Binance Square
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• Viltus verifikācija ✅🚫
• Attēls ir rediģēts 🖼️👨‍💻

• Platforma to nepārbaudīja 🔶

⚠️ Uzmanieties no krāpniekiem ⚠️


🗞️ Iesaku apmeklēt arī @Binance Risk Sniper un @Binance Security profilu, lai uzzinātu vairāk par krāpniecības novēršanu.

#StaySafeInTheCryptoWorld #BinanceRiskteam #AntiScamEducation
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#ETHUSDT Ether ETF tiks atklāts 2. jūlijā. Lūk, ko tas nozīmē tirgotājiem📊 #CryptoPCEWatch #MicroStrategy 🌟 Galvenie punkti. • Ether #ETFs. varētu tikt palaists 2. jūlijā. •ETH cenas svārstās tuvu 3500 USD. •Vai mēs redzēsim Ether ralliju? 🎖️Otrā lielākā monēta vēlas nonākt Volstrītā, izmantojot astoņus biržā tirgotos fondus, samazinot ienākšanas barjeru kriptovalūtu investīcijām. 🔹Ethereum (ETHUSD) biržā tirgotie fondi (ETF) — kopumā astoņi — tiek spekulēts 2. jūlijā pēc Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas apstiprinājuma pagājušajā mēnesī. Jaunie ieguldījumu instrumenti papildinās jau kotētos Bitcoin biržā tirgotos fondus, pēc kuriem bija tik liels pieprasījums, ka oranžā marķiera cena sasniedza rekordaugstu līmeni - vairāk nekā 73 000 USD. Vai mēs redzēsim līdzīgu kustību Ethereum cenā? 🔸Ēteris ir otrā lielākā kriptovalūta, kas tirgojas robežās no USD 3500 līdz USD 3600 par vienu monētu. Un, neskatoties uz to, ka tas ir gandrīz par 50% vairāk nekā gadu, tokens joprojām ir tālu no 2021. gada novembra rekorda, kas ir nedaudz mazāks par 4900 $. Daži analītiķi ir satraukti, domājot, ka ETF palaišana varētu veicināt ētera cenas ralliju, kas konkurētu ar Bitcoin šī gada sākumā. Tas nozīmē, kas ir ētera ETF? 🔹Ether ETF jeb ETH ETF saturēs īstu Ethereum un ļaus vienkāršiem cilvēkiem un profesionāliem naudas pārvaldītājiem ieguldīt monētā, tādējādi palielinot tās tirgus ierobežojumu. Neraugoties uz spekulācijām, viena lieta ir skaidra — ETH ETF, kas gaida izlaišanu, pazeminās barjeru ienākšanai tirgū, potenciāli paplašinot kriptovalūtu nospiedumu ASV, jo arvien vairāk cilvēku iesildīsies digitālo aktīvu klasē. {future}(ETHUSDT)
#ETHUSDT Ether ETF tiks atklāts 2. jūlijā. Lūk, ko tas nozīmē tirgotājiem📊 #CryptoPCEWatch #MicroStrategy

🌟 Galvenie punkti.

• Ether #ETFs. varētu tikt palaists 2. jūlijā.

•ETH cenas svārstās tuvu 3500 USD.

•Vai mēs redzēsim Ether ralliju?

🎖️Otrā lielākā monēta vēlas nonākt Volstrītā, izmantojot astoņus biržā tirgotos fondus, samazinot ienākšanas barjeru kriptovalūtu investīcijām.

🔹Ethereum (ETHUSD) biržā tirgotie fondi (ETF) — kopumā astoņi — tiek spekulēts 2. jūlijā pēc Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas apstiprinājuma pagājušajā mēnesī. Jaunie ieguldījumu instrumenti papildinās jau kotētos Bitcoin biržā tirgotos fondus, pēc kuriem bija tik liels pieprasījums, ka oranžā marķiera cena sasniedza rekordaugstu līmeni - vairāk nekā 73 000 USD. Vai mēs redzēsim līdzīgu kustību Ethereum cenā?

🔸Ēteris ir otrā lielākā kriptovalūta, kas tirgojas robežās no USD 3500 līdz USD 3600 par vienu monētu. Un, neskatoties uz to, ka tas ir gandrīz par 50% vairāk nekā gadu, tokens joprojām ir tālu no 2021. gada novembra rekorda, kas ir nedaudz mazāks par 4900 $. Daži analītiķi ir satraukti, domājot, ka ETF palaišana varētu veicināt ētera cenas ralliju, kas konkurētu ar Bitcoin šī gada sākumā. Tas nozīmē, kas ir ētera ETF?

🔹Ether ETF jeb ETH ETF saturēs īstu Ethereum un ļaus vienkāršiem cilvēkiem un profesionāliem naudas pārvaldītājiem ieguldīt monētā, tādējādi palielinot tās tirgus ierobežojumu. Neraugoties uz spekulācijām, viena lieta ir skaidra — ETH ETF, kas gaida izlaišanu, pazeminās barjeru ienākšanai tirgū, potenciāli paplašinot kriptovalūtu nospiedumu ASV, jo arvien vairāk cilvēku iesildīsies digitālo aktīvu klasē.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto cenas šodien ♻️ Jaukts noskaņojums ar ievērojamiem ieguvumiem AR, JASMY un NE 📊🌐Šodien kriptovalūtu tirgū valda pretrunīgs noskaņojums, #bitcoin☀️ saglabājot lācīgu pozīciju pie 64 000 USD atzīmes. Neskatoties uz to, daži altkoīni ir uzrādījuši ievērojamus ieguvumus. #Solana (SOL) un ar mākslīgo intelektu saistītās monētas, kā arī #pepe⚡ ir pārkāpušas plašākas tirgus tendences, nodrošinot iespaidīgu veiktspēju. Tikmēr globālā kriptovalūtu tirgus ierobežojums ir samazinājies par 0,49% līdz 2,34 triljoniem USD, kopējam kriptovalūtu tirgus apjomam samazinoties par 3,89% līdz 66,21 miljardam USD. 🎖️Top ieguvēji🎖️ 1️⃣Arweave $AR

Kripto cenas šodien ♻️ Jaukts noskaņojums ar ievērojamiem ieguvumiem AR, JASMY un NE 📊

🌐Šodien kriptovalūtu tirgū valda pretrunīgs noskaņojums, #bitcoin☀️ saglabājot lācīgu pozīciju pie 64 000 USD atzīmes. Neskatoties uz to, daži altkoīni ir uzrādījuši ievērojamus ieguvumus. #Solana (SOL) un ar mākslīgo intelektu saistītās monētas, kā arī #pepe⚡ ir pārkāpušas plašākas tirgus tendences, nodrošinot iespaidīgu veiktspēju. Tikmēr globālā kriptovalūtu tirgus ierobežojums ir samazinājies par 0,49% līdz 2,34 triljoniem USD, kopējam kriptovalūtu tirgus apjomam samazinoties par 3,89% līdz 66,21 miljardam USD.
🎖️Top ieguvēji🎖️
1️⃣Arweave $AR
Skatīt oriģinālu
📣 Nākamā uz #Notcoin? telegrammu balstītā spēle “Hamster Kombat”, kas palaidīs marķieri uz TON — atšifrēt🌟 #tonfuture 🎖️Hamster Kombat, populārā kriptovalūtu pārvaldības simulācijas spēle vietnē Telegram, pēc 60 miljonu lietotāju piesaistīšanas un 20 miljoniem abonentu kļūšanas par lielāko Telegram kanālu ir paredzēts, lai atvērtu tokenu vietnē The Open Network (TON). 🚀Atšifrējiet mākslas, modes un izklaides centru. 🔸Hamster Kombat, jaunākā šifrēšanas spēļu kaudzē, kas ir izvietota populārajā ziņojumapmaiņas lietotnē Telegram, ir paredzēta, lai atvērtu marķieri vietnē The Open Network (TON) 🔹Kriptogrāfijas pārvaldības simulācijas spēle apgalvo, ka kopš tās palaišanas martā tā ir piesaistījusi 60 miljonus lietotāju. Saskaņā ar TelegramChannels datiem tam ir lielākais Telegram kanāls ar 20 miljoniem abonentu — tas ir par 13 miljoniem abonentu, kas apsteidz pašu Notcoin kopienu. 🔸Telegram spēļu popularitāte nesen ir palielinājusies pēc Notcoin — sociālās klikšķu spēles, kas atalgo spēlētājus ar žetoniem par pieskārienu ekrānam, panākumiem. Trīs mēnešu laikā spēle piesaistīja 35 miljonus spēlētāju, un nesen tika laists klajā tās NOT marķieris, kas līdz šim ir bijis šī gada lielākais spēļu marķieris. 🔹Pavisam nesen līdzīga spēle “Noklikšķināt, lai nopelnītu” Tapos palīdzēja 1. slāņa blokķēdei Aptos reģistrēt vairāk nekā 115 miljonus darījumu dienā, pateicoties tam, ka spēle katru klikšķi reģistrēja kā darījumu. 🐹Cienījamie izpilddirektori! 🐹 🔸Kamju ģimene ir kļuvusi par lielāko izglītības un izklaides kopienu ne tikai Telegram, bet arī visā kriptovalūtu nozarē. 🔹💪Tagad ar prieku paziņojam, ka esam nolēmuši laist klajā mūsu produktu un gaidāmo marķieri TON blokķēdē @ton_blockchain 💎 👉Hamster Kombat (@hamster_kombat) 2024. gada 31. maijs
📣 Nākamā uz #Notcoin? telegrammu balstītā spēle “Hamster Kombat”, kas palaidīs marķieri uz TON — atšifrēt🌟 #tonfuture

