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Botcoin konference: galvenās atziņas no Trampa runas. 🇺🇸 Donalda Trampa 2024. gada Bitcoin konferences runas kopsavilkums: • Pirmajā dienā es atlaidīšu Geriju Gensleru un iecelšu jaunu SEC priekšsēdētāju. • Izveidojiet ASV valdības stratēģisko nacionālo Bitcoin krājumu, ja esat ievēlēts. • ASV valdība paturēs 100% tai piederošo Bitcoin. • Bitcoin dodas uz Mēnesi. • Nekad nepārdodiet savu Bitcoin. • Bitcoin kādu dienu, iespējams, pārsniegs zelta tirgus ierobežojumu. • Es vēlreiz apstiprinu savu apņemšanos mainīt Rosam Ulbrihtam piespriesto sodu. • Kamēr es būšu Amerikas Savienoto Valstu prezidents, nekad nebūs CBDC.

Botcoin konference: galvenās atziņas no Trampa runas.

🇺🇸 Donalda Trampa 2024. gada Bitcoin konferences runas kopsavilkums:

• Pirmajā dienā es atlaidīšu Geriju Gensleru un iecelšu jaunu SEC priekšsēdētāju.
• Izveidojiet ASV valdības stratēģisko nacionālo Bitcoin krājumu, ja esat ievēlēts.
• ASV valdība paturēs 100% tai piederošo Bitcoin.
• Bitcoin dodas uz Mēnesi.
• Nekad nepārdodiet savu Bitcoin.
• Bitcoin kādu dienu, iespējams, pārsniegs zelta tirgus ierobežojumu.
• Es vēlreiz apstiprinu savu apņemšanos mainīt Rosam Ulbrihtam piespriesto sodu.
• Kamēr es būšu Amerikas Savienoto Valstu prezidents, nekad nebūs CBDC.
Skatīt oriģinālu
👍 Worldcoin noraida apsūdzības par iekšējās informācijas ļaunprātīgu izmantošanu saistībā ar WLD Token Surge - Worldcoin noliedz iekšējās informācijas tirdzniecību un cenu manipulācijas ar savu WLD marķieri. - Uzņēmums ievēro nulles tolerances politiku attiecībā uz šādām darbībām un stingrus konfidencialitātes noteikumus. - Šis atspēkojums izriet no DeFi Squared un ZachXBT apsūdzībām, kuras Worldcoin apgalvo, ka tās ir nepamatotas. - Strīdi radās pēc tam, kad Worldcoin par diviem gadiem aizkavēja marķiera atbloķēšanu, kā rezultātā cena pieauga par 68%. 🌐Avots: Cointelegraph
👍 Worldcoin noraida apsūdzības par iekšējās informācijas ļaunprātīgu izmantošanu saistībā ar WLD Token Surge

- Worldcoin noliedz iekšējās informācijas tirdzniecību un cenu manipulācijas ar savu WLD marķieri.

- Uzņēmums ievēro nulles tolerances politiku attiecībā uz šādām darbībām un stingrus konfidencialitātes noteikumus.

- Šis atspēkojums izriet no DeFi Squared un ZachXBT apsūdzībām, kuras Worldcoin apgalvo, ka tās ir nepamatotas.

- Strīdi radās pēc tam, kad Worldcoin par diviem gadiem aizkavēja marķiera atbloķēšanu, kā rezultātā cena pieauga par 68%.

🌐Avots: Cointelegraph
Skatīt oriģinālu
Dalos ar šo tirdzniecības ideju ar jums. WLD/USDT.
Dalos ar šo tirdzniecības ideju ar jums.

