Binance Square
Kim Protocol
The liquidity hub of the @Optimism Superchain. Mode Network's Native Dex. One mission: To become the most rewarding place for you to park your DeFi assets.
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
Degens, uzņēmumā Kim drošība ir pirmajā vietā. Cik briesmīgi būtu, ja visas jūsu kriptovalūtas pazustu? Tas ir kā 1% no jūsu portfeļa (jūs neieguldāt vairāk par 1% no sava portfeļa, vai ne?) Tāpēc mēs esam sadarbojušies ar @HypernativeLabs, lai paaugstinātu Kimas drošību. Palieciet SAFU: [Degens, at Kim we put security first.](
Degens, uzņēmumā Kim drošība ir pirmajā vietā.

Cik briesmīgi būtu, ja visas jūsu kriptovalūtas pazustu? Tas ir kā 1% no jūsu portfeļa (jūs neieguldāt vairāk par 1% no sava portfeļa, vai ne?)

Tāpēc mēs esam sadarbojušies ar @HypernativeLabs, lai paaugstinātu Kimas drošību.

Palieciet SAFU:
Degens, at Kim we put security first.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kimas nodrošināšana ar hipernātīvuUz mirkli runāsim nopietni, anon. Tas viss ir jautri un degen, līdz tas notiek. Līdz miljoniem dolāru lietotāju līdzekļu ir pazuduši vienā mirklī. Kur? Uz Kima Čenuna Phenjanas savrupmāju? Var būt. Lai kur tas notiktu, kad notiek uzlaušana, nav nozīmes tam, kur šie līdzekļi nonāk ietekmētajiem lietotājiem. Svarīgi ir tas, ka viņi ir pazuduši. Un, tāpat kā lielākā daļa lietu dzīvē, profilakse ir labākās zāles. Tāpēc Kims ir sadarbojies ar Hypernative, lai aizsargātu mūsu ekosistēmu un nodrošinātu, ka jūsu līdzekļi ir vairāk SAFU nekā jebkad agrāk.

Kimas nodrošināšana ar hipernātīvu

Uz mirkli runāsim nopietni, anon.

Tas viss ir jautri un degen, līdz tas notiek. Līdz miljoniem dolāru lietotāju līdzekļu ir pazuduši vienā mirklī.

Kur? Uz Kima Čenuna Phenjanas savrupmāju? Var būt. Lai kur tas notiktu, kad notiek uzlaušana, nav nozīmes tam, kur šie līdzekļi nonāk ietekmētajiem lietotājiem.

Svarīgi ir tas, ka viņi ir pazuduši.

Un, tāpat kā lielākā daļa lietu dzīvē, profilakse ir labākās zāles.

Tāpēc Kims ir sadarbojies ar Hypernative, lai aizsargātu mūsu ekosistēmu un nodrošinātu, ka jūsu līdzekļi ir vairāk SAFU nekā jebkad agrāk.
Kim Protocol
When someone is pitching you a DEX that rewards you better than Kim.

When someone is pitching you a DEX that rewards you better than Kim.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Tiem no jums, kas saņēmuši $KIM gaisa pilienu, ir pienācis laiks. Ir pienācis laiks pieprasīt nākamo $KIM un $xKIM daļu. Ak, un dw, jūsu $xKIM jau ir piešķirts, tāpēc turpiniet un piešķiriet to spraudnim Yield Booster, lai iegūtu iespēju laimēt $ 10 000 mūsu lootbox pasākumā  😎 #Airdrop #Superchain #Optimism
Tiem no jums, kas saņēmuši $KIM gaisa pilienu, ir pienācis laiks.

Ir pienācis laiks pieprasīt nākamo $KIM un $xKIM daļu.

Ak, un dw, jūsu $xKIM jau ir piešķirts, tāpēc turpiniet un piešķiriet to spraudnim Yield Booster, lai iegūtu iespēju laimēt $ 10 000 mūsu lootbox pasākumā  😎

#Airdrop #Superchain #Optimism
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
OP ir OP: Kāpēc Kima izvēlējās superķēdi?Padziļināts pētījums ir parādījis, ka šobrīd ir 69 420 000* ķēdes, L2 un L3. *piezīme: šī skaitļa precizitāte nav pārbaudīta Tātad, kad projekts (a la Kim) meklē, kur izveidot veikalu, kā viņi izlemj, kuru no tiem izvēlēties?  Drošība? Ātrums? Likviditāte? Lietojamība? Meme-spēja? Jā. Viss iepriekš minētais un vairāk. Un OP Superchain ir tas viss. Labāka vārdu trūkuma dēļ tas ir OP. Superķēdes solījums Kims nolēma iegūt visdziļāko Web3 likviditāti. Lai tur nokļūtu, mums ir jāspēj nodrošināt pēc iespējas ienesīgākās atlīdzības. Un mums ir nepieciešams, lai šī likviditāte būtu pieejama pēc iespējas lielākam ķēdes lietotāju skaitam.

