Binance Square
Megamind idea
Not much.. just random thoughts here and my own analysis. Not an investment advice. DYOR
Viss saturs
must read
must read
Livio Picard

Tas ir jautājums, ko es visu dienu esmu redzējis internetā. Un tas ir jautājums, ko redzēsit visā buļļu tirgū, un tas tiek uzdots visur sociālajos medijos, katram sniedzot atšķirīgu skaidrojumu.

Kāpēc visi brīnās, kāpēc Bitcoin samazinājās, un neviens nejautā, kāpēc Bitcoin pieauga? Tā kā investori meklē pārliecību, viņi cenšas kādu vainot. Viņi meklē vainīgo, kādu, kas pateiktu: "Tas ir viņa dēļ, tas nav mūsu dēļ!"

Patiesība ir tāda, ka tas viss ir muļķības. Iemesls Bitcoin pieauga tāpēc, ka bija vairāk pircēju nekā pārdevēju, un Bitcoin krituma iemesls ir tas, ka pārdevēju bija vairāk nekā pircēju. Ar katru būtisku cenu kustību cilvēki meklēs neparastus skaidrojumus, lai attaisnotu klasisku tirgus kustību, tāpat kā citas, lai tikai nomierinātu sevi.

Patiesība ir tāda, ka tirgus kustībām nav nekāda izskaidrojuma: cilvēki pārdeva, jo vēlējās gūt peļņu, vai arī viņi zaudēja uzticību kriptovalūtām, vai arī viņiem bija vajadzīga nauda, ​​lai finansētu savas kāzas. Tas ir izskaidrojums: tas katru reizi ir atšķirīgs, jo ir tik daudz skaidrojumu, cik cilvēku, kas pārdeva.
Galvenais ir tas, ka tirgus kritās, un tas ir viss, kas ir svarīgi neatkarīgi no iemesliem. Rīkojieties atbilstoši, un jūs sāksit pelnīt naudu. Pavadiet savu laiku, analizējot, mācoties, nevis meklējot tālu un plaši iemeslu, kas izraisa īpašuma kritumu.

Kad jūs to sapratīsit, jūs būsiet daudz atbildīgāks tirgos un daudz lielāka iespēja gūt peļņu nekā 95% citu investoru. Tici man, es runāju no pieredzes.

Šis ieraksts atspoguļo tikai manu viedokli.

Paldies par lasīšanu.

Ja jums patika, nevilcinieties atzīmēt, komentējiet, kopīgojiet ziņu un īpaši abonējiet. Tas man ļoti palīdz.

Livio P-V.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Izlasiet šo ziņu. Tiešām izpalīdzīgs un analītisks.
Izlasiet šo ziņu. Tiešām izpalīdzīgs un analītisks.
Livio Picard

Tāda veida virsrakstu jūs redzēsit visā šajā buļļu tirgū. Vai:


Kripto tirgus ir visemocionālākais tirgus, kāds vien ir. Jūs to redzēsiet šajā buļļu tirgū. Simtiem un simtiem kriptovalūtu ietekmētāju sūtīs jums informāciju no visiem virzieniem, kas atšķiras viens no otra. Vissliktākais ir tas, ka lielākā daļa šo cilvēku ir jauni tirgū un atklāj kriptovalūtu un buļļu tirgus ciklu tāpat kā jūs.

Pat nepievērsiet viņiem uzmanību, pat nelasiet, ko šie cilvēki raksta: viņi ir ieinteresēti, lai jūs pirktu noteiktus kriptovalūtus, izmantojot partnerības vai liktu jums pārdot citus, zināt to un ņemt to vērā.

Tā vietā dodiet priekšroku vismazāk sensacionāliem tituliem, vismazāk emocionāliem un analītiskākiem cilvēkiem. Neatlaidiet arī mazos satura veidotājus: viņiem bieži ir vismazākais iemesls jums melot, jo viņi vēl nav pietiekami lieli, lai izveidotu partnerattiecības.

Viss, ko es jums šeit stāstu, ir no pārdzīvotas pieredzes; tā tas notika iepriekšējos buļļu tirgos un notiks visos turpmākajos.

Ceru, ka daži sapratīs, ko es saku.

Šis ieraksts atspoguļo tikai manu viedokli.

Paldies par lasīšanu.

Ja jums patika, nevilcinieties nospiest patīk, komentēt, dalīties ar šo ierakstu un jo īpaši abonēt, tas man ļoti palīdz.

