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DeXe Protocol
An innovative infrastructure for creating and governing DAOs. 50plus smart contracts for your web3 product. Create your DAO through easy interface on
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Daudzi DAO cīnās ar zemu aktivitāti stimulu nelīdzsvarotības dēļ⚖️ DeXe stimulu sistēma veicina iesaistīšanos, atalgojot dalībniekus par ierosināšanu, balsošanu un izpildi. Aptverot laiku, zināšanas un maksas, tas pasīvos īpašniekus pārvērš par aktīvu kopienu, atbrīvojot DAO pilnu jaudu💪
Daudzi DAO cīnās ar zemu aktivitāti stimulu nelīdzsvarotības dēļ⚖️

DeXe stimulu sistēma veicina iesaistīšanos, atalgojot dalībniekus par ierosināšanu, balsošanu un izpildi. Aptverot laiku, zināšanas un maksas, tas pasīvos īpašniekus pārvērš par aktīvu kopienu, atbrīvojot DAO pilnu jaudu💪
Skatīt oriģinālu
Galvenie DeXe atjauninājumi un jaunumi, kurus, iespējams, esat palaidis garām 🚀 ✅ DeXe dalībnieki piedalījās#TOKEN2049Singapūrā, un @DxDmytro uzstājās VC<>Startup Connect. ✅ DeXe protokols Twitter ir sasniedzis vairāk nekā 300 tūkstošus sekotāju 💪 ✅ Nākamās paaudzes memecoin palaišanas bloks GraFun piedzīvoja iespaidīgu debiju, iepazīstinot ar Fair Curve palaišanas modeli, ko atbalsta DeXe tehnoloģija. ✅#DeXeplatformā tika izveidoti vairāk nekā 30 jauni#memecoin#DAO ✅ Kopējā bloķētā vērtība (TVL) DeXe protokolā ir palielinājusies par vairāk nekā 50 miljoniem USD 24 stundu laikā Gaidāmas vēl daudz aizraujošākas ziņas. Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem! 🔥
Galvenie DeXe atjauninājumi un jaunumi, kurus, iespējams, esat palaidis garām 🚀

✅ DeXe dalībnieki piedalījās#TOKEN2049Singapūrā, un @DxDmytro uzstājās VC<>Startup Connect.
✅ DeXe protokols Twitter ir sasniedzis vairāk nekā 300 tūkstošus sekotāju 💪
✅ Nākamās paaudzes memecoin palaišanas bloks GraFun piedzīvoja iespaidīgu debiju, iepazīstinot ar Fair Curve palaišanas modeli, ko atbalsta DeXe tehnoloģija.
✅#DeXeplatformā tika izveidoti vairāk nekā 30 jauni#memecoin#DAO
✅ Kopējā bloķētā vērtība (TVL) DeXe protokolā ir palielinājusies par vairāk nekā 50 miljoniem USD 24 stundu laikā

Gaidāmas vēl daudz aizraujošākas ziņas. Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem! 🔥
Skatīt oriģinālu
📜 Mēs sarīkojām vēl vienu DAO Chronicles Twitter vietu, lai apskatītu galvenās ziņas un priekšlikumus DAO pasaulē. Interesantas ziņas no paša DeXe, ENS DAO, priekšlikumi no lietvārdiem DAO un paša Vitalika ideja. Iedziļināsimies īsā kopsavilkumā! 👇
📜 Mēs sarīkojām vēl vienu DAO Chronicles Twitter vietu, lai apskatītu galvenās ziņas un priekšlikumus DAO pasaulē. Interesantas ziņas no paša DeXe, ENS DAO, priekšlikumi no lietvārdiem DAO un paša Vitalika ideja. Iedziļināsimies īsā kopsavilkumā! 👇
Skatīt oriģinālu
Fair memecoin palaišanas platformā Grafun mugurkauls ir DeXe DAO infrastruktūra, kas nodrošina drošu līdzekļu pārvaldību🔒 un sniedz sabiedrībai patiesu balsi🗣 projektu veidošanā. Spēcīgas mēmu kopienas + stabili DAO ietvari = ideāls pamats ilgtspējīgai izaugsmei🌱🚀
Fair memecoin palaišanas platformā Grafun mugurkauls ir DeXe DAO infrastruktūra, kas nodrošina drošu līdzekļu pārvaldību🔒 un sniedz sabiedrībai patiesu balsi🗣 projektu veidošanā.

