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🚀 Iepriekšējo pusi sadalīšanas statistika: ⭐Pirmā sadalīšana uz pusēm: Datums: 29/11/2012Bitcoin cena: 12,25 $Pēc samazinājuma uz pusi cena palika nemainīga 49 dienas, pirms sāka atkal pieaugt.Pirmais maksimums tika sasniegts 2013. gada aprīlī, sasniedzot 259 $ (21 reizi pārsniedzot cenu, samazinoties uz pusi). Otrais maksimums tika sasniegts 2013. gada novembrī plkst. 1163 ASV dolāri (94,9 reizes lielāka par cenu, samazinot uz pusi). ⭐Otrā puse: Datums: 2016. gada 9. septembris Bitcoin cena: 653 $ pēc samazināšanas uz pusi, Bitcoin cena saglabājās nemainīga 4 nedēļas, pēc tam sāka lēnām pieaugt līdz 2017. gada maija sākumam, pēc tam strauji pieauga. Maksimālā vērtība tika sasniegta 2017. gada decembrī, sasniedzot 19 666 $ (30 reizes pārsniedzot cenu, samazinoties uz pusi). ). ⭐Trešā puse: Datums: 12/5/2020 Bitcoin cena: $ 8605 Pēc sadalīšanas uz pusi, Bitcoin cena palika nemainīga 161 dienu. Pirmais maksimums tika sasniegts 2021. gada aprīlī pie $ 64 895. Otrais maksimums tika sasniegts 2021. gada novembrī pie $ 69 000 (8 reizes cena, samazinot uz pusi). ⭐Ceturtā puse: Datums: 20/4/2024Bitcoin cena: 63 821 USD Prognoze: Paredzams, ka Bitcoin cena paliks nemainīga 1-2 mēnešus, pirms atkal pieaugs. Prognoze: Pieņemot, ka cenas pieaugums pēc katra cikla samazināšanas uz pusi ir mazāks par 3 reizēm salīdzinājumā ar iepriekšējo ciklu, mēs iegūstam: 8:3=2,6 reizes. => 63 821 ASV dolāri x 2,6 = 165 934 ASV dolāri. Izmantojot Fibonači paplašinājumu, mums ir sliekšņi 120 000 un 180 000 ASV dolāru apmērā => ņemot viduspunktu starp šiem diviem sliekšņiem, mēs iegūstam cenu aptuveni 150 000 ASV dolāru apmērā. $BTC #BTCHALVING
🚀 Iepriekšējo pusi sadalīšanas statistika:
⭐Pirmā sadalīšana uz pusēm:
Datums: 29/11/2012Bitcoin cena: 12,25 $Pēc samazinājuma uz pusi cena palika nemainīga 49 dienas, pirms sāka atkal pieaugt.Pirmais maksimums tika sasniegts 2013. gada aprīlī, sasniedzot 259 $ (21 reizi pārsniedzot cenu, samazinoties uz pusi). Otrais maksimums tika sasniegts 2013. gada novembrī plkst. 1163 ASV dolāri (94,9 reizes lielāka par cenu, samazinot uz pusi).
⭐Otrā puse:
Datums: 2016. gada 9. septembris Bitcoin cena: 653 $ pēc samazināšanas uz pusi, Bitcoin cena saglabājās nemainīga 4 nedēļas, pēc tam sāka lēnām pieaugt līdz 2017. gada maija sākumam, pēc tam strauji pieauga. Maksimālā vērtība tika sasniegta 2017. gada decembrī, sasniedzot 19 666 $ (30 reizes pārsniedzot cenu, samazinoties uz pusi). ).
⭐Trešā puse:
Datums: 12/5/2020 Bitcoin cena: $ 8605 Pēc sadalīšanas uz pusi, Bitcoin cena palika nemainīga 161 dienu. Pirmais maksimums tika sasniegts 2021. gada aprīlī pie $ 64 895. Otrais maksimums tika sasniegts 2021. gada novembrī pie $ 69 000 (8 reizes cena, samazinot uz pusi).
⭐Ceturtā puse:
Datums: 20/4/2024Bitcoin cena: 63 821 USD
Paredzams, ka Bitcoin cena paliks nemainīga 1-2 mēnešus, pirms atkal pieaugs. Prognoze: Pieņemot, ka cenas pieaugums pēc katra cikla samazināšanas uz pusi ir mazāks par 3 reizēm salīdzinājumā ar iepriekšējo ciklu, mēs iegūstam: 8:3=2,6 reizes.
=> 63 821 ASV dolāri x 2,6 = 165 934 ASV dolāri. Izmantojot Fibonači paplašinājumu, mums ir sliekšņi 120 000 un 180 000 ASV dolāru apmērā => ņemot viduspunktu starp šiem diviem sliekšņiem, mēs iegūstam cenu aptuveni 150 000 ASV dolāru apmērā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
☕ Honkongas apstiprinājums Bitcoin un Ethereum spot ETF Tātad pēc daudzām spekulācijām Honkonga ir oficiāli apstiprinājusi priekšlikumus Bitcoin un Ethereum spot ETF tirdzniecībai. 2024. gada janvārī Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) apstiprināja 11 Bitcoin spot ETF — lēmums tika pasludināts par vēsturisku kriptovalūtu tirgum, jo ​​tas veicināja institucionālo investoru pieplūdumu. Tomēr zaļā gaisma Ethereum spot ETF ASV joprojām tiek gaidīta. Neskatoties uz baumām, kas liecina par SEC apstiprināšanu maijā, iespējamība šķiet zema, jo SEC ir klusējusi par Ethereum spot ETF priekšlikumiem. Honkongas apstiprinājums Bitcoin un Ethereum spot ETF varētu izraisīt vēl vienu izaugsmes spurtu kriptovalūtu tirgū, ko ar nepacietību gaida investori. ASV Bitcoin spot ETF ir bijusi izšķiroša loma, lai BTC sasniegtu visu laiku augstāko līmeni šā gada sākumā, marta sākumā sasniedzot 73 737 USD, ko veicināja pieaugošās kapitāla plūsmas Bitcoin spot ETF. $BTC $ETH #BTCETFSPOT #ETH
☕ Honkongas apstiprinājums Bitcoin un Ethereum spot ETF

