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Bitboy B
Passionate about all things tech and crypto. Exploring the endless possibilities of blockchain and decentralization.
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Vaļu uzkrāšanās dzirksteles optimismu PEPE cenu rallijam: Nozīmīgā kustībā kriptovalūtas valis no Binance ir ieguvis gandrīz 1,2 triljonus Pepe (PEPE) monētu, kuru vērtība ir 14,74 miljoni ASV dolāru. Šis liela mēroga pirkums notiek laikā, kad PEPE ikmēneša cena ir ievērojami samazinājusies, tādējādi radot jaunas cerības uz iespējamu ralliju. Vaļa masveida uzkrāšanās ir piesaistījusi plašākas kriptovalūtas kopienas uzmanību, jo ķēdē pieejamie dati liecina, ka pirkums tika veikts ar vaļa adresi 0x835678a6 2. jūnijā. Neskatoties uz cenu kritumu par 20% pēdējā mēneša laikā, šis solis ir izraisījis optimismu par vardes tēmas mēmu monētas turpmākās cenu izmaiņas.

Vaļu uzkrāšanās dzirksteles optimismu PEPE cenu rallijam:

Nozīmīgā kustībā kriptovalūtas valis no Binance ir ieguvis gandrīz 1,2 triljonus Pepe (PEPE) monētu, kuru vērtība ir 14,74 miljoni ASV dolāru. Šis liela mēroga pirkums notiek laikā, kad PEPE ikmēneša cena ir ievērojami samazinājusies, tādējādi radot jaunas cerības uz iespējamu ralliju.
Vaļa masveida uzkrāšanās ir piesaistījusi plašākas kriptovalūtas kopienas uzmanību, jo ķēdē pieejamie dati liecina, ka pirkums tika veikts ar vaļa adresi 0x835678a6 2. jūnijā. Neskatoties uz cenu kritumu par 20% pēdējā mēneša laikā, šis solis ir izraisījis optimismu par vardes tēmas mēmu monētas turpmākās cenu izmaiņas.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bull Run: vai esat gatavs? Kripto kopienas rosība ir jūtama. Visi runā par vēršu skrējienu un to, kā tas var padarīt jūs bagātu, ja turēsities. Bet vai tas tiešām ir tik vienkārši? Lai gan kriptovalūtu turēšana patiešām var radīt bagātību, ir ļoti svarīgi izprast tirgus ciklus, lai izvairītos no nejaušības. Tirgus ir neprognozējams, un cenas var strauji svārstīties. Bitcoin ($ BTC) varētu sasniegt USD 100 000, Wrapped IOTA ($ WIF) varētu sasniegt USD 10, un Solana ($ SOL) varētu sasniegt USD 500. Tomēr šīs pašas monētas dažu dienu laikā var nokrist pat par 50%. Turēt kriptovalūtu akli un bez stratēģijas nozīmē zaudēt peļņu, kad tas ir nepieciešams. Peļņas iegūšanas māksla ir tas, kas atšķir veiksmīgos tirgotājus. Daži cilvēki ir turējuši mēmu monētas no USD 100 līdz USD 3000, lai tikai noskatītos, kā tās nokrīt līdz USD 0. Neļaujiet tam būt jums! Ir svarīgi būt informētam un pielāgot savu stratēģiju atbilstoši tirgus apstākļiem. Nākamajā ierakstā mēs iedziļināsimies kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības pasaulē, daloties ar vērtīgām atziņām un padomiem, kas palīdzēs jums orientēties tirgū kā profesionālim. Sekojiet līdzi! Atcerieties: Izpratne par tirgus cikliem un stratēģijas ieviešana ir panākumu atslēga kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībā. Neaizmirstiet — esiet informēts un pielāgojieties tirgus kāpumiem un kritumiem. #TipMeAndRich #Wtite2Earn #altcoins #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
Bull Run: vai esat gatavs?

