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✅✅🚀 Aizraujoša paziņojuma brīdinājums! 🚀🙏✅ 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 Uzmanību visiem Aevo (AEVO) entuziastiem! Sagatavojieties priecāties, jo Aevo sper ievērojamus panākumus kriptogrāfijas sfēra! ‼️ 🎉 Šajā ekskluzīvajā cenu prognozēšanas ceļvedī mēs iedziļināmies Aevo nākotnē, sniedzot padziļinātu tā cenu trajektorijas analīzi. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat pieredzējis investors vai iesācējs šajā jomā, šis sadalījums sniedz jums nenovērtējamu ieskatu, lai sniegtu informāciju par jūsu ieguldījumu stratēģijām. 🔸Kāpēc Aevo?❓ - Token Name: Aevo - Biržas zīme: AEVO - Tirgus ierobežojums: 15 500 000 000 USD - 24h Apjoms: 187 432 USD 💸Pašreizējā cena 15,50 USD 🔸Aevo potenciāls Mūsu ilgtermiņa prognozes ir patiesi ievērojamas! Mēs paredzam, ka līdz 2024. gada noslēgumam Aevo sasniegs vidēji USD 65,88, un turpmākajos gados ir gaidāms būtisks pieaugums. Sagatavojieties potenciālajam pieaugumam līdz 113,15 USD līdz 2025. gadam un pārsteidzošiem USD 294,50 līdz 2030. gadam. 📈 🔸Īstermiņa perspektīva Sagatavojieties aizraujošam ceļojumam, jo ​​Aevo īstermiņa prognoze liecina par daudzsološu augšupejošu tendenci turpmākajos mēnešos. Mūsu analīze liecina par pozitīvām cenu izmaiņām, kas piedāvā potenciālus ieguvumus vērīgiem investoriem. 💰 Nepalaidiet šo iespēju garām! Veiciet savu izpēti (DYOR) un esiet līknes priekšā. Uzticieties mums, jūs vēlāk būsiet pateicīgi! 😉 Sekojiet | Patīk ❤️ | Citāts 🔄 | komentēt SEKOJIET MAN, LAI LAIK VAIRĀK PADOMU 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL #cryptomummy #DYOR!! #HotTrends
✅✅🚀 Aizraujoša paziņojuma brīdinājums! 🚀🙏✅

Uzmanību visiem Aevo (AEVO) entuziastiem! Sagatavojieties priecāties, jo Aevo sper ievērojamus panākumus
kriptogrāfijas sfēra! ‼️

🎉 Šajā ekskluzīvajā cenu prognozēšanas ceļvedī mēs iedziļināmies Aevo nākotnē, sniedzot padziļinātu tā cenu trajektorijas analīzi. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat pieredzējis investors vai iesācējs šajā jomā, šis sadalījums sniedz jums nenovērtējamu ieskatu, lai sniegtu informāciju par jūsu ieguldījumu stratēģijām.

🔸Kāpēc Aevo?❓
- Token Name: Aevo
- Biržas zīme: AEVO
- Tirgus ierobežojums: 15 500 000 000 USD
- 24h Apjoms: 187 432 USD
💸Pašreizējā cena 15,50 USD
🔸Aevo potenciāls

Mūsu ilgtermiņa prognozes ir patiesi ievērojamas! Mēs paredzam, ka līdz 2024. gada noslēgumam Aevo sasniegs vidēji USD 65,88, un turpmākajos gados ir gaidāms būtisks pieaugums. Sagatavojieties potenciālajam pieaugumam līdz 113,15 USD līdz 2025. gadam un pārsteidzošiem USD 294,50 līdz 2030. gadam. 📈

🔸Īstermiņa perspektīva
Sagatavojieties aizraujošam ceļojumam, jo ​​Aevo īstermiņa prognoze liecina par daudzsološu augšupejošu tendenci turpmākajos mēnešos. Mūsu analīze liecina par pozitīvām cenu izmaiņām, kas piedāvā potenciālus ieguvumus vērīgiem investoriem. 💰

Nepalaidiet šo iespēju garām! Veiciet savu izpēti (DYOR) un esiet līknes priekšā. Uzticieties mums, jūs vēlāk būsiet pateicīgi! 😉

Sekojiet | Patīk ❤️ | Citāts 🔄 | komentēt



#AEVOLAUNCHPOOL #cryptomummy #DYOR!! #HotTrends
Skatīt oriģinālu
📢📢Monētas, kas radīs jaunus miljonārus 2025. gadā pēc manas spēcīgas prognozes:📢📢✅✅💰💰 1) interneta dators (ICP) 2) Shiba Inu (SHIB) 3) Bitcoin Token (BTTC) 4) Smilšu kaste (SAND) 5) Cardano (ADA) Ticiet man, jūs pateiksieties gan man, gan sev, kad kļūsit par miljonāru. Bet atcerieties, ka jums ir jāveic izpēte, tie jāiegādājas un jāpatur vismaz 6 līdz 8 mēnešus. Vienkārši novērojiet, kur viņi dodas; sākumā būs kāpumi un kritumi, bet galu galā monētas sāks sūknēt. Atgādinājums: iegādājieties tos pirms Bitcoin samazināšanas uz pusi. Neaizmirstiet sekot man, lai iegūtu vairāk brīdinājumu! #TrendingTopic: #followmeformore 👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee #BTC.😉. #ETH✅ #DOGE🔥🔥 $SHIB $BTC $SAND #TrendingTopic
📢📢Monētas, kas radīs jaunus miljonārus 2025. gadā pēc manas spēcīgas prognozes:📢📢✅✅💰💰
1) interneta dators (ICP)
2) Shiba Inu (SHIB)
3) Bitcoin Token (BTTC)
4) Smilšu kaste (SAND)
5) Cardano (ADA)

Ticiet man, jūs pateiksieties gan man, gan sev, kad kļūsit par miljonāru. Bet atcerieties, ka jums ir jāveic izpēte, tie jāiegādājas un jāpatur vismaz 6 līdz 8 mēnešus. Vienkārši novērojiet, kur viņi dodas; sākumā būs kāpumi un kritumi, bet galu galā monētas sāks sūknēt.
Atgādinājums: iegādājieties tos pirms Bitcoin samazināšanas uz pusi.
Neaizmirstiet sekot man, lai iegūtu vairāk brīdinājumu!

#DOGE🔥🔥 $SHIB $BTC $SAND #TrendingTopic
Skatīt oriģinālu
📢📢📢📢Nodaļa: Darbības atsākšana Indijā✅✅✅✅✅🇮🇳🇮🇳💰👇👇👇👇 1. Binance Exchange atsāks darbību Indijā pēc soda samaksas. 2. Kriptovalūtas birža atgriezīsies Indijas tirgū, samaksājusi soda naudu. 3. Uzņēmums ir veiksmīgi reģistrējies FIU un apņemas ievērot PMLA un noteiktos nodokļu noteikumus. Nodaļa: Fons 4. Iepriekš Indijas varas iestādes bloķēja piekļuvi vairākām centralizētām biržām, tostarp Binance. 5. 2024. gada 10. maijā Binance saņēma Finanšu izlūkošanas vienības (FIU) apstiprinājumu darbības atsākšanai valstī. 6. Ir zināms, ka Binance samaksāja 41 000 dolāru sodu. 7. Maksājuma summa par Binance vēl nav noteikta. Nodaļa: Normatīvā vide 8. 2023. gada decembra beigās Indijas Rezervju banka pauda šaubas par iespējamo kriptovalūtu integrāciju valsts finanšu sistēmā. 9. Regulators norādīja, ka digitālajiem aktīviem trūkst ekonomiskā potenciāla un tie apdraud makroekonomisko stabilitāti. 10. Vairākas dienas vēlāk Indijas Finanšu izlūkošanas vienība apsūdzēja 9 starptautiskās biržas, ka tās darbojušās bez licences. 11. Indijas lietotāji ziņoja, ka dažu centralizēto biržu (CEX) mobilās lietojumprogrammas tika noņemtas no AppStore un Google Play. Nodaļa: Atbilstības centieni 12. Binance vērsās varas iestādēs, lai atceltu aizliegumu, taču tas tika noraidīts. 13. Valdība norādīja, ka uzņēmumam ir jāievēro Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācijas novēršanas likums (PMLA). 14. Saskaņā ar neapstiprinātiem ziņojumiem Binance piekrita samaksāt 2 miljonus ASV dolāru, lai reģistrētos FIU. 15. Papildus uzņēmums apņemas ievērot virtuālo aktīvu nodrošinātāju (VDA) nodokļu noteikumus. 16. Tieši izvairīšanās no šī pienākuma ļāva kriptovalūtas biržai ieņemt 90% Indijas tirgus, apgalvo avots. #IndianCryptoCommunity #India'sGDP #MicroStrategy #icp_go_MOON #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH $BNB
📢📢📢📢Nodaļa: Darbības atsākšana Indijā✅✅✅✅✅🇮🇳🇮🇳💰👇👇👇👇

