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😀😃😄😁 **Procentu likmes lēmuma prognoze 2024. gada jūnijam** **Laiks**: 01:00 13.06.2024 Galvenā informācija, kas jāsaprot, lai pieņemtu lēmumu par procentu likmi: - **Pašreizējā procentu likme**: 5,5% - **PCI inflācijas indeksa** rezultāti ... salīdzinājumā ar prognozi - **Bezdarba līmenis** joprojām ir augsts - **FED** mērķis ir atgriezt inflāciju līdz 2% atzīmei Kas notiks, kad FED paziņos procentu likmi? 1. **Saglabājiet pašreizējo procentu likmi** Labas ziņas finanšu tirgum. 2. **Palieliniet procentu likmi** Sliktas ziņas visam finanšu tirgum, kā arī ekonomikai. Inflācija var samazināties, bet var izraisīt lejupslīdi. 3. **Samazināt procentu likmi** Ļoti labi finanšu tirgum, taču FED vienmēr ir nelokāms savā mērķī pamatīgi samazināt inflāciju, kas pašlaik ir maz ticams. Labas ziņas: CMEGROUP eksperti prognozē 99% iespējamību, ka procentu likme šoreiz paliks nemainīga. ➡ Redzēsim, kā FED atrisinās procentu likmju – inflācijas – recesijas mīklu.
😀😃😄😁 **Procentu likmes lēmuma prognoze 2024. gada jūnijam**

**Laiks**: 01:00 13.06.2024

Galvenā informācija, kas jāsaprot, lai pieņemtu lēmumu par procentu likmi:
- **Pašreizējā procentu likme**: 5,5%
- **PCI inflācijas indeksa** rezultāti ... salīdzinājumā ar prognozi
- **Bezdarba līmenis** joprojām ir augsts
- **FED** mērķis ir atgriezt inflāciju līdz 2% atzīmei

Kas notiks, kad FED paziņos procentu likmi?
1. **Saglabājiet pašreizējo procentu likmi**
Labas ziņas finanšu tirgum.

2. **Palieliniet procentu likmi**
Sliktas ziņas visam finanšu tirgum, kā arī ekonomikai. Inflācija var samazināties, bet var izraisīt lejupslīdi.

3. **Samazināt procentu likmi**
Ļoti labi finanšu tirgum, taču FED vienmēr ir nelokāms savā mērķī pamatīgi samazināt inflāciju, kas pašlaik ir maz ticams.

Labas ziņas: CMEGROUP eksperti prognozē 99% iespējamību, ka procentu likme šoreiz paliks nemainīga.

➡ Redzēsim, kā FED atrisinās procentu likmju – inflācijas – recesijas mīklu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tagad ir atvērts ceļš, lai Bitcoin ($BTC ) sasniegtu 100 000! Šī mēneša PCI ir diezgan labs, samazinoties līdz 3,4%, salīdzinot ar prognozēto 3,3%. Tas nozīmē, ka mums ir bijis divu mēnešu PCI samazinājums, tāpēc arī prognozētā procentu likmju samazinājuma likme septembrī ir strauji pieaugusi līdz 61%. Turklāt prezidenta vēlēšanas kļūst karstas. Plašsaziņas līdzekļi nepārtraukti nosauks CRYPTO. Ja Tr…um…p tiek pārvēlēts, tuvojas kriptovalūtu pavasaris.
Tagad ir atvērts ceļš, lai Bitcoin ($BTC ) sasniegtu 100 000!

Šī mēneša PCI ir diezgan labs, samazinoties līdz 3,4%, salīdzinot ar prognozēto 3,3%.

Tas nozīmē, ka mums ir bijis divu mēnešu PCI samazinājums, tāpēc arī prognozētā procentu likmju samazinājuma likme septembrī ir strauji pieaugusi līdz 61%.

Turklāt prezidenta vēlēšanas kļūst karstas.

Plašsaziņas līdzekļi nepārtraukti nosauks CRYPTO.

Ja Tr…um…p tiek pārvēlēts, tuvojas kriptovalūtu pavasaris.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ETH Solana ($SOL ) ir L1 blokķēdes tīkls, kas darbojas kopš 2020. gada. Atbalstot DeFi, memecoins, pilotus ar tradicionālajām maksājumu sistēmām un daudz ko citu, Solana ir kļuvusi par vienu no vadošajiem "alt-L1" tīkliem pēc tirgus kapitalizācijas. Pieprasījums pēc piekļuves šim aktīvam bez prasības pievienoties kriptovalūtas ekosistēmai. Bitcoin ETF produkta tūlītējie panākumi, kas 2024. gada 1. ceturksnī reģistrēja USD 12 miljardu ieplūdi (saskaņā ar Investopedia), ir likuši dažiem domāt par Solana vietas ETF iespējamību. Tomēr vēl ir jāredz, vai Solana spot ETF kļūs par realitāti, un, ja tā, vai fonds būs tikpat veiksmīgs kā $BTC vietas ETF. SOL un daudzas citas kriptovalūtas var iegādāties, tirgot un daudz ko citu vietnē Binance.

