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#BTC ATJAUNINĀJUMS 💡 Nav jāuztraucas par cenu. 60 400 un 67 000 diapazons ir piemērots altkoiniem. Jūs varat iegādāties altkoīnus, lai iegūtu pārsteidzošus ieguvumus. Ne jūsu atslēgas, ne jūsu kriptovalūtas. Saglabājiet savu kriptovalūtu ar uzlabotiem drošības līmeņiem. Iegādājieties tangem kartes, apmeklējiet tangem tīmekli. Saņemiet 10% atlaidi, izmantojot kodu: KV7FTM#btcusdt#xai#BNBChain#bnb#sol#writw2earnn
Nav jāuztraucas par cenu. 60 400 un 67 000 diapazons ir piemērots altkoiniem. Jūs varat iegādāties altkoīnus, lai iegūtu pārsteidzošus ieguvumus.
Ne jūsu atslēgas, ne jūsu kriptovalūtas. Saglabājiet savu kriptovalūtu ar uzlabotiem drošības līmeņiem. Iegādājieties tangem kartes, apmeklējiet tangem tīmekli. Saņemiet 10% atlaidi, izmantojot kodu: KV7FTM#btcusdt#xai#BNBChain#bnb#sol#writw2earnn
Skatīt oriģinālu
FOMO Pirkšana ir ļoti bīstama! Šis tirgotājs zaudēja 3731 $SOL ($775K) tikai 1 stundas laikā, tirgojot $SLERF! Viņš iztērēja 5004 $SOL , lai iegādātos 790 236 $ SLERF par 1,32 $ (augstākā cena). $SLERF cena sāka strauji kristies pēc viņa pirkuma. Kad USD SLERF atkal pieauga, viņš iztērēja vēl 2500 USD SOL (517 000 USD), lai iegādātos 650 330 USD SLERF par 0,8 USD. Diemžēl $SLERF cena pēc viņa pirkuma atkal samazinājās. Galu galā viņš pārdeva visus SLERF $ un atguva tikai 3774 $SOL (784 000 $), zaudējot 3731 $ SOL (775 000 $) #BOME #Write2Erarn #pepe .
FOMO Pirkšana ir ļoti bīstama!
Šis tirgotājs zaudēja 3731 $SOL ($775K) tikai 1 stundas laikā, tirgojot $SLERF!
Viņš iztērēja 5004 $SOL , lai iegādātos 790 236 $ SLERF par 1,32 $ (augstākā cena).
$SLERF cena sāka strauji kristies pēc viņa pirkuma.
Kad USD SLERF atkal pieauga, viņš iztērēja vēl 2500 USD SOL (517 000 USD), lai iegādātos 650 330 USD SLERF par 0,8 USD.
Diemžēl $SLERF cena pēc viņa pirkuma atkal samazinājās.
Galu galā viņš pārdeva visus SLERF $ un atguva tikai 3774 $SOL (784 000 $), zaudējot 3731 $ SOL (775 000 $) #BOME #Write2Erarn #pepe .
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Pirms 3 dienām nopirku 200 $AEVO žetonus, tagad esmu pilnībā zaudējis 🥺 Es neesmu labs tirgotājs 🥺😭#HotTrends#AEVO.#Raksti2Nopelni#AEVO AEVO 2,27 ASV dolāri -17,15% 82 Skati 0 Patīk 0 Citāti 0 Akcijas 2 atbildes Jaunākie Visatbilstošākais Ģertūde Orduno MTa0
Pirms 3 dienām nopirku 200 $AEVO žetonus, tagad esmu pilnībā zaudējis 🥺
Es neesmu labs tirgotājs 🥺😭#HotTrends#AEVO.#Raksti2Nopelni#AEVO
2,27 ASV dolāri
2 atbildes
Ģertūde Orduno MTa0
Skatīt oriģinālu
😍😍😍EMERGNCY BITCOIN ATJAUNINĀJUMS😍😍 BTC 73000 Doller atkal🔥🔥🔥 1. Es redzu, ka btc ir izveidojis H&S modeli 30 m laika posmā, un tas ir bullish modelis. Ja vēlaties, drošības nolūkos varat to atvērt ilgu laiku pēc izlaušanās. 2. Es redzu, ka UDST pārsvars ir lācīgs, tāpēc btc ir bullish. MANA IEEJAS CENA- 66.5 - 70k - 71k 73k svira 15x sl- 65k Ja vēlaties katru dienu saņemt augstākās kvalitātes signālu, piemēram, 2–4, veiciet 2 soļus 1. Pievienojieties manai binance tiešraidei, lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, kas jums jādara, lai iegūtu augstākās kvalitātes signālu. 2. Vienkārši noklikšķiniet uz mana profila attēla, lai pievienotos manai binance tiešraides straumei. Es pievienošu attēlu#BitcoinBlast#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTCAnalysi #Write2Erarn
1. Es redzu, ka btc ir izveidojis H&S modeli 30 m laika posmā, un tas ir bullish modelis. Ja vēlaties, drošības nolūkos varat to atvērt ilgu laiku pēc izlaušanās.