OP ir OP: Kāpēc Kima izvēlējās superķēdi?

Padziļināts pētījums ir parādījis, ka šobrīd ir 69 420 000* ķēdes, L2 un L3.

*piezīme: šī skaitļa precizitāte nav pārbaudīta

Tātad, kad projekts (a la Kim) meklē, kur izveidot veikalu, kā viņi izlemj, kuru no tiem izvēlēties? 

Drošība? Ātrums? Likviditāte? Lietojamība? Meme-spēja?

Jā. Viss iepriekš minētais un vairāk.

Un OP Superchain ir tas viss. Labāka vārdu trūkuma dēļ tas ir OP.
Superķēdes solījums
Kims nolēma iegūt visdziļāko Web3 likviditāti. Lai tur nokļūtu, mums ir jāspēj nodrošināt pēc iespējas ienesīgākās atlīdzības. Un mums ir nepieciešams, lai šī likviditāte būtu pieejama pēc iespējas lielākam ķēdes lietotāju skaitam.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Aizmirstiet Counterstrike, Overwatch un Fifa komplektus — pilsētā ir jauna laupījumu kaste. Un mēs jūs apbalvojam ar aukstiem, cietiem, kriptogrāfiski nodrošinātiem līdzekļiem. Saņemot galveno balvu 10 000 $, jums vienkārši ir jāmaina vai jānodrošina LP, lai nopelnītu laupījumu kastīti Kim’s Lucky Lootbox priekšskatījuma pasākumā 🎉 (ak un neaizmirstiet 5 miljonus ikdienas MODE punktus, ko nopelnīsiet ceļā) #Optimism #Superchain #BASEd #Mode
Aizmirstiet Counterstrike, Overwatch un Fifa komplektus — pilsētā ir jauna laupījumu kaste. Un mēs jūs apbalvojam ar aukstiem, cietiem, kriptogrāfiski nodrošinātiem līdzekļiem.

Saņemot galveno balvu 10 000 $, jums vienkārši ir jāmaina vai jānodrošina LP, lai nopelnītu laupījumu kastīti Kim’s Lucky Lootbox priekšskatījuma pasākumā 🎉

(ak un neaizmirstiet 5 miljonus ikdienas MODE punktus, ko nopelnīsiet ceļā)

#Optimism #Superchain #BASEd #Mode
Kim’s Lucky Lootboxes: Preview EventHearing rumours, anon? Us, too. Rumour is we’re launching a hyper-interactive, degen-friendly, lootbox event. With some top prizes of up to $10,000. Ten. Thousand. Dollars. But before we kick off the big one, we’re testing it. (We’re testing it with you). Get ‘yo Lootbox Since we’re just testing, we’re rolling two types of lootboxes; Gold & Wooden. The famed golden lootbox holds up to $10,000 in rewards. Wooden lootboxes, although still cool, will snag you up to $100 in rewards. Rewards range from kpNFTs with liquidity attached, $KIM rewards, APY booster NFTs, and a whole lot more (but we don’t wanna reveal all the alpha just yet). For the next 2 weeks we’ll be dropping eleven lootboxes - 10 wooden, 1 gold, all you need to do to get involved is earn your lootbox lottery tickets. One lottery ticket is earned when you: Swap ETH-USDC, KIM-MODE, ETH-MODE, KIM-ETH$100 swap = 3 ticketETH-mBTC, ETH - STONE, ETH-wBTC, ETH-USDT$100 swap = 2 ticketETH-MOCHAD, ETH-DJUMP$100 swap = 2 ticketETH-(LRT)ETH pairs$200 swap = 1 ticket Provide Liquidity ETH-USDC, Kim-mode, eth-mode, kim-eth$100 LP = 2 ticketETH-mBTC, ETH-STONE, ETH-wBTC, ETH-USDT, ETH-MOCHAD, ETH-DJUMP$100 LP = 1 ticketETH-(LRT)ETH pairs$100 LP = 1 ticket Boost with Yield Booster 1ticket = $50 xKim in Yield Booster ONE MORE THING The feds over at Mode Network are dropping 5,000,000 (that’s million) MODE points to those who swap on Kim (and a handful of other, less cool, DEXs). So swap away, anon. Swap for your chance to win a lootbox. Swap for your chance to earn MODE points. Swap for your future. And, as always, follow us on X, and join us on Discord

