Binance Square
Aysha gul
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
✅ Bitcoin presēšanas laikā tirgojās nedaudz virs USD 57 000, kas ir par 5% vairāk nekā pēdējo 24 stundu laikā un pārspēj plašāku tirgus rādītāju 📈 Dienas īssavilkums: 🔸 Apple iepazīstināja ar iPhone 16, jauno Apple Watch un AirPods 📱 🔸  Draugs. tehnoloģiju komanda nodeva savu viedo līgumu administratoru un īpašumtiesības uz Ethereum nulles adresi 🔸 Pagājušajā nedēļā Bitcoin spot ETF neto aizplūde bija 706 miljoni USD 🔸 Tiek ziņots, ka Tokyo Electric Power Company meitasuzņēmums iesaistās Bitcoin ieguvē 🔸 Binance meitasuzņēmums Tokocrypto paziņoja, ka ir saņēmis fizisko kriptovalūtu aktīvu tirgotāja licenci no Indonēzijas regulatīvās iestādes 🔸  Elons Masks drīzumā var tikt aicināts liecināt Apvienotās Karalistes parlamentā 🇬🇧 🔸 Vērtspapīru regulatori 12 ASV štatos ir nodrošinājuši atlīdzību ieguldītājiem, kuri zaudējuši naudu GSB grupas ieguldījumu shēmā #CPI_BTC_Watch #CryptoMarketMoves $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
✅ Bitcoin presēšanas laikā tirgojās nedaudz virs USD 57 000, kas ir par 5% vairāk nekā pēdējo 24 stundu laikā un pārspēj plašāku tirgus rādītāju 📈

Dienas īssavilkums:

🔸 Apple iepazīstināja ar iPhone 16, jauno Apple Watch un AirPods 📱

🔸  Draugs. tehnoloģiju komanda nodeva savu viedo līgumu administratoru un īpašumtiesības uz Ethereum nulles adresi

🔸 Pagājušajā nedēļā Bitcoin spot ETF neto aizplūde bija 706 miljoni USD

🔸 Tiek ziņots, ka Tokyo Electric Power Company meitasuzņēmums iesaistās Bitcoin ieguvē

🔸 Binance meitasuzņēmums Tokocrypto paziņoja, ka ir saņēmis fizisko kriptovalūtu aktīvu tirgotāja licenci no Indonēzijas regulatīvās iestādes

🔸  Elons Masks drīzumā var tikt aicināts liecināt Apvienotās Karalistes parlamentā 🇬🇧

🔸 Vērtspapīru regulatori 12 ASV štatos ir nodrošinājuši atlīdzību ieguldītājiem, kuri zaudējuši naudu GSB grupas ieguldījumu shēmā
#CPI_BTC_Watch #CryptoMarketMoves $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
✅ Nedēļas laikā Bitcoin pēc ASV darba pārskata pieauga līdz 57 000 $, lai tikai dzēstu pieaugumu un nokristu zem 54 000 $, pēc tam tas nedaudz atlēcis uz augšu. Nākamā nedēļa solās būt vēl nepastāvīgāka, jo PCI ziņojums un Fed paziņojumi noteiks, kur mēs iet tālāk 👀 Iknedēļas ziņu apkopojums: 💎 Kripto 🔸 Matter Labs aiz ZKSynk blokķēdes ir atlaidusi 16% savu darbinieku 🔸 Hamster Kombat marķieris HMSTR, visticamāk, tiks iekļauts vietnē Bybit CEX 🔸 2024. gada 3. ceturkšņa pirmajos divos mēnešos vairāk nekā 600 Bitcoin bankomātu kļuva bezsaistē visā pasaulē 🔸 Mastercard Eiropā laidusi klajā kripto debetkarti 🏦 🔸 Uz telegrammu balstīta mīklu spēle Catizen ir paziņojusi, ka tās marķieris tiks palaists 20. septembrī 🏦 Kripto apmaiņas 🔸 Binance dibinātājam un bijušajam izpilddirektoram CZ ir uz mūžu aizliegts pārvaldīt kriptovalūtu biržas 🔸 Bijušais bankrotējušā kriptovalūtu biržas Mt. Gox izpilddirektors šomēnes uzsāks jaunu kriptovalūtu biržu ar nosaukumu EllipX 🔸 Binance ir pabeidzis Frontier FRONT marķiera maiņu uz SLF un zīmola maiņu uz Self Chain 💵 Finanses un ekonomika 🔸 Japānas Bankas vadītājs Kazuo Ueda atkārtoti uzsvēra, ka centrālā banka turpinās paaugstināt procentu likmes 🔸 Kanādas Banka samazina procentu likmi par 25 bāzes punktiem līdz 4,25% 🇨🇦 🔸 Pagājušajā mēnesī algu saraksts ārpus lauksaimniecības uzņēmumiem palielinājās par 142 000 darbavietu pēc samazinātā 89 000 kāpuma jūlijā 🔸 FED oficiālais Goolsbee saka: "Lejupslīdes izredzes varētu pieaugt." ⚖️ Likums un kārtība 🔸 Galois Capital Management ir nokārtojusi maksu ar SEC 🔸 Uniswap Labs ir nokārtojis maksu ar Commodity Futures Trading Commission 🦄 🔸 Katara oficiāli ievieš digitālo līdzekļu normatīvo regulējumu 🗣 Personības 🔸 Vladimirs Putins saka, ka Krievija prezidenta vēlēšanās atbalsta Kamalu Herisu pār Donaldu Trampu   🔸 Donalds Tramps oficiāli paziņo, ka izveidos valdības efektivitātes komisiju, kuru vadīs Īlons Masks  #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
✅ Nedēļas laikā Bitcoin pēc ASV darba pārskata pieauga līdz 57 000 $, lai tikai dzēstu pieaugumu un nokristu zem 54 000 $, pēc tam tas nedaudz atlēcis uz augšu. Nākamā nedēļa solās būt vēl nepastāvīgāka, jo PCI ziņojums un Fed paziņojumi noteiks, kur mēs iet tālāk 👀

