Binance Square
#Web3 #SocialMining #BlockchainEnthusiast #Freelance #Writer #GraphicDesigners
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BTC nedarbojas, un Memecoin Hunters ir ceļā#Bitcoin krītoties zem 59 000, tirgus piedzīvoja vēl vienu jaunu šoku. Papildus tādiem mememonotiem kā $DOGE , $SHIB , BONK, šis kritums ietekmēja arī tādus mememonētus kā WUFI un $DOGS . Vai pēc tik strauja krituma memecoins ir vieglas peļņas adrese? #Memecoin ir kriptovalūtas, kuru pamatā ir populāri joki vai interneta kultūras iedvesmotas vīrusu tēmas. Bieži vien bez konkrēta mērķa šīs monētas tiek radītas izklaidei vai kopienas veidošanai. Tomēr Dogecoin un tam sekojošā Shiba Inu popularitāte padarīja mememonētus atpazīstamus visā pasaulē.

BTC nedarbojas, un Memecoin Hunters ir ceļā

#Bitcoin krītoties zem 59 000, tirgus piedzīvoja vēl vienu jaunu šoku. Papildus tādiem mememonotiem kā $DOGE , $SHIB , BONK, šis kritums ietekmēja arī tādus mememonētus kā WUFI un $DOGS . Vai pēc tik strauja krituma memecoins ir vieglas peļņas adrese?
#Memecoin ir kriptovalūtas, kuru pamatā ir populāri joki vai interneta kultūras iedvesmotas vīrusu tēmas. Bieži vien bez konkrēta mērķa šīs monētas tiek radītas izklaidei vai kopienas veidošanai. Tomēr Dogecoin un tam sekojošā Shiba Inu popularitāte padarīja mememonētus atpazīstamus visā pasaulē.
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Dezinformācija nav tikai populārs vārds — tā ir globāla problēma. Brazīlija ieņem nostāju, bloķējot Īlona Maska X. Kad tehnoloģijas saskaras ar pārvaldību, kurš uzvar? #ElonMusk #Brazil #TechRegulation
Dezinformācija nav tikai populārs vārds — tā ir globāla problēma. Brazīlija ieņem nostāju, bloķējot Īlona Maska X. Kad tehnoloģijas saskaras ar pārvaldību, kurš uzvar? #ElonMusk #Brazil #TechRegulation
Skatīt oriģinālu
Uz blokķēdes balstītas spēles izaicina tradicionālo spēļu pasauli. Piedāvājot spēlētājiem drošību, caurspīdīgumu un reālu digitālo līdzekļu īpašumtiesības, GameFi pievērš arvien lielāku uzmanību. Web3 spēles $TON ekosistēmā īpaši izceļas ar lietotājam draudzīgu pieredzi. [Is Web3Gaming Taking a New Turn?]( #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS
Uz blokķēdes balstītas spēles izaicina tradicionālo spēļu pasauli. Piedāvājot spēlētājiem drošību, caurspīdīgumu un reālu digitālo līdzekļu īpašumtiesības, GameFi pievērš arvien lielāku uzmanību. Web3 spēles $TON ekosistēmā īpaši izceļas ar lietotājam draudzīgu pieredzi.

Is Web3Gaming Taking a New Turn?

Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai Web3Gaming uzņem jaunus pagriezienus?Mēs visi apzināmies blokķēdes tehnoloģijas spēku. Pēdējo nedēļu laikā #Binance iekļāva $TON , un tagad tiks iekļauts Telegram kopienas memecoin $DOGS . Bet vai jūs nedomājat, ka #web3gaming attīstās citā virzienā? Vai tas tiešām ir “GameFi jaunas ēras sākums?” Pateicoties TCHub, vienā no @DAOLabs ' #SocialMining platformām, publicētajiem uzdevumiem, mēs esam daudz uzzinājuši par #GameFi , un jo īpaši mums ir bijusi iespēja Apskatiet daudzus spēļu projektus, kas ir paredzēti 2024. gadā. Bet tagad ir pienācis laiks iedziļināties tēmā.

Vai Web3Gaming uzņem jaunus pagriezienus?

Mēs visi apzināmies blokķēdes tehnoloģijas spēku. Pēdējo nedēļu laikā #Binance iekļāva $TON , un tagad tiks iekļauts Telegram kopienas memecoin $DOGS . Bet vai jūs nedomājat, ka #web3gaming attīstās citā virzienā? Vai tas tiešām ir “GameFi jaunas ēras sākums?”
Pateicoties TCHub, vienā no @DAO Labs ' #SocialMining platformām, publicētajiem uzdevumiem, mēs esam daudz uzzinājuši par #GameFi , un jo īpaši mums ir bijusi iespēja Apskatiet daudzus spēļu projektus, kas ir paredzēti 2024. gadā. Bet tagad ir pienācis laiks iedziļināties tēmā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Jauns izrāviens kriptovalstu pasaulē: reālās pasaules aktīvi (RWA)Šodien mēs runāsim par Real World Assets #RWA vienu no aizraujošākajiem notikumiem kriptovalūtu pasaulē, kas piedāvā investoriem jaunas iespējas pat #MarketDownturn Ja, tāpat kā es, jūs Ja vēlaties pilnveidot sevi šajā jomā un izmantot jaunas iespējas, tad šis raksts ir domāts jums! Kas ir RWA un kāpēc tas ir tik svarīgi? Pirmkārt, man jāsaka, ka mans ievads RWA ir daudzus gadus sens. Pirmo reizi es nopirku daļu no Benksija mīlestības gaisā, kas tika palaists Avalanche tīklā. Kad es skatos uz tā pašreizējo vērtību, es vēlos, lai es būtu to pārdevis pirmajās dienās. Man tā bija neveiksmīga pieredze. Otrais bija LTO tīkls, ar kuru es satiku, izmantojot @DAOLabs #SocialMining . Tajā laikā es biju iesācējs sociālajā ieguvē un īsti nesapratu RWA nozīmi. Es to saucu par lielu nelaimi. Man tiešām vajadzēja veikt vairāk pētījumu un labāk saprast RWA. Tāpēc, lūdzu, rūpīgi pārskatiet šo rakstu.

Jauns izrāviens kriptovalstu pasaulē: reālās pasaules aktīvi (RWA)

Šodien mēs runāsim par Real World Assets #RWA vienu no aizraujošākajiem notikumiem kriptovalūtu pasaulē, kas piedāvā investoriem jaunas iespējas pat #MarketDownturn Ja, tāpat kā es, jūs Ja vēlaties pilnveidot sevi šajā jomā un izmantot jaunas iespējas, tad šis raksts ir domāts jums!

