Binance Square
Crypto MavAli
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WAOW . . . $TAO tikai 6 stundas kopš #LONG pozīcijas atvēršanas
WAOW . . . $TAO

tikai 6 stundas kopš #LONG pozīcijas atvēršanas
Crypto MavAli
$TAO ir tik brīnišķīga monēta. Tirgojieties ilgi vai iegādājieties šo līmeni, tas var dot milzīgu peļņu 🤑
Skatīt oriģinālu
$TAO ir tik brīnišķīga monēta. Tirgojieties ilgi vai iegādājieties šo līmeni, tas var dot milzīgu peļņu 🤑
$TAO ir tik brīnišķīga monēta. Tirgojieties ilgi vai iegādājieties šo līmeni, tas var dot milzīgu peļņu 🤑
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ETHFI $ENA #Longs Pirms 5 dienām, kad visi baidījās no izgāztuves/labošanas, Mēs ievadījām LONG uz 2 monētām; ETHFI & ENA. Abi ieguvēji bija 2024. gada 28. un 29. aprīlī. Visi TP veiksmīgi sasniedza gan SPOT, gan FUTURES. Alhamdulillah!
$ETHFI $ENA #Longs

Pirms 5 dienām, kad visi baidījās no izgāztuves/labošanas, Mēs ievadījām LONG uz 2 monētām; ETHFI & ENA.
Abi ieguvēji bija 2024. gada 28. un 29. aprīlī. Visi TP veiksmīgi sasniedza gan SPOT, gan FUTURES.

Skatīt oriģinālu
@Binance bija lielisks, ātrs un apņēmies nodrošināt patērētāju aizsardzību un godīgu strīdu izšķiršanu #p2p . Ļoti slavējams PROBLĒMA ATRISINĀTA MAN ATMAKSĀJOT pateicoties #Binance Atbalstam
@Binance bija lielisks, ātrs un apņēmies nodrošināt patērētāju aizsardzību un godīgu strīdu izšķiršanu #p2p . Ļoti slavējams

pateicoties #Binance Atbalstam
Crypto MavAli
#p2p #scam uz #Binance

Publicējiet nepatiesas reklāmas un izkrāpiet cilvēkus, lai iegūtu ID kartes, kā arī iesniedziet krāpnieciskas apelācijas pret pircējiem

saskaras ar vienu šādu P2P krāpnieku
Skatīt oriģinālu
#p2p #scam uz #Binance Publicējiet nepatiesas reklāmas un izkrāpiet cilvēkus, lai iegūtu ID kartes, kā arī iesniedziet krāpnieciskas apelācijas pret pircējiem saskaras ar vienu šādu P2P krāpnieku
#p2p #scam uz #Binance

Publicējiet nepatiesas reklāmas un izkrāpiet cilvēkus, lai iegūtu ID kartes, kā arī iesniedziet krāpnieciskas apelācijas pret pircējiem

saskaras ar vienu šādu P2P krāpnieku
Skatīt oriģinālu
@ensdomains #ENS Potenciāli daudzsološs projekts ar izciliem pamatiem. Man jau ir apmēram 3x peļņa, bet neņemu nekādu, bcz šis projekts ir ļoti aktīvs tirgū un tam ir augošs pieprasījums pret piedāvājumu. Tas vēl vairāk virzīs savu cenu uz jauniem maksimumiem, daudzi “X” no pašreizējās cenas 24 $
@ens.eth #ENS

Potenciāli daudzsološs projekts ar izciliem pamatiem. Man jau ir apmēram 3x peļņa, bet neņemu nekādu, bcz šis projekts ir ļoti aktīvs tirgū un tam ir augošs pieprasījums pret piedāvājumu. Tas vēl vairāk virzīs savu cenu uz jauniem maksimumiem, daudzi “X” no pašreizējās cenas 24 $
We're proud to announce that ENS is supporting the International Rescue Committee @RESCUEorg’s humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

This collaboration represents a significant step in leveraging blockchain technology for social good.

To help and make an impact: donate with irc.eth. 🧵

@RESCUEorg and @MedicalAidPal (MAP) are deploying an Emergency Medical Team (EMT) to provide emergency and life-saving medical care, as well as working together to supply essential medical items.
$DOT doing what was expected and as I had published on 01st December 2023 👇 BLESSED FRIDAY TO ALL
$DOT doing what was expected and as I had published on 01st December 2023 👇

Crypto MavAli
[#NFA✅ un #DYOR。 ]

$DOT izskatās gatavs izkausēt sejas un pārsteigt daudzus. Lūk, kāpēc 👇👇👇

1. krītoša ķīļa raksta izlaušanās ar palielinātiem apjomiem.
2. Tas ir izveidojis Trend-Low uz 3 sveces rakstu izlaušanās vietā.
3. RSI rādījumu palielināšana bez lāču novirzēm MACD/RSI.
Crypto MavAli
So, $BTC moved up to $36.8k within few hours of this post, exactly as suggested.
Now, let it retest anywhere between 1.5% to 3% and then we #LONG again . . .
my prime long TP targets are marked at 37.2k - 41k - 43k
let's see how it goes from here
Skatīt oriģinālu
$DOT TA [#NFA✅ un #DYOR。 ] $DOT izskatās gatavs izkausēt sejas un pārsteigt daudzus. Lūk, kāpēc 👇👇👇 1. krītoša ķīļa raksta izlaušanās ar palielinātiem apjomiem. 2. Tas ir izveidojis Trend-Low uz 3 sveces rakstu izlaušanās vietā. 3. RSI rādījumu palielināšana bez lāču novirzēm MACD/RSI.
[#NFA✅ un #DYOR。 ]