🎖️Hamster Kombat, populārā kriptovalūtu pārvaldības simulācijas spēle vietnē Telegram, pēc 60 miljonu lietotāju piesaistīšanas un 20 miljoniem abonentu kļūšanas par lielāko Telegram kanālu ir paredzēts, lai atvērtu tokenu vietnē The Open Network (TON).

🚀Atšifrējiet mākslas, modes un izklaides centru.

🔸Hamster Kombat, jaunākā šifrēšanas spēļu kaudzē, kas ir izvietota populārajā ziņojumapmaiņas lietotnē Telegram, ir paredzēta, lai atvērtu marķieri vietnē The Open Network (TON)

🔹Kriptogrāfijas pārvaldības simulācijas spēle apgalvo, ka kopš tās palaišanas martā tā ir piesaistījusi 60 miljonus lietotāju. Saskaņā ar TelegramChannels datiem tam ir lielākais Telegram kanāls ar 20 miljoniem abonentu — tas ir par 13 miljoniem abonentu, kas apsteidz pašu Notcoin kopienu.

🔸Telegram spēļu popularitāte nesen ir palielinājusies pēc Notcoin — sociālās klikšķu spēles, kas atalgo spēlētājus ar žetoniem par pieskārienu ekrānam, panākumiem. Trīs mēnešu laikā spēle piesaistīja 35 miljonus spēlētāju, un nesen tika laists klajā tās NOT marķieris, kas līdz šim ir bijis šī gada lielākais spēļu marķieris.

🔹Pavisam nesen līdzīga spēle “Noklikšķināt, lai nopelnītu” Tapos palīdzēja 1. slāņa blokķēdei Aptos reģistrēt vairāk nekā 115 miljonus darījumu dienā, pateicoties tam, ka spēle katru klikšķi reģistrēja kā darījumu.

🐹Cienījamie izpilddirektori! 🐹

🔸Kamju ģimene ir kļuvusi par lielāko izglītības un izklaides kopienu ne tikai Telegram, bet arī visā kriptovalūtu nozarē.

🔹💪Tagad ar prieku paziņojam, ka esam nolēmuši laist klajā mūsu produktu un gaidāmo marķieri TON blokķēdē @ton_blockchain 💎

👉Hamster Kombat (@hamster_kombat) 2024. gada 31. maijs
Skatīt oriģinālu

🔶 Binances turnīrs 🏆
🔸Kā pievienoties #BinanceTournament ?
Lai piedalītos turnīrā, pievienojies komandai vai kļūsti par komandas vadītāju.

2024-06-15 al 2024-06-15 (UTC)

Futures Grand Tournament ir atvērts tikai regulāriem un VIP 1-6 lietotājiem.
Atbilstīgajiem lietotājiem ir jāverificē savs konts un jāreģistrējas Turnīrā, lai pretendētu uz jebkādām balvām

🐯 Pieredze vai zināšanas par turnīriem:

Piedalīties iepriekšējā turnīrā.

Kur var dabūt zvaigznes 💫

Un ar šīm zvaigznēm ⭐ varēja iegādāties vaučerus
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔺Xai fonds paziņo par Xai Vanguard: Genesis aktivizāciju♻️♦️Fonds $XAI , kas ir galvenais uz spēlēm orientētā blokķēžu tīkla Xai līdzstrādnieks, ir paziņojis par gaidāmo galveno spēļu aktivizācijas izlaišanu. #XaiVanguardGenesis Paredzēts, ka tā sāksies 10. jūnijā un turpināsies. Novembrī šajā pasākumā ir paredzēts piedāvāt bagātīgu jaunu spēļu izlaidumu, uzdevumu, sasniegumu un atlīdzību klāstu, kas pielāgotas Xai kopienai. ♦️Kas ir Xai Vanguard: Genesis aktivizēšana🔰 🔺<t-45/>#XAIVanguard Genesis balstās uz pagājušā gada veiksmīgās Xai Odyssey kampaņas impulsu, kas piedzīvoja iespaidīgu iesaistīšanos blokķēdes spēļu telpā. Xai Odyssey reģistrēja vairāk nekā 500 000 pieslēgtu maku, 5 miljonus ikdienas darījumu un 175 miljonus dolāru spēlētāju atlīdzības. Atšķirībā no tā priekšgājēja, kas darbojās Xai testtīklā, Xai Vanguard: Genesis būs pirmā lielākā kampaņa, kas tiks veikta Xai tīklā.

🔺Xai fonds paziņo par Xai Vanguard: Genesis aktivizāciju♻️

♦️Fonds $XAI , kas ir galvenais uz spēlēm orientētā blokķēžu tīkla Xai līdzstrādnieks, ir paziņojis par gaidāmo galveno spēļu aktivizācijas izlaišanu. #XaiVanguardGenesis Paredzēts, ka tā sāksies 10. jūnijā un turpināsies. Novembrī šajā pasākumā ir paredzēts piedāvāt bagātīgu jaunu spēļu izlaidumu, uzdevumu, sasniegumu un atlīdzību klāstu, kas pielāgotas Xai kopienai.

♦️Kas ir Xai Vanguard: Genesis aktivizēšana🔰
🔺<t-45/>#XAIVanguard Genesis balstās uz pagājušā gada veiksmīgās Xai Odyssey kampaņas impulsu, kas piedzīvoja iespaidīgu iesaistīšanos blokķēdes spēļu telpā. Xai Odyssey reģistrēja vairāk nekā 500 000 pieslēgtu maku, 5 miljonus ikdienas darījumu un 175 miljonus dolāru spēlētāju atlīdzības. Atšķirībā no tā priekšgājēja, kas darbojās Xai testtīklā, Xai Vanguard: Genesis būs pirmā lielākā kampaņa, kas tiks veikta Xai tīklā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔶 Binances turnīrs 🏆
🔸Kā pievienoties #BinanceTournament ?
Lai piedalītos turnīrā, pievienojies komandai vai kļūsti par komandas vadītāju.

2024-06-15 al 2024-06-15 (UTC)

Futures Grand Tournament ir atvērts tikai regulāriem un VIP 1-6 lietotājiem.
Atbilstīgajiem lietotājiem ir jāverificē savs konts un jāreģistrējas Turnīrā, lai pretendētu uz jebkādām balvām

🐯 Pieredze vai zināšanas par turnīriem:

Piedalīties iepriekšējā turnīrā.