1. Binance Exchange atsāks darbību Indijā pēc soda samaksas.

2. Kriptovalūtas birža atgriezīsies Indijas tirgū, samaksājusi soda naudu.

3. Uzņēmums ir veiksmīgi reģistrējies FIU un apņemas ievērot PMLA un noteiktos nodokļu noteikumus.

Nodaļa: Fons
4. Iepriekš Indijas varas iestādes bloķēja piekļuvi vairākām centralizētām biržām, tostarp Binance.

5. 2024. gada 10. maijā Binance saņēma Finanšu izlūkošanas vienības (FIU) apstiprinājumu darbības atsākšanai valstī.

6. Ir zināms, ka Binance samaksāja 41 000 dolāru sodu.

7. Maksājuma summa par Binance vēl nav noteikta.

Nodaļa: Normatīvā vide
8. 2023. gada decembra beigās Indijas Rezervju banka pauda šaubas par iespējamo kriptovalūtu integrāciju valsts finanšu sistēmā.

9. Regulators norādīja, ka digitālajiem aktīviem trūkst ekonomiskā potenciāla un tie apdraud makroekonomisko stabilitāti.

10. Vairākas dienas vēlāk Indijas Finanšu izlūkošanas vienība apsūdzēja 9 starptautiskās biržas, ka tās darbojušās bez licences.

11. Indijas lietotāji ziņoja, ka dažu centralizēto biržu (CEX) mobilās lietojumprogrammas tika noņemtas no AppStore un Google Play.
Nodaļa: Atbilstības centieni

12. Binance vērsās varas iestādēs, lai atceltu aizliegumu, taču tas tika noraidīts.

13. Valdība norādīja, ka uzņēmumam ir jāievēro Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācijas novēršanas likums (PMLA).

14. Saskaņā ar neapstiprinātiem ziņojumiem Binance piekrita samaksāt 2 miljonus ASV dolāru, lai reģistrētos FIU.

15. Papildus uzņēmums apņemas ievērot virtuālo aktīvu nodrošinātāju (VDA) nodokļu noteikumus.

16. Tieši izvairīšanās no šī pienākuma ļāva kriptovalūtas biržai ieņemt 90% Indijas tirgus, apgalvo avots.

#IndianCryptoCommunity #India'sGDP #MicroStrategy #icp_go_MOON #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Skatīt oriģinālu
📢📢📢✅✅NOT MONĒTA Uz Telegram balstīta raktuves marķiera, kas izdevusies no nekā. 💰💰💰👇👇NAV MONĒTA Telegram kalnrūpniecības marķieris, kas ir izdevies no nekā kaut kas. Pirms palaišanas paziņojumiem cilvēki ņirgājas par NOT MONĒTU ogļračiem, sakot, NOT MONĒTA nenozīmē neko 🤣 Bet šonedēļ projekta komanda visus pārsteidz ar milzīgu paziņojumu par iekļaušanu sarakstā. Binance, vadošā globālā kriptovalūtu birža, ir atklājusi savu jaunāko Launchpool projektu: Notcoin (NOT). NOT ir kopienas virzīts marķieris, kas paredzēts, lai iepazīstinātu lietotājus ar tīmekļa 3 pasauli, izmantojot vienkāršu ieguves mehāniķi, izmantojot “pieskaroties, lai nopelnītu”.

📢📢📢✅✅NOT MONĒTA Uz Telegram balstīta raktuves marķiera, kas izdevusies no nekā. 💰💰💰👇👇

NAV MONĒTA Telegram kalnrūpniecības marķieris, kas ir izdevies no nekā kaut kas.
Pirms palaišanas paziņojumiem cilvēki ņirgājas par NOT MONĒTU ogļračiem, sakot, NOT MONĒTA nenozīmē neko 🤣 Bet šonedēļ projekta komanda visus pārsteidz ar milzīgu paziņojumu par iekļaušanu sarakstā.
Binance, vadošā globālā kriptovalūtu birža, ir atklājusi savu jaunāko Launchpool projektu: Notcoin (NOT).
NOT ir kopienas virzīts marķieris, kas paredzēts, lai iepazīstinātu lietotājus ar tīmekļa 3 pasauli, izmantojot vienkāršu ieguves mehāniķi, izmantojot “pieskaroties, lai nopelnītu”.
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔁❤️📢📢Jaunākās ziņas: Massive $PEPE Transfer Sparks Extitement! 💥🐸💰💰💰📢📢 No neizpaužams maciņš Ethereum blokķēdē Binance, nonākot virsrakstos otrdien, 2024. gada 7. maijā, plkst. 03:04:47 UTC. Šis monumentālais gājiens kalpo kā atgādinājums turpināt tiekties pēc saviem sapņiem, pat ja tas šķiet riskanti. Atcerieties, ka visas kriptovalūtas ir saistītas ar nepastāvību un nenoteiktību – tas ir spēles aizraušanās! Pievienojieties sarunai, atzīmējiet Patīk, kopīgojiet un sekojiet līdzi, lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu. Un, ja jūtaties dāsns, kāpēc gan nepastiprināt mūsu satura veidošanu ar kafijas padomu? Ienirsimies altkoinu pasaulē un izpētīsim iespējas!" 🐸🐸🐸 Sekojiet | Patīk ❤️ | Citāts 🔄 | komentēt SEKOT MAN, LAI LŪK VAIRĀK PADOMIEM 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee #PEPE$PEPE #altcoins #MicroStrategy #BuytheDips #BTC #CryptoWatchMay2024
🔁❤️📢📢Jaunākās ziņas: Massive $PEPE Transfer Sparks Extitement! 💥🐸💰💰💰📢📢


neizpaužams maciņš Ethereum blokķēdē Binance, nonākot virsrakstos otrdien, 2024. gada 7. maijā, plkst. 03:04:47 UTC.

Šis monumentālais gājiens kalpo kā atgādinājums turpināt tiekties pēc saviem sapņiem, pat ja tas šķiet riskanti.

Atcerieties, ka visas kriptovalūtas ir saistītas ar nepastāvību un nenoteiktību – tas ir spēles aizraušanās!

Pievienojieties sarunai, atzīmējiet Patīk, kopīgojiet un sekojiet līdzi, lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu. Un, ja jūtaties dāsns, kāpēc gan nepastiprināt mūsu satura veidošanu ar kafijas padomu?

