Binance Square
Aryan Crypto
Viss saturs
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Lielas ziņas ienākas! 🎉 Pēc tam, kad $DOGS Binance var sākt $BLUM palaišanas baseinā pēc dažiem mēnešiem! 🌟 Pārliecinieties, ka esat gatavs šai neticamajai iespējai! 🚀 👉🏻 VAI TU zini par slēptu GEM 💎 Gravity G Token of Galxe Quests 🌌 Gravitācijas marķiera (G) izpēte ✨ Privilēģijas un privilēģijas G īpašniekiem Gravity marķiera (G) turēšana nodrošina dažādas aizraujošas priekšrocības un tiesības: 🔸 Pārvaldība: kā G īpašniekam jūs varat piedalīties Gravity un Galxe ekosistēmu nākotnes veidošanā, izmantojot G DAO. Šis decentralizētās pārvaldības modelis dod jums iespēju balsot par būtiskiem lēmumiem, tostarp par protokolu jauninājumiem, maksas izmaiņām un jaunu funkciju ieviešanu. 🔸 Atlīdzības likšana: veiciet savus G žetonus un nopelniet atlīdzības, izmantojot papildu G žetonus vai citus līdzekļus. Staking ne tikai nodrošina tīklu, bet arī stiprina ekosistēmas vispārējo veselību. 🔸 Ekskluzīva piekļuve: G stakers var iegūt īpašas balvas un priekšrocības no Galxe platformā izveidotajām lietotnēm, piemēram, agrīnu piekļuvi funkcijām, atlaides vai ekskluzīvu dalību pasākumos. 🔸 Lietderība: kā Gravity ķēdes dabiskais gāzes marķieris, G ir būtisks, lai samaksātu darījumu maksas par visām ķēdē veiktajām darbībām, nodrošinot īpašniekiem tiešu līdzdalību tīkla panākumos. 🚀 Kas sagaida gravitācijas ķēdi Gravity ķēde ir gatava kļūt par vadošo platformu starpķēžu mijiedarbībai Web3 telpā. Galvenie faktori, kas varētu veicināt tā panākumus, ir šādi: 🔹 Mērogojamība: Gravity omnichain arhitektūra un efektīvais vienprātības mehānisms ļauj apstrādāt lielus darījumu apjomus, mērogot, lai apmierinātu Web3 ekosistēmas pieaugošās vajadzības. 🔹 Sadarbspēja: Gravity bezšuvju blokķēdes savienojamība piedāvā būtisku priekšrocību. Tā kā platforma tiek pieņemta arvien vairāk projektu un protokolu, tā varētu kļūt par centrālo starpķēžu komunikācijas un sadarbības centru. 🔹 {spot}(DOGSUSDT) #TON #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins #TelegramCEO #PowellAtJacksonHole {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(GRTUSDT)
Lielas ziņas ienākas! 🎉
Pēc tam, kad $DOGS Binance var sākt $BLUM palaišanas baseinā pēc dažiem mēnešiem! 🌟 Pārliecinieties, ka esat gatavs šai neticamajai iespējai! 🚀
👉🏻 VAI TU zini par slēptu GEM 💎 Gravity G Token of Galxe Quests
🌌 Gravitācijas marķiera (G) izpēte
✨ Privilēģijas un privilēģijas G īpašniekiem
Gravity marķiera (G) turēšana nodrošina dažādas aizraujošas priekšrocības un tiesības:
🔸 Pārvaldība: kā G īpašniekam jūs varat piedalīties Gravity un Galxe ekosistēmu nākotnes veidošanā, izmantojot G DAO. Šis decentralizētās pārvaldības modelis dod jums iespēju balsot par būtiskiem lēmumiem, tostarp par protokolu jauninājumiem, maksas izmaiņām un jaunu funkciju ieviešanu.
🔸 Atlīdzības likšana: veiciet savus G žetonus un nopelniet atlīdzības, izmantojot papildu G žetonus vai citus līdzekļus. Staking ne tikai nodrošina tīklu, bet arī stiprina ekosistēmas vispārējo veselību.
🔸 Ekskluzīva piekļuve: G stakers var iegūt īpašas balvas un priekšrocības no Galxe platformā izveidotajām lietotnēm, piemēram, agrīnu piekļuvi funkcijām, atlaides vai ekskluzīvu dalību pasākumos.
