Binance Square
I have created my own indicator based on accumulation/distribution concept which helps me to be ahead of other traders and predict tmarket movement precisely
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$DOGE ir bullish {spot}(DOGEUSDT) Es uzskatu, ka $DOGE ir ļoti tuvu rallija sākumam 
$DOGE ir bullish
Es uzskatu, ka $DOGE ir ļoti tuvu rallija sākumam 
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Vairāku laika periodu analīze Kā es publicēju 22. jūnijā, BTC pieaugs un, tā kā 2 un 4 stundu skaļums bija vājš, bija sagaidāms, ka tas atkal samazināsies Kā redzams diagrammā, BTC samazinājās, kad apjoms samazinājās arī 30 un 1 stundas diagrammās. BTC nepalielināsies, kamēr apjoms nepārsniegs cenu visos laika periodos, un tas ir tas, ko es gaidu Pozitīvi ir tas, ka lielā starpība starp apjomu un cenu, kas bija redzama 4 stundu diagrammā, sāka sarukt #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀#btcupdates2024#Write2Earn!
$BTC Vairāku laika periodu analīze

Kā es publicēju 22. jūnijā, BTC pieaugs un, tā kā 2 un 4 stundu skaļums bija vājš, bija sagaidāms, ka tas atkal samazināsies

Kā redzams diagrammā, BTC samazinājās, kad apjoms samazinājās arī 30 un 1 stundas diagrammās.

BTC nepalielināsies, kamēr apjoms nepārsniegs cenu visos laika periodos, un tas ir tas, ko es gaidu

Pozitīvi ir tas, ka lielā starpība starp apjomu un cenu, kas bija redzama 4 stundu diagrammā, sāka sarukt

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀#btcupdates2024#Write2Earn!
$BTC Multi Timeframes Analysis {spot}(BTCUSDT) on June 19 I got signal on 30 min time, then price rose to 66500, now I am getting signal on 30 & 60 min charts I know volume still lower than price in 2 hours & 4 hours charts, however I am expecting a rise #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024 #Write2Earn!
$BTC Multi Timeframes Analysis

on June 19 I got signal on 30 min time, then price rose to 66500, now I am getting signal on 30 & 60 min charts

I know volume still lower than price in 2 hours & 4 hours charts, however I am expecting a rise

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024 #Write2Earn!
$BTC  Market Sentiment {spot}(BTCUSDT) Excatly as I posed on June 18 & 19 when I said BTC will clear 66000 but before it will clrear this level it might drop for further accumulation, now I can see bullish order blocks on 1 & 2 & 4 hours charts at 64700 Now what you think about the second half of my prediction? do you believe BTC will drop from 66500/67400 or rally will contiue ? #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
$BTC  Market Sentiment

Excatly as I posed on June 18 & 19 when I said BTC will clear 66000 but before it will clrear this level it might drop for further accumulation, now I can see bullish order blocks on 1 & 2 & 4 hours charts at 64700

Now what you think about the second half of my prediction? do you believe BTC will drop from 66500/67400 or rally will contiue ?

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
$BTC Market Sentiment Now as I posted few hours back BTC started to show some momentum on lower timeframes I hope it is not just a retracement to test 65500/66000 and drops once again since this would be very bad sign, 64000 might not hold and price would drop to 61000 On the positive side ,for the first time in the last few days I see bullish order block on 30min chart at 64500, so it is not bad sign if BTC drops to this level for further accumulation before it tries to clear 66000 I know it might be too early to talk about reversal and rally, however I tend to believe BTC might clear 66000 and rise to 66500/67400, most probably it might fail to clear this level and drop once again, hopefully in the next cycle BTC will get more strength Let us wait and see ! #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
$BTC Market Sentiment

Now as I posted few hours back BTC started to show some momentum on lower timeframes

I hope it is not just a retracement to test 65500/66000 and drops once again since this would be very bad sign, 64000 might not hold and price would drop to 61000

On the positive side ,for the first time in the last few days I see bullish order block on 30min chart at 64500, so it is not bad sign if BTC drops to this level for further accumulation before it tries to clear 66000

I know it might be too early to talk about reversal and rally, however I tend to believe BTC might clear 66000 and rise to 66500/67400, most probably it might fail to clear this level and drop once again, hopefully in the next cycle BTC will get more strength

Let us wait and see !

