Binance Square
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Cik reāls ir atjauninājums? Rokas sakrustotas....
Cik reāls ir atjauninājums?
Rokas sakrustotas....
X mucaN
Airdrop: Apstiprināts ✅✅
Potenciāls: $120(+) ✅✅
Laiks: 3-5 minūtes katru dienu ✅✅

Šeit ir vēl viens Airdrop, kas var nopelnīt līdz pat 500 USD atkarībā no pūļu apjoma, ko esat gatavs ieguldīt

Ja lasāt šo, noteikti sāciet nodarboties ar lauksaimniecību $JĀ, jūs varētu nopelnīt savus pirmos 50 ASV dolārus no šī, jūs varētu nopelnīt no 100 līdz pat $1000 plus, tāpēc nepalaidiet garām 🧙‍♂️

Šis ir YESCOIN, un kopā mēs audzēsim $ YES

Mēs esam par to publicējuši iepriekš, ja esat palaidis garām $NOT un $DOGS , šī ir vēl viena iespēja jums

Lai sāktu, pārliecinieties, vai jums ir Telegram

Šeit ir detalizēts soli pa solim ceļvedis

> Pieskarieties tālāk esošajai saitei un turiet to 2–3 sekundes, lai to kopētu

> Ielīmējiet to savā pārlūkprogrammā, pieskarieties zilajai pogai Sūtīt ziņojumu, un tas tiks atvērts ar Telegram

> Kad tas tiek atvērts, apakšējā kreisajā stūrī redzēsit zilo pogu, pieskarieties tai un redzēsit sākuma vai atskaņošanas pogu

> Pieskarieties pogai, un tiks parādīts jauns ziņojums. Pieskarieties atskaņošanai Airdrop un sāciet savu ceļojumu

Sekojiet mums, lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu, mēs publicēsim vairāk atjauninājumu par šo projektu un citiem projektiem 🧙‍♂️

Šim projektam ir daudz potenciālu, nepazūdiet, nepalaidiet garām, mēs pēc dažām minūtēm publicēsim video par to
September 20th,2024. All hands crossed waiting for the deal date
September 20th,2024. All hands crossed waiting for the deal date
Trade Station
🚨🚨🚨 Blum Crypto Airdrop un iekļaušanas datums: zelta iespēja! 🚨🚨🚨
Vai esat gatavs ienirt nākamajā lielajā kriptovalūtu pasaulē? Blum Crypto rada viļņus, un šeit ir viss, kas jums jāzina, lai paliktu spēles priekšā! 🌊💰
🔹 Blum Airdrop cena:
Blum airdrop piedāvā fantastisku ieejas punktu! Katra marķiera cena ir USD 0,1667. Šī ir jūsu iespēja bez papildu maksas paplašināt savu līdzdalību – lieliski piemērota gan pieredzējušiem investoriem, gan jaunpienācējiem! 🚀
🔹 Cenu prognozes:
Kurp virzās Blūms? Analītiķi prognozē strauju pieaugumu:
- 2024: 0,20 USD
Skatīt oriģinālu
Matic neaug, jauka kustība
Matic neaug, jauka kustība
Matic (MATIC) tiks noņemts no Binance 2024. gada 10. septembrī plkst. 3:00 UTC. Tas ir tāpēc, ka Binance atbalstīs daudzstūra (MATIC) marķiera apmaiņu ar daudzstūri (POL).
1- *MATIC tūlītējās tirdzniecības pāru izņemšana no saraksta*: visi esošie MATIC tūlītējās tirdzniecības pāri tiks izņemti no saraksta, un neapstiprinātie rīkojumi tiks atcelti 2- *Noguldījumu un izņemšanas apturēšana*: MATIC žetonu iemaksa un izņemšana tiks apturēta plkst. 3:30. UTC 2024. gada 10. septembrī ¹.
3- *Token swap*: MATIC marķieri tiks apmainīti pret POL marķieriem attiecībā 1:1.
4- *POL tirdzniecības pāru iekļaušana*: jauni POL tirdzniecības pāri tiks iekļauti 2024. gada 13. septembrī plkst. 10:00 UTC.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#Dogs WOOF WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! Suņiem pēc iekļaušanas sarakstā cena ir USD 0,012. Es biju ļoti pārsteigts šajā dienā, 2024. gada 26. augustā, redzot, ka mans atlikums ir mainījies uz pozitīvu. Tas ir neticami! Pozitīvās izmaiņas iegūtas no Dogs Airdrop, 90%. Paldies! #DOGSONBINANCE #Write2Earn!
#Dogs WOOF

Suņiem pēc iekļaušanas sarakstā cena ir USD 0,012.

