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$SHIB Vai SHIB cena nedēļas nogalē var pieaugt līdz USD 0,00003 līmenim? Kriptovalūtu tirgū plaši pazīstamā mēmu monēta Shiba Inu (SHIB) bieži tiek salīdzināta ar Dogecoin, jo šī marķiera darbība 2024. gadā ir bijusi diezgan ievērojama. Gada sākumā SHIB tirgojās nedaudz zem USD 0,000010, pēc tam tokens piedzīvoja ievērojamu pieaugumu, pieaugot par vairāk nekā 450%, februāra vidū sasniedzot gada augstāko līmeni USD 0,000045. Lai gan pašreizējā cena joprojām ir par 67,6% zemāka par visu laiku augstāko līmeni, kas sasniegts 2021. gadā, nesenā cenu kustība liecina par interesi un tirgus noskaņojuma atjaunošanos pret memcoin. Pēc konsolidācijas perioda SHIB pašlaik tirgojas par aptuveni USD 0,00002776. Pašlaik nav skaidrības par to, vai marķierim ir pietiekams fundamentāls atbalsts, lai nākamajā nedēļas nogalē tā vērtību paceltu virs psiholoģiski svarīgā līmeņa USD 0,00003. Cik augstu Shiba Inu spēs sasniegt šajā nedēļas nogalē? Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Shiba Inu vērtība ir samazinājusies par 6% līdz USD 0,00002591, tādi ir CoinGecko dati. Pēc Changelly analītiķu domām, SHIB šajā nedēļas nogalē tirgosies ar zemāko cenu USD 0,00002986 un augstāko par USD 0,00003448. Prognozē arī uzsvērts, ka SHIB varētu sasniegt 0.00003 līmeni. Vēsturiski bitkoina impulss bieži ir bijis citu kriptovalūtu cenu pārmaiņu katalizators. Nozīmīgākais SHIB cenas kāpums sakrita ar bitcoin sasniedzot jaunu maksimumu pie 73 000 USD. Tā kā bitkoīns tiek uzskatīts par galveno vispārējā tirgus noskaņojuma rādītāju, tā spēja pārvarēt iepriekšējos pretestības līmeņus bieži noved pie kopējā tirgus kāpuma, īpaši spekulatīvākajiem altkoiniem. Tomēr ar paļaušanos tikai uz bitkoina cenu uzvedību nepietiek SHIB nākotnes izaugsmei, īpaši, ja nav nozīmīgu fundamentālu notikumu.#altcoins #shiba⚡ #Megadrop #BTC☀ $SHIB
$SHIB Vai SHIB cena nedēļas nogalē var pieaugt līdz USD 0,00003 līmenim?

Kriptovalūtu tirgū plaši pazīstamā mēmu monēta Shiba Inu (SHIB) bieži tiek salīdzināta ar Dogecoin, jo šī marķiera darbība 2024. gadā ir bijusi diezgan ievērojama.

Gada sākumā SHIB tirgojās nedaudz zem USD 0,000010, pēc tam tokens piedzīvoja ievērojamu pieaugumu, pieaugot par vairāk nekā 450%, februāra vidū sasniedzot gada augstāko līmeni USD 0,000045. Lai gan pašreizējā cena joprojām ir par 67,6% zemāka par visu laiku augstāko līmeni, kas sasniegts 2021. gadā, nesenā cenu kustība liecina par interesi un tirgus noskaņojuma atjaunošanos pret memcoin.

Pēc konsolidācijas perioda SHIB pašlaik tirgojas par aptuveni USD 0,00002776. Pašlaik nav skaidrības par to, vai marķierim ir pietiekams fundamentāls atbalsts, lai nākamajā nedēļas nogalē tā vērtību paceltu virs psiholoģiski svarīgā līmeņa USD 0,00003.

Cik augstu Shiba Inu spēs sasniegt šajā nedēļas nogalē?
Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Shiba Inu vērtība ir samazinājusies par 6% līdz USD 0,00002591, tādi ir CoinGecko dati.

Pēc Changelly analītiķu domām, SHIB šajā nedēļas nogalē tirgosies ar zemāko cenu USD 0,00002986 un augstāko par USD 0,00003448. Prognozē arī uzsvērts, ka SHIB varētu sasniegt 0.00003 līmeni.

Vēsturiski bitkoina impulss bieži ir bijis citu kriptovalūtu cenu pārmaiņu katalizators. Nozīmīgākais SHIB cenas kāpums sakrita ar bitcoin sasniedzot jaunu maksimumu pie 73 000 USD. Tā kā bitkoīns tiek uzskatīts par galveno vispārējā tirgus noskaņojuma rādītāju, tā spēja pārvarēt iepriekšējos pretestības līmeņus bieži noved pie kopējā tirgus kāpuma, īpaši spekulatīvākajiem altkoiniem.

Tomēr ar paļaušanos tikai uz bitkoina cenu uzvedību nepietiek SHIB nākotnes izaugsmei, īpaši, ja nav nozīmīgu fundamentālu notikumu.#altcoins #shiba⚡ #Megadrop #BTC☀ $SHIB
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mēmu marķieru ranžēšana pēc lielo burtu lietojuma 2024. gada maijā Tirgus līdera vietu ieņem Dogecoin (DOGE). Maijā šīs monētas kapitalizācija pieauga par 22,9% (līdz 23,59 miljardiem dolāru). Tomēr tirdzniecības aktivitāte samazinājās par 12,5% (līdz $ 1,25 miljardiem dienā). Šī kriptovalūta, kas izveidota kā joks 2013. gadā, kļuva par mēmu žetonu priekšteci. DOGE žetons ir parādā savu popularitāti Ilonam Muskam. Uzņēmējs vairākkārt pieminēja īpašumu Twitter (tagad - X), kas izraisīja tūlītēju cenas pieaugumu. 2022. gadā DOGE pat bija iespējams iegādāties Tesla automašīnu. Tagad monētu izmanto daudzas labdarības organizācijas, lai vāktu ziedojumus. Otrajā vietā kapitalizācijas ziņā ir Shiba Inu (SHIB). Maija beigās kopējais pieejamais aktīva piedāvājums tika lēsts 15,21 miljarda dolāru apmērā. Mēneša pieaugums bija 15,6%. Tirdzniecības aktivitāte pieauga par 41% (līdz 948,44 miljoniem ASV dolāru). Otrs populārākais mēmu žetons tika nosaukts Dogecoin logotipā esošās suņu šķirnes vārdā - Shiba Inu. Izstrādātāji tūlīt pēc monētu izlaišanas nosūtīja gandrīz pusi no aktīviem Vitalika Buterina makā. Atlikušie 589,26 triljoni atrodas brīvā apgrozībā. Trešo vietu lielo burtu lietojuma ziņā starp mēmu žetoniem ieņem Pepe (PEPE). 2024. gada maijā visu apgrozībā esošo monētu vērtība ir 6,74 miljardi ASV dolāru. Kopējais tirdzniecības apjoms biržās sasniedz 1,74 miljardus ASV dolāru. PEPE monēta arī ieņem vadošo pozīciju mēmu segmentā atklātās intereses ziņā par nākotnes līgumu tirgu. 2024. gada maijā aktīvu vērtība ir 812 miljoni USD. Šī kriptovalūta izaugsmes dinamikas ziņā apsteidz arī citas monētas no top 100. Kopš maija sākuma PEPE cena jau ir pieaugusi par 144% (no $ 0,00000656 līdz $ 0,00001601). 5 populārākie mēmu marķieri pēc lielo burtu lietojuma 2024. gada maijā ietver arī: -- dogwifhat (WIF) - 3,65 miljardi ASV dolāru. -- FLOKI (FLOKI) - 2,86 miljardi ASV dolāru. #doge⚡ #FLOKI? #shiba⚡ #pepe⚡ #StartInvestingInCrypto $DOGE $FLOKI $SHIB
Mēmu marķieru ranžēšana pēc lielo burtu lietojuma 2024. gada maijā

