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Jack Wizz
Gem enthusiast,Crypto Influencer & Investor, X: @Jack_Wizz00
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Toncoin (TON) noraida no būtiska diapazona: vai šis populārais Altcoin sekos tendencei? Satura rādītājs Toncoin (TON) cena  Notcoin (NOT) Cena  Post Toncoin (TON) noraida no izšķirošā diapazona: vai šis populārais Altcoin sekos tendencei? pirmo reizi parādījās Coinpedia Fintech News Pārmaiņām kriptovalūtu tirgi nedēļas nogalē piedzīvoja milzīgu pozitīvu kustību, jo buļļi turpināja virzīt Bitcoin cenu virs 65 000 USD. Tikmēr populārie altkoīni Toncoin & Notcoin nespēja piesaistīt tirgotāju uzmanību, vienlaikus izraisot milzīgu atkāpšanos. Tomēr šķiet, ka abi žetoni ir izraisījuši atsitienu, bet buļļi paliek ārzonā. Vai TON & NOT cenas šodien neatgūs izšķirošo pretestību?

Toncoin (TON) noraida no būtiska diapazona: vai šis populārais Altcoin sekos tendencei?

Satura rādītājs
Toncoin (TON) cena 
Notcoin (NOT) Cena 
Post Toncoin (TON) noraida no izšķirošā diapazona: vai šis populārais Altcoin sekos tendencei? pirmo reizi parādījās Coinpedia Fintech News
Pārmaiņām kriptovalūtu tirgi nedēļas nogalē piedzīvoja milzīgu pozitīvu kustību, jo buļļi turpināja virzīt Bitcoin cenu virs 65 000 USD. Tikmēr populārie altkoīni Toncoin & Notcoin nespēja piesaistīt tirgotāju uzmanību, vienlaikus izraisot milzīgu atkāpšanos. Tomēr šķiet, ka abi žetoni ir izraisījuši atsitienu, bet buļļi paliek ārzonā. Vai TON & NOT cenas šodien neatgūs izšķirošo pretestību?
Skatīt oriģinālu
CARV protokola nākotnes vīzija CARV protokols paredz nākotni, kurā Web3 ekosistēmā tiek būtiski pārveidota digitālā identitāte, datu īpašumtiesības un privātums. Protokola mērķis ir vadīt šo pārveidi, izveidojot decentralizētu, uz lietotāju orientētu platformu, kas dod cilvēkiem iespēju kontrolēt savu digitālo dzīvi. @carv_official Galvenās CARV nākotnes vīzijas sastāvdaļas: Uz lietotāju orientētas datu īpašumtiesības: Pašsuverēnā identitāte: CARV paredz pasauli, kurā lietotāji kontrolē savu identitāti un personas datus. Tā vietā, lai paļautos uz centralizētām platformām, kurām pieder un tiek izmantoti lietotāju dati, CARV ļauj personām piederēt, pārvaldīt un monetizēt savus datus saskaņā ar viņu noteikumiem. Šis pašsuverēnās identitātes modelis nodrošina privātumu un drošību, vienlaikus ļaujot lietotājiem izmantot savus datus dažādiem mērķiem.

CARV protokola nākotnes vīzija

CARV protokols paredz nākotni, kurā Web3 ekosistēmā tiek būtiski pārveidota digitālā identitāte, datu īpašumtiesības un privātums. Protokola mērķis ir vadīt šo pārveidi, izveidojot decentralizētu, uz lietotāju orientētu platformu, kas dod cilvēkiem iespēju kontrolēt savu digitālo dzīvi. @CARV

