Binance Square
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$BB ar prieku iepazīstināt jūs ar mūsu jaunāko inovāciju - Superfast. Superfast ir ķēdē esošais "brokeris", kas paredzēts, lai nodrošinātu ātru un likvīdu BounceBit aktīvu tirdzniecību. Jo īpaši tas ļaus veikt superlikvīdu BB, BBUSD un BBTC apmaiņu. Sagatavojieties milzīgai atklāšanas kampaņai ar daudzām BB balvām. Lietotāja pieredze ir viena no augstākajām BounceBit prioritātēm. Tas mūs atšķir no konkurentiem. Viens no galvenajiem UX faktoriem ir ātrums, tas ietekmē lietojamību, saprotamību un kvalitāti. Finansēs, īpaši kriptovalūtu jomā, likviditāte bieži vien ir sašaurinājums. Kā tas strādā Superfast izmanto Liquid Custody Tokens (LCT) koncepciju kombinācijā ar CEX. LCT ir nodrošināti 1:1 ar atbilstošu bāzes aktīvu. BBUSD nodrošina USDT, savukārt BBTC atbalsta BTCB. Lai gan BBUSD un BBTC pašlaik nav tieši pieejami tirdzniecībai centralizētajās biržās, to pamatā esošais aktīvs ir. Tas paver iespēju izmantot šo aktīvu likviditāti centralizētajās biržās. Superfast izveido stabilu savienojumu starp blokķēdi un CEX. Uzsākot mijmaiņas darījumu ķēdē, darījums tiek uzņemts un automātiski atspoguļots CEX. Kamēr tirdzniecība notiek CEX ar lielu likviditāti, jūsu darījums tiek nokārtots ķēdē un jūs saņemat savu tirgoto aktīvu BounceBit tīklā. Labākais no abām pasaulēm Superfast nodrošina lietotājiem labāko no abām pasaulēm: tādas lielas biržas kā Binance ātrumu un likviditāti, kā arī blokķēdes tehnoloģijas caurspīdīgumu un drošību. Zemākas gāzes maksas, zemākas darījumu maksas, mazāka nobīde, zemāka starpība, ātrāks norēķins. Lai gan pašlaik koncentrējamies uz BB, BTC un USDT, mēs plānojam paplašināt tā piedāvājumu. Tiks pievienots vairāk kriptovalūtu un tirdzniecības pāru, padarot to par visaptverošu platformu efektīvai tirdzniecībai BounceBit un ārpus tās. Izmantojot Superfast, Liquid Custody Token vajadzība pēc likviditātes tiks apmierināta. Mēs skatāmies uz jaunu LCT laikmetu, kas ļauj izveidot vēl vairāk sadarbības un pieņemšanas leņķu. #BouncebitClubs #Write2Earn!
$BB ar prieku iepazīstināt jūs ar mūsu jaunāko inovāciju - Superfast. Superfast ir ķēdē esošais "brokeris", kas paredzēts, lai nodrošinātu ātru un likvīdu BounceBit aktīvu tirdzniecību. Jo īpaši tas ļaus veikt superlikvīdu BB, BBUSD un BBTC apmaiņu. Sagatavojieties milzīgai atklāšanas kampaņai ar daudzām BB balvām.
Lietotāja pieredze ir viena no augstākajām BounceBit prioritātēm. Tas mūs atšķir no konkurentiem. Viens no galvenajiem UX faktoriem ir ātrums, tas ietekmē lietojamību, saprotamību un kvalitāti. Finansēs, īpaši kriptovalūtu jomā, likviditāte bieži vien ir sašaurinājums.
Kā tas strādā
Superfast izmanto Liquid Custody Tokens (LCT) koncepciju kombinācijā ar CEX. LCT ir nodrošināti 1:1 ar atbilstošu bāzes aktīvu. BBUSD nodrošina USDT, savukārt BBTC atbalsta BTCB.
Lai gan BBUSD un BBTC pašlaik nav tieši pieejami tirdzniecībai centralizētajās biržās, to pamatā esošais aktīvs ir. Tas paver iespēju izmantot šo aktīvu likviditāti centralizētajās biržās. Superfast izveido stabilu savienojumu starp blokķēdi un CEX.
Uzsākot mijmaiņas darījumu ķēdē, darījums tiek uzņemts un automātiski atspoguļots CEX. Kamēr tirdzniecība notiek CEX ar lielu likviditāti, jūsu darījums tiek nokārtots ķēdē un jūs saņemat savu tirgoto aktīvu BounceBit tīklā.
Labākais no abām pasaulēm
Superfast nodrošina lietotājiem labāko no abām pasaulēm: tādas lielas biržas kā Binance ātrumu un likviditāti, kā arī blokķēdes tehnoloģijas caurspīdīgumu un drošību.
Zemākas gāzes maksas, zemākas darījumu maksas, mazāka nobīde, zemāka starpība, ātrāks norēķins. Lai gan pašlaik koncentrējamies uz BB, BTC un USDT, mēs plānojam paplašināt tā piedāvājumu. Tiks pievienots vairāk kriptovalūtu un tirdzniecības pāru, padarot to par visaptverošu platformu efektīvai tirdzniecībai BounceBit un ārpus tās.
Izmantojot Superfast, Liquid Custody Token vajadzība pēc likviditātes tiks apmierināta. Mēs skatāmies uz jaunu LCT laikmetu, kas ļauj izveidot vēl vairāk sadarbības un pieņemšanas leņķu.
#BouncebitClubs #Write2Earn!
Skatīt oriģinālu
$NOT atgriezīsies, gaidāms jauns visu laiku augstākais rādītājs. #NOT🔥🔥🔥
$NOT atgriezīsies, gaidāms jauns visu laiku augstākais rādītājs. #NOT🔥🔥🔥
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BB Daži cilvēki saka, ka nevajag iemīlēties kriptovalūtā, Es esmu precējies ar Bouncbit. nākotne ir klāt. pavisam drīz jūs dzirdēsiet cilvēkus sakām, ka viņiem vajadzēja to iegādāties, kad tas ir lēts .#bouncbit #Write2Earn! #Bb🔥🔥
$BB Daži cilvēki saka, ka nevajag iemīlēties kriptovalūtā, Es esmu precējies ar Bouncbit. nākotne ir klāt. pavisam drīz jūs dzirdēsiet cilvēkus sakām, ka viņiem vajadzēja to iegādāties, kad tas ir lēts .#bouncbit #Write2Earn! #Bb🔥🔥
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BB Aizraujošā attīstībā BounceBit ir paziņojis par dalību programmā “The Surge Volt 2” ar LineaBuild, izmantojot BBTC. Šī sadarbība ir nozīmīgs solis uzņēmumam BounceBit, jo tā paplašina tā sasniedzamību un funkcionalitāti kriptogrāfijas ekosistēmā.
$BB Aizraujošā attīstībā BounceBit ir paziņojis par dalību programmā “The Surge Volt 2” ar LineaBuild, izmantojot BBTC. Šī sadarbība ir nozīmīgs solis uzņēmumam BounceBit, jo tā paplašina tā sasniedzamību un funkcionalitāti kriptogrāfijas ekosistēmā.
$BB Today marks a significant step in driving $BBTC & $BBUSD adoption. @Binance Oracle now supports data feeds for BounceBit LCTs, unlocking: ⚫️⚪️Secure price feed access for developers & projects ⚫️⚪️Guaranteed data availability and reliability#BouncebitClubs #Bb🔥🔥 #Write2Earn!
$BB Today marks a significant step in driving $BBTC & $BBUSD adoption.