Tirgus līdera vietu ieņem Dogecoin (DOGE). Maijā šīs monētas kapitalizācija pieauga par 22,9% (līdz 23,59 miljardiem dolāru). Tomēr tirdzniecības aktivitāte samazinājās par 12,5% (līdz $ 1,25 miljardiem dienā).

Šī kriptovalūta, kas izveidota kā joks 2013. gadā, kļuva par mēmu žetonu priekšteci. DOGE žetons ir parādā savu popularitāti Ilonam Muskam. Uzņēmējs vairākkārt pieminēja īpašumu Twitter (tagad - X), kas izraisīja tūlītēju cenas pieaugumu. 2022. gadā DOGE pat bija iespējams iegādāties Tesla automašīnu. Tagad monētu izmanto daudzas labdarības organizācijas, lai vāktu ziedojumus.

Otrajā vietā kapitalizācijas ziņā ir Shiba Inu (SHIB). Maija beigās kopējais pieejamais aktīva piedāvājums tika lēsts 15,21 miljarda dolāru apmērā. Mēneša pieaugums bija 15,6%. Tirdzniecības aktivitāte pieauga par 41% (līdz 948,44 miljoniem ASV dolāru).

Otrs populārākais mēmu žetons tika nosaukts Dogecoin logotipā esošās suņu šķirnes vārdā - Shiba Inu. Izstrādātāji tūlīt pēc monētu izlaišanas nosūtīja gandrīz pusi no aktīviem Vitalika Buterina makā. Atlikušie 589,26 triljoni atrodas brīvā apgrozībā.

Trešo vietu lielo burtu lietojuma ziņā starp mēmu žetoniem ieņem Pepe (PEPE). 2024. gada maijā visu apgrozībā esošo monētu vērtība ir 6,74 miljardi ASV dolāru. Kopējais tirdzniecības apjoms biržās sasniedz 1,74 miljardus ASV dolāru.

PEPE monēta arī ieņem vadošo pozīciju mēmu segmentā atklātās intereses ziņā par nākotnes līgumu tirgu. 2024. gada maijā aktīvu vērtība ir 812 miljoni USD. Šī kriptovalūta izaugsmes dinamikas ziņā apsteidz arī citas monētas no top 100. Kopš maija sākuma PEPE cena jau ir pieaugusi par 144% (no $ 0,00000656 līdz $ 0,00001601).

5 populārākie mēmu marķieri pēc lielo burtu lietojuma 2024. gada maijā ietver arī:

-- dogwifhat (WIF) - 3,65 miljardi ASV dolāru.
-- FLOKI (FLOKI) - 2,86 miljardi ASV dolāru.
#doge⚡ #FLOKI? #shiba⚡ #pepe⚡ #StartInvestingInCrypto $DOGE $FLOKI $SHIB
Media: spot Ethereum-ETF issuers have until May 31 to submit corrected filings -- Media reports that the SEC has reached out to issuers of spot Ethereum-ETFs. -- The SRegulator has asked those counterparties whose Form 19b-4 filings were previously approved to file amended S-1s. -- SRegulators have until May 31 inclusive to do so. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has asked issuers of spot Ethereum-ETFs to file amended S-1 filings up to and including May 31, 2024. This was reported by The Block, citing its sources. After that, as one of the publication's interlocutors noted, it is likely that the Commission will check the papers and leave new comments. At this stage, issuers are required to make minimal edits, The Block emphasized. Moreover, two companies have already filed new Form S-1 filings. They are VanEck and BlackRock. The publication's interlocutors noted that several rounds of such edits will be required before final approval of the products. This could take several weeks to months. In a comment regarding the corrected S-1 application from BlackRock, Bloomberg Intelligence expert Eric Balchunas noted that trading on spot Ethereum-ETFs may start in early July 2024. Recall, the issuers of these exchange-traded funds received partial approval from the Commission on May 23, 2024. The regulator approved the Form 19b-4 (rule change) filings of eight counterparties. Ethereum (ETH) has not reacted to this news in any way. All this week, from May 27 to May 31, 2024, the asset trades with a slight minus, which can be explained by the previous jump on the background of the SEC's decision#ETHETFsApproved #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH
Media: spot Ethereum-ETF issuers have until May 31 to submit corrected filings

-- Media reports that the SEC has reached out to issuers of spot Ethereum-ETFs.
-- The SRegulator has asked those counterparties whose Form 19b-4 filings were previously approved to file amended S-1s.
-- SRegulators have until May 31 inclusive to do so.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has asked issuers of spot Ethereum-ETFs to file amended S-1 filings up to and including May 31, 2024. This was reported by The Block, citing its sources.

After that, as one of the publication's interlocutors noted, it is likely that the Commission will check the papers and leave new comments. At this stage, issuers are required to make minimal edits, The Block emphasized.

Moreover, two companies have already filed new Form S-1 filings. They are VanEck and BlackRock.

The publication's interlocutors noted that several rounds of such edits will be required before final approval of the products. This could take several weeks to months.

In a comment regarding the corrected S-1 application from BlackRock, Bloomberg Intelligence expert Eric Balchunas noted that trading on spot Ethereum-ETFs may start in early July 2024.