Kim’s Lucky Lootboxes: Preview Event

Hearing rumours, anon? Us, too.
Rumour is we’re launching a hyper-interactive, degen-friendly, lootbox event. With some top prizes of up to $10,000.
Ten. Thousand. Dollars.
But before we kick off the big one, we’re testing it.
(We’re testing it with you).
Get ‘yo Lootbox
Since we’re just testing, we’re rolling two types of lootboxes; Gold & Wooden.
The famed golden lootbox holds up to $10,000 in rewards. Wooden lootboxes, although still cool, will snag you up to $100 in rewards.
Rewards range from kpNFTs with liquidity attached, $KIM rewards, APY booster NFTs, and a whole lot more (but we don’t wanna reveal all the alpha just yet).
For the next 2 weeks we’ll be dropping eleven lootboxes - 10 wooden, 1 gold, all you need to do to get involved is earn your lootbox lottery tickets.
One lottery ticket is earned when you:
ETH-USDC, KIM-MODE, ETH-MODE, KIM-ETH$100 swap = 3 ticketETH-mBTC, ETH - STONE, ETH-wBTC, ETH-USDT$100 swap = 2 ticketETH-MOCHAD, ETH-DJUMP$100 swap = 2 ticketETH-(LRT)ETH pairs$200 swap = 1 ticket
Provide Liquidity
ETH-USDC, Kim-mode, eth-mode, kim-eth$100 LP = 2 ticketETH-mBTC, ETH-STONE, ETH-wBTC, ETH-USDT, ETH-MOCHAD, ETH-DJUMP$100 LP = 1 ticketETH-(LRT)ETH pairs$100 LP = 1 ticket
Boost with Yield Booster
1ticket = $50 xKim in Yield Booster
The feds over at Mode Network are dropping 5,000,000 (that’s million) MODE points to those who swap on Kim (and a handful of other, less cool, DEXs).
So swap away, anon. Swap for your chance to win a lootbox. Swap for your chance to earn MODE points. Swap for your future.
And, as always, follow us on X, and join us on Discord
Down bad, anon? Everyone at Kim HQ is too, dw. We’re in this together. The difference, however, is many of us are sitting comfortably leveraging Kim and eating up a fat stack of rewards every day, it makes the red candles kinda look green? Or maybe Gary is just color blind. Start Yeeting, its Monday. #Bullish #Optimism #Superchain #BEARISH📉
Down bad, anon?

Everyone at Kim HQ is too, dw. We’re in this together.

The difference, however, is many of us are sitting comfortably leveraging Kim and eating up a fat stack of rewards every day, it makes the red candles kinda look green? Or maybe Gary is just color blind.

Start Yeeting, its Monday.

#Bullish #Optimism #Superchain #BEARISH📉
Anon, you’ve got THREE days left to join us under ‘da sea with #KelpDAO and take home a big fat stack of $xKIM rewards.  What are you waiting for? It’s the weekend. Nobody in crypto has friends. Provide liquidity. Get dank rewards.
Anon, you’ve got THREE days left to join us under ‘da sea with #KelpDAO and take home a big fat stack of $xKIM rewards. 

What are you waiting for? It’s the weekend. Nobody in crypto has friends.

Provide liquidity. Get dank rewards.
Hey #CertiK did you know you can throw that $3m into Kim and take home a fat stack of rewards with some of the highest APRs in crypto rn? Oh, and don’t forget to stake your $xKIM to boost it up.
Hey #CertiK did you know you can throw that $3m into Kim and take home a fat stack of rewards with some of the highest APRs in crypto rn?

Oh, and don’t forget to stake your $xKIM to boost it up.
There’s never been a better time to trade on Kim. DCA. Yeet your stables. Long your favourites. Only ‘cos it’s gonna reward you even more. 5 MILLION #Mode points are shipping out daily to those who trade on Kim. Are you really gonna let the CIA (who runs all these other DEXs btw) win? More swaps = more points = more rewards
There’s never been a better time to trade on Kim. DCA. Yeet your stables. Long your favourites.

Only ‘cos it’s gonna reward you even more. 5 MILLION #Mode points are shipping out daily to those who trade on Kim. Are you really gonna let the CIA (who runs all these other DEXs btw) win?