Galvenās CARV nākotnes vīzijas sastāvdaļas:
Uz lietotāju orientētas datu īpašumtiesības:
Pašsuverēnā identitāte: CARV paredz pasauli, kurā lietotāji kontrolē savu identitāti un personas datus. Tā vietā, lai paļautos uz centralizētām platformām, kurām pieder un tiek izmantoti lietotāju dati, CARV ļauj personām piederēt, pārvaldīt un monetizēt savus datus saskaņā ar viņu noteikumiem. Šis pašsuverēnās identitātes modelis nodrošina privātumu un drošību, vienlaikus ļaujot lietotājiem izmantot savus datus dažādiem mērķiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
❗️❗️❗️Patiesība par Blūmu❗️❗️❗️ Šī raksta mērķis ir kliedēt ilūziju par 0,5 USD cenu par marķieri. Blūma marķieru piešķiršana un gaidāmā marķieru iekļaušana biržās šobrīd ir aktuālas tēmas. Rezultātā daudzi spēlētāji un investori cer uz augstu simbolisko vērtību un ievērojamu peļņu. Tomēr realitāte var būt pavisam citāda. Šobrīd Blūmam ir aptuveni 23 miljoni aktīvo spēlētāju. Pieņemot, ka katrs spēlētājs ir nopelnījis vidēji 50 000 žetonu, būs jāizkal vismaz 1 150 000 000 000 žetonu, lai apmierinātu spēlētāju vajadzības, neņemot vērā veidotāju un investoru akcijas. Pat ja Blūmam izdotos piesaistīt investīcijas USD 1 miljarda apmērā tirdzniecības sākumā — kas jau ir ļoti optimistisks scenārijs — viena marķiera cena būtu tikai USD 0,0008. Tādējādi spēlētāji saņemtu tikai 40 USD par saviem 50 000 žetoniem. Šie aprēķini ir aptuveni, taču tie skaidri parāda, ka 0,5 USD cena par marķieri ir praktiski nereāla. Lai gan aplēses var atšķirties un daudz kas ir atkarīgs no tirgus situācijas, ir skaidrs, ka cerībām par paaugstinātu cenu nav reāla pamata. #Blum #ListingDay #CryptoListingRegulations #BlumAirdrop #telegram
❗️❗️❗️Patiesība par Blūmu❗️❗️❗️
Šī raksta mērķis ir kliedēt ilūziju par 0,5 USD cenu par marķieri.
Blūma marķieru piešķiršana un gaidāmā marķieru iekļaušana biržās šobrīd ir aktuālas tēmas. Rezultātā daudzi spēlētāji un investori cer uz augstu simbolisko vērtību un ievērojamu peļņu. Tomēr realitāte var būt pavisam citāda.
Šobrīd Blūmam ir aptuveni 23 miljoni aktīvo spēlētāju. Pieņemot, ka katrs spēlētājs ir nopelnījis vidēji 50 000 žetonu, būs jāizkal vismaz 1 150 000 000 000 žetonu, lai apmierinātu spēlētāju vajadzības, neņemot vērā veidotāju un investoru akcijas.
Pat ja Blūmam izdotos piesaistīt investīcijas USD 1 miljarda apmērā tirdzniecības sākumā — kas jau ir ļoti optimistisks scenārijs — viena marķiera cena būtu tikai USD 0,0008. Tādējādi spēlētāji saņemtu tikai 40 USD par saviem 50 000 žetoniem. Šie aprēķini ir aptuveni, taču tie skaidri parāda, ka 0,5 USD cena par marķieri ir praktiski nereāla.
Lai gan aplēses var atšķirties un daudz kas ir atkarīgs no tirgus situācijas, ir skaidrs, ka cerībām par paaugstinātu cenu nav reāla pamata.
#Blum #ListingDay #CryptoListingRegulations #BlumAirdrop #telegram
Skatīt oriģinālu