Kripto kopienas rosība ir jūtama. Visi runā par vēršu skrējienu un to, kā tas var padarīt jūs bagātu, ja turēsities. Bet vai tas tiešām ir tik vienkārši? Lai gan kriptovalūtu turēšana patiešām var radīt bagātību, ir ļoti svarīgi izprast tirgus ciklus, lai izvairītos no nejaušības.

Tirgus ir neprognozējams, un cenas var strauji svārstīties. Bitcoin ($ BTC) varētu sasniegt USD 100 000, Wrapped IOTA ($ WIF) varētu sasniegt USD 10, un Solana ($ SOL) varētu sasniegt USD 500. Tomēr šīs pašas monētas dažu dienu laikā var nokrist pat par 50%. Turēt kriptovalūtu akli un bez stratēģijas nozīmē zaudēt peļņu, kad tas ir nepieciešams.

Peļņas iegūšanas māksla ir tas, kas atšķir veiksmīgos tirgotājus. Daži cilvēki ir turējuši mēmu monētas no USD 100 līdz USD 3000, lai tikai noskatītos, kā tās nokrīt līdz USD 0. Neļaujiet tam būt jums! Ir svarīgi būt informētam un pielāgot savu stratēģiju atbilstoši tirgus apstākļiem.

Nākamajā ierakstā mēs iedziļināsimies kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības pasaulē, daloties ar vērtīgām atziņām un padomiem, kas palīdzēs jums orientēties tirgū kā profesionālim. Sekojiet līdzi!


Izpratne par tirgus cikliem un stratēģijas ieviešana ir panākumu atslēga kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībā. Neaizmirstiet — esiet informēts un pielāgojieties tirgus kāpumiem un kritumiem.

#TipMeAndRich #Wtite2Earn #altcoins #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sarkanais brīdinājums#ETHFIturētājiem! 🚨 Cena ir brīvā kritienā, nokrītot zem galvenajiem līmeņiem bez atbalsta. Tas pat var sasniegt savu biržas cenu. Pagaidīsim tirgus apvērsumu, pirms prognozēsim atveseļošanos. Sekojiet līdzi diagrammām! 📈 #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading #VanEck_SOL_ETFS
Sarkanais brīdinājums#ETHFIturētājiem! 🚨

Cena ir brīvā kritienā, nokrītot zem galvenajiem līmeņiem bez atbalsta. Tas pat var sasniegt savu biržas cenu.
Pagaidīsim tirgus apvērsumu, pirms prognozēsim atveseļošanos.

Sekojiet līdzi diagrammām! 📈

#MiCA #IntroToCopytrading #VanEck_SOL_ETFS
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨 Brīdinājums par vēršu skriešanu! 🚨 Pēc vairāku analītiķu domām, $FLOKI gatavojas milzīgam uzplaukumam! Šis memecoin, kuru iedvesmojis Īlona Maska Shiba Inu suns Floki, ir misija apvienot mēmu kultūru ar reālu lietderību. Ar pašreizējo spēcīgo izaugsmi un šodienas tirgus atveseļošanos $FLOKI tirgojas par USD 0,00017765. Es esmu ļoti bullish par šo vienu! Mēmu monētu nākotne izskatās gaiša! Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo aizraujošo projektu! #IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #CPIAlert #BinanceTrendingTokens
🚨 Brīdinājums par vēršu skriešanu! 🚨

Pēc vairāku analītiķu domām, $FLOKI gatavojas milzīgam uzplaukumam! Šis memecoin, kuru iedvesmojis Īlona Maska Shiba Inu suns Floki, ir misija apvienot mēmu kultūru ar reālu lietderību.
Ar pašreizējo spēcīgo izaugsmi un šodienas tirgus atveseļošanos $FLOKI tirgojas par USD 0,00017765. Es esmu ļoti bullish par šo vienu! Mēmu monētu nākotne izskatās gaiša!
Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo aizraujošo projektu!

#IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #CPIAlert #BinanceTrendingTokens
FET's price action is hinting at a potential turning point! The chart's falling channel is still in play, but the gray support area is providing a safety net. A bounce from here could signal a reversal, while a breakdown may lead to further losses. Stay alert, traders! #FET
FET's price action is hinting at a potential turning point!

The chart's falling channel is still in play, but the gray support area is providing a safety net.

A bounce from here could signal a reversal, while a breakdown may lead to further losses.

Stay alert, traders! #FET
BONK Price Surges 10% in 24 Hours with $500 Million Volume: Can It Dethrone Shiba Inu? In a surprising turn of events, BONK has bucked the trend of declining meme coin prices, rising an impressive 10.35% in the past 24 hours while its peers fell 1.4%. This remarkable growth comes on the heels of a 19.28% increase last week, a stark contrast to Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) losses. Despite a 20.27% loss last month, BONK's trading volume has skyrocketed 99.02% in the past 24 hours, signaling a potential resurgence. Can BONK surpass Shiba Inu's dominance? Technical analysis suggests further upside potential. BONK is approaching a retest of the $0.00002568 support level, and a decisive rebound could signal a strong upward trend. The relative strength index (RSI) has dropped to 55, indicating a temporary slowdown from overbought to steady conditions. Wider patterns suggest a strengthening long-term trend, with the 30-day moving average rising sharply above the 200-day moving average. While short-term momentum is strong, fundamentals will likely drive long-term growth. As traders seek meme currencies with genuine utility, not just popularity, can BONK challenge Shiba Inu's dominance? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting development!
BONK Price Surges 10% in 24 Hours with $500 Million Volume: Can It Dethrone Shiba Inu?

In a surprising turn of events, BONK has bucked the trend of declining meme coin prices, rising an impressive 10.35% in the past 24 hours while its peers fell 1.4%. This remarkable growth comes on the heels of a 19.28% increase last week, a stark contrast to Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) losses.

Despite a 20.27% loss last month, BONK's trading volume has skyrocketed 99.02% in the past 24 hours, signaling a potential resurgence. Can BONK surpass Shiba Inu's dominance?

Technical analysis suggests further upside potential. BONK is approaching a retest of the $0.00002568 support level, and a decisive rebound could signal a strong upward trend. The relative strength index (RSI) has dropped to 55, indicating a temporary slowdown from overbought to steady conditions.

Wider patterns suggest a strengthening long-term trend, with the 30-day moving average rising sharply above the 200-day moving average. While short-term momentum is strong, fundamentals will likely drive long-term growth.

As traders seek meme currencies with genuine utility, not just popularity, can BONK challenge Shiba Inu's dominance? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting development!
The Sleeping Giant of Crypto: $PEPE Don't be fooled by its current price - $PEPE has the potential to shock the crypto world! With a deflationary model burning coins with each transaction, the supply is dwindling fast. Remember when Bitcoin was just $0.00099? Look at it now! $PEPE has the same potential for growth. Don't miss out on this opportunity! #PEPE_TO_THE_MOON #CRYPTO_GEM $PEPE_EXPERT
The Sleeping Giant of Crypto: $PEPE

Don't be fooled by its current price - $PEPE has the potential to shock the crypto world! With a deflationary model burning coins with each transaction, the supply is dwindling fast.

Remember when Bitcoin was just $0.00099? Look at it now! $PEPE has the same potential for growth. Don't miss out on this opportunity!



My favorite coin, $QI ! I'm patiently waiting for this coin to reach new heights.🚀 $1 and beyond, here we come! Who's with me? #QI #CryptoEnthusiast
My favorite coin, $QI ! I'm patiently waiting for this coin to reach new heights.🚀

$1 and beyond, here we come! Who's with me?