Kur var dabūt zvaigznes 💫

Un ar šīm zvaigznēm ⭐ varēja iegādāties vaučerus
📣 Binance Announces 55th Launchpool Project #IONET (IO) #BinanceLaunchpool 💠 Binance introduces its 55th Launchpool project, IO.NET (IO), a decentralized AI and cloud computing platform. Users can stake $BNB and $FDUSD to farm IO tokens before trading begins on June 11. 🌐 Initial Circulation👇 ◽At launch, 500 million $IO tokens, 62% of the total token supply, will be in circulation. The initial circulation supply is unprecedented compared to industry practices, which normally see 15% to 20% at launch. This supply will increase to 800 million over time through network rewards. The initial allocation is designed to balance the interests of early investors, core contributors, the R&D and Ecosystem fund, and the broader community. ◾ has secured a $30 million investment at a $1 billion valuation, demonstrating strong investor confidence in the project's potential to revolutionize the AI computing landscape. ◽ is a decentralized computing network that aims to provide affordable, flexible, and accessible computing capacity for AI developers and enterprises. Its blockchain-based architecture ensures transparency, security, and fair compensation for all network participants. ♦️HIGHLIGHTS👇 ◽Binance launches IO.NET (IO) as its 55th Launchpool project, with trading set to start on June 11 at 12:00 (UTC). ◾Users can stake #BNB and #FDUSD‬⁩ from June 7 to farm IO tokens, with detailed instructions available on the Binance website. ◽BNB surpasses $700, reflecting increased network usage and significant market activity.
📣 Binance Announces 55th Launchpool Project #IONET (IO)
💠 Binance introduces its 55th Launchpool project, IO.NET (IO), a decentralized AI and cloud computing platform. Users can stake $BNB and $FDUSD to farm IO tokens before trading begins on June 11.

🌐 Initial Circulation👇

◽At launch, 500 million $IO tokens, 62% of the total token supply, will be in circulation. The initial circulation supply is unprecedented compared to industry practices, which normally see 15% to 20% at launch. This supply will increase to 800 million over time through network rewards. The initial allocation is designed to balance the interests of early investors, core contributors, the R&D and Ecosystem fund, and the broader community.

◾ has secured a $30 million investment at a $1 billion valuation, demonstrating strong investor confidence in the project's potential to revolutionize the AI computing landscape.

◽ is a decentralized computing network that aims to provide affordable, flexible, and accessible computing capacity for AI developers and enterprises. Its blockchain-based architecture ensures transparency, security, and fair compensation for all network participants.


◽Binance launches IO.NET (IO) as its 55th Launchpool project, with trading set to start on June 11 at 12:00 (UTC).

◾Users can stake #BNB and #FDUSD‬⁩ from June 7 to farm IO tokens, with detailed instructions available on the Binance website.

◽BNB surpasses $700, reflecting increased network usage and significant market activity.
Skatīt oriģinālu
📣 Ar prieku paziņojam, ka 2024. gada augustā sāksim darboties pakalpojumā Binance Megadrop! 🚀🌟 Atklājiet #BounceTon  — daudzsološais #TON monētu atjaunošanas projekts, ko ar lepnumu atbalsta Binance Lab. ♦️PAR BOUNCETON ◾Blockķēdes pasaulē atkārtota ieguldīšana attiecas uz nopelnīto kriptovalūtas atlīdzību reinvestēšanas procesu atpakaļ tīklā, lai radītu papildu atlīdzību. Veicot atkārtotu ieguldījumu, lietotāji veicina tīkla drošību un decentralizāciju, vienlaikus gūstot pasīvos ienākumus, izmantojot savus žetonus. ◽Uzņēmumā BounceTON mēs piedāvājam visaptverošu risinājumu TON blokķēdei. Mūsu platforma vienkāršo pārvērtēšanas procesu, ļaujot lietotājiem bez piepūles atkārtoti ieguldīt savu atlīdzību un palielināt ieņēmumus. Izmantojot BounceTON, lietotāji gūst labumu no papildu atlīdzībām, drošiem ieguldījumiem un aktīvas līdzdalības tīkla pārvaldībā. Pievienojieties mums jau šodien un izmantojiet BounceTON pārsūtīšanas iespējas!

📣 Ar prieku paziņojam, ka 2024. gada augustā sāksim darboties pakalpojumā Binance Megadrop! 🚀

🌟 Atklājiet #BounceTon  — daudzsološais #TON monētu atjaunošanas projekts, ko ar lepnumu atbalsta Binance Lab.

◾Blockķēdes pasaulē atkārtota ieguldīšana attiecas uz nopelnīto kriptovalūtas atlīdzību reinvestēšanas procesu atpakaļ tīklā, lai radītu papildu atlīdzību. Veicot atkārtotu ieguldījumu, lietotāji veicina tīkla drošību un decentralizāciju, vienlaikus gūstot pasīvos ienākumus, izmantojot savus žetonus.
◽Uzņēmumā BounceTON mēs piedāvājam visaptverošu risinājumu TON blokķēdei. Mūsu platforma vienkāršo pārvērtēšanas procesu, ļaujot lietotājiem bez piepūles atkārtoti ieguldīt savu atlīdzību un palielināt ieņēmumus. Izmantojot BounceTON, lietotāji gūst labumu no papildu atlīdzībām, drošiem ieguldījumiem un aktīvas līdzdalības tīkla pārvaldībā. Pievienojieties mums jau šodien un izmantojiet BounceTON pārsūtīšanas iespējas!
Skatīt oriģinālu
⚠️ Estafa en los comentarios ⚠️

• En los comentarios ( link ) de @Binance Square Official el usuario @InvestAndRecovery ( Estafador ) , da un número de WhatsApp para atraer personas con la promesa de ayudarlos , También deja un segundo comentario con promesas de hacerlo ganar mucho dinero 🤑 ⚠️.

• 🐯 Consejos :

• No contacte a personas que ofrecen ayuda en los comentarios ( consejo para todas las redes sociales ) .

• No ignore los mensajes de estafas , y reporte ( No todos se dan cuenta de las estafa , tu reporte puede ayudar a un novato )

• 🔶 Para más consejos puede visitar la cuenta de @Binance Risk Sniper y aprender a evitar estafas .


✍️🐯 Mire las imágenes 🖼️ , para aprender a detectar las estafas ⚠️🚨
Skatīt oriģinālu
• Liels paldies, ka uzskatāt mani par KOL 🐯.

• Es augstu vērtēju man sniegto uzticību un ceru arī turpmāk sniegt pozitīvu ieguldījumu.

• Paldies visai kopienai 🤝🐯🧡 par atbalstu.


Skatīt oriģinālu
💫Abonējiet SOL vai BNB bloķētus produktus vai Stake ETH, lai dalītos ar 38 500 PORTĀLU programmā Airdrop Rewards💲🧧💲 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 📣 Binance Earn ar prieku atklāj SOL bloķēto produktu, BNB bloķēto produktu un ETH Staking akciju. Pabeidziet SOL bloķēto produktu, BNB bloķēto produktu un/vai ETH Staking abonementus, lai nopelnītu vairākas balvas: 👉 38 500 PORTĀLA daļa airdrop balvās🧧 🔖 Nopelniet līdz 8,1% GPL atlīdzībā, izmantojot SOL Locked Products pozīcijas📑 📍Nopelniet līdz pat 1,39% GPL BNB atlīdzībās, kā arī Launchpool un Megadrop balvas, izmantojot BNB bloķēto produktu pozīcijas (ja piemērojams). 🔹Nopelniet aptuveni 3% dinamiskās APR atlīdzībās, izmantojot ETH Staking. ♦️Akcija: abonējiet SOL bloķētus produktus, BNB bloķētus produktus vai ETH Staking, lai dalītos 38 500 PORTĀLĀ programmā Airdrop Rewards💲 🗓️ Akcijas periods: 2024-05-14 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-05-28 23:59 (UTC) 👉 Akcijas laikā varēs piedalīties lietotāji, kuri atbilst šādām prasībām: 📚 Piesakies akcijai🧧 [👉Join via Link⛓️]( ⏳Abonējiet SOL bloķētus produktus ar vismaz 1 SOL, BNB bloķētus produktus ar vismaz 0,5 BNB vai ETH likmi ar vismaz 0,05 ETH. $SOL $ETH $BNB
💫Abonējiet SOL vai BNB bloķētus produktus vai Stake ETH, lai dalītos ar 38 500 PORTĀLU programmā Airdrop Rewards💲🧧💲 #EarnFreeCrypto2024
📣 Binance Earn ar prieku atklāj SOL bloķēto produktu, BNB bloķēto produktu un ETH Staking akciju. Pabeidziet SOL bloķēto produktu, BNB bloķēto produktu un/vai ETH Staking abonementus, lai nopelnītu vairākas balvas:

👉 38 500 PORTĀLA daļa airdrop balvās🧧

🔖 Nopelniet līdz 8,1% GPL atlīdzībā, izmantojot SOL Locked Products pozīcijas📑

📍Nopelniet līdz pat 1,39% GPL BNB atlīdzībās, kā arī Launchpool un Megadrop balvas, izmantojot BNB bloķēto produktu pozīcijas (ja piemērojams).

