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Fani bieži man komentāru apgabalā jautā, kāda ir akciju skatīšanas programmatūra manos videoklipos un attēlos? Tradingview, ir neērti, ja nesaproti angļu valodu, vienkārši izlasi to ķīniešu valodā (Cui Dingmiao) un piespiedu tulkošanu😎 🎈Kā lietot? Tradingview, Binance tirdzniecības saskarne. 2. attēls. Iestatīšanas apmācība mobilajā tālrunī 3. attēls. Iestatīšanas apmācība tīmekļa lapā Faktiski tradingview jau sen bija savienots ar tirdzniecības saskarni. To var uzzināt, vienā solī aplūkojot attēlu. 📌: tīmekļa lapas oficiālā vietne: Ņemiet vērā, ka tīmekļa lapā ir tikai 3 bezmaksas indikatori, un jums ir nepieciešams Ma Lei, lai pievienotu vairākus indikatorus. Tāpēc ir arī panacea coinglass, kas arī ir integrēts ar Tradingview, un jums nav nepieciešams Ma Lei, lai atvērtu neskaitāmus rādītājus. 📌: Visas tradingview akciju apskates programmatūras funkcijas ir integrētas arī uz coinglass. Ir arī likvidācijas diagrammas, finansējuma likmes, likvidācijas dati un virkne tirgū pārbaudītu vēršu un lāču indikatoru, Bitcoin varavīksnes diagrammas, Bitcoin AHR999 rādītāji utt. Ja iesācējs var pilnībā iziet cauri stikla materiāla saturam, jūsu puravi līmenis tiks paaugstināts no bronzas 5 uz sudraba 1. Apakšējā līnija! Protams, ir arī līguma datu integrācijas punkts, kuru visi ignorē: 合约数据库. Pievērsiet uzmanību 4. attēlam. Cik cilvēku ignorē šo dārgumu datubāzi? Protams, es mācīšos no sava brāļa. @CryptoSTAR . Es jums to nedemonstrēšu pa vienam. Visi spekulē ar monētām. Ja jums nav spēcīgas izpētes spējas, noteikti ir grūti nopelnīt naudu, vai ne? Pēc iepriekš minētā satura detalizētas izlasīšanas neaizmirstiet ierasties uz ziņu, lai sniegtu atsauksmes par saviem ieguvumiem. Sekojiet brālim Čī, lai kopīgotu vairāk tirdzniecības satura. #BNB
Fani bieži man komentāru apgabalā jautā, kāda ir akciju skatīšanas programmatūra manos videoklipos un attēlos? Tradingview, ir neērti, ja nesaproti angļu valodu, vienkārši izlasi to ķīniešu valodā (Cui Dingmiao) un piespiedu tulkošanu😎

🎈Kā lietot? Tradingview, Binance tirdzniecības saskarne.

2. attēls. Iestatīšanas apmācība mobilajā tālrunī
3. attēls. Iestatīšanas apmācība tīmekļa lapā
Faktiski tradingview jau sen bija savienots ar tirdzniecības saskarni.

To var uzzināt, vienā solī aplūkojot attēlu.

📌: tīmekļa lapas oficiālā vietne:
Ņemiet vērā, ka tīmekļa lapā ir tikai 3 bezmaksas indikatori, un jums ir nepieciešams Ma Lei, lai pievienotu vairākus indikatorus. Tāpēc ir arī panacea coinglass, kas arī ir integrēts ar Tradingview, un jums nav nepieciešams Ma Lei, lai atvērtu neskaitāmus rādītājus.

Visas tradingview akciju apskates programmatūras funkcijas ir integrētas arī uz coinglass. Ir arī likvidācijas diagrammas, finansējuma likmes, likvidācijas dati un virkne tirgū pārbaudītu vēršu un lāču indikatoru, Bitcoin varavīksnes diagrammas, Bitcoin AHR999 rādītāji utt.

Ja iesācējs var pilnībā iziet cauri stikla materiāla saturam, jūsu puravi līmenis tiks paaugstināts no bronzas 5 uz sudraba 1. Apakšējā līnija!
Protams, ir arī līguma datu integrācijas punkts, kuru visi ignorē: 合约数据库. Pievērsiet uzmanību 4. attēlam. Cik cilvēku ignorē šo dārgumu datubāzi?

Protams, es mācīšos no sava brāļa. @CryptoSTAR-2 . Es jums to nedemonstrēšu pa vienam. Visi spekulē ar monētām. Ja jums nav spēcīgas izpētes spējas, noteikti ir grūti nopelnīt naudu, vai ne?