Ienirsimies altkoinu pasaulē un izpētīsim iespējas!" 🐸🐸🐸

Sekojiet | Patīk ❤️ | Citāts 🔄 | komentēt


#PEPE$PEPE #altcoins #MicroStrategy #BuytheDips #BTC #CryptoWatchMay2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
📢📢📢Nākamā Bitcoin samazināšana uz pusi ir ļoti tālu 😂📢✅✅💰💰💰💰 14420 dienas plus 23 stundas atlikušas līdz Bitcoin samazināšanai uz pusi Paredzams, ka nākamā Bitcoin samazināšana uz pusi notiks 2028. gada 17. aprīlī Vai tu būtu tur? Mēs vēlamies, lai mēs darītu kaut ko unikālu un jautru Lūdzu, iesaistieties, tādējādi jums būs ne vairāk kā 1,5 minūtes Dodieties uz komentāru sadaļu un sakiet kaut ko par Bitcoin un sev Nosūtiet ziņu Bitcoin un sev Savam nākotnes sev Atzīmēsim šo dienu Mēs iesim pirmie 💛 #xmucantrading #CryptoWatchMay2024 #ETHETFS #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #CryptoWatchMay2024 $BTC
📢📢📢Nākamā Bitcoin samazināšana uz pusi ir ļoti tālu 😂📢✅✅💰💰💰💰

14420 dienas plus 23 stundas atlikušas līdz Bitcoin samazināšanai uz pusi

Paredzams, ka nākamā Bitcoin samazināšana uz pusi notiks 2028. gada 17. aprīlī

Vai tu būtu tur?

Mēs vēlamies, lai mēs darītu kaut ko unikālu un jautru
Lūdzu, iesaistieties, tādējādi jums būs ne vairāk kā 1,5

Dodieties uz komentāru sadaļu un sakiet kaut ko par Bitcoin un sev

Nosūtiet ziņu Bitcoin un sev

Savam nākotnes sev

Atzīmēsim šo dienu

Mēs iesim pirmie 💛
#CryptoWatchMay2024 #ETHETFS #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #CryptoWatchMay2024 $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
📢📢📢📢Jaunākās ziņas: Maikls Sailors paredz SEC ierobežošanu Altcoins, paredz ievērojamas tirgus izmaiņas 🚨✅✅🔁🔁🔁📢 Maikls Sailors, ievērojama figūra kriptovalūtu pasaulē, ir izteicis drosmīgas prognozes attiecībā uz turpmāko altkoinu regulējošo vidi. Saskaņā ar Saylor teikto, ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC), visticamāk, pastiprinās savu pārbaudi un regulējošās darbības pret dažādiem altcoiniem, potenciāli būtiski mainot kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības vidi. Galvenie punkti: - SEC Focus: Saylor paredz, ka SEC palielinās altcoins regulējošo uzraudzību, kas varētu ietvert stingrākas atbilstības prasības vai izpildes darbības pret neatbilstošām vienībām. - Ietekme uz tirgu: šī regulējuma maiņa varētu būtiski mainīt altkoinu tirdzniecības dinamiku, ietekmējot to likviditāti, piekļuvi tirgum un kopējo investoru noskaņojumu. - Investoru piesardzība: tirgotājiem un investoriem kriptovalūtu jomā, iespējams, būs jāpārvērtē savas portfeļa stratēģijas un riska pakāpe, ņemot vērā šīs iespējamās izmaiņas. Ietekme uz kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību: Ja Saylor prognozes piepildīsies, kriptovalūtu tirgū varētu būt vērojama pāreja uz lielāku atbilstību un, iespējams, tirgojamo altkoinu skaita konsolidāciju. Tas varētu palielināt tirgus stabilitāti, bet var arī apslāpēt jauninājumus, ja mazākiem projektiem būs grūtāk ievērot pastiprinātus noteikumus. Ko skatīties: SEC paziņojumi: sekojiet līdzi oficiālajiem SEC paziņojumiem par jebkādām politikas izmaiņām vai īpašiem norādījumiem attiecībā uz altcoiniem. Tirgus reakcija: skatieties, kā altcoin cenas un tirdzniecības apjomi reaģē uz jebkādām regulējuma izmaiņām vai baumām par šādām darbībām. Sekojiet | Patīk ❤️ | Citāts 🔄 | komentēt SEKOT MAN, LAI LŪK VAIRĀK PADOMIEM 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @proactiveirontee #CryptoNews🚀🔥V #altcoins #SECCryptoRegulation #MichaelSaylor
📢📢📢📢Jaunākās ziņas: Maikls Sailors paredz SEC ierobežošanu Altcoins, paredz ievērojamas tirgus izmaiņas 🚨✅✅🔁🔁🔁📢

Maikls Sailors, ievērojama figūra kriptovalūtu pasaulē, ir izteicis drosmīgas prognozes attiecībā uz turpmāko altkoinu regulējošo vidi. Saskaņā ar Saylor teikto, ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC), visticamāk, pastiprinās savu pārbaudi un regulējošās darbības pret dažādiem altcoiniem, potenciāli būtiski mainot kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības vidi.

Galvenie punkti:
- SEC Focus: Saylor paredz, ka SEC palielinās altcoins regulējošo uzraudzību, kas varētu ietvert stingrākas atbilstības prasības vai izpildes darbības pret neatbilstošām vienībām.
- Ietekme uz tirgu: šī regulējuma maiņa varētu būtiski mainīt altkoinu tirdzniecības dinamiku, ietekmējot to likviditāti, piekļuvi tirgum un kopējo investoru noskaņojumu.

- Investoru piesardzība: tirgotājiem un investoriem kriptovalūtu jomā, iespējams, būs jāpārvērtē savas portfeļa stratēģijas un riska pakāpe, ņemot vērā šīs iespējamās izmaiņas.

Ietekme uz kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību:
Ja Saylor prognozes piepildīsies, kriptovalūtu tirgū varētu būt vērojama pāreja uz lielāku atbilstību un, iespējams, tirgojamo altkoinu skaita konsolidāciju. Tas varētu palielināt tirgus stabilitāti, bet var arī apslāpēt jauninājumus, ja mazākiem projektiem būs grūtāk ievērot pastiprinātus noteikumus.
Ko skatīties:

SEC paziņojumi: sekojiet līdzi oficiālajiem SEC paziņojumiem par jebkādām politikas izmaiņām vai īpašiem norādījumiem attiecībā uz altcoiniem.
Tirgus reakcija: skatieties, kā altcoin cenas un tirdzniecības apjomi reaģē uz jebkādām regulējuma izmaiņām vai baumām par šādām darbībām.

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#CryptoNews🚀🔥V #altcoins #SECCryptoRegulation #MichaelSaylor
📢📢📢📢🔥 Here Are The Top 10 Altcoin Networks With The Most Users In April – Ethereum Ranks 6th✅While the cryptocurrency market rose led by Bitcoin after the weak employment report from the USA, analysis company CryptoRank identified the altcoin networks with the highest number of users in April. Bitcoin price has increased by approximately 7% in the last 24 hours and is traded at $ 63,257 at the time of writing this article. Here are the altcoin networks with the most users and their number of users in April: ▫️ Tron (TRX) – 54.7 million ▫️ Near (NEAR) – 53.8 million ▫️ BNB (BNB) – 35.5 million ▫️ Solana (SOL) – 35.2 million ▫️ Polygon (MATIC) – 33.6 million ▫️ Ethereum (ETH) 12 million ▫️ Base – 10.7 million ▫️ zkSync Era – 9.8 million ▫️ Arbitrum (ARB) – 9.3 million ▫️ Linea – 5.6 million ▫️ Celo (CELO) – 4.9 million ▫️ Optimism (OP) – 4.2 million ▫️ Aptos (APT) – 3.2 million ▫️ Scroll – 2.6 million ▫️ Blast – 2.5 million It is noteworthy that Ethereum, which has the largest market value, can rank sixth on the list. The reason why Ethereum's number of users remains lower than others is the high transaction fees required by the network to process transactions. However, it is thought that the reason why Tron, which ranks first, has such a large number of users is that most of the USDT stablecoin transfers occur on the Tron network. #Altcoinseason2024 #altcoins NetworkingAI #buythedip #BTC $SOL $BTC $ETH