#QI #CryptoEnthusiast
Oil King Pepe: The Next Big Thing in Memecoins?In the world of cryptocurrency, memecoins have been making waves lately, with coins like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Bonk (BONK), and Dogecoin (DOGE) seeing astronomical returns. Now, a new player has entered the scene: Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE). Astronomical Returns Ahead? Early investors in OILPEPE are poised to make huge returns, with predictions suggesting a surge of over 18,000% in the coming days. This is largely due to the coin's upcoming listing on KuCoin, one of the largest centralized exchanges in the world. With millions of new investors able to buy OILPEPE easily, the potential for growth is vast. Market Cap Soars: In just 24 hours, OILPEPE's market cap rallied over 12,400% to reach $7.5 million. Predictions suggest it will hit a $60 million market cap in a matter of days. With a current market cap of $7.5 million and over $104,000 in locked liquidity, the upside potential is huge. How to Buy OILPEPE: Currently, OILPEPE can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges like Jupiter and Raydium. To buy OILPEPE, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallet and swap Solana for OILPEPE by entering its contract address: GRUCh82C2aUXo2487mNWJx92s5K26pCtZp8HF47ZZAkc. Don't Miss Out: Early investors in SHIB, DOGE, and BONK saw returns they never thought possible. Now, OILPEPE presents a similar opportunity. Don't miss your chance.

Oil King Pepe: The Next Big Thing in Memecoins?

In the world of cryptocurrency, memecoins have been making waves lately, with coins like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Bonk (BONK), and Dogecoin (DOGE) seeing astronomical returns. Now, a new player has entered the scene: Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE).
Astronomical Returns Ahead?
Early investors in OILPEPE are poised to make huge returns, with predictions suggesting a surge of over 18,000% in the coming days. This is largely due to the coin's upcoming listing on KuCoin, one of the largest centralized exchanges in the world. With millions of new investors able to buy OILPEPE easily, the potential for growth is vast.
Market Cap Soars:
In just 24 hours, OILPEPE's market cap rallied over 12,400% to reach $7.5 million. Predictions suggest it will hit a $60 million market cap in a matter of days. With a current market cap of $7.5 million and over $104,000 in locked liquidity, the upside potential is huge.
How to Buy OILPEPE:
Currently, OILPEPE can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges like Jupiter and Raydium. To buy OILPEPE, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallet and swap Solana for OILPEPE by entering its contract address: GRUCh82C2aUXo2487mNWJx92s5K26pCtZp8HF47ZZAkc.
Don't Miss Out:
Early investors in SHIB, DOGE, and BONK saw returns they never thought possible. Now, OILPEPE presents a similar opportunity. Don't miss your chance.
Breaking: US Spot Bitcoin ETFs Surge with $130M Net Inflows, Highest in 3 Weeks! In a remarkable display of investor confidence, US Spot Bitcoin ETFs have witnessed a staggering $130 million in net inflows, marking the highest surge in the past three weeks! This significant milestone underscores the growing interest and acceptance of cryptocurrency among traditional investors, signaling a broader recognition of digital assets as a viable investment option. Yesterday's impressive inflow into Bitcoin ETFs is a testament to the increasing mainstream appeal of cryptocurrency. As institutional investors continue to flock to the crypto market, it's clear that Bitcoin is gaining traction in traditional financial circles. The substantial investment in $BTC ETFs suggests a growing appetite for digital assets, paving the way for a promising future in the crypto space. The crypto market's recent signs of recovery, coupled with increased institutional interest, are fueling the momentum behind Bitcoin's growth. As the pioneer cryptocurrency continues to attract significant attention, it's evident that the digital currency is solidifying its position in mainstream finance. This development is a resounding vote of confidence in the potential of cryptocurrency, and we can expect to see further growth and adoption in the days to come. The future looks bright for Bitcoin and other digital assets, and we're excited to see how this momentum shapes the crypto landscape! Key Takeaways: - US Spot Bitcoin ETFs saw a record $130 million in net inflows, the highest in three weeks. - This surge reflects growing interest and confidence in cryptocurrency among traditional investors. - Bitcoin is gaining traction in mainstream financial markets, signaling broader acceptance. - Institutional investors are increasingly flocking to the crypto market, driving growth and adoption. - The future looks promising for Bitcoin and other digital assets, with continued momentum expected in the crypto space. #bitcoin☀️

Breaking: US Spot Bitcoin ETFs Surge with $130M Net Inflows, Highest in 3 Weeks!