Pēc iepriekš minētā satura detalizētas izlasīšanas neaizmirstiet ierasties uz ziņu, lai sniegtu atsauksmes par saviem ieguvumiem.

Sekojiet brālim Čī, lai kopīgotu vairāk tirdzniecības satura. #BNB
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tron (TRX) raķešu pagātnes pretestība: kas tālāk? Tron (TRX) ir asarā, pārspējot USD 0,1150 pretestību pret ASV dolāru. Ja TRX apsteidz Bitcoin, vai tas drīz varētu pārsniegt 0,1180 USD? Galvenās iezīmes: - Tron pārtrauc USD 0,1150 pretestību, tirgojoties virs USD 0,1155 un 100 stundu vienkāršo mainīgo vidējo rādītāju. - Bullish tendenču līnijas atbalsts pie $0.1160 TRX/USD stundas diagrammā (Kraken dati). - Potenciālie mērķi: USD 0,1200 un USD 0,1220. Kamēr Bitcoin un Ethereum kritās zem 68 500 USD un 3 750 USD, Trons turējās virs USD 0,1120, pēc tam pieauga par USD 0,1150. TRX pieauga par vairāk nekā 3%, sasniedzot augstāko līmeni USD 0,1170 un stabilizējoties virs 23,6% Fib retracement no USD 0,1102 līdz USD 0,1170. Pašlaik TRX tirgojas virs USD 0,1160 un 100 stundu SMA, ar bullish trenda līniju pie USD 0,1160. Tūlītēja pretestība ir USD 0,1170, ar lielāko pretestību USD 0,1180. Pārtraukums virs USD 0,1200 varētu palielināt TRX līdz USD 0,1225 un, iespējams, USD 0,1320, mērķējot uz USD 0,150. Atbalsta līmeņi: Ja TRX tiek noraidīts par 0,1200 USD, meklējiet atbalstu par USD 0,1160. Galvenie atbalsti ir USD 0,1150 un USD 0,1140, un ir iespējams arī turpmāks mīnuss līdz USD 0,1136. Tehniskie rādītāji: - Ikdienas MACD: straujš impulss. - Ikdienas RSI: virs 50, kas norāda uz stiprumu. Atbalsta zonas: 0,1160 USD, 0,1150 USD, 0,1136 USD. Pretestības zonas: 0,1180 USD, 0,1200 USD, 0,1220 USD. Trona iespaidīgais rallijs to nostāda priekšā citiem altkoiniem. Sekojiet līdzi galvenajiem pretestības līmeņiem, lai novērtētu nākamo lielo kustību. #BTC #bitcoin #BlackRock #altcoins #TRON $TRX
Tron (TRX) raķešu pagātnes pretestība: kas tālāk?
Tron (TRX) ir asarā, pārspējot USD 0,1150 pretestību pret ASV dolāru. Ja TRX apsteidz Bitcoin, vai tas drīz varētu pārsniegt 0,1180 USD?

Galvenās iezīmes:
- Tron pārtrauc USD 0,1150 pretestību, tirgojoties virs USD 0,1155 un 100 stundu vienkāršo mainīgo vidējo rādītāju.
- Bullish tendenču līnijas atbalsts pie $0.1160 TRX/USD stundas diagrammā (Kraken dati).

- Potenciālie mērķi: USD 0,1200 un USD 0,1220.

Kamēr Bitcoin un Ethereum kritās zem 68 500 USD un 3 750 USD, Trons turējās virs USD 0,1120, pēc tam pieauga par USD 0,1150. TRX pieauga par vairāk nekā 3%, sasniedzot augstāko līmeni USD 0,1170 un stabilizējoties virs 23,6% Fib retracement no USD 0,1102 līdz USD 0,1170.

Pašlaik TRX tirgojas virs USD 0,1160 un 100 stundu SMA, ar bullish trenda līniju pie USD 0,1160.

Tūlītēja pretestība ir USD 0,1170, ar lielāko pretestību USD 0,1180. Pārtraukums virs USD 0,1200 varētu palielināt TRX līdz USD 0,1225 un, iespējams, USD 0,1320, mērķējot uz USD 0,150.

Atbalsta līmeņi:
Ja TRX tiek noraidīts par 0,1200 USD, meklējiet atbalstu par USD 0,1160. Galvenie atbalsti ir USD 0,1150 un USD 0,1140, un ir iespējams arī turpmāks mīnuss līdz USD 0,1136.