🔸 Lietderība: kā Gravity ķēdes dabiskais gāzes marķieris, G ir būtisks, lai samaksātu darījumu maksas par visām ķēdē veiktajām darbībām, nodrošinot īpašniekiem tiešu līdzdalību tīkla panākumos.
🚀 Kas sagaida gravitācijas ķēdi
Gravity ķēde ir gatava kļūt par vadošo platformu starpķēžu mijiedarbībai Web3 telpā. Galvenie faktori, kas varētu veicināt tā panākumus, ir šādi:
🔹 Mērogojamība: Gravity omnichain arhitektūra un efektīvais vienprātības mehānisms ļauj apstrādāt lielus darījumu apjomus, mērogot, lai apmierinātu Web3 ekosistēmas pieaugošās vajadzības.
🔹 Sadarbspēja: Gravity bezšuvju blokķēdes savienojamība piedāvā būtisku priekšrocību. Tā kā platforma tiek pieņemta arvien vairāk projektu un protokolu, tā varētu kļūt par centrālo starpķēžu komunikācijas un sadarbības centru.
#TON #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins #TelegramCEO #PowellAtJacksonHole
Skatīt oriģinālu
2196264276#Tonspārkāpj tendences līniju . Redzēsim nākamo kustību! Ir pienācis laiks iegūt nākotnes tirdzniecību 22047611818 #TON#Eth 05295322075
2196264276#Tonspārkāpj tendences līniju . Redzēsim nākamo kustību! Ir pienācis laiks iegūt nākotnes tirdzniecību
#TON#Eth 05295322075
Skatīt oriģinālu
$DOGS Kripto cenu atjauninājums 29. augusts: BTC kāpj $59K, ETH un Major Altcoins rallijs, DOGS Crash Kriptogrāfijas cenas tirgū šodien liecina par iespējamu atveseļošanos. Kriptogrāfijas karstuma kartes pārskats parāda, ka lielākie altkoīni tiek tirgoti zaļajā zonā, tomēr ievērojama tirgus daļa joprojām saglabā sarkano krāsu. Tas atspoguļo pretrunīgu noskaņojumu investoru vidū, kuri cer uz nenovēršamu kopējo tirgus ralliju. Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā noskaņojums par kriptovalūtu tirgu kriptovalūtu baiļu un alkatības indeksā ir krities par vienu punktu līdz '29' no vakardienas '30'. Tas norāda uz “bailām” un nelielu vai neesošu investoru uzticību tirgum. Šajā laikā kopējais kriptovalūtu tirgus ierobežojums ir pieaudzis par 0,94% līdz 2,1 triljonam USD. Tālāk ir sniegts pārskats par kriptovalūtu tirgu un to, kā populārākās monētas ir reaģējušas pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Labākās kriptovalūtu cenas šodien Galvenās kriptovalūtas Bitcoin cena ir atguvusi USD 59 000 pēc vakardienas tirdzniecības par USD 58 000. Rakstīšanas laikā BTC mainīja īpašnieku par USD 59 717, kas veido 0,44% pieaugumu pēdējās dienas laikā. Tomēr Bitcoin vienas dienas tirdzniecības apjoms samazinājās par vairāk nekā 20% līdz 34,9 miljardiem USD, kas liecina par aktivitāšu samazināšanos saistībā ar šo aktīvu. Tajā pašā laikā saskaņā ar Soso Value datiem Bitcoin ETF 28. augustā piedzīvoja 105,19 miljonu dolāru plūsmu. Vadošais altcoin Ethereum vērtība pēdējās dienas laikā ir palielinājusies. Monētas cena pieauga par 2,61%, un raksta rakstīšanas laikā tās cena bija 2552 USD. Pēdējās dienas laikā Ethereum tirdzniecība ir no USD 2461,86 līdz USD 2557,01, lielākoties turoties virs USD 2,5 000 atzīmes. Turklāt 28. augustā ETH ETF kopējais ikdienas neto pieplūdums bija 5,84 miljoni USD. Coinfomania šodienas ziņojumā norādīja uz Ethereum dubultās avārijas iemesliem viena mēneša laikā. Saskaņā ar ziņu, četri vaļi kopā pārvietoja satriecošus 599 miljonus ASV dolāru ETH monētu, kas veicināja monētas cenas samazināšanos laikā no jūlija līdz augustam. Citas Altcoin cenas {spot}(DOGSUSDT) .