In a remarkable display of investor confidence, US Spot Bitcoin ETFs have witnessed a staggering $130 million in net inflows, marking the highest surge in the past three weeks! This significant milestone underscores the growing interest and acceptance of cryptocurrency among traditional investors, signaling a broader recognition of digital assets as a viable investment option.
Yesterday's impressive inflow into Bitcoin ETFs is a testament to the increasing mainstream appeal of cryptocurrency. As institutional investors continue to flock to the crypto market, it's clear that Bitcoin is gaining traction in traditional financial circles. The substantial investment in $BTC ETFs suggests a growing appetite for digital assets, paving the way for a promising future in the crypto space.
The crypto market's recent signs of recovery, coupled with increased institutional interest, are fueling the momentum behind Bitcoin's growth. As the pioneer cryptocurrency continues to attract significant attention, it's evident that the digital currency is solidifying its position in mainstream finance.
This development is a resounding vote of confidence in the potential of cryptocurrency, and we can expect to see further growth and adoption in the days to come. The future looks bright for Bitcoin and other digital assets, and we're excited to see how this momentum shapes the crypto landscape!
Key Takeaways:
- US Spot Bitcoin ETFs saw a record $130 million in net inflows, the highest in three weeks.
- This surge reflects growing interest and confidence in cryptocurrency among traditional investors.
- Bitcoin is gaining traction in mainstream financial markets, signaling broader acceptance.
- Institutional investors are increasingly flocking to the crypto market, driving growth and adoption.
- The future looks promising for Bitcoin and other digital assets, with continued momentum expected in the crypto space.
The $SKING downtrend may be coming to an end! The token has reached a key support level and is showing signs of a potential reversal. Keep an eye on this one. This could be the perfect time to buy the dip. #SKING #Crypto
The $SKING downtrend may be coming to an end!
The token has reached a key support level and is showing signs of a potential reversal.
Keep an eye on this one.

This could be the perfect time to buy the dip.

#SKING #Crypto
Just bought a large bag of $SCRAT A falling wedge on the hourly chart is looking to break upwards in the next few hours! With a target just below $1 this will be a great hold 💎 #SCRAT #Crypto
Just bought a large bag of $SCRAT

A falling wedge on the hourly chart is looking to break upwards in the next few hours! With a target just below $1 this will be a great hold 💎

#SCRAT #Crypto
🇮🇷 HEZBOLLAH LEADER TO IRAN: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah thanked Iran for its support amid tensions with Israel. He emphasized Hezbollah's achievements and the ongoing struggle for Palestine's liberation from Israeli control. Lebanese PM Najib Mikati: "The threats facing Lebanon are a form of psychological warfare. We are at war, and there are many casualties and destroyed villages due to Israeli aggression. The intensity of psychological warfare is escalating, but I believe we will overcome this phase to achieve a semblance of stability at the borders." An IDF attack in southern Lebanon followed heavy rocket fire from Lebanon into northern Israel, causing minor damage but no injuries. Iran's UN envoy condemned Israel's actions, warning of severe consequences if they expand their activities in Lebanon.

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah thanked Iran for its support amid tensions with Israel.

He emphasized Hezbollah's achievements and the ongoing struggle for Palestine's liberation from Israeli control.

Lebanese PM Najib Mikati:

"The threats facing Lebanon are a form of psychological warfare.

We are at war, and there are many casualties and destroyed villages due to Israeli aggression.

The intensity of psychological warfare is escalating, but I believe we will overcome this phase to achieve a semblance of stability at the borders."

An IDF attack in southern Lebanon followed heavy rocket fire from Lebanon into northern Israel, causing minor damage but no injuries.