@Binance Oracle now supports data feeds for BounceBit LCTs, unlocking:

⚫️⚪️Secure price feed access for developers & projects
⚫️⚪️Guaranteed data availability and reliability#BouncebitClubs #Bb🔥🔥 #Write2Earn!
Warning, most of you have come across so many post praising some individual for helping him or her to make profits on crypto. You started asking for help from this person who will later direct you to follow so so person or some will ask you to chat them privately. on social media. I know what I'm writing mint not be new to you, you have come across this people. If you're planning to follow the steps they direct you , don't . it's a SCAM. they will rub you very badly, and they will do it gradually, it will seam nicely to you when you started with what they said, but they have set a trap for you. don't be a victim. have a very nice day. and enjoy your trading strategy. just believe in your self and do more research on coins you're interested on. much love.
Warning, most of you have come across so many post praising some individual for helping him or her to make profits on crypto. You started asking for help from this person who will later direct you to follow so so person or some will ask you to chat them privately. on social media. I know what I'm writing mint not be new to you, you have come across this people. If you're planning to follow the steps they direct you , don't . it's a SCAM. they will rub you very badly, and they will do it gradually, it will seam nicely to you when you started with what they said, but they have set a trap for you. don't be a victim. have a very nice day. and enjoy your trading strategy. just believe in your self and do more research on coins you're interested on. much love.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BB Šī dēļ es pērku un paturu vairāk BB ilgtermiņā. Pateicoties Free Tech integrācijai, lietotāji tagad var tieši apmainīt BBTC un BBUSD uz BounceBit ķēdi, nodrošinot ātru divu minūšu mijmaiņas darījumus ar minimālu maksu vai izslīdēšanu starp vairāk nekā 50 populārākajām blokķēdēm,” teikts paziņojumā. BounceBit un Free Tech partnerība palīdzēs veikt nelielu summu pārskaitījumus, kas ietver mazāk nekā 1 BTC, izmantojot bezmaksas ekspresfunkciju. Turklāt, izmantojot Free Express platformu, tiek veikti darījumi 1-2 minūšu laikā. No otras puses, funkcija Free Tunnel nodrošinās drošu liela mēroga līdzekļu pārsūtīšanu starp dažādām ķēdēm.#Bouncbit #Bb🔥🔥 #Write2Earn! atcerieties, ka tas nav finanšu padoms. bet personīgi bullish.
$BB Šī dēļ es pērku un paturu vairāk BB ilgtermiņā. Pateicoties Free Tech integrācijai, lietotāji tagad var tieši apmainīt BBTC un BBUSD uz BounceBit ķēdi, nodrošinot ātru divu minūšu mijmaiņas darījumus ar minimālu maksu vai izslīdēšanu starp vairāk nekā 50 populārākajām blokķēdēm,” teikts paziņojumā.
BounceBit un Free Tech partnerība palīdzēs veikt nelielu summu pārskaitījumus, kas ietver mazāk nekā 1 BTC, izmantojot bezmaksas ekspresfunkciju. Turklāt, izmantojot Free Express platformu, tiek veikti darījumi 1-2 minūšu laikā. No otras puses, funkcija Free Tunnel nodrošinās drošu liela mēroga līdzekļu pārsūtīšanu starp dažādām ķēdēm.#Bouncbit #Bb🔥🔥 #Write2Earn! atcerieties, ka tas nav finanšu padoms. bet personīgi bullish.
How do you feel when your portfolio lost it's value, You will feel disappointed, you get angry, you feel used and you start looking for whatever can comfort you. Every minute you come back to chake if there's a change in the market. Don't worry, time doesn't stay one place, same goes to market. it will get better, if you don't sall, you never loose. trade in spot. #altcoins #BTC100Ksoon #Write&Earn
How do you feel when your portfolio lost it's value, You will feel disappointed, you get angry, you feel used and you start looking for whatever can comfort you. Every minute you come back to chake if there's a change in the market. Don't worry, time doesn't stay one place, same goes to market. it will get better, if you don't sall, you never loose. trade in spot. #altcoins #BTC100Ksoon #Write&Earn
Before #bitcoin☀️ will pump hard, it requires high liquidity, which allows market participants to buy more BTC, resulting in a tighter bid-ask spread and driving prices higher. Fortunately for Bitcoin bulls, this liquidity might come soon, after 'Microstrategy', the largest corporate BTC holder, revealed its intention to raise $500 million via a convertible senior note offering to “acquire additional Bitcoin” and other general corporate purposes.#BinanceTournament #Write2Earn!
Before #bitcoin☀️ will pump hard, it requires high liquidity, which allows market participants to buy more BTC, resulting in a tighter bid-ask spread and driving prices higher.
Fortunately for Bitcoin bulls, this liquidity might come soon, after 'Microstrategy', the largest corporate BTC holder, revealed its intention to raise $500 million via a convertible senior note offering to “acquire additional Bitcoin” and other general corporate purposes.#BinanceTournament #Write2Earn!