Spēcīgas mēmu kopienas + stabili DAO ietvari = ideāls pamats ilgtspējīgai izaugsmei🌱🚀
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚀 Karstākās mēmu monētas veido DAO! Kāpēc? Tas ir vienkārši — DAO apvieno kopienas, palielina pārredzamību un aicina fanus sniegt patiesu ieguldījumu. Tas viss ir saistīts ar decentralizētiem lēmumiem, dalītu varu un kolektīvu izaugsmi. Panākumi ir sabiedrības virzīti! 💪
🚀 Karstākās mēmu monētas veido DAO! Kāpēc? Tas ir vienkārši — DAO apvieno kopienas, palielina pārredzamību un aicina fanus sniegt patiesu ieguldījumu. Tas viss ir saistīts ar decentralizētiem lēmumiem, dalītu varu un kolektīvu izaugsmi. Panākumi ir sabiedrības virzīti! 💪
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔈Nākamā DAO Chronicles būs piektdien, 4. oktobrī plkst. 9:00 UTC. 🔗 💡@DavidKieve un @Naomi_fromhh apspriedīs jaunāko DAO statistiku, ziņas un priekšlikumus. ✅ Vitaliks piedāvā metriku, lai saskaņotu ekosistēmu projektus ar Ethereum ✅GraFun izlaiž nākamās paaudzes memecoins ar DAO, ko atbalsta DeXe tehnoloģija ✅ ENS DAO labi maksā advokātiem, un tai ir interesanta priekšlikuma obligācijas ideja ✅ Sandbox’s invaliditātes iniciatīva neatstāj iespaidu uz tās padomi ✅ Lietvārdi būvē skolu Ugandā un skaisti dokumentē to Pievienojies mums piektdien un sazinies ar jaunāko DAO pasaulē!🔥
🔈Nākamā DAO Chronicles būs piektdien, 4. oktobrī plkst. 9:00 UTC.

💡@DavidKieve un @Naomi_fromhh apspriedīs jaunāko DAO statistiku, ziņas un priekšlikumus.

✅ Vitaliks piedāvā metriku, lai saskaņotu ekosistēmu projektus ar Ethereum
✅GraFun izlaiž nākamās paaudzes memecoins ar DAO, ko atbalsta DeXe tehnoloģija
✅ ENS DAO labi maksā advokātiem, un tai ir interesanta priekšlikuma obligācijas ideja
✅ Sandbox’s invaliditātes iniciatīva neatstāj iespaidu uz tās padomi
✅ Lietvārdi būvē skolu Ugandā un skaisti dokumentē to

Pievienojies mums piektdien un sazinies ar jaunāko DAO pasaulē!🔥
Skatīt oriģinālu
DeXe protokols Twitter ir sasniedzis 300 000 sekotāju! 🚀 Paldies, ka esat daļa no mūsu ceļojuma. Vēl daudz kas gaidāms – sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem!✨
DeXe protokols Twitter ir sasniedzis 300 000 sekotāju! 🚀

Paldies, ka esat daļa no mūsu ceļojuma. Vēl daudz kas gaidāms – sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem!✨
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚀 Sagatavojieties izpētīt GraFun un DeXe godīgo līkni! 🎥 Noskatieties šo padziļināto video par to, kā tas novērš paklāju vilkšanu, nodrošina caurspīdīgumu un sniedz sabiedrībai kontroli pār galvenajiem lēmumiem, pārveidojot#memecoinpalaišanu. 🔗Skaties šeit 👇
🚀 Sagatavojieties izpētīt GraFun un DeXe godīgo līkni! 🎥 Noskatieties šo padziļināto video par to, kā tas novērš paklāju vilkšanu, nodrošina caurspīdīgumu un sniedz sabiedrībai kontroli pār galvenajiem lēmumiem, pārveidojot#memecoinpalaišanu.

🔗Skaties šeit 👇
🚀 How GraFun+DeXe Tech Transforming Memecoin Launches with Fair Curve 🔎Every token launched on GraFun using the Fair Curve model, after reaching liquidity milestone lists on @PancakeSwap, automatically forming a DAO in #DeXe, locking 42.5%+ of the supply in the treasury from day one. 🌐Community-powered governance gives holders full control over marketing, incentives, listings, and development decisions.
🚀 How GraFun+DeXe Tech Transforming Memecoin Launches with Fair Curve

🔎Every token launched on GraFun using the Fair Curve model, after reaching liquidity milestone lists on @PancakeSwap, automatically forming a DAO in #DeXe, locking 42.5%+ of the supply in the treasury from day one.

