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Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Cenu analīze: iemesls, kāpēc BTC šodien sabruka līdz 60 000 USD — CoinTelegraph Analytics Dienas diagrammā BTC nokritās zem galvenā $ 64 000 līmeņa un 200 dienu mainīgā vidējā līmeņa. 60 000 USD atbalsts saglabājas, bet, kad RSI ir zem 50%, impulss kļūst lācīgs, padarot iespējamu kritumu līdz 56 000 USD. 4 stundu diagrammā ir redzamas lācīgas izmaiņas tirgus struktūrā, jo BTC pārtrauca galveno kāpuma tendenci. Lai gan cena atlēca līdz 60 000 USD un RSI rāda pārpārdotu stāvokli, ir iespējama dziļāka korekcija uz USD 57 000, ja vien BTC ātri neatgūsies virs 64 000 USD. Bitcoin atvērtā interese joprojām ir augsta, neskatoties uz cenu kritumu, kas liecina, ka vēl nav notikusi ilgstoša likvidācijas kaskāde. Kapitulācijas notikums var izraisīt strauju avāriju, palielinot cenu līdz 50 000 USD, ja kritums turpināsies.
$BTC Cenu analīze: iemesls, kāpēc BTC šodien sabruka līdz 60 000 USD — CoinTelegraph Analytics

Dienas diagrammā BTC nokritās zem galvenā $ 64 000 līmeņa un 200 dienu mainīgā vidējā līmeņa. 60 000 USD atbalsts saglabājas, bet, kad RSI ir zem 50%, impulss kļūst lācīgs, padarot iespējamu kritumu līdz 56 000 USD.

4 stundu diagrammā ir redzamas lācīgas izmaiņas tirgus struktūrā, jo BTC pārtrauca galveno kāpuma tendenci. Lai gan cena atlēca līdz 60 000 USD un RSI rāda pārpārdotu stāvokli, ir iespējama dziļāka korekcija uz USD 57 000, ja vien BTC ātri neatgūsies virs 64 000 USD.

Bitcoin atvērtā interese joprojām ir augsta, neskatoties uz cenu kritumu, kas liecina, ka vēl nav notikusi ilgstoša likvidācijas kaskāde. Kapitulācijas notikums var izraisīt strauju avāriju, palielinot cenu līdz 50 000 USD, ja kritums turpināsies.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tirgotājs prognozē 44 000% ralliju $SHIB  — CoinPedia Analytics Shiba Inu (SHIB) ir samazinājies par 10,5%, taču tas joprojām ir populārs tā potenciālo milzīgo ieguvumu dēļ. Kripto analītiķis prognozē, ka SHIB varētu piedzīvot 44 000% kāpumu, kas ir līdzīgs pirmajam cenu kāpumam. Ja SHIB izkļūs no pašreizējās konsolidācijas fāzes, mēmu monētas var izraisīt nākamo vēršu ciklu, palielinot cenu līdz 0,00726 USD. 44 000% palielinājums palielinātu SHIB tirgus maksimālo apjomu līdz 4,268 triljoniem USD, taču tas ir maz ticams, ja vien nepalielinās marķiera degšanas ātrums. SHIB lielais apgrozībā esošais 589 triljonu žetonu piedāvājums padara šāda lieluma tirgus ierobežojumu nereālu, lai gan ievērojams apdegums varētu veicināt cenu pieaugumu, nedestabilizējot tirgu. Pēdējo deviņu dienu laikā SHIB jau ir palielinājies par 43%, ko veicināja palielināta ķēdes aktivitāte un tirdzniecības apjoms, kas sasniedza 1,19 miljardus. Sākoties oktobrim, kas vēsturiski ir strauji kāpināts kriptovalūtu jomā, eksperti raugās uz SHIB izaugsmes turpināšanu, lai gan pieaugošā ažiotāža dēļ varētu būt tuvu vietējais cenu maksimums.
Tirgotājs prognozē 44 000% ralliju $SHIB  — CoinPedia Analytics

Shiba Inu (SHIB) ir samazinājies par 10,5%, taču tas joprojām ir populārs tā potenciālo milzīgo ieguvumu dēļ. Kripto analītiķis prognozē, ka SHIB varētu piedzīvot 44 000% kāpumu, kas ir līdzīgs pirmajam cenu kāpumam. Ja SHIB izkļūs no pašreizējās konsolidācijas fāzes, mēmu monētas var izraisīt nākamo vēršu ciklu, palielinot cenu līdz 0,00726 USD.