🔹Nopelniet aptuveni 3% dinamiskās APR atlīdzībās, izmantojot ETH Staking.

♦️Akcija: abonējiet SOL bloķētus produktus, BNB bloķētus produktus vai ETH Staking, lai dalītos 38 500 PORTĀLĀ programmā Airdrop Rewards💲

🗓️ Akcijas periods: 2024-05-14 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-05-28 23:59 (UTC)

👉 Akcijas laikā varēs piedalīties lietotāji, kuri atbilst šādām prasībām:

📚 Piesakies akcijai🧧 👉Join via Link⛓️

⏳Abonējiet SOL bloķētus produktus ar vismaz 1 SOL, BNB bloķētus produktus ar vismaz 0,5 BNB vai ETH likmi ar vismaz 0,05 ETH.
♏Manta Network The Multi-Modular Ecosystem for ZK Apps♏ What Is #MANTA Network? 🔹Manta Network is a multi-modular ecosystem designed for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications, setting the standard for innovative and secure decentralized solutions. It has two networks: Manta Atlantic (a Layer 1) and Manta Pacific, an Ethereum Layer 2 with plans to transition to be the first zkEVM built on Celestia utilizing the Polygon CDK. 🗝️ Key Takeaways. 🔸Manta Network uses a dual-blockchain approach; Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic. 🔹Manta Atlantic provides a secure and customizable environment for applications demanding ultimate security, including private smart contracts. 🔸Manta Pacific also offers an programmable zero knowledge development environment an EVM-native Layer 2, with the goal of providing high scalability and low transaction fees for ZK applications. 📚 #MantaRWA application. 🔖 Manta is the ideal choice for RWA startups seeking to thrive in the Web3 landscape. With a focus on empowering individuals and institutions, Manta offers secure digital tokens, data analytics, fractionalization, and collaboration tools. These features enable efficient management, transparent ownership, and broader investor participation in RWAs. By leveraging Manta's comprehensive suite of (REAL WORLD ASSETS) RWA management solutions, startups can navigate the complexities of Web3 with confidence, unlocking new opportunities and driving growth. ♏ The #MANTA Network Ecosystem. ♦️Manta Network is more than just its technological backbone; it fosters a vibrant ecosystem of dApps and services dedicated to empowering users. Below is a list of popular dApps in the Manta Network ecosystem. 🔹Mantaswap: A decentralized exchange allowing users to swap assets on Manta Pacific with minimal fees and enhanced privacy. 🔸Network Operator Pools (NPO) Launchpad: A platform for minting privacy-preserving NFTs and zkSBTs (Soulbound Tokens), opening doors for innovative use cases in identity management and data ownership. 🔹POMP Dapp: A privacy-aware order book module for building decentralized exchanges with advanced trading capabilities. 🔸Aperture Finance: A privacy-preserving lending and borrowing protocol, Aperture allows users to access decentralized finance tools without exposing their financial activities. 🛡️ #MANTA CeDeFi: Boosting Yield and Security. ♦️Manta CeDeFi unlocks opportunities directly to on-chain users beyond simply DeFi solutions. This CeFi + DeFi (CeDeFi) combination brings users with institutional-grade compliance and extensive financial agility, through which Manta CeDeFi enables USDT, USDC, wUSDM, WBTC, BTCB, ETH, and STONE holders to earn more: including CeFi’s stable strategy arbitrage, DeFi yields on Manta Pacific, and $MANTA token. ♦️Modular Architecture. 🔹Manta's modular design, in a nutshell, is a developer’s playground where building blocks of privacy snap together with minimal compromises. 🔸Developers can freely mix and match functionalities across chains, building innovative apps that work together seamlessly. Need privacy for your DeFi exchange, or anonymity for your NFT marketplace? Manta's got pre-built modules ready to go. ✍️ Interoperability. 🔹Interoperability is at the center of Manta Network. Tearing down the walls between blockchains, allows users to transfer their assets between Manta Pacific, its Atlantic layer, and beyond. 🔸Manta Network recently partnered with Polyhedra Network to bring trustless and efficient interoperability through zkBridge. This partnership is expected to play a vital role in the network’s adoption. 📑#MANTA Network's Universal Circuits. 🔹According to Manta Network, currently there is no dedicated platform for EVM-native zero knowledge applications. To make it easier for developers to implement ZK technology, Manta Network developed Universal Circuits, a library of zero knowledge circuits designed for general use cases, allowing Solidity developers to enable ZK features in their applications with a few lines of code. These include compliant private payments for DeFi, identity verification for web3 social platforms, and even privacy-preserving shuffling for on-chain gaming. 👉 Understanding #MANTA Network. 🔸Manta Network isn't just one chain, it is a multi-dimensional ecosystem offering solutions for a variety of needs. At its core lies Manta Pacific, a high-performance Layer 2 solution built on Celestia. With the help of ZK-SNARKs, Manta Pacific offers blazing-fast transaction speeds and drastically reduced gas fees, making it ideal for scaling privacy-preserving dApps. Manta Atlantic, on the other hand, is a Layer 1 blockchain designed for applications requiring ultimate security and customization. 🔹Manta Network envisions becoming the leading ecosystem for privacy-preserving applications on blockchains. Its mission is to empower individuals and developers with tools and technologies that safeguard financial privacy and enable secure, confidential interactions on any blockchain. 🌐 The #MANTA Network Team. 🔸The formidable team driving Manta Network has years of expertise in numerous sectors in and around the fintech space; the combined expertise stands as one of the reasons for Manta Network's $500 valuation. 👉The #MANTA Network team includes the following key personnel. 🔹Kenny Li: Co-founder, MIT alum in Business Administration, bringing top-tier education and strategic vision. 🔸Victor Ji: Co-founder, Harvard alum in Public Administration, contributing invaluable expertise and leadership. 🔹Shumo Chu: Co-founder, UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor, Algorand Systems researcher, collaborating with crypto's finest minds, including Turing Award winners. $MANTA #MantaRWA #MantanNetwork

♏Manta Network The Multi-Modular Ecosystem for ZK Apps

♏ What Is #MANTA Network?
🔹Manta Network is a multi-modular ecosystem designed for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications, setting the standard for innovative and secure decentralized solutions. It has two networks: Manta Atlantic (a Layer 1) and Manta Pacific, an Ethereum Layer 2 with plans to transition to be the first zkEVM built on Celestia utilizing the Polygon CDK.

🗝️ Key Takeaways.
🔸Manta Network uses a dual-blockchain approach; Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic.
🔹Manta Atlantic provides a secure and customizable environment for applications demanding ultimate security, including private smart contracts.
🔸Manta Pacific also offers an programmable zero knowledge development environment an EVM-native Layer 2, with the goal of providing high scalability and low transaction fees for ZK applications.
📚 #MantaRWA application.
🔖 Manta is the ideal choice for RWA startups seeking to thrive in the Web3 landscape. With a focus on empowering individuals and institutions, Manta offers secure digital tokens, data analytics, fractionalization, and collaboration tools. These features enable efficient management, transparent ownership, and broader investor participation in RWAs. By leveraging Manta's comprehensive suite of (REAL WORLD ASSETS) RWA management solutions, startups can navigate the complexities of Web3 with confidence, unlocking new opportunities and driving growth.
♏ The #MANTA Network Ecosystem.
♦️Manta Network is more than just its technological backbone; it fosters a vibrant ecosystem of dApps and services dedicated to empowering users. Below is a list of popular dApps in the Manta Network ecosystem.

🔹Mantaswap: A decentralized exchange allowing users to swap assets on Manta Pacific with minimal fees and enhanced privacy.
🔸Network Operator Pools (NPO) Launchpad: A platform for minting privacy-preserving NFTs and zkSBTs (Soulbound Tokens), opening doors for innovative use cases in identity management and data ownership.
🔹POMP Dapp: A privacy-aware order book module for building decentralized exchanges with advanced trading capabilities.
🔸Aperture Finance: A privacy-preserving lending and borrowing protocol, Aperture allows users to access decentralized finance tools without exposing their financial activities.
🛡️ #MANTA CeDeFi: Boosting Yield and Security.
♦️Manta CeDeFi unlocks opportunities directly to on-chain users beyond simply DeFi solutions. This CeFi + DeFi (CeDeFi) combination brings users with institutional-grade compliance and extensive financial agility, through which Manta CeDeFi enables USDT, USDC, wUSDM, WBTC, BTCB, ETH, and STONE holders to earn more: including CeFi’s stable strategy arbitrage, DeFi yields on Manta Pacific, and $MANTA token.
♦️Modular Architecture.