Es biju ļoti pārsteigts šajā dienā, 2024. gada 26. augustā, redzot, ka mans atlikums ir mainījies uz pozitīvu.

Tas ir neticami!

Pozitīvās izmaiņas iegūtas no Dogs Airdrop, 90%.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance Announcement
Binance Adds Dogs (DOGS) on Earn, Buy Crypto, Convert & Margin
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is excited to announce that Dogs (DOGS) has been added to Binance Simple Earn, "Buy Crypto", and Binance Convert. In addition, Binance will add DOGS on Binance Margin, and Binance Auto-Invest at 2024-08-26 14:00 (UTC) and 2024-08-27 10:00 (UTC) respectively.
Users can now subscribe to DOGS Flexible Products on Binance Simple Earn.
From 2024-08-27 10:00 (UTC), users may purchase DOGS using any of the payment options supported on Binance Auto-Invest.
Buy & Sell Crypto
Users may now buy DOGS directly with their credit/debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, or buy and sell DOGS directly with their available wallet balances at the “Buy Crypto” page.
Users can now trade DOGS against BTC, USDT, and any other tokens supported by Binance Convert at zero fees.
Binance Margin will add DOGS as a new borrowable asset on Cross and Isolated Margin, as well as the DOGS/USDT and DOGS/FDUSD pairs on Cross and Isolated Margin at 2024-08-26 14:00 (UTC).
Please refer to Margin Data for a list of the most updated marginable assets and further information on specific limits, collateral ratio and rates.
Guides & Related Materials:
How to Buy Crypto with Credit/Debit CardHow to Use Binance ConvertHow to Use Short on Margin TradingHow to Use Long on Margin Trading
What Is Auto-Invest and How to Use It
Note: There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Announcement!!! Airdrop Dogs will be listed today 26th August,2024. Many have received the Airdrop in their Binance Spot through Dogs receiving Addresses. The first 500,000 Users from the Community received 20,000 worth of Dogs shared by Binance to its Verified users. If you never received the 20,000 worth of Dogs then check your Verification Status on Binance. We are waiting patiently for the price tag. The price prediction for Dogs at $0.01 still on the fence. Dogs Airdrop is Real

Airdrop Dogs will be listed today 26th August,2024.

Many have received the Airdrop in their Binance Spot through Dogs receiving Addresses.

The first 500,000 Users from the Community received 20,000 worth of Dogs
shared by Binance to its Verified users.

If you never received the 20,000 worth of Dogs then check your Verification Status on Binance.

We are waiting patiently for the price tag. The price prediction for Dogs at $0.01 still on the fence.

Dogs Airdrop is Real
This is Hilarious.
This is Hilarious.
Krievijas likumdevējs mudina rīkoties pēc Telegram dibinātāja Pāvela Durova aresta Francijā
Maskava, 2024. gada 25. augusts — Krievijas vicespīkers Vladislavs Davankovs dramatiskā aicinājumā aicināja ārlietu ministru Sergeju Lavrovu nekavējoties rīkoties pēc Pāvela Durova, plaši izmantotās ziņojumapmaiņas lietotnes Telegram mīklainā dibinātāja, negaidītā aizturēšanas.