Tehniskie rādītāji:
- Ikdienas MACD: straujš impulss.
- Ikdienas RSI: virs 50, kas norāda uz stiprumu.
Atbalsta zonas: 0,1160 USD, 0,1150 USD, 0,1136 USD.
Pretestības zonas: 0,1180 USD, 0,1200 USD, 0,1220 USD.
Trona iespaidīgais rallijs to nostāda priekšā citiem altkoiniem. Sekojiet līdzi galvenajiem pretestības līmeņiem, lai novērtētu nākamo lielo kustību.
#BTC #bitcoin #BlackRock #altcoins #TRON $TRX
Binance is going to list IO.Net. Only 15 minutes remaining. If you guys like to trade in this token and want to make money then you may buy this token but do not buy on market price. It may drop to the lowest price then it's listing price. #bitcoin #BTC #BlackRock
Binance is going to list IO.Net. Only 15 minutes remaining.

If you guys like to trade in this token and want to make money then you may buy this token but do not buy on market price.

It may drop to the lowest price then it's listing price.
#bitcoin #BTC #BlackRock
The volume of Bitcoin ETFs surged to the highest level since May 15, according to data from the seven largest ETFs. When such volume spikes occur, there's a higher chance that prices will reverse. This latest surge most likely was a reaction to buying. Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs. #bitcoin #BTC #BlackRock
The volume of Bitcoin ETFs surged to the highest level since May 15, according to data from the seven largest ETFs. When such volume spikes occur, there's a higher chance that prices will reverse. This latest surge most likely was a reaction to buying.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
#bitcoin #BTC #BlackRock
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin fjūčeru atvērtā procentu likme sasniedz jaunu augstāko līmeni: tiek atklāta arbitrāžas stratēģija aiz 36,3 miljardiem USD Bitcoin fjūčeru tirgus nesen sasniedza jaunu visu laiku rekordu, atklātā procentu likme sasniedza satriecošus USD 36,3 miljardus, kas atbilst vairāk nekā 500 000 BTC. Analītiķi teica, ka aiz šīs parādības ir tas, ka tirgotāji izmanto stratēģiju, ko sauc par "naudu un arbitrāžu", lai sasniegtu bezriska peļņu. Saistīts ar skaidras naudas un pārvadāšanas darījumiem Džeimss Čeks, Glassnode galvenais analītiķis, atzīmēja, ka izaugsme ir cieši saistīta ar sarežģītām arbitrāžas operācijām, ko veic institucionālie tirgotāji starp Bitcoin fjūčeru un tūlītējo darījumu tirgiem.

Bitcoin fjūčeru atvērtā procentu likme sasniedz jaunu augstāko līmeni: tiek atklāta arbitrāžas stratēģija aiz 36,3 miljardiem USD

Bitcoin fjūčeru tirgus nesen sasniedza jaunu visu laiku rekordu, atklātā procentu likme sasniedza satriecošus USD 36,3 miljardus, kas atbilst vairāk nekā 500 000 BTC.
Analītiķi teica, ka aiz šīs parādības ir tas, ka tirgotāji izmanto stratēģiju, ko sauc par "naudu un arbitrāžu", lai sasniegtu bezriska peļņu.
Saistīts ar skaidras naudas un pārvadāšanas darījumiem
Džeimss Čeks, Glassnode galvenais analītiķis, atzīmēja, ka izaugsme ir cieši saistīta ar sarežģītām arbitrāžas operācijām, ko veic institucionālie tirgotāji starp Bitcoin fjūčeru un tūlītējo darījumu tirgiem.
Hong Kong spot ETFs lack bank support despite growing institutional interest Key Points - Despite increasing interest from institutional investors, virtual asset spot ETFs in Hong Kong face obstacles due to bank concerns over regulatory risks and shortage of technical talent. - An EY survey shows that institutional investors are showing increasing interest in virtual asset spot ETFs in Hong Kong. - Traditional banks are hesitant to support the ETFs due to regulatory risks of anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations and shortage of technical talent. - Traditional banks lack technical talent to handle virtual asset transactions, resulting in insufficient support for Hong Kong spot ETFs. - Institutional investors expect to increase allocations to virtual assets in the next 2 to 3 years, and large investors may allocate about 1% of their assets to virtual currencies. - Traditional financial institutions are beginning to pay attention to the application of virtual asset technology in payment, settlement and custody services. #bitcoin #BTC #BlackRock #TopCoinsJune2024 #FIT21
Hong Kong spot ETFs lack bank support despite growing institutional interest
Key Points
- Despite increasing interest from institutional investors, virtual asset spot ETFs in Hong Kong face obstacles due to bank concerns over regulatory risks and shortage of technical talent.
- An EY survey shows that institutional investors are showing increasing interest in virtual asset spot ETFs in Hong Kong.