Livio P-V.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Atjaunināt uz $BTC  — kā paredzēts BTC pārbaudīja 69 k atbalstu un sekmīgi atsitienu ar lielo 💚 sveci.. Tas ir jāturpina pārbaudīt, lai iegūtu konkrētāku atbalstu. Ir labi, ja jūsu analīze ir pareiza un atbilst tirgum 💯. $BNB $AR #HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #BTC #ETH
Atjaunināt uz $BTC  — kā paredzēts

BTC pārbaudīja 69 k atbalstu un sekmīgi atsitienu ar lielo 💚 sveci..

Tas ir jāturpina pārbaudīt, lai iegūtu konkrētāku atbalstu.

Ir labi, ja jūsu analīze ir pareiza un atbilst tirgum 💯.

#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #BTC #ETH
Megamind idea
Svarīgi!! BTC atjauninājums uz iepriekšējo ziņu.

Btc veiksmīgi pārbaudīja neseno 69k atbalstu, kā minēts iepriekšējā ziņojumā.
Lai turpinātu kāpuma tendenci, BTC to pārbaudīs tālāk.
Esi informēts!! Var notikt viltus izlaušanās. Izvairieties ieņemt pozīcijas tieši tagad. Ja šis atbalsta līmenis tiek izjaukts ar lielu skaļumu, sāksies īstermiņa BTC lejupslīdes tendence. Bet šobrīd es esmu Bullish par BTC.

#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #BTC #TechnicalAnalysis
Skatīt oriģinālu
Atjauniniet ARWEAVE $AR - HODL Augošā tendencē atrasts buļļu karoga raksts. Cenu darbība pašlaik konsolidējas karoga kanālā un reaģē uz iepriekšējiem pretestības un atbalsta līmeņiem. IZGLĪTĪBA: karogu modeļi jebkurā augšupejošā vai lejupejošā tendencē liecina par šīs tendences turpināšanos. Tā ir kā trenda korekcija, lai iegūtu impulsu tendences turpināšanai. Pagaidiet izlaušanos un atkārtoti pārbaudiet kanālu, lai veiktu turpmākas darbības. Es esmu bullish par AR. Neesiet puisis, kas pērk virsū un pārdod, izmantojot iegremdēšanu. Turētāji ir ieguvēji. $BTC $BNB #HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #Arweave #BTC
Atjauniniet ARWEAVE $AR - HODL

Augošā tendencē atrasts buļļu karoga raksts. Cenu darbība pašlaik konsolidējas karoga kanālā un reaģē uz iepriekšējiem pretestības un atbalsta līmeņiem.

IZGLĪTĪBA: karogu modeļi jebkurā augšupejošā vai lejupejošā tendencē liecina par šīs tendences turpināšanos. Tā ir kā trenda korekcija, lai iegūtu impulsu tendences turpināšanai.

Pagaidiet izlaušanos un atkārtoti pārbaudiet kanālu, lai veiktu turpmākas darbības.

Es esmu bullish par AR.

Neesiet puisis, kas pērk virsū un pārdod, izmantojot iegremdēšanu.

Turētāji ir ieguvēji.


#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #Arweave #BTC
Megamind idea
Atjauniniet ARWEAVE AR Post

Cena ir tieši tā, kā minēts.

Šobrīd 40.5

Sekojiet, lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu
#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #BTC #Arweave
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vairāk balsu par SLP tirgū nozīmē, ka pieaug noskaņojums par sLP. Var redzēt ievērojamu pieaugumu.
Vairāk balsu par SLP tirgū nozīmē, ka pieaug noskaņojums par sLP. Var redzēt ievērojamu pieaugumu.
Crypto Hackers
#SLP is going to fly in near future 🚨
#target is about $0.012 (2x) ... Just got the signal gor you 🚦
#Appreciate me with a #TIP if you got good profit 🎯
Tip for Ultimate Crypto Journey. 💯
Tip for Ultimate Crypto Journey. 💯
Livio Picard

Ja ir kāda mācība, ko esmu guvis no iepriekšējiem buļļu tirgiem, tad tā ir šāda: paņemiet savu peļņu. Pārdodiet savas kriptovalūtas, vienmēr labāk pārdot pārāk agri nekā pārāk vēlu. Ja būs par vēlu, jūs to nožēlosit. Ja tas ir par agru, jums būs gandarījuma sajūta, kas būs pelnīta. Cilvēki ir zaudējuši daudz vairāk naudas, pārdodot pārāk vēlu nekā pārāk agri.