Iknedēļas ziņu apkopojums:

💎 Kripto

🔸 Matter Labs aiz ZKSynk blokķēdes ir atlaidusi 16% savu darbinieku

🔸 Hamster Kombat marķieris HMSTR, visticamāk, tiks iekļauts vietnē Bybit CEX

🔸 2024. gada 3. ceturkšņa pirmajos divos mēnešos vairāk nekā 600 Bitcoin bankomātu kļuva bezsaistē visā pasaulē

🔸 Mastercard Eiropā laidusi klajā kripto debetkarti 🏦

🔸 Uz telegrammu balstīta mīklu spēle Catizen ir paziņojusi, ka tās marķieris tiks palaists 20. septembrī

🏦 Kripto apmaiņas

🔸 Binance dibinātājam un bijušajam izpilddirektoram CZ ir uz mūžu aizliegts pārvaldīt kriptovalūtu biržas

🔸 Bijušais bankrotējušā kriptovalūtu biržas Mt. Gox izpilddirektors šomēnes uzsāks jaunu kriptovalūtu biržu ar nosaukumu EllipX

🔸 Binance ir pabeidzis Frontier FRONT marķiera maiņu uz SLF un zīmola maiņu uz Self Chain

💵 Finanses un ekonomika

🔸 Japānas Bankas vadītājs Kazuo Ueda atkārtoti uzsvēra, ka centrālā banka turpinās paaugstināt procentu likmes

🔸 Kanādas Banka samazina procentu likmi par 25 bāzes punktiem līdz 4,25% 🇨🇦

🔸 Pagājušajā mēnesī algu saraksts ārpus lauksaimniecības uzņēmumiem palielinājās par 142 000 darbavietu pēc samazinātā 89 000 kāpuma jūlijā

🔸 FED oficiālais Goolsbee saka: "Lejupslīdes izredzes varētu pieaugt."

⚖️ Likums un kārtība

🔸 Galois Capital Management ir nokārtojusi maksu ar SEC

🔸 Uniswap Labs ir nokārtojis maksu ar Commodity Futures Trading Commission 🦄

🔸 Katara oficiāli ievieš digitālo līdzekļu normatīvo regulējumu

🗣 Personības

🔸 Vladimirs Putins saka, ka Krievija prezidenta vēlēšanās atbalsta Kamalu Herisu pār Donaldu Trampu
🔸 Donalds Tramps oficiāli paziņo, ka izveidos valdības efektivitātes komisiju, kuru vadīs Īlons Masks
 #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek
Skatīt oriģinālu
✅ Gan akciju tirgus, gan kriptovalūtu tirgus šodien ir ļoti sarkans, un Bitcoin vērtība pēdējās nedēļas laikā nokritās zem 52 000 $, noslīdot vairāk nekā par 12%.  Dienas īssavilkums: 🔸 Revelo fonda pārvaldnieks paziņoja par atkāpšanos no amata pēc tam, kad bija spiests ar ieroci iztukšot savus kriptokontus 🔸 Ar lauksaimniecību nesaistītu algu saraksts pagājušajā mēnesī palielinājās par 142 000 darbavietu pēc samazinātā 89 000 pieauguma jūlijā 📊 🔸 Binance dibinātājam un bijušajam izpilddirektoram CZ ir uz mūžu aizliegts pārvaldīt kriptovalūtu biržas 🔸 Ripple līdzdibinātājs un izpildpriekšsēdētājs ir parakstījis vēstuli, lai apstiprinātu Harisu prezidenta amatā 🔸 Donalds Tramps oficiāli paziņo, ka izveidos valdības efektivitātes komisiju, kuru vadīs Īlons Masks 🕑 🔸 Vladimirs Putins saka, ka Krievija prezidenta vēlēšanās atbalsta Kamalu Herisu pār Donaldu Trampu 🔸 FED oficiālais Goolsbee saka: "Lejupslīdes izredzes varētu pieaugt." #PowellAtJacksonHole #USNonFarmPayrollReport #CryptoMarketMoves $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
✅ Gan akciju tirgus, gan kriptovalūtu tirgus šodien ir ļoti sarkans, un Bitcoin vērtība pēdējās nedēļas laikā nokritās zem 52 000 $, noslīdot vairāk nekā par 12%. 

Dienas īssavilkums:

🔸 Revelo fonda pārvaldnieks paziņoja par atkāpšanos no amata pēc tam, kad bija spiests ar ieroci iztukšot savus kriptokontus

🔸 Ar lauksaimniecību nesaistītu algu saraksts pagājušajā mēnesī palielinājās par 142 000 darbavietu pēc samazinātā 89 000 pieauguma jūlijā 📊

🔸 Binance dibinātājam un bijušajam izpilddirektoram CZ ir uz mūžu aizliegts pārvaldīt kriptovalūtu biržas

🔸 Ripple līdzdibinātājs un izpildpriekšsēdētājs ir parakstījis vēstuli, lai apstiprinātu Harisu prezidenta amatā

🔸 Donalds Tramps oficiāli paziņo, ka izveidos valdības efektivitātes komisiju, kuru vadīs Īlons Masks 🕑

🔸 Vladimirs Putins saka, ka Krievija prezidenta vēlēšanās atbalsta Kamalu Herisu pār Donaldu Trampu

🔸 FED oficiālais Goolsbee saka: "Lejupslīdes izredzes varētu pieaugt."
#PowellAtJacksonHole #USNonFarmPayrollReport #CryptoMarketMoves
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto tirgus uzlabojas, jo ASV nodarbinātības dati ir nedaudz labāki, nekā gaidīts 👇 Ar lauksaimniecību nesaistīto algu saraksts pagājušajā mēnesī palielinājās par 142 000 darbavietām pēc samazinātā 89 000 pieauguma jūlijā. Vidējā stundas izpeļņa bija +0,4% (aptuveni 0,3%). Interesanti, ka darba tirgū pastāv milzīgas atšķirības attiecībā uz to, kas iegūst un zaudē darbu, un tas liek aizdomāties, par kādiem darbiem šī statistika runā 🤔 Tirgus cerības uz palielinātu 50 bāzes punktu samazinājumu Federālo rezervju sistēmas septembra vidus sanāksmē palielinājās pēc datiem 📊 #USNonFarmPayrollReport #CryptoMarketMoves $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Kripto tirgus uzlabojas, jo ASV nodarbinātības dati ir nedaudz labāki, nekā gaidīts 👇

Ar lauksaimniecību nesaistīto algu saraksts pagājušajā mēnesī palielinājās par 142 000 darbavietām pēc samazinātā 89 000 pieauguma jūlijā. Vidējā stundas izpeļņa bija +0,4% (aptuveni 0,3%).