44 000% palielinājums palielinātu SHIB tirgus maksimālo apjomu līdz 4,268 triljoniem USD, taču tas ir maz ticams, ja vien nepalielinās marķiera degšanas ātrums. SHIB lielais apgrozībā esošais 589 triljonu žetonu piedāvājums padara šāda lieluma tirgus ierobežojumu nereālu, lai gan ievērojams apdegums varētu veicināt cenu pieaugumu, nedestabilizējot tirgu.

Pēdējo deviņu dienu laikā SHIB jau ir palielinājies par 43%, ko veicināja palielināta ķēdes aktivitāte un tirdzniecības apjoms, kas sasniedza 1,19 miljardus. Sākoties oktobrim, kas vēsturiski ir strauji kāpināts kriptovalūtu jomā, eksperti raugās uz SHIB izaugsmes turpināšanu, lai gan pieaugošā ažiotāža dēļ varētu būt tuvu vietējais cenu maksimums.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$SOL Samazinās par 9%, bet cer palielināt ķēdes aktivitāšu pieaugumu līdz 186 $ — Crypto Basic Analytics Solana (SOL) pēdējo divu dienu laikā piedzīvoja 9% kritumu pēc tam, kad 29. septembrī sasniedza septiņu nedēļu augstāko līmeni - 161,80 USD, plašākas kriptovalūtu tirgus lejupslīdes apstākļos. Tomēr spēcīga aktivitāte ķēdē un pozitīvs noskaņojums varētu virzīt Solanu uz nākamo pretestību par 186 USD. Neskatoties uz kritumu, Solanas DeFi ekosistēma plaukst. Marinade Finance apjoms palielinājās par 65,9% līdz 209,91 miljonam ASV dolāru, savukārt pieauga par 93,06% līdz 197,42 miljoniem ASV dolāru. Arī citi projekti, piemēram, Jito un Jupiter Exchange, piedzīvoja stabilu izaugsmi. Tomēr Helio un Sharky saskārās ar apjoma kritumu attiecīgi par 22,89% un 27,47%. Solana cena konsolidējas ap 146,03 USD, atbalsts ir 144,76 USD un papildu līmeņi ir 128,80 un 118,94 USD. Pretestība ir USD 160,72, bet augstāki mērķi — USD 170,58 un USD 186,54. Tirgus joprojām atrodas konsolidācijas fāzē, bez skaidra tendences virziena.
$SOL Samazinās par 9%, bet cer palielināt ķēdes aktivitāšu pieaugumu līdz 186 $ — Crypto Basic Analytics

Solana (SOL) pēdējo divu dienu laikā piedzīvoja 9% kritumu pēc tam, kad 29. septembrī sasniedza septiņu nedēļu augstāko līmeni - 161,80 USD, plašākas kriptovalūtu tirgus lejupslīdes apstākļos. Tomēr spēcīga aktivitāte ķēdē un pozitīvs noskaņojums varētu virzīt Solanu uz nākamo pretestību par 186 USD.

Neskatoties uz kritumu, Solanas DeFi ekosistēma plaukst. Marinade Finance apjoms palielinājās par 65,9% līdz 209,91 miljonam ASV dolāru, savukārt pieauga par 93,06% līdz 197,42 miljoniem ASV dolāru. Arī citi projekti, piemēram, Jito un Jupiter Exchange, piedzīvoja stabilu izaugsmi. Tomēr Helio un Sharky saskārās ar apjoma kritumu attiecīgi par 22,89% un 27,47%.

Solana cena konsolidējas ap 146,03 USD, atbalsts ir 144,76 USD un papildu līmeņi ir 128,80 un 118,94 USD. Pretestība ir USD 160,72, bet augstāki mērķi — USD 170,58 un USD 186,54. Tirgus joprojām atrodas konsolidācijas fāzē, bez skaidra tendences virziena.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ethereum (ETH) cenu prognoze 2. oktobrim — Utoday Analytics Ethereum (ETH) pēdējās dienas laikā ir samazinājies par 6,74%. Stundu diagrammā ETH ir tuvu atbalsta līmenim 2442 USD vērtībā. Ja dienas josla tiks slēgta tuvu šim punktam, rīt varētu notikt kritums līdz 2400 USD zonai. Plašākā laika posmā skatieties USD 2437 līmeni. Ja tas sabojājas, korekcija var sasniegt 2350–2400 USD diapazonu dažu nākamo dienu laikā. Iknedēļas diagrammā ETH joprojām ir tālu no galvenajiem līmeņiem. Tomēr, ja iknedēļas josla aizveras tuvu zemajam līmenim, līdz mēneša beigām ir iespējams dziļāks kritums līdz 2200–2300 USD diapazonam. Ethereum presēšanas laikā tiek tirgots par USD 2450.
Ethereum (ETH) cenu prognoze 2. oktobrim — Utoday Analytics