Kas ir RWA un kāpēc tas ir tik svarīgi?
Pirmkārt, man jāsaka, ka mans ievads RWA ir daudzus gadus sens. Pirmo reizi es nopirku daļu no Benksija mīlestības gaisā, kas tika palaists Avalanche tīklā. Kad es skatos uz tā pašreizējo vērtību, es vēlos, lai es būtu to pārdevis pirmajās dienās. Man tā bija neveiksmīga pieredze. Otrais bija LTO tīkls, ar kuru es satiku, izmantojot @DAO Labs #SocialMining . Tajā laikā es biju iesācējs sociālajā ieguvē un īsti nesapratu RWA nozīmi. Es to saucu par lielu nelaimi. Man tiešām vajadzēja veikt vairāk pētījumu un labāk saprast RWA. Tāpēc, lūdzu, rūpīgi pārskatiet šo rakstu.
Is the Future of Artificial Intelligence Built on Blockchain?MeromAI is an innovative artificial intelligence platform in alpha on the Ethereum $ETH #BaseChain and WAX $WAXP networks and will soon be available on the Solana $SOL network. In this article, we will explore the unique opportunities offered by #MeromAI and its contributions to the blockchain ecosystem. MeromAI's goal is to transform the AI world dominated by large corporations into a decentralized and community-driven alternative. What sets it apart from other blockchain-based AI projects is that it is an open-source model that encourages and rewards community participation and that $AIMR tokens are distributed fairly, without pre-mining, private token sales, or ICOs. It also offers everyone the opportunity to participate in the creation of AI models and rewards them with $AIMR tokens based on their activity on the platform. It is available on Ethereum, Base, and WAX Blockchain and will soon be active on the Solona network. Isn't multi-chain support one of the most important features that makes a project stand out? Earning $AIMR token starts with training Meromai AI. But how do you train it? To start creating prompts or responses, you must first register with MeromAI. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make any contribution without completing the registration process. First, examine the platform. Read the rules and find out what you need to do to avoid having your contributions rejected. The FAQS page will guide you. Thanks to our AI experience starting with ChatGPT, some of us can already ask questions as effectively as a prompt engineer and get accurate answers. So what is the secret to getting effective answers in AI models? Of course, creating specific and descriptive prompts... For example, if you are wondering how the cryptocurrency market will be affected after the approval of #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July and you type a simple prompt like “ETH ETF Approval 23 July” to the AI model, the response you will get will definitely not satisfy you. Therefore, you need to write a prompt by further clarifying the topic you want to learn. For example, I wrote prompts to MeromAI in 3 different ways and the answers I got were different. As you can see, the clearer your prompts are, the more accurate the responses you will receive. If you want to train MeromAI for its purposes, you must first understand the importance of effective prompt writing. By seeing what kind of results you can achieve by writing effective prompts, it will be objective to evaluate whether other users' prompts are also effective. You can start by looking at the image below. So why should you continue to contribute to the MeromAI project? MeromAI is a completely open-source AI stack with contributions from thousands of people. The aim is to train AI like a human. How do we think or react as human beings? This is what we need to pay attention to. In particular, we have never been able to contribute to any AI project and get a reward in return. Can you imagine what a great opportunity this is for technology and blockchain enthusiasts like us? Moreover, considering the role that artificial intelligence will play in the transition from Web 3.0 to Web 4.0 and that “prompt engineering” is among the professions of the future, MeromAI will also improve our ability to see, examine, and understand things closely. In fact, it will do more. So how will the deployment of MeromAI on the WAX Blockchain, one of the most important supporters of Web3, benefit the WAX ecosystem? WAX has already started to encourage community participation and reward them with WAXP tokens with the launch of the @DAOLabs social mining platform WAXHub. I think the deployment of MeromAI, also a community-driven project, on WAX, is an indication of how much WAX values its community. In addition, the deployment of MeromAI on the #WAXBlockchain will contribute to the expansion and diversification of the WAX ecosystem. In particular, it is noteworthy that WAX is pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology by expanding its existing and potential user base and enabling new use cases to be explored. MeromAI's success on WAX can be seen as a testament to the synergy that comes from the combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies and has the potential to pave the way for innovation in this area. As you can see, it is very important in an ecosystem to engage the community and encourage them to add value. Both MeromAI and DAOLabs offer platforms that encourage and reward users' active participation. Every valuable contribution to projects on DAOLabs #SocialMining Hubs (Avalanche, Polygon, Kava, WAX, TON, and DAOVERSE) allows social miners to be rewarded with project tokens. This can be done by tweeting, writing articles, creating infographics, sharing gifs or memes, or even creating digital designs. In conclusion, MeromAI, which takes a similar approach to DAOLab's social mining approach, provides an excellent example of how blockchain-based projects can become more sustainable and community-driven. By encouraging user participation, such projects are taking important steps toward a decentralized future.

Is the Future of Artificial Intelligence Built on Blockchain?

MeromAI is an innovative artificial intelligence platform in alpha on the Ethereum $ETH #BaseChain and WAX $WAXP networks and will soon be available on the Solana $SOL network. In this article, we will explore the unique opportunities offered by #MeromAI and its contributions to the blockchain ecosystem.

MeromAI's goal is to transform the AI world dominated by large corporations into a decentralized and community-driven alternative.
What sets it apart from other blockchain-based AI projects is that it is an open-source model that encourages and rewards community participation and that $AIMR tokens are distributed fairly, without pre-mining, private token sales, or ICOs.
It also offers everyone the opportunity to participate in the creation of AI models and rewards them with $AIMR tokens based on their activity on the platform. It is available on Ethereum, Base, and WAX Blockchain and will soon be active on the Solona network. Isn't multi-chain support one of the most important features that makes a project stand out?
Earning $AIMR token starts with training Meromai AI. But how do you train it?
To start creating prompts or responses, you must first register with MeromAI. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make any contribution without completing the registration process. First, examine the platform. Read the rules and find out what you need to do to avoid having your contributions rejected. The FAQS page will guide you.

Thanks to our AI experience starting with ChatGPT, some of us can already ask questions as effectively as a prompt engineer and get accurate answers.
So what is the secret to getting effective answers in AI models?
Of course, creating specific and descriptive prompts... For example, if you are wondering how the cryptocurrency market will be affected after the approval of #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July and you type a simple prompt like “ETH ETF Approval 23 July” to the AI model, the response you will get will definitely not satisfy you. Therefore, you need to write a prompt by further clarifying the topic you want to learn. For example, I wrote prompts to MeromAI in 3 different ways and the answers I got were different.

As you can see, the clearer your prompts are, the more accurate the responses you will receive. If you want to train MeromAI for its purposes, you must first understand the importance of effective prompt writing.
By seeing what kind of results you can achieve by writing effective prompts, it will be objective to evaluate whether other users' prompts are also effective. You can start by looking at the image below.

So why should you continue to contribute to the MeromAI project?
MeromAI is a completely open-source AI stack with contributions from thousands of people. The aim is to train AI like a human. How do we think or react as human beings? This is what we need to pay attention to.
In particular, we have never been able to contribute to any AI project and get a reward in return. Can you imagine what a great opportunity this is for technology and blockchain enthusiasts like us? Moreover, considering the role that artificial intelligence will play in the transition from Web 3.0 to Web 4.0 and that “prompt engineering” is among the professions of the future, MeromAI will also improve our ability to see, examine, and understand things closely. In fact, it will do more.

So how will the deployment of MeromAI on the WAX Blockchain, one of the most important supporters of Web3, benefit the WAX ecosystem?
WAX has already started to encourage community participation and reward them with WAXP tokens with the launch of the @DAO Labs social mining platform WAXHub. I think the deployment of MeromAI, also a community-driven project, on WAX, is an indication of how much WAX values its community.
In addition, the deployment of MeromAI on the #WAXBlockchain will contribute to the expansion and diversification of the WAX ecosystem.
In particular, it is noteworthy that WAX is pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology by expanding its existing and potential user base and enabling new use cases to be explored.
MeromAI's success on WAX can be seen as a testament to the synergy that comes from the combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies and has the potential to pave the way for innovation in this area.
As you can see, it is very important in an ecosystem to engage the community and encourage them to add value. Both MeromAI and DAOLabs offer platforms that encourage and reward users' active participation. Every valuable contribution to projects on DAOLabs #SocialMining Hubs (Avalanche, Polygon, Kava, WAX, TON, and DAOVERSE) allows social miners to be rewarded with project tokens. This can be done by tweeting, writing articles, creating infographics, sharing gifs or memes, or even creating digital designs.
In conclusion, MeromAI, which takes a similar approach to DAOLab's social mining approach, provides an excellent example of how blockchain-based projects can become more sustainable and community-driven. By encouraging user participation, such projects are taking important steps toward a decentralized future.
$MATIC $WAXP #TON In #SocialMining , it's not just about contributing to projects and earning, it's about getting to know the #web3 world better and bringing opportunities to even more people... For example, #Polygon WAX and TON Blockchain... At the beginning of 2024, TCHUB went live and allowed us to closely follow the developments in the TON Blockchain and turn to alternative earnings. Telegram is an incredible resource for Web3. Collaborating with TON Blockchain is the most effective way to access this resource. Two important steps have been taken in this regard. TAC is building a zk-powered L2 solution that connects to AggLayer for TON blockchain, enabling EVM compatibility for Telegram dApps and increasing users for the entire network. and A new bridge between WAX and TON networks will allow transfers of native tokens and other supported assets, expanding possibilities for users. In short, these three projects use the DAO Labs social mining platform, and #DAOLabs is further empowering the Web3 community with its social mining platform and helping them make a bigger impact together.