$DOT izskatās gatavs izkausēt sejas un pārsteigt daudzus. Lūk, kāpēc 👇👇👇

1. krītoša ķīļa raksta izlaušanās ar palielinātiem apjomiem.
2. Tas ir izveidojis Trend-Low uz 3 sveces rakstu izlaušanās vietā.
3. RSI rādījumu palielināšana bez lāču novirzēm MACD/RSI.
$BTC NEXT MOVE . . . 32k or 38k ? ? ? at 35k, the #BTC is 3000$ away from both 32k 38k. this 4h chart highlights both targets. Tell me which one comes 1st and why ? ? ? ***correct guess + valid reasons = Reward***
$BTC NEXT MOVE . . . 32k or 38k ? ? ?

at 35k, the #BTC is 3000$ away from both 32k 38k. this 4h chart highlights both targets.

Tell me which one comes 1st and why ? ? ?

***correct guess + valid reasons = Reward***
$BTC 4H breaks support trend. 👀 $36.4k is RED LINE FOR BULLS, otherwise we go down to $33k - $31k
$BTC 4H breaks support trend. 👀
$36.4k is RED LINE FOR BULLS, otherwise we go down to $33k - $31k
So, $BTC moved up to $36.8k within few hours of this post, exactly as suggested. Now, let it retest anywhere between 1.5% to 3% and then we #LONG again . . . my prime long TP targets are marked at 37.2k - 41k - 43k let's see how it goes from here
So, $BTC moved up to $36.8k within few hours of this post, exactly as suggested.
Now, let it retest anywhere between 1.5% to 3% and then we #LONG again . . .
my prime long TP targets are marked at 37.2k - 41k - 43k
let's see how it goes from here
Crypto MavAli
$BTC #bearish ? 👇👇

while everyone was going #bearish , some were entering #LongsON and got rewarded for going against sentiments . . .

"Unpredictability" is the true "Prediction" of the #Crypto market

again you are #bearish just bcz you see $BTC charts indicating $34700 ?

$BTC #bearish ? 👇👇 while everyone was going #bearish , some were entering #LongsON and got rewarded for going against sentiments . . . "Unpredictability" is the true "Prediction" of the #Crypto market again you are #bearish just bcz you see $BTC charts indicating $34700 ? #NFA #DYOR。
$BTC #bearish ? 👇👇

while everyone was going #bearish , some were entering #LongsON and got rewarded for going against sentiments . . .

"Unpredictability" is the true "Prediction" of the #Crypto market

again you are #bearish just bcz you see $BTC charts indicating $34700 ?

Alhamdulillah ! # Almost 2x on my investment in Just 7 days Trading Session with 9 Longs & 2 Shorts #WAGMI #BBW2023 #BTC $SOL $LINK $BNB #Qtum $XRP $MATIC $ETC $CAKE
Alhamdulillah !
Almost 2x on my investment

in Just 7 days Trading Session

with 9 Longs & 2 Shorts

$BTC #Sniper it was a quick decision of #SHORT #sniper entry and look where we are in only 3 hours of patience . . .
$BTC #Sniper

it was a quick decision of #SHORT #sniper entry and look where we are in only 3 hours of patience . . .
$CAKE definitely a good investment especially after addition of new feature. supply diminishing to increase value. Could easily do 3-5 X from its bottom, reaching 3$-5$ within November. #DYOR。 #NFA🔴
$CAKE definitely a good investment especially after addition of new feature. supply diminishing to increase value. Could easily do 3-5 X from its bottom, reaching 3$-5$ within November.

X mucaN
Would you consider $CAKE a good investment for the next Bull Run?

Following the launch of a new feature on the platform, decentralized exchange PancakeSwap ($CAKE ) has experienced a substantial price surge over the past day.

Currently trading at $1.57, $CAKE has witnessed a 29% increase in value in the last 24 hours. Additionally, the token has shown a 31% gain over the course of the past week.

This recent surge closely follows the introduction of PancakeSwap's new Position Manager tool earlier this week. This feature empowers users to deposit funds into a vault, which are then automatically assigned to liquidity pools for yield farming.

In a blog post, the PancakeSwap team highlighted that the Position Manager enhances capital utilization by automating liquidity provisioning. According to the developers, this automation should enable users to achieve higher yields compared to manual yield farming.

Initially, the new utility supports stablecoin USDT, along with BNB, Bitcoin (BTC), and Ethereum (ETH). PancakeSwap is further incentivizing the use of the Position Manager by offering increased CAKE rewards over the first four weeks.

As the second-largest decentralized exchange by daily trading volumes, PancakeSwap's latest feature release appears to be well-received by investors. The platform has witnessed a surge in usage in recent months amid the flourishing defi sector.

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