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Vai tas ir atpakaļgaitas signāls $BTC ?

Man nav jāpārtraucas, bet tas ir labs signāls

Kā es rakstīju pirms es pērku, kad man rodas bullish apjoma atšķirības un pārdodu, kad man ir lācīgs apjoms

Es ceru, ka mēs redzēsim kaut ko līdzīgu nevis 30 minūšu diagrammā, bet gan augstākā laika posmā

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai tas ir atpakaļgaitas signāls $BTC ? {spot}(BTCUSDT) Man nav jāpārtraucas, bet tas ir labs signāls Kā es rakstīju pirms es pērku, kad man rodas bullish apjoma atšķirības un pārdodu, kad man ir lācīgs apjoms Es ceru, ka mēs redzēsim kaut ko līdzīgu nevis 30 minūšu diagrammā, bet gan augstākā laika posmā #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Vai tas ir atpakaļgaitas signāls $BTC ?

Man nav jāpārtraucas, bet tas ir labs signāls

Kā es rakstīju pirms es pērku, kad man rodas bullish apjoma atšķirības un pārdodu, kad man ir lācīgs apjoms

Es ceru, ka mēs redzēsim kaut ko līdzīgu nevis 30 minūšu diagrammā, bet gan augstākā laika posmā

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Cenu atjauninājums Apjoms joprojām ir zems lielos laika periodos ja mēs neredzētu pirkšanas spiedienu, lai aizstāvētu pašreizējo līmeni, 64500 varētu nenoturēties un cena varētu nokrist līdz 62200/60200 Pozitīvi ir tas, ka zemākos laika periodos es redzu bullish apjoma novirzes, ja tas darbotos, BTC pieaugs līdz 66/67 un varētu liecināt par agrīnu apvērsuma signālu #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
$BTC Cenu atjauninājums

Apjoms joprojām ir zems lielos laika periodos

ja mēs neredzētu pirkšanas spiedienu, lai aizstāvētu pašreizējo līmeni, 64500 varētu nenoturēties un cena varētu nokrist līdz 62200/60200

Pozitīvi ir tas, ka zemākos laika periodos es redzu bullish apjoma novirzes, ja tas darbotos, BTC pieaugs līdz 66/67 un varētu liecināt par agrīnu apvērsuma signālu

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ceru, ka tirgotāji pievērsīs uzmanību, kad es 12. jūnijā brīdināju par $BTC testēšanu 70, jo tas bija galvenais bullish vai lācīgā noskaņojuma līmenis! {spot}(BTCUSDT) #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Ceru, ka tirgotāji pievērsīs uzmanību, kad es 12. jūnijā brīdināju par $BTC testēšanu 70, jo tas bija galvenais bullish vai lācīgā noskaņojuma līmenis!

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Vai $BTC — kāpjošs vai lācīgs?

Skatieties uzmanīgi 70100, tas ir līmenis noteiks, vai BTC ir bullish vai lācīgs

Ļaujiet man paskaidrot, kā darbojas mans indikators

ja mans indikators dod signālu noteiktā līmenī, tam ir 2 nozīmes, vai tas tiks pārbaudīts un nokritīs vēlreiz, vai arī tas ir uzkrāšanās līmenis un zem šī līmeņa ir lāču lamatas

Tagad apskatiet 15min diagrammu, kurā es saņēmu signālu uz 67300, kas šobrīd ir apstiprināts, savukārt 4 stundas man deva signālu uz 70100, kuru es gaidu.