Ieviesiet progresīvās pārdošanas metodes: iestatiet sev, piemēram, 5 pārdošanas līmeņus un sakiet sev, ka pārdodat 20% katrā līmenī, lai izmantotu lielo pieaugumu. Iestatiet sev disciplīnu, tas ir absolūti nepieciešams kriptovalūtu ieguldījumos. Nepērciet tikai, lai iegādātos: galvenais mērķis ir pelnīt naudu, tāpēc dažreiz jums ir jāņem vērā jūsu peļņa. Neaizmirstiet to, tas ir absolūti būtiski.

Šis ieraksts atspoguļo tikai manu viedokli.

Paldies par lasīšanu.

Ja jums tas patika, nevilcinieties nospiest patīk, komentēt, dalīties ar šo ierakstu un sekot man, tas man ļoti palīdz.

Livio P-V.

$BTC Bullish News 🔥🪙 Fundamental News For Bitcoin BTC !! News plays a key role in the market direction. " VanEck removes all spot #Bitcoin  ETF trading fees until March 31st, 2025. " With Bitcoin Halving coming, this News reported is signaling the Bullish market for Bitcoin. $ETH $BNB #HotTrends #BTC #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #ETH
$BTC Bullish News 🔥🪙

Fundamental News For Bitcoin BTC !!

News plays a key role in the market direction.

" VanEck removes all spot #Bitcoin  ETF trading fees until March 31st, 2025. "

With Bitcoin Halving coming, this News reported is signaling the Bullish market for Bitcoin.


#HotTrends #BTC #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #ETH
A Must Read Educational Post !! What is a WhitePaper? A whitepaper is typically a detailed document aimed at informing readers about a specific topic or project. In the blockchain realm, it serves as a guide outlining the key features and technical aspects of a particular cryptocurrency or blockchain venture. While many whitepapers focus on coins or tokens, they can also cover various projects like decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms or play-to-earn games. These documents often include statistics, diagrams, and explanations of the project's governance structure, team composition, and development roadmap. However, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a whitepaper, as each project tailors it to suit its unique needs. Ideally, whitepapers should be unbiased and informative, providing clear insights into the project's objectives and functionality. Investors should approach whitepapers with caution, scrutinizing them for persuasive language and ensuring they offer sufficient information without making unrealistic promises. While cryptocurrency whitepapers are akin to business plans, they're typically released before the project's launch, serving as a foundational document outlining the project's vision and goals. $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC #HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #educational
A Must Read Educational Post !!

What is a WhitePaper?

A whitepaper is typically a detailed document aimed at informing readers about a specific topic or project. In the blockchain realm, it serves as a guide outlining the key features and technical aspects of a particular cryptocurrency or blockchain venture. While many whitepapers focus on coins or tokens, they can also cover various projects like decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms or play-to-earn games.

These documents often include statistics, diagrams, and explanations of the project's governance structure, team composition, and development roadmap. However, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a whitepaper, as each project tailors it to suit its unique needs. Ideally, whitepapers should be unbiased and informative, providing clear insights into the project's objectives and functionality.

Investors should approach whitepapers with caution, scrutinizing them for persuasive language and ensuring they offer sufficient information without making unrealistic promises. While cryptocurrency whitepapers are akin to business plans, they're typically released before the project's launch, serving as a foundational document outlining the project's vision and goals.

#BTC #HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #educational
Educational Post for Newbies What Is Spot Trading? Spot trading is a direct and immediate form of trading, with transactions settling instantly and without any kind of leverage. It’s one of the most basic forms of trading and can be done with a variety of asset classes, such as cryptocurrencies, stocks, commodities, forex, bonds, and more. Although spot trading may occur directly between traders, transactions are usually facilitated by an exchange like Binance. What’s the Difference Between Spot Markets and Futures Markets? Spot markets execute instant or short-term trades with immediate delivery, while futures markets involve contracts that set delivery for a future date. Spot trading relies on the current market price based on supply and demand. Futures contracts, on the other hand, are based on agreements between buyers and sellers. What’s the Difference Between Spot Trading and Margin Trading? Spot trading requires full asset purchase and immediate delivery, while margin trading allows borrowing funds to enter larger positions. Margin trading amplifies both potential profits and losses, offering increased risk and reward. $BTC $BNB $SOL #HotTrends #BTC #xrp #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell
Educational Post for Newbies

What Is Spot Trading?

Spot trading is a direct and immediate form of trading, with transactions settling instantly and without any kind of leverage. It’s one of the most basic forms of trading and can be done with a variety of asset classes, such as cryptocurrencies, stocks, commodities, forex, bonds, and more.

Although spot trading may occur directly between traders, transactions are usually facilitated by an exchange like Binance.

What’s the Difference Between Spot Markets and Futures Markets?