In #SocialMining , it's not just about contributing to projects and earning, it's about getting to know the #web3 world better and bringing opportunities to even more people... For example, #Polygon WAX and TON Blockchain...
At the beginning of 2024, TCHUB went live and allowed us to closely follow the developments in the TON Blockchain and turn to alternative earnings. Telegram is an incredible resource for Web3. Collaborating with TON Blockchain is the most effective way to access this resource.
Two important steps have been taken in this regard.
TAC is building a zk-powered L2 solution that connects to AggLayer for TON blockchain, enabling EVM compatibility for Telegram dApps and increasing users for the entire network.
A new bridge between WAX and TON networks will allow transfers of native tokens and other supported assets, expanding possibilities for users.
In short, these three projects use the DAO Labs social mining platform, and #DAOLabs is further empowering the Web3 community with its social mining platform and helping them make a bigger impact together.
DAO Labs
TON Gets New Layer 2 Network on Polygon CDK
The development of a Layer-2 network based on the CDK (Chain Development Kit) brought a new wave of development to the Ecosystem. In such a move, efficiency within the blockchain ecosystem has seen an increase in scalability, security, and many others. has become integral to networks like .

This is done with the help of Polygon's CDK, making TON one of the first decentralized projects to solve scalability and security issues that have plagued blockchain networks for years. This newly developed Layer 2 network will provide super speed at relatively lower transaction costs in transacting, therefore making it attractive to users and developers. This fact well marries up to the development of TON as an advanced, user-friendly, decentralized blockchain ecosystem.

TON is finally getting into the blockchain networks community as a Layer-2 network, building with the top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. This integration will mean better scalability and security for users dealing with BTC and ETH on the TON network. There is going to be interoperability to move easily through different networks, making the blockchain space even more interlinked.

Apart from these technical enhancements, TON gives more importance to community participation with the aid of Social Mining. This is one transparent, decentralized incentivization of active members for their contribution to the ecosystem. Users receive native tokens as a reward for the actions they perform: either content creation, giving feedback, or promoting the network. It, in other words, increases the numbers of participants and raises a real, very active community around TON and Polygon.

' allows users to create both educational and engaging content on the new TON Layer-2 network and its integration with the Polygon CDK. Any community member is able to write articles, make videos, or take part in active discussions on how this development favors them. For such activity, one will be remunerated in tokens that can be exchanged for on the Polygon hub. Such user engagement leads to more awareness and further fills up the community knowledge base. In another, more community-engaged approach, the Polygon community has rolled out a second set of bounties campaign-style around the launch of the TON New Tier-2 network. Users are encouraged to write news articles or threads that will feature Everstake roles on security practices and benefits to the PoS community utilizing the Polygon network. Users stand a chance to earn as much as 800 points for this specific lot of tasks, plus a boost in reputation of 0.1, which can still be converted to $MATIC and will be held as a redeemable asset at the end of the campaign.

In these activities, apart from the chance given to people to win something, they contribute greatly toward public awareness with regard to the role that validators like Everstake play in ensuring security and efficiency within blockchain networks. Part of this campaign is that Hubbers of Polygon also create an educational Infographic of what the Polygon CDK is and how it allows Ethereum integrations; also, how it supports the Ethereum-based apps with TON. Then, Hubbers are supposed to also deliver a Maxipost or at least three X threads meant to explain the purpose of TACs, what is the integration procedure of Polygon CDK, and reasons for choosing the Polygon CDK for this job. This initiative not only fosters deeper understanding but also enhances community engagement and knowledge sharing.
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Pauels izdarīja pirmo gājienu. Un kas mūs sagaida pēc tam?
Pēc ASV Federālo rezervju sistēmas (FED) priekšsēdētāja Džeroma Pauela prezentācijas Kongresam vakar bija vērojama ievērojama kustība pat lielo spēlētāju vidū, piemēram, $BTC $ETH un $BNB .
Galvenie punkti:
ASV ekonomika vairs nav "pārkarsusi".
Darba tirgus ir "ievērojami atdzisis" pēc pandēmijas pārmērībām.

Pēdējos mēnešos inflācija uzlabojas.
Pozitīvāki dati veicinās centrālās bankas pārliecību par procentu likmju pazemināšanu.
Procentu likmju samazināšanas gaidu atspoguļojums tirgū

Jau tagad;
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pauels izdarīja pirmo gājienu. Un kas mūs sagaida pēc tam?Pēc ASV Federālo rezervju sistēmas (FED) priekšsēdētāja Džeroma Pauela prezentācijas Kongresam vakar bija vērojama ievērojama kustība pat lielo spēlētāju vidū, piemēram, $BTC $ETH un $BNB . Galvenie punkti: ASV ekonomika vairs nav "pārkarsusi". Darba tirgus ir "ievērojami atdzisis" pēc pandēmijas pārmērībām. Pēdējos mēnešos inflācija uzlabojas. Pozitīvāki dati veicinās centrālās bankas pārliecību par procentu likmju pazemināšanu. Procentu likmju samazināšanas gaidu atspoguļojums tirgū Jau tagad;

Pauels izdarīja pirmo gājienu. Un kas mūs sagaida pēc tam?

Pēc ASV Federālo rezervju sistēmas (FED) priekšsēdētāja Džeroma Pauela prezentācijas Kongresam vakar bija vērojama ievērojama kustība pat lielo spēlētāju vidū, piemēram, $BTC $ETH un $BNB .
Galvenie punkti:
ASV ekonomika vairs nav "pārkarsusi".
Darba tirgus ir "ievērojami atdzisis" pēc pandēmijas pārmērībām.

Pēdējos mēnešos inflācija uzlabojas.
Pozitīvāki dati veicinās centrālās bankas pārliecību par procentu likmju pazemināšanu.
Procentu likmju samazināšanas gaidu atspoguļojums tirgū