$DOGS Kripto cenu atjauninājums 29. augusts: BTC kāpj $59K, ETH un Major Altcoins rallijs, DOGS Crash
Kriptogrāfijas cenas tirgū šodien liecina par iespējamu atveseļošanos. Kriptogrāfijas karstuma kartes pārskats parāda, ka lielākie altkoīni tiek tirgoti zaļajā zonā, tomēr ievērojama tirgus daļa joprojām saglabā sarkano krāsu. Tas atspoguļo pretrunīgu noskaņojumu investoru vidū, kuri cer uz nenovēršamu kopējo tirgus ralliju.
Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā noskaņojums par kriptovalūtu tirgu kriptovalūtu baiļu un alkatības indeksā ir krities par vienu punktu līdz '29' no vakardienas '30'. Tas norāda uz “bailām” un nelielu vai neesošu investoru uzticību tirgum. Šajā laikā kopējais kriptovalūtu tirgus ierobežojums ir pieaudzis par 0,94% līdz 2,1 triljonam USD. Tālāk ir sniegts pārskats par kriptovalūtu tirgu un to, kā populārākās monētas ir reaģējušas pēdējo 24 stundu laikā.
Labākās kriptovalūtu cenas šodien
Galvenās kriptovalūtas Bitcoin cena ir atguvusi USD 59 000 pēc vakardienas tirdzniecības par USD 58 000. Rakstīšanas laikā BTC mainīja īpašnieku par USD 59 717, kas veido 0,44% pieaugumu pēdējās dienas laikā. Tomēr Bitcoin vienas dienas tirdzniecības apjoms samazinājās par vairāk nekā 20% līdz 34,9 miljardiem USD, kas liecina par aktivitāšu samazināšanos saistībā ar šo aktīvu. Tajā pašā laikā saskaņā ar Soso Value datiem Bitcoin ETF 28. augustā piedzīvoja 105,19 miljonu dolāru plūsmu.
Vadošais altcoin Ethereum vērtība pēdējās dienas laikā ir palielinājusies. Monētas cena pieauga par 2,61%, un raksta rakstīšanas laikā tās cena bija 2552 USD. Pēdējās dienas laikā Ethereum tirdzniecība ir no USD 2461,86 līdz USD 2557,01, lielākoties turoties virs USD 2,5 000 atzīmes. Turklāt 28. augustā ETH ETF kopējais ikdienas neto pieplūdums bija 5,84 miljoni USD.
Coinfomania šodienas ziņojumā norādīja uz Ethereum dubultās avārijas iemesliem viena mēneša laikā. Saskaņā ar ziņu, četri vaļi kopā pārvietoja satriecošus 599 miljonus ASV dolāru ETH monētu, kas veicināja monētas cenas samazināšanos laikā no jūlija līdz augustam.
Citas Altcoin cenas
Skatīt oriģinālu
$DOGS Kāda būs Dogs cena 2025. gadā? Pamatojoties uz Dogs vēsturisko cenu veiktspējas prognozēšanas modeli, tiek prognozēts, ka Dogs cena 2025. gadā sasniegs 0,00 USD. Kāda būs Dogs cena 2030. gadā? Paredzams, ka 2030. gadā Dogs cena mainīsies par +18,00%. Tiek prognozēts, ka līdz 2030. gada beigām Dogs cena sasniegs 0,00 ASV dolāru ar kopējo ieguldījumu atdevi -100,00% {spot}(DOGSUSDT)
$DOGS Kāda būs Dogs cena 2025. gadā?
Pamatojoties uz Dogs vēsturisko cenu veiktspējas prognozēšanas modeli, tiek prognozēts, ka Dogs cena 2025. gadā sasniegs 0,00 USD.
Kāda būs Dogs cena 2030. gadā?