Tātad pēc daudzām spekulācijām Honkonga ir oficiāli apstiprinājusi priekšlikumus Bitcoin un Ethereum spot ETF tirdzniecībai.
2024. gada janvārī Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) apstiprināja 11 Bitcoin spot ETF — lēmums tika pasludināts par vēsturisku kriptovalūtu tirgum, jo ​​tas veicināja institucionālo investoru pieplūdumu.
Tomēr zaļā gaisma Ethereum spot ETF ASV joprojām tiek gaidīta. Neskatoties uz baumām, kas liecina par SEC apstiprināšanu maijā, iespējamība šķiet zema, jo SEC ir klusējusi par Ethereum spot ETF priekšlikumiem.
Honkongas apstiprinājums Bitcoin un Ethereum spot ETF varētu izraisīt vēl vienu izaugsmes spurtu kriptovalūtu tirgū, ko ar nepacietību gaida investori.
ASV Bitcoin spot ETF ir bijusi izšķiroša loma, lai BTC sasniegtu visu laiku augstāko līmeni šā gada sākumā, marta sākumā sasniedzot 73 737 USD, ko veicināja pieaugošās kapitāla plūsmas Bitcoin spot ETF.
Skatīt oriģinālu
⭐ Izpilddirektors Aleksandrs Drifuss runāja par ekosistēmas #CHZ pirmo mēmu monētu CHZINU uz X. - #Dogecoin‬⁩ ir parādījis, ko mēmu monētas var sasniegt. CHZINU var darīt to pašu ar spēcīgās Chiliz kopienas atbalstu! - Padarīsim CHZINU par lielāko mēmu monētu sportā kopā!$$ #CHZINU ir pirmā Chiliz ķēdes mēmu monēta CHZINU vāciņa vērtība šobrīd ir 500 000 USD... drīz🚀 $DOGE $CHZ
⭐ Izpilddirektors Aleksandrs Drifuss runāja par ekosistēmas #CHZ pirmo mēmu monētu CHZINU uz X.
- #Dogecoin‬⁩ ir parādījis, ko mēmu monētas var sasniegt. CHZINU var darīt to pašu ar spēcīgās Chiliz kopienas atbalstu!
- Padarīsim CHZINU par lielāko mēmu monētu sportā kopā!$$
#CHZINU ir pirmā Chiliz ķēdes mēmu monēta
CHZINU vāciņa vērtība šobrīd ir 500 000 USD... drīz🚀
Skatīt oriģinālu
☕ Bitcoin Exchange rezerves sasniedz zemāko līmeni kopš 2018. gada aprīļa: ⭐ Galvenie punkti: - BTC maiņas rezerves ir samazinājušās līdz ~2,3 miljoniem BTC, kas ir zemākais līmenis kopš 2018. gada aprīļa. - Ierobežots piedāvājums ārpusbiržas tirgos var izraisīt spēcīgu cenu pieaugumu, ja ETF fondi iegādāsies BTC centralizētās biržās. - Sagatavojieties iespējamai nepastāvībai, jo šī situācija var būtiski ietekmēt tirgu. Diagramma: Glassnode #Btc-halving #bitcoin
☕ Bitcoin Exchange rezerves sasniedz zemāko līmeni kopš 2018. gada aprīļa:

⭐ Galvenie punkti:

- BTC maiņas rezerves ir samazinājušās līdz ~2,3 miljoniem BTC, kas ir zemākais līmenis kopš 2018. gada aprīļa.
- Ierobežots piedāvājums ārpusbiržas tirgos var izraisīt spēcīgu cenu pieaugumu, ja ETF fondi iegādāsies BTC centralizētās biržās.
- Sagatavojieties iespējamai nepastāvībai, jo šī situācija var būtiski ietekmēt tirgu.

Diagramma: Glassnode
#Btc-halving #bitcoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
☕ Eiropa aizliedz maksājumus no pašpārvaldes kriptovalūtas makiem: ⭐Lēmums: - Eiropas Savienība (ES) pieņem likumu, kas aizliedz veikt maksājumus no pašpārvaldes makiem (kur lietotājiem ir savas privātās atslēgas). - Mērķis: identificēt visas personas, kas izmanto kriptovalūtu. ⭐Ierobežojumi: - Kripto maksājumus var veikt tikai ar trešo pušu uzņēmumu, piemēram, biržu, starpniecību. - Ir aizliegti anonīmie kriptovalūtu maksājumi no pašpārvaldes makiem, tostarp mobilajiem, galddatoriem un tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu makiem. ⭐ Izņēmumi: - Regula neietekmē pirkšanu, pārdošanu vai ieguldījumus kriptovalūtās. - Lietotāji joprojām var izmantot pašpārvaldes makus kriptovalūtu glabāšanai. ⭐Papildu noteikumi: - Aizliedz skaidras naudas maksājumus, kas pārsniedz 10 000 eiro. ⭐Iemesls: - ES mērķis ir pastiprināt kontroli pār finanšu darbībām, apkarot nelikumīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizēšanu un teroristu finansēšanu. Ietekme: Regula var ietekmēt kriptovalūtu izmantošanu ikdienas maksājumos. Lietotāji var pāriet uz licencētu kriptovalūtu maksājumu pakalpojumu izmantošanu. Piezīme: Regula joprojām tiek apspriesta un var tikt mainīta. Ir svarīgi uzraudzīt atjauninājumus, lai iegūtu sīkāku informāciju. #hotTrends #cryptonewstoday #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH $XRP
☕ Eiropa aizliedz maksājumus no pašpārvaldes kriptovalūtas makiem:


- Eiropas Savienība (ES) pieņem likumu, kas aizliedz veikt maksājumus no pašpārvaldes makiem (kur lietotājiem ir savas privātās atslēgas).
- Mērķis: identificēt visas personas, kas izmanto kriptovalūtu.


- Kripto maksājumus var veikt tikai ar trešo pušu uzņēmumu, piemēram, biržu, starpniecību.
- Ir aizliegti anonīmie kriptovalūtu maksājumi no pašpārvaldes makiem, tostarp mobilajiem, galddatoriem un tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu makiem.

⭐ Izņēmumi:

- Regula neietekmē pirkšanu, pārdošanu vai ieguldījumus kriptovalūtās.
- Lietotāji joprojām var izmantot pašpārvaldes makus kriptovalūtu glabāšanai.

⭐Papildu noteikumi:

- Aizliedz skaidras naudas maksājumus, kas pārsniedz 10 000 eiro.


- ES mērķis ir pastiprināt kontroli pār finanšu darbībām, apkarot nelikumīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizēšanu un teroristu finansēšanu.


Regula var ietekmēt kriptovalūtu izmantošanu ikdienas maksājumos. Lietotāji var pāriet uz licencētu kriptovalūtu maksājumu pakalpojumu izmantošanu.