Will Notcoin reach 1$, possibly yes. if bullish trend continues. The coin’s market movements have been notably volatile, with significant dips and recoveries. Notcoin is currently ranked 57 by market cap and has a circulating supply of 102 million NOT. The price chart indicates a low of approximately $0.0153 and a high of around $0.0167 within the past day. Notcoin has garnered significant search volumes, reflecting positive trader sentiment despite the ongoing correction. Initially a viral Telegram game, Notcoin price quickly became one of the top-traded tokens. After facing strong compression, the price is anticipated to surge, potentially exceeding $0.02 in the coming days. #altcoins #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Write2Earn!
Will Notcoin reach 1$, possibly yes. if bullish trend continues. The coin’s market movements have been notably volatile, with significant dips and recoveries. Notcoin is currently ranked 57 by market cap and has a circulating supply of 102 million NOT. The price chart indicates a low of approximately $0.0153 and a high of around $0.0167 within the past day.
Notcoin has garnered significant search volumes, reflecting positive trader sentiment despite the ongoing correction. Initially a viral Telegram game, Notcoin price quickly became one of the top-traded tokens. After facing strong compression, the price is anticipated to surge, potentially exceeding $0.02 in the coming days. #altcoins #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Write2Earn!
Good news, According to Bitcoin News. June 25, 2024, the daily rewards for storage miners on the BTFS network will be halved from 15 billion BTT to 7.5 billion BTT. The BitTorrent File System BTFS is a decentralized file storage system that utilizes blockchain technology and peer-to-peer transmission. It allows users to store their files across multiple nodes in a distributed manner, enhancing file security and reliability. BTFS also offers rapid file transfer and access, giving users greater convenience in managing and sharing files. By integrating key features of the BitTorrent Chain BTTC, such as cross-chain connectivity and multichannel payment options, BTFS significantly enhances user experience. Currently, the BTFS network is experiencing rapid growth with over 8 million nodes across the network, including more than 6 million super miners, according to BTFS SCAN. To support the efficient operations of these nodes, BTFS initiated a rewards program and has provided an aggregate of 25 trillion BTT since the launch of BTFS Mainnet in 2019. Every two years, the BTFS rewards halving will occur causing the rewards for all storage miners across the network to be cut in half.#Write2Earn! #BTTcReward #BTTC
Good news, According to Bitcoin News. June 25, 2024, the daily rewards for storage miners on the BTFS network will be halved from 15 billion BTT to 7.5 billion BTT.
The BitTorrent File System BTFS is a decentralized file storage system that utilizes blockchain technology and peer-to-peer transmission. It allows users to store their files across multiple nodes in a distributed manner, enhancing file security and reliability. BTFS also offers rapid file transfer and access, giving users greater convenience in managing and sharing files. By integrating key features of the BitTorrent Chain BTTC, such as cross-chain connectivity and multichannel payment options, BTFS significantly enhances user experience.
Currently, the BTFS network is experiencing rapid growth with over 8 million nodes across the network, including more than 6 million super miners, according to BTFS SCAN. To support the efficient operations of these nodes, BTFS initiated a rewards program and has provided an aggregate of 25 trillion BTT since the launch of BTFS Mainnet in 2019.
Every two years, the BTFS rewards halving will occur causing the rewards for all storage miners across the network to be cut in half.#Write2Earn! #BTTcReward #BTTC
$BB I told you to buy #bouncbit . this L1 coin will do more better . I'm buying for long... disclaimer . not a financial advice , it's my choice . if you believe #Sol , believe #bouncbit . #Write2Earn!
$BB I told you to buy #bouncbit . this L1 coin will do more better . I'm buying for long... disclaimer . not a financial advice , it's my choice . if you believe #Sol , believe #bouncbit . #Write2Earn!
Reasons why you should buy #Bounbit BounceBit (BB) is a centralized decentralized finance protocol (CeDefi) that offers dual security of the BTC protocol and BounceBit protocol. It is a layer 1 blockchain network that works on the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus agreement. BounceBit does not have the limitations of being anchored to a layer 1 network and working as per its rules. It works as an independent layer 1 network. BounceBit (BB) has an asset-driven interaction. It can be staked on other EVM-compatible chains through interoperability. BB provides utmost transparency by utilizing Mainnet Digital’s custody services complemented by Ceffu’s MirrorX technology. It rekindles the security and privacy that the BTC platform provides its users. #Write2Earn! #CryptoNewsCommunity
Reasons why you should buy #Bounbit BounceBit (BB) is a centralized decentralized finance protocol (CeDefi) that offers dual security of the BTC protocol and BounceBit protocol.

