Binance Square
Trader & crypto analyst with 2.5year experience. Spot trades only. Follow on insta: @molvi.crypto
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Mans viedoklis par tirgus situāciju🚨 Mēs neejam 70 tūkstošus pirms ASV vēlēšanām. Ja trumpis uzvarēs, tad tirgus uzplauks🚀 Citādi mūs gaida liels izgāzums. Ja sāksies Irānas un Izraēlas karš, jūs redzēsiet $BTC 44k–46k. Tagad mēs esam atkarīgi no šīm divām galvenajām ziņām. Citas FUDS & NEWS saglabās $BTC 52–68 k diapazonā. Līdz galvenajām ziņām. {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Mans viedoklis par tirgus situāciju🚨
Mēs neejam 70 tūkstošus pirms ASV vēlēšanām. Ja trumpis uzvarēs, tad tirgus uzplauks🚀 Citādi mūs gaida liels izgāzums.
Ja sāksies Irānas un Izraēlas karš, jūs redzēsiet $BTC 44k–46k.
Tagad mēs esam atkarīgi no šīm divām galvenajām ziņām. Citas FUDS & NEWS saglabās $BTC 52–68 k diapazonā. Līdz galvenajām ziņām.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$DOGS \ USDT ⚠️ Pirkšana par pašreizējo tirgus cenu 0,001017 USD . Mērķi ir 5%, 15% . Izmantojiet stop loss 5% apmērā, ja tirgus noiet greizi👍 . Tā ir tūlītēja tirdzniecība. DIORS $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(DOGSUSDT)
Pirkšana par pašreizējo tirgus cenu 0,001017 USD
Mērķi ir 5%, 15%
Izmantojiet stop loss 5% apmērā, ja tirgus noiet greizi👍
Tā ir tūlītēja tirdzniecība. DIORS
Skatīt oriģinālu
Apmēram $ 500 000+ pirkumi no maniem signāliem ✅️ Visi signāli peļņai👍 Es rezervēju daļu peļņas un daļu turēju, pirkšanas brīdī pievienojot zaudējumu apturēšanu👍 $BB $NOT $WLD Pacietība ir veiksme kriptovalūtā✅️
Apmēram $ 500 000+ pirkumi no maniem signāliem ✅️ Visi signāli peļņai👍

Es rezervēju daļu peļņas un daļu turēju, pirkšanas brīdī pievienojot zaudējumu apturēšanu👍


Pacietība ir veiksme kriptovalūtā✅️
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tirgus brīdinājums⚠️ $BTC tagad stabili ap 55k un 58k 👍 Labs laiks, lai iegādātos alts 🚀 Drīzumā būs pieejami galvenie sūkņi Drīzumā atmetīšu daudzus altus, Ieslēgt paziņojumus 🚀 Ir pienācis laiks drukāt naudu✅️ $RDNT $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(RDNTUSDT)
Tirgus brīdinājums⚠️
$BTC tagad stabili ap 55k un 58k 👍 Labs laiks, lai iegādātos alts 🚀 Drīzumā būs pieejami galvenie sūkņi
Drīzumā atmetīšu daudzus altus, Ieslēgt paziņojumus 🚀 Ir pienācis laiks drukāt naudu✅️
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC tagad ir stabils ap $55k Drīzumā atmetīšu dažus altus, lai iegādātos👍 #trump pret #Kamala kurš uzvarēs šodienas debatēs?
$BTC tagad ir stabils ap $55k
Drīzumā atmetīšu dažus altus, lai iegādātos👍
#trump pret #Kamala kurš uzvarēs šodienas debatēs?
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šīs 3 monētas ir vislabākās investīcijām👍
50% līdz 100% 30 - 60 dienu laikā🚀

▪︎ $WLD
CMP ir 1,35 USD
▪︎ $BB
CMP ir 0,29 USD
▪︎ $NOT
CMP ir 0,0074 USD

DCA, ja izgāž 10% 👍
DYOR paša pētījums | Nav finanšu padoms 👍

Skatīt oriģinālu
Manas dotās monētas lido smagi🚀 $NOT ir 11% vairāk no izsaukuma 🎯 $WLD & $BB sekos NE 👍 . Es nometīšu vēl 3 monētas pēc dažu pamatu analīzes 👍 {spot}(BBUSDT) {spot}(WLDUSDT) {spot}(NOTUSDT)
Manas dotās monētas lido smagi🚀 $NOT ir 11% vairāk no izsaukuma 🎯
$WLD & $BB sekos NE 👍
. Es nometīšu vēl 3 monētas pēc dažu pamatu analīzes 👍
Skatīt oriģinālu
Still you can buy these gems🚀
Still you can buy these gems🚀
Šīs 3 monētas ir vislabākās investīcijām👍
50% līdz 100% 30 - 60 dienu laikā🚀

▪︎ $WLD
CMP ir 1,35 USD
▪︎ $BB
CMP ir 0,29 USD
▪︎ $NOT
CMP ir 0,0074 USD

DCA, ja izgāž 10% 👍
DYOR paša pētījums | Nav finanšu padoms 👍

Skatīt oriģinālu
Šīs 3 monētas ir vislabākās investīcijām👍 50% līdz 100% 30 - 60 dienu laikā🚀 ▪︎ $WLD CMP ir 1,35 USD ▪︎ $BB CMP ir 0,29 USD ▪︎ $NOT CMP ir 0,0074 USD DCA, ja izgāž 10% 👍 DYOR paša pētījums | Nav finanšu padoms 👍 {spot}(NOTUSDT) {spot}(BBUSDT) {spot}(WLDUSDT)
Šīs 3 monētas ir vislabākās investīcijām👍
50% līdz 100% 30 - 60 dienu laikā🚀