Interesanti, ka darba tirgū pastāv milzīgas atšķirības attiecībā uz to, kas iegūst un zaudē darbu, un tas liek aizdomāties, par kādiem darbiem šī statistika runā 🤔

Tirgus cerības uz palielinātu 50 bāzes punktu samazinājumu Federālo rezervju sistēmas septembra vidus sanāksmē palielinājās pēc datiem 📊
#USNonFarmPayrollReport #CryptoMarketMoves
Skatīt oriģinālu
**Ripple (XRP) investori ievēro piesardzību: draud "nāves krusts"** Ripple (XRP), uz kuru cer daudzi kriptovalūtu investori, tagad mirgo lācīgs signāls, jo tā cenu diagrammā veidojas galvenais rādītājs. Saskaņā ar UToday veikto cenu analīzi XRP cena ir noslīdējusi zem 50 dienu un 200 dienu mainīgā vidējā līmeņa, veidojot lāču modeli, kas pazīstams kā "nāves krusts". Tas liecina, ka pārdošanas spiediens varētu palielināties, potenciāli samazinot XRP cenu. "Nāves krusta" raksts, kas tagad parādās Ripple diagrammā, drīz varētu papildināties ar negatīviem rezultātiem. UTodien pēc XRP diagrammas apskatīšanas minēja, ka vēsturiski, kad šis veidojums tiek apvienots ar citiem lāču rādītājiem, tas ir novedis pie ievērojamiem cenu kritumiem. Pašlaik XRP cenšas noturēt potenciālo atbalsta līmeni un tirgojas par USD 0,55. Cenu diagramma parāda nestabilitāti, bez skaidrām augšupejošas pazīmēm. Analīze arī norādīja, ka, ja "nāves krusts" izveidosies pilnībā, XRP cena varētu nokrist zem 0,50 USD. UToday arī brīdināja, ka XRP varētu saskarties ar papildu lejupvērstu spiedienu regulējošo problēmu un kriptovalūtu tirgus pastāvīgās nepastāvības dēļ, aicinot investorus būt piesardzīgiem. Ripple Labs, uzņēmums, kas atrodas aiz XRP, pašlaik kavē tiesas piespriesto maksājumu. Tikai dažas dienas pirms liela maksājuma veikšanas Ripple lūdza tiesu apturēt rīkojumu. Advokāts Džeimss K. Filans norādīja, ka Ripple iesniedza lūgumu apturēt 2024. gada 7. augustā pieņemtā tiesas nolēmuma naudas daļu. SEC, ASV vadošā regulējošā iestāde, ir piekritusi atlikšanas pieprasījumam. Tā kā XRP joprojām ir iesaistīta juridiskajā cīņā ar SEC, sagaidāms, ka pārskatāmā nākotnē marķieris var turpināt saskarties ar spiedienu. #XRPDumping #BNBChainMemecoins #TON $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT)
**Ripple (XRP) investori ievēro piesardzību: draud "nāves krusts"**

Ripple (XRP), uz kuru cer daudzi kriptovalūtu investori, tagad mirgo lācīgs signāls, jo tā cenu diagrammā veidojas galvenais rādītājs.

Saskaņā ar UToday veikto cenu analīzi XRP cena ir noslīdējusi zem 50 dienu un 200 dienu mainīgā vidējā līmeņa, veidojot lāču modeli, kas pazīstams kā "nāves krusts". Tas liecina, ka pārdošanas spiediens varētu palielināties, potenciāli samazinot XRP cenu.

"Nāves krusta" raksts, kas tagad parādās Ripple diagrammā, drīz varētu papildināties ar negatīviem rezultātiem. UTodien pēc XRP diagrammas apskatīšanas minēja, ka vēsturiski, kad šis veidojums tiek apvienots ar citiem lāču rādītājiem, tas ir novedis pie ievērojamiem cenu kritumiem.

Pašlaik XRP cenšas noturēt potenciālo atbalsta līmeni un tirgojas par USD 0,55. Cenu diagramma parāda nestabilitāti, bez skaidrām augšupejošas pazīmēm. Analīze arī norādīja, ka, ja "nāves krusts" izveidosies pilnībā, XRP cena varētu nokrist zem 0,50 USD.

UToday arī brīdināja, ka XRP varētu saskarties ar papildu lejupvērstu spiedienu regulējošo problēmu un kriptovalūtu tirgus pastāvīgās nepastāvības dēļ, aicinot investorus būt piesardzīgiem.

Ripple Labs, uzņēmums, kas atrodas aiz XRP, pašlaik kavē tiesas piespriesto maksājumu. Tikai dažas dienas pirms liela maksājuma veikšanas Ripple lūdza tiesu apturēt rīkojumu.

Advokāts Džeimss K. Filans norādīja, ka Ripple iesniedza lūgumu apturēt 2024. gada 7. augustā pieņemtā tiesas nolēmuma naudas daļu. SEC, ASV vadošā regulējošā iestāde, ir piekritusi atlikšanas pieprasījumam.