More swaps = more points = more rewards
Kim’s Yield Optimizing ToolkitAight, famalam - we just wanna make it clear that we’re not boomers. We’re not using Uni (more like boomerswap amirite(but seriously, thank you Hayden and Co for all you’ve done)). We’re innovating. Degening. Building out the future of DeFi. Together. You and I (and also the more important members of the Kim team, the super smart tech folk). In this piece of digital penmanship, we’re gonna dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge, through some of the tools at your disposal to maximize your yield on Kim. Vaults & Strategies Since the launch of our Steer Protocol integration, Kim LPers have been bestowed with a heavenly gift - a powerful tool that lets you sit back, relax, optimize your LP provision, and, most importantly, earn. With Steer (and, soon, more providers), liquidity providers can access a variety of LP strategies to reduce impermanent loss and maximize GAINS. Check out our longer form piece on this here. There are two ways to access this: When prompted during the provision of LP (on select pools), ORIn the v4 Vaults section on Kim With vaults, you’re able to select strategies based on your risk tolerance. Have fun, anon. Lock Your LP Alright, this one is super simple, super easy, and SUPER rewarding. It’s as simple as this: when you’re providing liquidity, into any pool, you’ll be asked if you wanna lock it. Select the number of days and, well, go ahead and lock it. You can lock liquidity for up to 6 months, the longer you lock the more steroid your rewards will be on.  Learn how we managed to leverage liquidity locks with a few other tactics to get a whopping 1,250% APR on the ETH <> USDC pool right here. The Yield Booster Plugin Whew, okay - we’re going DEEP, anon. Yield boosting - allocate your $xKIM to your liquidity positions and feel the RAW THRILL of increasing your APR! So, you’ve got a bag of $xKIM and you’re ready to allocate. Make sure you’ve got a liquidity position in Kim already (check above, pick an awesome vault!), and head to the Yield Booster section of Kim. Hit that little, but beautiful, rocket on the left and allocate your $xKIM. Boom. Simple. All done. EZPZ. Wp. GG. Reward Plugin Okay, for this one, you’re not really boosting your yield on an LP. Instead, you’re playing the long game. You’re getting your fair share of the the protocol fees that Kim earns. That’s 0.3% on EVERY SINGLE SWAP, anon. All of it distributed to you; the holders of $KIM and stakers of the Reward Plugin. Check it out - just a few clicks and you’ll be earning whilst you sleep. kpNFTs & Nitro Pools If you’ve got an open liquidity position in Kim already and you wanna lock that mu’fudda up for extra rewards, you can do that right from the Kim dashboard thanks to the power of kpNFTs. AND, MORE EXCITINGLY, AS OF RECENTLY YOU CAN STAKE YOUR kpNFTs TO UNLOCK THE POWER OF NITRO POOLS. Nitro pools allow the Kim team, and our deep party of partners, to offer incentives to liquidity partners on particular positions on top of what you’re already earning. For example, if MODE wanted you to keep your liquidity on Kim - they simply spin up a Nitro Pool and offer rewards on all those who stake their KIM-MODE LP kpNFTs into it. Check out the kpNFTs at your disposal here (note: if you don’t see any, you need to provide liquidity, anon). YOUR OWN COMMON SENSE Look, anon, we know it can seem impossible at times to keep up with the world of Web3 - whether it’s Iggy Azalea or Andrew Tate, someone has always got the mic. With all that going on, how are you meant to keep up with the most rewarding opportunities in Kim? Pretty tough, right? Well, you can always head to the Pools section of Kim to see where’s best to provide your liquidity. And, of course, you can follow us on X, and join us on Discord. Gn, sleep well.

Kim’s Yield Optimizing Toolkit

Aight, famalam - we just wanna make it clear that we’re not boomers. We’re not using Uni (more like boomerswap amirite(but seriously, thank you Hayden and Co for all you’ve done)).
We’re innovating. Degening. Building out the future of DeFi.


You and I (and also the more important members of the Kim team, the super smart tech folk).

In this piece of digital penmanship, we’re gonna dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge, through some of the tools at your disposal to maximize your yield on Kim.
Vaults & Strategies
Since the launch of our Steer Protocol integration, Kim LPers have been bestowed with a heavenly gift - a powerful tool that lets you sit back, relax, optimize your LP provision, and, most importantly, earn.

With Steer (and, soon, more providers), liquidity providers can access a variety of LP strategies to reduce impermanent loss and maximize GAINS. Check out our longer form piece on this here.

