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$BTC aptaujā savu balsi 👇👇
$BTC aptaujā savu balsi 👇👇
35 balsis • Balsošana ir beigusies
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$DOGS Suņu nākamā stratēģija augšup vai lejup Pastāsti man komentāros #KļūstiCreator
$DOGS Suņu nākamā stratēģija augšup vai lejup
Pastāsti man komentāros
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$BTC augšupejošas tendences sākums BTC 🌝
$BTC augšupejošas tendences sākums BTC 🌝
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JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Donalds Tramps saka: "Varbūt mēs atmaksāsim savu 35 triljonu dolāru parādu, iedodot viņiem nelielu kriptočeku un mazliet Bitcoin." #AllCoinUpdate #Bitcoin
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Donalds Tramps saka: "Varbūt mēs atmaksāsim savu 35 triljonu dolāru parādu, iedodot viņiem nelielu kriptočeku un mazliet Bitcoin."

#AllCoinUpdate #Bitcoin
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$ENA lielisks pumpis jau pavisam drīz ↗️
$ENA lielisks pumpis jau pavisam drīz ↗️
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Mēs esam sadarbojušies ar @Binance Square, lai atklātu viņu jauno Square Giveaway Center!

Tas ir vienkārši — veiciet uzdevumus, lai nopelnītu $ 10 000 $ PIXEL atlīdzībā:
1⃣ Sekojiet mums laukumā!
2⃣ Dalies ar šo ziņu (laukumā!)
3⃣ Pabeidziet jebkuru no šeit uzskaitītajiem tirdzniecības uzdevumiem:
$ENA enjoy your ENA profit Follow for more excellent signal 🚦
$ENA enjoy your ENA profit Follow for more excellent signal 🚦
$BANANA Banana gun soon pump buy spot
$BANANA Banana gun soon pump
buy spot
$ENA see you soon great pump ENA
$ENA see you soon great pump ENA
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saraksts dao jauns Airdrop
saraksts dao jauns Airdrop
🎉 Ienirstiet mūsu Binance Square Giveaway! 🎉

🚀 $10 000 LISTA žetonos ir pieejami!
Kļūsti par vienu no laimīgajiem, piedaloties tagad.
Neļaujiet šai lieliskajai iespējai palaist garām! 💰🏆