- Traditional banks are hesitant to support the ETFs due to regulatory risks of anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations and shortage of technical talent.

- Traditional banks lack technical talent to handle virtual asset transactions, resulting in insufficient support for Hong Kong spot ETFs.

- Institutional investors expect to increase allocations to virtual assets in the next 2 to 3 years, and large investors may allocate about 1% of their assets to virtual currencies.

- Traditional financial institutions are beginning to pay attention to the application of virtual asset technology in payment, settlement and custody services.
#bitcoin #BTC #BlackRock #TopCoinsJune2024 #FIT21
Morning news from CrypticNews Hub: 1. #Binance CEO: The cycle of disruption in Blockchain and Web3 technologies is accelerating. 2. Etherscan launches new feature for address information exchange in Etherscan Cards browser. 3. UwU Lend attacked, losing $19.3 million. 4. New CEO at io net: Tokens belonging to the former CEO will now be placed in Ceffu with a 1-year selling restriction. 5. Solana Ecosystem Multi-Signature Agreement Squads completes $10 million Series A funding led by Electric Capital. 6. Modular AI blockchain 0G releases testnet Newton v2. 7. DeFi Technologies increases reserve asset volume by 110 BTC, with its stock price rising by over 10% in a day. 8. Bitfarms attempts to prevent hostile takeover by Riot Platforms using a "poison pill" strategy. 9. Sources: #Ethereum spot ETF issuers still await first round of SEC comments on S-1 document, expected this week. 10. Japanese listing company Metaplanet increases assets by 23.35 bitcoins, total assets now approximately 141 bitcoins. 11. io net: Users participating in the Ignition reward program can now receive rewards. 12. Ripple launches new fund to support XRPL innovations in Japan and South Korea. 13. YOLO Games: YOLO LBP prematurely terminated due to Bazaar LBP contract issues, affected users to be refunded. 14. Optimism: Proof of Failure launched on OP Mainnet, and OP Stack achieves first stage of decentralization. 15. Lykke halts trading after suspicious outflow of $22 million, users unable to withdraw assets. 16. Uniswap Labs acquires survival ecosystem game Base - Crypto: The Game.
Morning news from CrypticNews Hub:
1. #Binance CEO: The cycle of disruption in Blockchain and Web3 technologies is accelerating.
2. Etherscan launches new feature for address information exchange in Etherscan Cards browser.
3. UwU Lend attacked, losing $19.3 million.
4. New CEO at io net: Tokens belonging to the former CEO will now be placed in Ceffu with a 1-year selling restriction.
5. Solana Ecosystem Multi-Signature Agreement Squads completes $10 million Series A funding led by Electric Capital.
6. Modular AI blockchain 0G releases testnet Newton v2.
7. DeFi Technologies increases reserve asset volume by 110 BTC, with its stock price rising by over 10% in a day.
8. Bitfarms attempts to prevent hostile takeover by Riot Platforms using a "poison pill" strategy.
9. Sources: #Ethereum spot ETF issuers still await first round of SEC comments on S-1 document, expected this week.
10. Japanese listing company Metaplanet increases assets by 23.35 bitcoins, total assets now approximately 141 bitcoins.
11. io net: Users participating in the Ignition reward program can now receive rewards.
12. Ripple launches new fund to support XRPL innovations in Japan and South Korea.
13. YOLO Games: YOLO LBP prematurely terminated due to Bazaar LBP contract issues, affected users to be refunded.
14. Optimism: Proof of Failure launched on OP Mainnet, and OP Stack achieves first stage of decentralization.
15. Lykke halts trading after suspicious outflow of $22 million, users unable to withdraw assets.
16. Uniswap Labs acquires survival ecosystem game Base - Crypto: The Game.
#TopCoinsJune2024 #Binance will list @ionet ( #IO ) tomorrow at 12:00 UTC or 5:30 pm IST. The IO Ecosystem has experienced significant improvements recently, establishing it as one of the largest DePIN projects in Web3. #BnbAth has reached a new all-time high, undoubtedly thanks to the recently announced Launchpool and #megadrop events. 1. ⁠Head over to the launchpad page 2. You will see IO, click on it. 3. ⁠You have to stake $BNB or $FDUSD in any of the pools to farm $IOTX IONET is a decentralized AI computing and cloud platform. By aggregating GPU resources, it creates an infrastructure that allows machine learning to access unlimited computing power at a fraction of traditional cloud costs. **Investors:** The team has raised $30 million from numerous TIER1 investors. Notable names among the investors include Delphi Digital, Animoca Brands, Multicoin Capital, OKX Ventures, and Solana Ventures. **Price Expectation:** At the time of listing, 95 million IO tokens will enter circulation. Comparing the project to its competitors and previous Binance Launchpool listings, I believe it will easily surpass a market value of $400 million and expect the listing to start at a minimum of $4 per token.