Paredzams, ka 2030. gadā Dogs cena mainīsies par +18,00%. Tiek prognozēts, ka līdz 2030. gada beigām Dogs cena sasniegs 0,00 ASV dolāru ar kopējo ieguldījumu atdevi -100,00%
Skatīt oriģinālu
After Dogs Cats Are Coming Telegram Followers Join Now Fast {spot}(DOGSUSDT)
After Dogs Cats Are Coming Telegram Followers Join Now Fast
🚨 JUST IN : BREAKING NEWS 🚨 #DOGS PRICE PREDICTION ‼️ Binance is set to officially list the DOGS token on August 26, 2024, at 12:00 UTC. Token Name: $DOGS Total and Max Token Supply: 550,000,000,000 DOGS Launchpool Token Rewards: 22,000,000,000 DOGS (4% of total token supply) Initial Circulating Supply When Listed on Binance: 516,750,000,000 DOGS (~93.95% of total token supply) #Dogs Price Prediction Given the current trend and hype surrounding DOGS, it is plausible to consider a market capitalization of $800 million to $1 billion. Here’s how this translates into potential price ranges: 1. Market Cap of $800 Million: Price Calculation: Price = Market Cap /Total Supply =800,000,000/550,000,000,000 = $0.00145 2. Market Cap of $1 Billion: Price Calculation: Price = Market Cap/Total Supply= 1,000,000,000/550,000,000,000 = $0.00182 Could #DOGS List at $0.01? Given the current hype and market conditions, it is plausible to consider a scenario where DOGS Token could reach or even be listed at $0.01. If DOGS were to list at this price, here’s what the market capitalization would look like: Market Cap Calculation: Market Cap=Price×Initial Circulating Supply=0.01×516,750,000,000=$5,167,500,000 Initial Market Cap at $0.01 Listing Price: $5.17 billion Price Prediction Scenarios Post-Listing If DOGS manages to maintain or increase its market cap post-listing, further price growth could be seen. The continuation of this momentum will depend on several factors, including market sentiment, community engagement, and the overall performance of the cryptocurrency market. If the market cap grows to $6 billion: The price could rise to approximately $0.0116. If the market cap experiences a correction: The price might drop below $0.01, depending on the intensity of the sell-off and market conditions. #MtGoxRepayments #TelegramCEO
Binance is set to officially list the DOGS token on August 26, 2024, at 12:00 UTC.
Token Name: $DOGS
Total and Max Token Supply: 550,000,000,000 DOGS
Launchpool Token Rewards: 22,000,000,000 DOGS (4% of total token supply)
Initial Circulating Supply When Listed on Binance: 516,750,000,000 DOGS (~93.95% of total token supply)
#Dogs Price Prediction
Given the current trend and hype surrounding DOGS, it is plausible to consider a market capitalization of $800 million to $1 billion. Here’s how this translates into potential price ranges:
1. Market Cap of $800 Million:
Price Calculation:
Price = Market Cap /Total Supply =800,000,000/550,000,000,000 = $0.00145
2. Market Cap of $1 Billion:
Price Calculation:
Price = Market Cap/Total Supply= 1,000,000,000/550,000,000,000 = $0.00182
Could #DOGS List at $0.01?
Given the current hype and market conditions, it is plausible to consider a scenario where DOGS Token could reach or even be listed at $0.01. If DOGS were to list at this price, here’s what the market capitalization would look like:
Market Cap Calculation:
Market Cap=Price×Initial Circulating Supply=0.01×516,750,000,000=$5,167,500,000
Initial Market Cap at $0.01 Listing Price: $5.17 billion
Price Prediction Scenarios Post-Listing
If DOGS manages to maintain or increase its market cap post-listing, further price growth could be seen. The continuation of this momentum will depend on several factors, including market sentiment, community engagement, and the overall performance of the cryptocurrency market.
If the market cap grows to $6 billion: The price could rise to approximately $0.0116.
If the market cap experiences a correction: The price might drop below $0.01, depending on the intensity of the sell-off and market conditions.