Tā kā XRP joprojām ir iesaistīta juridiskajā cīņā ar SEC, sagaidāms, ka pārskatāmā nākotnē marķieris var turpināt saskarties ar spiedienu.
#XRPDumping #BNBChainMemecoins #TON $XRP
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨 Sagatavojieties kriptovalūtu uzplaukumam! ⚡💥 4 monētas, kas šonedēļ varētu strauji uzkāpt! 4 populārākās kriptogrāfijas ar potenciālu lielai izaugsmei šonedēļ! 🚀 Kriptogrāfijas tirgus nekad neapstājas, un šī nedēļa varētu sniegt lielas iespējas. Šeit ir 5 monētas, kas varētu gūt ievērojamus ieguvumus. No decentralizētas finansēšanas līdz ātriem maksājumiem, šie kriptovalūtas veido finanšu nākotni. Apskatīsim tuvāk populārākās izvēles iespējas, kas varētu jūs pārsteigt ar savu izaugsmi! 1. **Ethereum (ETH): DeFi līderis 🔥** • Pašreizējā cena: 2502,01 USD • Tirgus ierobežojums: 301,1 miljards USD Ethereum joprojām ir labākā izvēle decentralizētām finansēm un viedajiem līgumiem. Tas atbalsta daudzus altcoins un DeFi projektus, padarot to par spēcīgu sāncensi investoriem. Tā kā Ethereum ir potenciāls nodrošināt ievērojamu atdevi (vairāk nekā 270% gadā), tas ir jāskatās tiem, kurus interesē DApps nākotne. $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) 2. **Binance Coin (BNB): Binance ekosistēmas barošana 💸** • Pašreizējā cena: 508,54 USD • Tirgus ierobežojums: 77,1 miljards USD Binance Coin nav tikai žetons — tā veicina visu Binance apmaiņu. Tās cena ir cieši saistīta ar Binance izaugsmi, īpaši visās tā ķēdēs. Tā kā Binance turpina paplašināt savu sasniedzamību kriptovalūtu jomā, sagaidāms, ka BNB spēlēs vēl lielāku lomu. $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) 3. **Solana (SOL): ātrākais DeFi spēlētājs ⚡** • Pašreizējā cena: 133,28 USD • Tirgus ierobežojums: 62,1 miljards USD Solana izceļas decentralizētajā finanšu pasaulē, piedāvājot īpaši ātrus darījumus ar zemu maksu. Tā unikālais vienprātības mehānisms (PoH + PoS) piešķir tai mērogojamības priekšrocības, padarot to par vienu, kas novēro DeFi nākotni. $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT) 4. **Ripple (XRP): revolucionāri maksājumi 🌍** • Pašreizējā cena: 0,5669 USD • Tirgus ierobežojums: 31,9 miljardi USD Ripple maina spēli pārrobežu maksājumos ar ātriem un zemu izmaksu darījumiem. Ripple videi draudzīgais dizains, kas jau ir populārs banku un maksājumu dienestu vidū, varētu spēlēt nozīmīgu lomu globālajā finanšu sistēmā, jo ilgtspējība kļūst arvien svarīgāka. #CryptoMarketMoves
🚨 Sagatavojieties kriptovalūtu uzplaukumam! ⚡💥 4 monētas, kas šonedēļ varētu strauji uzkāpt!
4 populārākās kriptogrāfijas ar potenciālu lielai izaugsmei šonedēļ! 🚀

Kriptogrāfijas tirgus nekad neapstājas, un šī nedēļa varētu sniegt lielas iespējas. Šeit ir 5 monētas, kas varētu gūt ievērojamus ieguvumus. No decentralizētas finansēšanas līdz ātriem maksājumiem, šie kriptovalūtas veido finanšu nākotni. Apskatīsim tuvāk populārākās izvēles iespējas, kas varētu jūs pārsteigt ar savu izaugsmi!

1. **Ethereum (ETH): DeFi līderis 🔥**
• Pašreizējā cena: 2502,01 USD
• Tirgus ierobežojums: 301,1 miljards USD
Ethereum joprojām ir labākā izvēle decentralizētām finansēm un viedajiem līgumiem. Tas atbalsta daudzus altcoins un DeFi projektus, padarot to par spēcīgu sāncensi investoriem. Tā kā Ethereum ir potenciāls nodrošināt ievērojamu atdevi (vairāk nekā 270% gadā), tas ir jāskatās tiem, kurus interesē DApps nākotne.

2. **Binance Coin (BNB): Binance ekosistēmas barošana 💸**
• Pašreizējā cena: 508,54 USD
• Tirgus ierobežojums: 77,1 miljards USD
Binance Coin nav tikai žetons — tā veicina visu Binance apmaiņu. Tās cena ir cieši saistīta ar Binance izaugsmi, īpaši visās tā ķēdēs. Tā kā Binance turpina paplašināt savu sasniedzamību kriptovalūtu jomā, sagaidāms, ka BNB spēlēs vēl lielāku lomu.

3. **Solana (SOL): ātrākais DeFi spēlētājs ⚡**
• Pašreizējā cena: 133,28 USD
• Tirgus ierobežojums: 62,1 miljards USD
Solana izceļas decentralizētajā finanšu pasaulē, piedāvājot īpaši ātrus darījumus ar zemu maksu. Tā unikālais vienprātības mehānisms (PoH + PoS) piešķir tai mērogojamības priekšrocības, padarot to par vienu, kas novēro DeFi nākotni.

4. **Ripple (XRP): revolucionāri maksājumi 🌍**
• Pašreizējā cena: 0,5669 USD
• Tirgus ierobežojums: 31,9 miljardi USD
Ripple maina spēli pārrobežu maksājumos ar ātriem un zemu izmaksu darījumiem. Ripple videi draudzīgais dizains, kas jau ir populārs banku un maksājumu dienestu vidū, varētu spēlēt nozīmīgu lomu globālajā finanšu sistēmā, jo ilgtspējība kļūst arvien svarīgāka.
September? It's more like SeptemBear... Markets are dumping this morning with BTC losing a $57,000 level 🔽 Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda reiterated that the central bank will continue to raise interest rates if the economy and prices perform as expected by the BOJ 🇯🇵 Galois Capital Management, which famously shorted the Terra system before its collapse, has settled charges with the SEC because it held assets at FTX 🎎 Mark Karpeles, the former CEO of the bankrupt crypto exchange Mt. Gox, will launch a new crypto exchange called EllipX this month 😨 #CryptoMarketMoves #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
September? It's more like SeptemBear...