Recall, the issuers of these exchange-traded funds received partial approval from the Commission on May 23, 2024. The regulator approved the Form 19b-4 (rule change) filings of eight counterparties.

Ethereum (ETH) has not reacted to this news in any way. All this week, from May 27 to May 31, 2024, the asset trades with a slight minus, which can be explained by the previous jump on the background of the SEC's decision#ETHETFsApproved #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin cenšas pietuvoties 68 500 USD Kriptovalūtu tirgus piektdien papildinās minimāli. Šī apskata publicēšanas brīdī bitcoin (BTC) cena bija 68 386 USD. Ēteris (ETH) pieauga līdz 3743 USD, pateicoties zemajai Āzijas tirgotāju aktivitātei. Dogecoin (DOGE), Cardano (ADA) un Toncoin (TON) vērtība pieaug. ASV akciju fjūčeri arī mēreni samazinājās Āzijas un Klusā okeāna reģiona tirdzniecības laikā, jo investori pārvērtē stratēģiju pirms inflācijas datu publicēšanas, ziņoja CNBC. S&P 500 un Nasdaq fjūčeru cenas kritās par 0,3 procentiem. Tirdzniecība ASV iepriekšējā dienā beidzās ar Dow Jones indikatora kritumu vairāk nekā 300 punktus. Capital atkāpās arī no tehnoloģiju kompāniju akcijām, kuru sniegums atspoguļojas akciju indeksos S & P 500 un Nasdaq. Spot bitcoin-ETF tirgū notika kapitāla pārdale par labu BlackRock fondam IBIT. Tagad tas ir kļuvis par lielāko BTC turētāju, savukārt GBTC no Grayscale atkrita uz otro vietu. IBIT pārvalda digitālo valūtu 19,68 miljardu dolāru vērtībā, savukārt GBTC uzkrāja bitkoīnus 19,65 miljardu dolāru vērtībā, ziņo Bloomberg. Kopš biržā tirgoto kriptofondu ETF darbības uzsākšanas, kas iegulda BTC, kapitālieguldījumu apjoms šādos instrumentos sasniedza 58,5 miljardus ASV dolāru.
Bitcoin cenšas pietuvoties 68 500 USD

Kriptovalūtu tirgus piektdien papildinās minimāli. Šī apskata publicēšanas brīdī bitcoin (BTC) cena bija 68 386 USD.

Ēteris (ETH) pieauga līdz 3743 USD, pateicoties zemajai Āzijas tirgotāju aktivitātei. Dogecoin (DOGE), Cardano (ADA) un Toncoin (TON) vērtība pieaug.

ASV akciju fjūčeri arī mēreni samazinājās Āzijas un Klusā okeāna reģiona tirdzniecības laikā, jo investori pārvērtē stratēģiju pirms inflācijas datu publicēšanas, ziņoja CNBC.

S&P 500 un Nasdaq fjūčeru cenas kritās par 0,3 procentiem. Tirdzniecība ASV iepriekšējā dienā beidzās ar Dow Jones indikatora kritumu vairāk nekā 300 punktus.

Capital atkāpās arī no tehnoloģiju kompāniju akcijām, kuru sniegums atspoguļojas akciju indeksos S & P 500 un Nasdaq.

Spot bitcoin-ETF tirgū notika kapitāla pārdale par labu BlackRock fondam IBIT. Tagad tas ir kļuvis par lielāko BTC turētāju, savukārt GBTC no Grayscale atkrita uz otro vietu.

IBIT pārvalda digitālo valūtu 19,68 miljardu dolāru vērtībā, savukārt GBTC uzkrāja bitkoīnus 19,65 miljardu dolāru vērtībā, ziņo Bloomberg.

Kopš biržā tirgoto kriptofondu ETF darbības uzsākšanas, kas iegulda BTC, kapitālieguldījumu apjoms šādos instrumentos sasniedza 58,5 miljardus ASV dolāru.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kā opciju derīguma termiņš ietekmēs BTC un ETH 69 179 BTC un 908 754 ETH līgumu nosacītā vērtība, kuru termiņš drīz beigsies, ir attiecīgi 4,7 miljardi un 3,4 miljardi ASV dolāru. Redzēsim, vai derīguma termiņš var izraisīt palielinātu nepastāvību tirgū un ietekmēt divu lielāko kriptovalūtu cenu pēc kapitalizācijas. Opciju tirgotāji pārvērtēja buļļu spēku Saskaņā ar Deribit teikto, pārdošanas/zvanīšanas iespēju attiecība BTC stabili saglabājas pie 0,61. Tas nozīmē, ka tirgotāji joprojām saglabā lācīgu neobjektivitāti un zvanu skaitu vai garos līgumus, pārspēj pārdošanas darījumus vai īsos līgumus. Maksimālais sāpju punkts - tas ir, cena, par kādu aktīvs radīs finansiālus zaudējumus lielākajam skaitam turētāju, ir 66 tūkstoši USD. Tomēr, ņemot vērā buļļu nespēju pārvarēt 70 000 dolāru pretestību, tirgotāju optimisms var būt pārspīlēts. 91% līgumu bija 72 000 USD vai vairāk, kas nozīmē, ka īpašnieki rēķinājās ar ilgstošu ralliju. Kas notiks ar BTC cenu termiņa beigās Bitcoin cena šonedēļ uz īsu brīdi pieauga virs 70 000 USD, atjaunojoties tūlītējai ETF ieplūdei. Tomēr īpašums nespēja noturēties un pavēra ceļu jaunam mītiņam. Rakstīšanas laikā BTC tirgojas par USD 68 300, pēdējo 24 stundu laikā pievienojot 0,6%. Arī Ethereum dinamika ir neizteiksmīga: neskatoties uz ilgi gaidīto astoņu tūlītējo ETF apstiprinājumu ETH, otrā visvairāk kapitalizētā kriptovalūta joprojām nevar atgriezties pie 4000 USD. Prognozēt, kā tirgus izturēsies liela skaita līgumu termiņa beigu dienā, ir diezgan grūti – īpaši, ja tam tiek pievienoti kādi notikumi, kas ietekmē ziņu fonu. Tomēr tirgotājiem rūpīgi jāseko līdzi situācijai, lai palielinātā nepastāvība neizraisītu nevēlamu zaudējumu apturēšanas rīkojumu aktivizēšanu vai nepareizu tirdzniecības lēmumu pieņemšanu.
Kā opciju derīguma termiņš ietekmēs BTC un ETH

69 179 BTC un 908 754 ETH līgumu nosacītā vērtība, kuru termiņš drīz beigsies, ir attiecīgi 4,7 miljardi un 3,4 miljardi ASV dolāru. Redzēsim, vai derīguma termiņš var izraisīt palielinātu nepastāvību tirgū un ietekmēt divu lielāko kriptovalūtu cenu pēc kapitalizācijas.