Solana ($SOL ) ir L1 blokķēdes tīkls, kas darbojas kopš 2020. gada. Atbalstot DeFi, memecoins, pilotus ar tradicionālajām maksājumu sistēmām un daudz ko citu, Solana ir kļuvusi par vienu no vadošajiem "alt-L1" tīkliem pēc tirgus kapitalizācijas.

Pieprasījums pēc piekļuves šim aktīvam bez prasības pievienoties kriptovalūtas ekosistēmai. Bitcoin ETF produkta tūlītējie panākumi, kas 2024. gada 1. ceturksnī reģistrēja USD 12 miljardu ieplūdi (saskaņā ar Investopedia), ir likuši dažiem domāt par Solana vietas ETF iespējamību. Tomēr vēl ir jāredz, vai Solana spot ETF kļūs par realitāti, un, ja tā, vai fonds būs tikpat veiksmīgs kā $BTC vietas ETF.

SOL un daudzas citas kriptovalūtas var iegādāties, tirgot un daudz ko citu vietnē Binance.
The Core Team of $NOT has revoked the right to intervene in the supply of $NOT. This is the first step in returning NOT back to the community, and no more tokens will be minted in the future. Personally, I am looking forward to Notcoin having many fun games for players to burn $NOT in, increasing the rarity of $NOT. I heard that $NOT can currently be purchased with a Visa card through the Telegram Wallet. If more use cases are added, then $ NOT is no longer just a meme. Hold until 2025, don't ask for a target.
The Core Team of $NOT has revoked the right to intervene in the supply of $NOT .

This is the first step in returning NOT back to the community, and no more tokens will be minted in the future.

Personally, I am looking forward to Notcoin having many fun games for players to burn $NOT in, increasing the rarity of $NOT .

I heard that $NOT can currently be purchased with a Visa card through the Telegram Wallet.

If more use cases are added, then $ NOT is no longer just a meme.

Hold until 2025, don't ask for a target.
Skatīt oriģinālu
"Šis tirgus ir atkarību izraisošs. Tas IZRAISA ATKARĪBU, bez jokiem! Šodien plkst. 1:08, #BTC , nokrita zem 69 k, un Doma lēciens pārsteidza visus, kas turēja rokās monētas, izraisot satriecošu brīdi, un viņi ātri aizvēra lietotni, jo "no redzesloka, no prāta". Tikmēr tie, kuriem bija daudz USDT, bija nedaudz līksmi, gaidot iespēju iepirkties. Galu galā, vai pirkts vai nē, tas paliek nezināms, taču gan krasais kāpums, gan kritums SANĀC ATRASMU abās pusēs, gan monētu rokās, gan tiem, kas vēl jāpērk. Tas liek ikvienam justies kā viņam taisnība, ka viņu prognozes ir precīzas, neatkarīgi no tā, vai tirgus iet uz augšu vai uz leju. Un viņi to ievēro katru dienu. Ir grūti atrauties. Šī sajūta monētu sabiedrībā ir līdzīga Stokholmas sindromam (psiholoģiskai reakcijai, kas rodas, kad cilvēkiem veidojas saikne ar personu/lietu, kas viņiem rada ciešanas 😂😂).
"Šis tirgus ir atkarību izraisošs. Tas IZRAISA ATKARĪBU, bez jokiem!

Šodien plkst. 1:08, #BTC , nokrita zem 69 k, un Doma lēciens pārsteidza visus, kas turēja rokās monētas, izraisot satriecošu brīdi, un viņi ātri aizvēra lietotni, jo "no redzesloka, no prāta". Tikmēr tie, kuriem bija daudz USDT, bija nedaudz līksmi, gaidot iespēju iepirkties. Galu galā, vai pirkts vai nē, tas paliek nezināms, taču gan krasais kāpums, gan kritums SANĀC ATRASMU abās pusēs, gan monētu rokās, gan tiem, kas vēl jāpērk.

Tas liek ikvienam justies kā viņam taisnība, ka viņu prognozes ir precīzas, neatkarīgi no tā, vai tirgus iet uz augšu vai uz leju. Un viņi to ievēro katru dienu. Ir grūti atrauties.