Elona Muska DOGE signāls: Dogecoin bullis var būt tuvu. Elons Masks pārsteidza visus, daloties ar pasta kodu, kura kods ir “#DOGE”, pamatojoties uz ASV prezidenta vēlēšanām. Īlons Masks varētu nākt klajā ar ideju pārstāvēt sevi kā jaunas valdības aģentūras vadītāju, ja bijušais ASV prezidents Donalds Tramps tiks ievēlēts par prezidentu 2024. gada novembra vēlēšanās. Kā gaidīts, Musks dalījās ar ideju X sociālo mediju platformā, izmantojot neviennozīmīgu izteicienu, kas attiecas uz kriptovalūtu un politiku. Ziņā bija AI ģenerēts attēls, kurā Musks sēž aiz darbvirsmas izkārtnes ar burtiem “$DOGE ”. Attēlam pievienots teksts "Valdības efektivitātes departaments". Dogecoin sasniedza 24 stundu maksimumu stundās pēc Muska ziņas. Taču uz ziņu rakstīšanu pēdējās septiņās dienās tā ir palikusi zem iepriekšējo nedēļu virsotnēm. Tramps nesen solīja izveidot valdības efektivitātes komisiju. Musks atkārtoja Trampa izteikumu video ar savu komentāru, sakot, ka "tas ir vajadzīgs". Miljardieris tehnoloģiju magnāts, šķiet, ir apsolījis dot ieguldījumu politiskajā komitejā, taču atturējās teikt, ka pieņemtu oficiālu valdības amatu. Šobrīd nav skaidrs, vai #Musk nopietni apsver valdības nostāju. Kriptovalūtām ļoti svarīgas būs ASV prezidenta vēlēšanas novembrī. Donalda Trampa pozitīvais skatījums uz nozari varētu izraisīt jaunu vēršu gājienu.
Elona Muska DOGE signāls: Dogecoin bullis var būt tuvu.
Elons Masks pārsteidza visus, daloties ar pasta kodu, kura kods ir “#DOGE”, pamatojoties uz ASV prezidenta vēlēšanām.
Īlons Masks varētu nākt klajā ar ideju pārstāvēt sevi kā jaunas valdības aģentūras vadītāju, ja bijušais ASV prezidents Donalds Tramps tiks ievēlēts par prezidentu 2024. gada novembra vēlēšanās. Kā gaidīts, Musks dalījās ar ideju X sociālo mediju platformā, izmantojot neviennozīmīgu izteicienu, kas attiecas uz kriptovalūtu un politiku.
Ziņā bija AI ģenerēts attēls, kurā Musks sēž aiz darbvirsmas izkārtnes ar burtiem “$DOGE ”. Attēlam pievienots teksts "Valdības efektivitātes departaments".
Dogecoin sasniedza 24 stundu maksimumu stundās pēc Muska ziņas. Taču uz ziņu rakstīšanu pēdējās septiņās dienās tā ir palikusi zem iepriekšējo nedēļu virsotnēm.
Tramps nesen solīja izveidot valdības efektivitātes komisiju. Musks atkārtoja Trampa izteikumu video ar savu komentāru, sakot, ka "tas ir vajadzīgs". Miljardieris tehnoloģiju magnāts, šķiet, ir apsolījis dot ieguldījumu politiskajā komitejā, taču atturējās teikt, ka pieņemtu oficiālu valdības amatu. Šobrīd nav skaidrs, vai #Musk nopietni apsver valdības nostāju.
Kriptovalūtām ļoti svarīgas būs ASV prezidenta vēlēšanas novembrī. Donalda Trampa pozitīvais skatījums uz nozari varētu izraisīt jaunu vēršu gājienu.
Blum Coin Postpones Launch Blum Coin Postpones Launch Key Points: Delayed Launch: Blum Coin has announced a postponement of its initial public offering (IPO) from October 1, 2024. Reason for Delay: The team cited the need for additional time to refine the platform's architecture and ensure a seamless user experience. New Launch Date: A revised launch date has not been disclosed at this time. Initial Price: The planned initial price of $2.00 per coin remains unchanged. Market Outlook: Despite the delay, analysts continue to express optimism about Blum Coin's potential, citing increasing demand for blockchain solutions and the favorable market conditions in the latter quarter of the year. Additional Considerations: Fair Launch: The team remains committed to a fair and open launch, ensuring that tokens are accessible to all members of the community.