Ethereum (ETH) pēdējās dienas laikā ir samazinājies par 6,74%. Stundu diagrammā ETH ir tuvu atbalsta līmenim 2442 USD vērtībā. Ja dienas josla tiks slēgta tuvu šim punktam, rīt varētu notikt kritums līdz 2400 USD zonai.

Plašākā laika posmā skatieties USD 2437 līmeni. Ja tas sabojājas, korekcija var sasniegt 2350–2400 USD diapazonu dažu nākamo dienu laikā.

Iknedēļas diagrammā ETH joprojām ir tālu no galvenajiem līmeņiem. Tomēr, ja iknedēļas josla aizveras tuvu zemajam līmenim, līdz mēneša beigām ir iespējams dziļāks kritums līdz 2200–2300 USD diapazonam. Ethereum presēšanas laikā tiek tirgots par USD 2450.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin $BTC Cenu prognoze 2. oktobrim - Utoday Analytics Bitcoin (BTC) pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir samazinājies par 1,93%. Stundu diagrammā BTC atlec pēc viltus izrāviena pie $60 703 atbalsta. Ja dienas svece aizveras tuvu pretestībai, cena var pieaugt līdz 62 400 USD. Lielāka laika posmā ir pāragri gaidīt ātru apvērsumu. Uzmanība jāpievērš galvenajai zonai 60 000 USD apmērā, kam īstermiņā būs izšķiroša nozīme. No vidēja termiņa perspektīvas BTC joprojām ir tālu no galvenajiem līmeņiem, un, samazinoties tirdzniecības apjomam, krasas cenu kustības ir maz ticamas. Preses laikā Bitcoin tiek tirgots par USD 61 222.
Bitcoin $BTC Cenu prognoze 2. oktobrim - Utoday Analytics

Bitcoin (BTC) pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir samazinājies par 1,93%. Stundu diagrammā BTC atlec pēc viltus izrāviena pie $60 703 atbalsta. Ja dienas svece aizveras tuvu pretestībai, cena var pieaugt līdz 62 400 USD.

Lielāka laika posmā ir pāragri gaidīt ātru apvērsumu. Uzmanība jāpievērš galvenajai zonai 60 000 USD apmērā, kam īstermiņā būs izšķiroša nozīme.

No vidēja termiņa perspektīvas BTC joprojām ir tālu no galvenajiem līmeņiem, un, samazinoties tirdzniecības apjomam, krasas cenu kustības ir maz ticamas. Preses laikā Bitcoin tiek tirgots par USD 61 222.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ripple cenas prognoze: kas notiks pēc tam, kad $XRP lēciens par 7% 12 stundu laikā? - AMB Crypto Analytics Ripple (XRP) ir piedzīvojusi strauju cenu pieaugumu, ņemot vērā spekulācijas, ka SEC varētu pārsūdzēt Ripple lietas spriedumu. Advokāts Džons Dītons uzskata, ka apelācijas tiesa, visticamāk, neatradīs vainu lēmumā. Tomēr SEC priekšsēdētājs Gerijs Genslers joprojām varētu iesniegt apelāciju pirms 7. oktobra termiņa beigām, potenciāli palielinot XRP cenu nepastāvību. Ķēdes metrika liecina par uzkrāšanos, pieaugot vidējam monētu vecumam un valūtas aizplūšanai, kas norāda uz bullish kontroli. Neaktīvā apgrozība ir bijusi klusa kopš 21. septembra, un 30 dienu MVRV liecina, ka drīzumā var rasties peļņas gūšana. OBV sasniedza maksimumus septembra vidū, un CMF liecina par spēcīgu kapitāla plūsmu. MACD arī norāda uz augšupejošu impulsu, jo XRP pārsniedza 10 nedēļu pretestību pie USD 0,62. Tomēr, ja pircējiem neizdosies salauzt 0,71 dolāra pretestību, šis rallijs varētu būt īslaicīgs.
Ripple cenas prognoze: kas notiks pēc tam, kad $XRP lēciens par 7% 12 stundu laikā? - AMB Crypto Analytics

