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"SVARĪGĀKAIS IEGULDĪJUMS, KO VAR VEIKT, IR SEVIS." (Vecais gudrais vīrs) "Izejiet cauri ikdienas rutīnai ar CERU, ka būsiet nedaudz LABĀKS visos aspektos un darīsiet kaut ko jēgpilnu" #Laimīgs #Veselīgs #Bagāti DIEVS Tevi mīl #Tirdzniecība#Filozofija#stratēģija #BTC $BTC $RNDR $WIF #Write2Earn #Write2Learn #Write2Share

"Izejiet cauri ikdienas rutīnai ar CERU, ka būsiet nedaudz LABĀKS visos aspektos un darīsiet kaut ko jēgpilnu"

DIEVS Tevi mīl
#Tirdzniecība#Filozofija#stratēģija #BTC


#Write2Earn #Write2Learn #Write2Share
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Mans Pay ID: 307407784 Mans segvārds: GODLOVEYOU77 Lai Visums jūs vienmēr svētī: "Ar veselību, lielisku enerģiju un arvien lielāku laimi jūsu dzīvē: lai jūsu sapņi piepildās dienās, ar kurām esat svētīts...
Mans Pay ID: 307407784

Mans segvārds: GODLOVEYOU77

Lai Visums jūs vienmēr svētī: "Ar veselību, lielisku enerģiju un arvien lielāku laimi jūsu dzīvē: lai jūsu sapņi piepildās dienās, ar kurām esat svētīts...
Crypto De Nostradame
💫 Dienas populārākās kriptovalūtas pēc sociālajām aktivitātēm.
Skatīt oriģinālu
My Pay ID 307407784 Mans segvārds GODLOVEYOU77 Lai Visums vienmēr jūs svētī: "Ar veselību, lielisku enerģiju un arvien lielāku laimi jūsu dzīvē: lai jūsu sapņi piepildās dienās, ar kurām esat svētīts...
My Pay ID 307407784 Mans segvārds GODLOVEYOU77 Lai Visums vienmēr jūs svētī: "Ar veselību, lielisku enerģiju un arvien lielāku laimi jūsu dzīvē: lai jūsu sapņi piepildās dienās, ar kurām esat svētīts...
Citētais saturs tika izņemts
THE LEGACY Of Hal Finney: A Founding Pillar of Bitcoin As one of the pioneers of the digital currency revolution, Finney's contributions to the development and popularization of Bitcoin are nothing short of legendary. Born on May 4, 1956, in Coalinga, California, Finney possessed a keen interest in computer science from an early age. Graduating from the California Institute of Technology with a degree in engineering, he embarked on a distinguished career that would eventually lead him to become one of the earliest adopters and contributors to Bitcoin. Finney's involvement with Bitcoin dates back to its very beginnings. In 2004, he was an active participant in the cypherpunk movement—a group advocating for the widespread use of strong cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies. When Satoshi Nakamoto released the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2008, Finney was among the first to recognize its potential and engage with the project. Hal Finney's insights and perspectives on Bitcoin continue to resonate with enthusiasts and scholars alike. Some of his most notable quotes include: "Bitcoin seems to be a very promising idea. I like the idea of basing security on the assumption that the CPU power of honest participants outweighs that of the attacker." "Bitcoin itself is secure, but bitcoins are only as secure as the systems that store and transact them." "Unforgeable costliness is a fundamental aspect of Bitcoin's security." Despite battling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in his later years, Finney remained an active participant in the Bitcoin community until his passing in 2014. His legacy lives on not only through his contributions to Bitcoin but also through the countless individuals he inspired to push the boundaries of technology and reshape the future of finance. Hal Finney stands as a towering figure in the history of Bitcoin—a visionary whose intellect, integrity, and passion helped lay the groundwork for a financial revolution. #halfinney #HalFinneyLegacy #freedomofmoney #Write2Earns #Write2Learn $BTC
THE LEGACY Of Hal Finney: A Founding Pillar of Bitcoin

As one of the pioneers of the digital currency revolution, Finney's contributions to the development and popularization of Bitcoin are nothing short of legendary.

Born on May 4, 1956, in Coalinga, California, Finney possessed a keen interest in computer science from an early age. Graduating from the California Institute of Technology with a degree in engineering, he embarked on a distinguished career that would eventually lead him to become one of the earliest adopters and contributors to Bitcoin.

Finney's involvement with Bitcoin dates back to its very beginnings. In 2004, he was an active participant in the cypherpunk movement—a group advocating for the widespread use of strong cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies.

When Satoshi Nakamoto released the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2008, Finney was among the first to recognize its potential and engage with the project.

Hal Finney's insights and perspectives on Bitcoin continue to resonate with enthusiasts and scholars alike. Some of his most notable quotes include:

"Bitcoin seems to be a very promising idea. I like the idea of basing security on the assumption that the CPU power of honest participants outweighs that of the attacker."

"Bitcoin itself is secure, but bitcoins are only as secure as the systems that store and transact them."

"Unforgeable costliness is a fundamental aspect of Bitcoin's security."

Despite battling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in his later years, Finney remained an active participant in the Bitcoin community until his passing in 2014. His legacy lives on not only through his contributions to Bitcoin but also through the countless individuals he inspired to push the boundaries of technology and reshape the future of finance.

Hal Finney stands as a towering figure in the history of Bitcoin—a visionary whose intellect, integrity, and passion helped lay the groundwork for a financial revolution.

#halfinney #HalFinneyLegacy #freedomofmoney

Skatīt oriģinālu
Crypto Revolution Masters
Ja kopš 2011. gada katru gadu iegādājāties jaunu iPhone, esat iztērējis 8337 USD.

Ja jūs paņemtu to pašu naudas summu, ko iztērējāt toreiz, un tā vietā nopirktu #Bitcoin, jūs būtu sakrājuši 33,9146 #Bitcoin, tagad 2 117 257,38 USD vērtībā.

Runa nav par veiksmi, bet gan par prioritātēm un izglītību. Stack #Bitcoin, nevis iPhone.

Un starp citu: iPhone tālruņi kļuva daudz lētāki ar #Bitcoin💰 standartu un ievērojami palielinājās Fiat ļaudīm.
#Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy. (Michael Saylor) $BTC $RNDR $WIF #Write2Earn #Write2Learn #Write2Share
#Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy. (Michael Saylor)


#Write2Earn #Write2Learn #Write2Share
dream chaser jtk
Šim vīrietim pieder viens procents no kopējā apgrozībā esošā bitkoīna, un es ar to neesmu apmierināts

Tas vienkārši nozīmē, ka blokķēdes likmju pierādījumā šis cilvēks varētu veikt un atsaukt blokķēdes ekosistēmu

Tas nav veselīgi visam kriptovalūtu tirgum, kā jūs domājat?

Tad iedomājieties, vai viņš ir pazīstams kā vīrietis ar visvairāk $ btc

Viņš kļūs pārāk spēcīgs, vienā reizē viņa viedoklis krasi iekustinās tirgu, kā jūs domājat?

Lūdzu domas 🙏🏿
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