Šī sajūta monētu sabiedrībā ir līdzīga Stokholmas sindromam (psiholoģiskai reakcijai, kas rodas, kad cilvēkiem veidojas saikne ar personu/lietu, kas viņiem rada ciešanas 😂😂).
Skatīt oriģinālu
Psiholoģijas daļas izskaidrošana: tieksme priekšlaicīgi pārdot un dot priekšroku peļņas gūšanai (Fragments no Djūka universitātes grāmatas “Financial Behavior”) Dispozīcijas efekts ir izplatīta psiholoģiska tendence investīcijās, ko raksturo šāda investora uzvedība: 📌Savlaicīga ienesīgu ieguldījumu pārdošana: kad ieguldījums nes peļņu, investori mēdz laicīgi veikt naudu, baidoties, ka nākotnē cenas pazemināsies un viņi zaudēs savus ienākumus. 📌Turēšanās pie zaudētām investīcijām: Un otrādi, zaudējot investīcijas, investoriem bieži ir “aizturēšanas” mentalitāte, cerot, ka cenas atgūsies un viņi var sasniegt zaudējumus vai gūt peļņu. Šī uzvedība izriet no cilvēka kognitīvām kļūdām, tostarp: 🚩Bailes no zaudējuma: investori vairāk uztraucas par naudas zaudēšanu, nevis par naudas pelnīšanu, kā rezultātā viņi var pārdot, kad gūst peļņu, un aizturēt, ja ir zaudējumi. 🚩Nostiprināšanas aizspriedumi: investori mēdz paļauties uz akcijas/monētas sākotnējo iegādes cenu (ieejas punktu) kā etalonu, lai novērtētu ieguldījumu veiktspēju, nevis tā faktisko vērtību (piemēram, tirgus novērtējums, fonda pārskats, ceļvedis, potenciāls utt.). ) 🚩Pārmērīga pašpārliecinātība: Investori bieži uzticas savām tirgus prognozēšanas spējām (domājot, ka spēj prognozēt tirgu), liekot viņiem zaudēt ieguldījumus, cerot, ka tirgus pagriezīsies viņiem par labu un viņi iegūs.
Psiholoģijas daļas izskaidrošana: tieksme priekšlaicīgi pārdot un dot priekšroku peļņas gūšanai

(Fragments no Djūka universitātes grāmatas “Financial Behavior”)

Dispozīcijas efekts ir izplatīta psiholoģiska tendence investīcijās, ko raksturo šāda investora uzvedība:

📌Savlaicīga ienesīgu ieguldījumu pārdošana: kad ieguldījums nes peļņu, investori mēdz laicīgi veikt naudu, baidoties, ka nākotnē cenas pazemināsies un viņi zaudēs savus ienākumus.

📌Turēšanās pie zaudētām investīcijām: Un otrādi, zaudējot investīcijas, investoriem bieži ir “aizturēšanas” mentalitāte, cerot, ka cenas atgūsies un viņi var sasniegt zaudējumus vai gūt peļņu.

Šī uzvedība izriet no cilvēka kognitīvām kļūdām, tostarp:

🚩Bailes no zaudējuma: investori vairāk uztraucas par naudas zaudēšanu, nevis par naudas pelnīšanu, kā rezultātā viņi var pārdot, kad gūst peļņu, un aizturēt, ja ir zaudējumi.

🚩Nostiprināšanas aizspriedumi: investori mēdz paļauties uz akcijas/monētas sākotnējo iegādes cenu (ieejas punktu) kā etalonu, lai novērtētu ieguldījumu veiktspēju, nevis tā faktisko vērtību (piemēram, tirgus novērtējums, fonda pārskats, ceļvedis, potenciāls utt.). )

🚩Pārmērīga pašpārliecinātība: Investori bieži uzticas savām tirgus prognozēšanas spējām (domājot, ka spēj prognozēt tirgu), liekot viņiem zaudēt ieguldījumus, cerot, ka tirgus pagriezīsies viņiem par labu un viņi iegūs.
"$BTC  broke its previous season’s All-Time High (ATH) of 69k, $ETH  went up to 4k tempting to break ATH but then stopped. This was followed by 3 months of altcoins decreasing and then moving sideways. Three months later, to the present. We have people calling to short $BTC at 71k because the previous three times $BTC hit 71k, the price always dropped. Most altcoins have halved from their peak and, although they are also moving sideways, technology coins are starting to be predicted to rise again next season. In a sideways trend, one of two scenarios will occur. The first is a distribution chart, where everyone is hyping each other about the super cycle, $BTC at 1 million dollars, claiming this season will not have a downtrend, the Bitcoin standard. This is where Whales often dump their holdings and then say goodbye to the market. The second is the sideways accumulation chart where we see the opposite scenario: everyone has doubts, with analyses fluctuating within a price range of 15-20%. ‘Short at the range high and long at the range low,’ he exclaims joyfully, having found the holy grail in trading. Only for one day the market to break upwards without any specific reason at all. Or it could be said, the specific reason is that it has moved sideways long enough to accumulate holdings, and now that accumulation is complete, it’s time to rise. I see that ETF money has returned, the European Central Bank has cut interest rates (the US has not yet). The unemployment rates and such in the US are not good, leading to a desire to stimulate the economy. The FED has turned dovish towards the market. This is the most favorable environment we’ve had after the 2022-2023 period when the FED was only hawkish and kept raising interest rates. The future is very bright, it’s just that the price has not yet reflected on the chart, but when the price does rise, they’ll start shouting Fomo DCA positive…"
"$BTC  broke its previous season’s All-Time High (ATH) of 69k, $ETH  went up to 4k tempting to break ATH but then stopped. This was followed by 3 months of altcoins decreasing and then moving sideways.