🌐Community-powered governance gives holders full control over marketing, incentives, listings, and development decisions.
🎤Last week, @YuliWho @dp_carib @katerinabohlec combined for perhaps the most fun and dynamic panel of the year, talking about even more use cases for AI in DAOs than in our previous panel on this topic. Specifically, we mused on:🧵
🎤Last week, @YuliWho @dp_carib @katerinabohlec combined for perhaps the most fun and dynamic panel of the year, talking about even more use cases for AI in DAOs than in our previous panel on this topic. Specifically, we mused on:🧵
Skatīt oriģinālu
💥 Jaunie memecoin DAO pieņēma pirmos priekšlikumus DeXe platformā un izdalīja pirmās pārvaldības balvas! Ko tas nozīmē $DEXE turētājiem? 💎DeXe iekasē maksu no visām platformā izplatītajām atlīdzībām un žetonu pārdošanas apjomiem, kas nonāk DeXe DAO kasē. Tas stiprina DeXe protokolu un gūst labumu jums visiem, dekseri! ⚡️
💥 Jaunie memecoin DAO pieņēma pirmos priekšlikumus DeXe platformā un izdalīja pirmās pārvaldības balvas!

Ko tas nozīmē $DEXE turētājiem? 💎DeXe iekasē maksu no visām platformā izplatītajām atlīdzībām un žetonu pārdošanas apjomiem, kas nonāk DeXe DAO kasē.

Tas stiprina DeXe protokolu un gūst labumu jums visiem, dekseri! ⚡️
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚀 DeXe pirmā diena memecoin gadatirgū vietnē @BNBChain bija ļoti veiksmīga! Tikai 24 stundu laikā: 🏛 Izveidoti 30 jauni DAO 💰 +50 M TVL DeXe protokolā ✅ Pirmie#memecoin#DAO priekšlikumi, kurus jau apstiprinājuši biedri 🎁 Dalībniekiem tiek sadalītas balvas par balsošanu 🏦 DeXe DAO sāk ģenerēt nodevas Valsts kasē Un tas ir tikai sākums! Sabiedrības enerģija ir 🔥, un vēl ir daudz kas vēl priekšā! 💥
🚀 DeXe pirmā diena memecoin gadatirgū vietnē @BNBChain bija ļoti veiksmīga! Tikai 24 stundu laikā:

🏛 Izveidoti 30 jauni DAO
💰 +50 M TVL DeXe protokolā
✅ Pirmie#memecoin#DAO priekšlikumi, kurus jau apstiprinājuši biedri
🎁 Dalībniekiem tiek sadalītas balvas par balsošanu
🏦 DeXe DAO sāk ģenerēt nodevas Valsts kasē

Un tas ir tikai sākums! Sabiedrības enerģija ir 🔥, un vēl ir daudz kas vēl priekšā! 💥
🚀30 new DAOs launched on DeXe in just one day! This isn’t just numbers—@GraFunmeme's first day is a leap into the future of #memecoins, where the community takes control. Memecoins are evolving into fair, community-driven launches right before our eyes. Join the revolution!🔥
🚀30 new DAOs launched on DeXe in just one day!

This isn’t just numbers—@GraFunmeme's first day is a leap into the future of #memecoins, where the community takes control. Memecoins are evolving into fair, community-driven launches right before our eyes.

Join the revolution!🔥
Skatīt oriģinālu
💡Vai palaidāt garām AMA? DeXers pievienojās @RealFlokiInu, @DWFLabs un @hotdao_, lai apspriestu @GraFunmeme palaišanu un#DeXegalveno lomu tajā. 🎧 Noskatieties pilnu ierakstu un izpētiet Fair Memecoin tehnoloģiju, kas izstrādāta kopā ar GraFun šeit: 🔗 🎙️
💡Vai palaidāt garām AMA? DeXers pievienojās @RealFlokiInu, @DWFLabs un @hotdao_, lai apspriestu @GraFunmeme palaišanu un#DeXegalveno lomu tajā.