🔹Manta's modular design, in a nutshell, is a developer’s playground where building blocks of privacy snap together with minimal compromises.
🔸Developers can freely mix and match functionalities across chains, building innovative apps that work together seamlessly. Need privacy for your DeFi exchange, or anonymity for your NFT marketplace? Manta's got pre-built modules ready to go.
✍️ Interoperability.
🔹Interoperability is at the center of Manta Network. Tearing down the walls between blockchains, allows users to transfer their assets between Manta Pacific, its Atlantic layer, and beyond.
🔸Manta Network recently partnered with Polyhedra Network to bring trustless and efficient interoperability through zkBridge. This partnership is expected to play a vital role in the network’s adoption.
📑#MANTA Network's Universal Circuits.
🔹According to Manta Network, currently there is no dedicated platform for EVM-native zero knowledge applications. To make it easier for developers to implement ZK technology, Manta Network developed Universal Circuits, a library of zero knowledge circuits designed for general use cases, allowing Solidity developers to enable ZK features in their applications with a few lines of code. These include compliant private payments for DeFi, identity verification for web3 social platforms, and even privacy-preserving shuffling for on-chain gaming.
👉 Understanding #MANTA Network.
🔸Manta Network isn't just one chain, it is a multi-dimensional ecosystem offering solutions for a variety of needs. At its core lies Manta Pacific, a high-performance Layer 2 solution built on Celestia. With the help of ZK-SNARKs, Manta Pacific offers blazing-fast transaction speeds and drastically reduced gas fees, making it ideal for scaling privacy-preserving dApps. Manta Atlantic, on the other hand, is a Layer 1 blockchain designed for applications requiring ultimate security and customization.
🔹Manta Network envisions becoming the leading ecosystem for privacy-preserving applications on blockchains. Its mission is to empower individuals and developers with tools and technologies that safeguard financial privacy and enable secure, confidential interactions on any blockchain.
🌐 The #MANTA Network Team.
🔸The formidable team driving Manta Network has years of expertise in numerous sectors in and around the fintech space; the combined expertise stands as one of the reasons for Manta Network's $500 valuation.
👉The #MANTA Network team includes the following key personnel.
🔹Kenny Li: Co-founder, MIT alum in Business Administration, bringing top-tier education and strategic vision.
🔸Victor Ji: Co-founder, Harvard alum in Public Administration, contributing invaluable expertise and leadership.
🔹Shumo Chu: Co-founder, UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor, Algorand Systems researcher, collaborating with crypto's finest minds, including Turing Award winners.
$MANTA #MantaRWA #MantanNetwork
Skatīt oriģinālu
#ETHETFS Ethereum līdzdibinātājs saņem naudu! Vai tagad ir pienācis laiks pārdot savu ETH? 🔹Ethereum cena pieauga gandrīz par 30%, kas sakrīt ar būtiskiem SEC regulējuma atjauninājumiem. 🔸Līdzdibinātājs Džefrijs Vilks guva labumu no mītiņa, iemaksājot Krakenā ETH vairāk nekā 75 miljonu dolāru vērtībā. Kriptovalūtu tirgus ir bijis satraukts ar Ethereum [ETH] neseno cenu kāpumu. 🔹Aktīva vērtība pagājušajā nedēļā pieauga par gandrīz 30%, pieaugot no zem 3000 USD uz šo laiku pagājušajā nedēļā līdz USD 3810 vakar. ♦️Šis pieaugums sakrita ar būtiskām regulējošām kustībām. 🔸Jo īpaši, ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) līdz šim ir pārskatījusi savu nostāju attiecībā uz Ethereum spot ETF, mudinot biržas atjaunināt savus 19b-4 dokumentus. 🔹Šonedēļ vairāki Ethereum ETF emitenti iesniedza savus atjauninātos dokumentus, un drīzumā gaidāms lēmums par VanEck Ethereum ETF pieteikumu. 🔸Iestādes, piemēram, Standard Chartered, jau paredzēja, ka drīzumā tiks saņemts Ethereum ETF apstiprinājums. 🔹Šo regulatīvo notikumu laikā Ethereum līdzdibinātājs Džefrijs Vilks ir nokļuvis ziņu virsrakstos par to, ka šī cenu rallija laikā tika ziņots par naudas izņemšanu. $ETH
#ETHETFS Ethereum līdzdibinātājs saņem naudu! Vai tagad ir pienācis laiks pārdot savu ETH?
🔹Ethereum cena pieauga gandrīz par 30%, kas sakrīt ar būtiskiem SEC regulējuma atjauninājumiem.
🔸Līdzdibinātājs Džefrijs Vilks guva labumu no mītiņa, iemaksājot Krakenā ETH vairāk nekā 75 miljonu dolāru vērtībā.
Kriptovalūtu tirgus ir bijis satraukts ar Ethereum [ETH] neseno cenu kāpumu.

🔹Aktīva vērtība pagājušajā nedēļā pieauga par gandrīz 30%, pieaugot no zem 3000 USD uz šo laiku pagājušajā nedēļā līdz USD 3810 vakar.

♦️Šis pieaugums sakrita ar būtiskām regulējošām kustībām.

🔸Jo īpaši, ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) līdz šim ir pārskatījusi savu nostāju attiecībā uz Ethereum spot ETF, mudinot biržas atjaunināt savus 19b-4 dokumentus.

🔹Šonedēļ vairāki Ethereum ETF emitenti iesniedza savus atjauninātos dokumentus, un drīzumā gaidāms lēmums par VanEck Ethereum ETF pieteikumu.

🔸Iestādes, piemēram, Standard Chartered, jau paredzēja, ka drīzumā tiks saņemts Ethereum ETF apstiprinājums.

🔹Šo regulatīvo notikumu laikā Ethereum līdzdibinātājs Džefrijs Vilks ir nokļuvis ziņu virsrakstos par to, ka šī cenu rallija laikā tika ziņots par naudas izņemšanu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#ETHETFS 📣 Breaking: Grayscale padara vēl vienu Ether ETF grozījumu📑 Grayscale Investments ir iesniegusi jaunus grozījumus savā ierosinātajā Ethereum Mini Trust lietojumprogrammā SEC ♦️ Kripto aktīvu pārvaldības uzņēmums Grayscale Investments ir iesniedzis atjauninātu 19b-4 Ethereum ETF lietojumprogrammai. Kā X atklāja Bloomberg vecākais ETF analītiķis Džeimss Seifarts, šis ir uzņēmuma jaunākais atjauninājums pēc tā sākotnējās iesniegšanas 21. maijā. 🌐 Grayscale Dotting All ir paredzēts Ethereum ETF ⚡ Plašāka digitālās valūtas ekosistēma ir uz priekšu, jo ir paredzams, ka ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) šonedēļ ieviesīs Ethereum ETF lietojumprogrammu. Vairāki indeksi norāda uz faktu, ka ar apstiprinājumiem tiks veidota vēsture, tomēr Grayscale Investments nedod nekādas izredzes, kas varētu veicināt neparedzētas kļūdas tās piemērošanā. ♦️Atjauninātā iesniegšana ir atkarīga no Grayscale plašā kompromisa, jo uzņēmums no saviem plašākajiem Spot Ethereum ETF priekšlikumiem ir noņēmis klauzulu “Staking”. Koncentrēšanās uz 19b-4 ir saprotama, jo apstiprināšanas secībā šī ir pirmā veidlapa, ko SEC iedegs, gatavojoties faktiskajai palaišanai. ⚡ Pateicoties atvērtākai saziņai starp SEC un spot Ethereum ETF pretendentiem, biežie atjauninājumi var atbilst atsauksmēm no tirgus regulatora. Jāatzīmē, ka Grayscale ir viens no vecākajiem kriptovalūtu ieguldījumu pakalpojumu sniedzējiem, kura centieni veicināja Bitcoin ETF palaišanu janvārī. 🌐 Jaunas ēras sākums ♦️ Gaidot tūlītēju Ethereum ETF apstiprinājumu, digitālajai valūtai, visticamāk, sāksies jauna ēra. Lai gan sarunas par tās kā drošības piedāvājuma statusu joprojām nav skaidras, Ethereum ETF klātbūtne mainīs monētas paradigmu. ⚡ Papildus tam, ka tiks izbeigtas debates par regulatora atbalstu, tas arī palīdzēs nodrošināt institucionālā kapitāla ieplūšanu. Tam neapšaubāmi būs liela ietekme uz digitālās valūtas cenu, tāpat kā Spot Bitcoin ETF virzīja BTC uz savu ATH. $ETH $BTC
#ETHETFS 📣 Breaking: Grayscale padara vēl vienu Ether ETF grozījumu📑 Grayscale Investments ir iesniegusi jaunus grozījumus savā ierosinātajā Ethereum Mini Trust lietojumprogrammā SEC

♦️ Kripto aktīvu pārvaldības uzņēmums Grayscale Investments ir iesniedzis atjauninātu 19b-4 Ethereum ETF lietojumprogrammai. Kā X atklāja Bloomberg vecākais ETF analītiķis Džeimss Seifarts, šis ir uzņēmuma jaunākais atjauninājums pēc tā sākotnējās iesniegšanas 21. maijā.