Durovu, kurš bieži tiek raksturots kā digitālās privātuma un vārda brīvības čempions, Francijas varas iestādes aizturēja Parīzes Le Buržē lidostā apstākļos, kas daudzus ir radījuši neizpratnē un bažas. Pazīstams ar savu stingro nostāju pret valdības uzraudzību, Durova arests ir izraisījis viļņus gan tehnoloģiju pasaulē, gan politiskajās aprindās, daudziem bažījoties, ka viņa aizturēšanas patiesais motīvs varētu būt draudīgāks.
We are waiting untill 23rd August,2024 Hands crossed.
We are waiting untill 23rd August,2024
Hands crossed.
Since Dogs token is coming on Binance i was getting multiple requests to talk about it so here is what you need to know.

DOGS is a Ton based token and a telegram bot where millions of people participated to get a free airdrop

DOGS airdrop will be shared with 42 million participants and that's a huge number.

Plus DOGS token will be shared with the people who will participate in the #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS

*What can be a possible listing price of DOGS ? *

Well that is something no one knows but let's make a rough prediction.

The average launchpool coin that launched on Binance has a marketcap of $350-$500 million.
Lets say DOGS launch at $500 million marketcap and the total supply is 550 Billion and the circulating supply at the time of the launch will be 516.75 Billion.

i think the Average price at the time of launch will be $0.0006 - $0.00097

*Should you buy Dogs right after the launch ? *

NO , There are millions of people who will get this airdrop for free, In my opinion it will be much better to give it some time to create a base price because millions of these people would want to sell it when it launches.
Airdrop extension from 21st to 23rd of August #Dog boom!
Airdrop extension from 21st to 23rd of August
#Dog boom!
X mucaN
$500 plus gotten from $NOT
Expecting $200 plus from $DOGS
Expecting $1,200 plus from $BLUM

#xmucan #meme

Remember, we dropped all these updates here, and each we had over 500 of our followers involved, meaning in a few days…. Woof woof woof 🐶

Stay Tuned
Many players involved in Telegram Mini App Games cannot carryout Transactions on Cryptocurrency. Referral button brings many newbies into Crypto World. We need the airdrop What is the Solution to this?
Many players involved in Telegram Mini App Games cannot carryout Transactions on Cryptocurrency.
Referral button brings many newbies into Crypto World.
We need the airdrop
What is the Solution to this?
X mucaN
Update on $DOGS
One of the Airdrop checklist is to get stars for Gas fee and a lot of people are confused

The Stars you see on the checklist are not important, all you need is $TON in your Ton Keeper wallet

Have a least $1.5 worth of $TON ready before or on the 20th of this month which is the day $DOGS is getting listed
Have you ever wished someone could, by chance or intentionally bless you with $1000SATs or $100 worth of BTC? As an airdrop, if you do, come here for a miracle of change to take place.
Have you ever wished someone could, by chance or intentionally bless you with $1000SATs or $100 worth of BTC?
As an airdrop, if you do, come here for a miracle of change to take place.
X mucaN
Pixel Verse should be given fraud of the year Award, never seen a project treat their community this way, no transparency, just lies and greed

They came with so much hype, every one expected them to be the next NOTCOIN - $NOT because of the way they were spending money on marketing and partnerships

Pixel Verse also claimed they were going to launch on the Ton blockchain but at the end, they launched on $ETH blockchain

Pixel Verse gave us 5210 tokens currently worth $370 plus but they are insisting we can only get 521 tokens which is worth $30 and the rest would be lost forever, now what about people who got only 660 token (See third image )

What do you want them to do with 66 token?
One $PIXFI is currently trading at 0.071

A few days ago, NOTCOIN had some deal with pixel verse which we shared below this post, this was before the Airdrop of pixel verse, NOTCOIN retweeted the post on their official x handle, but right now, NOTCOIN has deleted everything related to pixel verse on their x handle

Pixel verse treated their community in such a way nobody expected

Forcing you to stake your coins and vested for 24 months plus two extra 2 months if you chose not to withdraw the 10%

