Binance Square
Open Campus
As an Open platform we invite communities to participate and build the future of education.
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Rezultāti ir! Liels sveiciens visiem EDU ķēdes pirmā hakatona uzvarētājiem! Vairāk nekā 4500 dalībnieku, 725 iesniegumi un bezgalīgs radošums. Šie projekti pārkāpj Web3 iespējamās robežas. Liels paldies @animocabrands, @riseinweb3, @HackQuest_, @forbesweb3 un @apecoingwg par atbalstu. Veidosim izglītības nākotni kopā.
Rezultāti ir!

Liels sveiciens visiem EDU ķēdes pirmā hakatona uzvarētājiem! Vairāk nekā 4500 dalībnieku, 725 iesniegumi un bezgalīgs radošums. Šie projekti pārkāpj Web3 iespējamās robežas.

Liels paldies @animocabrands, @riseinweb3, @HackQuest_, @forbesweb3 un @apecoingwg par atbalstu. Veidosim izglītības nākotni kopā.
Tomorrow at 10:00 AM EST, join @ysiu, @hanshanhk, @ankraj2, and @harryzhangs as we wrap up EDU Chain's Semester 1 Hackathon! We'll be celebrating with some of the winning devs and learning what's next for education on-chain! Set your reminders ⏰👇
Tomorrow at 10:00 AM EST, join @ysiu, @hanshanhk, @ankraj2, and @harryzhangs as we wrap up EDU Chain's Semester 1 Hackathon!

We'll be celebrating with some of the winning devs and learning what's next for education on-chain!

Set your reminders ⏰👇
Skatīt oriģinālu
Patīk redzēt padomes locekļus, kas atkārtojas @mytokenasia Malaizijas vadošajā Web3 pasākumā. Mēs kopā apspriedīsim DAO nākotni un atklāsim jaunas iespējas. Izbaudiet labo noskaņu un pagriezieties garām.
Patīk redzēt padomes locekļus, kas atkārtojas @mytokenasia Malaizijas vadošajā Web3 pasākumā.

Mēs kopā apspriedīsim DAO nākotni un atklāsim jaunas iespējas.

Izbaudiet labo noskaņu un pagriezieties garām.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pieskarieties, Koreja. Padomes loceklis @ysiu dalījās savā skatījumā par mūža ietekmes radīšanu skolēniem un skolotājiem mūsu ekosistēmā. Izglītības nākotne ir šeit.
Pieskarieties, Koreja.

Padomes loceklis @ysiu dalījās savā skatījumā par mūža ietekmes radīšanu skolēniem un skolotājiem mūsu ekosistēmā.

Izglītības nākotne ir šeit.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mikro dotācijas. Mēs vēlamies sadalīt USD 100–1000 vienam projektam EDU hakeriem, kuri #buildinpublic. Izņēmuma projekti pēc programmas var saņemt papildu finansiālu un nefinansiālu atbalstu. Ideāli piemērots tiem, kas vēlas: 👉🏼Izpētiet, vai EDU ķēde ir viņu projekta “mājas” 👉🏼Iesācieties 2. semestra hakatonā 👉🏼Paceliet viņu esošo 1. semestra hakatona projektu uz nākamo līmeni
Mikro dotācijas.

Mēs vēlamies sadalīt USD 100–1000 vienam projektam EDU hakeriem, kuri #buildinpublic.

Izņēmuma projekti pēc programmas var saņemt papildu finansiālu un nefinansiālu atbalstu.

Ideāli piemērots tiem, kas vēlas:

👉🏼Izpētiet, vai EDU ķēde ir viņu projekta “mājas”
👉🏼Iesācieties 2. semestra hakatonā
👉🏼Paceliet viņu esošo 1. semestra hakatona projektu uz nākamo līmeni
Skatīt oriģinālu
Atbrīvošanās no Token2049. Atrodiet mūs kā vairāku nakts pasākumu rīkotājus. Dodieties garām, lai satiktu komandu, dzeriet uz mums.
Atbrīvošanās no Token2049.

Atrodiet mūs kā vairāku nakts pasākumu rīkotājus.

Dodieties garām, lai satiktu komandu, dzeriet uz mums.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Banger iesaiņojums 1. semestrī hakatonam. Mīlestība visiem celtniekiem, līdzstrādniekiem, mentoriem, kuri ieradās, ar lepnumu, ko atbalsta @HackQuest_ @riseinweb3 un @newcampushq komanda. EDU ķēdes hakeri kopā stiprāki💪
Banger iesaiņojums 1. semestrī hakatonam.

Mīlestība visiem celtniekiem, līdzstrādniekiem, mentoriem, kuri ieradās, ar lepnumu, ko atbalsta @HackQuest_ @riseinweb3 un @newcampushq komanda.