🌐 Grayscale Dotting All ir paredzēts Ethereum ETF

⚡ Plašāka digitālās valūtas ekosistēma ir uz priekšu, jo ir paredzams, ka ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) šonedēļ ieviesīs Ethereum ETF lietojumprogrammu. Vairāki indeksi norāda uz faktu, ka ar apstiprinājumiem tiks veidota vēsture, tomēr Grayscale Investments nedod nekādas izredzes, kas varētu veicināt neparedzētas kļūdas tās piemērošanā.

♦️Atjauninātā iesniegšana ir atkarīga no Grayscale plašā kompromisa, jo uzņēmums no saviem plašākajiem Spot Ethereum ETF priekšlikumiem ir noņēmis klauzulu “Staking”. Koncentrēšanās uz 19b-4 ir saprotama, jo apstiprināšanas secībā šī ir pirmā veidlapa, ko SEC iedegs, gatavojoties faktiskajai palaišanai.

⚡ Pateicoties atvērtākai saziņai starp SEC un spot Ethereum ETF pretendentiem, biežie atjauninājumi var atbilst atsauksmēm no tirgus regulatora. Jāatzīmē, ka Grayscale ir viens no vecākajiem kriptovalūtu ieguldījumu pakalpojumu sniedzējiem, kura centieni veicināja Bitcoin ETF palaišanu janvārī.

🌐 Jaunas ēras sākums

♦️ Gaidot tūlītēju Ethereum ETF apstiprinājumu, digitālajai valūtai, visticamāk, sāksies jauna ēra. Lai gan sarunas par tās kā drošības piedāvājuma statusu joprojām nav skaidras, Ethereum ETF klātbūtne mainīs monētas paradigmu.

⚡ Papildus tam, ka tiks izbeigtas debates par regulatora atbalstu, tas arī palīdzēs nodrošināt institucionālā kapitāla ieplūšanu. Tam neapšaubāmi būs liela ietekme uz digitālās valūtas cenu, tāpat kā Spot Bitcoin ETF virzīja BTC uz savu ATH.
🐸PEPE Vs GAMESTOP Which Meme Coin is Close to $1? 📈📣 #MemeWatch2024 PEPE and GME have become the most preferred meme coins after their continuous gains and increasing demand in the market. But is PEPE really superior to GME? #PEPE‏ #GameStop ✳️ Meme coins have officially taken over the crypto market with continuous gains and profits over the last few weeks. The gains are so high that no other cryptocurrency can beat the growth of meme coins, including Bitcoin. At the time of writing, the meme industry has grown to $60.5 Billion in market capitalization and offers $ 11 billion of transaction volume alone. ♦️ More importantly, PEPE and GME were the top contributors to creating hype about meme cryptocurrencies with their impressive profits. So, in PEPE vs. GME, which one is the meme king, or will hit the $1 first? Let us discuss that in this blog. 📍PEPE Price Analysis📊 🌿 PEPE has made history after creating multiple all-time high records within two months. It has been on every investor’s portfolio because of its huge profit potential as the token has presented many profitable opportunities, making a hundred times in profit for their investors. PEPE price is at $0.00001222 after setting a new all-time high record of $0.00001274 two hours ago. ♦️With the ongoing price surge, PEPE is ranked 24th on CoinmarketCap for its market cap of $5.14B and trading volume of $3.71B, which is up by 423%. Moreover, the token is still bullish, so the price may rise even higher if the trend continues. 📍GME Price Analysis📊 ✳️ GME or Gamestop, is a newly launched Solana meme coin that has made huge gains recently. After its launch in February 2024, GME peaked at a high of $0.01352 before entering a downtrend. However, the price rose multiple folds earlier, creating an all-time high record of $0.0219 just a week ago. As for now, the Gamestop price has declined to $0.0219 after a 21% fall in the last 24 hours only. Moreover, its market cap and trading volume are down to $39,312,853 and $69,485,972. ♦️ What’s interesting about GME is that it was launched with a comparatively lower supply for a meme coin. Gamestop has a total supply of 6,885,214,218 GME, which is already in circulation. A small token amount is a beneficial factor for GME price, as the demand stays high when the supply is low. 📍Who Will Attain $1📈 First Between PEPE and GME?📊 🌿 PEPE and GME are the most popular meme coins because of their current gains. PEPE has an overall profit of 2158%, whereas GME has a 3% loss after its current decline. On comparing both the meme coins in terms of their market capitalization, PEPE is much superior to the GME because of two factors. First, PEPE has been in the market for longer than GME, so the demand is more for PEPE. Secondly, PEPE has a larger circulating supply of 420Trillion. However, this has also restricted the PEPE price from advancing as GME did earlier. ♦️ Also, the most important comparison comes from the price history of these meme coins. Despite being new to the crypto market, GME is much closer to $1 than PEPE as its price is $0.0219, whereas PEPE is $0.00001222. In contrast, GME doesn’t have much of a history in the crypto market, which also restricts the analysis of the price pattern and how the token will move next, whereas with PEPE, a tag of high gains is already attributed to this meme coin. ✳️ After carefully analyzing all the necessary metrics and market capability, PEPE is less likely to achieve the $1 mark. This is because PEPE has a huge circulating supply, and a market cap of trillions of dollars for a meme coin is not feasible for now. On the other hand, GME is already closer to $1 and has a short supply, making it easier to comprehend to see GME hitting $1 instead of PEPE. $PEPE

🐸PEPE Vs GAMESTOP Which Meme Coin is Close to $1? 📈

📣 #MemeWatch2024 PEPE and GME have become the most preferred meme coins after their continuous gains and increasing demand in the market. But is PEPE really superior to GME? #PEPE‏ #GameStop
✳️ Meme coins have officially taken over the crypto market with continuous gains and profits over the last few weeks. The gains are so high that no other cryptocurrency can beat the growth of meme coins, including Bitcoin. At the time of writing, the meme industry has grown to $60.5 Billion in market capitalization and offers $ 11 billion of transaction volume alone.
♦️ More importantly, PEPE and GME were the top contributors to creating hype about meme cryptocurrencies with their impressive profits. So, in PEPE vs. GME, which one is the meme king, or will hit the $1 first? Let us discuss that in this blog.
📍PEPE Price Analysis📊
🌿 PEPE has made history after creating multiple all-time high records within two months. It has been on every investor’s portfolio because of its huge profit potential as the token has presented many profitable opportunities, making a hundred times in profit for their investors. PEPE price is at $0.00001222 after setting a new all-time high record of $0.00001274 two hours ago.

♦️With the ongoing price surge, PEPE is ranked 24th on CoinmarketCap for its market cap of $5.14B and trading volume of $3.71B, which is up by 423%. Moreover, the token is still bullish, so the price may rise even higher if the trend continues.
📍GME Price Analysis📊
✳️ GME or Gamestop, is a newly launched Solana meme coin that has made huge gains recently. After its launch in February 2024, GME peaked at a high of $0.01352 before entering a downtrend. However, the price rose multiple folds earlier, creating an all-time high record of $0.0219 just a week ago. As for now, the Gamestop price has declined to $0.0219 after a 21% fall in the last 24 hours only. Moreover, its market cap and trading volume are down to $39,312,853 and $69,485,972.