Three months later, to the present. We have people calling to short $BTC  at 71k because the previous three times $BTC  hit 71k, the price always dropped.

Most altcoins have halved from their peak and, although they are also moving sideways, technology coins are starting to be predicted to rise again next season.

In a sideways trend, one of two scenarios will occur. The first is a distribution chart, where everyone is hyping each other about the super cycle, $BTC  at 1 million dollars, claiming this season will not have a downtrend, the Bitcoin standard. This is where Whales often dump their holdings and then say goodbye to the market.

The second is the sideways accumulation chart where we see the opposite scenario: everyone has doubts, with analyses fluctuating within a price range of 15-20%.

‘Short at the range high and long at the range low,’ he exclaims joyfully, having found the holy grail in trading. Only for one day the market to break upwards without any specific reason at all.

Or it could be said, the specific reason is that it has moved sideways long enough to accumulate holdings, and now that accumulation is complete, it’s time to rise.

I see that ETF money has returned, the European Central Bank has cut interest rates (the US has not yet). The unemployment rates and such in the US are not good, leading to a desire to stimulate the economy. The FED has turned dovish towards the market.

This is the most favorable environment we’ve had after the 2022-2023 period when the FED was only hawkish and kept raising interest rates. The future is very bright, it’s just that the price has not yet reflected on the chart, but when the price does rise, they’ll start shouting Fomo DCA positive…"
China users have now been able to register and trade on the #Bybit platform. This is not too surprising as I had guessed that China would make a comeback in the Crypto game this year when Hong Kong approved the $BTC ETF and $ETH ETF. China is a country that owns a lot of Bitcoin and also has the most widespread CBDC network, although it is still in the testing phase. This year is the year of governments and VCs competing with each other, and you will see this becoming increasingly clear. Therefore, the market will be harder to predict. Some believe that the bull season has started in 2023 and will end by the end of this year, while others think it will start in 2025. However, my view is still that the official wave of #altseason will begin next year. But from now until then, there will still be many surprises for you to experience. Remember that you cannot beat the sharks; you can only be flexible to ask for a bit of fortune. Maybe this year I tell you to accumulate aggressively, but next year you should consider reducing your volume.
China users have now been able to register and trade on the #Bybit platform.

This is not too surprising as I had guessed that China would make a comeback in the Crypto game this year when Hong Kong approved the $BTC ETF and $ETH ETF.

China is a country that owns a lot of Bitcoin and also has the most widespread CBDC network, although it is still in the testing phase.

This year is the year of governments and VCs competing with each other, and you will see this becoming increasingly clear.

Therefore, the market will be harder to predict. Some believe that the bull season has started in 2023 and will end by the end of this year, while others think it will start in 2025.

However, my view is still that the official wave of #altseason will begin next year. But from now until then, there will still be many surprises for you to experience.

Remember that you cannot beat the sharks; you can only be flexible to ask for a bit of fortune.

Maybe this year I tell you to accumulate aggressively, but next year you should consider reducing your volume.
Skatīt oriģinālu
VanEck nodod lielu daudzumu ETH Pirms 19 stundām#VanEckpārskaitīja 4,64 k $ETH (17,66 miljonus USD) uz jaunu maku. Tikai divu mēnešu laikā VanEck ir nepārtraukti veicis darījumus, pārskaitot lielas summas $ETH uz svaigiem makiem. Pēc tam viss šis $ETH tika likts tālāk, izmantojot Abyss Finance. Lielākā daļa ETH, ko VanEck pārskaitīja, tika saņemta no Flow Traders, viena no tirgus veidotājiem, kas specializējas Volstrītas ETF fondu krājumu uzkrāšanā. Šobrīd kopējais ETH apjoms, ko viņi ir ieguldījuši ar trešās puses starpniecību, ir 32,4 000 USD ETH, kas atbilst USD 115 miljoniem.
VanEck nodod lielu daudzumu ETH

Pirms 19 stundām#VanEckpārskaitīja 4,64 k $ETH (17,66 miljonus USD) uz jaunu maku.

Tikai divu mēnešu laikā VanEck ir nepārtraukti veicis darījumus, pārskaitot lielas summas $ETH uz svaigiem makiem. Pēc tam viss šis $ETH tika likts tālāk, izmantojot Abyss Finance.

Lielākā daļa ETH, ko VanEck pārskaitīja, tika saņemta no Flow Traders, viena no tirgus veidotājiem, kas specializējas Volstrītas ETF fondu krājumu uzkrāšanā.