📢📢📢📢🔥 Here Are The Top 10 Altcoin Networks With The Most Users In April – Ethereum Ranks 6th✅

While the cryptocurrency market rose led by Bitcoin after the weak employment report from the USA, analysis company CryptoRank identified the altcoin networks with the highest number of users in April.
Bitcoin price has increased by approximately 7% in the last 24 hours and is traded at $ 63,257 at the time of writing this article.
Here are the altcoin networks with the most users and their number of users in April:
▫️ Tron (TRX) – 54.7 million
▫️ Near (NEAR) – 53.8 million
▫️ BNB (BNB) – 35.5 million
▫️ Solana (SOL) – 35.2 million
▫️ Polygon (MATIC) – 33.6 million
▫️ Ethereum (ETH) 12 million
▫️ Base – 10.7 million
▫️ zkSync Era – 9.8 million
▫️ Arbitrum (ARB) – 9.3 million
▫️ Linea – 5.6 million
▫️ Celo (CELO) – 4.9 million
▫️ Optimism (OP) – 4.2 million
▫️ Aptos (APT) – 3.2 million
▫️ Scroll – 2.6 million
▫️ Blast – 2.5 million

It is noteworthy that Ethereum, which has the largest market value, can rank sixth on the list. The reason why Ethereum's number of users remains lower than others is the high transaction fees required by the network to process transactions.
However, it is thought that the reason why Tron, which ranks first, has such a large number of users is that most of the USDT stablecoin transfers occur on the Tron network.
#Altcoinseason2024 #altcoins NetworkingAI #buythedip #BTC $SOL $BTC $ETH
🔄 Tesla Enhances Payment Flexibility, Adds Dogecoin for Select Purchases 🚗💳💰💰💰✅✅👇👇👇👇👇👇👇Tesla, the trailblazing electric vehicle manufacturer, has recently updated its payment options to include Dogecoin (DOGE), further embracing the evolving digital currency landscape. This integration marks another significant stride in the adoption of cryptocurrencies within mainstream commerce. Key Updates: - Expanding Payment Options: Alongside traditional payment methods such as American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, and Apple Pay, Tesla's official website now lists Dogecoin as a viable payment method for specific products. However, it's important to note that DOGE cannot be used to purchase Tesla cars directly. - Navigating Crypto Volatility: For those opting to use Dogecoin, the pricing will be available in DOGE equivalent. Given the cryptocurrency's volatility, these prices are subject to change and are only valid for a limited time before requiring updates. - No Bitcoin Transactions: Despite previously accepting Bitcoin for transactions, Tesla has currently halted this option and does not accept Bitcoin for any purchases at this time. Implications for Dogecoin: This move by Tesla not only enhances the utility of Dogecoin but also solidifies its position in the cryptocurrency market as a viable payment method. By facilitating transactions with DOGE for certain products, Tesla is contributing to the broader acceptance and normalization of digital currencies in everyday transactions. Looking Ahead: As cryptocurrencies continue to integrate into mainstream payment systems, Tesla’s adoption of Dogecoin could encourage other major companies to follow suit. This could potentially lead to wider acceptance and stability within the cryptocurrency market. 🔺 Stay tuned for more updates on how major companies are integrating crypto into their payment options and what it means for the future of digital currency transactions. Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee ##MicroStrategy #CryptoPayments #CryptoWatchMay2024 #eth ‬ $DOGE

🔄 Tesla Enhances Payment Flexibility, Adds Dogecoin for Select Purchases 🚗💳💰💰💰✅✅👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Tesla, the trailblazing electric vehicle manufacturer, has recently updated its payment options to include Dogecoin (DOGE), further embracing the evolving digital currency landscape. This integration marks another significant stride in the adoption of cryptocurrencies within mainstream commerce.
Key Updates:
- Expanding Payment Options: Alongside traditional payment methods such as American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, and Apple Pay, Tesla's official website now lists Dogecoin as a viable payment method for specific products. However, it's important to note that DOGE cannot be used to purchase Tesla cars directly.

- Navigating Crypto Volatility: For those opting to use Dogecoin, the pricing will be available in DOGE equivalent. Given the cryptocurrency's volatility, these prices are subject to change and are only valid for a limited time before requiring updates.
- No Bitcoin Transactions: Despite previously accepting Bitcoin for transactions, Tesla has currently halted this option and does not accept Bitcoin for any purchases at this time.
Implications for Dogecoin:
This move by Tesla not only enhances the utility of Dogecoin but also solidifies its position in the cryptocurrency market as a viable payment method. By facilitating transactions with DOGE for certain products, Tesla is contributing to the broader acceptance and normalization of digital currencies in everyday transactions.
Looking Ahead:
As cryptocurrencies continue to integrate into mainstream payment systems, Tesla’s adoption of Dogecoin could encourage other major companies to follow suit. This could potentially lead to wider acceptance and stability within the cryptocurrency market.
🔺 Stay tuned for more updates on how major companies are integrating crypto into their payment options and what it means for the future of digital currency transactions.

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##MicroStrategy #CryptoPayments #CryptoWatchMay2024 #eth$DOGE
✅Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Watch in May 2024 on Binance 👇 As May 2024 unfolds, let’s zero in on the most promising cryptocurrencies on Binance. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just getting started, these picks offer exciting opportunities. 1. Renzo (RNZO) Overview: Tackling digital identity verification, Renzo uses blockchain to boost security and privacy. Recent Trends: A robust 15% increase since its recent launch indicates strong market interest. Why Watch: As digital security becomes paramount, RNZO’s innovative approach positions it for potential significant growth. 2. Ethereum (ETH) Overview: Ethereum is advancing with its transition to Ethereum 2.0, promising greater scalability. Recent Trends: Steady growth, up 5% this past month Why Watch: The move to proof-of-stake could greatly enhance Ethereum’s efficiency and value. 3. Binance Coin (BNB) Overview: Powering the Binance ecosystem, BNB offers transaction fee discounts and more. Recent Trends: An 8% increase following new utility features. Why Watch: Binance’s continuous expansion could further drive BNB’s demand and price. 4. Cardano (ADA) Overview: Focusing on sustainability, Cardano is geared for eco-friendly blockchain applications. Recent Trends: Gained 10% this month, supported by positive market outlook. Why Watch: Upcoming upgrades could boost its functionality and appeal. 5. Solana (SOL) Overview: Known for fast and cost-effective transactions, Solana supports robust dApp development. Recent Trends: Despite some volatility, SOL shows a steady increase of 7%. Why Watch: Continuous platform enhancements and new dApp integrations highlight its growth potential. Closing Thoughts: These five cryptocurrencies are not just riding the wave of innovation but are set to potentially redefine their segments in the market. Keep an eye on these dynamic assets for potential investment opportunities this Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @proactiveirontee #CryptoWatchMay2024 #MbeyaconsciousComunity
✅Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Watch in May 2024 on Binance 👇

As May 2024 unfolds, let’s zero in on the most promising cryptocurrencies on Binance. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just getting started, these picks offer exciting opportunities.

1. Renzo (RNZO)
Overview: Tackling digital identity verification, Renzo uses blockchain to boost security and privacy.
Recent Trends: A robust 15% increase since its recent launch indicates strong market interest.
Why Watch: As digital security becomes paramount, RNZO’s innovative approach positions it for potential significant growth.

2. Ethereum (ETH)
Overview: Ethereum is advancing with its transition to Ethereum 2.0, promising greater scalability.
Recent Trends: Steady growth, up 5% this past month

Why Watch: The move to proof-of-stake could greatly enhance Ethereum’s efficiency and value.