#Binance will list @IO Token ( #IO ) tomorrow at 12:00 UTC or 5:30 pm IST. The IO Ecosystem has experienced significant improvements recently, establishing it as one of the largest DePIN projects in Web3. #BnbAth has reached a new all-time high, undoubtedly thanks to the recently announced Launchpool and #megadrop events.

1. ⁠Head over to the launchpad page

2. You will see IO, click on it.

3. ⁠You have to stake $BNB or $FDUSD in any of the pools to farm $IOTX

IONET is a decentralized AI computing and cloud platform. By aggregating GPU resources, it creates an infrastructure that allows machine learning to access unlimited computing power at a fraction of traditional cloud costs.

The team has raised $30 million from numerous TIER1 investors. Notable names among the investors include Delphi Digital, Animoca Brands, Multicoin Capital, OKX Ventures, and Solana Ventures.

**Price Expectation:**
At the time of listing, 95 million IO tokens will enter circulation. Comparing the project to its competitors and previous Binance Launchpool listings, I believe it will easily surpass a market value of $400 million and expect the listing to start at a minimum of $4 per token.
#BNBUSDT #BNB $BNB Continuing the trading day from the mobile phone. Here's another asset that allows you to earn over 30% from the market with 3 signals using the indicator. It's very convenient: you get a signal, enter the trade, set your take profits and stop loss according to the indicator, and then you can simply wait for the profit. At the moment, I can't respond to comments, so please read my bio in the profile and contact me after reviewing it. I respond quickly to everyone. Start earning profit with our team, which is growing every hour! #bitcoin #BTC #BlackRock
#BNBUSDT #BNB $BNB Continuing the trading day from the mobile phone. Here's another asset that allows you to earn over 30% from the market with 3 signals using the indicator. It's very convenient: you get a signal, enter the trade, set your take profits and stop loss according to the indicator, and then you can simply wait for the profit. At the moment, I can't respond to comments, so please read my bio in the profile and contact me after reviewing it. I respond quickly to everyone. Start earning profit with our team, which is growing every hour!
#bitcoin #BTC #BlackRock
10$ Giveaway For you‌! Let's go Only Followers,,
10$ Giveaway For you‌!
Let's go
Only Followers,,
IF YOU HOLD 10,000,000 SHIB YOU MUST SEE THIS - $SHIB PRICE PREDICTION If you're among the many investors holding 10,000,000 $SHIB the current market dynamics and future price predictions are crucial for your portfolio. Shiba Inu, known for its volatile price movements, has recently seen a significant shift. Currently, the price stands at around 2,846 units, marking a 14% decrease in the last 24 hours. Despite this dip, the token holds a substantial market cap of over $16.4 billion, ranking it 11th globally. What does holding 10,000,000 SHIB mean for you? With the current price, market analysys and recent developments suggest a potential for rebound and growth. Future predictions vary, but many analysts are optimistic. If SHIB recovers to its previous high, your holdings could significantly increase in value. For instance, a return to the 3,500-unit price level would raise the value of your 10,000,000 SHIB to $35,000. Some analysts project even higher peaks, with potential increases up to 5,000 units per SHIB in upcoming bullish scenarios. This would make your holdings worth $50,000, highlighting the importance of market trends and ecosystem developments for your investment. Recent developments, like the SH Name Service and new expression standards, add to the ecosystem's value and could drive up SHIB's price. Wall Street analysts, like Lendon Jones, have noted SHIB's outperformance compared to Bitcoin in the current market, indicating a growing interest and potential for further gains. In conclusion, holding 10,000,000 SHIB in the current market carries risks but also potential rewards. Price predictions suggest a possible increase, making it crucial for holders to stay informed and consider market trends. Remember, these predictions are speculative, and investing in cryptocurrency involves risks. Always conduct thorough research and consider your financial situation before making investment decisions. #SHIBA✅🚀 #SHIBA🔥 #crypto2024! #bitcoin #altcoins
If you're among the many investors holding 10,000,000 $SHIB the current market dynamics and future price predictions are crucial for your portfolio. Shiba Inu, known for its volatile price movements, has recently seen a significant shift.
Currently, the price stands at around 2,846 units, marking a 14% decrease in the last 24 hours. Despite this dip, the token holds a substantial market cap of over $16.4 billion, ranking it 11th globally.
What does holding 10,000,000 SHIB mean for you? With the current price, market analysys and recent developments suggest a potential for rebound and growth.
Future predictions vary, but many analysts are optimistic. If SHIB recovers to its previous high, your holdings could significantly increase in value. For instance, a return to the 3,500-unit price level would raise the value of your 10,000,000 SHIB to $35,000. Some analysts project even higher peaks, with potential increases up to 5,000 units per SHIB in upcoming bullish scenarios. This would make your holdings worth $50,000, highlighting the importance of market trends and ecosystem developments for your investment.
Recent developments, like the SH Name Service and new expression standards, add to the ecosystem's value and could drive up SHIB's price. Wall Street analysts, like Lendon Jones, have noted SHIB's outperformance compared to Bitcoin in the current market, indicating a growing interest and potential for further gains.
In conclusion, holding 10,000,000 SHIB in the current market carries risks but also potential rewards. Price predictions suggest a possible increase, making it crucial for holders to stay informed and consider market trends. Remember, these predictions are speculative, and investing in cryptocurrency involves risks. Always conduct thorough research and consider your financial situation before making investment decisions.
#SHIBA✅🚀 #SHIBA🔥 #crypto2024!
#bitcoin #altcoins
Binance Hits 200 million active users... Here is a little spoken word I wrote🔥 from the visionary insight of one man.. to a dream with a price so high...down the lane of daring vigour willing to sell all he had to pligh on the part he deem bright... Mouth twisting, people cringing, that one with a job paying and career worth feeding will throw it all away, for something ...with backing only in hope Days turn to weeks, and weeks to months ...months to years and years to today...and that vision is 200 million strong. wish Cz was free...we would have been awaked by his resounding twits... But we are sure he is proud what his vision is bringing. congratulations to all of Us binancian @CryptoSTAR Follow for regular crypto updates . #Binance200M #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #Btc #Not
Binance Hits 200 million active users...