Markets are dumping this morning with BTC losing a $57,000 level 🔽

Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda reiterated that the central bank will continue to raise interest rates if the economy and prices perform as expected by the BOJ 🇯🇵

Galois Capital Management, which famously shorted the Terra system before its collapse, has settled charges with the SEC because it held assets at FTX 🎎

Mark Karpeles, the former CEO of the bankrupt crypto exchange Mt. Gox, will launch a new crypto exchange called EllipX this month 😨
#CryptoMarketMoves #BTC☀
Shiba Inu (SHIB) Bulls Struggle, Poised for 23% Drop Shiba Inu (SHIB), a popular meme coin, has been trading within a horizontal range since August 8. Although it briefly broke above the upper limit of this range, it couldn’t maintain the upward momentum and fell back below the resistance level on August 28. Since then, SHIB moved toward the lower boundary of the channel, which had been providing support. However, the coin has now dropped below this crucial level, indicating growing selling pressure and the potential for further declines in SHIB’s value. Shiba Inu Bulls Lose Their Market Hold #SHIB، #ShibaArmstrong #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins $SHIB {spot}(SHIBUSDT)
Shiba Inu (SHIB) Bulls Struggle, Poised for 23% Drop

Shiba Inu (SHIB), a popular meme coin, has been trading within a horizontal range since August 8. Although it briefly broke above the upper limit of this range, it couldn’t maintain the upward momentum and fell back below the resistance level on August 28.

Since then, SHIB moved toward the lower boundary of the channel, which had been providing support. However, the coin has now dropped below this crucial level, indicating growing selling pressure and the potential for further declines in SHIB’s value.

Shiba Inu Bulls Lose Their Market Hold
#SHIB، #ShibaArmstrong #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins
### PEPE Price Forecast for September 2024 PEPE, the third-largest meme coin, might be poised for a significant uptick following a major purchase by a large investor. On September 2, 2024, the analytics firm Lookonchain reported on X (formerly known as Twitter) that a whale purchased 292.97 billion PEPE tokens from Binance for $2.17 million shortly after the U.S. stock market opened. #### Whale's Strategic Investment in PEPE This massive buy near the key support level of $0.0000071 could indicate a strong buying opportunity. The whale also invested in other tokens, acquiring over 4.28 billion FLOKI for $511,500 and 2.273 million WLD tokens for $391,000. If PEPE follows similar trends seen in the past, its price could increase by 20%, potentially reaching around $0.000009 or higher. Additionally, PEPE’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently in the oversold range, which may suggest a possible trend reversal soon. #### PEPE Price Trends At the moment, PEPE is trading at approximately $0.00000747, marking a slight 0.3% increase over the past 24 hours. The open interest rate has decreased by 2% in the last hour but has gone up by 1.7% over the past day, indicating growing investor interest. While September has historically been a tough month for price performance, the expected launch of Bitcoin and Ethereum spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the U.S. could lead to significant market shifts. **Disclaimer:** Always do your own research before investing. Use only funds that you can afford to lose, and take full responsibility for your investment decisions. #PepeCoinToTheMoon #PEPE市值超越LTC $PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT)
### PEPE Price Forecast for September 2024

PEPE, the third-largest meme coin, might be poised for a significant uptick following a major purchase by a large investor. On September 2, 2024, the analytics firm Lookonchain reported on X (formerly known as Twitter) that a whale purchased 292.97 billion PEPE tokens from Binance for $2.17 million shortly after the U.S. stock market opened.

#### Whale's Strategic Investment in PEPE

This massive buy near the key support level of $0.0000071 could indicate a strong buying opportunity. The whale also invested in other tokens, acquiring over 4.28 billion FLOKI for $511,500 and 2.273 million WLD tokens for $391,000.

If PEPE follows similar trends seen in the past, its price could increase by 20%, potentially reaching around $0.000009 or higher. Additionally, PEPE’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently in the oversold range, which may suggest a possible trend reversal soon.

#### PEPE Price Trends

At the moment, PEPE is trading at approximately $0.00000747, marking a slight 0.3% increase over the past 24 hours. The open interest rate has decreased by 2% in the last hour but has gone up by 1.7% over the past day, indicating growing investor interest.

While September has historically been a tough month for price performance, the expected launch of Bitcoin and Ethereum spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the U.S. could lead to significant market shifts.

Always do your own research before investing. Use only funds that you can afford to lose, and take full responsibility for your investment decisions.
#PepeCoinToTheMoon #PEPE市值超越LTC
**$DOGS Token Alert: Is This a Classic Pump-and-Dump Scheme? 🚨** The DOGS token is raising major concerns. With its current price at $0.0011077 and a 1.29% drop, attention is focused on the significant amount of DOGS supply held by centralized exchanges (CEXs) without any lockup period. This situation could be setting the stage for a dangerous pump-and-dump scheme. Here’s the issue: CEXs could artificially inflate the price of DOGS by triggering a buying frenzy, only to dump their large holdings and cause the price to crash. Retail investors who buy into the hype too late might end up holding overvalued assets as prices nosedive. A recent tweet from LeonidasNFT has heightened fears of market manipulation, serving as a critical warning for all investors: Be wary of tokens controlled by a few entities with unclear selling conditions. Transparency in tokenomics, including clear lockup periods and detailed distribution plans, is essential. Without these, the risk of manipulation is high, endangering both the token’s future and investor confidence. Stay cautious! #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins #CryptoMarketMoves $DOGS {spot}(DOGSUSDT)
**$DOGS Token Alert: Is This a Classic Pump-and-Dump Scheme? 🚨**

The DOGS token is raising major concerns. With its current price at $0.0011077 and a 1.29% drop, attention is focused on the significant amount of DOGS supply held by centralized exchanges (CEXs) without any lockup period. This situation could be setting the stage for a dangerous pump-and-dump scheme.