Blum Coin Postpones Launch

Blum Coin Postpones Launch
Key Points:
Delayed Launch: Blum Coin has announced a postponement of its initial public offering (IPO) from October 1, 2024. Reason for Delay: The team cited the need for additional time to refine the platform's architecture and ensure a seamless user experience. New Launch Date: A revised launch date has not been disclosed at this time. Initial Price: The planned initial price of $2.00 per coin remains unchanged. Market Outlook: Despite the delay, analysts continue to express optimism about Blum Coin's potential, citing increasing demand for blockchain solutions and the favorable market conditions in the latter quarter of the year.
Additional Considerations:
Fair Launch: The team remains committed to a fair and open launch, ensuring that tokens are accessible to all members of the community.
Algorand/Tether (ALGO/USDT) showing a strong bullish breakout on the 4-hour chart! 👀 Price has broken above the horizontal resistance level and is now retesting it for support. Keep an eye on this pair for potential further gains. #crypto #CPI_BTC_Watch #ALGO #CPI_BTC_Watch
Algorand/Tether (ALGO/USDT) showing a strong bullish breakout on the 4-hour chart! 👀 Price has broken above the horizontal resistance level and is now retesting it for support. Keep an eye on this pair for potential further gains. #crypto #CPI_BTC_Watch #ALGO #CPI_BTC_Watch
Fantom (FTM) — $0.9, Here We Come! Fantom (FTM) is one of the charts I watch closely. This token has every bullish ingredient you want to see and should run like crazy once the market turns on the "bull mode." The price broke out of the long-term downtrend (red line). Moreover, FTM retested the breakout successfully. It printed a perfect higher low on the daily chart. And forms a beautiful triangle pattern! A breakout to the top will fuel a massive pump that would quickly bring $0.9 to the table. So keep an eye on the triangle pattern! #BinanceBlockchainWeek #BNBChainMemecoins #TON #LowestCPI2021
Fantom (FTM) — $0.9, Here We Come!
Fantom (FTM) is one of the charts I watch closely. This token has every bullish ingredient you want to see and should run like crazy once the market turns on the "bull mode."
The price broke out of the long-term downtrend (red line).
Moreover, FTM retested the breakout successfully.
It printed a perfect higher low on the daily chart.
And forms a beautiful triangle pattern!
A breakout to the top will fuel a massive pump that would quickly bring $0.9 to the table. So keep an eye on the triangle pattern!
#BinanceBlockchainWeek #BNBChainMemecoins #TON #LowestCPI2021
Blum Changes Launch Date Blum Changes Launch Date Launch Date and Initial Price Blum Coin will go on sale on October 1, 2024, with a $2.00 starting price per coin. Many analysts are bullish about the platform's increasing popularity and believe the token might reach $5.00 in the first few months after debut. Why October? The team decided on October in order to give themselves the time to thoroughly test the platform and take advantage of favourable market conditions in the latter quarter of the year. The goal of this calculated launch window is to maximise Blum Coin's chances of success. Making Sure tThe Launch is Fair A fair and open launch is necessary for Blum Coin to be successful in the long run. The development team is working tirelessly to guarantee that tokens are accessible to all members of the community, fostering trust from the outset. Steps Towards a Successful Launch The Blum Coin team has been refining the platform's architecture in advance of launch to ensure a safe and seamless user experience. This entails strengthening servers, enhancing network efficiency, and putting in place first-rate security measures. Potential Problems and Solutions Navigating the regulatory environment is one of the major hurdles facing Blum Coin during its introduction. To get around this, the team has spoken with legal specialists to make sure the project complies with all applicable laws, lowering the possibility of legal issues. The Future of Blum Coin With cutting-edge technology and the increasing demand for blockchain solutions across businesses, Blum Coin has a bright future ahead of it. Blum Coin is in a strong position to take advantage of new opportunities as blockchain use rises, generating long-term value for investors and consumers alike. #BlumCrypto #TonWestgate88 #TelegramCEO #CPI_BTC_Watch #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown

Blum Changes Launch Date

Blum Changes Launch Date
Launch Date and Initial Price
Blum Coin will go on sale on October 1, 2024, with a $2.00 starting price per coin. Many analysts are bullish about the platform's increasing popularity and believe the token might reach $5.00 in the first few months after debut.
Why October?
The team decided on October in order to give themselves the time to thoroughly test the platform and take advantage of favourable market conditions in the latter quarter of the year. The goal of this calculated launch window is to maximise Blum Coin's chances of success.
Making Sure tThe Launch is Fair
A fair and open launch is necessary for Blum Coin to be successful in the long run. The development team is working tirelessly to guarantee that tokens are accessible to all members of the community, fostering trust from the outset.
Steps Towards a Successful Launch
The Blum Coin team has been refining the platform's architecture in advance of launch to ensure a safe and seamless user experience. This entails strengthening servers, enhancing network efficiency, and putting in place first-rate security measures.
Potential Problems and Solutions
Navigating the regulatory environment is one of the major hurdles facing Blum Coin during its introduction. To get around this, the team has spoken with legal specialists to make sure the project complies with all applicable laws, lowering the possibility of legal issues.
The Future of Blum Coin
With cutting-edge technology and the increasing demand for blockchain solutions across businesses, Blum Coin has a bright future ahead of it. Blum Coin is in a strong position to take advantage of new opportunities as blockchain use rises, generating long-term value for investors and consumers alike.
#BlumCrypto #TonWestgate88 #TelegramCEO #CPI_BTC_Watch #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
Blum Coin: Airdrop and Listing Insights 🚀 Blum Coin: Airdrop and Listing Insights 🚀 The highly anticipated Blum Coin airdrop kicks off on September 20, 2024, perfectly timed with the final phase of Blum’s marketing blitz. This event is set to capture maximum attention, offering early adopters a prime opportunity to secure a valuable position as Blum Coin gears up for its official debut on major exchanges. ### Blum Coin Exchange Listing: What to Expect 📈 Blum Coin is on track to be listed on major exchanges by late September or early October 2024. This listing is expected to spark significant trading activity, potentially boosting the coin’s value as soon as it hits the market. ### Speculating Blum Coin’s Initial Price 💵 With excitement building, many in the crypto community are speculating about Blum Coin’s initial trading price. Drawing from recent successful airdrops, there’s a strong chance Blum Coin could launch at a competitive rate, reflecting the growing enthusiasm surrounding the project. ### Price Outlook: What’s Next for Blum Coin? Looking ahead, experts are optimistic about Blum Coin’s price trajectory. Given its strong market reception and strategic roadmap, Blum Coin could reach around $0.05 by mid-2025. This projection is supported by planned developments, including platform enhancements and upcoming partnerships, which are expected to drive further adoption and growth. ### Blum’s Roadmap: Strategic Moves for Long-Term Growth 🛤️ Blum’s roadmap outlines an ambitious path forward, including the launch of its decentralized platform in Q4 2024 and strategic partnerships with top blockchain networks in 2025. Plans to integrate smart contracts and DeFi tools by mid-2025 aim to elevate the Blum ecosystem, driving adoption and solidifying its market position. Final Thoughts As Blum Coin approaches its airdrop and exchange listing, anticipation continues to build. With a strategic vision and strong community interest, Blum Coin is poised to make waves in the crypto market. Keep an eye on this promising project as it takes the next steps in its journey. #BlumCoin #DOGSONBINANC #BlumAirdrop #BlumCommunity #DOGSONBINANCE