Opciju tirgotāji pārvērtēja buļļu spēku

Saskaņā ar Deribit teikto, pārdošanas/zvanīšanas iespēju attiecība BTC stabili saglabājas pie 0,61. Tas nozīmē, ka tirgotāji joprojām saglabā lācīgu neobjektivitāti un zvanu skaitu vai garos līgumus, pārspēj pārdošanas darījumus vai īsos līgumus. Maksimālais sāpju punkts - tas ir, cena, par kādu aktīvs radīs finansiālus zaudējumus lielākajam skaitam turētāju, ir 66 tūkstoši USD.

Tomēr, ņemot vērā buļļu nespēju pārvarēt 70 000 dolāru pretestību, tirgotāju optimisms var būt pārspīlēts. 91% līgumu bija 72 000 USD vai vairāk, kas nozīmē, ka īpašnieki rēķinājās ar ilgstošu ralliju.

Kas notiks ar BTC cenu termiņa beigās

Bitcoin cena šonedēļ uz īsu brīdi pieauga virs 70 000 USD, atjaunojoties tūlītējai ETF ieplūdei. Tomēr īpašums nespēja noturēties un pavēra ceļu jaunam mītiņam. Rakstīšanas laikā BTC tirgojas par USD 68 300, pēdējo 24 stundu laikā pievienojot 0,6%.

Arī Ethereum dinamika ir neizteiksmīga: neskatoties uz ilgi gaidīto astoņu tūlītējo ETF apstiprinājumu ETH, otrā visvairāk kapitalizētā kriptovalūta joprojām nevar atgriezties pie 4000 USD.

Prognozēt, kā tirgus izturēsies liela skaita līgumu termiņa beigu dienā, ir diezgan grūti – īpaši, ja tam tiek pievienoti kādi notikumi, kas ietekmē ziņu fonu. Tomēr tirgotājiem rūpīgi jāseko līdzi situācijai, lai palielinātā nepastāvība neizraisītu nevēlamu zaudējumu apturēšanas rīkojumu aktivizēšanu vai nepareizu tirdzniecības lēmumu pieņemšanu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
💎 Notcoin koplietoja ķēdes rādītājus, norādot, ka viņiem ir 1,6 miljoni marķieru turētāju Ķēdes īpašnieki ir tie, kas savus aktīvus glabā nevis CEX biržās, bet tieši blokķēdē. Šajā gadījumā $NOT īpašnieki savus žetonus uzglabā TON blokķēdē. Būtībā ķēdē esošo turētāju skaits tieši neietekmē tirgus ierobežojumu un marķiera cenu. Tomēr tas ir svarīgs projekta rādītājs.#NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoin👀🔥 $NOT CryptoIn
💎 Notcoin koplietoja ķēdes rādītājus, norādot, ka viņiem ir 1,6 miljoni marķieru turētāju

Ķēdes īpašnieki ir tie, kas savus aktīvus glabā nevis CEX biržās, bet tieši blokķēdē.

Šajā gadījumā $NOT īpašnieki savus žetonus uzglabā TON blokķēdē. Būtībā ķēdē esošo turētāju skaits tieši neietekmē tirgus ierobežojumu un marķiera cenu. Tomēr tas ir svarīgs projekta rādītājs.#NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoin👀🔥 $NOT

Skatīt oriģinālu
Solana (SOL): kur slēpjas potenciālie lāču draudi Solana (SOL) cena piedzīvo īstermiņa korekciju, kuras dēļ altkoins zaudēja iespēju sasniegt 200 dolāru atzīmi Neskatoties uz korekciju, pastāv iespēja, ka Solana (SOL) cena atkal sāks pieaugt, jo tirgus dod pretrunīgus signālus. Solana ir iestatīta kustēties uz sāniem Solana projekta marķiera cena rakstīšanas laikā nokritās līdz 166 USD, noslīdot zem kritiskās 169 USD atzīmes. Tas ir pastiprinājis lāču novirzi, kā redzams mainīgajā vidējā konverģences-diverģences rādītājā (MACD). MACD ir impulsa rādītājs, kas salīdzina 12 dienu un 26 dienu eksponenciālo mainīgo vidējo vērtību (EMA) dinamiku. Indekss sastāv no divām līnijām, MACD līnijas un signāla līnijas. Ja īstermiņa mainīgais vidējais rādītājs ir zemāks par ilgtermiņa mainīgo vidējo, tas tiek uzskatīts par pārdošanas signālu. Solana izveidoja pirmo lāču krosoveru gandrīz četru nedēļu laikā, kas nav laba zīme par cenu. Turklāt altcoin ir ļoti augsta korelācija (0,93) ar bitcoin. Tas var būt gan SOL priekšrocība, gan trūkums. BTC rallijs spēlē Solana rokās. Tomēr, ja BTC nokrīt, SOL var būt arī apdraudēta. Šobrīd ticamāks šķiet pēdējais variants. Tas ir tāpēc, ka bitcoin nesen zaudēja kritisko atbalstu 68 500 USD apmērā un varētu turpināt kristies.#SolanaUSTD #altcoins #Solana_Blockchain
Solana (SOL): kur slēpjas potenciālie lāču draudi

Solana (SOL) cena piedzīvo īstermiņa korekciju, kuras dēļ altkoins zaudēja iespēju sasniegt 200 dolāru atzīmi

Neskatoties uz korekciju, pastāv iespēja, ka Solana (SOL) cena atkal sāks pieaugt, jo tirgus dod pretrunīgus signālus.

Solana ir iestatīta kustēties uz sāniem

Solana projekta marķiera cena rakstīšanas laikā nokritās līdz 166 USD, noslīdot zem kritiskās 169 USD atzīmes. Tas ir pastiprinājis lāču novirzi, kā redzams mainīgajā vidējā konverģences-diverģences rādītājā (MACD).

MACD ir impulsa rādītājs, kas salīdzina 12 dienu un 26 dienu eksponenciālo mainīgo vidējo vērtību (EMA) dinamiku. Indekss sastāv no divām līnijām, MACD līnijas un signāla līnijas. Ja īstermiņa mainīgais vidējais rādītājs ir zemāks par ilgtermiņa mainīgo vidējo, tas tiek uzskatīts par pārdošanas signālu. Solana izveidoja pirmo lāču krosoveru gandrīz četru nedēļu laikā, kas nav laba zīme par cenu.