3. Binance Coin (BNB)
Overview: Powering the Binance ecosystem, BNB offers transaction fee discounts and more.
Recent Trends: An 8% increase following new utility features.

Why Watch: Binance’s continuous expansion could further drive BNB’s demand and price.

4. Cardano (ADA)
Overview: Focusing on sustainability, Cardano is geared for eco-friendly blockchain applications.
Recent Trends: Gained 10% this month, supported by positive market outlook.
Why Watch: Upcoming upgrades could boost its functionality and appeal.

5. Solana (SOL)
Overview: Known for fast and cost-effective transactions, Solana supports robust dApp development.

Recent Trends: Despite some volatility, SOL shows a steady increase of 7%.
Why Watch: Continuous platform enhancements and new dApp integrations highlight its growth potential.
Closing Thoughts:

These five cryptocurrencies are not just riding the wave of innovation but are set to potentially redefine their segments in the market. Keep an eye on these dynamic assets for potential investment opportunities this
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#CryptoWatchMay2024 #MbeyaconsciousComunity
🔁✅✅💰💰💰🔥 Binance Burned 1.4 Billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Tokens Binance on Wednesday burned 1.4 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens in its 21st batch of the LUNC burn mechanism. After the latest burn by Binance, the total LUNC burned by the crypto exchange to date has now surpassed over 57 billion. The total LUNC tokens burned by the Terra Luna Classic community has reached over 112 billion. Binance has continued supporting the community for Terra Luna Classic revival since 2022 via its monthly LUNC burn mechanism. Crypto exchange Binance sent 4.17 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens to the burn address, as per the LUNC burn transaction on May 1. The crypto exchange is the top contributor to LUNC burn, accounting for 52% of the total LUNC burned by the community. Notably, the 21st batch of the LUNC burn mechanism Binance burned a significant amount of trading fees for the period between March 31 to April 29. Binance has now burned nearly 57.66 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens from trading fees on LUNC spot and margin trading pairs. Traders immediately responded to Binance’s LUNC burn, resulting in a long-awaited price recovery for the Terra Luna Classic ecosystem. The price of LUNC fell by 5% in a day, at the time of writing, it is trading at $0.00009531. The 24-hour high and low are $0.0001001 and $0.00009272 respectively. Trading volume has increased over the past 24 hours. Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee $LUNC #LUNC #CryptoWatchMay2024 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BlackRock #BitcoinETFs
🔁✅✅💰💰💰🔥 Binance Burned 1.4 Billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Tokens

Binance on Wednesday burned 1.4 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens in its 21st batch of the LUNC burn mechanism. After the latest burn by Binance, the total LUNC burned by the crypto exchange to date has now surpassed over 57 billion. The total LUNC tokens burned by the Terra Luna Classic community has reached over 112 billion. Binance has continued supporting the community for Terra Luna Classic revival since 2022 via its monthly LUNC burn

Crypto exchange Binance sent 4.17 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens to the burn address, as per the LUNC burn transaction on May 1. The crypto exchange is the top contributor to LUNC burn, accounting for 52% of the total LUNC burned by the community. Notably, the 21st batch of the LUNC burn mechanism Binance burned a significant amount of trading fees for the period between March 31 to April 29. Binance has now burned nearly 57.66 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens from trading fees on LUNC spot and margin trading pairs.

Traders immediately responded to Binance’s LUNC burn, resulting in a long-awaited price recovery for the Terra Luna Classic ecosystem. The price of LUNC fell by 5% in a day, at the time of writing, it is trading at $0.00009531. The 24-hour high and low are $0.0001001 and $0.00009272 respectively. Trading volume has increased over the past 24 hours.

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$LUNC #LUNC #CryptoWatchMay2024 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BlackRock #BitcoinETFs
💰💰💰💰🔗🔗🔁🔁🔁 ED recovers 268 Bitcoins worth Rs 138 crore from Haldwani resident The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has seized 268 bitcoins valued at ₹138 crore from a resident of Haldwani following a raid prompted by US authorities investigating his alleged ties to an international trafficking syndicate. Parvinder Singh was apprehended by ED after a raid at his Haldwani residence in Uttarakhand. This operation, in collaboration with US authorities, was a rare move aimed at assisting in uncovering Singh's role in an international drùg operation, as reported by ET on April 27. Following Singh's arrest, he was remanded to ED's custody until May 4. During interrogation, ED recovered 268 bitcoins worth ₹138 crore, according to a senior official speaking on condition of anonymity. ED's investigation revealed that Singh and his accomplices utilized dark web vendor sites and a network of drùg distributors to sèll drùgs in the USA, UK, and other European countries. The proceeds were then laundered through cryptocurrency transactions. It is noted that US authorities have already seized bitcoins valued at significant sums in connection to this case. The ongoing US investigation targets Parvinder Singh and Banmeet Singh, both from Haldwani, for their suspected roles in running an international drùg trafficking group called 'The Singh Organisation'. This group operated through dark web vendor sites and a network of distributors, with transactions primarily involving cryptocurrency payments exchanged for drùgs and subsequently laundered through crypto wallets. Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee #ScamRiskWarning #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BitcoinETFs #BinanceLaunchpool $BTC $ETH $BNB

ED recovers 268 Bitcoins worth Rs 138 crore from Haldwani resident
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has seized 268 bitcoins valued at ₹138 crore from a resident of Haldwani following a raid prompted by US authorities investigating his alleged ties to an international trafficking syndicate.

Parvinder Singh was apprehended by ED after a raid at his Haldwani residence in Uttarakhand. This operation, in collaboration with US authorities, was a rare move aimed at assisting in uncovering Singh's role in an international drùg operation, as reported by ET on April 27.
Following Singh's arrest, he was remanded to ED's custody until May 4. During interrogation, ED recovered 268 bitcoins worth ₹138 crore, according to a senior official speaking on condition of anonymity.
ED's investigation revealed that Singh and his accomplices utilized dark web vendor sites and a network of drùg distributors to sèll drùgs in the USA, UK, and other European countries. The proceeds were then laundered through cryptocurrency transactions. It is noted that US authorities have already seized bitcoins valued at significant sums in connection to this case.
The ongoing US investigation targets Parvinder Singh and Banmeet Singh, both from Haldwani, for their suspected roles in running an international drùg trafficking group called 'The Singh Organisation'. This group operated through dark web vendor sites and a network of distributors, with transactions primarily involving cryptocurrency payments exchanged for drùgs and subsequently laundered through crypto wallets.

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#ScamRiskWarning #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BitcoinETFs #BinanceLaunchpool $BTC $ETH $BNB
🚀🔁✅✅✅💰💰💰💰💰💰Top 5 Altcoins Primed for Explosive Growth by 2025! 🌟📈 Saga (SAGA):💰💰💰✅🔗🔗👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Leading the pack is Saga Chain, offering limitless scalability with its Layer 1 network. Developers can create "Chainlets," empowering web3 gaming. Despite facing resistance, Saga's price is predicted to soar between $3.38 to $16.58 by 2024, showcasing its immense growth potential. Shiba Inu (SHIB): Positioned as the Ethereum-based counterpart to Dogecoin, SHIB has surged within the dog-themed crypto ecosystem. With a remarkable 148% increase in the last year, SHIB's current price of $0.00002478 makes it a strong contender for a 100x explosion by 2025. Tron (TRX): Transitioning from Ethereum to its own blockchain, Tron addresses scalability and transaction fee concerns. With a 77% increase in the last year, TRX is forecasted to reach $0.601859 next year, showcasing its potential for significant growth. Cardano (ADA): Recognized for its fast transactions and scalability, ADA stands out as an environmentally friendly option. Projected to surge by 420.94% by 2025, ADA's recent 19% increase in the last year and 3.15% rise in the last 24 hours highlight its promising investment potential. VeChain (VET): Renowned for its secure blockchain infrastructure, VeChain initially focused on supply chain management. With support for smart contracts, NFTs, and DApps, VET has surged by 77% in the last year. Its price prediction of $0.137656 for next year Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee suggests further upward momentum. Don't Miss Out on These Potential Gems! 💎💰 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #MicroStrategy #BlackRock #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear $BTC $SOL $BNB
🚀🔁✅✅✅💰💰💰💰💰💰Top 5 Altcoins Primed for Explosive Growth by 2025! 🌟📈
Saga (SAGA):💰💰💰✅🔗🔗👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Leading the pack is Saga Chain, offering limitless scalability with its Layer 1 network. Developers can create "Chainlets," empowering web3 gaming. Despite facing resistance, Saga's price is predicted to soar between $3.38 to $16.58 by 2024, showcasing its immense growth potential.