♦️ What’s interesting about GME is that it was launched with a comparatively lower supply for a meme coin. Gamestop has a total supply of 6,885,214,218 GME, which is already in circulation. A small token amount is a beneficial factor for GME price, as the demand stays high when the supply is low.
📍Who Will Attain $1📈 First Between PEPE and GME?📊
🌿 PEPE and GME are the most popular meme coins because of their current gains. PEPE has an overall profit of 2158%, whereas GME has a 3% loss after its current decline. On comparing both the meme coins in terms of their market capitalization, PEPE is much superior to the GME because of two factors. First, PEPE has been in the market for longer than GME, so the demand is more for PEPE. Secondly, PEPE has a larger circulating supply of 420Trillion. However, this has also restricted the PEPE price from advancing as GME did earlier.
♦️ Also, the most important comparison comes from the price history of these meme coins. Despite being new to the crypto market, GME is much closer to $1 than PEPE as its price is $0.0219, whereas PEPE is $0.00001222. In contrast, GME doesn’t have much of a history in the crypto market, which also restricts the analysis of the price pattern and how the token will move next, whereas with PEPE, a tag of high gains is already attributed to this meme coin.
✳️ After carefully analyzing all the necessary metrics and market capability, PEPE is less likely to achieve the $1 mark. This is because PEPE has a huge circulating supply, and a market cap of trillions of dollars for a meme coin is not feasible for now. On the other hand, GME is already closer to $1 and has a short supply, making it easier to comprehend to see GME hitting $1 instead of PEPE.
🌐 Politics, amendments, staking: Making sense of the ether ETF developments📑📣 Fidelity Ark Invest and Grayscale have so far adjusted proposals to omit plans of staking the funds’ ETH holdings #ETHETFS 🔹As the industry tries to make sense of the evolving bullish signals around possible spot ether ETF approvals, there’s no shame in needing a quick refresher. 🔸The Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to rule on such products by Thursday. With me so far? 🔹Amended filings indicate that prospective ether ETF issuers would not stake the ETH they hold — a fund feature that segment observers long predicted the SEC to oppose. ♦️The SEC has declined to comment 🔸Analysts expect the SEC to decide on so-called 19b-4s — proposed rule changes filed by exchanges on behalf of the issuers — before weighing in on S-1 registration statements for each of the planned funds. There could be a delay between the two actions, both of which are needed for the products to hit the market. ♦️Getting up to speed on accelerated movement 🔹Various industry watchers had voiced pessimism of SEC spot ether ETF approval until yesterday, when Bloomberg analysts upped their odds of SEC approval from 25% to 75%. 🔸To be fair, Coinbase research analyst David Han had said last week he thought the market might be “underestimating the timing and odds” of US ETH fund approvals. 🔹One person familiar with the matter indeed told Blockworks on Monday: “Conversations are progressing.” ♦️Spot ether ETF decision week just got a bit more interesting 🔸Indeed, the SEC reportedly asked the exchanges which spot ether ETFs would list to update their 19b-4 documents. SEC staff told the exchanges Monday that it was leaning toward approving the products, Barron’s reported, citing “people familiar with the matter.” 🔹Jon Ammons, a partner in Reed Smith’s on-chain crypto a#nd digital asset group, told Blockworks that the SEC has sometimes asked for 11th-hour modifications if a particular issue comes up late in the process. 🔸“But I would say it is rare for them to sit on a known issue and then ask for changes at the last minute,” he added. 🔹The SEC’s possible change of heart could be linked to recent political developments just months ahead of the presidential election. With former president Donald Trump essentially pledged to be a pro-crypto president, Democrats are likely feeling additional pressure to potentially pivot their stance on the issue, Galaxy CEO Mike Novogratz said last week. ♦️Bitcoin may stay in a ‘consolidation phase’ until US election: Novogratz 🔸Twelve Democratic senators joined Republicans last week to pass a resolution to overturn the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) 121. 🔹Rashan Colbert, head of policy at dYdX Trading, said he expects the House to continue that momentum by passing the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act with a bipartisan majority this week. ♦️And then there’s this about-face from the SEC. 🔸“Those who’ve been deeply involved in crypto policy, who attempt to think about them from first principles, realize that these are not fundamentally partisan issues,” Colbert told Blockworks. “Some are attempting to make them so, but they’re not.” ♦️Issuers remove staking-related language 🔹Fidelity Investments amended the registration statement, or S-1, for its Fidelity Ethereum Fund Tuesday morning. 🔸The filing signaled the firm intends to not stake the ether it holds. Staking ether is the process of depositing ETH to help secure the Ethereum blockchain — and earning yield on that ETH for doing so. 🔹Fidelity’s adjustment came after Ark Invest and 21Shares, which previously proposed for their planned fund to stake the fund’s ETH, also took out such language in a May 10 filing. 🔸Oh yeah, and NYSE Arca filed a 19b-4 on Tuesday on behalf of Grayscale for its Ethereum Mini Trust. 🔹“Neither the trust, nor the sponsor, nor the custodian, nor any other person associated with the trust will, directly or indirectly, engage in action where any portion of the trust’s ether becomes subject to Ethereum proof-of-stake validation or is used to earn additional ether or generate income or other earnings,” the document states. 🔸More similar 19b-4 and S-1 amendments are expected ahead of the SEC’s ruling. 🔹Sumit Roy, a senior analyst at, told Blockworks in March that it would be hard to imagine the SEC allowing potential ether ETFs to stake their holdings. 🔸“Staking is a feature that makes ether and other proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies more like securities, which the SEC won’t look favorably upon,” Roy noted at the time. ♦️So what does this mean? 🔹Coinbase’s Han sought to explain the possible reason for the SEC’s previous lack of engagement with prospective ether ETF issuers in a Monday X post. 🔸While staking would have made ether ETFs different than the already-approved bitcoin ETFs, he noted many details — like custodian responsibilities, net asset value calculation and benchmark rates, for example — are similar to those for the BTC funds. 🔹“If there’s no staking, it’s not clear to me why spot ETH ETFs would be mechanically different from spot BTC ETFs,” Han added. “Hence, the relative silence on S-1 communication isn’t particularly surprising to me, since it’s not clear what would need updating.” 🔸21Shares co-founder made a similar argument in a March interview with Blockworks co-founder Jason Yanowitz — pointing out the similarities between the approved bitcoin products and the ether ETF proposals. 🔹“They’re the same structure, the same custodians, the same disclosures,” Snyder said at the time. “It’s very internally consistent. That means there’s less to look at.” ♦️21Shares president ‘less bearish’ than Cathie Wood on ether ETF approval 🔸Still, the SEC could deny the spot ether ETF applications, particularly given the regulator’s historical hesitation to clearly label ETH as a security or a commodity. 🔹“The SEC could therefore say that ETH ETPs should not be Commodity-Based Trust Shares,” Ammons said. “But this would likely ignite the jurisdictional tug-of-war between the SEC and CFTC over the classification of ether.” 🔸SEC Chair Gary Gensler said in a Jan. 10 statement — the day the agency approved US spot bitcoin ETFs — that the decision was “cabined to ETPs holding one non-security commodity, bitcoin.” 🔹Jake Chervinsky, chief legal officer at crypto fund Variant, noted that the SEC approving spot ether ETFs would likely mean they are admitting unstaked ETH is not a security. 🔸“That would be a major policy move from a commission that has consistently refused to acknowledge any asset other than BTC as a non-security commodity,” he wrote on X. “Have we earned it?” $BTC $ETH

🌐 Politics, amendments, staking: Making sense of the ether ETF developments📑

📣 Fidelity Ark Invest and Grayscale have so far adjusted proposals to omit plans of staking the funds’ ETH holdings #ETHETFS
🔹As the industry tries to make sense of the evolving bullish signals around possible spot ether ETF approvals, there’s no shame in needing a quick refresher.
🔸The Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to rule on such products by Thursday. With me so far?
🔹Amended filings indicate that prospective ether ETF issuers would not stake the ETH they hold — a fund feature that segment observers long predicted the SEC to oppose.
♦️The SEC has declined to comment
🔸Analysts expect the SEC to decide on so-called 19b-4s — proposed rule changes filed by exchanges on behalf of the issuers — before weighing in on S-1 registration statements for each of the planned funds. There could be a delay between the two actions, both of which are needed for the products to hit the market.