Turklāt altcoin ir ļoti augsta korelācija (0,93) ar bitcoin. Tas var būt gan SOL priekšrocība, gan trūkums. BTC rallijs spēlē Solana rokās. Tomēr, ja BTC nokrīt, SOL var būt arī apdraudēta. Šobrīd ticamāks šķiet pēdējais variants. Tas ir tāpēc, ka bitcoin nesen zaudēja kritisko atbalstu 68 500 USD apmērā un varētu turpināt kristies.#SolanaUSTD #altcoins #Solana_Blockchain
$ETH Cointelegraph experts told about Ethereum's drawdown On Monday, May 27, the main altcoin made a determined attempt to break through the $3934 area. Alas, but buyers failed to realize its potential. Then a deep correction started, in which ether is still in. Cointelegraph representatives commented on this situation and told about the reasons why the bearish trend is developing. They believe that the key factor was a sharp rise in the yield of U.S. Treasury bonds. This provoked an increase in demand from investors and shifted their attention to the traditional asset. Also, traders began to doubt that the Federal System will be ready to soften monetary policy in the near future. This point of view is confirmed by recently published minutes of the last Fed meeting. From them it follows that many officials took a rather radical position. Of course, they noted that inflation in the U.S. has shown a clear decline in recent months. But, according to the officials, there is no reason to say that it is ready to slow down to the target 2% yet. In parallel, sell-offs by large investors are putting significant pressure on price dynamics. Onchain metrics show that holders with balances between 1 and 10 million ETH have gotten rid of 1% of their holdings over the past 24 hours. It is noteworthy that investors with assets from 100 thousand to 1 million ETH are also massively increasing their supply. If we evaluate the market situation from a technical point of view, global Ethereum is in a bullish trend. Specialists note the area of $3600 as a key support level. In their opinion, now market participants need to closely monitor the price reaction to this support zone. If quotes break below this mark, a deep drawdown up to the border of $3300 may start.#ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH #ETHUSDT
$ETH Cointelegraph experts told about Ethereum's drawdown

On Monday, May 27, the main altcoin made a determined attempt to break through the $3934 area. Alas, but buyers failed to realize its potential. Then a deep correction started, in which ether is still in. Cointelegraph representatives commented on this situation and told about the reasons why the bearish trend is developing.

They believe that the key factor was a sharp rise in the yield of U.S. Treasury bonds. This provoked an increase in demand from investors and shifted their attention to the traditional asset. Also, traders began to doubt that the Federal System will be ready to soften monetary policy in the near future. This point of view is confirmed by recently published minutes of the last Fed meeting. From them it follows that many officials took a rather radical position. Of course, they noted that inflation in the U.S. has shown a clear decline in recent months. But, according to the officials, there is no reason to say that it is ready to slow down to the target 2% yet.

In parallel, sell-offs by large investors are putting significant pressure on price dynamics. Onchain metrics show that holders with balances between 1 and 10 million ETH have gotten rid of 1% of their holdings over the past 24 hours. It is noteworthy that investors with assets from 100 thousand to 1 million ETH are also massively increasing their supply. If we evaluate the market situation from a technical point of view, global Ethereum is in a bullish trend.

Specialists note the area of $3600 as a key support level. In their opinion, now market participants need to closely monitor the price reaction to this support zone. If quotes break below this mark, a deep drawdown up to the border of $3300 may start.#ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH #ETHUSDT
$PEPE PEPE-kit earns almost $ 5 million in a month A whale, or large holder of memecoin, earned nearly $5 million in profits on the Pepe token during the month. Could the price of Pepe continue to rise due to another wave of retail interest? PEPE whale earns almost $ 5 million in one month An experienced memecoin whale earned $4.95 million in a month, representing a 52% return on their initial investment, despite Pepe's price falling more than 17% from its all-time high. Keith has moved all of his PEPE assets to the Binance wallet, according to a report from Lookonchain published on May 30 X, which stated: “In the last 10 minutes, a whale has transferred all 660.7 billion that PEPE ($9.52 million) bought a month ago to Binance, earning ~$4.95 million at an ROI of 52%.” After moving Pepe to Binance for more than $9.5 million, the whale wallet “0x546” is now worth just $161,449 in cryptocurrency, with more than 96% of assets consisting of composite tokens (COMPs), according to Coinstats. After a period of explosive growth for memecoin, investor interest has waned slightly. The total trading volume of memecoins fell more than 21% in the last 24 hours to $10.2 billion, down from more than $13 billion on May 28, according to CoinMarketCap data. The price of Pepe fell more than 4.4% in the 24 hours leading up to 13: 45 GMT to $ 0.00001437, according to TradingView. The token was down more than 17% from its all-time high.#pepe⚡ #altcoins
$PEPE PEPE-kit earns almost $ 5 million in a month

A whale, or large holder of memecoin, earned nearly $5 million in profits on the Pepe token during the month. Could the price of Pepe continue to rise due to another wave of retail interest?

PEPE whale earns almost $ 5 million in one month

An experienced memecoin whale earned $4.95 million in a month, representing a 52% return on their initial investment, despite Pepe's price falling more than 17% from its all-time high.

Keith has moved all of his PEPE assets to the Binance wallet, according to a report from Lookonchain published on May 30 X, which stated:

“In the last 10 minutes, a whale has transferred all 660.7 billion that PEPE ($9.52 million) bought a month ago to Binance, earning ~$4.95 million at an ROI of 52%.”

After moving Pepe to Binance for more than $9.5 million, the whale wallet “0x546” is now worth just $161,449 in cryptocurrency, with more than 96% of assets consisting of composite tokens (COMPs), according to Coinstats.

After a period of explosive growth for memecoin, investor interest has waned slightly. The total trading volume of memecoins fell more than 21% in the last 24 hours to $10.2 billion, down from more than $13 billion on May 28, according to CoinMarketCap data.