#MtGoxRepayments #TelegramCEO
Unlock a share of the MANTRA 50,000,000 $OM GenDrop by holding specific #MANTRA NFTs! 🕉️ Eligible NFTs include MANTRA Vaults, PolkaPets, Governance, and 88 OG NFTs. Owners of these collections will be entitled to a portion of the GenDrop. Stay tuned for further updates! #OM #BlackRockETHOptions {spot}(OMUSDT)
Unlock a share of the MANTRA 50,000,000 $OM GenDrop by holding specific #MANTRA NFTs! 🕉️
Eligible NFTs include MANTRA Vaults, PolkaPets, Governance, and 88 OG NFTs.
Owners of these collections will be entitled to a portion of the GenDrop. Stay tuned for further updates!
#OM #BlackRockETHOptions
BNB Chain Successfully Implements BEP 336 Haber Hard Fork, Reducing L2 Network Fees By 90% According to Odaily, BNB Chain has successfully completed the BEP 336 Haber hard fork. This significant development has led to the implementation of the Blob Transaction (BlobTx) feature. As a result of this implementation, the associated Layer 2 (L2) network fees are expected to decrease by 90%. This is a significant milestone for BNB Chain, as it will make transactions more cost-effective for users. The successful implementation of the BEP 336 Haber hard fork and the BlobTx feature is a testament to BNB Chain's commitment to improving its platform and providing better services to its users. The reduction in L2 network fees will undoubtedly make the platform more attractive to potential users and could lead to an increase in the number of transactions conducted on the BNB Chain. This development is a positive step forward for BNB Chain and its users. #btc #bitcoin #TopCoinsJune2024 #bnb #CertiKvsKraken #BNB_Market_Update {spot}(BNBUSDT)
BNB Chain Successfully Implements BEP 336 Haber Hard Fork, Reducing L2 Network Fees By 90%
According to Odaily, BNB Chain has successfully completed the BEP 336 Haber hard fork. This significant development has led to the implementation of the Blob Transaction (BlobTx) feature. As a result of this implementation, the associated Layer 2 (L2) network fees are expected to decrease by 90%. This is a significant milestone for BNB Chain, as it will make transactions more cost-effective for users. The successful implementation of the BEP 336 Haber hard fork and the BlobTx feature is a testament to BNB Chain's commitment to improving its platform and providing better services to its users. The reduction in L2 network fees will undoubtedly make the platform more attractive to potential users and could lead to an increase in the number of transactions conducted on the BNB Chain. This development is a positive step forward for BNB Chain and its users.
#btc #bitcoin #TopCoinsJune2024 #bnb #CertiKvsKraken #BNB_Market_Update
$BNB Super Speed Pump
$BNB Super Speed Pump
$NOT NOT🔥🔥🔥 【Point of purchase and sale】 The first purchase point is 0.022 USDT (reason: close to the previous minimum of fluctuations, EMA7 support may form near this place) Second purchase point: 0.021 USDT (reason: further approach to the lower point of the previous band, and the whole point has a strong support effect) Long stop loss point: 0.020 USDT (Reason: 1 whole point below the purchase point, 2 to prevent the fall from continuing after falling below important support) First selling point: 0.024 USDT (reason: there is a risk of selling pressure near the maximum of the previous band, this is also an integer point) Second selling point: 0.025 USDT (Reason: the breakout of the next whole point after the previous high may face new pressure) Short Stop Loss point: 0.026 USDT (Reason: 1 integer above the selling point 2 to prevent continued growth after breaking new highs) $NOT
【Point of purchase and sale】
The first purchase point
is 0.022 USDT (reason: close to the previous minimum of fluctuations, EMA7 support may form near this place)
Second purchase point:
0.021 USDT (reason: further approach to the lower point of the previous band, and the whole point has a strong support effect)
Long stop loss point:
0.020 USDT (Reason: 1 whole point below the purchase point, 2 to prevent the fall from continuing after falling below important support)
First selling point:
0.024 USDT (reason: there is a risk of selling pressure near the maximum of the previous band, this is also an integer point)
Second selling point:
0.025 USDT (Reason: the breakout of the next whole point after the previous high may face new pressure)
Short Stop Loss point:
0.026 USDT (Reason: 1 integer above the selling point 2 to prevent continued growth after breaking new highs)
Can You Become a Millionaire with Notcoin 🗝 Notcoin (NOT) has recently gained attention due to significant price surges, including a 60% increase in one day. Trading at around $0.022 with a market cap of $2.3 billion, its performance is driven by integrations within the TON ecosystem and active community engagement. #### Potential for Growth 1. **Scarcity**: Capped supply of 102.71 billion tokens. 2. **Community Engagement**: Active participation through games and airdrops. 3. **Market Sentiment**: Positive comparisons to Bitcoin and trending status. #### Risks - **Volatility**: Prices can fluctuate significantly. - **Competition**: Faces strong competition from established cryptocurrencies. While it’s possible to become a millionaire with Notcoin, it remains a speculative and high-risk investment. Conduct thorough research and consider the risks before investing. ❤️ LIKE 🫂 FOLLOW 🗳 REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT 🫂 Remember: Creating the best investment articles requires a lot of hard work. Your generous tips empower our mission and help us strive even harder to provide you with top-notch investment advice. #Notcoin #Megadrop #StartInvestingInCrypto $NOT
Can You Become a Millionaire with Notcoin 🗝
Notcoin (NOT) has recently gained attention due to significant price surges, including a 60% increase in one day. Trading at around $0.022 with a market cap of $2.3 billion, its performance is driven by integrations within the TON ecosystem and active community engagement.
