platform.- Development complexityDevelopers must support a variety of different platforms and protocols.- Difficulty of integrationDifferent platforms and protocols are often incompatible with each other.But from the problems caused, there are also consistently many efforts that are being and continue to be made to overcome the fragmentation of the ecosystem itself such as:- Standards developmentSeveral organizations and their communities are developing standards for various aspects of crypto, such as interoperability, security, and privacy.- Collaboration between platformsSeveral platforms are working together to improve interoperability between platforms. A condition of cooperation that can be said to unite the existence of divisions and also the stalemate that has or often occurs for the future progress of crypto.- Technology advancementTechnological advancements, such as cross-chain, can help overcome ecosystem fragmentation.Liquidity with ecosystem fragmentation is an important aspect for crypto investors to consider. Crypto assets with high liquidity are generally considered safer to invest in as investors can easily convert them into fiat currency if they need to. Although it is important to keep in mind that liquidity can change quickly, so investors need to constantly monitor the liquidity of the crypto assets they invest in.Meanwhile, the fragmentation of the ecosystem is still unclear, so it will continue to be a problem in the crypto world. But there are certainly many efforts being made to help overcome this problem. So that in the end crypto clearly becomes integrated with the variety of products that have been born and is also easy to use for ordinary people at its core.-===-#CryptoPsychology #LiquidityInCrypto #Fragmentationecosystem