The price of Pepe fell more than 4.4% in the 24 hours leading up to 13: 45 GMT to $ 0.00001437, according to TradingView. The token was down more than 17% from its all-time high.#pepe⚡ #altcoins
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kāpēc Dogecoin (DOGE) neaug Noskaidrosim, kādi faktori bremzē Dogecoin (DOGE) nostiprināšanos, neskatoties uz vispārējo altkoinu ralliju Dogecoin (DOGE) vērtību ietekmē vairāki nelabvēlīgi faktori: zemāks dienas pieprasījums un negatīvs noskaņojums turpina vajāt monētu. Dogecoin ir pārdevēju krustpunktā Memcoin cena pieauga līdz vietējam maksimumam 0,17 USD (26. maijā), bet pēc tam atkāpās no tās. Šī izņemšana ir saistīta ar pieprasījuma kritumu pēc marķiera šajā periodā. Dienas adrešu skaits, kas veic darījumus ar DOGE, samazinājās par 9%. Unikālo darījumu skaits dienā samazinājies par 5%. Investori kopumā ir negatīvi noskaņoti pret DOGE, kā rezultātā samazinās aktīvo adrešu skaits tīklā. Pesimisms sekoja aktīvam gandrīz visu mēnesi. Publicēšanas brīdī šis rādītājs bija -0,71. Negatīvā vērtība norāda uz negatīvo komentāru izplatību par memcoin sociālajos tīklos. #doge⚡ #DOGEUSDT! $DOGE
Kāpēc Dogecoin (DOGE) neaug

Noskaidrosim, kādi faktori bremzē Dogecoin (DOGE) nostiprināšanos, neskatoties uz vispārējo altkoinu ralliju

Dogecoin (DOGE) vērtību ietekmē vairāki nelabvēlīgi faktori: zemāks dienas pieprasījums un negatīvs noskaņojums turpina vajāt monētu.

Dogecoin ir pārdevēju krustpunktā

Memcoin cena pieauga līdz vietējam maksimumam 0,17 USD (26. maijā), bet pēc tam atkāpās no tās. Šī izņemšana ir saistīta ar pieprasījuma kritumu pēc marķiera šajā periodā. Dienas adrešu skaits, kas veic darījumus ar DOGE, samazinājās par 9%. Unikālo darījumu skaits dienā samazinājies par 5%.

Investori kopumā ir negatīvi noskaņoti pret DOGE, kā rezultātā samazinās aktīvo adrešu skaits tīklā. Pesimisms sekoja aktīvam gandrīz visu mēnesi. Publicēšanas brīdī šis rādītājs bija -0,71. Negatīvā vērtība norāda uz negatīvo komentāru izplatību par memcoin sociālajos tīklos.
Solana (SOL) dominates Ethereum (ETH): Glassnode co-founder According to Glassnode co-founder Jann Allemann, capital rotation in the cryptocurrency market has begun. Allemann noted that Solana (SOL) is currently dominating Ethereum (ETH). His assessment was made after the former rose by about 10% over the latter since May 27. The SOL / ETH pair has declined significantly following the approval of several spot Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) earlier this month. On May 27, the price of Ethereum hit a high of $3,973 on the Bitstamp exchange. However, the excitement around the much-coveted SEC approval quickly dissipated and ETH lost 7% in a matter of days. The SEC has yet to approve the S-1 registration statements to launch these ETFs. At the same time, bitcoin's market dominance has fallen more than 4% since May 6 after breaking the 56% mark. Once a particular cryptocurrency rises, it tends to fall while traders lock in profits and bet on other assets. Cryptocurrency capital rotation can also occur internally, meaning that the same cryptocurrency is purchased at different prices. Despite the recent weakness, Bitcoin has still kept pace with Ethereum since the beginning of the year. The two cryptocurrencies are up 77.71% and 79.38% respectively. #solusdt #Solana_Blockchain #Megadrop
Solana (SOL) dominates Ethereum (ETH): Glassnode co-founder

According to Glassnode co-founder Jann Allemann, capital rotation in the cryptocurrency market has begun.

Allemann noted that Solana (SOL) is currently dominating Ethereum (ETH). His assessment was made after the former rose by about 10% over the latter since May 27.

The SOL / ETH pair has declined significantly following the approval of several spot Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) earlier this month. On May 27, the price of Ethereum hit a high of $3,973 on the Bitstamp exchange. However, the excitement around the much-coveted SEC approval quickly dissipated and ETH lost 7% in a matter of days. The SEC has yet to approve the S-1 registration statements to launch these ETFs.

At the same time, bitcoin's market dominance has fallen more than 4% since May 6 after breaking the 56% mark.

Once a particular cryptocurrency rises, it tends to fall while traders lock in profits and bet on other assets. Cryptocurrency capital rotation can also occur internally, meaning that the same cryptocurrency is purchased at different prices.

Despite the recent weakness, Bitcoin has still kept pace with Ethereum since the beginning of the year. The two cryptocurrencies are up 77.71% and 79.38% respectively.
#solusdt #Solana_Blockchain #Megadrop
$BTC Peter Schiff criticized bitcoin supporters An economist and popular bitcoin critic published a post on social media where he criticized the holders of the flagship cryptocurrency. He described a hypothetical scenario in which all American companies sell off their assets and cease operations. In a joking manner, he advised organizations to invest all proceeds in bitcoin purchases. In his opinion, only then can bitcoin demonstrate sustainable growth and enrich its investors. One of the users noted that, yes, in this case, crypto-enthusiasts will get rich, but Schiff himself - no. But the economist objected, noting that he too will receive his dividends on the realization of such a scenario. The specialist explained that he invested most of his funds in the shares of oil companies. And if U.S. organizations sell off their businesses, industry securities will soar in value. Schiff further noted that the scenario he described would certainly enrich bitcoin investors. But it makes no sense, as all goods and services will simply disappear from the global market and there will be nothing to own. This position of the expert no longer surprises anyone, as he has long been a systemic critic not only of bitcoin, but also of the entire cryptoindustry. Schiff in every way encourages his subscribers to invest in traditional assets, believing that digital coins are devoid of a future. Many users parry the thesis of the economist, noting how much bitcoin has risen in price since its appearance on the global market. Also, many subscribers point out that the Internet used to be perceived as “geek entertainment.” However, it is now playing a crucial role in the development of humanity and people's interaction with each other. #btc70k #altcoins #EarnFreeCrypto2024 $BTC
$BTC Peter Schiff criticized bitcoin supporters

An economist and popular bitcoin critic published a post on social media where he criticized the holders of the flagship cryptocurrency. He described a hypothetical scenario in which all American companies sell off their assets and cease operations. In a joking manner, he advised organizations to invest all proceeds in bitcoin purchases. In his opinion, only then can bitcoin demonstrate sustainable growth and enrich its investors.

One of the users noted that, yes, in this case, crypto-enthusiasts will get rich, but Schiff himself - no. But the economist objected, noting that he too will receive his dividends on the realization of such a scenario. The specialist explained that he invested most of his funds in the shares of oil companies. And if U.S. organizations sell off their businesses, industry securities will soar in value.