Here’s the issue: CEXs could artificially inflate the price of DOGS by triggering a buying frenzy, only to dump their large holdings and cause the price to crash. Retail investors who buy into the hype too late might end up holding overvalued assets as prices nosedive.

A recent tweet from LeonidasNFT has heightened fears of market manipulation, serving as a critical warning for all investors: Be wary of tokens controlled by a few entities with unclear selling conditions.

Transparency in tokenomics, including clear lockup periods and detailed distribution plans, is essential. Without these, the risk of manipulation is high, endangering both the token’s future and investor confidence. Stay cautious!
#DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins #CryptoMarketMoves
Shiba Inu ($SHIB) and $DOGS are both well-known meme tokens in the crypto market, but they face significant challenges in achieving their ambitious goals. For Shiba Inu, the idea of reaching $1 per token is highly unlikely due to its massive circulating supply, which is around 589 trillion tokens. To reach $1, SHIB would need a market cap of $589 trillion—an amount far beyond the realm of possibility. To even approach this, over 99% of SHIB's supply would need to be burned, reducing the total supply to about 1 trillion tokens. Even then, SHIB would require a market cap of $1 trillion, comparable to Bitcoin's current value, but this scenario remains extremely improbable. $SHIB {spot}(SHIBUSDT) On the other hand, DOGS has gained attention recently, especially after its listing on Binance, with its value currently around $0.00122. As a meme token on The Open Network (TON) blockchain, dogs has sparked community-driven interest. However, like Shiba Inu, it faces major challenges, such as market volatility and concerns over long-term sustainability. $DOGS {spot}(DOGSUSDT) Together, SHIB and DOGS illustrate the speculative nature of meme coins in the crypto space. While their communities are optimistic, the path to such high valuations is fraught with significant obstacles, making these targets difficult to achieve in the near future. #CryptoMarketMoves #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins
Shiba Inu ($SHIB ) and $DOGS are both well-known meme tokens in the crypto market, but they face significant challenges in achieving their ambitious goals.

For Shiba Inu, the idea of reaching $1 per token is highly unlikely due to its massive circulating supply, which is around 589 trillion tokens. To reach $1, SHIB would need a market cap of $589 trillion—an amount far beyond the realm of possibility. To even approach this, over 99% of SHIB's supply would need to be burned, reducing the total supply to about 1 trillion tokens. Even then, SHIB would require a market cap of $1 trillion, comparable to Bitcoin's current value, but this scenario remains extremely improbable.

On the other hand, DOGS has gained attention recently, especially after its listing on Binance, with its value currently around $0.00122. As a meme token on The Open Network (TON) blockchain, dogs has sparked community-driven interest. However, like Shiba Inu, it faces major challenges, such as market volatility and concerns over long-term sustainability.

Together, SHIB and DOGS illustrate the speculative nature of meme coins in the crypto space. While their communities are optimistic, the path to such high valuations is fraught with significant obstacles, making these targets difficult to achieve in the near future.
#CryptoMarketMoves #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins
**Top 2 Memecoins to Watch in September Before the Next Bull Run** **1. $PEPE's Rise: Memecoin Mania Heats Up in 2024** $PEPE, inspired by the Pepe the Frog meme, is gaining significant traction in the crypto world. Launched on Ethereum, this deflationary token follows in the footsteps of Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, with no transaction fees and a strong connection to its meme origins. In 2023, PEPE reached a market cap of $1.6 billion, attracting attention from crypto enthusiasts. The team aims to increase its visibility through social media and exchange listings. With a burning mechanism to boost scarcity and rewards for long-term holders, PEPE benefits from Ethereum's security and is available on platforms like Uniswap and Binance. It’s a key player in the current memecoin trend. $PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT) **2. Can #MEW Lead the 2024 Altcoin Surge?** MEW is a fresh contender in the altcoin market, aiming to stand out in a sea of dog-themed coins with its unique approach and growth potential. This coin is capturing the interest of both enthusiasts and casual investors, showing signs of momentum similar to patterns seen in 2021. By focusing on building a strong community and introducing innovative use cases, MEW could carve out a significant position in the ongoing crypto surge. With market trends suggesting another promising year, MEW's journey in the crypto space is one to watch. {future}(MEWUSDT) #PEPE市值超越LTC #MEWCoin
**Top 2 Memecoins to Watch in September Before the Next Bull Run**

**1. $PEPE 's Rise: Memecoin Mania Heats Up in 2024**
$PEPE , inspired by the Pepe the Frog meme, is gaining significant traction in the crypto world. Launched on Ethereum, this deflationary token follows in the footsteps of Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, with no transaction fees and a strong connection to its meme origins. In 2023, PEPE reached a market cap of $1.6 billion, attracting attention from crypto enthusiasts. The team aims to increase its visibility through social media and exchange listings. With a burning mechanism to boost scarcity and rewards for long-term holders, PEPE benefits from Ethereum's security and is available on platforms like Uniswap and Binance. It’s a key player in the current memecoin trend.

**2. Can #MEW Lead the 2024 Altcoin Surge?**
MEW is a fresh contender in the altcoin market, aiming to stand out in a sea of dog-themed coins with its unique approach and growth potential. This coin is capturing the interest of both enthusiasts and casual investors, showing signs of momentum similar to patterns seen in 2021. By focusing on building a strong community and introducing innovative use cases, MEW could carve out a significant position in the ongoing crypto surge. With market trends suggesting another promising year, MEW's journey in the crypto space is one to watch.