Liquidation and Fragmentation of ecosystems in the crypto world

What is liquidity in crypto: Concretely in the crypto world, liquidity refers to the ease and speed of converting crypto assets into fiat currencies or other crypto assets without experiencing a significant impact on the price of the asset. High liquidity means that there are many buyers and sellers active in the market, which means that transactions can be made quickly and efficiently.Liquidity is very important in the crypto world as it affects several important factors, such as:1. It can be seen from the price of crypto assets. Where high liquidity can help stabilize the price of crypto assets, because the large number of buyers and sellers can quickly absorb excess or lack of demand.2. Then in terms of trading volume. With high Liquidity can clearly encourage higher trading volumes, ultimately investors are more confident to buy and sell liquid crypto assets.3. The existence of crypto asset adoption. In this momentum, high liquidity can increase the adoption of crypto assets, because at least more people are willing to use crypto assets if they know that they can easily convert them into fiat currencies or other crypto assets.From the three points above, there are several factors that can also affect the liquidity of crypto assets.1. The influence of the popularity of the crypto asset. More popular crypto assets tend to have higher liquidity because more people are familiar with them and are interested in buying and selling them. For example, we can look at Bitcoin and Ethereum, which can be entrenched in the first and second positions until now on the coin market chart.2. Another influence is the existence of listing conditions on crypto exchanges: Crypto assets listed on large crypto exchanges tend to have higher liquidity because these exchanges have many users and high trading volumes.3. Meanwhile, another influence can be seen from the conditions of supply and demand for crypto assets. Crypto assets with less supply and higher demand tend to have higher liquidity because there are more people who want to buy them than those who want to sell them.Then let's move on to what ecosystem fragmentation is in the crypto world.From several sources, it is said that ecosystem fragmentation is a condition where there are many different platforms, protocols, and standards in the crypto ecosystem. Where this fragmentation condition can cause difficulties for users to move from one platform to another, and can make application and service development more complex.It is clear that many crypto players say there are several factors that cause the condition of ecosystem fragmentation in the crypto world, including:- Freedom and decentralizationSince crypto is designed to be a free and decentralized system. This allows any individual or group to create their own platform or protocol.- Speed of developmentBlockchain and crypto technologies are evolving at a very fast pace. This leads to many new innovations, which can also lead to fragmentation.- Lack of coordinationThere is no central authority governing the crypto ecosystem. This makes it difficult to achieve coordination between platforms and protocols.In addition, ecosystem fragmentation can also have several negative impacts, such as some of the things that are very often a problem in the crypto ecosystem.- Difficulty switching platformsUsers have to create a new account, learn how to use the new platform, and move their assets to the new platform.- Development complexityDevelopers must support a variety of different platforms and protocols.- Difficulty of integrationDifferent platforms and protocols are often incompatible with each other.But from the problems caused, there are also consistently many efforts that are being and continue to be made to overcome the fragmentation of the ecosystem itself such as:- Standards developmentSeveral organizations and their communities are developing standards for various aspects of crypto, such as interoperability, security, and privacy.- Collaboration between platformsSeveral platforms are working together to improve interoperability between platforms. A condition of cooperation that can be said to unite the existence of divisions and also the stalemate that has or often occurs for the future progress of crypto.- Technology advancementTechnological advancements, such as cross-chain, can help overcome ecosystem fragmentation.Liquidity with ecosystem fragmentation is an important aspect for crypto investors to consider. Crypto assets with high liquidity are generally considered safer to invest in as investors can easily convert them into fiat currency if they need to. Although it is important to keep in mind that liquidity can change quickly, so investors need to constantly monitor the liquidity of the crypto assets they invest in.Meanwhile, the fragmentation of the ecosystem is still unclear, so it will continue to be a problem in the crypto world. But there are certainly many efforts being made to help overcome this problem. So that in the end crypto clearly becomes integrated with the variety of products that have been born and is also easy to use for ordinary people at its core.-===-#CryptoPsychology #LiquidityInCrypto #Fragmentationecosystem
It's time to buy and start crypto in life Entering mid-November 2023, it is getting closer to the time when the halving period occurs. But is it just that, where is the halving time which is said to be the period when the market becomes busy and prices increase? The norm is not just like that, but it is more convincing to the public that the form that gives crypto's fundamental strength is created. The worthless becomes valuable, and becomes more valuable. What has no value is less valuable, and what does not have competence is not worthy of competition in the realm of the economic world, especially individual finance. Never be afraid of what people say about missing the train, because basically whenever you start where you are, the momentum will always come and be the same. Remember that the value of fiat in the market is a constitution of the banking world which gives value to a recognized form of fiat correlation. Meanwhile, crypto remains in the form of a capacity of 1BCH = 1 BCH. It is hoped that the halving will create crypto in the form of no inflation occurring in the crypto currency, or the value of the currency becoming more and more worthless day by day. So owning and using crypto is a momentum for someone's finances to become more valuable and have more value like property. It's time to buy and start crypto in life, not an invitation for beginners or those who don't know crypto yet. But also to every institution that does not have confidence in the existence of crypto. What can be implemented in the world is the adoption of a form of individual and social economic improvement. Convincing what is brought and promoted is a belief in the main constitutional issues in the world's economic prosperity. So that manipulation, greed, power and strength can at least be reduced. 2024 to 2025 is a momentum that is awaited every period, but don't forget the passage of time will shape confidence in that period due to the power of the form of crypto currency created. We are fed up with all the propaganda and control that has been created. Because independent financial freedom is a freedom that every person gets from the moment every human being is born into the world. -===-#bitcoin #xrp #ada #bch #financerevolution