Ripple (XRP) ir piedzīvojusi strauju cenu pieaugumu, ņemot vērā spekulācijas, ka SEC varētu pārsūdzēt Ripple lietas spriedumu. Advokāts Džons Dītons uzskata, ka apelācijas tiesa, visticamāk, neatradīs vainu lēmumā. Tomēr SEC priekšsēdētājs Gerijs Genslers joprojām varētu iesniegt apelāciju pirms 7. oktobra termiņa beigām, potenciāli palielinot XRP cenu nepastāvību.

Ķēdes metrika liecina par uzkrāšanos, pieaugot vidējam monētu vecumam un valūtas aizplūšanai, kas norāda uz bullish kontroli. Neaktīvā apgrozība ir bijusi klusa kopš 21. septembra, un 30 dienu MVRV liecina, ka drīzumā var rasties peļņas gūšana.

OBV sasniedza maksimumus septembra vidū, un CMF liecina par spēcīgu kapitāla plūsmu. MACD arī norāda uz augšupejošu impulsu, jo XRP pārsniedza 10 nedēļu pretestību pie USD 0,62. Tomēr, ja pircējiem neizdosies salauzt 0,71 dolāra pretestību, šis rallijs varētu būt īslaicīgs.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ADA cenas prognoze parāda īstermiņa atbalstu gandrīz 0,39 ASV dolāru apmērā — AMB Crypto Analytics Cardano (ADA) no 23. līdz 27. septembrim piedzīvoja 20% pieaugumu, gandrīz atkārtoti pārbaudot USD 0,418 pretestību. Neskatoties uz kāpuma rādītājiem, Bitcoin cenas kritums no $ 66k negatīvi ietekmēja ADA. Cardano ilgtermiņa perspektīvas joprojām ir bullish, bet nespēja atgūt 0,418 USD Fibonači atsekošanas līmeni rada bažas. ADA ir tirgojusies diapazonā no USD 0,312 līdz USD 0,393. Pagājušās nedēļas rallijs pacēla ADA virs diapazona, taču tas nav pārspējis galveno USD 0,418 līmeni. Pēdējo trīs dienu laikā ADA samazinājās par 7%, bet CMF joprojām ir pozitīvs, norādot uz spēcīgu kapitāla plūsmu. RSI norāda uz nepārtrauktu kāpumu, liekot domāt, ka 0,387 USD varētu kalpot kā īstermiņa atbalsts. Lai gan ADA var mērķēt uz USD 0,408, Bitcoin lācīgs impulss var pazemināt cenas, tāpēc ieteicams ievērot piesardzību.
$ADA cenas prognoze parāda īstermiņa atbalstu gandrīz 0,39 ASV dolāru apmērā — AMB Crypto Analytics

Cardano (ADA) no 23. līdz 27. septembrim piedzīvoja 20% pieaugumu, gandrīz atkārtoti pārbaudot USD 0,418 pretestību. Neskatoties uz kāpuma rādītājiem, Bitcoin cenas kritums no $ 66k negatīvi ietekmēja ADA.

Cardano ilgtermiņa perspektīvas joprojām ir bullish, bet nespēja atgūt 0,418 USD Fibonači atsekošanas līmeni rada bažas. ADA ir tirgojusies diapazonā no USD 0,312 līdz USD 0,393. Pagājušās nedēļas rallijs pacēla ADA virs diapazona, taču tas nav pārspējis galveno USD 0,418 līmeni.

Pēdējo trīs dienu laikā ADA samazinājās par 7%, bet CMF joprojām ir pozitīvs, norādot uz spēcīgu kapitāla plūsmu. RSI norāda uz nepārtrauktu kāpumu, liekot domāt, ka 0,387 USD varētu kalpot kā īstermiņa atbalsts. Lai gan ADA var mērķēt uz USD 0,408, Bitcoin lācīgs impulss var pazemināt cenas, tāpēc ieteicams ievērot piesardzību.
$XRP surges past $0.60 – How whales helped the rise - AMB Crypto Analytics Ripple's XRP has recently surpassed key resistance levels, fueled by significant whale accumulation. Large holders have purchased around 500 million XRP in the last ten days, worth over $330 million. Santiment data shows XRP is now the second-highest trending cryptocurrency with over 55% positive sentiment, likely driven by a recent price rally. XRP broke past resistance at $0.58 and $0.57, climbing over 7% in the past three days to trade around $0.65, its first retest since March. However, it remains uncertain if the token can sustain this momentum beyond $0.6, a historically challenging level. Ripple's 30-day MVRV ratio surged from 3.7% to 12.53% in late September, indicating many holders, especially whales, are sitting on substantial profits. This spike hints at short-term overvaluation, suggesting a potential market correction may follow.
$XRP surges past $0.60 – How whales helped the rise - AMB Crypto Analytics