▪︎ $WLD
CMP ir 1,35 USD
▪︎ $BB
CMP ir 0,29 USD
▪︎ $NOT
CMP ir 0,0074 USD

DCA, ja izgāž 10% 👍
DYOR paša pētījums | Nav finanšu padoms 👍

I gave you $LOKA at $0.1861 & now LOKA is 10% up 🚀 $T is also up from call 🚀 $TON is facing a bit rejection soon will pump hard👍
I gave you $LOKA at $0.1861 & now LOKA is 10% up 🚀
$T is also up from call 🚀
$TON is facing a bit rejection soon will pump hard👍
3 best coins to buy this time👍
$LOKA at cmp of $0.1861
$T at cmp of $0.02045
$TON at cmp of $4.68
Targets are 5% to 10% 🎯
Use stop loss if market gone wrong👍 DYOR

3 best coins to buy this time👍 $LOKA at cmp of $0.1861 $T at cmp of $0.02045 $TON at cmp of $4.68 . Targets are 5% to 10% 🎯 Use stop loss if market gone wrong👍 DYOR {spot}(TONUSDT) {spot}(TUSDT) {spot}(LOKAUSDT)
3 best coins to buy this time👍
$LOKA at cmp of $0.1861
$T at cmp of $0.02045
$TON at cmp of $4.68
Targets are 5% to 10% 🎯
Use stop loss if market gone wrong👍 DYOR

Today hot trend coin is $TON , Here is dropping TON quick analysis🚨 Support and Resistance Levels: Immediate Support: Around $5.11 - $5.20. This level has shown strength in holding the price during recent market fluctuations. Resistance Levels: Primary Resistance: $7.67. A break above this level could signal a strong bullish trend. Secondary Resistance: $8.80, which might come into play if the $7.67 level is breached. Buy and Sell Zones: Buy Zone: Between $5.11 and $5.20, the current support levels, offer a potential entry point for buyers looking to capitalize on upward momentum. Sell Zone: Around $7.67 to $8.80, where the resistance levels are likely to be tested. If the price approaches these levels without breaking through, it could signal a good time to sell. #TON #Telegram {spot}(TONUSDT)
Today hot trend coin is $TON , Here is dropping TON quick analysis🚨

Support and Resistance Levels:

Immediate Support: Around $5.11 - $5.20. This level has shown strength in holding the price during recent market fluctuations.

Resistance Levels:

Primary Resistance: $7.67. A break above this level could signal a strong bullish trend.
Secondary Resistance: $8.80, which might come into play if the $7.67 level is breached.

Buy and Sell Zones:

Buy Zone: Between $5.11 and $5.20, the current support levels, offer a potential entry point for buyers looking to capitalize on upward momentum.

Sell Zone:
Around $7.67 to $8.80, where the resistance levels are likely to be tested. If the price approaches these levels without breaking through, it could signal a good time to sell.

#TON #Telegram
This phase of crypto trading is the Worst phase of future trading 🚨 Don't open any position ⚠️ . Basically I'm fully against future trading because i think it's a type of gambling & exchanges make money by liquidated your positions 😝 . if you agree with me then send a tip because I make money by binance tipping feature😝😂 $ETH $TON $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(TONUSDT)
This phase of crypto trading is the Worst phase of future trading 🚨 Don't open any position ⚠️
Basically I'm fully against future trading because i think it's a type of gambling & exchanges make money by liquidated your positions 😝
if you agree with me then send a tip because I make money by binance tipping feature😝😂
Psychology of trading !!!! (Part 5) Accept Losses Gracefully No trader wins all the time. Losses are part of the game. Accept them, learn from them, and move on. Dwelling on losses can negatively impact your future trades. Keep emotions in check & focus on long-term success. $BNB $SOL $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT) {spot}(SOLUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT)
Psychology of trading !!!! (Part 5)
Accept Losses Gracefully

No trader wins all the time. Losses are part of the game. Accept them, learn from them, and move on. Dwelling on losses can negatively impact your future trades. Keep emotions in check & focus on long-term success.
Psychology of trading !!!! (Part 4) Stick to Your Strategy It's easy to abandon your strategy when things aren’t going your way. But changing strategies in the middle of a losing streak is risky. Trust your plan, review it periodically, and adjust based on data—not emotions. $BTC $ETH $SOL {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(SOLUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT)
Psychology of trading !!!! (Part 4)
Stick to Your Strategy

It's easy to abandon your strategy when things aren’t going your way. But changing strategies in the middle of a losing streak is risky. Trust your plan, review it periodically, and adjust based on data—not emotions.
Psychology of trading !!!! (Part 3) Overtrading - Less is More! Many traders feel the need to always be in a trade. Overtrading due to boredom, greed, or anxiety can drain your account. Remember: Patience is a trading skill. Sometimes, the best trade is no trade at all. $BTC $ETH $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Psychology of trading !!!! (Part 3)
Overtrading - Less is More!

Many traders feel the need to always be in a trade. Overtrading due to boredom, greed, or anxiety can drain your account. Remember: Patience is a trading skill. Sometimes, the best trade is no trade at all.

Psychology of trading !!!! (Part 2) Emotional Rollercoaster The markets can be volatile, triggering emotions like fear, greed, and anxiety. These emotions can lead to impulsive decisions like panic selling or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) buying. Trading with emotions is a surefire way to lose control. {spot}(DOGSUSDT) {spot}(XRPUSDT) {spot}(TONUSDT) $DOGS $XRP $TON
Psychology of trading !!!! (Part 2)
Emotional Rollercoaster

The markets can be volatile, triggering emotions like fear, greed, and anxiety. These emotions can lead to impulsive decisions like panic selling or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) buying. Trading with emotions is a surefire way to lose control.
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