Šobrīd kopējais ETH apjoms, ko viņi ir ieguldījuši ar trešās puses starpniecību, ir 32,4 000 USD ETH, kas atbilst USD 115 miljoniem.
If you choose one coin for each narrative, regardless of market capitalization, which one would you pick? 😊 Layer1: $ETH, the cornerstone of altcoins. Layer2: $OP, the platform for Base chain, World chain, and other projects. POW: $ETHW, a fork from $ETH but essentially still ETH. It’s the coin I have the highest expectations for, followed by $ETC. SocialFi: $CYBER aims for Layer 3 and is developing a robust SocialFi ecosystem. AI: $FET will soon convert to $ASI, forming a trio of superintelligent artificial beings in the future. Modular: $TIA A pioneers modular technology, which may find extensive use in new projects, especially games and cross-chain applications. Crosschain: $W Wormhole provides a superior cross-chain experience compared to other solutions. RWAs: $OM introduces the first real-world assets (RWAs) on the Cosmos Hub. Oracle: $LINK , the king of oracles. Meme: $NOT , probably nothing! Feel free to share your list or comment on any other coins! 😊
If you choose one coin for each narrative, regardless of market capitalization, which one would you pick? 😊

Layer1: $ETH, the cornerstone of altcoins.

Layer2: $OP , the platform for Base chain, World chain, and other projects.

POW: $ETHW, a fork from $ETH but essentially still ETH. It’s the coin I have the highest expectations for, followed by $ETC.

SocialFi: $CYBER aims for Layer 3 and is developing a robust SocialFi ecosystem.

AI: $FET will soon convert to $ASI, forming a trio of superintelligent artificial beings in the future.

Modular: $TIA A pioneers modular technology, which may find extensive use in new projects, especially games and cross-chain applications.

Crosschain: $W Wormhole provides a superior cross-chain experience compared to other solutions.

RWAs: $OM introduces the first real-world assets (RWAs) on the Cosmos Hub.

Oracle: $LINK , the king of oracles.

Meme: $NOT , probably nothing!

Feel free to share your list or comment on any other coins! 😊
Let’s explore the benefits of cold wallets in the crypto world. Cold Wallets: Enhancing Security for Your Crypto Assets When it comes to safeguarding your cryptocurrency holdings, cold wallets play a crucial role. Here are the key advantages of using cold wallets: Offline Security: Cold wallets keep your private keys offline, away from potential online threats. Unlike hot wallets (which are connected to the internet), cold wallets are immune to viruses, malware, and hacking attempts. Protection from Theft: By storing your crypto keys offline, you prevent hackers from gaining control over your assets. Hot wallets, on the other hand, are vulnerable to attacks due to their online connectivity. Long-Term Storage: If you’re a serious crypto investor, cold wallets provide a safe place to store your assets for the long term. Whether you’re holding Bitcoin, Ethereum, or altcoins, a cold wallet ensures their security over the years. Remember, while hot wallets offer convenience, cold wallets prioritize security. Consider using a combination of both based on your specific needs and risk tolerance.
Let’s explore the benefits of cold wallets in the crypto world.

Cold Wallets: Enhancing Security for Your Crypto Assets

When it comes to safeguarding your cryptocurrency holdings, cold wallets play a crucial role. Here are the key advantages of using cold wallets:

Offline Security: Cold wallets keep your private keys offline, away from potential online threats. Unlike hot wallets (which are connected to the internet), cold wallets are immune to viruses, malware, and hacking attempts.

Protection from Theft: By storing your crypto keys offline, you prevent hackers from gaining control over your assets. Hot wallets, on the other hand, are vulnerable to attacks due to their online connectivity.

Long-Term Storage: If you’re a serious crypto investor, cold wallets provide a safe place to store your assets for the long term. Whether you’re holding Bitcoin, Ethereum, or altcoins, a cold wallet ensures their security over the years.

Remember, while hot wallets offer convenience, cold wallets prioritize security. Consider using a combination of both based on your specific needs and risk tolerance.
The largest wave of the cycle is about to begin! $BTC has broken out of the 48-69 range and is now entering the next range of 69-100-150-240k. Earlier this year, when BTC was around 40k, most people were bearish. However, now nearly everyone seems to be bullish. Some analysts and influencers might suggest going against the crowd, but the current sentiment is officially bullish. Factors like ETF inflows, legal stability, retail participation, and the strength of the market cycle contribute to this trend. Those who resist the overall direction may find it challenging. While BTC is poised to reach new highs, altcoins may still experience fluctuations. In a major trend, each subsequent bottom tends to be higher than the previous one, and each subsequent peak is higher as well. Buying at the absolute bottom becomes increasingly difficult. Consider holding your position for at least six months. Waiting this long can help you adapt to market changes without actively trading. After all, if you’ve been waiting for three years, why not hold for another six months? 😊 (Note: The information provided is based on the user’s message and may not reflect the most up-to-date market conditions. Always conduct your own research.)
The largest wave of the cycle is about to begin!