It's time to buy and start crypto in life

Entering mid-November 2023, it is getting closer to the time when the halving period occurs. But is it just that, where is the halving time which is said to be the period when the market becomes busy and prices increase? The norm is not just like that, but it is more convincing to the public that the form that gives crypto's fundamental strength is created. The worthless becomes valuable, and becomes more valuable. What has no value is less valuable, and what does not have competence is not worthy of competition in the realm of the economic world, especially individual finance. Never be afraid of what people say about missing the train, because basically whenever you start where you are, the momentum will always come and be the same. Remember that the value of fiat in the market is a constitution of the banking world which gives value to a recognized form of fiat correlation. Meanwhile, crypto remains in the form of a capacity of 1BCH = 1 BCH. It is hoped that the halving will create crypto in the form of no inflation occurring in the crypto currency, or the value of the currency becoming more and more worthless day by day. So owning and using crypto is a momentum for someone's finances to become more valuable and have more value like property. It's time to buy and start crypto in life, not an invitation for beginners or those who don't know crypto yet. But also to every institution that does not have confidence in the existence of crypto. What can be implemented in the world is the adoption of a form of individual and social economic improvement. Convincing what is brought and promoted is a belief in the main constitutional issues in the world's economic prosperity. So that manipulation, greed, power and strength can at least be reduced. 2024 to 2025 is a momentum that is awaited every period, but don't forget the passage of time will shape confidence in that period due to the power of the form of crypto currency created. We are fed up with all the propaganda and control that has been created. Because independent financial freedom is a freedom that every person gets from the moment every human being is born into the world. -===-#bitcoin #xrp #ada #bch #financerevolution
nothing is instant and nothing is free in this world, everything requires effort
nothing is instant and nothing is free in this world, everything requires effort
Open RemindedOpen RemindedAdoption, a key benchmark. Where there are users, what is called circulation will apply. Like a room without windows, it will be stuffy because the air only circulates there. Cryptocurrency is widely discussed by many people, but genetically perhaps only the millennial generation or generation Z are more dominant in using and knowing about it. Meanwhile, the generations before them who consumed more acid and salt in life mostly didn't care and didn't understand what cryptocurrency was. Not to mention the difficulty of a technological language that is capable and adapted. Human resources and technological advancement are still very unequal, while crypto is clearly an invention in the technological field. Concretely and clearly, it can be seen that in various regions of the world there are still many countries that lack infrastructure, especially in the field of computerization. Many of the obstacles are not only a matter of lack of supply of funds or the progress and decline of a country's economy, but many are due to natural conditions that make it difficult to struggle to keep up with the progress of the times. On the other hand, there are no issues regarding regulations, laws, customs or literacy (education). Crypto has been running for 15 years since the birth of Bitcoin on the surface of the global financial world. It was created as a solution to global financial problems whose conditions are clearly very bad. In the eyes of inflation and various problems caused by the rise of fiat money. Open reminded, opened to remember what was crypto created for? As a reminder of the damage that will be caused if you are not reminded. Remember the initial goals of freedom, security, convenience, and also speed. Added to this is a form of decentralization where all of this is a hope for the world economy to get better and worse, let alone fooling each other. Life is a struggle, a never-ending struggle. Then for that we also try as humans who are born as creatures who can become good and civilized people. Always remember whether it is civilized or uncivilized that we ourselves determine. -===-#CryptoCurrents #CryptocurrencyLegal #adoption

Open Reminded

Open RemindedAdoption, a key benchmark. Where there are users, what is called circulation will apply. Like a room without windows, it will be stuffy because the air only circulates there. Cryptocurrency is widely discussed by many people, but genetically perhaps only the millennial generation or generation Z are more dominant in using and knowing about it. Meanwhile, the generations before them who consumed more acid and salt in life mostly didn't care and didn't understand what cryptocurrency was. Not to mention the difficulty of a technological language that is capable and adapted. Human resources and technological advancement are still very unequal, while crypto is clearly an invention in the technological field. Concretely and clearly, it can be seen that in various regions of the world there are still many countries that lack infrastructure, especially in the field of computerization. Many of the obstacles are not only a matter of lack of supply of funds or the progress and decline of a country's economy, but many are due to natural conditions that make it difficult to struggle to keep up with the progress of the times. On the other hand, there are no issues regarding regulations, laws, customs or literacy (education). Crypto has been running for 15 years since the birth of Bitcoin on the surface of the global financial world. It was created as a solution to global financial problems whose conditions are clearly very bad. In the eyes of inflation and various problems caused by the rise of fiat money. Open reminded, opened to remember what was crypto created for? As a reminder of the damage that will be caused if you are not reminded. Remember the initial goals of freedom, security, convenience, and also speed. Added to this is a form of decentralization where all of this is a hope for the world economy to get better and worse, let alone fooling each other. Life is a struggle, a never-ending struggle. Then for that we also try as humans who are born as creatures who can become good and civilized people. Always remember whether it is civilized or uncivilized that we ourselves determine. -===-#CryptoCurrents #CryptocurrencyLegal #adoption
What is certain and clearly proven is that #Bitcoin will provide profits to people who are patient and follow the flow according to the times. The others could only follow. #BTC #ATH #Halving #2024 #2025
What is certain and clearly proven is that #Bitcoin will provide profits to people who are patient and follow the flow according to the times. The others could only follow.