Jau tagad;
It is a project that especially former social miners have made great efforts $EGLD . It is even the apple of some of our friends' eyes. Because they experienced the excitement of every development in #Elrond . This is why #SocialMining is important. You see the evolution of a project firsthand.
It is a project that especially former social miners have made great efforts $EGLD . It is even the apple of some of our friends' eyes. Because they experienced the excitement of every development in #Elrond . This is why #SocialMining is important. You see the evolution of a project firsthand.
Analyzing $EGLD by MultiversX: A High-Throughput Blockchain for the Future
Choosing a responsible and potentially rewarding investment in the crypto space can be challenging. With a focus on financial safety and technological promise, #MultiversX (formerly Elrond) and its native token eGold ($EGLD ) stand out. This high-throughput blockchain aims to support the burgeoning metaverse with unparalleled transaction speeds and innovative features.
Inspiration for Picking MultiversX ($EGLD)
MultiversX distinguishes itself with its technological advancements and robust ecosystem. In its early years, #DaoLabs played a crucial role in its development. With an aim to deliver 1000x throughput compared to existing blockchains, MultiversX positions itself as a key player in managing massive user adoption, essential for the metaverse and beyond. Elrond (now MultiversX) grew significantly through the input of #SocialMining , gaining substantial support from its community.
Origins and Product Technology
MultiversX was founded to address the scalability issues plaguing many blockchains. The network's innovative technologies include:
Adaptive State Sharding: This allows real-time adjustment of the network capacity, providing a flexible and efficient blockchain infrastructure.Secure Proof of Stake (SPoS): A consensus mechanism that enhances security and efficiency by rotating validators and maintaining decentralization.Elrond VM (EVM): A dedicated smart contract execution engine that supports multiple programming languages, increasing accessibility for developers.
These features collectively enable MultiversX to offer high throughput, low latency, and minimal fees, making it a versatile platform for various applications.
Background: Story and Team
MultiversX was founded by Beniamin Mincu, Lucian Mincu, and Lucian Todea. The team brings together experts in blockchain, security, and business. Their vision is to create a high-speed, secure blockchain that can handle real-world applications and user demand. The transition from Elrond to MultiversX reflects their broader ambition to support the metaverse and advanced digital ecosystems.
Purpose of the Coin's Use
$EGLD serves multiple critical functions within the MultiversX ecosystem:
Staking: Users can stake $EGLD to support network security and earn rewards.Governance: Token holders can participate in the governance process, influencing the future direction of the network.Transactions: $EGLD is used to pay for transactions and smart contract executions.Validator Rewards: Validators receive $EGLD for maintaining the network.
Market Cap and Valuation:
Market Cap: $781,658,617Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV): $781,806,977
Circulating Supply:
27 Million EGLD tokens
Price Performance:
All-Time High: $545.64 (November 23, 2021)All-Time Low: $6.51 (October 7, 2020)Recent Price: Significantly higher than the all-time low, indicating substantial growth
Recent Listings:
Recently listed on Bit2Me, the largest exchange in Latin America
Recent Updates:
Sharding technology update to enhance scalability and performance$110K trading competition on BinanceTR, highlighting community support initiatives
MultiversX and its native token $EGLD present a compelling investment opportunity. With advanced technology, a dedicated team, and strong market fit, MultiversX is well-equipped to support the future of digital ecosystems and the metaverse. As always, potential investors should conduct their due diligence and consider the risks involved.
I never thought it would be so easy to create #Memecoins🤑🤑 on the @WAX Blockchain. But at the same time, I think: "Is it right that things are so simple?" Especially at a time when new investors are disappointed after jumping into every memecoin project. Of course, it's everyone's choice. $WAXP
I never thought it would be so easy to create #Memecoins🤑🤑 on the @WAX Blockchain. But at the same time, I think:

"Is it right that things are so simple?" Especially at a time when new investors are disappointed after jumping into every memecoin project.

Of course, it's everyone's choice. $WAXP
DAO Labs
We are Looking for New Friends to $WAXP
Is it possible to produce a coin with blockchain technology without knowing the software?
This issue is on the agenda of social miners. At the community Hub established by ' community, there are miners preparing to create the most trending topic of these days, "memecoin".
Using the possibilities of the blockchain, you can create your own memecoin with waxdao.

For details, medium review : 's guide.
The growth in the #RWA ( Real World Asset ) ecosystem is incredible. The infrastructure #MantraChain $OM provides makes it even more prominent in this sector. Definitely a must-read 👇
The growth in the #RWA ( Real World Asset ) ecosystem is incredible. The infrastructure #MantraChain $OM provides makes it even more prominent in this sector.

Definitely a must-read 👇
The Real World Asset Project In A Social Mining Territory
The current Web 2.0 focuses on connecting people through the invention of social media platforms and the development was on the application layer only. The introduction of Web3 has turned into a #Megadrop as it unlocked a huge opportunity for all with no involvement of a third party.
In 2022, #DaoLabs became the proprietor of #SocialMining with the idea of supporting organizations in areas of rewarding their community members for contributing to organizational growth through a DAO structure based on a merit-based system, and in today's engagement, we see a lot of points based platforms that majority of the project is using to grow the projects, this shows that users' content is an asset in the Web3 space hence, needed to be rewarded. You can do your further research on DAOLabs Social Mining Idea for more information as there is a huge opportunity right there.

Now, Let's Talk About Real World Asset
As we know, Web 3 is all about ownership (decentralization), and recently we saw how the technology set to tokenize the Real World Assets (RWA) which involves digitizing ownership of physical and financial assets on the blockchain. According to #CoinMarketCap Real World Asset sits at $34.9 Billion with a Trading Volume of $1.3 Billion in the last 24hrs which shows there is huge liquidity around the Real World Assets ecosystem. A lot of projects here release unique features that users can benefit from, however, I sighted $OM which is a MANTRA utility token launching its new chain on Cosmos Network though its genesis token launched on Ethereum Network in 2020 and added Binance and Polygon blockchain respectively, there is need to check out what this project is doing differently and position for the opportunities right there.

The growth experienced in the RWA ecosystem lately made financial analysts say tokenizing Real-World Asset will push its value up to $16 trillion by 2030, signifying a transformative shift in traditional financial and investment practices. MANTRA is positioned as a Security First RWA Layer 1 Blockchain, capable of adherence to real-world regulatory requirements, and making sure the project connects with everyone in every location or country.
Notable Point
MANTRA Chain will enable the seamless fractionalization and tokenization of real-world assets, including art, commodities, and real estate.MANTRA Chain will streamline user onboarding with a secure DID system, utilizing Soulbound NFTs for enhanced identity verification and simplified KYC/AML compliance.MANTRA Chain will utilize Cosmos Hub and IBC protocol for secure token movement and seamless transactions across the Cosmos ecosystem.MANTRA Chain will foster a dynamic ecosystem through on-chain governance, enabling community participation in continuous upgrades and improvements.

Knowing that the chain's mainnet launch is still in the pipeline, interacting with the incentivized testnet and position for Airdrop might be one of the advantages this project brings for all participants coupled with the fact that the utility token is already a listed token on Binance exchange. This is an advantage for all Binance users to leverage the utilities that surround the token.
As RWA projects like MANTRA create tokens on a blockchain that represent physical or financial assets like art, real estate, stocks, or bonds, so is DAoLabs sees the user's content as an asset, and every single drop command reward to the creator, this technological innovation, especially in Social Mining pitched by DAOLabs, allows the user receives platform points on their content which servers as the digital proof of ownership.
Notable Point
Social Mining incentivizes community-building that is decentralized and supports projects in the long run.Social Miners earn through recognition of quality content shared.Social Mining is a proven product that helped many leading blockchain networks build their community. TON Network, Avalanche, Polygon, WAX, and KAVA are presently using it.
In conclusion, you can tokenize anything but for value purposes, everything is not supposed to be tokenized. Check through project utilities, leverage them, and protect your investment through proper risk management.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, every information shared here is for educational purposes, please do your research.
For DAOLabs: https ://www .daolabs .com
For MANTRA: https ://www .mantrachain .io
With the direction of the cryptocurrency market still uncertain, I think $KAVA staking will be a safe haven with its rewards and positive expectations for the future.
With the direction of the cryptocurrency market still uncertain, I think $KAVA staking will be a safe haven with its rewards and positive expectations for the future.
DAO Labs
KAVA Coin weekly price analysis
$KAVA Hub says.
Have you read the prediction of the #KAVA fans built by the #DAOLabs #SocialMining community and the community that aims to promote kava about the kava coin with the week that starts?