Shiba Inu (SHIB):
Positioned as the Ethereum-based counterpart to Dogecoin, SHIB has surged within the dog-themed crypto ecosystem. With a remarkable 148% increase in the last year, SHIB's current price of $0.00002478 makes it a strong contender for a 100x explosion by 2025.

Tron (TRX):
Transitioning from Ethereum to its own blockchain, Tron addresses scalability and transaction fee concerns. With a 77% increase in the last year, TRX is forecasted to reach $0.601859 next year, showcasing its potential for significant growth.

Cardano (ADA):
Recognized for its fast transactions and scalability, ADA stands out as an environmentally friendly option. Projected to surge by 420.94% by 2025, ADA's recent 19% increase in the last year and 3.15% rise in the last 24 hours highlight its promising investment potential.
VeChain (VET):
Renowned for its secure blockchain infrastructure, VeChain initially focused on supply chain management. With support for smart contracts, NFTs, and DApps, VET has surged by 77% in the last year. Its price prediction of $0.137656 for next year

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suggests further upward momentum.
Don't Miss Out on These Potential Gems! 💎💰
#CryptoWatchMay2024 #MicroStrategy #BlackRock #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear $BTC $SOL $BNB
♦️ 🔁Tesla Starts Accepting Dogecoin as Payment Method at Tesla Shops🔁🔁 ✅✅✅💰💰💰💰💰💰💰👇👇👇♦️ Tesla Starts Accepting Dogecoin as Payment Method at Tesla Shops Elon Musk’s electric car company, Tesla, has recently announced that it will now be accepting Dogecoin as a payment method at Tesla Shops. According to information found on a Dogecoin support page on the Tesla website, customers can now use Dogecoin to purchase eligible Tesla products by looking for the Dogecoin symbol next to the “order” page of Dogecoin-eligible items. This update was made as recently as May 4, according to the Wayback Machine. Customers wishing to make purchases using Dogecoin must do so through a Dogecoin wallet. All eligible Tesla products will have prices clearly listed in Dogecoin, including any applicable taxes, as stated in a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section. However, there are certain terms to be aware of when making payments with Dogecoin. These terms include restrictions on using payments from multiple wallets for a single order, no cancellations once an order is placed, and no returns for items purchased with Dogecoin. Additionally, it’s important to note that Tesla exclusively accepts Dogecoin as a form of payment and cannot process any other digital assets. This decision follows Musk’s previous remarks about Dogecoin during an event at the Tesla Gigafactory in Germany back in March. When questioned about the possibility of Tesla accepting Dogecoin for car purchases, Musk expressed his support, suggesting that it could happen “at some point.” Additionally, it’s important to note that Tesla exclusively accepts Dogecoin as a form of payment and cannot process any other digital assets. This decision follows Musk’s previous remarks about Dogecoin during an event at the Tesla Gigafactory in Germany back in March. When questioned about the possibility of Tesla accepting Dogecoin for car purchases, Musk expressed his support, suggesting that it could happen “at some point.” 📈 DOGE Price Surges 20% in 24 Hours Amid Increased Trading Activity Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee $DOGE #DOGE ##altcoins #Tesla #buythedip #MicroStrategy

♦️ 🔁Tesla Starts Accepting Dogecoin as Payment Method at Tesla Shops🔁🔁 ✅✅✅💰💰💰💰💰💰💰👇👇👇

♦️ Tesla Starts Accepting Dogecoin as Payment Method at Tesla Shops
Elon Musk’s electric car company, Tesla, has recently announced that it will now be accepting Dogecoin as a payment method at Tesla Shops. According to information found on a Dogecoin support page on the Tesla website, customers can now use Dogecoin to purchase eligible Tesla products by looking for the Dogecoin symbol next to the “order” page of Dogecoin-eligible items. This update was made as recently as May 4, according to the Wayback Machine.
Customers wishing to make purchases using Dogecoin must do so through a Dogecoin wallet. All eligible Tesla products will have prices clearly listed in Dogecoin, including any applicable taxes, as stated in a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section.
However, there are certain terms to be aware of when making payments with Dogecoin. These terms include restrictions on using payments from multiple wallets for a single order, no cancellations once an order is placed, and no returns for items purchased with Dogecoin.
Additionally, it’s important to note that Tesla exclusively accepts Dogecoin as a form of payment and cannot process any other digital assets. This decision follows Musk’s previous remarks about Dogecoin during an event at the Tesla Gigafactory in Germany back in March. When questioned about the possibility of Tesla accepting Dogecoin for car purchases, Musk expressed his support, suggesting that it could happen “at some point.”
Additionally, it’s important to note that Tesla exclusively accepts Dogecoin as a form of payment and cannot process any other digital assets. This decision follows Musk’s previous remarks about Dogecoin during an event at the Tesla Gigafactory in Germany back in March. When questioned about the possibility of Tesla accepting Dogecoin for car purchases, Musk expressed his support, suggesting that it could happen “at some point.”
📈 DOGE Price Surges 20% in 24 Hours Amid Increased Trading Activity

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$DOGE #DOGE ##altcoins #Tesla #buythedip #MicroStrategy
🔁Tesla updates payment information introduces new details for dogecoin (DOGE) transactions 💰💰💰Tesla, one of the world’s largest electric car manufacturers, has updated its official website to include Dogecoin (DOGE) as a payment option. According to the official website, Tesla products can be purchased using American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay, and now, Dogecoin. However, Dogecoin can only be used to purchase certain products and not Tesla cars. Tesla now accepts Dogecoin as a payment option for certain products, marking another significant step for the cryptocurrency in the mainstream market. 🔺 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗱𝗱𝘀 𝗗𝗼𝗴𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗣𝗮𝘆𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗢𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 Tesla, a leading electric car manufacturer, has updated its payment options on its official website to include Dogecoin. This move signifies the increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies in mainstream markets. However, it should be noted that Dogecoin can only be used to purchase certain products and not Tesla cars. 🔺 𝗗𝗼𝗴𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻’𝘀 𝗩𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗔𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 For users wishing to purchase Tesla products with Dogecoin, a price equivalent in DOGE is provided. However, this is only valid for a short period due to the cryptocurrency’s volatility. After a while, the price needs to be updated. This is attributed to the high volatility of Dogecoin. 🔺 𝗡𝗼 𝗕𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝘆𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝘀 Currently, it is not possible to purchase any Tesla products with Bitcoin. There was a time when Tesla cars could be purchased with BTC, but this is no longer the case. Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee $DOGE #doge #Dogecoin ‬⁩ #BTC #TeslaBitcoin

🔁Tesla updates payment information introduces new details for dogecoin (DOGE) transactions 💰💰💰

Tesla, one of the world’s largest electric car manufacturers, has updated its official website to include Dogecoin (DOGE) as a payment option.
According to the official website, Tesla products can be purchased using American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay, and now, Dogecoin.
However, Dogecoin can only be used to purchase certain products and not Tesla cars.
Tesla now accepts Dogecoin as a payment option for certain products, marking another significant step for the cryptocurrency in the mainstream market.
🔺 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮 𝗔𝗱𝗱𝘀 𝗗𝗼𝗴𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗣𝗮𝘆𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗢𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀
Tesla, a leading electric car manufacturer, has updated its payment options on its official website to include Dogecoin. This move signifies the increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies in mainstream markets. However, it should be noted that Dogecoin can only be used to purchase certain products and not Tesla cars.
🔺 𝗗𝗼𝗴𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻’𝘀 𝗩𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗔𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴
For users wishing to purchase Tesla products with Dogecoin, a price equivalent in DOGE is provided. However, this is only valid for a short period due to the cryptocurrency’s volatility. After a while, the price needs to be updated. This is attributed to the high volatility of Dogecoin.
🔺 𝗡𝗼 𝗕𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝘆𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝘀
Currently, it is not possible to purchase any Tesla products with Bitcoin. There was a time when Tesla cars could be purchased with BTC, but this is no longer the case.