Here is a little spoken word I wrote🔥
from the visionary insight of one man..

to a dream with a price so high...down the lane of daring vigour willing to sell all he had to pligh on the part he deem bright...

Mouth twisting, people cringing, that one with a job paying and career worth feeding will throw it all away, for something ...with backing only in hope
Days turn to weeks, and weeks to months ...months to years and years to today...and that vision is 200 million strong.
wish Cz was free...we would have been awaked by his resounding twits...

But we are sure he is proud what his vision is bringing.

congratulations to all of Us binancian
Follow for regular crypto updates .
#Binance200M #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #Btc #Not
🔴 $SOL 𝙐𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚, 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙪𝙢𝙥 🔴 Solana is one of the strongest recovery from the the dump . It down to Around 150$ from the high-170$. But thanks to a great recovery it's well over 160$. > We saw a huge resistance up there and Solana likely break it and that'll be a great bullish case for it. We need more confirmation for long..... 🅃🄴🄲🄷🄰🄽🄳🅃🄸🄿🅂123 #Binance #SolanaUSTD #Solana⁩ #bitcoin #BTC
🔴 $SOL 𝙐𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚, 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙪𝙢𝙥 🔴

Solana is one of the strongest recovery from the the dump . It down to Around 150$ from the high-170$. But thanks to a great recovery it's well over 160$.