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Eiforija! Izlasi to un paturi šīs lietas savā galvā🫡 Kāpēc es jums saku, puiši, ka ideālu ierakstu nav? Jo jūs nekad neiegūsit ideālus nosacījumus pirkšanai vai pārdošanai Tirgus var jūs pārsteigt vairākos veidos Galvenais ir strādāt pie sistēmas un pielāgot to atbilstoši tirgus nosacījumiem Vai esat šo redzējuši? Ikreiz, kad tirgus sāk sūknēt, un jūs neturat nekādu somu Jūs sāksit iegūt Fomo Vai domājat, ka man pietrūkst visa? Vai man vajadzētu ienākt tagad? Iemesls ir vienkāršs: cena un jūtas padara jūs traku


Izlasi to un paturi šīs lietas savā galvā🫡
Kāpēc es jums saku, puiši, ka ideālu ierakstu nav?
Jo jūs nekad neiegūsit ideālus nosacījumus pirkšanai vai pārdošanai
Tirgus var jūs pārsteigt vairākos veidos
Galvenais ir strādāt pie sistēmas un pielāgot to atbilstoši tirgus nosacījumiem
Vai esat šo redzējuši?
Ikreiz, kad tirgus sāk sūknēt, un jūs neturat nekādu somu
Jūs sāksit iegūt Fomo
Vai domājat, ka man pietrūkst visa?
Vai man vajadzētu ienākt tagad?
Iemesls ir vienkāršs: cena un jūtas padara jūs traku
Skatīt oriģinālu
🇩🇪 Vācijas valdība atkal pārdod BTC: pārskaita 400 BTC uz biržām.
🇩🇪 Vācijas valdība atkal pārdod BTC: pārskaita 400 BTC uz biržām.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šeit ir HODL monēta tiem, kam patīk HODL EXVG Marketcap ir 1,1 miljons dolāru Mēs to esam veiksmīgi tirgojuši kā mini HODL, taču ir pienācis laiks to pasludināt par HODL. Labais: Tas ir spēļu projekts, kuram vēl nav trakas inflācijas. Viņiem ir zelta twitter emblēma (1000 USD mēnesī) Viņiem ir liels un aktīvs twitter Viņiem bija tādas partnerības kā dechat un citi slaveni spēļu milži, tostarp mana cita studentu iecienītā HODL monēta GMEE Viņu spēļu grafika ir ārprātīga, un tas, ko viņi ir izstrādājuši ar nereālu 5. dzinēju, ir nenovērtējams. Tā cieš bez iemesla, un es ticu metaversajai tendencei, no šejienes tas pieaugs 25x līdz 50x. Jau iekļauts 1. līmeņa biržā un kopā 3 nozīmīgās biržās. Sliktais: Pirms pārdošanas investori pārdod Spēļu projektiem ir sava sezona Būs grūti sūknēt 25X bez metaversas tendences. Nav finanšu padoms. #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #MtGoxJulyRepayments #bitcoin
Šeit ir HODL monēta tiem, kam patīk HODL


Marketcap ir 1,1 miljons dolāru

Mēs to esam veiksmīgi tirgojuši kā mini HODL, taču ir pienācis laiks to pasludināt par HODL.


Tas ir spēļu projekts, kuram vēl nav trakas inflācijas.
Viņiem ir zelta twitter emblēma (1000 USD mēnesī)
Viņiem ir liels un aktīvs twitter
Viņiem bija tādas partnerības kā dechat un citi slaveni spēļu milži, tostarp mana cita studentu iecienītā HODL monēta GMEE

Viņu spēļu grafika ir ārprātīga, un tas, ko viņi ir izstrādājuši ar nereālu 5. dzinēju, ir nenovērtējams.

Tā cieš bez iemesla, un es ticu metaversajai tendencei, no šejienes tas pieaugs 25x līdz 50x.

Jau iekļauts 1. līmeņa biržā un kopā 3 nozīmīgās biržās.


Pirms pārdošanas investori pārdod
Spēļu projektiem ir sava sezona
Būs grūti sūknēt 25X bez metaversas tendences.