2. Es redzu, ka UDST pārsvars ir lācīgs, tāpēc btc ir bullish.
MANA IEEJAS CENA- 66.5 - 70k - 71k 73k
svira 15x
sl- 65k
Ja vēlaties katru dienu saņemt augstākās kvalitātes signālu, piemēram, 2–4, veiciet 2 soļus
1. Pievienojieties manai binance tiešraidei, lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, kas jums jādara, lai iegūtu augstākās kvalitātes signālu.
2. Vienkārši noklikšķiniet uz mana profila attēla, lai pievienotos manai binance tiešraides straumei. Es pievienošu attēlu#BitcoinBlast#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTCAnalysi #Write2Erarn
#BOME/USDT #Long✈️🚀✈️ ENTRY TARGET'S 🎯🎯💸 Buying Market Price LEVERAGE 20x Cross✨✨ Take Profit Target's 0.001130 0.001150 0.001170 0.001200 0.001250 0.001300 0.001350 SL # According to your wallet 💸💰💸
Buying Market Price
LEVERAGE 20x Cross✨✨
Take Profit Target's
SL # According to your wallet 💸💰💸
⚜️⚜️⚜️💲Bitcoin 50K is Coming 💲⚜️⚜️⚜️ 😂😂😂😂💲💲💲😂😂😂😂 Bitcoin crash is expected which will dump it till towards $50k. Here is why? An estimated $30 billion in long positions could face liquidation industry-wide if #Bitcoin falls to $50,500!. So $BTC can come down towards this position. It can make everyone bullish and then hit the 50000$ to add more and more people to be liquidated. The liquidation works like a magnet 🧲 It drags the Bitcoin towards it's position. So $50k is expected. May be after 75k. But 50k is due. #BTC couldn't break the resistant of $69k. Now let's see the market. #HotTrends #BTC #ETH #Bitcoin(BTC) #halving
⚜️⚜️⚜️💲Bitcoin 50K is Coming 💲⚜️⚜️⚜️
Bitcoin crash is expected which will dump it till towards $50k. Here is why?
An estimated $30 billion in long positions could face liquidation industry-wide if #Bitcoin falls to $50,500!.
So $BTC can come down towards this position. It can make everyone bullish and then hit the 50000$ to add more and more people to be liquidated. The liquidation works like a magnet 🧲 It drags the Bitcoin towards it's position. So $50k is expected.
May be after 75k. But 50k is due. #BTC couldn't break the resistant of $69k.
Now let's see the market.
#HotTrends #BTC #ETH #Bitcoin(BTC) #halving
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kā jūs tirgojat tūlītējos darījumus? Pēc jebkuras monētas/žetona iegādes es veicu divus pārdošanas pasūtījumus. Es veicu 50% pārdošanas pasūtījumu par divkāršu cenu, par kādu es pērku monētu/žetonu, un atlikušos 50% par pārdošanas pasūtījumu, kas ir četrkārtīgs. Priekšrocība ir tāda, ka pieskaroties 1. pārdošanas pasūtījumam, mans ieguldītais kapitāls nāk rokā. Un tad ieguldiet to kādā citā žetonā. Piemēram, es nopirku $JUP , $PIXEL , $FTM visu zem 0,5. Pirmie 50% no šiem pārdošanas pasūtījumiem bija 1 ASV dolārs. Atlikušie 50% ir 2 ASV dolāri.#Jup&#pixelCapital ir manās rokās pēc pārdošanas manā 1. mērķī. #FTM. 0,98 tika atgriezta no . Atkal ir augšā. Cerams, ka tā kapitāls nonāks pie rokas pavisam drīz. Pārējais ir mana peļņa, kas ir notiekošajos darījumos. Pat ja cena ir samazināta, es to nenožēloju. Drīzāk daudzos gadījumos es ieguldu vairāk. Ja kapitāls ir rokā, var tirgoties bez raizēm.
Kā jūs tirgojat tūlītējos darījumus?
Pēc jebkuras monētas/žetona iegādes es veicu divus pārdošanas pasūtījumus.