Spot markets execute instant or short-term trades with immediate delivery, while futures markets involve contracts that set delivery for a future date. Spot trading relies on the current market price based on supply and demand. Futures contracts, on the other hand, are based on agreements between buyers and sellers.

What’s the Difference Between Spot Trading and Margin Trading?

Spot trading requires full asset purchase and immediate delivery, while margin trading allows borrowing funds to enter larger positions. Margin trading amplifies both potential profits and losses, offering increased risk and reward.

#HotTrends #BTC #xrp #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell
Skatīt oriģinālu
Svarīgi!! BTC atjauninājums uz iepriekšējo ziņu. Btc veiksmīgi pārbaudīja neseno 69k atbalstu, kā minēts iepriekšējā ziņojumā. Lai turpinātu kāpuma tendenci, BTC to pārbaudīs tālāk. Esi informēts!! Var notikt viltus izlaušanās. Izvairieties ieņemt pozīcijas tieši tagad. Ja šis atbalsta līmenis tiek izjaukts ar lielu skaļumu, sāksies īstermiņa BTC lejupslīdes tendence. Bet šobrīd es esmu Bullish par BTC. $BTC $BNB $SOL #HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #BTC #TechnicalAnalysis
Svarīgi!! BTC atjauninājums uz iepriekšējo ziņu.

Btc veiksmīgi pārbaudīja neseno 69k atbalstu, kā minēts iepriekšējā ziņojumā.
Lai turpinātu kāpuma tendenci, BTC to pārbaudīs tālāk.
Esi informēts!! Var notikt viltus izlaušanās. Izvairieties ieņemt pozīcijas tieši tagad. Ja šis atbalsta līmenis tiek izjaukts ar lielu skaļumu, sāksies īstermiņa BTC lejupslīdes tendence. Bet šobrīd es esmu Bullish par BTC.

#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #BTC #TechnicalAnalysis
Megamind idea
Btc just crossed it's previous ATH and daily candle is closing above it. it gonna test 69k recent support to confirm it's bullish trend.
not a investment advice. DYOR$BTC $ETH $BNB
#BTC #Aevo #BitcoinHalvingAlerts #TradeNTell #Write2Eam
Skatīt oriģinālu
Megamind idea

AR testing it's 39.3 support level and trying to bounch back to 47.5 resistance.Rsi showing exhausted bears. It's prepared for flight ✈️.
Not an investment advice. DYOR $AR $BTC $BNB
#BTC #ARUSDT #link #TradeNTell #Write2Earn‬
Breakout VS FakeoutEducational Post What is a Fakeout? A fakeout is a term used in technical analysis (TA) that refers to a situation where a trader enters a position expecting a price movement that ultimately doesn’t happen. In fact, in most cases, a fakeout is used to refer to a situation where the price goes in the opposite direction of the trade idea or signal. A fakeout may also refer to a “fake breakout,” or false breakout, where price breaks out of a technical price structure, only to reverse shortly. A fakeout can amount to a considerable loss. Technical analysts may identify a pattern that fits perfectly with their strategy, and looks to be playing out as expected. However, the price may reverse very quickly due to outside factors, and the trade can quickly turn into a hefty loss. As such, in anticipation of a fakeout, many traders will plan their exit strategy and put on stop-loss orders in advance of entering trades. In fact, this is quite a common strategy for basic risk management. What is a Breakout? A Breakout is a term used in technical analysis (TA) That refers to a situation where a trader enters a position following the situation where the price goes along the direction of the trade idea or signal. In this scenario, candles close above the resistance level. A Breakout is followed by a retest of this resistance level typically signals bullish momentum. At the successful retest of level, a trader can enter a trade. If you find it helpful, please like,share and follow for more educational posts. This is not a investment advice. DYOR $BTC $ETH $BNB #HotTrends #educational #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #BTC