👉 Sāciet šeit:
Ethereum ETF Approval: ETH Price Swings Anticipated Ahead of July 18 ETH $3,118.8 -0.81% The approval of spot Ethereum ETFs is likely by July 18, with significant issuers updating their filings. Grayscale is proposing a "mini" ETF, potentially triggering substantial price volatility. Key Insights: The SEC is expected to approve spot Ethereum ETFs soon, with most issuers having updated their filings. Issuers like VanEck, 21Shares, Grayscale, Franklin Templeton, Fidelity, and BlackRock are vying for approval. Grayscale is proposing a "mini" Ethereum ETF to make it more affordable for investors. Analysts predict approvals between now and July 18, with a likely listing by July 15. Ethereum price volatility is expected as the SEC reviews filings and decides. #Ethereum  #Blockchain  #EthereumETF  #SEC  #BlackRock #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
Ethereum ETF Approval: ETH Price Swings Anticipated Ahead of July 18
The approval of spot Ethereum ETFs is likely by July 18, with significant issuers updating their filings. Grayscale is proposing a "mini" ETF, potentially triggering substantial price volatility.
Key Insights:
The SEC is expected to approve spot Ethereum ETFs soon, with most issuers having updated their filings.
Issuers like VanEck, 21Shares, Grayscale, Franklin Templeton, Fidelity, and BlackRock are vying for approval.
Grayscale is proposing a "mini" Ethereum ETF to make it more affordable for investors.
Analysts predict approvals between now and July 18, with a likely listing by July 15.
Ethereum price volatility is expected as the SEC reviews filings and decides.
#Ethereum  #Blockchain  #EthereumETF  #SEC  #BlackRock #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
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Kripto tirdzniecības stratēģijas, kas jums jāzina 2024. gadā Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat iesācējs vai pieredzējis kriptovalūtu tirgotājs, šīs stratēģijas mainīs jūsu tirdzniecības stilu. Šis ir īstais laiks, lai 2024. gadā uzlabotu savas tirdzniecības prasmes un pelnītu naudu 1. Skalpings Šīs Kripto tirdzniecības sākuma galvenais mērķis ir ātri ieiet un iziet no darījumiem ar nelielu peļņu īsā laika periodā. Galvas ādas stratēģijas galvenais mērķis ir uzkrāt daudzus darījumus, lai iegūtu nelielu peļņu, kas laika gaitā veido lielus ieguvumus. 2. Vidējās izmaksas dolāros (DCA) DCA ir ilgtermiņa ieguldījumu stratēģija, un dolāra vidējo izmaksu stratēģijas galvenais mērķis ir iegādāties jebkuru kriptovalūtu par dažādām cenām (iespējams, zemām) ar regulāriem intervāliem, lai samazinātu cenas svārstīgumu. Ja plānojat ieguldīt jebkurā kriptovalūtā ilgtermiņā, ievērojiet šo stratēģiju. Binance Exchange ir labākā kriptovalūtu apmaiņa DCA stratēģijai. 3. Arbitrāžs Dažreiz altkoinu cenas dažādās biržās var atšķirties. Šajā stratēģijā mūsu galvenais mērķis ir pirkt altcoinus par zemāko cenu no vienas biržas un pārdot to citai biržai ar augstu cenu peļņas gūšanai. Šo cenu atšķirību un pirkt tos par zemām cenām no vienas biržas un pārdodot citai platformai par labu cenu sauc par arbitrāžas stratēģiju. 4. Swing Trading Swing tirdzniecība ietver jebkuru altcoin pirkšanu, kad kriptomonētu cenas ir zemas, un pārdošanu, kad tās ir augstas, paturot to dažas darba dienas. 5. Diapazona tirdzniecības stratēģija Stratēģija palīdz tirgotājiem gūt peļņu no cenu svārstībām cenu diapazonā. Lai izmantotu šo kriptogrāfijas stratēģiju, jums ir jāiegūst labas zināšanas par tehnisko analīzi. Tirgotāji iegādājas aktīvus, kad cenas sasniedz atbalsta līmeni vai zemāku, un pārdod tos ar pretestību (augšpusē), lai gūtu peļņu. 6. RSI stratēģija Relatīvais stiprums Indekss, kas pazīstams kā RSI indikators. Šis ir tirdzniecības impulsa rādītājs, kas norāda uz jebkura kriptovalūtas aktīva pārpirktu un pārpārdotu stāvokli tirgū. Ļoti bieži RSI stratēģija norāda uz ļoti spēcīgiem pirkšanas un pārdošanas signāliem