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$DOGE #doge #Dogecoin ‬⁩ #BTC #TeslaBitcoin
📢📢📢✅✅Urgent Privacy Warning from Edward Snowden to the Bitcoin Community!✅✅✅💰💰👇👇👇👇👇👇👇Urgent Privacy Warning from Edward Snowden to the Bitcoin Community! *Edward Snowden, famous whistleblower, issued an urgent warning to the Bitcoin community about privacy at the protocol level *This warning came after Wasabi Wallet announced that it would stop its coordination service in June 2024, and this decision raised significant concerns in the crypto space *Snowden continues his long-standing defense of advanced privacy features in Bitcoin's underlying infrastructure Edward Snowden is issuing an urgent warning to the Bitcoin community about protocol-level privacy following Wasabi Wallet's decision to discontinue its coordination service Famous whistleblower Edward Snowden, who revealed mass surveillance programs, issued an important warning to the Bitcoin community. He argues that addressing privacy at the protocol level is running out of time. This warning is in response to Wasabi Wallet, a leading player in Bitcoin privacy solutions, announcing that it will discontinue its coordination service as of June 1, 2024 This decision, attributed to the company zkSNACKs, caused great concern in the crypto space. This decision affects people using other wallet clients connected to the zkSNACKs coordinator, these wallets include Trezor Suite and BTCPayServer. Despite the termination of the Coinjoin coordination service, Wasabi Wallet will continue to function as a BTC wallet with reduced privacy features Snowden expressed genuine sadness upon hearing this news and suggested that Wasabi Wallet might explore options for implementing a decentralized coordinator or alternative configurations to maintain privacy protections. He emphasized the importance of urgently integrating protocol-level privacy measures into the Bitcoin protocol and has advocated for this critical development for years. The well-known privacy advocate has long been a vocal advocate for increasing privacy in cryptocurrencies. Snowden has emphasized over the years the need to integrate advanced privacy features into Bitcoin's underlying infrastructure to protect users' financial sovereignty. Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee #MicroStrategy #buythedip #altcoins #MicroStrategy #eth‬ #BTC $BTC

📢📢📢✅✅Urgent Privacy Warning from Edward Snowden to the Bitcoin Community!✅✅✅💰💰👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Urgent Privacy Warning from Edward Snowden to the Bitcoin Community!
*Edward Snowden, famous whistleblower, issued an urgent warning to the Bitcoin community about privacy at the protocol level
*This warning came after Wasabi Wallet announced that it would stop its coordination service in June 2024, and this decision raised significant concerns in the crypto space
*Snowden continues his long-standing defense of advanced privacy features in Bitcoin's underlying infrastructure
Edward Snowden is issuing an urgent warning to the Bitcoin community about protocol-level privacy following Wasabi Wallet's decision to discontinue its coordination service
Famous whistleblower Edward Snowden, who revealed mass surveillance programs, issued an important warning to the Bitcoin community. He argues that addressing privacy at the protocol level is running out of time. This warning is in response to Wasabi Wallet, a leading player in Bitcoin privacy solutions, announcing that it will discontinue its coordination service as of June 1, 2024
This decision, attributed to the company zkSNACKs, caused great concern in the crypto space. This decision affects people using other wallet clients connected to the zkSNACKs coordinator, these wallets include Trezor Suite and BTCPayServer. Despite the termination of the Coinjoin coordination service, Wasabi Wallet will continue to function as a BTC wallet with reduced privacy features
Snowden expressed genuine sadness upon hearing this news and suggested that Wasabi Wallet might explore options for implementing a decentralized coordinator or alternative configurations to maintain privacy protections. He emphasized the importance of urgently integrating protocol-level privacy measures into the Bitcoin protocol and has advocated for this critical development for years.
The well-known privacy advocate has long been a vocal advocate for increasing privacy in cryptocurrencies. Snowden has emphasized over the years the need to integrate advanced privacy features into Bitcoin's underlying infrastructure to protect users' financial sovereignty.
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#MicroStrategy #buythedip #altcoins #MicroStrategy #eth‬ #BTC $BTC
📢Binance to Delist Six Trading Pairs:😡😡 🔥Binance to remove and cease trading on six spot trading pairs on April 26 2024. 🔥In a smart decision to keep the trading market strong, Binance, the biggest cryptocurrency exchange, has said it will stop trading six pairs of cryptocurrencies. 🔥To safeguard users and assure a high-quality trading market, Binance reviews all listed spot trading pairs regularly and may delist some spot trading pairs for a variety of reasons, including low liquidity and trading volume. According to its most recent reviews, Binance will remove and cease trading on six spot trading pairs on April 26 at 3:00 a.m. (UTC): ALPINE/BTC, FRONT/TUSD, HARD/BTC, RUNE/TUSD, SSV/TUSD and WIN/BRL. 🔥Similarly, Spot Trading Bot services for the aforementioned spot trading pairs will be discontinued on the specified date and time, as applicable. Binance users are strongly urged to update and/or terminate their Spot Trading Bots before the discontinuation of Spot Trading Bot services to avoid any losses. 🔥Delisting a spot trading pair does not affect the tokens' availability on Binance Spot. Users can continue to trade the spot trading pair's base and quote assets on Binance's other trading pairs. ⚠️ Disclaimer! Before taking any decisions must do your own research . #Megadrop Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool BinanceLaunchpool #ScamRiskWarning ScamRiskWarning #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear" $BTC BTC $DOT $PEPE
📢Binance to Delist Six Trading Pairs:😡😡
🔥Binance to remove and cease trading on six spot trading pairs on April 26 2024.

🔥In a smart decision to keep the trading market strong, Binance, the biggest cryptocurrency exchange, has said it will stop trading six pairs of cryptocurrencies.

🔥To safeguard users and assure a high-quality trading market, Binance reviews all listed spot trading pairs regularly and may delist some spot trading pairs for a variety of reasons, including low liquidity and trading volume.

According to its most recent reviews, Binance will remove and cease trading on six spot trading pairs on April 26 at 3:00 a.m. (UTC): ALPINE/BTC, FRONT/TUSD, HARD/BTC, RUNE/TUSD, SSV/TUSD and WIN/BRL.

🔥Similarly, Spot Trading Bot services for the aforementioned spot trading pairs will be discontinued on the specified date and time, as applicable. Binance users are strongly urged to update and/or terminate their Spot Trading Bots before the discontinuation of Spot Trading Bot services to avoid any losses.

🔥Delisting a spot trading pair does not affect the tokens' availability on Binance Spot. Users can continue to trade the spot trading pair's base and quote assets on Binance's other trading pairs.