It is a layer 1 blockchain network that works on the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus agreement.

BounceBit does not have the limitations of being anchored to a layer 1 network and working as per its rules. It works as an independent layer 1 network.

BounceBit (BB) has an asset-driven interaction. It can be staked on other EVM-compatible chains through interoperability.

BB provides utmost transparency by utilizing Mainnet Digital’s custody services complemented by Ceffu’s MirrorX technology. It rekindles the security and privacy that the BTC platform provides its users.

#Write2Earn! #CryptoNewsCommunity
If you're investing on coins that people get for free, or coins that always do air drops, my dear don't expect it to rise any time soon. have you ask your self why Bitcoin never do air drop or red box. Strong projects always believe it's going to thrive. it better to buy #bouncbit #BB for long time in spot. than give your money away. I told you last week not to panic, Bouncbit is a good project.
If you're investing on coins that people get for free, or coins that always do air drops, my dear don't expect it to rise any time soon. have you ask your self why Bitcoin never do air drop or red box. Strong projects always believe it's going to thrive. it better to buy #bouncbit #BB for long time in spot. than give your money away. I told you last week not to panic, Bouncbit is a good project.
$BB If you're looking for a coin to buy and hold , I suggest you buy more #bouncbit . (disclaimer ) not a financial advice. But believe me future holds something huge for this coin.
$BB If you're looking for a coin to buy and hold , I suggest you buy more #bouncbit . (disclaimer ) not a financial advice. But believe me future holds something huge for this coin.
Buy vinu before it's list on Binance. vinu is a great coin.
Buy vinu before it's list on Binance. vinu is a great coin.
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