Kripto tirdzniecības stratēģijas, kas jums jāzina 2024. gadā
Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat iesācējs vai pieredzējis kriptovalūtu tirgotājs, šīs stratēģijas mainīs jūsu tirdzniecības stilu. Šis ir īstais laiks, lai 2024. gadā uzlabotu savas tirdzniecības prasmes un pelnītu naudu
1. Skalpings
Šīs Kripto tirdzniecības sākuma galvenais mērķis ir ātri ieiet un iziet no darījumiem ar nelielu peļņu īsā laika periodā. Galvas ādas stratēģijas galvenais mērķis ir uzkrāt daudzus darījumus, lai iegūtu nelielu peļņu, kas laika gaitā veido lielus ieguvumus.
2. Vidējās izmaksas dolāros (DCA)
DCA ir ilgtermiņa ieguldījumu stratēģija, un dolāra vidējo izmaksu stratēģijas galvenais mērķis ir iegādāties jebkuru kriptovalūtu par dažādām cenām (iespējams, zemām) ar regulāriem intervāliem, lai samazinātu cenas svārstīgumu. Ja plānojat ieguldīt jebkurā kriptovalūtā ilgtermiņā, ievērojiet šo stratēģiju. Binance Exchange ir labākā kriptovalūtu apmaiņa DCA stratēģijai.
3. Arbitrāžs
Dažreiz altkoinu cenas dažādās biržās var atšķirties. Šajā stratēģijā mūsu galvenais mērķis ir pirkt altcoinus par zemāko cenu no vienas biržas un pārdot to citai biržai ar augstu cenu peļņas gūšanai. Šo cenu atšķirību un pirkt tos par zemām cenām no vienas biržas un pārdodot citai platformai par labu cenu sauc par arbitrāžas stratēģiju.
4. Swing Trading
Swing tirdzniecība ietver jebkuru altcoin pirkšanu, kad kriptomonētu cenas ir zemas, un pārdošanu, kad tās ir augstas, paturot to dažas darba dienas.
5. Diapazona tirdzniecības stratēģija
Stratēģija palīdz tirgotājiem gūt peļņu no cenu svārstībām cenu diapazonā. Lai izmantotu šo kriptogrāfijas stratēģiju, jums ir jāiegūst labas zināšanas par tehnisko analīzi. Tirgotāji iegādājas aktīvus, kad cenas sasniedz atbalsta līmeni vai zemāku, un pārdod tos ar pretestību (augšpusē), lai gūtu peļņu.
6. RSI stratēģija
Relatīvais stiprums Indekss, kas pazīstams kā RSI indikators. Šis ir tirdzniecības impulsa rādītājs, kas norāda uz jebkura kriptovalūtas aktīva pārpirktu un pārpārdotu stāvokli tirgū. Ļoti bieži RSI stratēģija norāda uz ļoti spēcīgiem pirkšanas un pārdošanas signāliem
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šeit ir daži galvenie punkti par Solana (SOL) monētu ¹ ² ³ ⁴: - *Dibinātāji*: Anatolijs Jakovenko ir vissvarīgākā persona aiz Solanas, kurš kopā ar savu Qualcomm kolēģi Gregu Ficdžeraldu nodibināja projektu Solana Labs. - *Launch*: Solana oficiāli uzsāka Solana Foundation 2020. gada martā. - *Mērķis*: Solana ir decentralizēta skaitļošanas platforma, kas izmanto SOL, lai norēķinātos par darījumiem. - *Galvenās funkcijas*: Solana ir neatkarīga 1. slāņa blokķēde, kas izveidota kā ātrs un efektīvs tīkls ar viedo līguma protokolu. - *Vēstures pierādījums*: Solana apgalvo, ka spēj apstrādāt 65 000 darījumu sekundē, padarot to par vienu no ātrākajiem šajā nozarē, pateicoties tās vēstures pierādījuma (PoH) tehnoloģijai. - *Likmes pierādījums*: vienprātība par likmes pierādīšanu darbojas kā PoH procesu uzraudzības rīks, apstiprinot katru tā izveidoto bloku secību. - *Lietošanas gadījumi*: Solana primārais lietošanas gadījums ir atvieglot decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu (DApps) izveidi, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot decentralizētu finanšu (DeFi) risinājumiem. #solanAnalysis
Šeit ir daži galvenie punkti par Solana (SOL) monētu ¹ ² ³ ⁴:

- *Dibinātāji*: Anatolijs Jakovenko ir vissvarīgākā persona aiz Solanas, kurš kopā ar savu Qualcomm kolēģi Gregu Ficdžeraldu nodibināja projektu Solana Labs.

- *Launch*: Solana oficiāli uzsāka Solana Foundation 2020. gada martā.

- *Mērķis*: Solana ir decentralizēta skaitļošanas platforma, kas izmanto SOL, lai norēķinātos par darījumiem.

- *Galvenās funkcijas*: Solana ir neatkarīga 1. slāņa blokķēde, kas izveidota kā ātrs un efektīvs tīkls ar viedo līguma protokolu.

- *Vēstures pierādījums*: Solana apgalvo, ka spēj apstrādāt 65 000 darījumu sekundē, padarot to par vienu no ātrākajiem šajā nozarē, pateicoties tās vēstures pierādījuma (PoH) tehnoloģijai.

- *Likmes pierādījums*: vienprātība par likmes pierādīšanu darbojas kā PoH procesu uzraudzības rīks, apstiprinot katru tā izveidoto bloku secību.

- *Lietošanas gadījumi*: Solana primārais lietošanas gadījums ir atvieglot decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu (DApps) izveidi, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot decentralizētu finanšu (DeFi) risinājumiem. #solanAnalysis
A bull run season in the context of cryptocurrency and financial markets refers to a prolonged period of sustained price growth and market optimism. During a bull run, asset prices rise rapidly, and investor sentiment is overwhelmingly positive, leading to increased demand and further price appreciation. Characteristics of a bull run season include: - Rapid price appreciation - High trading volumes - Increased market liquidity - Growing mainstream attention and adoption - Improved investor sentiment and confidence - Increased demand for assets In the cryptocurrency space, bull runs are often driven by a combination of factors, including: - Technological advancements and innovation - Regulatory clarity and acceptance - Increased institutional investment - Growing use cases and adoption - Speculation and FOMO (fear of missing out) Bull runs can be unpredictable and subject to sudden reversals, making it essential for investors to exercise caution and risk management strategies. Nonetheless, bull run seasons can present significant opportunities for growth and profit for those who participate.#BullRunAhead
A bull run season in the context of cryptocurrency and financial markets refers to a prolonged period of sustained price growth and market optimism. During a bull run, asset prices rise rapidly, and investor sentiment is overwhelmingly positive, leading to increased demand and further price appreciation.

Characteristics of a bull run season include:

- Rapid price appreciation
- High trading volumes
- Increased market liquidity
- Growing mainstream attention and adoption
- Improved investor sentiment and confidence
- Increased demand for assets

In the cryptocurrency space, bull runs are often driven by a combination of factors, including:

- Technological advancements and innovation
- Regulatory clarity and acceptance
- Increased institutional investment
- Growing use cases and adoption
- Speculation and FOMO (fear of missing out)

Bull runs can be unpredictable and subject to sudden reversals, making it essential for investors to exercise caution and risk management strategies. Nonetheless, bull run seasons can present significant opportunities for growth and profit for those who participate.#BullRunAhead
overview of BNB (Binance Coin): BNB (Binance Coin) is the native cryptocurrency of the Binance ecosystem, issued by Binance Exchange in 2017. Initially created as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, BNB was later migrated to Binance's own blockchain, Binance Smart Chain (BSC). BNB is used for various purposes within the Binance ecosystem: - Paying trading fees on Binance Exchange - Participating in token sales on Binance Launchpad - Voting on proposals for Binance's decentralized exchange (DEX) - Paying for transactions on Binance Smart Chain BNB has a total supply of 168 million, with a current circulating supply of around 150 million. Binance conducts regular token burns to reduce the supply and increase the value of BNB. BNB has seen significant growth, driven by the success of Binance Exchange and the expanding Binance ecosystem. It is widely traded on cryptocurrency exchanges and is considered a key player in the digital asset space.#BNBToken #BNB
overview of BNB (Binance Coin):

BNB (Binance Coin) is the native cryptocurrency of the Binance ecosystem, issued by Binance Exchange in 2017. Initially created as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, BNB was later migrated to Binance's own blockchain, Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

BNB is used for various purposes within the Binance ecosystem:

- Paying trading fees on Binance Exchange
- Participating in token sales on Binance Launchpad
- Voting on proposals for Binance's decentralized exchange (DEX)
- Paying for transactions on Binance Smart Chain

BNB has a total supply of 168 million, with a current circulating supply of around 150 million. Binance conducts regular token burns to reduce the supply and increase the value of BNB.