Nav finanšu padoms. #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #MtGoxJulyRepayments #bitcoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
Fet žetonu turētāji.
Fet žetonu turētāji.
🚨🚨🚨 US Treasury, IRS complete new rules on crypto tax reporti The new rules will be implemented in 2026, reporting on the previous ye The new rules will be implemented in 2026, reporting on the previous ye Custodial brokers of digital assets will be required to report #crypto transactions to the IRS. The new rules will be implemented in 2026, reporting on the previous year. #irs $BTC #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTournament
🚨🚨🚨 US Treasury, IRS complete new rules on crypto tax reporti

The new rules will be implemented in 2026, reporting on the previous ye
The new rules will be implemented in 2026, reporting on the previous ye

Custodial brokers of digital assets will be required to report #crypto transactions to the IRS.

The new rules will be implemented in 2026, reporting on the previous year.

#irs $BTC #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTournament
Major Token Unlocks Of this month! � • SUI $50M token unlock on July 1 [12 AM UTC • Optimism $55M token unlock on June 30 [12 AM UTC Usually exchange tokens pump into their dates of unlock and once the supply is in it slowly starts to show its damages, i took a short position in OP a month ago and here i will be still holding it. #OptimisticForecast #Sui #bitcoin #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert
Major Token Unlocks Of this month! �

• SUI $50M token unlock on July 1 [12 AM UTC
• Optimism $55M token unlock on June 30 [12 AM UTC

Usually exchange tokens pump into their dates of unlock and once the supply is in it slowly starts to show its damages, i took a short position in OP a month ago and here i will be still holding it.

Innovation is the calling card of the future.I have spent 100’s of hours of research to spoonfeed my followers 3 projects with ground breaking technology that will, in my eyes, deliver life changing gains Tao Alph INJ And here’s why : • $ALPH $ALPH is a scalable, sharded PoW layer 1 blockchain capable of handling a throughput of 10,000 TPS ( Transactions-Per-Second ). Allowing devs across the globe to put all their wildest DeFi & Dapps dreams into reality. • Value proposition : - Fair Launched - Decentralized. - Tackling the Blockchain Trilemma Giga brain devs - Thriving Blockchain Ecosystem - High quality dApps $AYIN alphpad alephiumbank - AAA Partnerships w/ Bitcoin Association Switzerland, UTXO Alliance etc. • Catalysts : - $ALPH & $ETH Bridge - Rhone upgrade lowering the block time to 16 secs. - Exchange Listings - Ecosystem growing Bitmain Asics ・Conviction : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ TAO is simply put the $BTC of Decentralized Artificial Intelligence. TAO is a decentralized artificial intelligence protocol with a sole purpose of democratizing AI, creating the most technologically advanced Neural Networks in the globe & facilitating the creation of fair & competitive markets for decentralized Artificial Intelligence. TAO’s s architechture is based on its subnets that streamline an incentive-based market for decentralized AI. • Value proposition : - Fair Launched. - 100% Decentralized. - Leader in Crypto’s hottest category AI - In developpement for over 8 years. Same tokenomic model & curve as $BTC - Utilizing more parameters than ChatGPT -First mover -Crypto’s most technologically advanced Neural Networks. Catalysts : - Leading the AI super-cycle. - Multiple VCs predicting Neural Networks will be the most important catalysts across the next decade according such as Cathie Woods ArkInvest. -Dynamic TAO. -NVIDIA now the #1 company in the globe by Market Capitalization. ・Conviction : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ • $INJ $INJ is an interoperable layer 1 blockchain tailored for Decentralized finance DeFi. $INJ is Proof-Of-Stake (Pos) blockchain able to reach a high throughput of 25,000 TPS & instant transaction finality, all while maintaining the transaction fees sub 0.0002. $INJ is the first blockchain to offer auto-executing smart contracts which allows anyone to build dApps at the snap of a finger, made possible only with its CosmWasm smart contract layer. • Value proposition : Robust ecosystem of over 190 projects. Backed by Binance, Pantera, Jump_, Mark Cuban 25,000 TPS. Blazing fast . Low block time 0.8S. Almost feeless transactions. Robust ecosystem of over 190 projects. • Catalysts : - $INJ & $FET strategic partnership. - Soaring adoption. - Dev activity lvl breaking ATHs. - High quality dApps HelixApp_ MitoFinance hydro_fi - Multiple integrations such as Tria lately - Ecosystem Growing. ・Conviction : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Smash that follow & turn on the 🔔 Not to miss out on the highest quality content 🪄🔮 #Tao #Bittensor #bitcoin #MtGoxJulyRepayments

Innovation is the calling card of the future.