#BTC #ATH #Halving #2024 #2025
Maybe one day CZ will give a bonus to accounts that have a balance under $1 #binance #cz #bonus
Maybe one day CZ will give a bonus to accounts that have a balance under $1

#binance #cz #bonus
Be careful, fraud season will appear again  The bullish period or bull run is a period to look forward to, welcoming the period that usually occurs in this year's period towards the next period.  Halving will again cut miners' rewards, the market will react.  The hope is to experience the previous bullish conditions that have occurred again.  For those who haven't or have just joined, maybe it's an opportunity that can be said when. However, behind all the brilliance, bullish periods are usually filled with undesirable things, where fraud is rampant again in this period.  The reality is that it has been proven, many have become victims and many have also followed or taken steps like this. Want to take advantage of other people's existence/wealth.  At first glance, this is a perception that can be said to be understandable.  Although some may fail due to fraud by other parties or the games of those in power who have power over the word wealth who like to manipulate. You really need to be careful this season, where the dangers of crypto are clearly proven by the problems of scammers, hackers, ponzis, rugpull, or other negative terms that have become everyday food to be seen and read every day. It's sad, is that the extent of people's intentions to deceive or enrich themselves?  Either out of revenge, or carried away by emotions or worse, the intention from the start was to hurt other people's rights.  The main tendency is envy, envy, emotion, or is it just habitual? What is certain is that you have to note and remember, don't be easily fooled, especially by the new projects that have emerged this year.  One in every thousand is definitely someone who is hidden.  Remember, bullishness will still happen, whether or not it has, in reality, our destiny and efforts will definitely determine what will happen later.  Always remember the word gratitude and never feel sorry for the grace you have been given. -===-Featured image from Deltec Bank & Trust #bullish #bullrun #Bitcoin-BTC #Halving

Be careful, fraud season will appear again

 The bullish period or bull run is a period to look forward to, welcoming the period that usually occurs in this year's period towards the next period.  Halving will again cut miners' rewards, the market will react.  The hope is to experience the previous bullish conditions that have occurred again.  For those who haven't or have just joined, maybe it's an opportunity that can be said when. However, behind all the brilliance, bullish periods are usually filled with undesirable things, where fraud is rampant again in this period.  The reality is that it has been proven, many have become victims and many have also followed or taken steps like this. Want to take advantage of other people's existence/wealth.  At first glance, this is a perception that can be said to be understandable.  Although some may fail due to fraud by other parties or the games of those in power who have power over the word wealth who like to manipulate. You really need to be careful this season, where the dangers of crypto are clearly proven by the problems of scammers, hackers, ponzis, rugpull, or other negative terms that have become everyday food to be seen and read every day. It's sad, is that the extent of people's intentions to deceive or enrich themselves?  Either out of revenge, or carried away by emotions or worse, the intention from the start was to hurt other people's rights.  The main tendency is envy, envy, emotion, or is it just habitual? What is certain is that you have to note and remember, don't be easily fooled, especially by the new projects that have emerged this year.  One in every thousand is definitely someone who is hidden.  Remember, bullishness will still happen, whether or not it has, in reality, our destiny and efforts will definitely determine what will happen later.  Always remember the word gratitude and never feel sorry for the grace you have been given. -===-Featured image from Deltec Bank & Trust #bullish #bullrun #Bitcoin-BTC #Halving
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