$BTC has broken out of the 48-69 range and is now entering the next range of 69-100-150-240k. Earlier this year, when BTC was around 40k, most people were bearish. However, now nearly everyone seems to be bullish.

Some analysts and influencers might suggest going against the crowd, but the current sentiment is officially bullish. Factors like ETF inflows, legal stability, retail participation, and the strength of the market cycle contribute to this trend. Those who resist the overall direction may find it challenging.

While BTC is poised to reach new highs, altcoins may still experience fluctuations. In a major trend, each subsequent bottom tends to be higher than the previous one, and each subsequent peak is higher as well. Buying at the absolute bottom becomes increasingly difficult.

Consider holding your position for at least six months. Waiting this long can help you adapt to market changes without actively trading. After all, if you’ve been waiting for three years, why not hold for another six months? 😊

(Note: The information provided is based on the user’s message and may not reflect the most up-to-date market conditions. Always conduct your own research.)
Good morning, everyone! Let’s dive into the analysis: Bitcoin (BTC) Prediction: It seems our prediction that $BTC would enter an upward trend starting from June 4th has been accurate. Binance Coin ($BNB ) Performance: Yesterday, $BNB became the first top altcoin to break its previous all-time high this season. This is a positive signal for the overall market. Altcoin Breakouts: While we haven’t seen explosive x5 or x10 breakouts in June yet, there’s no need to fear missing out (FOMO) just yet. Mars in Aries: Mars is currently in the sign of Aries, which marks the beginning of the zodiac cycle. This position encourages us to build long-term strategies for personal growth and life improvement. Earth Restrains Mars: However, Mars is directly opposed by Earth, which restrains its impulsive nature and forces it onto a longer-term journey. Investment Strategy: Therefore, from now until the end of June, it’s prudent to maintain a cautious approach, balance your investment portfolio, and set appropriate short-term and long-term targets based on your capital. No Deeper Bottom Than May: Remember, there’s no deeper bottom than what we saw in May. So let’s avoid drawing random charts and FOMO-ing into high prices. Stay informed and make strategic decisions! 
Good morning, everyone! Let’s dive into the analysis:

Bitcoin (BTC) Prediction: It seems our prediction that $BTC would enter an upward trend starting from June 4th has been accurate.

Binance Coin ($BNB ) Performance: Yesterday, $BNB became the first top altcoin to break its previous all-time high this season. This is a positive signal for the overall market.

Altcoin Breakouts: While we haven’t seen explosive x5 or x10 breakouts in June yet, there’s no need to fear missing out (FOMO) just yet.

Mars in Aries: Mars is currently in the sign of Aries, which marks the beginning of the zodiac cycle. This position encourages us to build long-term strategies for personal growth and life improvement.

Earth Restrains Mars: However, Mars is directly opposed by Earth, which restrains its impulsive nature and forces it onto a longer-term journey.

Investment Strategy: Therefore, from now until the end of June, it’s prudent to maintain a cautious approach, balance your investment portfolio, and set appropriate short-term and long-term targets based on your capital.

No Deeper Bottom Than May: Remember, there’s no deeper bottom than what we saw in May. So let’s avoid drawing random charts and FOMO-ing into high prices.

Stay informed and make strategic decisions! 
Regarding the current market situation, it seems similar to the period around August and September 2023 when everything was rising amidst people's doubts. If the Dominance Index (DOM) stabilizes and Bitcoin ($BTC ) remains sideways, we might experience a strong Altcoin season. However, there's also selling pressure based on on-chain data. Overall, the market could be volatile until the Consumer Price Index (CPI), but a strong rally afterward seems likely¹. Remember, though, that market predictions can be uncertain, and it's essential to stay informed and make decisions based on your own research. Good luck! 🚀🌟¹
Regarding the current market situation, it seems similar to the period around August and September 2023 when everything was rising amidst people's doubts. If the Dominance Index (DOM) stabilizes and Bitcoin ($BTC ) remains sideways, we might experience a strong Altcoin season. However, there's also selling pressure based on on-chain data. Overall, the market could be volatile until the Consumer Price Index (CPI), but a strong rally afterward seems likely¹.