When it comes to staking, Kava is among the top coins. It is one of the rare projects you should hold in significant quantity in your portfolio, allowing you to earn in proportion to what you hold. We will frequently see this project among the top 50 performers in a rising market. After breaking the initial 0.7226 level, it will likely move towards the red-shaded area. The price is currently accumulating.
Tulkot and Binance Labs: Shining Star in the MVB ProgramAs a @DAOLabs social miner, I continue to research projects that have received #BinanceLabs support. Today, we'll take a brief introduction to #BLUM .io, a project that was selected for the MVB VII program. The collapse in altcoins after the $BTC crash has caused many investors to look for safer havens. As you may remember, in this article ([](, I analyzed Binance Labs' investment portfolio and when we looked at the investment returns, we saw that better returns were achieved with the effect of the general market situation. In this case, it may be the most logical step to follow the projects supported or monitored by Binance Labs. Binance Labs has invested in +250 projects so far and has incubated more than 50 of these projects. The Blum project is among the projects that have caught the attention of Binance Labs and has already taken its place in the 7th season of the MVB (Most Valuable Builder) program. The MVB program is an incubation program that supports early-stage blockchain projects and offers a variety of resources and mentorship services to help them grow rapidly. Projects in this program can grow faster and more reliably thanks to Binance Labs' extensive network and financial support, but what are the key features that put the incubated Blum project ahead of the other candidates? Hybrid Model: Blum combines the speed and cost advantages of centralized exchanges with the security of decentralized exchanges.Broad Token Access: Automatically lists tokens from various exchanges and protocols. Mobile and Telegram App: Provides users with easy access and the ability to complete tasks and earn rewards via the Telegram bot.User-Friendly Derivatives Products: Offers simple and straightforward derivatives products.P2P Fiat Trading: Enables easy fiat trading with local currencies. Roadmap and Future Plans: Blum detailed future developments and plans to improve the user experience: Q2 2024: Addition of new features such as Drop Game, Public Launch, Balances, Self Protection Wallets, Swaps, Leaderboards, and Memepad.Q3 2024: MPC Wallet, Perpetuals, App Store and Google Play launch.Q4 2024: Launch of a fully functional web platform (Blum). Blum and DAO Labs Social Mining: Blum has attracted a lot of attention, especially with community-driven events and campaigns. Many users, myself included, got to know the Blum project through the Blum Telegram bot that we installed on the Telegram app. Right now we only farm points. Sometimes special tasks are published and we earn Blum points by completing these tasks. How can you earn Blum points after activating this bot? By playing games (be careful with mines, if you accidentally step on them you will lose the points you collected during the game).Visiting the app every 8 hours and claiming your farmed points.Completing tasks on the Task page.Inviting your friends. Now the following question may come to your mind: All we have now is a telegram bot. Is this the only thing that got Binance Labs' attention? You're absolutely right. When I watched the video content about Blum, I thought, "I should definitely install and test this app," and I was shocked to see that it was just a click-to-win kind of app. But if you look at the roadmap a little bit more carefully, every action we take on the app is us exploring and familiarizing ourselves with the app. With each feature addition, we'll learn more and more about Blum and what benefits we'll get with the points we earn. So we haven't even discovered the real deal yet. In a similar way, #DaoLabs #SocialMining offers a system that encourages active community participation and rewards participants. Social mining allows community members to promote the project, complete tasks and earn rewards in the process. This helps projects grow organically and build a strong community. Blum is a promising project that aims to provide innovative and user-friendly solutions for cryptocurrency trading with the support of Binance Labs. This support plays a critical role in Blum's technological development and strengthening its position in the market. #Write2Earn! and Binance Labs: Shining Star in the MVB Program

As a @DAO Labs social miner, I continue to research projects that have received #BinanceLabs support. Today, we'll take a brief introduction to #BLUM .io, a project that was selected for the MVB VII program.
The collapse in altcoins after the $BTC crash has caused many investors to look for safer havens. As you may remember, in this article (, I analyzed Binance Labs' investment portfolio and when we looked at the investment returns, we saw that better returns were achieved with the effect of the general market situation. In this case, it may be the most logical step to follow the projects supported or monitored by Binance Labs.
Binance Labs has invested in +250 projects so far and has incubated more than 50 of these projects. The Blum project is among the projects that have caught the attention of Binance Labs and has already taken its place in the 7th season of the MVB (Most Valuable Builder) program.
The MVB program is an incubation program that supports early-stage blockchain projects and offers a variety of resources and mentorship services to help them grow rapidly. Projects in this program can grow faster and more reliably thanks to Binance Labs' extensive network and financial support, but what are the key features that put the incubated Blum project ahead of the other candidates?
Hybrid Model: Blum combines the speed and cost advantages of centralized exchanges with the security of decentralized exchanges.Broad Token Access: Automatically lists tokens from various exchanges and protocols. Mobile and Telegram App: Provides users with easy access and the ability to complete tasks and earn rewards via the Telegram bot.User-Friendly Derivatives Products: Offers simple and straightforward derivatives products.P2P Fiat Trading: Enables easy fiat trading with local currencies.
Roadmap and Future Plans:
Blum detailed future developments and plans to improve the user experience:
Q2 2024: Addition of new features such as Drop Game, Public Launch, Balances, Self Protection Wallets, Swaps, Leaderboards, and Memepad.Q3 2024: MPC Wallet, Perpetuals, App Store and Google Play launch.Q4 2024: Launch of a fully functional web platform (Blum).
Blum and DAO Labs Social Mining:
Blum has attracted a lot of attention, especially with community-driven events and campaigns.
Many users, myself included, got to know the Blum project through the Blum Telegram bot that we installed on the Telegram app. Right now we only farm points. Sometimes special tasks are published and we earn Blum points by completing these tasks.
How can you earn Blum points after activating this bot?
By playing games (be careful with mines, if you accidentally step on them you will lose the points you collected during the game).Visiting the app every 8 hours and claiming your farmed points.Completing tasks on the Task page.Inviting your friends.
Now the following question may come to your mind: All we have now is a telegram bot. Is this the only thing that got Binance Labs' attention?
You're absolutely right. When I watched the video content about Blum, I thought, "I should definitely install and test this app," and I was shocked to see that it was just a click-to-win kind of app. But if you look at the roadmap a little bit more carefully, every action we take on the app is us exploring and familiarizing ourselves with the app. With each feature addition, we'll learn more and more about Blum and what benefits we'll get with the points we earn. So we haven't even discovered the real deal yet.
In a similar way, #DaoLabs #SocialMining offers a system that encourages active community participation and rewards participants. Social mining allows community members to promote the project, complete tasks and earn rewards in the process. This helps projects grow organically and build a strong community.
Blum is a promising project that aims to provide innovative and user-friendly solutions for cryptocurrency trading with the support of Binance Labs. This support plays a critical role in Blum's technological development and strengthening its position in the market.

A Digital Dragon in the Digital Age: DAO DragonEven as $BTC crushes all #altcoins , social miners are at it again. Most of my fellow @DAOLabs social miners, including me, have completed about 10 weeks of challenge rounds. More precisely, I will be completing it now. Let's see if you like my work this time 😉 Our last task at Daoversian Decathlon was to design a mascot for a project in the DaoLabs social mining galaxy. I had chosen 3 projects on the first day of the task. I even said that I would suggest 1 mascot for all of them. My dreams are Paris... of course 😂 Our task in the SSMM final round kept me very busy. Especially when my opponent was @Senator-Skelz ... 🤝Anyway, we both submitted our work and are eagerly awaiting the results to be announced. Now it's time to focus on the final task. From the beginning, I was focused on $MATIC , #ton_blockchain , and #DAOVERSE projects, and I had even chosen characters based on the main characteristics of all these projects. But at the last moment, I went back to my roots and focused on DAOVERSE, and here is my mascot... DAO Dragon Creation story: #DaoLabs social miners are described as the Ninjas of #SocialMining and of course, I first wondered if I should design a NINJA mascot like the one in my profile picture. But then I reconsidered. We already have a ninja mascot somehow, even if it's a small one on our task banners. So what could it be? Of course, the clue was right in front of me. The DAO Labs logo... Many people think our logo looks like a lion. But I saw a dragon in front of me. So I found my character, what will he be called? LABOR Dragon, DAODag, I finally decided to name him DAO Dragon. A digital dragon in the digital age: DAO Dragon This cute and clever character represents the innovative spirit and technological power of DAOVERSE. Why this name? The main reason I chose the name DAO Dragon is that I wanted to combine the organizational structure of a DAO with the mythological power and wisdom of dragons. Dragons represent wisdom, power, and change in many cultures; of course, DAOVERSE wants to do the same. It's a perfect fit. Digital DNA Intelligence: His bespectacled form symbolizes his ability to think analytically and strategically.Compatibility: His appearance in different roles (scientist, businessman, athlete, analyst, youth, and much more) reflects the versatility and inclusiveness of DAOVERSE and its community.Technological Progress: The network structures in the background represent blockchain technology.Strength and Growth: The muscular structure and dynamic stance show the project's forward-looking vision and growth potential. Why did I use blue color tones? I thought a mix of DAOLabs brand colors would be a perfect choice. The color blue is often associated with calmness, serenity and tranquility. However, blue also represents reliability, loyalty and wisdom. In the business world, blue is often associated with professionalism, formality and reliability. In summary, DAO Dragon will be more than a mascot and a powerful symbol that embodies the project's values, vision, and community spirit. This character will make technical topics fun and accessible while maintaining the seriousness and professionalism of the project. Do you think DAO Dragon could be our official mascot? I look forward to your comments.