Regula joprojām tiek apspriesta un var tikt mainīta. Ir svarīgi uzraudzīt atjauninājumus, lai iegūtu sīkāku informāciju.
#hotTrends #cryptonewstoday #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH $XRP
Skatīt oriģinālu
☕ Bitcoin ETF ieplūde šodien: - Pelēktoņi: šodien pārdoti aptuveni (-170) miljoni. - BlackRock: dati vēl nav pieejami, bet citi fondi šodien ir pieplūduši aptuveni (+100) miljonu apmērā. - Neto plūsma: šobrīd negatīva (-70) miljoni USD. Ja BlackRock ieplūdes pārsniegs šo summu, mums būs vismaz vienu dienu pozitīvas ieplūdes. $BTC $ETH $BNB #Grayscale #BlackRock #Btc-halving
☕ Bitcoin ETF ieplūde šodien:
- Pelēktoņi: šodien pārdoti aptuveni (-170) miljoni.
- BlackRock: dati vēl nav pieejami, bet citi fondi šodien ir pieplūduši aptuveni (+100) miljonu apmērā.
- Neto plūsma: šobrīd negatīva (-70) miljoni USD. Ja BlackRock ieplūdes pārsniegs šo summu, mums būs vismaz vienu dienu pozitīvas ieplūdes.
$BTC $ETH $BNB #Grayscale #BlackRock #Btc-halving
Skatīt oriģinālu
👉 Uz numuru $BTC ir 2 atbalsta zonas, kurām jāpievērš uzmanība ⭐ Piezīme: - Atbalsta zona ir cenu līmenis, pie kura aktīva cenai ir tendence pārstāt kristies un sākt atkal pieaugt. - Atbalsta zona var tikt salauzta, ja pārdošanas spiediens ir pietiekami spēcīgs. - Atbalsta zonu noteikšana var palīdzēt investoriem pieņemt apzinātus pirkšanas un pārdošanas lēmumus. #hotTrends #BTC
👉 Uz numuru $BTC ir 2 atbalsta zonas, kurām jāpievērš uzmanība
⭐ Piezīme:
- Atbalsta zona ir cenu līmenis, pie kura aktīva cenai ir tendence pārstāt kristies un sākt atkal pieaugt.
- Atbalsta zona var tikt salauzta, ja pārdošanas spiediens ir pietiekami spēcīgs.
- Atbalsta zonu noteikšana var palīdzēt investoriem pieņemt apzinātus pirkšanas un pārdošanas lēmumus.