Blum Coin: Airdrop and Listing Insights 🚀

Blum Coin: Airdrop and Listing Insights 🚀
The highly anticipated Blum Coin airdrop kicks off on September 20, 2024, perfectly timed with the final phase of Blum’s marketing blitz. This event is set to capture maximum attention, offering early adopters a prime opportunity to secure a valuable position as Blum Coin gears up for its official debut on major exchanges.
### Blum Coin Exchange Listing: What to Expect 📈
Blum Coin is on track to be listed on major exchanges by late September or early October 2024. This listing is expected to spark significant trading activity, potentially boosting the coin’s value as soon as it hits the market.
### Speculating Blum Coin’s Initial Price 💵
With excitement building, many in the crypto community are speculating about Blum Coin’s initial trading price. Drawing from recent successful airdrops, there’s a strong chance Blum Coin could launch at a competitive rate, reflecting the growing enthusiasm surrounding the project.
### Price Outlook: What’s Next for Blum Coin?
Looking ahead, experts are optimistic about Blum Coin’s price trajectory. Given its strong market reception and strategic roadmap, Blum Coin could reach around $0.05 by mid-2025. This projection is supported by planned developments, including platform enhancements and upcoming partnerships, which are expected to drive further adoption and growth.
### Blum’s Roadmap: Strategic Moves for Long-Term Growth 🛤️
Blum’s roadmap outlines an ambitious path forward, including the launch of its decentralized platform in Q4 2024 and strategic partnerships with top blockchain networks in 2025. Plans to integrate smart contracts and DeFi tools by mid-2025 aim to elevate the Blum ecosystem, driving adoption and solidifying its market position.
Final Thoughts
As Blum Coin approaches its airdrop and exchange listing, anticipation continues to build. With a strategic vision and strong community interest, Blum Coin is poised to make waves in the crypto market. Keep an eye on this promising project as it takes the next steps in its journey.
#BlumCoin #DOGSONBINANC #BlumAirdrop #BlumCommunity #DOGSONBINANCE
💬 According to Brian Pellegrino, CEO of LayerZero Labs, a combination of aggressive Sybil attack prevention and a strong focus on developers and regular users has allowed the price of ZRO to maintain a “stable” level following its airdrop. Comparing ZRO’s performance to competitors Starknet (STRK) and ZKsync (ZK) provides some context. While ZRO is down about 40% from its all-time high, STRK has taken a much harder hit, dropping by 90%, and ZK is down by 70%, according to CoinGecko data. This divergence highlights the importance of targeting genuine users and creating a sustainable ecosystem. While some projects might attract a flood of new users through flashy incentives or airdrops, ZRO’s strategy seems to prioritize longevity, and it’s showing in its relative price stability compared to its peers. This balance between community-building and anti-Sybil measures may serve as a blueprint for future Web3 projects aiming for sustainable growth in a highly competitive space. Could this be the key to surviving in the post-airdrop era? 🤔 $ZRO #STARKNET $STRK #ZRO #LayerZero #Web3 #dappOSTheFutureofIntents
💬 According to Brian Pellegrino, CEO of LayerZero Labs, a combination of aggressive Sybil attack prevention and a strong focus on developers and regular users has allowed the price of ZRO to maintain a “stable” level following its airdrop.
Comparing ZRO’s performance to competitors Starknet (STRK) and ZKsync (ZK) provides some context. While ZRO is down about 40% from its all-time high, STRK has taken a much harder hit, dropping by 90%, and ZK is down by 70%, according to CoinGecko data.
This divergence highlights the importance of targeting genuine users and creating a sustainable ecosystem. While some projects might attract a flood of new users through flashy incentives or airdrops, ZRO’s strategy seems to prioritize longevity, and it’s showing in its relative price stability compared to its peers.
This balance between community-building and anti-Sybil measures may serve as a blueprint for future Web3 projects aiming for sustainable growth in a highly competitive space. Could this be the key to surviving in the post-airdrop era? 🤔
#ZRO #LayerZero #Web3 #dappOSTheFutureofIntents
😺 Meow~$CATI is coming soon to the OKX Spot trading platform! 🎉 Listing time: Sep 20, 2024 Get a head start on trading with OKX pre-market and seize the opportunity before everyone else. Trade in Pre-market Now:… Catizen's vibe: Play for the airdrop🪂, Heal the world!🌍 #Catizen #OKX.     #CATI
😺 Meow~$CATI is coming soon to the OKX Spot trading platform!

🎉 Listing time: Sep 20, 2024

Get a head start on trading with OKX pre-market and seize the opportunity before everyone else.

Trade in Pre-market Now:…

Catizen's vibe: Play for the airdrop🪂, Heal the world!🌍

#Catizen #OKX.     #CATI
$DOGS PRICE PREDICTION ‼️✔️ $DOGS is currently sitting at $0.009926 but it's been a rocky road with a 34% slide over the past month. After testing support twice and holding around $0.001, it seems like the market might be ready to flip the script. This level has been crucial, and the resilience shown here points to potential upside if momentum keeps building The breakout from the falling parallel channel suggests DOGS could be gaining traction again. However, with the overall market seeing pressure, especially from Bitcoin and other meme coins $DOGS might still experience another 6-7% dip if those forces keep weighing in. A move below $0.001 would lead to more drops, so keeping above this key level is critical for any bullish momentum to hold With strong liquidity and a $526 million market cap, DOGS is still a heavyweight in the meme coin space. It’s been catching a lot of attention recently, and with good reason—investors are betting on its potential, and the recent downward trend may just be a setup for a 40% rally — Stay sharp, this one could bounce back in a big way ✔️🚀 #TON #DOGSONBINANCE #BinanceBlockchainWeek #CryptoMarketMoves
$DOGS is currently sitting at $0.009926 but it's been a rocky road with a 34% slide over the past month. After testing support twice and holding around $0.001, it seems like the market might be ready to flip the script. This level has been crucial, and the resilience shown here points to potential upside if momentum keeps building
The breakout from the falling parallel channel suggests DOGS could be gaining traction again. However, with the overall market seeing pressure, especially from Bitcoin and other meme coins $DOGS might still experience another 6-7% dip if those forces keep weighing in. A move below $0.001 would lead to more drops, so keeping above this key level is critical for any bullish momentum to hold
With strong liquidity and a $526 million market cap, DOGS is still a heavyweight in the meme coin space. It’s been catching a lot of attention recently, and with good reason—investors are betting on its potential, and the recent downward trend may just be a setup for a 40% rally — Stay sharp, this one could bounce back in a big way ✔️🚀
#TON #DOGSONBINANCE #BinanceBlockchainWeek #CryptoMarketMoves
🐰 Big Gains Await You with White Bunny! 💰 Each invite = 20,000 carrot points! 🎟️ 10 invites = Tesla raffle ticket! 🎉 1 daily spin and 1 spin per invite! 🎁 20% extra point gain! 🚀# WBNY token is listing very soon, don’t miss the opportunity! Invite, play, win! 🏆… #airdrop #ton
🐰 Big Gains Await You with White Bunny!