Es veicu 50% pārdošanas pasūtījumu par divkāršu cenu, par kādu es pērku monētu/žetonu, un atlikušos 50% par pārdošanas pasūtījumu, kas ir četrkārtīgs. Priekšrocība ir tāda, ka pieskaroties 1. pārdošanas pasūtījumam, mans ieguldītais kapitāls nāk rokā. Un tad ieguldiet to kādā citā žetonā.
Piemēram, es nopirku $JUP , $PIXEL , $FTM visu zem 0,5. Pirmie 50% no šiem pārdošanas pasūtījumiem bija 1 ASV dolārs. Atlikušie 50% ir 2 ASV dolāri.#Jup&#pixelCapital ir manās rokās pēc pārdošanas manā 1. mērķī. #FTM. 0,98 tika atgriezta no . Atkal ir augšā. Cerams, ka tā kapitāls nonāks pie rokas pavisam drīz. Pārējais ir mana peļņa, kas ir notiekošajos darījumos. Pat ja cena ir samazināta, es to nenožēloju. Drīzāk daudzos gadījumos es ieguldu vairāk. Ja kapitāls ir rokā, var tirgoties bez raizēm.
BE PATIENT If you entered the crypto market, it's to make money. However, most of you are using the worst method to make money in this market, and I can assure you that at least 80% of you will lose money during this bull market. I see so many people investing in cryptos just because they've heard of them. They buy at the highest point of the crypto, then they're surprised to have lost and come to comment under my posts "What should I do with my $SHIB??" But damn, it's your responsibility, stop seeking confirmation from others and take your responsibilities into your own hands. You decide to invest in the worst way, fine, but if you lose (which will be the case for 99% of you), don't come crying under the posts of those who are teaching you how to really invest. So let me explain to you how to invest. First step, look for cryptocurrencies listed on Binance but that no one talks about. Second step, look at their chart to see if they've had a big recent increase (+300% for example). If they've had a big increase, forget about this cryptocurrency. If they haven't, buy a reasonable portion of your portfolio (maximum 10% of your total portfolio). Third step, place sell orders for this cryptocurrency when it reaches 200%. For example, if you buy it at $1, place a sell order when it reaches $3. Once all that is done, you wait. You just need to know how to wait, it's pretty simple, right? You do nothing and wait for the gains. But a lot of you won't do it because they'll seek quick gains, and believe me, they'll all lose. Follow these tips and your chances of gains will be considerably increased, provided you know how to be patient. This publication reflects only my opinion. Thank you for reading. If you liked it, feel free to like, comment, share this post, and especially subscribe, it helps me a lot. You can also tip me to support me financially, it's my only way of being rewarded for teaching you as much as possible about the crypto market. Thank you very much to those who will do it. Livio P-V. #Write2Earn‬
If you entered the crypto market, it's to make money. However, most of you are using the worst method to make money in this market, and I can assure you that at least 80% of you will lose money during this bull market.
I see so many people investing in cryptos just because they've heard of them. They buy at the highest point of the crypto, then they're surprised to have lost and come to comment under my posts "What should I do with my $SHIB??" But damn, it's your responsibility, stop seeking confirmation from others and take your responsibilities into your own hands. You decide to invest in the worst way, fine, but if you lose (which will be the case for 99% of you), don't come crying under the posts of those who are teaching you how to really invest.
So let me explain to you how to invest.
First step, look for cryptocurrencies listed on Binance but that no one talks about.
Second step, look at their chart to see if they've had a big recent increase (+300% for example).
If they've had a big increase, forget about this cryptocurrency. If they haven't, buy a reasonable portion of your portfolio (maximum 10% of your total portfolio).
Third step, place sell orders for this cryptocurrency when it reaches 200%. For example, if you buy it at $1, place a sell order when it reaches $3.
Once all that is done, you wait. You just need to know how to wait, it's pretty simple, right? You do nothing and wait for the gains. But a lot of you won't do it because they'll seek quick gains, and believe me, they'll all lose. Follow these tips and your chances of gains will be considerably increased, provided you know how to be patient.
This publication reflects only my opinion.
Thank you for reading.
If you liked it, feel free to like, comment, share this post, and especially subscribe, it helps me a lot. You can also tip me to support me financially, it's my only way of being rewarded for teaching you as much as possible about the crypto market. Thank you very much to those who will do it.
Livio P-V.