#### Potential for Growth
1. **Scarcity**: Capped supply of 102.71 billion tokens.
2. **Community Engagement**: Active participation through games and airdrops.
3. **Market Sentiment**: Positive comparisons to Bitcoin and trending status.
#### Risks
- **Volatility**: Prices can fluctuate significantly.
- **Competition**: Faces strong competition from established cryptocurrencies.
While it’s possible to become a millionaire with Notcoin, it remains a speculative and high-risk investment. Conduct thorough research and consider the risks before investing.
🫂 Remember: Creating the best investment articles requires a lot of hard work. Your generous tips empower our mission and help us strive even harder to provide you with top-notch investment advice.
#Notcoin #Megadrop #StartInvestingInCrypto $NOT
#Lista is coming. Just got a message from Binance. To participate, you need to stake BNB and create Web3 wallet. The official start of the project is not yet announced. Note that Binance will be the first platform to list LISTA. Be careful about scams trying to sell you this one elsewhere#PEPE‏ #ETHETFS #BNB_Market_Update #PEPE‏
#Lista is coming. Just got a message from Binance.
To participate, you need to stake BNB and create Web3 wallet.
The official start of the project is not yet announced.
Note that Binance will be the first platform to list LISTA. Be careful about scams trying to sell you this one elsewhere#PEPE‏ #ETHETFS #BNB_Market_Update #PEPE‏
Cardano Technical Analysis: Is ADA Joining the Crypto Rally? Cardano Technical Analysis: The crypto market continued upwards with the top digital assets. The new week started with a rise led by Bitcoin and Ethereum. BTC price is reaching $70,000, and ETH is ready to surpass $4,000. Most major altcoins, including Cardano, witnessed renewed buying interest. At the time of the news, ADA price increased by 3.5%, showing a recovery from the recent correction to break through the overall resistance. Cardano Technical Analysis: Over the past six weeks, Cardano's price has traded horizontally, oscillating within two trend lines. The altcoin has rebounded from each trend line twice, showing active resistance and support that gradually narrows the price range. Cardano's technical analysis suggests that the symmetrical triangle often leads to consolidation to regain momentum for the prevailing trend. ADA is currently trading at $0.47 and is heading towards the upper boundary of the triangle for a bullish breakout. Bitcoin Utilizes Closed Exchange in the U.S.: Crypto analytics firm Santiment highlighted that Bitcoin has once again surpassed a market value of $70,000. This milestone coincides with a pause in U.S. stock markets due to Memorial Day. Santiment noted that this positive movement is particularly encouraging as it demonstrates the crypto market's ability to perform independently of traditional stock markets, a correlation that has been maintained since 2022. This development underscores the evolving resilience and potential of the cryptocurrency market even in the absence of traditional market influences.#ETHETFsApproved #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #altcoins #BNBToken #etherreum
Cardano Technical Analysis: Is ADA Joining the Crypto Rally?
Cardano Technical Analysis: The crypto market continued upwards with the top digital assets. The new week started with a rise led by Bitcoin and Ethereum. BTC price is reaching $70,000, and ETH is ready to surpass $4,000.