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Are you surprised with $BTC rise and drop? I am not ! I posted today 2 important posts First was about the rise to 70 with 2 possible scenarios retest and drop or huge rally ahead and second was about low volume on higher timeframes But before we deep dive in the analysis, why I got signal on 70 , simply because there was a surge in volume cause volume to diverge with price How to know if the surge in volume was buy or sell is tricky question, simply by the pattern follows the drop If market start to accumulate heavily on 66 then price would rise and break 70 and even 74, here my second post comes in place when I posted there is low volume on higher timeframes which means market isn’t ready for the rally yet and I hoped if the market would drop for further accumulation to get more strength, however whales decided to drive the price up without accumulation which made believe they are still distributing and they need to sell as much as they can on 70 level to maximize their profit Unfortunately people don’t like fact and analysis, when I wrote simple post about possible future rally I got 48k views and when I stated important facts people just ignore  Good luck with your trading. #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Are you surprised with $BTC rise and drop? I am not !

I posted today 2 important posts

First was about the rise to 70 with 2 possible scenarios retest and drop or huge rally ahead and second was about low volume on higher timeframes

But before we deep dive in the analysis, why I got signal on 70 , simply because there was a surge in volume cause volume to
diverge with price

How to know if the surge in volume was buy or sell is tricky question, simply by the pattern follows the drop

If market start to accumulate heavily on 66 then price would rise and break 70 and even 74, here my second post comes in place when I posted there is low volume on higher timeframes which means market isn’t ready for the rally yet and I hoped if the market would drop for further accumulation to get more strength, however whales decided to drive the price up without accumulation which made believe they are still distributing and they need to sell as much as they can on 70 level to maximize their profit

Unfortunately people don’t like fact and analysis, when I wrote simple post about possible future rally I got 48k views and when I stated important facts people just ignore

 Good luck with your trading.

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai $BTC — kāpjošs vai lācīgs? Skatieties uzmanīgi 70100, tas ir līmenis noteiks, vai BTC ir bullish vai lācīgs Ļaujiet man paskaidrot, kā darbojas mans indikators ja mans indikators dod signālu noteiktā līmenī, tam ir 2 nozīmes, vai tas tiks pārbaudīts un nokritīs vēlreiz, vai arī tas ir uzkrāšanās līmenis un zem šī līmeņa ir lāču lamatas Tagad apskatiet 15min diagrammu, kurā es saņēmu signālu uz 67300, kas šobrīd ir apstiprināts, savukārt 4 stundas man deva signālu uz 70100, kuru es gaidu. #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Vai $BTC — kāpjošs vai lācīgs?

Skatieties uzmanīgi 70100, tas ir līmenis noteiks, vai BTC ir bullish vai lācīgs

Ļaujiet man paskaidrot, kā darbojas mans indikators

ja mans indikators dod signālu noteiktā līmenī, tam ir 2 nozīmes, vai tas tiks pārbaudīts un nokritīs vēlreiz, vai arī tas ir uzkrāšanās līmenis un zem šī līmeņa ir lāču lamatas

Tagad apskatiet 15min diagrammu, kurā es saņēmu signālu uz 67300, kas šobrīd ir apstiprināts, savukārt 4 stundas man deva signālu uz 70100, kuru es gaidu.

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Cenas atjauninājums Lielākos laika periodos skaļums joprojām ir vājš, tāpēc es uzskatu, ka ir divi iespējamie scenāriji Pirmais BTC var pieaugt līdz 68500 vai 69200 un pēc tam atkal samazināties, lai turpinātu uzkrāšanos Otrais BTC, kas tagad jānomet turpmākai uzkrāšanai #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
$BTC Cenas atjauninājums

Lielākos laika periodos skaļums joprojām ir vājš, tāpēc es uzskatu, ka ir divi iespējamie scenāriji

Pirmais BTC var pieaugt līdz 68500 vai 69200 un pēc tam atkal samazināties, lai turpinātu uzkrāšanos

Otrais BTC, kas tagad jānomet turpmākai uzkrāšanai

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Signāls {spot}(BTCUSDT) Kā redzat 15 min grafikā, BTC sāka pieaugt vakar, kad apjoms "sarkanā līnija" šķērsoja virs cenas "zilās līnijas" Tad pie 67200 apjoms vājinājās un noslīdēja zem cenas, tāpēc cenai nācās 2 reizes nolaisties līdz tādam pašam cenu līmenim, līdz apjoms kārtējo reizi pārsniedza cenu, tad cena var pieaugt Mans indikators vienmēr darbojas šādā veidā, es gaidu, lai redzētu, ka tas pats notiek arī augstākos laika periodos #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
$BTC Signāls