$ETHFI is now trading on Binance. Congrats! Unfortunately, I believe it's too overpriced at $4. So it's going to crash terribly. The most reasonable price should be near its listing price of $0.23 Given the millions of tokens that are going to be airdropped to $ETH stakers (most notably to Justin Sun), the risk of dumping is too high, and I am afraid the price can crash drastically down to $2 or below. Sold all my free tokens from farming at $4.xx 😉 Those who bought above $2 are going to cry like babies soon. 😭 Although the good thing about #ETHFI FI listing schedule is that the timing is perfect when $BTC is about to recover so it could nudge the price upwards.
$ETHFI is now trading on Binance. Congrats!
Unfortunately, I believe it's too overpriced at $4. So it's going to crash terribly. The most reasonable price should be near its listing price of $0.23
Given the millions of tokens that are going to be airdropped to $ETH stakers (most notably to Justin Sun), the risk of dumping is too high, and I am afraid the price can crash drastically down to $2 or below.
Sold all my free tokens from farming at $4.xx 😉
Those who bought above $2 are going to cry like babies soon. 😭
Although the good thing about #ETHFI FI listing schedule is that the timing is perfect when $BTC is about to recover so it could nudge the price upwards.
✅💲💰🎉Come on and earn 💲🎉💰 Easily Earn 3 Doller Per Hour Earning through referral bonuses and pursuing a career in fields like copywriting, resume writing, SEO, and content marketing can be rewarding paths. Here's a brief overview of how you can get started in each area: Referral Bonuses: To earn from referral programs, you can share products or services you enjoy with your network. If they sign up or purchase using your referral link, you could earn rewards such as money, credits, or gift cards[^10^]¹¹. Copywriting: To become a copywriter, you can start by learning the basics of effective copywriting, choosing a specialty, and building a portfolio through writing for yourself or friends. Eventually, you can seek gigs through job boards and referrals¹²³. Resume Writing: For resume writing, you might consider earning a bachelor's degree in English, Communications, Journalism, or a related field. Developing strong writing and editing skills is crucial, and obtaining a resume writing certification can enhance your credibility⁴⁵⁶. SEO Specialist: To become an SEO specialist, you can take online courses to learn SEO fundamentals, get familiar with key SEO tools, and practice your skills. Many resources are available for free or at a low cost, and certifications can help you stand out to employers⁷⁸⁹. Content Marketing: Starting a career in content marketing typically involves building writing skills, getting a content marketing certification, and creating a blog to practice your skills. Understanding how content marketing works is essential for success in this field¹⁴¹⁵¹⁶. There are programs that allow you to learn job-ready skills while earning, such as Google's Career Certificates in fields like IT Support, Data Analytics, and UX Design. These programs are designed to help you quickly gain the skills needed for in-demand jobs¹⁷¹⁸. Remember, these fields require continuous learning and adaptation to new trends and technologies. Good luck on your journey! 🚀 #HotTrends #Earn3DollarPerMin #Write2Erarn
✅💲💰🎉Come on and earn 💲🎉💰
Easily Earn 3 Doller Per Hour
Earning through referral bonuses and pursuing a career in fields like copywriting, resume writing, SEO, and content marketing can be rewarding paths. Here's a brief overview of how you can get started in each area:
Referral Bonuses:
To earn from referral programs, you can share products or services you enjoy with your network. If they sign up or purchase using your referral link, you could earn rewards such as money, credits, or gift cards[^10^]¹¹.
To become a copywriter, you can start by learning the basics of effective copywriting, choosing a specialty, and building a portfolio through writing for yourself or friends. Eventually, you can seek gigs through job boards and referrals¹²³.
Resume Writing:
For resume writing, you might consider earning a bachelor's degree in English, Communications, Journalism, or a related field. Developing strong writing and editing skills is crucial, and obtaining a resume writing certification can enhance your credibility⁴⁵⁶.
SEO Specialist:
To become an SEO specialist, you can take online courses to learn SEO fundamentals, get familiar with key SEO tools, and practice your skills. Many resources are available for free or at a low cost, and certifications can help you stand out to employers⁷⁸⁹.
Content Marketing:
Starting a career in content marketing typically involves building writing skills, getting a content marketing certification, and creating a blog to practice your skills. Understanding how content marketing works is essential for success in this field¹⁴¹⁵¹⁶.
There are programs that allow you to learn job-ready skills while earning, such as Google's Career Certificates in fields like IT Support, Data Analytics, and UX Design. These programs are designed to help you quickly gain the skills needed for in-demand jobs¹⁷¹⁸.
Remember, these fields require continuous learning and adaptation to new trends and technologies. Good luck on your journey! 🚀
#HotTrends #Earn3DollarPerMin #Write2Erarn
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