A Digital Dragon in the Digital Age: DAO Dragon

Even as $BTC crushes all #altcoins , social miners are at it again. Most of my fellow @DAO Labs social miners, including me, have completed about 10 weeks of challenge rounds. More precisely, I will be completing it now. Let's see if you like my work this time 😉
Our last task at Daoversian Decathlon was to design a mascot for a project in the DaoLabs social mining galaxy. I had chosen 3 projects on the first day of the task. I even said that I would suggest 1 mascot for all of them. My dreams are Paris... of course 😂
Our task in the SSMM final round kept me very busy. Especially when my opponent was @Senator Skelz ... 🤝Anyway, we both submitted our work and are eagerly awaiting the results to be announced.
Now it's time to focus on the final task. From the beginning, I was focused on $MATIC , #ton_blockchain , and #DAOVERSE projects, and I had even chosen characters based on the main characteristics of all these projects. But at the last moment, I went back to my roots and focused on DAOVERSE, and here is my mascot... DAO Dragon

Creation story:
#DaoLabs social miners are described as the Ninjas of #SocialMining and of course, I first wondered if I should design a NINJA mascot like the one in my profile picture. But then I reconsidered. We already have a ninja mascot somehow, even if it's a small one on our task banners. So what could it be?
Of course, the clue was right in front of me. The DAO Labs logo... Many people think our logo looks like a lion. But I saw a dragon in front of me. So I found my character, what will he be called? LABOR Dragon, DAODag, I finally decided to name him DAO Dragon.
A digital dragon in the digital age: DAO Dragon
This cute and clever character represents the innovative spirit and technological power of DAOVERSE.
Why this name?
The main reason I chose the name DAO Dragon is that I wanted to combine the organizational structure of a DAO with the mythological power and wisdom of dragons. Dragons represent wisdom, power, and change in many cultures; of course, DAOVERSE wants to do the same. It's a perfect fit.

Digital DNA
Intelligence: His bespectacled form symbolizes his ability to think analytically and strategically.Compatibility: His appearance in different roles (scientist, businessman, athlete, analyst, youth, and much more) reflects the versatility and inclusiveness of DAOVERSE and its community.Technological Progress: The network structures in the background represent blockchain technology.Strength and Growth: The muscular structure and dynamic stance show the project's forward-looking vision and growth potential.
Why did I use blue color tones?
I thought a mix of DAOLabs brand colors would be a perfect choice.
The color blue is often associated with calmness, serenity and tranquility. However, blue also represents reliability, loyalty and wisdom. In the business world, blue is often associated with professionalism, formality and reliability.

In summary, DAO Dragon will be more than a mascot and a powerful symbol that embodies the project's values, vision, and community spirit. This character will make technical topics fun and accessible while maintaining the seriousness and professionalism of the project.
Do you think DAO Dragon could be our official mascot? I look forward to your comments.
#RangoExchange enabled Maya’s $ARB liquidity. You can now swap directly from $BTC native to $ETH on #Arbitrum in just one step. Check out all of Rango's options. It offers different alternatives in terms of cost and speed. In my article, I have outlined which details to pay attention to when using the platform. 👇
#RangoExchange enabled Maya’s $ARB liquidity. You can now swap directly from $BTC native to $ETH on #Arbitrum in just one step.

Check out all of Rango's options. It offers different alternatives in terms of cost and speed. In my article, I have outlined which details to pay attention to when using the platform. 👇
Binance Labs and Rango: Cross-Chain Innovation in the Web3 Era
Binance Labs, the venture capital and incubation arm of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, continues to invest in Web3 technologies. As a @DAO Labs social miner, I analyzed @Binance Labs ' investment portfolio tested the implementation of its latest investment #RangoExchange and gave my opinion on the project. So what does this investment mean for the evolution of cross-chain technologies and decentralized finance (DeFi)? Let's take a look at all the details together.
Part 1: Binance Labs Portfolio Analysis: Value-Creating Investments in the Crypto World
With a focus on fostering growth in the blockchain industry, Binance Labs has always proven to be effective in supporting and investing in promising cryptocurrency projects.
Key Stats:
The portfolio covers more than 250 projects from more than 25 countries around the world,The impressive average return on investment of 14x,50% of these projects have gone through comprehensive incubation programs.

Binance Labs' Return on Investment (ROI) Comparison
When we look at Binance Labs' portfolio in general, we see that it consists of projects with excellent returns. Especially when Retail ROI is considered, projects such as MATIC, AXS, EGLD, SAND, ARKM, LISTA, ID, GMT, EDU, and CTSI stand out with their very high ROI.

This chart also shows that the 2019-2022 period launches (other than Arkham, Lista DAO, ID, and EDU) have shown higher investment performance... I think the overall uptrend of the market in this period and Binance's strong ecosystem also had a big impact.
Comparing All-Time Highs (ATH) of Projects in Binance Labs' Portfolio
Until early 2022, the projects in the portfolio showed a generally positive outlook. However, the Binance Labs portfolio seems to have been negatively affected by the deterioration of the overall cryptocurrency market conditions in late 2022 and 2023 to the present.

Taking a long-term view, Binance Labs has a successful portfolio. While many projects are well below ATH levels, they still have significant volume and valuations (GMT, ALICE, ALPHA, FINE, HIGH, ONE, etc.).
Fluctuations in the Value of Coins in Binance Labs' Portfolio
Binance Labs usually invests in quality early-stage projects. The chart below shows the price fluctuations of 10 of these projects over the years.

Given the market volatility over the last five years, it may make sense to follow the projects in Binance Labs' portfolio. In the short term, I think the projects in the portfolio will react to market conditions, but in the long term, quality projects will always be at the forefront.
Part 2: Rango Exchange: Cross-Chain Solutions for a Decentralized Future
Binance Labs' investment in #Rango Exchange represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi). As a cross-chain decentralized exchange (DEX) and bridge aggregator, Rango is the most important solution in the cross-chain ecosystem. Rango aims to process more than 90% of the cross-chain DeFi volume in the future, covering all major blockchains in the crypto market.

Why Rango is Important to Binance Labs
Interoperability: Rango's cross-chain capabilities address the growing need for seamless interaction between different blockchain networks
Web3 Adoption: Rango accelerates Web3 adoption by simplifying cross-chain transactions, making DeFi accessible to a wider audience.Strategic Alignment: This investment strengthens Binance's commitment to the multi-chain ecosystem, positioning it as a leader in cross-chain innovation.Improved DeFi Accessibility: Rango's integration with popular wallets and dApps enables the expansion of access to DeFi services to millions of users.
Part 3: Rango User Guide: Step-by-Step Process Bridging and User Experience
Rango's user-friendly interface and extensive blockchain support make it an ideal platform for both new and experienced users. Let's take a closer look at how to use Rango.
Especially for new users, I have prepared an infographic with screenshots of how to use the platform. If you follow the steps in this infographic, you will be able to complete your first transactions on the platform much faster and smoother. Now, I would like to share my insights from the testing phase.