Kā redzat 15 min grafikā, BTC sāka pieaugt vakar, kad apjoms "sarkanā līnija" šķērsoja virs cenas "zilās līnijas"

Tad pie 67200 apjoms vājinājās un noslīdēja zem cenas, tāpēc cenai nācās 2 reizes nolaisties līdz tādam pašam cenu līmenim, līdz apjoms kārtējo reizi pārsniedza cenu, tad cena var pieaugt

Mans indikators vienmēr darbojas šādā veidā, es gaidu, lai redzētu, ka tas pats notiek arī augstākos laika periodos

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
When $XRP will explode ? {spot}(XRPUSDT) XRP has the most manipulated accumulation curve I have ever seen in any coin even BTC Whales are just keep accumulating from last year without any significant rise When whales will stop accumulating and drive the price up unless they have a different plan to just keep accumulating more and more at 0.4 & 0.5, then price will rally more than any one could possibly think #Xrp🔥🔥 #XRPGoal #xrpsucess  
When $XRP will explode ?

XRP has the most manipulated accumulation curve I have ever seen in any coin even BTC

Whales are just keep accumulating from last year without any significant rise

When whales will stop accumulating and drive the price up unless they have a different plan to just keep accumulating more and more at 0.4 & 0.5, then price will rally more than any one could possibly think

#Xrp🔥🔥 #XRPGoal #xrpsucess
$BTC Update {spot}(BTCUSDT) Although I am intraday trader and I don't use 12 hour chart so much, below chart made me optimistic on BTC , since this is the first time since May 1st volume crosses price on 12 hour chart cross happened at 70200, what doesn it mean ? Based on my experience with my indicator there are 2 scenarios whether this is the level to be tested once BTC starts to rise or this is where a bullish order block to be placed and whatever drop below this level is 100% bear trap It will be more clear in the coming few days #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
$BTC Update

Although I am intraday trader and I don't use 12 hour chart so much, below chart made me optimistic on BTC , since this is the first time since May 1st volume crosses price on 12 hour chart

cross happened at 70200, what doesn it mean ?

Based on my experience with my indicator there are 2 scenarios whether this is the level to be tested once BTC starts to rise or this is where a bullish order block to be placed and whatever drop below this level is 100% bear trap

It will be more clear in the coming few days

#bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
$PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT) Why $PEPE rises today more than 6%? It is so simple because volume is stronger than price on the 1 hour chart, then you can buy the dip and you are 100% sure there is a rise However you need to bear in mind this rise could be just retracement, that's why you have to wait for confirmation on higher timeframes like 8 and 12 hours #PepeCoinToTheMoon #pepe⚡ #PEPE_EXPERT #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀

Why $PEPE rises today more than 6%?

It is so simple because volume is stronger than price on the 1 hour chart, then you can buy the dip and you are 100% sure there is a rise
However you need to bear in mind this rise could be just retracement, that's why you have to wait for confirmation on higher timeframes like 8 and 12 hours

#PepeCoinToTheMoon #pepe⚡ #PEPE_EXPERT #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀
$BTC Price Update {spot}(BTCUSDT) Some traders didn't believe me when I said in my previous post I knew yesterday that 69 wouldn't hold Here what I saw when volume was much weaker than price in 30 & 60 min charts Same as it is happening now which makes believe BTC might retrace right now unless I see surge in volume #BTC #bitcoin #Bitcoin❗ #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024
$BTC Price Update

Some traders didn't believe me when I said in my previous post I knew yesterday that 69 wouldn't hold

Here what I saw when volume was much weaker than price in 30 & 60 min charts

Same as it is happening now which makes believe BTC might retrace right now unless I see surge in volume

#BTC #bitcoin #Bitcoin❗ #BTC#btcupdates2024
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