⚠️ Disclaimer!
Before taking any decisions must do your own research .
#Megadrop Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool BinanceLaunchpool #ScamRiskWarning ScamRiskWarning #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear"
👇✅Who Owns The Most Bitcoin?✅✅👇📢Satoshi Nakamoto owns the most bitcoin with an estimated 1.1 million BTC. Satoshi not only invented but also kickstarted Bitcoin, by being the first miner to create blocks of transactions. It is estimated that Satoshi mined more than 22,000 blocks starting from January 3rd, 2009, and received more than one million bitcoin in cumulative block rewards for the work. How Many Bitcoin Does Satoshi Have? As a result, Satoshi is estimated to have more than 1.1 million BTC, valued at approximately $47 billion in February 2024. This bitcoin is not stored in one address but spread across roughly 22,000 addresses. None of it was ever spent besides a few test transactions. Satoshi left the project in 2010 and hasn’t been heard from since. Individual Bitcoin Whales Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss: Following their 2008 settlement with Mark Zuckerberg for $65 million worth of Facebook shares and cash, the pair started an angel investment company. A few years later they would announce they had bought approximately $11 million worth of bitcoin at an average cost basis of $10 per coin. It’s estimated that the Winklevoss twins own ~70,000 BTC. Tim Draper: The VC titan has been interested in Bitcoin for a while; so much so that he made one initial purchase of 40,000 BTC at the Mt Gox exchange. Unfortunately, all 40,000 coins were lost in the hack and subsequent bankruptcy. However, in 2014, Mr. Draper purchased 29,656 BTC for $18.7 million at a cost basis of approximately $632 per coin. Michael Saylor: The founder and chairman of Microstrategy revealed in an October 2020 tweet that he personally held 17,732 BTC. It is reasonable to assume that he has since acquired more—being such a public Bitcoin Bull Microstrategy 214,246 Blackrock 266,102 Grayscale 318,452 Remember guys alot of hard work goes into providing you with the best investment advice and market insights, your support to me is welcomed to continue delivering valuable updates, you can now tip me in please follow , like and share $BTC $ETH $BNB #BinanceLaunchpool #Megadrop #BullorBear #ICPBoom #Memecoins__ Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee

👇✅Who Owns The Most Bitcoin?✅✅👇📢

Satoshi Nakamoto owns the most bitcoin with an estimated 1.1 million BTC. Satoshi not only invented but also kickstarted Bitcoin, by being the first miner to create blocks of transactions. It is estimated that Satoshi mined more than 22,000 blocks starting from January 3rd, 2009, and received more than one million bitcoin in cumulative block rewards for the work.
How Many Bitcoin Does Satoshi Have?
As a result, Satoshi is estimated to have more than 1.1 million BTC, valued at approximately $47 billion in February 2024. This bitcoin is not stored in one address but spread across roughly 22,000 addresses. None of it was ever spent besides a few test transactions. Satoshi left the project in 2010 and hasn’t been heard from since.
Individual Bitcoin Whales
Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss: Following their 2008 settlement with Mark Zuckerberg for $65 million worth of Facebook shares and cash, the pair started an angel investment company. A few years later they would announce they had bought approximately $11 million worth of bitcoin at an average cost basis of $10 per coin. It’s estimated that the Winklevoss twins own ~70,000 BTC.
Tim Draper: The VC titan has been interested in Bitcoin for a while; so much so that he made one initial purchase of 40,000 BTC at the Mt Gox exchange.
Unfortunately, all 40,000 coins were lost in the hack and subsequent bankruptcy. However, in 2014, Mr. Draper purchased 29,656 BTC for $18.7 million at a cost basis of approximately $632 per coin.
Michael Saylor: The founder and chairman of Microstrategy revealed in an October 2020 tweet that he personally held 17,732 BTC. It is reasonable to assume that he has since acquired more—being such a public Bitcoin Bull
Microstrategy 214,246
Blackrock 266,102
Grayscale 318,452
Remember guys alot of hard work goes into providing you with the best investment advice and market insights, your support to me is welcomed to continue delivering valuable updates, you can now tip me in please
follow , like and share $BTC $ETH $BNB #BinanceLaunchpool #Megadrop #BullorBear #ICPBoom #Memecoins__

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💥🚨 MAJOR NEWS ALERT! 🚨💥 🇺🇸 Brace Yourself: U.S. Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Makes a Daring Move! He's Proposing to PUT THE ENTIRE U.S. BUDGET ON THE BLOCKCHAIN, granting EVERY American Taxpayer UNPRECEDENTED Insight into Government Spending! 💸💼 🌟 This Could Be Revolutionary! Imagine: With the ENTIRE Budget on the Blockchain, Every Taxpayer Can Now TRACK Exactly Where Their Hard-Earned Money Flows. No More Mysteries, Just Total TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY! 📊💡 😂 But, Here's the Twist: Will It Ever Happen? Let's Discuss! Do You Think a Proposal THIS Bold Could Actually Get Accepted by the Government? Share Your Thoughts Below! 👇 ✨ Join the Conversation and Let Your Voice Be Heard! This Could Be the Change We've All Been Waiting For! #BlockchainRevolution" #GovernmentTransparency 🌐🇺🇸#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC

🇺🇸 Brace Yourself: U.S. Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Makes a Daring Move! He's Proposing to PUT THE ENTIRE U.S. BUDGET ON THE BLOCKCHAIN, granting EVERY American Taxpayer UNPRECEDENTED Insight into Government Spending! 💸💼

🌟 This Could Be Revolutionary! Imagine: With the ENTIRE Budget on the Blockchain, Every Taxpayer Can Now TRACK Exactly Where Their Hard-Earned Money Flows. No More Mysteries, Just Total TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY! 📊💡
😂 But, Here's the Twist: Will It Ever Happen? Let's Discuss! Do You Think a Proposal THIS Bold Could Actually Get Accepted by the Government? Share Your Thoughts Below! 👇

✨ Join the Conversation and Let Your Voice Be Heard! This Could Be the Change We've All Been Waiting For! #BlockchainRevolution" #GovernmentTransparency 🌐🇺🇸#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC
📢📢📢Breaking News: 🔌💰💰💰 The U.S. has recommended that Changpeng Zhao, the former CEO of Binance, serve a 36-month prison sentence and pay a $50 million fine. Department of Justice; on April 30, he is expected to be sentenced. Prosecutors are advocating for a more severe punishment for Zhao, who acknowledged breaking anti-money laundering regulations in November. They point to Zhao's inability to put in place a strong AML programme at Binance. 🤺 Allegedly, the exchange's actions encouraged unlawful activity, such as hiding the source of funds and disobeying US sanctions. Binance consented to a $4.3 billion settlement in February. Even though Zhao resigned as CEO, he still holds the majority of the company's shares and is still involved in the cryptocurrency space; most recently, he started a kids' educational programme. Follow this Account🔌🫡🫡 #Breaking_Crypto_News $BTC C $DOGE #Token2049 #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #bitcoin Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment FOLOW ME FOR MORE TIPS 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Proactiveirontee
📢📢📢Breaking News: 🔌💰💰💰
The U.S. has recommended that Changpeng Zhao, the former CEO of Binance, serve a 36-month prison sentence and pay a $50 million fine.

Department of Justice; on April 30, he is expected to be sentenced. Prosecutors are advocating for a more severe punishment for Zhao, who acknowledged breaking anti-money laundering regulations in November. They point to Zhao's inability to put in place a strong AML programme at Binance.
Allegedly, the exchange's actions encouraged unlawful activity, such as hiding the source of funds and disobeying US sanctions. Binance consented to a $4.3 billion settlement in February. Even though Zhao resigned as CEO, he still holds the majority of the company's shares and is still involved in the cryptocurrency space; most recently, he started a kids' educational programme.
Follow this Account🔌🫡🫡
$BTC C $DOGE #Token2049 #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #bitcoin

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