> We saw a huge resistance up there and Solana likely break it and that'll be a great bullish case for it. We need more confirmation for long.....
#Binance #SolanaUSTD #Solana⁩ #bitcoin #BTC
🔜Does the opportunity x100 account🚾 #playdoge The Next 100X Meme Coin? Presale Nears $3M with Promising P2E Gaming #PlayDoge (PLAY), the new meme coin project combining cute digital pets and Play-to-Earn rewards, is rapidly gaining traction as its presale nears the $3 million mark, With its unique blend of nostalgic gaming and DeFi utilities, some investors are speculating if PLAY could be the next meme coin to surge 100x Unlike typical meme coins that rely solely on hype, PlayDoge offers an immersive gaming experience where players nurture virtual Doge companions through mini-games and challenges to earn PLAY tokens, These tokens can then be staked to generate passive income with an estimated annual yield of 107% The project has already seen over 176 million PLAY tokens locked up, indicating strong interest in its staking opportunities. Additionally, PlayDoge incorporates elements like leaderboards and competition, adding depth to the gameplay loop With its retro 8-bit graphics, pixel art pets, and side-scrolling mini-games reminiscent of '90s arcades, PlayDoge taps into a nostalgic vibe that resonates with many gamers, This, combined with its actual utility, sets it apart from countless meme coins with no real use case The presale's rapid progress, raising nearly $3 million in just 10 days, showcases the excitement surrounding the project, Early investors can acquire PLAY tokens for just $0,00504 using various cryptocurrencies or fiat While a 100x gain would result in an ambitious $4,7 billion market cap based on PLAY's total supply, the meme coin space has seen stranger successes, If PlayDoge's team can deliver an engaging gaming experience, it could potentially become the next big crypto hit However, as with any investment, caution is advised, and investors should conduct thorough research and manage risks effectively, The project's ability to execute its roadmap and retain user interest will ultimately determine its long-term viability and potential for substantial gains #BTC #bitcoin #altcoins
🔜Does the opportunity x100 account🚾
#playdoge The Next 100X Meme Coin? Presale Nears $3M with Promising P2E Gaming
#PlayDoge (PLAY), the new meme coin project combining cute digital pets and Play-to-Earn rewards, is rapidly gaining traction as its presale nears the $3 million mark, With its unique blend of nostalgic gaming and DeFi utilities, some investors are speculating if PLAY could be the next meme coin to surge 100x
Unlike typical meme coins that rely solely on hype, PlayDoge offers an immersive gaming experience where players nurture virtual Doge companions through mini-games and challenges to earn PLAY tokens, These tokens can then be staked to generate passive income with an estimated annual yield of 107%
The project has already seen over 176 million PLAY tokens locked up, indicating strong interest in its staking opportunities. Additionally, PlayDoge incorporates elements like leaderboards and competition, adding depth to the gameplay loop
With its retro 8-bit graphics, pixel art pets, and side-scrolling mini-games reminiscent of '90s arcades, PlayDoge taps into a nostalgic vibe that resonates with many gamers, This, combined with its actual utility, sets it apart from countless meme coins with no real use case
The presale's rapid progress, raising nearly $3 million in just 10 days, showcases the excitement surrounding the project, Early investors can acquire PLAY tokens for just $0,00504 using various cryptocurrencies or fiat
While a 100x gain would result in an ambitious $4,7 billion market cap based on PLAY's total supply, the meme coin space has seen stranger successes, If PlayDoge's team can deliver an engaging gaming experience, it could potentially become the next big crypto hit
However, as with any investment, caution is advised, and investors should conduct thorough research and manage risks effectively, The project's ability to execute its roadmap and retain user interest will ultimately determine its long-term viability and potential for substantial gains
#BTC #bitcoin #altcoins
Confidential Report: Whale Activity Signals Market Moves in $PEPE ($1.02 Million)! A significant whale transaction occurred 30 minutes ago, with a massive withdrawal of 67 billion PEPE tokens, valued at $1.02 million, from the #OKX. exchange. This maneuver has raised eyebrows in the crypto community, particularly given the investor’s tumultuous history. The individual responsible for this withdrawal is notable for previously suffering a substantial financial loss in $SHIB . During a bullish phase, they acquired 40.9 billion $SHIB tokens for $2.98 million, only to see their investment plummet by 85.5%, resulting in a $2.55 million loss. The sharp decline occurred when the market turned bearish, forcing them to liquidate their holdings at a significant loss. Analyzing the PEPE Move The recent withdrawal indicates that the investor is pivoting towards $PEPE, potentially seeking to recover from their previous losses. However, the question remains whether they can turn their fortunes around this time. The PEPE market has shown volatility, and the investor's ability to navigate these fluctuations will be critical. Market Implications Whale movements often signal broader market trends. This substantial withdrawal could be interpreted as either a vote of confidence in PEPE or a strategic repositioning. Other investors will likely watch closely to gauge potential impacts on PEPE’s price and market sentiment. Conclusion While the whale’s previous experience with SHIB was marked by significant losses, their current strategy with PEPE could present a turnaround opportunity. Success will depend on market conditions and the investor’s timing and strategy. Observers and fellow investors should remain vigilant as this situation unfolds. This information, sourced from Lookonchain, highlights the unpredictable nature of the crypto markets and the high stakes involved for major players. #MtGox #Megadrop #pepe⚡ #altcoins
Confidential Report: Whale Activity Signals Market Moves in $PEPE ($1.02 Million)!