Most major altcoins, including Cardano, witnessed renewed buying interest. At the time of the news, ADA price increased by 3.5%, showing a recovery from the recent correction to break through the overall resistance.
Cardano Technical Analysis:
Over the past six weeks, Cardano's price has traded horizontally, oscillating within two trend lines. The altcoin has rebounded from each trend line twice, showing active resistance and support that gradually narrows the price range.
Cardano's technical analysis suggests that the symmetrical triangle often leads to consolidation to regain momentum for the prevailing trend. ADA is currently trading at $0.47 and is heading towards the upper boundary of the triangle for a bullish breakout.
Bitcoin Utilizes Closed Exchange in the U.S.:
Crypto analytics firm Santiment highlighted that Bitcoin has once again surpassed a market value of $70,000. This milestone coincides with a pause in U.S. stock markets due to Memorial Day.
Santiment noted that this positive movement is particularly encouraging as it demonstrates the crypto market's ability to perform independently of traditional stock markets, a correlation that has been maintained since 2022. This development underscores the evolving resilience and potential of the cryptocurrency market even in the absence of traditional market influences.#ETHETFsApproved #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #altcoins #BNBToken #etherreum
Cardano Technical Analysis: Is ADA Joining the Crypto Rally?Cardano Technical Analysis: Is ADA Joining the Crypto Rally? Cardano Technical Analysis: The crypto market continued upwards with the top digital assets. The new week started with a rise led by Bitcoin and Ethereum. BTC price is reaching $70,000, and ETH is ready to surpass $4,000. Most major altcoins, including Cardano, witnessed renewed buying interest. At the time of the news, ADA price increased by 3.5%, showing a recovery from the recent correction to break through the overall resistance. Cardano Technical Analysis: Over the past six weeks, Cardano's price has traded horizontally, oscillating within two trend lines. The altcoin has rebounded from each trend line twice, showing active resistance and support that gradually narrows the price range. Cardano's technical analysis suggests that the symmetrical triangle often leads to consolidation to regain momentum for the prevailing trend. ADA is currently trading at $0.47 and is heading towards the upper boundary of the triangle for a bullish breakout. Bitcoin Utilizes Closed Exchange in the U.S.: Crypto analytics firm Santiment highlighted that Bitcoin has once again surpassed a market value of $70,000. This milestone coincides with a pause in U.S. stock markets due to Memorial Day. Santiment noted that this positive movement is particularly encouraging as it demonstrates the crypto market's ability to perform independently of traditional stock markets, a correlation that has been maintained since 2022. This development underscores the evolving resilience and potential of the cryptocurrency market even in the absence of traditional market influences.#btc #ada #Eth $BTC $ETH $BNB

Cardano Technical Analysis: Is ADA Joining the Crypto Rally?

Cardano Technical Analysis: Is ADA Joining the Crypto Rally?
Cardano Technical Analysis: The crypto market continued upwards with the top digital assets. The new week started with a rise led by Bitcoin and Ethereum. BTC price is reaching $70,000, and ETH is ready to surpass $4,000.
Most major altcoins, including Cardano, witnessed renewed buying interest. At the time of the news, ADA price increased by 3.5%, showing a recovery from the recent correction to break through the overall resistance.
Cardano Technical Analysis:
Over the past six weeks, Cardano's price has traded horizontally, oscillating within two trend lines. The altcoin has rebounded from each trend line twice, showing active resistance and support that gradually narrows the price range.
Cardano's technical analysis suggests that the symmetrical triangle often leads to consolidation to regain momentum for the prevailing trend. ADA is currently trading at $0.47 and is heading towards the upper boundary of the triangle for a bullish breakout.
Bitcoin Utilizes Closed Exchange in the U.S.:
Crypto analytics firm Santiment highlighted that Bitcoin has once again surpassed a market value of $70,000. This milestone coincides with a pause in U.S. stock markets due to Memorial Day.
Santiment noted that this positive movement is particularly encouraging as it demonstrates the crypto market's ability to perform independently of traditional stock markets, a correlation that has been maintained since 2022. This development underscores the evolving resilience and potential of the cryptocurrency market even in the absence of traditional market influences.#btc #ada #Eth $BTC $ETH $BNB
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