Staking should be optional, staking should be for people who are believers

Pixel Verse Team and founders chose their pocket and greed over their community

What a dirty stunt

What has happened, has happened, we need to deal with it and move on

In Life, we win some and we lose some

Better days are ahead and we need to move on as soon as possible

Share this with a friend and Follow
This will be like Not Coin It seems like a joke about Not coin right? Untill the D-day came like a thief. Boom!!! Not Coin was listed on Binance. How many of us missed the Notcoin? I missed it. I am sincere here, but little favour upon me gave some to me. #BNBToken Are you ready to miss another one? I hope 'No' is your answer Here, comes PixelVerse Check it here and register Let's fight for rewards together! Take your welcome bonus: 💸 2,000 Coins + 2X multiplier for the first 24 hours 🔥 10,000 Coins + 3X multiplier if you have Telegram Premium We are all in the Crypto World for one dream and one goal. See you there! #telegrambot #NOT🔥🔥🔥
This will be like Not Coin

It seems like a joke about Not coin right? Untill the D-day came like a thief.
Not Coin was listed on Binance.

How many of us missed the Notcoin?

I missed it. I am sincere here, but little favour upon me gave some to me. #BNBToken

Are you ready to miss another one?

I hope 'No' is your answer

Here, comes PixelVerse

Check it here and register

Let's fight for rewards together!

Take your welcome bonus:
💸 2,000 Coins + 2X multiplier for the first 24 hours
🔥 10,000 Coins + 3X multiplier if you have Telegram Premium

We are all in the Crypto World for one dream and one goal.

See you there!

Oh My Goodness! I woke up this morning, in my mind and my spiritual being and myself dreaming someday all traditional money malls and probably halls will be substituted with the Crypto World. The halls, a physical building where Bitcoin and Alt Coins will attract daily transactions without restrictions and fear of any political Government anywhere across the Globe. If you agree this will happen in real time, thumb up in the comment section, Please. One dream; One goal. #BinanceSquareFamily
Oh My Goodness!

I woke up this morning, in my mind and my spiritual being and myself dreaming someday all traditional money malls and probably halls will be substituted with the Crypto World.

The halls, a physical building where Bitcoin and Alt Coins will attract daily transactions without restrictions and fear of any political Government anywhere across the Globe.

If you agree this will happen in real time, thumb up in the comment section, Please.

One dream; One goal.

Binance is good Binance is a beautiful site to visit Binance is Secured Binance is easy to use Exchange Platform Binance values User's Privacy Binance Rewards Users Binance is incredible Binance is Unique Binance creates avenue for knowledge on Crypto World Binance is Superb Binance understand User's weakness and then help them Binance is full of opportunities to a better life Binance made my day a happy one What do you know about Binance? #DayinBinance #BinanceTurns7
Binance is good
Binance is a beautiful site to visit
Binance is Secured
Binance is easy to use Exchange Platform
Binance values User's Privacy
Binance Rewards Users
Binance is incredible
Binance is Unique
Binance creates avenue for knowledge on Crypto World
Binance is Superb
Binance understand User's weakness and then help them
Binance is full of opportunities to a better life
Binance made my day a happy one

What do you know about Binance?
.:The Three Easy Ways To Earn Some Tokens In Binance Binance is a sweet place to trade Cryptocurrency. In Binance, Users had this mindset towards Cryptocurrency like be free, be at peace while trade in the World of Cryptocurrency. No fear, just be free and cautious. To earn some tokens, you must choose for yourself what your goal is and how to achieve it. The three ways to earn some tokens attracts minimum Risk per se. The three easy ways to earn some token in Binance not far fetched though, but attracts a maximum height with patients The Three Easy Ways To Earn Some Token In Binance stated as follows: 1. HOLD in SPOT 2 LOCK BNB 3. PRACTICE Word Of The Day Daily Goodluck!!! #Binance200M #Write2Earn! #cryptoWorld
.:The Three Easy Ways To Earn Some Tokens In Binance

Binance is a sweet place to trade Cryptocurrency.

In Binance, Users had this mindset towards Cryptocurrency like be free, be at peace while trade in the World of Cryptocurrency. No fear, just be free and cautious.

To earn some tokens, you must choose for yourself what your goal is and how to achieve it.
The three ways to earn some tokens attracts minimum Risk per se.