Iran's UN envoy condemned Israel's actions, warning of severe consequences if they expand their activities in Lebanon.
The House Judiciary Committee has taken a crucial step in holding the Biden administration accountable for its handling of migrant cases. By subpoenaing Secretary Mayorkas for records on nine migrants suspected of serious crimes, the committee is exercising its oversight authority to ensure public safety and national security. The delays in providing information since October 2023 are unacceptable, and it's time for answers. Let's hope Mayorkas complies with the subpoena and sheds light on the Department of Homeland Security's actions.
The House Judiciary Committee has taken a crucial step in holding the Biden administration accountable for its handling of migrant cases.

By subpoenaing Secretary Mayorkas for records on nine migrants suspected of serious crimes, the committee is exercising its oversight authority to ensure public safety and national security.

The delays in providing information since October 2023 are unacceptable, and it's time for answers. Let's hope Mayorkas complies with the subpoena and sheds light on the Department of Homeland Security's actions.
🇺🇸BREAKING: BIDEN TO HOLD CRISIS TALKS WITH FAMILY ON CAMPAIGN FUTURE Biden is set for urgent discussions with his family at Camp David this Sunday, following his widely criticized debate performance. Sources reveal growing panic among Democrats about Biden's ability to defeat Trump in November. While top party leaders maintain public support, private concerns are mounting. Some insiders believe only Biden and his wife can make the final decision on the campaign's future. The President reportedly feels deeply shaken by his debate showing. This high-stakes meeting comes as the Democratic Party grapples with a potential electoral crisis. Biden's team insists they're moving forward, but the urgency of these talks suggests all options may be on the table. The outcome will undoubtably reshape the 2024 presidential race.

Biden is set for urgent discussions with his family at Camp David this Sunday, following his widely criticized debate performance.

Sources reveal growing panic among Democrats about Biden's ability to defeat Trump in November.

While top party leaders maintain public support, private concerns are mounting.

Some insiders believe only Biden and his wife can make the final decision on the campaign's future.

The President reportedly feels deeply shaken by his debate showing.

This high-stakes meeting comes as the Democratic Party grapples with a potential electoral crisis.

Biden's team insists they're moving forward, but the urgency of these talks suggests all options may be on the table.

The outcome will undoubtably reshape the 2024 presidential race.
ListaDAO: Unlocking the Future of Decentralized Stablecoin Lending The @lista_dao protocol is revolutionizing the decentralized finance (DeFi) space with its open-source, decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. As the official listing of the LISTA token on Binance approaches on June 20, 2024, the ListaDAO community is gearing up for a new era of growth and development. *Key Features and Benefits* The LISTA token is the governance token of the ListaDAO, giving holders voting rights and a say in key governance decisions, such as choosing collateral types and deciding on token emission strategies. Starting in July 2024, users can convert LISTA tokens to veLISTA, enhancing their voting power and giving them a share of the protocol's revenues. *ListaDAO Ecosystem* The @lista_dao ecosystem is thriving, with 394,000 BNBs staked on the platform, equivalent to $225 million. The slisBNB token, BNB's yielding and liquid staking token, has numerous use cases within the BNB chain ecosystem. *Join the #ListaNewEra Article Contest* To celebrate the listing of LISTA on Binance and the future of the ListaDAO ecosystem, @lista_dao we are launching an article contest! Share your insights and thoughts on the future of the $LISTA ecosystem, including the benefits and rights of LISTA holders, the future prospects for slisBNB, and the role of ListaDAO in liquidity staking. *Event Rules and Rewards* To participate, post your article on the square using the hashtag #ListaNewEra and share it on your social media channels. The top 50 posts with at least 20 interactions and 200 characters will be selected, and 14,000 LISTA will be shared among the winners. Don't miss out on this opportunity to share your thoughts on the future of ListaDAO and win rewards! Join the #ListaNewEra a article contest today!