I have spent 100’s of hours of research to spoonfeed my followers 3 projects with ground breaking technology that will, in my eyes, deliver life changing gains
And here’s why :
$ALPH is a scalable, sharded PoW layer 1 blockchain capable of handling a throughput of 10,000 TPS ( Transactions-Per-Second ).
Allowing devs across the globe to put all their wildest DeFi & Dapps dreams into reality.
• Value proposition :
- Fair Launched
- Decentralized.
- Tackling the Blockchain Trilemma
Giga brain devs
- Thriving Blockchain Ecosystem
- High quality dApps $AYIN alphpad alephiumbank
- AAA Partnerships w/ Bitcoin Association Switzerland, UTXO Alliance etc.
• Catalysts :
- $ALPH & $ETH Bridge
- Rhone upgrade lowering the block time to 16 secs.
- Exchange Listings
- Ecosystem growing
Bitmain Asics
・Conviction : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
TAO is simply put the $BTC of Decentralized Artificial Intelligence.
TAO is a decentralized artificial intelligence protocol with a sole purpose of democratizing AI, creating the most technologically advanced Neural Networks in the globe & facilitating the creation of fair & competitive markets for decentralized Artificial Intelligence.
TAO’s s architechture is based on its subnets that streamline an incentive-based market for decentralized AI.
• Value proposition :
- Fair Launched.
- 100% Decentralized.
- Leader in Crypto’s hottest category AI
- In developpement for over 8 years.
Same tokenomic model & curve as $BTC
- Utilizing more parameters than ChatGPT
-First mover
-Crypto’s most technologically advanced Neural Networks.
Catalysts :
- Leading the AI super-cycle.
- Multiple VCs predicting Neural Networks will be the most important catalysts across the next decade according such as Cathie Woods ArkInvest.
-Dynamic TAO.
-NVIDIA now the #1 company in the globe by Market Capitalization.
・Conviction : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• $INJ
$INJ is an interoperable layer 1 blockchain tailored for Decentralized finance DeFi.
$INJ is Proof-Of-Stake (Pos) blockchain able to reach a high throughput of 25,000 TPS & instant transaction finality, all while maintaining the transaction fees sub 0.0002.
$INJ is the first blockchain to offer auto-executing smart contracts which allows anyone to build dApps at the snap of a finger, made possible only with its CosmWasm smart contract layer.
• Value proposition :
Robust ecosystem of over 190 projects.
Backed by Binance, Pantera, Jump_, Mark Cuban
25,000 TPS.
Blazing fast .
Low block time 0.8S.
Almost feeless transactions.
Robust ecosystem of over 190 projects.
• Catalysts :
- $INJ & $FET strategic partnership.
- Soaring adoption.
- Dev activity lvl breaking ATHs.
- High quality dApps HelixApp_ MitoFinance hydro_fi
- Multiple integrations such as Tria lately
- Ecosystem Growing.
・Conviction : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Smash that follow & turn on the 🔔
Not to miss out on the highest quality content 🪄🔮