When we open the application from the link, a simple and familiar interface welcomes us. As an experienced user, I had no difficulty in figuring out where to set slippage settings, how to connect the wallet, and where to select the network and tokens for swaps and bridging.
When I tested the swap, the listing of options in the Routes window was quite detailed for a user like me who always prefers to do low-cost operations and put speed on the back burner. Inevitably, I felt the need to examine the list until the end and still selected the recommended option and started the process. But then I realized that there were options in the upper right part of the window and the suggestions would be listed according to my preference. I proceeded with these preferences in my next process.
Maybe it was just me because I was using the Metamask wallet during this test, but the metamask window stuck on every confirmation screen. Especially the transaction limit and the confirmation window after it did not open automatically. Since I saw a warning on the metamask application, I opened the window myself and confirmed. By the way, both my browser and Metamask versions are up to date.
Despite these minor glitches, my Linea to Avalanche bridging process went smoothly and quickly. I did the same with an Ethereum to Arbitrum swap, and it was much faster with a fraction of the estimated transaction time and cost. I'll also give you another little tip. After connecting your wallet to the application, if you examine your wallet details on the top right of the screen, you will be done with the problem of "Which token from which network can I swap". I like this feature and I'm sure it will save time for all users.
In conclusion; Rango, strengthened by Binance Labs' investment, seems to have the potential to make life easier for users in the multi-chain finance world and unlock the potential of DeFi. As a user, I can personally say that I will be doing more transactions on Rango from now on.
CryptoRankCoinMarketCapRango Exchange UpdatesBinance Blog
Binance Labs and Rango: Cross-Chain Innovation in the Web3 Era$ARKM $LISTA $GMT [Binance Labs](, the venture capital and incubation arm of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, continues to invest in Web3 technologies. As a @DAOLabs social miner, I analyzed @Binance_Labs ' investment portfolio tested the implementation of its latest investment #RangoExchange and gave my opinion on the project. So what does this investment mean for the evolution of cross-chain technologies and decentralized finance (DeFi)? Let's take a look at all the details together. Part 1: Binance Labs Portfolio Analysis: Value-Creating Investments in the Crypto World With a focus on fostering growth in the blockchain industry, Binance Labs has always proven to be effective in supporting and investing in promising cryptocurrency projects. Key Stats: The portfolio covers more than 250 projects from more than 25 countries around the world,The impressive average return on investment of 14x,50% of these projects have gone through comprehensive incubation programs. Binance Labs' Return on Investment (ROI) Comparison When we look at Binance Labs' portfolio in general, we see that it consists of projects with excellent returns. Especially when Retail ROI is considered, projects such as MATIC, AXS, EGLD, SAND, ARKM, LISTA, ID, GMT, EDU, and CTSI stand out with their very high ROI. This chart also shows that the 2019-2022 period launches (other than Arkham, Lista DAO, ID, and EDU) have shown higher investment performance... I think the overall uptrend of the market in this period and Binance's strong ecosystem also had a big impact. Comparing All-Time Highs (ATH) of Projects in Binance Labs' Portfolio Until early 2022, the projects in the portfolio showed a generally positive outlook. However, the Binance Labs portfolio seems to have been negatively affected by the deterioration of the overall cryptocurrency market conditions in late 2022 and 2023 to the present. Taking a long-term view, Binance Labs has a successful portfolio. While many projects are well below ATH levels, they still have significant volume and valuations (GMT, ALICE, ALPHA, FINE, HIGH, ONE, etc.). Fluctuations in the Value of Coins in Binance Labs' Portfolio Binance Labs usually invests in quality early-stage projects. The chart below shows the price fluctuations of 10 of these projects over the years. Given the market volatility over the last five years, it may make sense to follow the projects in Binance Labs' portfolio. In the short term, I think the projects in the portfolio will react to market conditions, but in the long term, quality projects will always be at the forefront. Part 2: Rango Exchange: Cross-Chain Solutions for a Decentralized Future Binance Labs' investment in #Rango Exchange represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi). As a cross-chain decentralized exchange (DEX) and bridge aggregator, Rango is the most important solution in the cross-chain ecosystem. Rango aims to process more than 90% of the cross-chain DeFi volume in the future, covering all major blockchains in the crypto market. Why Rango is Important to Binance Labs Interoperability: Rango's cross-chain capabilities address the growing need for seamless interaction between different blockchain networks Web3 Adoption: Rango accelerates Web3 adoption by simplifying cross-chain transactions, making DeFi accessible to a wider audience.Strategic Alignment: This investment strengthens Binance's commitment to the multi-chain ecosystem, positioning it as a leader in cross-chain innovation.Improved DeFi Accessibility: Rango's integration with popular wallets and dApps enables the expansion of access to DeFi services to millions of users. Part 3: Rango User Guide: Step-by-Step Process Bridging and User Experience Rango's user-friendly interface and extensive blockchain support make it an ideal platform for both new and experienced users. Let's take a closer look at how to use Rango. Especially for new users, I have prepared an infographic with screenshots of how to use the platform. If you follow the steps in this infographic, you will be able to complete your first transactions on the platform much faster and smoother. Now, I would like to share my insights from the testing phase. When we open the application from the link, a simple and familiar interface welcomes us. As an experienced user, I had no difficulty in figuring out where to set slippage settings, how to connect the wallet, and where to select the network and tokens for swaps and bridging. When I tested the swap, the listing of options in the Routes window was quite detailed for a user like me who always prefers to do low-cost operations and put speed on the back burner. Inevitably, I felt the need to examine the list until the end and still selected the recommended option and started the process. But then I realized that there were options in the upper right part of the window and the suggestions would be listed according to my preference. I proceeded with these preferences in my next process. Maybe it was just me because I was using the Metamask wallet during this test, but the metamask window stuck on every confirmation screen. Especially the transaction limit and the confirmation window after it did not open automatically. Since I saw a warning on the metamask application, I opened the window myself and confirmed. By the way, both my browser and Metamask versions are up to date. Despite these minor glitches, my Linea to Avalanche bridging process went smoothly and quickly. I did the same with an Ethereum to Arbitrum swap, and it was much faster with a fraction of the estimated transaction time and cost. I'll also give you another little tip. After connecting your wallet to the application, if you examine your wallet details on the top right of the screen, you will be done with the problem of "Which token from which network can I swap". I like this feature and I'm sure it will save time for all users. In conclusion; Rango, strengthened by Binance Labs' investment, seems to have the potential to make life easier for users in the multi-chain finance world and unlock the potential of DeFi. As a user, I can personally say that I will be doing more transactions on Rango from now on. Sources: CryptoRankCoinMarketCapRango Exchange Updates[Binance Blog](

Binance Labs and Rango: Cross-Chain Innovation in the Web3 Era

Binance Labs, the venture capital and incubation arm of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, continues to invest in Web3 technologies. As a @DAO Labs social miner, I analyzed @Binance Labs ' investment portfolio tested the implementation of its latest investment #RangoExchange and gave my opinion on the project. So what does this investment mean for the evolution of cross-chain technologies and decentralized finance (DeFi)? Let's take a look at all the details together.
Part 1: Binance Labs Portfolio Analysis: Value-Creating Investments in the Crypto World
With a focus on fostering growth in the blockchain industry, Binance Labs has always proven to be effective in supporting and investing in promising cryptocurrency projects.
Key Stats:
The portfolio covers more than 250 projects from more than 25 countries around the world,The impressive average return on investment of 14x,50% of these projects have gone through comprehensive incubation programs.

Binance Labs' Return on Investment (ROI) Comparison
When we look at Binance Labs' portfolio in general, we see that it consists of projects with excellent returns. Especially when Retail ROI is considered, projects such as MATIC, AXS, EGLD, SAND, ARKM, LISTA, ID, GMT, EDU, and CTSI stand out with their very high ROI.

This chart also shows that the 2019-2022 period launches (other than Arkham, Lista DAO, ID, and EDU) have shown higher investment performance... I think the overall uptrend of the market in this period and Binance's strong ecosystem also had a big impact.
Comparing All-Time Highs (ATH) of Projects in Binance Labs' Portfolio
Until early 2022, the projects in the portfolio showed a generally positive outlook. However, the Binance Labs portfolio seems to have been negatively affected by the deterioration of the overall cryptocurrency market conditions in late 2022 and 2023 to the present.