#hotTrends #BTC
$SHIB  Investor Confidence Peaks: Whales Spend Billions For Trillions Of SHIB🔥confidence in Shiba Inu has markedly surged, with high-net-worth investors, often referred to as whales, spending billions of dollars to acquire trillions of tokens, which underscored their strong belief in the potential rebound and long-term value of Shiba Inu, despite the current market challenges. IntoTheBlock, revealed a remarkable 602% increase in net flows from whales, indicating a strategic move by these large-scale investors to capitalize on the dip in anticipation of the Bitcoin Halving event. Last week marked a remarkable period for Shiba Inu, witnessing a jaw-dropping 3,220% increase in net flows from large holders, alongside an additional 9.94 trillion SHIB in the volume of large transactions—defined as those exceeding $10,000. A wallet made headlines by transferring 1 trillion SHIB, valued at approximately $28.84 million, in a single transaction to the cryptocurrency trading platform #hotTrends #SHIBA✅🚀
$SHIB  Investor Confidence Peaks: Whales Spend Billions For Trillions Of SHIB🔥confidence in Shiba Inu has markedly surged, with high-net-worth investors, often referred to as whales, spending billions of dollars to acquire trillions of tokens, which underscored their strong belief in the potential rebound and long-term value of Shiba Inu, despite the current market challenges.
IntoTheBlock, revealed a remarkable 602% increase in net flows from whales, indicating a strategic move by these large-scale investors to capitalize on the dip in anticipation of the Bitcoin Halving event.
Last week marked a remarkable period for Shiba Inu, witnessing a jaw-dropping 3,220% increase in net flows from large holders, alongside an additional 9.94 trillion SHIB in the volume of large transactions—defined as those exceeding $10,000. A wallet made headlines by transferring 1 trillion SHIB, valued at approximately $28.84 million, in a single transaction to the cryptocurrency trading platform
#hotTrends #SHIBA✅🚀
👉 $DEGO Finance is COMING to #Solana : #AI smarts meet #memecoin‬⁩ magic. Get ready to🚀!
👉 $DEGO Finance is COMING to #Solana : #AI smarts meet #memecoin‬⁩ magic.
Get ready to🚀!
Bitcoin miners racing ahead of halving☕ Following the halving event, Bitcoin miners' breakeven point increased from $23,000 to $43,000 USD, prompting them to explore various ways to stay afloat. Bitcoin mining is an energy-intensive process. Miners use specialized computers to validate transactions, create new blocks, and earn rewards in Bitcoin (BTC). However, the blockchain algorithm is designed so that every 210,000 new blocks created, the mining rewards halve. This algorithm is known as Bitcoin halving. It is estimated that this Bitcoin halving event will occur at the end of April. At that time, the block reward will decrease from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC, forcing miners to adapt their strategies to stay profitable. Challenges for miners Data from shows that Bitcoin mining difficulty has continuously reached new highs recently. In the cryptocurrency space, hashrate, also known as the hash rate, represents the computational power of the mining network. Miners use powerful computers to process millions of calculations per second and earn Bitcoin rewards. On March 14th, the Bitcoin network's hashrate reached a historical high of 83.95 exahashes per second (EH/s), a 5.8% increase from the previous peak on February 29th at 79.35 EH/s. forecasts indicate that the difficulty will continue to rise to 84.17 EH/s by March 27th. According to Cointelegraph, the increasing hashrate implies intensified competition among miners. Small miners with weak setups cannot compete at this difficulty level, forcing them to exit the network. Meanwhile, large mining farms also have to invest in new equipment to maintain their advantage. Additionally, there's increasing pressure on electricity costs, the input cost for mining new Bitcoins. However, the upcoming halving event in April poses the biggest challenge. Fred Thiel, CEO of Marathon, one of the largest Bitcoin mining companies in the United States, told Bloomberg: "After halving, some miners will be eliminated from the network when there's no longer profit due to reduced revenue. A simple calculation, if the average breakeven point for the industry is $23,000 per mined Bitcoin, it will increase to about $43,000 after halving." Apart from investing in specialized mining equipment, miners have to balance costs related to electricity, storage, and various other expenses. In late January, research firm Cantor Fitzgerald indicated that at least 11 out of 13 of the largest Bitcoin mining farms are "at risk" after halving. The race to prepare for halving According to Bloomberg, besides smaller miners struggling to balance profitability, large mining farms are frantically racing to expand their operations to offset sudden profit declines after halving. CEO Fred Thiel mentioned that instead of relying solely on external power sources, Marathon has acquired additional large-scale power plants to proactively balance costs. On March 14th, the company purchased a 200-megawatt power plant in Texas for over $87 million. Several months earlier, they also spent $179 million to acquire other energy centers. The company's ownership ratio of energy supply for its mining farms increased from 3% at the end of last year to 53% in three months. Fred Thiel stated: "We will continue to stay in the Bitcoin mining industry. To balance the breakeven point, we need to control mining costs, primarily electricity. In the long run, a stable energy supply will ensure that we maintain a competitive edge over rivals." While some large mining farms seek to reduce electricity costs, others are actively investing in additional specialized equipment. A spokesperson for Core Scientific, one of the largest Bitcoin mining companies in the US, stated that they've acquired the latest Bitcoin S21 machines to "build momentum going into halving." Last week, Cointelegraph reported that Canadian mining company Bitfarms had purchased an additional 28,000 Bitmain T21 machines, 3,888 Bitmain S21 machines, and 740 Bitmain S21 machines, bringing the company's total ASIC count to 51,908 devices. According to Galaxy analysts, after the 2024 halving, about 20% of ASIC machines on the Bitcoin network will become inactive due to insufficient competitiveness. Some mining machines like Bitmain's S9, Canaan's A1066, and MicroBT's M32 will go offline. This is why Bitcoin mining farms must strengthen their new generation mining rigs to enhance competitiveness as halving approaches. $BTC $ETH $SOL #hotTrends #TrendingTopic. #Btc-halving