The three easy ways to earn some token in Binance not far fetched though, but attracts a maximum height with patients

The Three Easy Ways To Earn Some Token In Binance stated as follows:



3. PRACTICE Word Of The Day Daily


When you are in a Rally, please be careful of the Environment and the Atmosphere of the Surrounding to avoid a story that that touch the heart. If you get this message, you will grab the meaning of the word I am narrating to you today. A very easy game to play. Only a sharp and intelligent mind will play along. See ya in the comment section. If you understand the game and know it well just write Ya. Do not state the real answer or complete answer in the comment section #cryptoworldinBinance #Write2Earn!
When you are in a Rally, please be careful of the Environment and the Atmosphere of the Surrounding to avoid a story that that touch the heart.

If you get this message, you will grab the meaning of the word I am narrating to you today.

A very easy game to play. Only a sharp and intelligent mind will play along.

See ya in the comment section. If you understand the game and know it well just write Ya. Do not state the real answer or complete answer in the comment section

CBN and Nigerians at war over Withdrawal of Monetary Value CBN banned all FinTech not to accept Withdrawal and fund from International Apps and Websites The News stated that only New Customers will not be successful during opening of a new account, but as it is now, the issue is not affected by only new users, the old customers are static. No withdrawal;No Funding. The question now is this: Any solution to this problem? Many individuals lamented they could not make withdrawal nor deposit into their various wallets from international websites or Apps any more. What is the way forward?
CBN and Nigerians at war over Withdrawal of Monetary Value

CBN banned all FinTech not to accept Withdrawal and fund from International Apps and Websites

The News stated that only New Customers will not be successful during opening of a new account, but as it is now, the issue is not affected by only new users, the old customers are static. No withdrawal;No Funding.

The question now is this: Any solution to this problem?

Many individuals lamented they could not make withdrawal nor deposit into their various wallets from international websites or Apps any more.

What is the way forward?
BTC, ETH,BNB Sol... The news so far: it is here again. The market has come back to what it used to be... Da bomb time. I never meant "bomb blast". This time no panic. Every portfolio based status is booming Green at 27% to 28% high in price. The profit rises like no other in a twinkle of an eye. Yes! This is the World of Cryptocurrency for you, where a change occur so fast like no other from positive or negative, profit or loss rich or poor, but never worst situation if you have patience and persistence Happy day! Happy in the world of Cryptocurrency!! Happy you!!! Freedom we crave for and Cryptocurrency will give it to you. #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #write2earn🌐💹

The news so far: it is here again.
The market has come back to what it used to be... Da bomb time.

I never meant "bomb blast". This time no panic. Every portfolio based status is booming Green at 27% to 28% high in price. The profit rises like no other in a twinkle of an eye.

Yes! This is the World of Cryptocurrency for you, where a change occur so fast like no other from positive or negative, profit or loss rich or poor, but never worst situation if you have patience and persistence

Happy day!
Happy in the world of Cryptocurrency!!
Happy you!!!

Freedom we crave for and Cryptocurrency will give it to you.

Be Calm! Be Calm!! Be Calm!!! At this period of down times happening in the World of Cryptocurrency many will be worried and disappointed seeing their wallet go nearly empty. This period is a time when one dedicates oneself into little or more investment. Remember, when the price is low, it attracts buyers to invest for a future profits as the product appreciate in price. Do not be worried again for the period you see now will change for good again. The days of juicy trading will come. And your wallet Hodl will appreciate again invest wisely. #write2earn🌐💹 #CryptocurrencyAlert
Be Calm! Be Calm!! Be Calm!!!

At this period of down times happening in the World of Cryptocurrency many will be worried and disappointed seeing their wallet go nearly empty.

This period is a time when one dedicates oneself into little or more investment. Remember, when the price is low, it attracts buyers to invest for a future profits as the product appreciate in price.

Do not be worried again for the period you see now will change for good again. The days of juicy trading will come. And your wallet Hodl will appreciate again

invest wisely.

Uzzini jaunākās kriptovalūtu ziņas
⚡️ Iesaisties jaunākajās diskusijās par kriptovalūtām
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