Remember, though, that market predictions can be uncertain, and it's essential to stay informed and make decisions based on your own research. Good luck! 🚀🌟¹
If your questions are: I. Will there be an Altcoin Season soon? II. How to recognize Uptrend/Downtrend/Altcoin Season,… III. Which areas should we pay attention to in the upcoming Altcoin Season? Then this article is for you. I. Altcoin Season? Altcoin Season is currently happening, and the confirmed signal was ETH’s pump two weeks ago. Before that, there was a period when the market tended to adjust, and it was quite dull sideways. II. How to recognize signs of Altcoin Season? [TOTAL] The total market capitalization tends to increase continuously for at least 7 days. [TOTAL3] The total market capitalization excluding BTC and ETH tends to increase continuously for at least 7 days. [BTC.D] The percentage of BTC’s market capitalization compared to the total market decreases continuously or remains sideways for at least 7 days. This means that after these conditions appear, we expect a confirmation signal to start buying. III. Which areas should we pay attention to in this upcoming altcoin season? Binance Launchpool (Restaking + GameFi + Meme) $ENA , $BB, $REZ , $OMNI , $PORTAL, $PIXEL,… Telegram Base Web App (Tap to earn and Claim to earn): HOT Wallet | $HOT, Wave Wallet | $OCEAN, NOT coin | $NOT, Kombat Hamster, Onchain, MemeFi,… Some unusual trends like DePIN and AI can also be considered, but I don’t rate them highly due to the risk of prolonged capital lockup, depending on individual preferences.
If your questions are:
I. Will there be an Altcoin Season soon?
II. How to recognize Uptrend/Downtrend/Altcoin Season,…
III. Which areas should we pay attention to in the upcoming Altcoin Season? Then this article is for you.

I. Altcoin Season? Altcoin Season is currently happening, and the confirmed signal was ETH’s pump two weeks ago.

Before that, there was a period when the market tended to adjust, and it was quite dull sideways. II. How to recognize signs of Altcoin Season?

[TOTAL] The total market capitalization tends to increase continuously for at least 7 days.

[TOTAL3] The total market capitalization excluding BTC and ETH tends to increase continuously for at least 7 days.

[BTC.D] The percentage of BTC’s market capitalization compared to the total market decreases continuously or remains sideways for at least 7 days.

This means that after these conditions appear, we expect a confirmation signal to start buying. III. Which areas should we pay attention to in this upcoming altcoin season?

Binance Launchpool (Restaking + GameFi + Meme) $ENA , $BB, $REZ , $OMNI , $PORTAL, $PIXEL,…

Telegram Base Web App (Tap to earn and Claim to earn): HOT Wallet | $HOT, Wave Wallet | $OCEAN, NOT coin | $NOT, Kombat Hamster, Onchain, MemeFi,…

Some unusual trends like DePIN and AI can also be considered, but I don’t rate them highly due to the risk of prolonged capital lockup, depending on individual preferences.
BREAKING: 🇹🇭 Thailand SEC approves the first spot #Bitcoin ETF. Bullish $BTC $ETH $QI
BREAKING: 🇹🇭 Thailand SEC approves the first spot #Bitcoin ETF.

Bullish $BTC $ETH $QI
# "When we've gone through previous cycles, it seems that this cycle is running similarly. The only difference is that the current market cap is larger, and there are more projects. The potential for exponential growth from technology coins, as seen in previous seasons, is now less. Hidden gems have emerged, mostly from projects listed at the end of 2021. I still believe the market's fundamental nature remains the same, and 2025 will be the peak of this market. The time to accumulate assets is getting shorter, and I'm quite certain that we've missed the opportunity to accumulate some coins at lower prices. Looking back at the current undervalued projects, they still appear cheap for the coming year. The question is, are you willing to trade time and money to place trust in them? Take, for example, $WLD, a top player in the AI field. FDV with $WLD is just noise compared to what it has done and will do in the near future. The crucial point is that even though there's unwarranted FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), if investors waver, where will they find the confidence to hold? In my experience, projects that face criticism and FUD during an uptrend tend to become true unicorns. It's highly likely that $ WLD and $AEVO will be among them. As for safe and affordable coins, consider $ARB, $OP, $STRK , $SUI and $KDA Layer1 and Layer2 solutions are struggling right now due to low liquidity, preventing them from pushing multi-billion-dollar market cap coins to the top gainers and exchanges. However, during an uptrend, it's a different story. Layer1 and Layer2 are indispensable. Almost all capital will flow into these two categories. We have only six months left until the end of 2025, and just over half a month to accumulate. It's highly unlikely that we'll see $BTC, $ETH, and Altcoins at these prices in 1-2 years!"
"When we've gone through previous cycles, it seems that this cycle is running similarly. The only difference is that the current market cap is larger, and there are more projects. The potential for exponential growth from technology coins, as seen in previous seasons, is now less.

Hidden gems have emerged, mostly from projects listed at the end of 2021. I still believe the market's fundamental nature remains the same, and 2025 will be the peak of this market.

The time to accumulate assets is getting shorter, and I'm quite certain that we've missed the opportunity to accumulate some coins at lower prices.

Looking back at the current undervalued projects, they still appear cheap for the coming year.

The question is, are you willing to trade time and money to place trust in them?

Take, for example, $WLD , a top player in the AI field. FDV with $WLD is just noise compared to what it has done and will do in the near future.

The crucial point is that even though there's unwarranted FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), if investors waver, where will they find the confidence to hold?

In my experience, projects that face criticism and FUD during an uptrend tend to become true unicorns.

It's highly likely that $ WLD and $AEVO will be among them.