Bitcoin miners racing ahead of halving

☕ Following the halving event, Bitcoin miners' breakeven point increased from $23,000 to $43,000 USD, prompting them to explore various ways to stay afloat.
Bitcoin mining is an energy-intensive process. Miners use specialized computers to validate transactions, create new blocks, and earn rewards in Bitcoin (BTC). However, the blockchain algorithm is designed so that every 210,000 new blocks created, the mining rewards halve. This algorithm is known as Bitcoin halving.
It is estimated that this Bitcoin halving event will occur at the end of April. At that time, the block reward will decrease from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC, forcing miners to adapt their strategies to stay profitable.
Challenges for miners
Data from shows that Bitcoin mining difficulty has continuously reached new highs recently. In the cryptocurrency space, hashrate, also known as the hash rate, represents the computational power of the mining network. Miners use powerful computers to process millions of calculations per second and earn Bitcoin rewards.
On March 14th, the Bitcoin network's hashrate reached a historical high of 83.95 exahashes per second (EH/s), a 5.8% increase from the previous peak on February 29th at 79.35 EH/s. forecasts indicate that the difficulty will continue to rise to 84.17 EH/s by March 27th.
According to Cointelegraph, the increasing hashrate implies intensified competition among miners. Small miners with weak setups cannot compete at this difficulty level, forcing them to exit the network. Meanwhile, large mining farms also have to invest in new equipment to maintain their advantage. Additionally, there's increasing pressure on electricity costs, the input cost for mining new Bitcoins.
However, the upcoming halving event in April poses the biggest challenge. Fred Thiel, CEO of Marathon, one of the largest Bitcoin mining companies in the United States, told Bloomberg: "After halving, some miners will be eliminated from the network when there's no longer profit due to reduced revenue. A simple calculation, if the average breakeven point for the industry is $23,000 per mined Bitcoin, it will increase to about $43,000 after halving."
Apart from investing in specialized mining equipment, miners have to balance costs related to electricity, storage, and various other expenses. In late January, research firm Cantor Fitzgerald indicated that at least 11 out of 13 of the largest Bitcoin mining farms are "at risk" after halving.
The race to prepare for halving
According to Bloomberg, besides smaller miners struggling to balance profitability, large mining farms are frantically racing to expand their operations to offset sudden profit declines after halving.
CEO Fred Thiel mentioned that instead of relying solely on external power sources, Marathon has acquired additional large-scale power plants to proactively balance costs. On March 14th, the company purchased a 200-megawatt power plant in Texas for over $87 million. Several months earlier, they also spent $179 million to acquire other energy centers. The company's ownership ratio of energy supply for its mining farms increased from 3% at the end of last year to 53% in three months.
Fred Thiel stated: "We will continue to stay in the Bitcoin mining industry. To balance the breakeven point, we need to control mining costs, primarily electricity. In the long run, a stable energy supply will ensure that we maintain a competitive edge over rivals."
While some large mining farms seek to reduce electricity costs, others are actively investing in additional specialized equipment. A spokesperson for Core Scientific, one of the largest Bitcoin mining companies in the US, stated that they've acquired the latest Bitcoin S21 machines to "build momentum going into halving."
Last week, Cointelegraph reported that Canadian mining company Bitfarms had purchased an additional 28,000 Bitmain T21 machines, 3,888 Bitmain S21 machines, and 740 Bitmain S21 machines, bringing the company's total ASIC count to 51,908 devices.
According to Galaxy analysts, after the 2024 halving, about 20% of ASIC machines on the Bitcoin network will become inactive due to insufficient competitiveness. Some mining machines like Bitmain's S9, Canaan's A1066, and MicroBT's M32 will go offline. This is why Bitcoin mining farms must strengthen their new generation mining rigs to enhance competitiveness as halving approaches.
$BTC $ETH $SOL #hotTrends #TrendingTopic. #Btc-halving
👀El Salvador purchases another #Bitcoin(BTC) bringing its total to 5,690 BTC $BTC worth $397 million.
👀El Salvador purchases another #Bitcoin(BTC) bringing its total to 5,690 BTC
$BTC worth $397 million.
⭐ Biggest bull run in crypto history is just getting started. You can make 2-5x with $ETH or $BTC But 100-1000x only possible with #Altcoins2024
⭐ Biggest bull run in crypto history is just getting started.
You can make 2-5x with $ETH or $BTC
But 100-1000x only possible with #Altcoins2024
🚀 Why Did $RAY Price Increase Today? There are several possible reasons for the strong increase in RAY price today (March 16, 2023): 1. Raydium v2 Release: Raydium v2 is a major upgrade to the Raydium decentralized exchange (DEX), bringing many new features and performance improvements. The release of Raydium v2 may have attracted investor attention and led to RAY buying. 2. New Partnerships: Raydium has announced several new partnerships in recent times, including with the Solana Foundation and Serum. These partnerships could help Raydium expand its market share and attract more users, leading to an increase in RAY price. 3. Demand for Solana: Solana is a layer-1 blockchain that is gaining popularity. The increasing use of Solana could lead to higher demand for RAY, the utility token of the Raydium DEX. 4. Market Sentiment: The cryptocurrency market has been trending upwards recently. Positive market sentiment may have led to buying of RAY and other cryptocurrencies. 5. Updates and Events: Raydium has recently announced several new updates and events, including a new RAY staking program and an airdrop campaign. These updates and events may have attracted investor attention and led to RAY buying. Notes: - The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. - Do your own research and analysis before investing in any coin. - There is no guarantee that the RAY price will continue to increase. Good luck! #Ray #hotTrends #BTC‬
🚀 Why Did $RAY Price Increase Today?
There are several possible reasons for the strong increase in RAY price today (March 16, 2023):