Breakout VS Fakeout

Educational Post
What is a Fakeout?
A fakeout is a term used in technical analysis (TA) that refers to a situation where a trader enters a position expecting a price movement that ultimately doesn’t happen. In fact, in most cases, a fakeout is used to refer to a situation where the price goes in the opposite direction of the trade idea or signal.
A fakeout may also refer to a “fake breakout,” or false breakout, where price breaks out of a technical price structure, only to reverse shortly.
A fakeout can amount to a considerable loss. Technical analysts may identify a pattern that fits perfectly with their strategy, and looks to be playing out as expected. However, the price may reverse very quickly due to outside factors, and the trade can quickly turn into a hefty loss. As such, in anticipation of a fakeout, many traders will plan their exit strategy and put on stop-loss orders in advance of entering trades. In fact, this is quite a common strategy for basic risk management.
What is a Breakout?
A Breakout is a term used in technical analysis (TA) That refers to a situation where a trader enters a position following the situation where the price goes along the direction of the trade idea or signal.
In this scenario, candles close above the resistance level.
A Breakout is followed by a retest of this resistance level typically signals bullish momentum.
At the successful retest of level, a trader can enter a trade.
If you find it helpful, please like,share and follow for more educational posts.
This is not a investment advice. DYOR
#HotTrends #educational #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #BTC
Market Momentum and TrendsEDUCATIONAL POST What is Market Momentum? The term market momentum refers to the ability of a particular market to maintain a continuous increase or decrease in price within a certain timeframe. Essentially, market momentum is what creates a market trend. Since the market momentum is a result of the variations in the market price of an asset, it also reflects the current market sentiment. As such, market momentum can be used in technical analysis (TA), helping traders identify trading opportunities. These opportunities may arise during bullish or bearish trends (when market momentum is getting stronger) or during reversal points (when market momentum is getting weaker). However, market momentum is not only related to the price changes but also to the trading volume. This means that high volumes of trading activity indicates a stronger market trend and, thus, a stronger and more reliable market momentum. Many traders and chart analysts make use of TA indicators to measure market momentum and try to spot possible market trends. Some examples of these tools include the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Stochastic RSI, the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP), and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD). If you find it helpful, Please like ,share and follow for more posts like that. $BTC $ETH $BNB

Market Momentum and Trends

What is Market Momentum?
The term market momentum refers to the ability of a particular market to maintain a continuous increase or decrease in price within a certain timeframe. Essentially, market momentum is what creates a market trend. Since the market momentum is a result of the variations in the market price of an asset, it also reflects the current market sentiment.
As such, market momentum can be used in technical analysis (TA), helping traders identify trading opportunities. These opportunities may arise during bullish or bearish trends (when market momentum is getting stronger) or during reversal points (when market momentum is getting weaker).
However, market momentum is not only related to the price changes but also to the trading volume. This means that high volumes of trading activity indicates a stronger market trend and, thus, a stronger and more reliable market momentum.
Many traders and chart analysts make use of TA indicators to measure market momentum and try to spot possible market trends.
Some examples of these tools include the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Stochastic RSI, the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP), and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD).
If you find it helpful, Please like ,share and follow for more posts like that.
4 Lessons you need to LEARN NOW!! 1. Before you place a trade, calculate your risk. Do this for every trade. 2. A single confirmation means nothing on its own. 3. Build confluence across multiple TF (Time-frames) , this will increase your win rate. 4. Winning is Pointless if you are using an improper risk to reward. Share if you like it. $BTC $ETH $BNB #HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #educational #BTC
4 Lessons you need to LEARN NOW!!

1. Before you place a trade, calculate your risk. Do this for every trade.

2. A single confirmation means nothing on its own.

3. Build confluence across multiple TF (Time-frames) , this will increase your win rate.

4. Winning is Pointless if you are using an improper risk to reward.

Share if you like it.

#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #TradeNTell #educational #BTC
EDUCATIONAL POST USDT Dominance Update: On a daily timeframe level, the price action of $USDT DOMINANCE has successfully broken down its Horizontal Support level and is heading towards another Sell Side Liquidity level. USDT Dominance -up - It means more people are holding USDT than other coins - Which is bad for ALT coins USDT Dominance -Down - It means more people are investing in Other coins - Which is Good for ALT coins Not an investment advice. DYOR $BTC $ETH $BNB #educational #Write2Earn #TradeNTell #BTC #HotTrends

USDT Dominance Update:

On a daily timeframe level, the price action of $USDT DOMINANCE has successfully broken down its Horizontal Support level and is heading towards another Sell Side Liquidity level.

USDT Dominance -up

- It means more people are holding USDT than other coins
- Which is bad for ALT coins

USDT Dominance -Down
- It means more people are investing in Other coins
- Which is Good for ALT coins

Not an investment advice. DYOR $BTC $ETH $BNB

#educational #Write2Earn #TradeNTell #BTC #HotTrends
ARWEAVE AR Update: AR testing it's 39.3 support level and trying to bounch back to 47.5 resistance.Rsi showing exhausted bears. It's prepared for flight ✈️. Not an investment advice. DYOR $AR $BTC $BNB #BTC #ARUSDT #link #TradeNTell #Write2Earn‬

AR testing it's 39.3 support level and trying to bounch back to 47.5 resistance.Rsi showing exhausted bears. It's prepared for flight ✈️.
Not an investment advice. DYOR $AR $BTC $BNB
#BTC #ARUSDT #link #TradeNTell #Write2Earn‬
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