Schiff further noted that the scenario he described would certainly enrich bitcoin investors. But it makes no sense, as all goods and services will simply disappear from the global market and there will be nothing to own. This position of the expert no longer surprises anyone, as he has long been a systemic critic not only of bitcoin, but also of the entire cryptoindustry. Schiff in every way encourages his subscribers to invest in traditional assets, believing that digital coins are devoid of a future.

Many users parry the thesis of the economist, noting how much bitcoin has risen in price since its appearance on the global market. Also, many subscribers point out that the Internet used to be perceived as “geek entertainment.” However, it is now playing a crucial role in the development of humanity and people's interaction with each other.
#btc70k #altcoins #EarnFreeCrypto2024 $BTC
➡️ Bitcoin slipped in price after the news about moving bitcoins of the bankrupt Mt. Gox exchange - market participants fear that the exchange's clients, having received compensation worth billions of dollars, will start selling them, influencing the market ➡️Price of the bitcoin at the moment fell to $67.5 thousand after rising to $70 thousand the day before. ➡️On according to Coinglass, the volume of long liquidations on crypto exchanges has reached $30 million in the last 4 hours #btc70k #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved
➡️ Bitcoin slipped in price after the news about moving bitcoins of the bankrupt Mt. Gox exchange - market participants fear that the exchange's clients, having received compensation worth billions of dollars, will start selling them, influencing the market

➡️Price of the bitcoin at the moment fell to $67.5 thousand after rising to $70 thousand the day before.

➡️On according to Coinglass, the volume of long liquidations on crypto exchanges has reached $30 million in the last 4 hours
#btc70k #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved
Over the past 24 hours the price of the Bitcoin has dropped a bit. The price still broke through the trend line 🕯, which acted as support. It happened with great effort, and we do not see the impulse down. The fake "head and shoulders" pattern is moving into a sideways movement 📊 There is also a high probability that in time this situation will turn into growth. Now my mood on the market is moderately bullish, as the price may move sideways for some time 🕯#altcoins #btc70k #BinanceLaunchpool #BlackRock #ETHETFsApproved
Over the past 24 hours the price of the Bitcoin has dropped a bit.

The price still broke through the trend line 🕯, which acted as support. It happened with great effort, and we do not see the impulse down.

The fake "head and shoulders" pattern is moving into a sideways movement 📊 There is also a high probability that in time this situation will turn into growth.

Now my mood on the market is moderately bullish, as the price may move sideways for some time 🕯#altcoins #btc70k #BinanceLaunchpool #BlackRock #ETHETFsApproved
BTC_UPDATE As anticipated in our previous update, the market followed a bearish trajectory after rejecting from the 70k-71k resistance zone. The price action confirmed our expectations with a short-term consolidation around the 66k level, followed by a move upward to take liquidity above the 70k level. After this liquidity grab, the market began to fall, aligning with our forecast. Currently, the market is expected to consolidate between 67k to 69k in the short term. Traders should note that there is still significant liquidity above the 72k level, which might attract price action in the future. However, caution is advised as the market may exhibit volatile movements within this range.
As anticipated in our previous update, the market followed a bearish trajectory after rejecting from the 70k-71k resistance zone. The price action confirmed our expectations with a short-term consolidation around the 66k level, followed by a move upward to take liquidity above the 70k level. After this liquidity grab, the market began to fall, aligning with our forecast.
Currently, the market is expected to consolidate between 67k to 69k in the short term. Traders should note that there is still significant liquidity above the 72k level, which might attract price action in the future. However, caution is advised as the market may exhibit volatile movements within this range.
BlackRock filed an amended application for a spot Ethereum-ETF on Form S-1BlackRock filed an amended application for a spot Ethereum-ETF on Form S-1 -- BlackRock has filed an amended Form S-1 filing with the SEC. -- In it, the company disclosed its initial investment in the fund and listed its ticker symbol as ETHA. -- Eric Balchunas said that's a good sign. -- He projected the spot Ethereum-ETF to begin trading in late June or early July. BlackRock has filed an amended Form S-1 application with the SEC to launch a spot Ethereum-ETF. Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Eric Balchunas considers this a positive signal. There are no significant changes in the securities, as the vendor had previously already excluded steaking. However, the amended filing discloses information about the initial investment in the ETF. According to the filing, it is an affiliate of BlackRock. That counterparty bought 400,000 shares at $25, the filing says. Consequently, the initial capital of the spot Ethereum-ETF from the company will be $10 million. The applicant has also notified the SEC that the product will be listed under the ticker ETHA.#BlackRock⁩ #etherreum

BlackRock filed an amended application for a spot Ethereum-ETF on Form S-1

BlackRock filed an amended application for a spot Ethereum-ETF on Form S-1

-- BlackRock has filed an amended Form S-1 filing with the SEC.
-- In it, the company disclosed its initial investment in the fund and listed its ticker symbol as ETHA.
-- Eric Balchunas said that's a good sign.
-- He projected the spot Ethereum-ETF to begin trading in late June or early July.

BlackRock has filed an amended Form S-1 application with the SEC to launch a spot Ethereum-ETF. Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Eric Balchunas considers this a positive signal.

There are no significant changes in the securities, as the vendor had previously already excluded steaking. However, the amended filing discloses information about the initial investment in the ETF.

According to the filing, it is an affiliate of BlackRock. That counterparty bought 400,000 shares at $25, the filing says. Consequently, the initial capital of the spot Ethereum-ETF from the company will be $10 million.

The applicant has also notified the SEC that the product will be listed under the ticker ETHA.#BlackRock⁩ #etherreum
PEPE Price predictoonPEPE Price Prediction: Big Rally Coming as Daily Trading Volume Exceeds DogWifHat? PEPE has fallen 3.86% in 24 hours to $0.00001509 amid a crypto market pullback. After a brief setback, PEPE gained 26.30% weekly, extending its 126.30% monthly gain. PEPE outperformed BTC, ETH, and SOL last year with a 1,135.41% gain. This high performance suggests PEPE investor interest is broad. PEPE's 24-hour trading volume hit $2.50 billion, exceeding DogWifHat's $821 million, suggesting a rebound despite the price fall. The meme coin's 24-hour trading volume rose to $2.50B last week, suggesting a comeback. Returning from All-Time High, Pepe May Rally? After falling early this morning, PEPE may be rallying. Technical analysis of PEPE pricing. Source: Binance. In the previous 24 hours, its purple relative strength index fell from 65 to 15. PEPE is oversold, suggesting it may be cheap and ready to rise. PEPE just fell below its week-long positive trendline (Yellow), indicating diminishing bullish momentum. If this slump continues, it may suggest a downtrend. The meme coin's 30-day moving average (orange) is rising above the 200-day (blue), extending last week's pattern. The lack of a significant crossing below the 200-day average signals a continuing rising. This negative price activity may indicate a short-term correction in an uptrend. If the price rebounds rapidly and gets above the trendline, the uptrend may continue. PEPE's trade volume rose 12% last week to 2.50B, supporting this stance. Trader interest has surged. At $821.07M, Pepe's 24-hour volume surpasses DogWifHat's. With WIF down 8.71% in the previous month, traders are switching to PEPE, which is still rising. When the market starts up, PEPE may see higher price rises. This might happen next month when the freshly authorized Ethereum ETFs debut. In anticipation of large inflows, Pepe may require a brief adjustment. #PEPE $PEPE #altcoins #binance #ETHETFsApproved