1. Raydium v2 Release: Raydium v2 is a major upgrade to the Raydium decentralized exchange (DEX), bringing many new features and performance improvements. The release of Raydium v2 may have attracted investor attention and led to RAY buying.

2. New Partnerships: Raydium has announced several new partnerships in recent times, including with the Solana Foundation and Serum. These partnerships could help Raydium expand its market share and attract more users, leading to an increase in RAY price.

3. Demand for Solana: Solana is a layer-1 blockchain that is gaining popularity. The increasing use of Solana could lead to higher demand for RAY, the utility token of the Raydium DEX.

4. Market Sentiment: The cryptocurrency market has been trending upwards recently. Positive market sentiment may have led to buying of RAY and other cryptocurrencies.

5. Updates and Events: Raydium has recently announced several new updates and events, including a new RAY staking program and an airdrop campaign. These updates and events may have attracted investor attention and led to RAY buying.


- The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile.
- Do your own research and analysis before investing in any coin.
- There is no guarantee that the RAY price will continue to increase.

Good luck!
#Ray #hotTrends #BTC‬
🚀 Which coins will continue to increase in price after $SOL ? It is impossible to predict with certainty which coin will continue to surge after SOL's price increase. However, based on technical analysis and current market trends, some potential coins that could increase in price include: 1. #LTO (LTO Network): LTO is currently showing a strong upward trend with an increase of over 78% in the past 24 hours. LTO is a blockchain platform focused on simplifying business processes and smart contracts. 2. #CHZ (Chiliz): CHZ is the official token of, a platform that allows fans to interact with their favorite sports teams. CHZ could continue to rise due to the growing popularity of and related NFT projects. 3. #Reef (Reef Finance): REEF is a blockchain platform focused on providing interoperability and liquidity for DeFi projects. REEF could continue to rise due to the increasing demand for cross-chain DeFi solutions. 4. #PEOPLE (People): PEOPLE is the official token of the Web 3.0 social network People. PEOPLE could continue to rise due to the growing interest in decentralized social media platforms. 5. #KAVA (Kava): KAVA is a decentralized peer-to-peer lending and borrowing platform. KAVA could continue to rise due to the increasing demand for decentralized financial solutions. Notes: - This list is not investment advice. - Please do your own research and analysis before investing in any coin. - The cryptocurrency market can be highly volatile, so always be cautious and manage your risk well. In addition, you can consider some other factors to assess the potential price increase of coins, including: - Technology and application potential: Does the coin solve any real-world problems? - Development roadmap: What are the development team's plans for the coin in the future? - Community and support: What is the level of interest and participation in the coin from the community? What do you think? Comment below 👇
🚀 Which coins will continue to increase in price after $SOL ?
It is impossible to predict with certainty which coin will continue to surge after SOL's price increase. However, based on technical analysis and current market trends, some potential coins that could increase in price include:

1. #LTO (LTO Network): LTO is currently showing a strong upward trend with an increase of over 78% in the past 24 hours. LTO is a blockchain platform focused on simplifying business processes and smart contracts.

2. #CHZ (Chiliz): CHZ is the official token of, a platform that allows fans to interact with their favorite sports teams. CHZ could continue to rise due to the growing popularity of and related NFT projects.

3. #Reef (Reef Finance): REEF is a blockchain platform focused on providing interoperability and liquidity for DeFi projects. REEF could continue to rise due to the increasing demand for cross-chain DeFi solutions.

4. #PEOPLE (People): PEOPLE is the official token of the Web 3.0 social network People. PEOPLE could continue to rise due to the growing interest in decentralized social media platforms.

5. #KAVA (Kava): KAVA is a decentralized peer-to-peer lending and borrowing platform. KAVA could continue to rise due to the increasing demand for decentralized financial solutions.