#Tao #Bittensor #bitcoin #MtGoxJulyRepayments
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ASV bankas cieš neveiksmi!!LAUŠANA 🚨    ASV BANKAS NErealizēja zaudējumus IR SASNIEGuši 525 MILJARDUS USD   TAS IR GANDRĪZ 7 REIZES LIELĀKS NEKĀ LIELĀ FINANŠU KRĪZE 2008. GADA.   NEREALIZĒTIE ZAUDĒJUMI IR PĀRSNIEDZ KOPĒJĀS REZERVES NO AMERIKAS LIELĀKAJĀM BANKĀM.   FDIC ARĪ NEPIETIEKAMI NAUDA BANKAS NOGULDĪJUMU SEGŠANAI.    ES ZINU TĀS "NErealizētos zaudējumus" BET TAS JOPROJĀM ir SUPER SAJAUTĀTS. Es domāju, ka tas vēl vairāk pazeminās tirgus, un valdībai ir jādrukā, lai glābtu bankas. Glābiet bankas Glābiet ekonomiku. #CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide #BTCFOMCWatch #Megadrop

ASV bankas cieš neveiksmi!!

ASV BANKAS NErealizēja zaudējumus
2008. GADA.
ES ZINU TĀS "NErealizētos zaudējumus"
Es domāju, ka tas vēl vairāk pazeminās tirgus, un valdībai ir jādrukā, lai glābtu bankas.
Glābiet bankas Glābiet ekonomiku.
#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide #BTCFOMCWatch #Megadrop
Why is Bitcoin dumping?WHY IS BITCOIN DUMPING?⚠️ (Fundamental Reasons)🚨 BTC recently dropped below $61,000, making a new monthly low of $60.5K Here are some of the major reasons behind this BTC dump🏴‍☠️👇🏻 1) Mt. Gox distribution😄 Just a few hours ago,Bloomberg reported that Mt. Gox had announced plans to distribute 143K BTC to its creditors starting in July.This will add huge seling pressure on BTC, and that's why the market is dumping in panic. 2) Miners selling🙂 In the month of June, miners selling reached a yearly high.Miners sold around 30K worth $1.8B in the first 3 weeks. 3) Huge ETF outflows🤩 Since June 15, Bitcoin ETFs have experienced nearly $1B in outflows It has experienced seven consecutive trading days of outflow, and it still seems like there could be more to come. 4) The German government dump😕 Beside miners and ETFs, the German government is also selling BTC.It has sold over $200M worth of BTC and still holds over $2.8B worth of it.All of this has caused spot selling along with massive forced liquidations.In the long run, BTC is still going to $100K+, and you need to HODL your bags; otherwise, you'l always buy high and sell low.😇 I think its buying opportunity for most people. Invest and forget kind of thing. Altcoins are on the floor. Its a good opportunity to buy. #MtGoxJulyRepayments #bitcoinupdate2024 #bitcoin #altcoins #binance #CryptoNewss $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)

Why is Bitcoin dumping?

(Fundamental Reasons)🚨
BTC recently dropped below $61,000, making a new monthly low of $60.5K
Here are some of the major reasons behind this BTC dump🏴‍☠️👇🏻
1) Mt. Gox distribution😄
Just a few hours ago,Bloomberg reported that Mt. Gox had announced plans to distribute 143K BTC to its creditors starting in July.This will add huge seling pressure on BTC, and that's why the market is dumping in panic.
2) Miners selling🙂
In the month of June, miners selling reached a yearly high.Miners sold around 30K worth $1.8B in the first 3 weeks.
3) Huge ETF outflows🤩
Since June 15, Bitcoin ETFs have experienced nearly $1B in outflows It has experienced seven consecutive trading days of outflow, and it still seems like there could be more to come.
4) The German government dump😕
Beside miners and ETFs, the German government is also selling BTC.It has sold over $200M worth of BTC and still holds over $2.8B worth of it.All of this has caused spot selling along with massive forced liquidations.In the long run, BTC is still going to $100K+, and you need to HODL your bags; otherwise, you'l always buy high and sell low.😇

I think its buying opportunity for most people. Invest and forget kind of thing. Altcoins are on the floor. Its a good opportunity to buy. #MtGoxJulyRepayments #bitcoinupdate2024 #bitcoin #altcoins #binance #CryptoNewss $BTC
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