As for safe and affordable coins, consider $ARB , $OP, $STRK , $SUI and $KDA

Layer1 and Layer2 solutions are struggling right now due to low liquidity, preventing them from pushing multi-billion-dollar market cap coins to the top gainers and exchanges.

However, during an uptrend, it's a different story. Layer1 and Layer2 are indispensable.

Almost all capital will flow into these two categories.

We have only six months left until the end of 2025, and just over half a month to accumulate.

It's highly unlikely that we'll see $BTC, $ETH, and Altcoins at these prices in 1-2 years!"
In astrology, the fourth house represents the foundation, which is crucial in any journey. It symbolizes the core of a person’s being and shapes their future life. The fourth Dasa (major planetary period) in an individual’s life signifies breakthroughs and transformations. Its outcomes influence all subsequent Dasas. The number 4 corresponds to Rahu, representing expansion and growth in the area (house) where it resides. => Bitcoin ($BTC ) has undergone its fourth halving cycle. Looking at Bitcoin’s astrological chart, we find that its fourth house contains both the Sun and Mars. These two planets symbolize government and the military. Coincidentally, during the fourth halving, we witnessed the emergence of Bitcoin ETFs and political figures endorsing cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is strategically positioning itself as a global asset. The halving occurred at a price of $69,000, which serves as a foundational level. We are unlikely to see $BTC at $69,000 in the next cycle. Crypto has gained recognition from governments, and soon, various military entities will participate in the crypto market in different capacities. If you’ve recently discovered crypto, consider yourself fortunate. For those who knew about it in previous cycles, be ready to discard outdated notions—such as Bitcoin being tied to stocks or fears about interest rates and inflation—because Bitcoin is creating a new history. 🚀💡
In astrology, the fourth house represents the foundation, which is crucial in any journey. It symbolizes the core of a person’s being and shapes their future life.

The fourth Dasa (major planetary period) in an individual’s life signifies breakthroughs and transformations. Its outcomes influence all subsequent Dasas.

The number 4 corresponds to Rahu, representing expansion and growth in the area (house) where it resides.

=> Bitcoin ($BTC ) has undergone its fourth halving cycle.

Looking at Bitcoin’s astrological chart, we find that its fourth house contains both the Sun and Mars. These two planets symbolize government and the military.

Coincidentally, during the fourth halving, we witnessed the emergence of Bitcoin ETFs and political figures endorsing cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is strategically positioning itself as a global asset.

The halving occurred at a price of $69,000, which serves as a foundational level. We are unlikely to see $BTC at $69,000 in the next cycle.

Crypto has gained recognition from governments, and soon, various military entities will participate in the crypto market in different capacities.

If you’ve recently discovered crypto, consider yourself fortunate. For those who knew about it in previous cycles, be ready to discard outdated notions—such as Bitcoin being tied to stocks or fears about interest rates and inflation—because Bitcoin is creating a new history. 🚀💡
You're laughing at me?. 😊 And you're absolutely right—while we can't predict the future with certainty, having hope and staying positive are essential. Who knows what exciting developments await us in 2030-2035? Keep believing! ❤️
You're laughing at me?. 😊 And you're absolutely right—while we can't predict the future with certainty, having hope and staying positive are essential. Who knows what exciting developments await us in 2030-2035? Keep believing! ❤️
The tokens unlock projects for June: $ARB : $106 million on June 16 $APT: $105 million on June 12 $UNI: $91 million on June 16 $STRK: $78 million on June 15 $DYDX : $67 million on June 1 $SEI: $65 million on June 15 $IMX: $57 million on June 14 $MERL: $42 million on June 19 $ENS: 38 million on June 8 $ALT: $34 million on June 25 $AXL: $28 million on June 27 $PORTAL: $26 million on June 29 $MANTA : $25 million in June (exact date not specified) $GMT: 24 million dollars on June 9 $LMWR: 22 million dollars on June 16 $PIXEL: 22 million dollars on June 19 $APE: 20 million dollars on June 17 $ZK: 20 million dollars on June 19 These projects represent exciting developments in the crypto space. Keep an eye on them! 🚀💰
The tokens unlock projects for June:

$ARB : $106 million on June 16

$APT : $105 million on June 12

$UNI: $91 million on June 16

$STRK: $78 million on June 15

$DYDX : $67 million on June 1

$SEI: $65 million on June 15

$IMX : $57 million on June 14

$MERL: $42 million on June 19

$ENS: 38 million on June 8

$ALT: $34 million on June 25

$AXL: $28 million on June 27

$PORTAL: $26 million on June 29

$MANTA : $25 million in June (exact date not specified)

$GMT: 24 million dollars on June 9

$LMWR: 22 million dollars on June 16

$PIXEL: 22 million dollars on June 19

$APE: 20 million dollars on June 17

$ZK: 20 million dollars on June 19

These projects represent exciting developments in the crypto space. Keep an eye on them! 🚀💰
Explore the latest crypto news
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