- This list is not investment advice.
- Please do your own research and analysis before investing in any coin.
- The cryptocurrency market can be highly volatile, so always be cautious and manage your risk well.

In addition, you can consider some other factors to assess the potential price increase of coins, including:

- Technology and application potential: Does the coin solve any real-world problems?
- Development roadmap: What are the development team's plans for the coin in the future?
- Community and support: What is the level of interest and participation in the coin from the community?

What do you think? Comment below 👇
☕ US prosecutors recommend 40-50 year prison sentence and $11 billion fine for Sam Bankman-Fried Notes: - The 40-50 year sentence is a very high sentence for a cryptocurrency-related crime. - Sam Bankman-Fried can appeal the verdict. - This case is being closely watched by the cryptocurrency community. Additional information: - The sentence was recommended by prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. - Bankman-Fried was convicted of eight counts of fraud and conspiracy in December 2023. - The charges stemmed from the collapse of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, which Bankman-Fried founded and led. - The $11 billion fine is the largest ever sought by the US government in a cryptocurrency case.Bankman-Fried is scheduled to be sentenced on March 28, 2024. #SambankmanFried #hotTrends $BTC $FTT
☕ US prosecutors recommend 40-50 year prison sentence and $11 billion fine for Sam Bankman-Fried

- The 40-50 year sentence is a very high sentence for a cryptocurrency-related crime.
- Sam Bankman-Fried can appeal the verdict.
- This case is being closely watched by the cryptocurrency community.

Additional information:
- The sentence was recommended by prosecutors in the Southern District of New York.
- Bankman-Fried was convicted of eight counts of fraud and conspiracy in December 2023.
- The charges stemmed from the collapse of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, which Bankman-Fried founded and led.
- The $11 billion fine is the largest ever sought by the US government in a cryptocurrency case.Bankman-Fried is scheduled to be sentenced on March 28, 2024.
#SambankmanFried #hotTrends $BTC $FTT
Why is the $BNB increasing in price? 1. High demand for Binance services: Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. The high demand for Binance services, such as trading, staking, and lending, leads to a high demand for BNB, the coin used to pay fees on the exchange. 2. BNB burning mechanism: Binance regularly performs BNB burns, reducing the circulating supply and increasing the value of the coin. The most recent BNB burn took place on March 14, 2024, with over 2 million BNB burned, equivalent to $453 million. 3. Development of Binance Smart Chain: BSC is an Ethereum-compatible blockchain that allows for the creation of smart contracts and development of decentralized applications (dApps). BSC attracts many new projects, driving the demand for BNB to pay for gas fees on the network. 4. Integration of BNB in other projects: BNB is integrated into various other cryptocurrency projects, such as PancakeSwap, Venus Protocol, and Mdex. The use of BNB in these projects helps increase the demand and value of the coin. 5. High demand for cryptocurrency investment: The overall demand for cryptocurrency investment is increasing, leading to price increases for many coins, including BNB. 6. Benefits for BNB holders: Binance regularly holds Launchpool and Launchpad events. The demand for staking BNB to participate in Launchpool and Launchpad leads to an increase in BNB price. Follow me for useful updates every day. Thank you!! 🌹 #hotTrends #bnb $BTC
Why is the $BNB increasing in price?
1. High demand for Binance services:

Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world.
The high demand for Binance services, such as trading, staking, and lending, leads to a high demand for BNB, the coin used to pay fees on the exchange.
2. BNB burning mechanism:

Binance regularly performs BNB burns, reducing the circulating supply and increasing the value of the coin.
The most recent BNB burn took place on March 14, 2024, with over 2 million BNB burned, equivalent to $453 million.
3. Development of Binance Smart Chain:

BSC is an Ethereum-compatible blockchain that allows for the creation of smart contracts and development of decentralized applications (dApps).
BSC attracts many new projects, driving the demand for BNB to pay for gas fees on the network.
4. Integration of BNB in other projects:

BNB is integrated into various other cryptocurrency projects, such as PancakeSwap, Venus Protocol, and Mdex.
The use of BNB in these projects helps increase the demand and value of the coin.
5. High demand for cryptocurrency investment:

The overall demand for cryptocurrency investment is increasing, leading to price increases for many coins, including BNB.
6. Benefits for BNB holders:

Binance regularly holds Launchpool and Launchpad events.
The demand for staking BNB to participate in Launchpool and Launchpad leads to an increase in BNB price.
Follow me for useful updates every day. Thank you!! 🌹
#hotTrends #bnb $BTC
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