EDU ķēdes hakeri kopā stiprāki💪
Prototyping is essential to proving your concept has legs. Ape_U fam @420axiefarmer, @LiveFast9986, @adventurousape, and @cryptosheep_eth to talk how to build your minimum viable product to gain traction. Join us Wednesday at 10:30 am EST to learn how to launch prototypes, stay lean, gain trust.
Prototyping is essential to proving your concept has legs.

Ape_U fam @420axiefarmer, @LiveFast9986, @adventurousape, and @cryptosheep_eth to talk how to build your minimum viable product to gain traction.

Join us Wednesday at 10:30 am EST to learn how to launch prototypes, stay lean, gain trust.
Skatīt oriģinālu
1. semestris pabeigts. Inkubators ierindots rindā. EDU ķēde ir gatava darbam. Ieslēgta.
1. semestris pabeigts.

Inkubators ierindots rindā.

EDU ķēde ir gatava darbam.

Love the representation at WebX, with @jcalinoff and @AllCityBAYC leading the way. Our partnership, Ape_U making its mark to support new and existing contributors to the DAO ecosystem. Who’s pfp can you spot in the backdrop? 🦍💙📚
Love the representation at WebX, with @jcalinoff and @AllCityBAYC leading the way.

Our partnership, Ape_U making its mark to support new and existing contributors to the DAO ecosystem.

Who’s pfp can you spot in the backdrop?

And that's a wrap for Sem 1 builders 🎬 With submissions now closed, our judges face the tough task of selecting 40 winners from over 700 submitted dApps! Good luck to our developers!
And that's a wrap for Sem 1 builders 🎬

With submissions now closed, our judges face the tough task of selecting 40 winners from over 700 submitted dApps!

Good luck to our developers!
We take Web3 security seriously - no shortcuts here. Loved sharing the journey of Open Campus our collab with @BoringSecDAO on their upcoming learning game. It’s all about keeping the community safe and sound.
We take Web3 security seriously - no shortcuts here.

Loved sharing the journey of Open Campus our collab with @BoringSecDAO on their upcoming learning game.

It’s all about keeping the community safe and sound.
Building your personal brand in Web3? It’s all about authenticity, engagement, and knowing your unique value. Here’s what AIP Coaches - @jcalinoff, @LiveFast9986, and @Adventurous Ape had to say 🧵⤵️
Building your personal brand in Web3?

It’s all about authenticity, engagement, and knowing your unique value.

Here’s what AIP Coaches - @jcalinoff, @LiveFast9986, and @Adventurous Ape had to say

Loved supporting the weekly spaces with @Mocaverse_Hall We talked about bridging our 20 million Web2 learners into Web3, building learning infrastructure for DAOs. Showing up is 90% of the battle. Keep it up.
Loved supporting the weekly spaces with @Mocaverse_Hall

We talked about bridging our 20 million Web2 learners into Web3, building learning infrastructure for DAOs.

Showing up is 90% of the battle.

Keep it up.
Semester 1 of our Hackathon has brought forward some groundbreaking projects. Here are some we're excited to support 💪🏽 🧵⤵️
Semester 1 of our Hackathon has brought forward some groundbreaking projects.

Here are some we're excited to support 💪🏽

🛠️ 48-hour hackathon deadline extension 📢 Attention all BUIDLers! We're giving you extra time to finish off your projects and submit. This is your last chance – make it count! Submit now and join the 59 dApps already in the game.
🛠️ 48-hour hackathon deadline extension 📢

Attention all BUIDLers! We're giving you extra time to finish off your projects and submit.

This is your last chance – make it count!

Submit now and join the 59 dApps already in the game.
Cohort 7 of OC-X is officially underway🔥 We’re backing some incredible future of work and education startups at the intersection of Web3. With over 20 million learners already in our orbit, our mission is to help solve big problems with blockchain. The future is here, strap in.
Cohort 7 of OC-X is officially underway🔥

We’re backing some incredible future of work and education startups at the intersection of Web3.

With over 20 million learners already in our orbit, our mission is to help solve big problems with blockchain.

The future is here, strap in.
30k active mentees, 5,000+ active mentors, 70k mentoring sessions hosted. Portco @FutureLab_my is all about connecting dots across Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Building the bridge that gives students access to world-class opportunities, within Web3 and beyond.
30k active mentees, 5,000+ active mentors, 70k mentoring sessions hosted.

Portco @FutureLab_my is all about connecting dots across Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Building the bridge that gives students access to world-class opportunities, within Web3 and beyond.
Rewarding early adopters is key to growing your project. It takes time, experimentation and a lot of listening to get it right. Here’s what @harryzhangs, @hanshanhk, @ankraj2 & @MRRydon shared about recognizing and engaging your earliest supporters. 🧵⤵️
Rewarding early adopters is key to growing your project.

It takes time, experimentation and a lot of listening to get it right.

Here’s what @harryzhangs, @hanshanhk, @ankraj2 & @MRRydon shared about recognizing and engaging your earliest supporters.

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