PEPE Price predictoon

PEPE Price Prediction: Big Rally Coming as Daily Trading Volume Exceeds DogWifHat?
PEPE has fallen 3.86% in 24 hours to $0.00001509 amid a crypto market pullback.
After a brief setback, PEPE gained 26.30% weekly, extending its 126.30% monthly gain.
PEPE outperformed BTC, ETH, and SOL last year with a 1,135.41% gain.
This high performance suggests PEPE investor interest is broad.
PEPE's 24-hour trading volume hit $2.50 billion, exceeding DogWifHat's $821 million, suggesting a rebound despite the price fall.
The meme coin's 24-hour trading volume rose to $2.50B last week, suggesting a comeback.
Returning from All-Time High, Pepe May Rally?
After falling early this morning, PEPE may be rallying.
Technical analysis of PEPE pricing. Source: Binance.
In the previous 24 hours, its purple relative strength index fell from 65 to 15. PEPE is oversold, suggesting it may be cheap and ready to rise.
PEPE just fell below its week-long positive trendline (Yellow), indicating diminishing bullish momentum. If this slump continues, it may suggest a downtrend.
The meme coin's 30-day moving average (orange) is rising above the 200-day (blue), extending last week's pattern. The lack of a significant crossing below the 200-day average signals a continuing rising.
This negative price activity may indicate a short-term correction in an uptrend. If the price rebounds rapidly and gets above the trendline, the uptrend may continue.
PEPE's trade volume rose 12% last week to 2.50B, supporting this stance. Trader interest has surged.
At $821.07M, Pepe's 24-hour volume surpasses DogWifHat's. With WIF down 8.71% in the previous month, traders are switching to PEPE, which is still rising.
When the market starts up, PEPE may see higher price rises. This might happen next month when the freshly authorized Ethereum ETFs debut. In anticipation of large inflows, Pepe may require a brief adjustment.
#PEPE $PEPE #altcoins #binance #ETHETFsApproved
Dogecoin Set for Potential Breakout: Could DOGE Double to $0.322 Soon?Dogecoin Set for Potential Breakout: Could DOGE Double to $0.322 Soon?If Dogecoin (DOGE) manages to break through the resistance level currently situated between $0.166 and $0.171, the potential for significant gains is substantial. Analysts predict that surpassing this critical barrier could propel DOGE to its next major resistance at approximately $0.322, effectively doubling. Current Market Dynamics This optimistic forecast comes amid a broader upswing in the cryptocurrency market following the SEC’s approval of the first spot Ethereum ETF. This approval has invigorated the market, leading to notable surges, particularly among meme coins like PEPE, FLOKI, WIF, and BONK. However, despite the overall bullish sentiment, DOGE has struggled to keep pace, showing a slight decline of 1%. Key Resistance Levels and Investor Activity Currently, DOGE is facing strong resistance, attributed to significant accumulation by nearly 75,000 wallet addresses holding around 10 billion DOGE coins at this level. As DOGE hovers around $0.164, it has experienced a 3% downturn, contrasting sharply with the impressive gains seen by other meme tokens. Over the past week, DOGE has remained relatively stable, showing a marginal 1% decline, while a broader 30-day perspective reveals a respectable 10% upward trend. Technical Analysis and Future Prospects Technical analysis highlights DOGE’s bearish outlook, with potential further declines to $0.154 if current trends continue. For DOGE to shift towards a bullish trajectory, it must close above the $0.175 mark on a daily basis. Achieving this would set the stage for a potential rise to $0.22, and breaking through the $0.171 resistance could pave the way for even greater gains, reaching up to $0.322. Key Insights for Investors: - Breaking through $0.171 could double DOGE’s value to $0.322. - Despite broader market gains post-SEC approval of the Ethereum ETF, DOGE has seen a slight decline. - To avoid further losses and aim for $0.22, DOGE must close above $0.17 #Megadrop #altcoins #doge⚡ $DOGE

Dogecoin Set for Potential Breakout: Could DOGE Double to $0.322 Soon?

Dogecoin Set for Potential Breakout: Could DOGE Double to $0.322 Soon?If Dogecoin (DOGE) manages to break through the resistance level currently situated between $0.166 and $0.171, the potential for significant gains is substantial. Analysts predict that surpassing this critical barrier could propel DOGE to its next major resistance at approximately $0.322, effectively doubling.
Current Market Dynamics
This optimistic forecast comes amid a broader upswing in the cryptocurrency market following the SEC’s approval of the first spot Ethereum ETF. This approval has invigorated the market, leading to notable surges, particularly among meme coins like PEPE, FLOKI, WIF, and BONK. However, despite the overall bullish sentiment, DOGE has struggled to keep pace, showing a slight decline of 1%.
Key Resistance Levels and Investor Activity
Currently, DOGE is facing strong resistance, attributed to significant accumulation by nearly 75,000 wallet addresses holding around 10 billion DOGE coins at this level. As DOGE hovers around $0.164, it has experienced a 3% downturn, contrasting sharply with the impressive gains seen by other meme tokens. Over the past week, DOGE has remained relatively stable, showing a marginal 1% decline, while a broader 30-day perspective reveals a respectable 10% upward trend.
Technical Analysis and Future Prospects
Technical analysis highlights DOGE’s bearish outlook, with potential further declines to $0.154 if current trends continue. For DOGE to shift towards a bullish trajectory, it must close above the $0.175 mark on a daily basis. Achieving this would set the stage for a potential rise to $0.22, and breaking through the $0.171 resistance could pave the way for even greater gains, reaching up to $0.322.
Key Insights for Investors:
- Breaking through $0.171 could double DOGE’s value to $0.322.
- Despite broader market gains post-SEC approval of the Ethereum ETF, DOGE has seen a slight decline.
- To avoid further losses and aim for $0.22, DOGE must close above $0.17
#Megadrop #altcoins #doge⚡ $DOGE
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