Taking a long-term view, Binance Labs has a successful portfolio. While many projects are well below ATH levels, they still have significant volume and valuations (GMT, ALICE, ALPHA, FINE, HIGH, ONE, etc.).
Fluctuations in the Value of Coins in Binance Labs' Portfolio
Binance Labs usually invests in quality early-stage projects. The chart below shows the price fluctuations of 10 of these projects over the years.

Given the market volatility over the last five years, it may make sense to follow the projects in Binance Labs' portfolio. In the short term, I think the projects in the portfolio will react to market conditions, but in the long term, quality projects will always be at the forefront.
Part 2: Rango Exchange: Cross-Chain Solutions for a Decentralized Future
Binance Labs' investment in #Rango Exchange represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi). As a cross-chain decentralized exchange (DEX) and bridge aggregator, Rango is the most important solution in the cross-chain ecosystem. Rango aims to process more than 90% of the cross-chain DeFi volume in the future, covering all major blockchains in the crypto market.

Why Rango is Important to Binance Labs
Interoperability: Rango's cross-chain capabilities address the growing need for seamless interaction between different blockchain networks
Web3 Adoption: Rango accelerates Web3 adoption by simplifying cross-chain transactions, making DeFi accessible to a wider audience.Strategic Alignment: This investment strengthens Binance's commitment to the multi-chain ecosystem, positioning it as a leader in cross-chain innovation.Improved DeFi Accessibility: Rango's integration with popular wallets and dApps enables the expansion of access to DeFi services to millions of users.
Part 3: Rango User Guide: Step-by-Step Process Bridging and User Experience
Rango's user-friendly interface and extensive blockchain support make it an ideal platform for both new and experienced users. Let's take a closer look at how to use Rango.
Especially for new users, I have prepared an infographic with screenshots of how to use the platform. If you follow the steps in this infographic, you will be able to complete your first transactions on the platform much faster and smoother. Now, I would like to share my insights from the testing phase.

When we open the application from the link, a simple and familiar interface welcomes us. As an experienced user, I had no difficulty in figuring out where to set slippage settings, how to connect the wallet, and where to select the network and tokens for swaps and bridging.
When I tested the swap, the listing of options in the Routes window was quite detailed for a user like me who always prefers to do low-cost operations and put speed on the back burner. Inevitably, I felt the need to examine the list until the end and still selected the recommended option and started the process. But then I realized that there were options in the upper right part of the window and the suggestions would be listed according to my preference. I proceeded with these preferences in my next process.
Maybe it was just me because I was using the Metamask wallet during this test, but the metamask window stuck on every confirmation screen. Especially the transaction limit and the confirmation window after it did not open automatically. Since I saw a warning on the metamask application, I opened the window myself and confirmed. By the way, both my browser and Metamask versions are up to date.
Despite these minor glitches, my Linea to Avalanche bridging process went smoothly and quickly. I did the same with an Ethereum to Arbitrum swap, and it was much faster with a fraction of the estimated transaction time and cost. I'll also give you another little tip. After connecting your wallet to the application, if you examine your wallet details on the top right of the screen, you will be done with the problem of "Which token from which network can I swap". I like this feature and I'm sure it will save time for all users.
In conclusion; Rango, strengthened by Binance Labs' investment, seems to have the potential to make life easier for users in the multi-chain finance world and unlock the potential of DeFi. As a user, I can personally say that I will be doing more transactions on Rango from now on.
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I have been following the developments, especially in the $AVAX closely, but it seems that all these developments and improvements have not satisfied a certain group of people and the decline continues. I really started to wonder, what could be the news that will make @avax rise? $AVAX {spot}(AVAXUSDT)
I have been following the developments, especially in the $AVAX closely, but it seems that all these developments and improvements have not satisfied a certain group of people and the decline continues. I really started to wonder, what could be the news that will make @avax rise?

🔥 3 Cryptos for Now Before They Skyrocket in Value

🔸 Ripple (#XRP )

Ripple's XRP offers transformative financial transaction capabilities, particularly for cross-border payments, which are significantly faster and cheaper than traditional methods. Its growing adoption by banks and financial institutions around the world underscores its potential for extensive impact and value increase.

🔸 Avalanche (#AVAX )

Avalanche features a highly-scalable platform that supports a vast array of blockchain applications, from simple token swaps to complex DeFi solutions, with an emphasis on speed and reliability that attracts a wide developer audience.

🔸 Lido DAO (#LDO )

Lido DAO is pioneering staking solutions on Ethereum, allowing users to stake their Ether while maintaining liquidity, a critical innovation as Ethereum shifts to proof-of-stake, enhancing its usability and appeal to a broader investor base.

Closing Remarks

Ripple (XRP), Avalanche (AVAX), and Lido DAO (LDO) each offer compelling reasons for inclusion in any crypto investment portfolio, with innovations that promise to redefine their markets.


Thanks to #DaoLabs #SocialMining hub #KavaHub we met Kinetix Finance and discovered its value in the $KAVA ecosystem. A few days ago they announced their #airdrop and we need to spread this big and important news to many more blockchain enthusiasts. The things to do are extremely simple. Review the task details below and enrich them with images, then publish your maxipost and share your link in the task detail. 👇
Thanks to #DaoLabs #SocialMining hub #KavaHub we met Kinetix Finance and discovered its value in the $KAVA ecosystem. A few days ago they announced their #airdrop and we need to spread this big and important news to many more blockchain enthusiasts.

The things to do are extremely simple. Review the task details below and enrich them with images, then publish your maxipost and share your link in the task detail. 👇
DAO Labs
The Kinetix Airdrop Procedure: An Explainer
Hello, #DAOLabs ' $KAVA #SocialMining Hubbers! By now, you’re surely familiar with the buzz surrounding Kinetix Finance, the game-changer in DeFi and a standout in the #Kava ecosystem. This cutting-edge platform is making waves with its trader-friendly features designed to give users a significant advantage in the crypto trading arena. And now, it’s airdrop time for Kinetix Finance, and we’re excited to invite you to help spread the word.

Kinetix Finance’s airdrop presents a fantastic opportunity for the Kava community to get involved and share this exciting news. Your task is to create an engaging and informative Maxy Post or an X Thread that explains the airdrop procedure in a way that’s entertaining, easy to understand, and crystal clear.

First, let’s break down the airdrop procedure itself. Participants need to understand the steps involved, the requirements, and the eligibility criteria. This information is crucial as it guides users on how to take part in the airdrop effectively. Highlighting each step in a straightforward manner will ensure that even those new to the concept can follow along and participate without any confusion.

Next, delve into what makes participating in the airdrop so appealing. Focus on the benefits and potential rewards that participants can gain. By showcasing these appealing aspects, you’ll capture the interest of your audience and motivate them to get involved. This is where your creativity comes into play—craft your explanation to be not just informative but also engaging and persuasive.

Additionally, providing a quick guide on the airdrop procedure can serve as a handy reference for users. This guide should be concise yet comprehensive, offering a step-by-step overview that readers can easily follow. Think of it as a quick-start guide that simplifies the entire process, making it accessible to everyone.

To make your post even more effective, consider using visuals. Visual aids can greatly enhance the clarity of your explanation and boost engagement. Use only materials from Kava and Kinetix official sources to ensure accuracy and consistency in your presentation. Visuals can help break down complex information into more digestible parts, making your post more appealing and easier to understand.

Participants will receive 50 points for submitting a valid Maxy Post or X Thread. However, the top 5 submissions with the most engagement and the most creative use of visuals will earn up to 1000 points and a 0.1 reputation boost.

Get ready to dive into the world of Kinetix Finance, create engaging content, and earn points and a reputation boost while spreading the word about this exciting airdrop! This is your chance to showcase your creativity and help others benefit from the opportunities Kinetix Finance offers.
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