A significant whale transaction occurred 30 minutes ago, with a massive withdrawal of 67 billion PEPE tokens, valued at $1.02 million, from the #OKX. exchange.

This maneuver has raised eyebrows in the crypto community, particularly given the investor’s tumultuous history.

The individual responsible for this withdrawal is notable for previously suffering a substantial financial loss in $SHIB .

During a bullish phase, they acquired 40.9 billion $SHIB tokens for $2.98 million, only to see their investment plummet by 85.5%, resulting in a $2.55 million loss.

The sharp decline occurred when the market turned bearish, forcing them to liquidate their holdings at a significant loss.

Analyzing the PEPE Move
The recent withdrawal indicates that the investor is pivoting towards $PEPE , potentially seeking to recover from their previous losses.

However, the question remains whether they can turn their fortunes around this time.

The PEPE market has shown volatility, and the investor's ability to navigate these fluctuations will be critical.

Market Implications
Whale movements often signal broader market trends.

This substantial withdrawal could be interpreted as either a vote of confidence in PEPE or a strategic repositioning.
Other investors will likely watch closely to gauge potential impacts on PEPE’s price and market sentiment.

While the whale’s previous experience with SHIB was marked by significant losses, their current strategy with PEPE could present a turnaround opportunity.

Success will depend on market conditions and the investor’s timing and strategy.
Observers and fellow investors should remain vigilant as this situation unfolds.

This information, sourced from Lookonchain, highlights the unpredictable nature of the crypto markets and the high stakes involved for major players.
#MtGox #Megadrop #pepe⚡ #altcoins
🚨 BREAKING NEWS! 🚨 🇦🇺 Australia's First #Bitcoin ETF to Start Trading Tomorrow! 📈 The crypto market is bracing for impact as Australia joins the Bitcoin ETF wave! Following the phenomenal success of Bitcoin ETFs in the USA and Hong Kong, Australia’s approval is set to ignite a massive surge in BTC interest and adoption. 🔥 **What Does This Mean?** - **Massive Inflows:** Anticipate a rush of investments as financial entities and retail investors dive into Bitcoin ETFs. - **Supply Shock:** With Bitcoin supply on exchanges at an all-time low, the launch could trigger a significant price spike. - **Bullish Momentum:** Global adoption is growing, and many predict Bitcoin could hit new all-time highs, ranging from $100K to $500K! 💡 **Why Australia?** - **Fast-tracked Approval:** Thanks to new regulations implemented mid-last year, the process was swift. - **Strategic Move:** Learning from the success stories globally, Australia is positioned to capitalize on this momentum. 📅 **Mark Your Calendars:** Australia’s Bitcoin ETFs go live **tomorrow!** 🌐 As the world watches, could this be the trigger for the golden bull run? Let’s see how high Bitcoin and Ethereum will soar in this bullish cycle! 🚀 #Bitcoin #ETF #Australia #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫

🇦🇺 Australia's First #Bitcoin ETF to Start Trading Tomorrow!

📈 The crypto market is bracing for impact as Australia joins the Bitcoin ETF wave! Following the phenomenal success of Bitcoin ETFs in the USA and Hong Kong, Australia’s approval is set to ignite a massive surge in BTC interest and adoption.

🔥 **What Does This Mean?**

- **Massive Inflows:** Anticipate a rush of investments as financial entities and retail investors dive into Bitcoin ETFs.

- **Supply Shock:** With Bitcoin supply on exchanges at an all-time low, the launch could trigger a significant price spike.

- **Bullish Momentum:** Global adoption is growing, and many predict Bitcoin could hit new all-time highs, ranging from $100K to $500K!

💡 **Why Australia?**
- **Fast-tracked Approval:** Thanks to new regulations implemented mid-last year, the process was swift.

- **Strategic Move:** Learning from the success stories globally, Australia is positioned to capitalize on this momentum.

📅 **Mark Your Calendars:**
Australia’s Bitcoin ETFs go live **tomorrow!**

🌐 As the world watches, could this be the trigger for the golden bull run? Let’s see how high Bitcoin and Ethereum will soar in this bullish cycle! 🚀

#Bitcoin #ETF #Australia #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫
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