BNB has seen significant growth, driven by the success of Binance Exchange and the expanding Binance ecosystem. It is widely traded on cryptocurrency exchanges and is considered a key player in the digital asset space.#BNBToken #BNB
Here is what I found about Ethereum ¹: - *Ethereum is a decentralized open-source blockchain system* that features its own cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH) - *ETH works as a platform for numerous other cryptocurrencies*, as well as for the execution of decentralized smart contracts - *Ethereum’s own purported goal is to become a global platform for decentralized applications*, allowing users from all over the world to write and run software that is resistant to censorship, downtime and fraud - *Ethereum has pioneered the concept of a blockchain smart contract platform*. Smart contracts are computer programs that automatically execute the actions necessary to fulfill an agreement between several parties on the internet - *Ethereum’s blockchain was designed*, according to co-founder Gavin Wood, as a sort of “one computer for the entire planet,” theoretically able to make any program more robust, censorship-resistant and less prone to fraud by running it on a globally distributed network of public nodes#ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
Here is what I found about Ethereum ¹:
- *Ethereum is a decentralized open-source blockchain system* that features its own cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH)
- *ETH works as a platform for numerous other cryptocurrencies*, as well as for the execution of decentralized smart contracts
- *Ethereum’s own purported goal is to become a global platform for decentralized applications*, allowing users from all over the world to write and run software that is resistant to censorship, downtime and fraud
- *Ethereum has pioneered the concept of a blockchain smart contract platform*. Smart contracts are computer programs that automatically execute the actions necessary to fulfill an agreement between several parties on the internet
- *Ethereum’s blockchain was designed*, according to co-founder Gavin Wood, as a sort of “one computer for the entire planet,” theoretically able to make any program more robust, censorship-resistant and less prone to fraud by running it on a globally distributed network of public nodes#ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
overview of Bitcoin: Bitcoin (BTC) is the world's first decentralized digital currency, introduced in 2009 by an anonymous individual or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It's a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that allows online payments without a central authority or intermediary. Bitcoin is based on a decentralized technology called blockchain, which records transactions on a public ledger. New bitcoins are created through a process called mining, where powerful computers solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and secure the network. Bitcoin is characterized by: - Decentralization: No government or institution controls it - Limited supply: Only 21 million bitcoins will be created - Fast and global: Transactions are fast and can be sent anywhere in the world - Secure: Transactions are encrypted and irreversible - Pseudonymous: Users can make transactions without revealing their real identities Bitcoin has sparked a global conversation about the future of money and has inspired a wave of alternative cryptocurrencies, known as altcoins. Its value has fluctuated significantly over time, making it a highly volatile investment.
overview of Bitcoin:

Bitcoin (BTC) is the world's first decentralized digital currency, introduced in 2009 by an anonymous individual or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It's a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that allows online payments without a central authority or intermediary.

Bitcoin is based on a decentralized technology called blockchain, which records transactions on a public ledger. New bitcoins are created through a process called mining, where powerful computers solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and secure the network.

Bitcoin is characterized by:

- Decentralization: No government or institution controls it
- Limited supply: Only 21 million bitcoins will be created
- Fast and global: Transactions are fast and can be sent anywhere in the world
- Secure: Transactions are encrypted and irreversible
- Pseudonymous: Users can make transactions without revealing their real identities

Bitcoin has sparked a global conversation about the future of money and has inspired a wave of alternative cryptocurrencies, known as altcoins. Its value has fluctuated significantly over time, making it a highly volatile investment.
Binance's trust and reputation: Binance is a well-established and reputable cryptocurrency exchange, known for its security, reliability, and transparency. With a strong track record of uptime and stability, Binance has earned the trust of millions of users worldwide. Here are some reasons why Binance is considered a trusted app: - Robust security measures, including multi-tier and multi-cluster architecture, cold storage, and regular security audits - High liquidity and fast processing times, ensuring quick and efficient trades - Transparent fee structure and competitive pricing - Compliant with regulatory requirements, holding licenses in multiple jurisdictions - Strong customer support and community engagement - Proven track record of innovation and development, with new features and services regularly added While no cryptocurrency exchange is completely immune to risks, Binance has demonstrated a commitment to security, transparency, and user trust, making it a trusted choice for cryptocurrency traders and investors.
Binance's trust and reputation:

Binance is a well-established and reputable cryptocurrency exchange, known for its security, reliability, and transparency. With a strong track record of uptime and stability, Binance has earned the trust of millions of users worldwide. Here are some reasons why Binance is considered a trusted app:

- Robust security measures, including multi-tier and multi-cluster architecture, cold storage, and regular security audits
- High liquidity and fast processing times, ensuring quick and efficient trades
- Transparent fee structure and competitive pricing
- Compliant with regulatory requirements, holding licenses in multiple jurisdictions
- Strong customer support and community engagement
- Proven track record of innovation and development, with new features and services regularly added

While no cryptocurrency exchange is completely immune to risks, Binance has demonstrated a commitment to security, transparency, and user trust, making it a trusted choice for cryptocurrency traders and investors.
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