There are two ways to access this:

When prompted during the provision of LP (on select pools), ORIn the v4 Vaults section on Kim

With vaults, you’re able to select strategies based on your risk tolerance. Have fun, anon.
Lock Your LP
Alright, this one is super simple, super easy, and SUPER rewarding.

It’s as simple as this: when you’re providing liquidity, into any pool, you’ll be asked if you wanna lock it.

Select the number of days and, well, go ahead and lock it. You can lock liquidity for up to 6 months, the longer you lock the more steroid your rewards will be on. 

Learn how we managed to leverage liquidity locks with a few other tactics to get a whopping 1,250% APR on the ETH <> USDC pool right here.
The Yield Booster Plugin
Whew, okay - we’re going DEEP, anon. Yield boosting - allocate your $xKIM to your liquidity positions and feel the RAW THRILL of increasing your APR!

So, you’ve got a bag of $xKIM and you’re ready to allocate.

Make sure you’ve got a liquidity position in Kim already (check above, pick an awesome vault!), and head to the Yield Booster section of Kim.

Hit that little, but beautiful, rocket on the left and allocate your $xKIM.

Boom. Simple. All done. EZPZ. Wp. GG.
Reward Plugin
Okay, for this one, you’re not really boosting your yield on an LP.

Instead, you’re playing the long game. You’re getting your fair share of the the protocol fees that Kim earns.

That’s 0.3% on EVERY SINGLE SWAP, anon. All of it distributed to you; the holders of $KIM and stakers of the Reward Plugin.

Check it out - just a few clicks and you’ll be earning whilst you sleep.

kpNFTs & Nitro Pools
If you’ve got an open liquidity position in Kim already and you wanna lock that mu’fudda up for extra rewards, you can do that right from the Kim dashboard thanks to the power of kpNFTs.


Nitro pools allow the Kim team, and our deep party of partners, to offer incentives to liquidity partners on particular positions on top of what you’re already earning.

For example, if MODE wanted you to keep your liquidity on Kim - they simply spin up a Nitro Pool and offer rewards on all those who stake their KIM-MODE LP kpNFTs into it. Check out the kpNFTs at your disposal here (note: if you don’t see any, you need to provide liquidity, anon).
Look, anon, we know it can seem impossible at times to keep up with the world of Web3 - whether it’s Iggy Azalea or Andrew Tate, someone has always got the mic.

With all that going on, how are you meant to keep up with the most rewarding opportunities in Kim?

Pretty tough, right?

Well, you can always head to the Pools section of Kim to see where’s best to provide your liquidity.

And, of course, you can follow us on X, and join us on Discord.

Gn, sleep well.
Okay, we’re m’fkn back with another weekly reward update. That’s right, kid - the single tweet that gives you all you need to know about where to throw your dough to earn the best yield in Kim Protocol. Check it out: #Mode #Optimism $ETH
Okay, we’re m’fkn back with another weekly reward update.

That’s right, kid - the single tweet that gives you all you need to know about where to throw your dough to earn the best yield in Kim Protocol.

Check it out:

#Mode #Optimism $ETH
Okay, anon, here’s this weeks latest roundup for the hottest APR’s and rewards on Kim: KIM <> MODE: 480% ETH <> KIM: 200% ETH <> USDC: 140% ETH <> MODE: 143% weETH <> ETH: 97% Yeah, that’s > 400% on KIM <> MODE. What are you waiting for? It’s Monday. Get yeeting. #Mode #EtherFi $ETH
Okay, anon, here’s this weeks latest roundup for the hottest APR’s and rewards on Kim:

KIM <> MODE: 480%
ETH <> KIM: 200%
ETH <> USDC: 140%
ETH <> MODE: 143%
weETH <> ETH: 97%

Yeah, that’s > 400% on KIM <> MODE.

What are you waiting for? It’s Monday. Get yeeting.

#Mode #EtherFi $ETH
Airel, Sebastian, Kim, and you! This LRT week, we’re heading unda’ ‘da sea with @KelpDAO 🎉 So, wtf does that mean for you? Simple: 194,000 $xKIM rewards for rsETH <> ETH liquidity providers. Earn, earn, and earn again with LRTs on Kim. #Optimism #LRT #LST #KelpDAO #kelp
Airel, Sebastian, Kim, and you!

This LRT week, we’re heading unda’ ‘da sea with @KelpDAO 🎉
So, wtf does that mean for you?

Simple: 194,000 $xKIM rewards for rsETH <> ETH liquidity providers.

Earn, earn, and earn again with LRTs on Kim.