💰 Each invite = 20,000 carrot points!
🎟️ 10 invites = Tesla raffle ticket!
🎉 1 daily spin and 1 spin per invite!
🎁 20% extra point gain!

🚀# WBNY token is listing very soon, don’t miss the opportunity!
Invite, play, win! 🏆…
#airdrop #ton
Understanding Bull vs. Bear Markets: Quick Breakdown! 🐂 Bull Markets = Stock prices rise, everyone’s hyped 🐻 Bear Markets = Stock prices drop, the vibes are off 🎥 Watch the video for the full info and 💚, comment, and sub for more crypto wisdom! 🔔💰 #BlumAcademy 🤑 Join Blum 🐣 X (Twitter) ✉️Chat 📷Instagram 🤖 Discord 📹 Youtube 📹 Tiktok
Understanding Bull vs. Bear Markets: Quick Breakdown!

🐂 Bull Markets = Stock prices rise, everyone’s hyped

🐻 Bear Markets = Stock prices drop, the vibes are off

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NFT sales dipped by 7.69% in early September, reflecting a market adjustment as digital collectibles face changing trends. The crypto space continues to evolve, navigating fluctuations in demand and investor interest.
NFT sales dipped by 7.69% in early September, reflecting a market adjustment as digital collectibles face changing trends. The crypto space continues to evolve, navigating fluctuations in demand and investor interest.
Top Crypto Gainers Today Sep 08 – Big Time, Quant, Echelon Prime, Chainlink Top Crypto Gainers Today Sep 08 – Big Time, Quant, Echelon Prime, Chainlink Table of Contents Market Musing-g Top Crypto Gainers Today Sep 08 – Big Time, Quant, Echelon Prime, Chainlink ECHPRIMELINKBIGTIMETIME By Inside Bitcoins Table of Contents Biggest Crypto Gainers Today – Top List1. Big Time (BIGTIME)2. Quant (QNT)3. Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT)4. Echelon Prime (PRIME)5. Chainlink (LINK)Read More The global crypto market has experienced a slight dip of -1.37% in the last 24 hours, reflecting the overall volatility in the sector. Despite this, certain cryptocurrencies have surged and have emerged as today’s top crypto gainers. For investors, understanding these fluctuations and recognizing these tokens can provide valuable insights into market trends and potential opportunities. This article connects market movements with a comprehensive overview of leading gainers. It helps readers make informed decisions and capitalize on emerging trends in the crypto space.  Biggest Crypto Gainers Today – Top List Gainers are often celebrated for their recent upticks, but it’s crucial to dig deeper into their overall potential before investing. So, is Big Time more than just a short-term winner? With its unique blend of gaming and Web3 elements, it’s worth watching for its long-term promise.  Meanwhile, Quant’s focus on blockchain interoperability could be a game-changer in a fragmented market. Echelon Prime’s strong performance in the gaming sector and Chainlink’s role as a key player in data integration highlight their substantial potential beyond mere price increases. Let’s evaluate these tokens not just for their current gains but also for their broader impact and future growth prospects. 1. Big Time (BIGTIME) Kicking off our list of top gainers today is Big Time, a unique multiplayer action RPG that combines fast-paced combat with an open-world economy. The game lets players generate and trade in-game items while keeping Web3 elements invisible for a seamless experience. Thus, Big Time stands out in the gaming space, blending entertainment and technology seamlessly. In the last 24 hours, Big Time has seen an impressive surge of 11.18%, bringing its current price to $0.081467. Additionally, the token’s high liquidity, with a 2.9670 volume-to-market cap ratio, supports its strong market performance. However, despite this rise, the 14-day RSI of 62.18 indicates that the token is trading in a neutral zone, suggesting sideways price movement in the short term. Furthermore, Big Time’s economy is a standout feature. Players can collect and trade in-game items through the Open Loot Marketplace, which sits at the core of the game’s dynamic economic system. More importantly, the in-game currency, $BIGTIME, enhances gameplay by allowing transactions for crafting and other in-game activities. On the security front, the game ensures safety through end-to-end encryption and successful audits, protecting both players and the broader ecosystem.