The whales are once again buying ETH longs on the Bitfinex exchange. Few know this, but these guys are a good signal of where the market is going in the coming weeks/months 🔍 The last time they were so aggressive in longing on Bitfinex, we had news about spot ETH ETFs, after which ETH pumped by $1,000 in less than a month 📈 #ETHETFsApproved #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
The whales are once again buying ETH longs on the Bitfinex exchange. Few know this, but these guys are a good signal of where the market is going in the coming weeks/months 🔍

The last time they were so aggressive in longing on Bitfinex, we had news about spot ETH ETFs, after which ETH pumped by $1,000 in less than a month 📈
#ETHETFsApproved #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
*Bonk (BONK) and Shiba Inu (SHIB)* are both popular meme-based cryptocurrencies: - **Bonk ($BONK):** Launched in December 2021 on the Solana blockchain, Bonk is a meme token that was created as a community-driven project. Its primary focus is on fun and engagement rather than on technological innovation. The token gained initial popularity due to its meme appeal and extensive token distribution. $BONK {spot}(BONKUSDT) - **Shiba Inu ($SHIB):** Often dubbed the "Dogecoin killer," Shiba Inu is an ERC-20 token that was launched on the Ethereum blockchain in August 2020. Inspired by Dogecoin, SHIB aims to build a decentralized ecosystem with a strong community backing. It gained significant attention and value thanks to its active community and marketing efforts, including the launch of a decentralized exchange called ShibaSwap. $SHIB {spot}(SHIBUSDT) #shiba⚡ #BONKISDT
*Bonk (BONK) and Shiba Inu (SHIB)* are both popular meme-based cryptocurrencies:

- **Bonk ($BONK ):** Launched in December 2021 on the Solana blockchain, Bonk is a meme token that was created as a community-driven project. Its primary focus is on fun and engagement rather than on technological innovation. The token gained initial popularity due to its meme appeal and extensive token distribution.

- **Shiba Inu ($SHIB ):** Often dubbed the "Dogecoin killer," Shiba Inu is an ERC-20 token that was launched on the Ethereum blockchain in August 2020. Inspired by Dogecoin, SHIB aims to build a decentralized ecosystem with a strong community backing. It gained significant attention and value thanks to its active community and marketing efforts, including the launch of a decentralized exchange called ShibaSwap.
#shiba⚡ #BONKISDT
September is coming, historically this month is bearish for BTC. Will this year be an exception due to the expected Fed rate cut? Time will tell 🤷‍♀️ Binance announced that it has completed the Frontier (FRONT) token swap and rebranding to Self Chain, $SLF 🥤 Digital asset investment products saw a total net outflow of $305 million last week, just like BTC and ETH spot ETFs 🌡 Vitalik Buterin said that he hasn't sold any ETH and kept the proceeds since 2018. All sales have been to support various projects 🕔 #BTC☀ #BTC500K $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
September is coming, historically this month is bearish for BTC. Will this year be an exception due to the expected Fed rate cut? Time will tell 🤷‍♀️

Binance announced that it has completed the Frontier (FRONT) token swap and rebranding to Self Chain, $SLF 🥤

Digital asset investment products saw a total net outflow of $305 million last week, just like BTC and ETH spot ETFs 🌡

Vitalik Buterin said that he hasn't sold any ETH and kept the proceeds since 2018. All sales have been to support various projects 🕔
#BTC☀ #BTC500K
Frogs Airdrop is a cryptocurrency airdrop campaign by Frogs Finance, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform. The airdrop aims to distribute free tokens to participants, promoting the platform and encouraging adoption. Note : The airdrop link is pinned in comment Here are some key points about Frogs Airdrop: - Eligibility: Typically, holders of specific cryptocurrencies (e.g., Ethereum, Binance Coin) or participants in certain DeFi platforms are eligible. - Token distribution: A fixed number of Frogs tokens (FROGS) are distributed to eligible participants. - Claiming tokens: Participants usually need to claim their tokens within a specified timeframe. - Wallet requirements: A compatible wallet (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet) is necessary to receive and store the airdropped tokens. - Tasks and rewards: Completing tasks (e.g., following social media, referring friends) may be required to receive additional tokens. #DOGSONBINANCE #FrogsAirdrop
Frogs Airdrop is a cryptocurrency airdrop campaign by Frogs Finance, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform. The airdrop aims to distribute free tokens to participants, promoting the platform and encouraging adoption.
Note : The airdrop link is pinned in comment
Here are some key points about Frogs Airdrop:

- Eligibility: Typically, holders of specific cryptocurrencies (e.g., Ethereum, Binance Coin) or participants in certain DeFi platforms are eligible.
- Token distribution: A fixed number of Frogs tokens (FROGS) are distributed to eligible participants.
- Claiming tokens: Participants usually need to claim their tokens within a specified timeframe.
- Wallet requirements: A compatible wallet (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet) is necessary to receive and store the airdropped tokens.
- Tasks and rewards: Completing tasks (e.g., following social media, referring friends) may be required to receive additional tokens.
The correlation between the S&P 500 and Bitcoin is significant again. A recent crypto price spike happened in unison with stocks 📊 Billionaire Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has sold some more shares of Bank of America over the past few days, raking in $981.9 million 🔽 U.S. federal court dismissed a lawsuit against Elon Musk and his company Tesla, which accused them of defrauding investors by exaggerating the value of Dogecoin ⚖️ Bybit announced the upcoming launch of bbSOL, a liquid staking token. Binance and Bitget will also be launching their liquid staked SOL soon 🔳 Police in South Korea have arrested the leader of a $12 million crypto scam who underwent almost $16,000 worth of plastic surgery to evade authorities 🇰🇷 #CryptoMarketMoves #TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE
The correlation between the S&P 500 and Bitcoin is significant again. A recent crypto price spike happened in unison with stocks 📊

Billionaire Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has sold some more shares of Bank of America over the past few days, raking in $981.9 million 🔽

U.S. federal court dismissed a lawsuit against Elon Musk and his company Tesla, which accused them of defrauding investors by exaggerating the value of Dogecoin ⚖️

Bybit announced the upcoming launch of bbSOL, a liquid staking token. Binance and Bitget will also be launching their liquid staked SOL soon 🔳