♦️Getting up to speed on accelerated movement
🔹Various industry watchers had voiced pessimism of SEC spot ether ETF approval until yesterday, when Bloomberg analysts upped their odds of SEC approval from 25% to 75%.
🔸To be fair, Coinbase research analyst David Han had said last week he thought the market might be “underestimating the timing and odds” of US ETH fund approvals.
🔹One person familiar with the matter indeed told Blockworks on Monday: “Conversations are progressing.”
♦️Spot ether ETF decision week just got a bit more interesting
🔸Indeed, the SEC reportedly asked the exchanges which spot ether ETFs would list to update their 19b-4 documents. SEC staff told the exchanges Monday that it was leaning toward approving the products, Barron’s reported, citing “people familiar with the matter.”
🔹Jon Ammons, a partner in Reed Smith’s on-chain crypto a#nd digital asset group, told Blockworks that the SEC has sometimes asked for 11th-hour modifications if a particular issue comes up late in the process.
🔸“But I would say it is rare for them to sit on a known issue and then ask for changes at the last minute,” he added.
🔹The SEC’s possible change of heart could be linked to recent political developments just months ahead of the presidential election. With former president Donald Trump essentially pledged to be a pro-crypto president, Democrats are likely feeling additional pressure to potentially pivot their stance on the issue, Galaxy CEO Mike Novogratz said last week.
♦️Bitcoin may stay in a ‘consolidation phase’ until US election: Novogratz
🔸Twelve Democratic senators joined Republicans last week to pass a resolution to overturn the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) 121.
🔹Rashan Colbert, head of policy at dYdX Trading, said he expects the House to continue that momentum by passing the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act with a bipartisan majority this week.
♦️And then there’s this about-face from the SEC.
🔸“Those who’ve been deeply involved in crypto policy, who attempt to think about them from first principles, realize that these are not fundamentally partisan issues,” Colbert told Blockworks. “Some are attempting to make them so, but they’re not.”
♦️Issuers remove staking-related language
🔹Fidelity Investments amended the registration statement, or S-1, for its Fidelity Ethereum Fund Tuesday morning.
🔸The filing signaled the firm intends to not stake the ether it holds. Staking ether is the process of depositing ETH to help secure the Ethereum blockchain — and earning yield on that ETH for doing so.
🔹Fidelity’s adjustment came after Ark Invest and 21Shares, which previously proposed for their planned fund to stake the fund’s ETH, also took out such language in a May 10 filing.
🔸Oh yeah, and NYSE Arca filed a 19b-4 on Tuesday on behalf of Grayscale for its Ethereum Mini Trust.
🔹“Neither the trust, nor the sponsor, nor the custodian, nor any other person associated with the trust will, directly or indirectly, engage in action where any portion of the trust’s ether becomes subject to Ethereum proof-of-stake validation or is used to earn additional ether or generate income or other earnings,” the document states.
🔸More similar 19b-4 and S-1 amendments are expected ahead of the SEC’s ruling.
🔹Sumit Roy, a senior analyst at, told Blockworks in March that it would be hard to imagine the SEC allowing potential ether ETFs to stake their holdings.
🔸“Staking is a feature that makes ether and other proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies more like securities, which the SEC won’t look favorably upon,” Roy noted at the time.
♦️So what does this mean?
🔹Coinbase’s Han sought to explain the possible reason for the SEC’s previous lack of engagement with prospective ether ETF issuers in a Monday X post.
🔸While staking would have made ether ETFs different than the already-approved bitcoin ETFs, he noted many details — like custodian responsibilities, net asset value calculation and benchmark rates, for example — are similar to those for the BTC funds.
🔹“If there’s no staking, it’s not clear to me why spot ETH ETFs would be mechanically different from spot BTC ETFs,” Han added. “Hence, the relative silence on S-1 communication isn’t particularly surprising to me, since it’s not clear what would need updating.”
🔸21Shares co-founder made a similar argument in a March interview with Blockworks co-founder Jason Yanowitz — pointing out the similarities between the approved bitcoin products and the ether ETF proposals.
🔹“They’re the same structure, the same custodians, the same disclosures,” Snyder said at the time. “It’s very internally consistent. That means there’s less to look at.”
♦️21Shares president ‘less bearish’ than Cathie Wood on ether ETF approval
🔸Still, the SEC could deny the spot ether ETF applications, particularly given the regulator’s historical hesitation to clearly label ETH as a security or a commodity.
🔹“The SEC could therefore say that ETH ETPs should not be Commodity-Based Trust Shares,” Ammons said. “But this would likely ignite the jurisdictional tug-of-war between the SEC and CFTC over the classification of ether.”
🔸SEC Chair Gary Gensler said in a Jan. 10 statement — the day the agency approved US spot bitcoin ETFs — that the decision was “cabined to ETPs holding one non-security commodity, bitcoin.”
🔹Jake Chervinsky, chief legal officer at crypto fund Variant, noted that the SEC approving spot ether ETFs would likely mean they are admitting unstaked ETH is not a security.
🔸“That would be a major policy move from a commission that has consistently refused to acknowledge any asset other than BTC as a non-security commodity,” he wrote on X. “Have we earned it?”

#MemeWatch2024 Can Pepe (PEPE) Become the Biggest Meme Coin in 2024? #pepe⚡ #shiba⚡ #doge⚡ 🔷 What Are PEPE’s Chances? 🔸The frog-themed meme coin – Pepe (PEPE) – has gained even more popularity in the past few days thanks to its rapid price increase. As CryptoPotato reported, it hit a new all-time high on May 15, whereas its market capitalization neared the $5 billion mark. The surge positioned PEPE as the third-largest in the meme coin realm, trailing behind Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). 🔹Other necessary elements include community support and endorsement from influential figures. It is worth noting that a study conducted at the end of last year positioned Shiba Inu (SHIB) as the meme coin with the most solid supporter base, while PEPE was third. 🔸Speaking of support from prominent individuals, one should mention that Dogecoin (DOGE) is the favorite cryptocurrency of Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk. This might be among the reasons why the asset is the most dominant meme coin. 🔹Not long ago, though, one of the wealthiest people posted a controversial picture on X depicting a frog dressed as a soldier. Some industry participants described the activity as a pro-PEPE move. 🔶 PEPE’s Success in Just a Year 🔹The meme coin saw the light of day in April 2023, turning into a sensation almost immediately. The interest in it rapidly increased in the following months, coinciding with its price rally and support from leading cryptocurrency exchanges. 🔸Some giants allowing trading services with PEPE include Binance, Bybit, OKX, Coinbase, Bitget, and many more. 🔹The token’s impressive ascent in a short period of time enabled savvy traders to make substantial profits. However, investors should also keep in mind the volatile nature of PEPE and the entire meme coin sector before entering the ecosystem, as they may experience devastating losses. $PEPE $SHIB $DOGE
#MemeWatch2024 Can Pepe (PEPE) Become the Biggest Meme Coin in 2024? #pepe⚡ #shiba⚡ #doge⚡
🔷 What Are PEPE’s Chances?
🔸The frog-themed meme coin – Pepe (PEPE) – has gained even more popularity in the past few days thanks to its rapid price increase. As CryptoPotato reported, it hit a new all-time high on May 15, whereas its market capitalization neared the $5 billion mark. The surge positioned PEPE as the third-largest in the meme coin realm, trailing behind Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB).

🔹Other necessary elements include community support and endorsement from influential figures. It is worth noting that a study conducted at the end of last year positioned Shiba Inu (SHIB) as the meme coin with the most solid supporter base, while PEPE was third.

🔸Speaking of support from prominent individuals, one should mention that Dogecoin (DOGE) is the favorite cryptocurrency of Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk. This might be among the reasons why the asset is the most dominant meme coin.

🔹Not long ago, though, one of the wealthiest people posted a controversial picture on X depicting a frog dressed as a soldier. Some industry participants described the activity as a pro-PEPE move.

🔶 PEPE’s Success in Just a Year

🔹The meme coin saw the light of day in April 2023, turning into a sensation almost immediately. The interest in it rapidly increased in the following months, coinciding with its price rally and support from leading cryptocurrency exchanges.

🔸Some giants allowing trading services with PEPE include Binance, Bybit, OKX, Coinbase, Bitget, and many more.

🔹The token’s impressive ascent in a short period of time enabled savvy traders to make substantial profits. However, investors should also keep in mind the volatile nature of PEPE and the entire meme coin sector before entering the ecosystem, as they may experience devastating losses.
♥️ To my 1K amazing followers, thank you for being a part of this journey! Hitting 1K followers feels like a dream. Cheers to many more milestones! So overwhelmed with love and support from my 1K followers🥳
♥️ To my 1K amazing followers, thank you for being a part of this journey! Hitting 1K followers feels like a dream. Cheers to many more milestones! So overwhelmed with love and support from my 1K followers🥳
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