#Optimism #LRT #LST #KelpDAO #kelp
Anon. It’s time. For the KIM-MODE Nitro Pool Lottery🎉 We’re giving out $2k in an ETH<>USDC kpNFT (for you to farm even more rewards on it 👀). Lottery will run for 2 weeks. For every $100 in the KIM <> MODE kpNFTs you stake in Nitro Pool, you’ll get 1 lottery ticket. Mo’ tickets, mo’ chances.
Anon. It’s time.

For the KIM-MODE Nitro Pool Lottery🎉

We’re giving out $2k in an ETH<>USDC kpNFT (for you to farm even more rewards on it 👀).

Lottery will run for 2 weeks.

For every $100 in the KIM <> MODE kpNFTs you stake in Nitro Pool, you’ll get 1 lottery ticket.

Mo’ tickets, mo’ chances.
First up, KIM-MODE Nitro Pool. Ready to hit full NOS on your KIM-MODE yield? 🕒Open for 2 weeks 🔑Lock your kpNFTs for at least 1 month 💰Rewards? $5,000 in #Mode Hit that NOS and turn your Fiat 500-sized liquidity into a turbocharged beast. Snooze you lose.
First up, KIM-MODE Nitro Pool. Ready to hit full NOS on your KIM-MODE yield?

🕒Open for 2 weeks

🔑Lock your kpNFTs for at least 1 month

💰Rewards? $5,000 in #Mode

Hit that NOS and turn your Fiat 500-sized liquidity into a turbocharged beast.

Snooze you lose.
Full Throttle with Nitro PoolsNope, we’re not huffing nitrous oxide (well, not right at this moment), but we are deploying Nitro Pools on Kim. What does this mean? Wtf is a Nitro Pool? How can I squeeze as much profit out of them as possible even if I don’t understand what it is? Slow down, anon. Lay off the nitrous. We’re here to explain all that. What Are Nitro Pools? For you; they’re a way for you to earn yet more rewards on your LP positions in Kim. How? By leveraging your kpNFTs - if you’re not already familiar, these are NFTs you receive that act like a “receipt”, of sorts, for your liquidity positions on Kim. With Nitro Pools, you’ll be able to put them to work. For Kim & partner protocols; they’re a way for us to further incentivize you to provide and maintain liquidity. Flooring It with Nitro: Quick Guide Okay, anon. After creating a position with kpNFTs, head on over to the My Positions of Kim. Select the Locked kpNFT you wanna stake to Nitro Pool. If you haven't locked it yet, now is the time to join the cool gang. For this example we’ve selected KIM <> MODE. Now you wanna hit “Stake to Nitro”. *Only Locked kpNFTs can enjoy that sweet nectar of Nitro Pools. Now, stake that kpNFT. EZPZ. Gn, Anon We hope you sleep soundly tonight, knowing that Nitro Pools are gonna work like steroids on your liquidity positions on Kim. Oh, before we forget - follow us on X, and join us on Discord #Mode #Optimism #defi #Dex

Full Throttle with Nitro Pools

Nope, we’re not huffing nitrous oxide (well, not right at this moment), but we are deploying Nitro Pools on Kim.

What does this mean? Wtf is a Nitro Pool? How can I squeeze as much profit out of them as possible even if I don’t understand what it is?

Slow down, anon. Lay off the nitrous.

We’re here to explain all that.
What Are Nitro Pools?
For you; they’re a way for you to earn yet more rewards on your LP positions in Kim.

By leveraging your kpNFTs - if you’re not already familiar, these are NFTs you receive that act like a “receipt”, of sorts, for your liquidity positions on Kim.

With Nitro Pools, you’ll be able to put them to work.

For Kim & partner protocols; they’re a way for us to further incentivize you to provide and maintain liquidity.

Flooring It with Nitro: Quick Guide

Okay, anon. After creating a position with kpNFTs, head on over to the My Positions of Kim.

Select the Locked kpNFT you wanna stake to Nitro Pool. If you haven't locked it yet, now is the time to join the cool gang.

For this example we’ve selected KIM <> MODE. Now you wanna hit “Stake to Nitro”.
*Only Locked kpNFTs can enjoy that sweet nectar of Nitro Pools.

Now, stake that kpNFT. EZPZ.

Gn, Anon
We hope you sleep soundly tonight, knowing that Nitro Pools are gonna work like steroids on your liquidity positions on Kim.

Oh, before we forget - follow us on X, and join us on Discord

#Mode #Optimism #defi #Dex
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