ListaDAO: Unlocking the Future of Decentralized Stablecoin Lending

The @ListaDAO protocol is revolutionizing the decentralized finance (DeFi) space with its open-source, decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. As the official listing of the LISTA token on Binance approaches on June 20, 2024, the ListaDAO community is gearing up for a new era of growth and development.

*Key Features and Benefits*

The LISTA token is the governance token of the ListaDAO, giving holders voting rights and a say in key governance decisions, such as choosing collateral types and deciding on token emission strategies. Starting in July 2024, users can convert LISTA tokens to veLISTA, enhancing their voting power and giving them a share of the protocol's revenues.

*ListaDAO Ecosystem*

The @ListaDAO ecosystem is thriving, with 394,000 BNBs staked on the platform, equivalent to $225 million. The slisBNB token, BNB's yielding and liquid staking token, has numerous use cases within the BNB chain ecosystem.

*Join the #ListaNewEra Article Contest*

To celebrate the listing of LISTA on Binance and the future of the ListaDAO ecosystem, @ListaDAO we are launching an article contest! Share your insights and thoughts on the future of the $LISTA ecosystem, including the benefits and rights of LISTA holders, the future prospects for slisBNB, and the role of ListaDAO in liquidity staking.

*Event Rules and Rewards*

To participate, post your article on the square using the hashtag #ListaNewEra and share it on your social media channels. The top 50 posts with at least 20 interactions and 200 characters will be selected, and 14,000 LISTA will be shared among the winners.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to share your thoughts on the future of ListaDAO and win rewards! Join the #ListaNewEra a article contest today!
The bomb has dropped! $BOMB explodes 62% in a single day! Recently listed on MEXC, Lollybomb is making waves in the crypto space! Get in on the action before it's too late! #Lollybomb #BOMB #CryptoTrading
The bomb has dropped!

$BOMB explodes 62% in a single day! Recently listed on MEXC, Lollybomb is making waves in the crypto space!

Get in on the action before it's too late!

#Lollybomb #BOMB #CryptoTrading
The future is bright for $BRETT! 🔥 A symmetrical triangle is emerging, indicating a potential breakout to new heights! 🚀 A brief consolidation period is all we need before the next leg up. Stay tuned! #BRETT #Crypto
The future is bright for $BRETT! 🔥

A symmetrical triangle is emerging, indicating a potential breakout to new heights! 🚀

A brief consolidation period is all we need before the next leg up. Stay tuned!

#BRETT #Crypto
US Doctors Warn of Dangerous Dengue Fever Outbreak — MirrorThe US medical community is raising concerns about a global outbreak of dengue fever. The World Health Organization (WHO) had declared an emergency due to the disease last December, but the situation has worsened in the past six months. In the Americas alone, there have been 9.7 million cases reported this year, a significant increase from the 4.6 million cases reported in all of 2023. Dengue fever, primarily transmitted through mosquitoes, is less common in the mainland US. However, the number of cases in the US has tripled compared to last year. The disease starts with high fever, chills, joint pain, and nausea. While the prognosis for ordinary dengue fever is generally favorable, the hemorrhagic variety has a fatality rate of 50%. Currently, there are no reliable drugs or vaccines available for dengue fever.

US Doctors Warn of Dangerous Dengue Fever Outbreak — Mirror

The US medical community is raising concerns about a global outbreak of dengue fever. The World Health Organization (WHO) had declared an emergency due to the disease last December, but the situation has worsened in the past six months.
In the Americas alone, there have been 9.7 million cases reported this year, a significant increase from the 4.6 million cases reported in all of 2023.
Dengue fever, primarily transmitted through mosquitoes, is less common in the mainland US. However, the number of cases in the US has tripled compared to last year.
The disease starts with high fever, chills, joint pain, and nausea. While the prognosis for ordinary dengue fever is generally favorable, the hemorrhagic variety has a fatality rate of 50%.
Currently, there are no reliable drugs or vaccines available for dengue fever.
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