🎧 Noskatieties pilnu ierakstu un izpētiet Fair Memecoin tehnoloģiju, kas izstrādāta kopā ar GraFun šeit:

🎙The next DAO Talk is on Thursday, September 26th, 2024 at 17:00 UTC 👉 💡Topic: More AI use cases in DAOs A few weeks back, we had a fascinating discussion with @deeparocks about the role AI can play in DAOs. An hour was enough to just barely scratch the surface. So this time around, we’re bringing an entire panel of different perspectives to really dig into all of the ways AI could impact DAOs and everything adjacent. Join the host and panelists, including: 🔘@katerinabohlec - co-founder of @together_crew 🔘 CEO - Chief Educational Officer, @YuliWho 🔘@dp_carib of @CaribDAO Join and bring questions!🔥
🎙The next DAO Talk is on Thursday, September 26th, 2024 at 17:00 UTC

💡Topic: More AI use cases in DAOs

A few weeks back, we had a fascinating discussion with @deeparocks about the role AI can play in DAOs. An hour was enough to just barely scratch the surface. So this time around, we’re bringing an entire panel of different perspectives to really dig into all of the ways AI could impact DAOs and everything adjacent. Join the host and panelists, including:

🔘@katerinabohlec - co-founder of @together_crew
🔘 CEO - Chief Educational Officer, @YuliWho
🔘@dp_carib of @CaribDAO

Join and bring questions!🔥
🎙The next DAO Talk is on Thursday, September 26th, 2024 at 17:00 UTC 👉 💡Topic: More AI use cases in DAOs A few weeks back, we had a fascinating discussion with @deeparocks about the role AI can play in DAOs. An hour was enough to just barely scratch the surface. So this time around, we’re bringing an entire panel of different perspectives to really dig into all of the ways AI could impact DAOs and everything adjacent. Join the host and panelists, including: 🔘@katerinabohlec - co-founder of @together_crew 🔘Chief Educational Officer, @YuliWho 🔘@dp_carib of @CaribDAO Join and bring questions!🔥
🎙The next DAO Talk is on Thursday, September 26th, 2024 at 17:00 UTC

💡Topic: More AI use cases in DAOs

A few weeks back, we had a fascinating discussion with @deeparocks about the role AI can play in DAOs. An hour was enough to just barely scratch the surface. So this time around, we’re bringing an entire panel of different perspectives to really dig into all of the ways AI could impact DAOs and everything adjacent. Join the host and panelists, including:

🔘@katerinabohlec - co-founder of @together_crew
🔘Chief Educational Officer, @YuliWho
🔘@dp_carib of @CaribDAO

Join and bring questions!🔥
DeXe Partners with GraFun to Revolutionize Memecoin Launches on BNB ChainDeXe, a leading decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) infrastructure provider on BNB Chain, is proud to announce its strategic partnership with GraFun, the fastest-growing memecoin launchpad on BNB Chain. This collaboration introduces GraFun’s Fair Curve model, backed by DeXe’s advanced DAO technology, ensuring more transparent and fair token launches that prioritize long-term community value. GraFun’s rapid growth—gaining over 2 million whitelist registrations and $2.7 million in BNB for GRA farming in just two weeks—highlights the demand for fairer token distribution models. Through this partnership, GraFun aims to create a secure and stable environment for memecoin projects, leveraging DeXe’s robust DAO governance systems. How GraFun’s Fair Curve Works GraFun’s Fair Curve is an innovative bonding curve model designed to address common issues in memecoin launches, such as price manipulation and rug pulls. A portion of tokens purchased during the launch is directed to a DAO Treasury, governed by token holders, reducing the circulating supply and minimizing the risk of sudden price drops after the token sale. Early contributors to the launch receive tokens at a lower price but contribute more to the DAO. As the token sale progresses, the price increases while the share sent to the DAO decreases. This structure discourages rapid sell-offs by whales and bots, ensuring a more stable launch and healthier market dynamics. Once the token is listed on exchanges like PancakeSwap, over 40% of the total token supply remains in the DAO, allowing the community to control liquidity, incentives, and future development. This ensures long-term stability and growth, as tokens are used to benefit the ecosystem, rather than being subject to speculative sales. DeXe’s Role in GraFun’s Success As one of the largest DAO platforms on BNB Chain, with over $450 million in Total Value Locked (TVL), DeXe provides the foundational infrastructure for GraFun’s Fair Curve. The partnership aims to eliminate market manipulation and create a more equitable token distribution process. The collaboration between the development teams of DeXe and GraFun brings a new level of fairness and transparency to the memecoin space. Supported by key partners like Floki, DWF Labs, and Hot Protocol, GraFun is well-positioned to become a leader in the rapidly growing memecoin ecosystem. Executive Perspectives "We’re thrilled to work with GraFun to create a fairer, more transparent meme coin launch process," said DeXe contributor Serhii Kravchenko. “GraFun’s Fair Curve, powered by DeXe’s DAO infrastructure, ensures that token launches are community-driven and secure, offering lasting value to both investors and projects." “DeXe’s DAO technology is a critical component in ensuring the success of our platform,” added BigGra from GraFun. “Our partnership will help us establish new standards of fairness and transparency in the memecoin space, further strengthening our community and market position.” About DeXe DeXe is a leading provider of DAO infrastructure on BNB Chain, with over $450 million in Total Value Locked (TVL). DeXe empowers decentralized governance and community-driven ecosystems, fostering fair and transparent operations. Website: About GraFun GraFun is a next-gen memecoin launchpad on BNB Chain that introduces the Fair Curve model, designed to eliminate price manipulation and rug pulls, ensuring fair and sustainable token launches. Website:

DeXe Partners with GraFun to Revolutionize Memecoin Launches on BNB Chain

DeXe, a leading decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) infrastructure provider on BNB Chain, is proud to announce its strategic partnership with GraFun, the fastest-growing memecoin launchpad on BNB Chain. This collaboration introduces GraFun’s Fair Curve model, backed by DeXe’s advanced DAO technology, ensuring more transparent and fair token launches that prioritize long-term community value.
GraFun’s rapid growth—gaining over 2 million whitelist registrations and $2.7 million in BNB for GRA farming in just two weeks—highlights the demand for fairer token distribution models. Through this partnership, GraFun aims to create a secure and stable environment for memecoin projects, leveraging DeXe’s robust DAO governance systems.
How GraFun’s Fair Curve Works GraFun’s Fair Curve is an innovative bonding curve model designed to address common issues in memecoin launches, such as price manipulation and rug pulls. A portion of tokens purchased during the launch is directed to a DAO Treasury, governed by token holders, reducing the circulating supply and minimizing the risk of sudden price drops after the token sale.
Early contributors to the launch receive tokens at a lower price but contribute more to the DAO. As the token sale progresses, the price increases while the share sent to the DAO decreases. This structure discourages rapid sell-offs by whales and bots, ensuring a more stable launch and healthier market dynamics.
Once the token is listed on exchanges like PancakeSwap, over 40% of the total token supply remains in the DAO, allowing the community to control liquidity, incentives, and future development. This ensures long-term stability and growth, as tokens are used to benefit the ecosystem, rather than being subject to speculative sales.
DeXe’s Role in GraFun’s Success As one of the largest DAO platforms on BNB Chain, with over $450 million in Total Value Locked (TVL), DeXe provides the foundational infrastructure for GraFun’s Fair Curve. The partnership aims to eliminate market manipulation and create a more equitable token distribution process. The collaboration between the development teams of DeXe and GraFun brings a new level of fairness and transparency to the memecoin space.
Supported by key partners like Floki, DWF Labs, and Hot Protocol, GraFun is well-positioned to become a leader in the rapidly growing memecoin ecosystem.
Executive Perspectives "We’re thrilled to work with GraFun to create a fairer, more transparent meme coin launch process," said DeXe contributor Serhii Kravchenko. “GraFun’s Fair Curve, powered by DeXe’s DAO infrastructure, ensures that token launches are community-driven and secure, offering lasting value to both investors and projects."
“DeXe’s DAO technology is a critical component in ensuring the success of our platform,” added BigGra from GraFun. “Our partnership will help us establish new standards of fairness and transparency in the memecoin space, further strengthening our community and market position.”
About DeXe DeXe is a leading provider of DAO infrastructure on BNB Chain, with over $450 million in Total Value Locked (TVL). DeXe empowers decentralized governance and community-driven ecosystems, fostering fair and transparent operations. Website:
About GraFun GraFun is a next-gen memecoin launchpad on BNB Chain that introduces the Fair Curve model, designed to eliminate price manipulation and rug pulls, ensuring fair and sustainable token launches. Website:
💥GraFun x DeXe: Ready to Blast the Memecoin Season on @BNBChain!🚀 Backed by outstanding #DeXe technology, @grafunmeme is set to redefine #memecoin launches with its Fair Curve. This innovative model ensures transparency, prioritizes community interests and drives sustainable value.💎 Read more👇
💥GraFun x DeXe: Ready to Blast the Memecoin Season on @BNBChain!🚀

Backed by outstanding #DeXe technology, @grafunmeme is set to redefine #memecoin launches with its Fair Curve. This innovative model ensures transparency, prioritizes community interests and drives sustainable value.💎

Read more👇
📜 We just held another DAO Chronicles Twitter space to go over the main news in the DAO world. The DAO world is attracting a lot of research and facing many growing pains. Let's dive into a quick recap! 👇
📜 We just held another DAO Chronicles Twitter space to go over the main news in the DAO world. The DAO world is attracting a lot of research and facing many growing pains. Let's dive into a quick recap! 👇
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