Police in South Korea have arrested the leader of a $12 million crypto scam who underwent almost $16,000 worth of plastic surgery to evade authorities 🇰🇷
#CryptoMarketMoves #TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE
**CATS Token Airdrop Captivates the Crypto Community** Note. link in first comment . enjoy 😊😊 The recent CATS token airdrop has created a stir within the crypto community. Airdrops are a common strategy for new blockchain projects to distribute tokens and gain early traction. By offering free tokens, the CATS project aims to attract a large user base and kickstart trading activity. **What is the CATS Token?** CATS is the centerpiece of a new, feline-themed blockchain ecosystem. This unique project blends elements of NFTs, gaming, and decentralized finance (DeFi) to offer users an engaging digital experience. The project's goal is to draw in crypto enthusiasts with interactive and rewarding adventures in the digital realm. **What's Next for CATS?** - **Initial Volatility:** Expect significant price swings as the market adjusts to CATS. Over time, these fluctuations may stabilize as trading patterns become more established. - **Project Development:** The future value of CATS will depend on the project's ability to deliver on its promises. Regular updates, successful launches, and reaching milestones will be essential to maintaining investor confidence. - **Market Adoption:** As more users and developers join the CATS ecosystem, demand for the token could increase. Building a strong community and expanding the token’s utility could lead to significant price growth. - **Overall Market Trends:** The broader crypto market will also impact CATS’s price. In a bullish market, CATS could see growth, while a bearish market might present challenges. **Conclusion** The CATS airdrop has brought the token into the spotlight, but early trading remains volatile due to market speculation. For those interested in CATS, it's important to stay informed about the project's progress, monitor market trends, and be prepared for potential price fluctuations. As the project gains traction, the token's value may stabilize, setting the stage for future growth. #catslisting #CatsAirdrops #CATSONBINANCE
**CATS Token Airdrop Captivates the Crypto Community**
Note. link in first comment . enjoy 😊😊
The recent CATS token airdrop has created a stir within the crypto community. Airdrops are a common strategy for new blockchain projects to distribute tokens and gain early traction. By offering free tokens, the CATS project aims to attract a large user base and kickstart trading activity.

**What is the CATS Token?**

CATS is the centerpiece of a new, feline-themed blockchain ecosystem. This unique project blends elements of NFTs, gaming, and decentralized finance (DeFi) to offer users an engaging digital experience. The project's goal is to draw in crypto enthusiasts with interactive and rewarding adventures in the digital realm.

**What's Next for CATS?**

- **Initial Volatility:** Expect significant price swings as the market adjusts to CATS. Over time, these fluctuations may stabilize as trading patterns become more established.
- **Project Development:** The future value of CATS will depend on the project's ability to deliver on its promises. Regular updates, successful launches, and reaching milestones will be essential to maintaining investor confidence.
- **Market Adoption:** As more users and developers join the CATS ecosystem, demand for the token could increase. Building a strong community and expanding the token’s utility could lead to significant price growth.
- **Overall Market Trends:** The broader crypto market will also impact CATS’s price. In a bullish market, CATS could see growth, while a bearish market might present challenges.


The CATS airdrop has brought the token into the spotlight, but early trading remains volatile due to market speculation. For those interested in CATS, it's important to stay informed about the project's progress, monitor market trends, and be prepared for potential price fluctuations. As the project gains traction, the token's value may stabilize, setting the stage for future growth.

#catslisting #CatsAirdrops #CATSONBINANCE
**Exciting News for $DOGS!** We're excited to share that $DOGS is expanding its ecosystem through new partnerships with leading blockchain projects. These collaborations will introduce innovative features and integrations, making $DOGS more versatile and valuable. Keep an eye out as these partnerships roll out and transform the DOGS token. Be sure to visit our profile to cast your vote and join us on this journey! #DOGSONBINANCE #dogsrock #DOGS迷因币 $DOGS {spot}(DOGSUSDT)
**Exciting News for $DOGS !**

We're excited to share that $DOGS is expanding its ecosystem through new partnerships with leading blockchain projects. These collaborations will introduce innovative features and integrations, making $DOGS more versatile and valuable.

Keep an eye out as these partnerships roll out and transform the DOGS token. Be sure to visit our profile to cast your vote and join us on this journey!
How and when to take profits in crypto? 💸 Profit-taking depends on your financial situation. If you have debts, take profits ASAP to pay them off. If you’re financially stable, you can stay invested longer and take on more risk. In a bull market, take profits gradually as prices rise. Watch market sentiment and sell when everyone is overly optimistic. Alternatively, wait for a clear top and sell a significant portion after the trend shows weakness 📉 If you have a financial goal, sell when you reach it. Achieve your target first, then consider holding the rest of the assets to increase the potential upside. 🧠 Use intuition and sell when you feel most euphoric about gains, for example, sharing screenshots of your profits with friends is a clear signal that it's time to derisk. There’s no universal strategy. Tailor your profit-taking to your unique situation and adjust as needed to avoid future regret. Most people who 100-1000x their portfolio fail at taking profits and end up with (if lucky) 50% of that 🤷‍♀️ #CryptoMarketMoves #BNBChainMemecoins #DOGSONBINANCE
How and when to take profits in crypto? 💸

Profit-taking depends on your financial situation. If you have debts, take profits ASAP to pay them off. If you’re financially stable, you can stay invested longer and take on more risk.

In a bull market, take profits gradually as prices rise. Watch market sentiment and sell when everyone is overly optimistic. Alternatively, wait for a clear top and sell a significant portion after the trend shows weakness 📉

If you have a financial goal, sell when you reach it. Achieve your target first, then consider holding the rest of the assets to increase the potential upside.

🧠 Use intuition and sell when you feel most euphoric about gains, for example, sharing screenshots of your profits with friends is a clear signal that it's time to derisk.

There’s no universal strategy. Tailor your profit-taking to your unique situation and adjust as needed to avoid future regret.

Most people who 100-1000x their portfolio fail at taking profits and end up with (if lucky) 50% of that 🤷‍♀️
#CryptoMarketMoves #BNBChainMemecoins #DOGSONBINANCE
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