Top Crypto Gainers Today Sep 08 – Big Time, Quant, Echelon Prime, Chainlink

Top Crypto Gainers Today Sep 08 – Big Time, Quant, Echelon Prime, Chainlink
Table of Contents
Market Musing-g
Top Crypto Gainers Today Sep 08 – Big Time, Quant, Echelon Prime, Chainlink

By Inside Bitcoins

Table of Contents
Biggest Crypto Gainers Today – Top List1. Big Time (BIGTIME)2. Quant (QNT)3. Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT)4. Echelon Prime (PRIME)5. Chainlink (LINK)Read More
The global crypto market has experienced a slight dip of -1.37% in the last 24 hours, reflecting the overall volatility in the sector. Despite this, certain cryptocurrencies have surged and have emerged as today’s top crypto gainers. For investors, understanding these fluctuations and recognizing these tokens can provide valuable insights into market trends and potential opportunities. This article connects market movements with a comprehensive overview of leading gainers. It helps readers make informed decisions and capitalize on emerging trends in the crypto space. 
Biggest Crypto Gainers Today – Top List
Gainers are often celebrated for their recent upticks, but it’s crucial to dig deeper into their overall potential before investing. So, is Big Time more than just a short-term winner? With its unique blend of gaming and Web3 elements, it’s worth watching for its long-term promise. 
Meanwhile, Quant’s focus on blockchain interoperability could be a game-changer in a fragmented market. Echelon Prime’s strong performance in the gaming sector and Chainlink’s role as a key player in data integration highlight their substantial potential beyond mere price increases. Let’s evaluate these tokens not just for their current gains but also for their broader impact and future growth prospects.
1. Big Time (BIGTIME)
Kicking off our list of top gainers today is Big Time, a unique multiplayer action RPG that combines fast-paced combat with an open-world economy. The game lets players generate and trade in-game items while keeping Web3 elements invisible for a seamless experience. Thus, Big Time stands out in the gaming space, blending entertainment and technology seamlessly.
In the last 24 hours, Big Time has seen an impressive surge of 11.18%, bringing its current price to $0.081467. Additionally, the token’s high liquidity, with a 2.9670 volume-to-market cap ratio, supports its strong market performance. However, despite this rise, the 14-day RSI of 62.18 indicates that the token is trading in a neutral zone, suggesting sideways price movement in the short term.

Furthermore, Big Time’s economy is a standout feature. Players can collect and trade in-game items through the Open Loot Marketplace, which sits at the core of the game’s dynamic economic system. More importantly, the in-game currency, $BIGTIME, enhances gameplay by allowing transactions for crafting and other in-game activities. On the security front, the game ensures safety through end-to-end encryption and successful audits, protecting both players and the broader ecosystem.
$FTM has rebounded nicely after breaking the downtrend. It’s reacting well to the 0.618 Fibo level and looks set for further growth. Targets are clear on the chart—watch for more upside potential! #USNonFarmPayrollReport #TON
$FTM has rebounded nicely after breaking the downtrend.
It’s reacting well to the 0.618 Fibo level and looks set for further growth.
Targets are clear on the chart—watch for more upside potential!
#USNonFarmPayrollReport #TON
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