Ripple's XRP has recently surpassed key resistance levels, fueled by significant whale accumulation. Large holders have purchased around 500 million XRP in the last ten days, worth over $330 million. Santiment data shows XRP is now the second-highest trending cryptocurrency with over 55% positive sentiment, likely driven by a recent price rally.

XRP broke past resistance at $0.58 and $0.57, climbing over 7% in the past three days to trade around $0.65, its first retest since March. However, it remains uncertain if the token can sustain this momentum beyond $0.6, a historically challenging level.

Ripple's 30-day MVRV ratio surged from 3.7% to 12.53% in late September, indicating many holders, especially whales, are sitting on substantial profits. This spike hints at short-term overvaluation, suggesting a potential market correction may follow.
Is $ETH Price Primed for $10K Rally in the Next Bull Cycle? - CoinGape Analytics Ethereum rebounded from the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level in September, signaling a healthy correction. As momentum builds for an "Uptober" upswing, similarities to the 2023 rally suggest ETH could push toward the $10,000 level. Julien Bittel, CFA, shared a chart comparing ETH’s 2023 and 2024 price action, predicting a test of the $7,000 to $10,000 range by January 2025. If the trend continues, ETH could surpass its current all-time high of $4,891. Data shows whales are accumulating Ethereum, with the supply held by top addresses growing to 44.1%, and ETH on exchanges falling to 10.1 million coins. This reduced exchange supply may lower correction risks. However, Ethereum Foundation’s recent ETH sales in 2024 could create market volatility. So far, the foundation has sold 3,766 ETH, including 1,250 ETH in September, potentially triggering a pullback. ETH has faced resistance at $2,600 after a recent rebound. If the 50-day EMA remains firm, ETH could drop to $2,100. Conversely, breaking long-term support may invalidate the bullish outlook.
Is $ETH Price Primed for $10K Rally in the Next Bull Cycle? - CoinGape Analytics
Ethereum rebounded from the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level in September, signaling a healthy correction. As momentum builds for an "Uptober" upswing, similarities to the 2023 rally suggest ETH could push toward the $10,000 level.
Julien Bittel, CFA, shared a chart comparing ETH’s 2023 and 2024 price action, predicting a test of the $7,000 to $10,000 range by January 2025. If the trend continues, ETH could surpass its current all-time high of $4,891.

Data shows whales are accumulating Ethereum, with the supply held by top addresses growing to 44.1%, and ETH on exchanges falling to 10.1 million coins. This reduced exchange supply may lower correction risks.

However, Ethereum Foundation’s recent ETH sales in 2024 could create market volatility. So far, the foundation has sold 3,766 ETH, including 1,250 ETH in September, potentially triggering a pullback.

ETH has faced resistance at $2,600 after a recent rebound. If the 50-day EMA remains firm, ETH could drop to $2,100. Conversely, breaking long-term support may invalidate the bullish outlook.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lūk, kas tiek gaidīts par $SOL un $SUI cenām oktobrī: vai tie abi var izraisīt 25% pieaugumu? - CoinPedia Analytics SUI ir ieguvusi spēku, nospiežot cenas virs galvenās pretestības zonas, kas liecina par iespējamu kāpumu. Žetonam ir izveidojies bullish raksturs, un pēc kakla izgriezuma sasniegšanas varēja novērot ievērojamu ralliju. Solana DEX apjoms salīdzinājumā ar Ethereum arī norāda uz ilgtermiņa bullish potenciālu abām kriptogrāfijām. SOL cena cieši seko Bitcoin cenai, un abas diagrammas ir līdzīgas viena otrai. Trešo reizi 50 dienu laikā SOL ir saskārusies ar noraidījumu USD 161 apmērā, kas liecina par iespējamu lāču noskaņojumu. Tomēr tas ir konsolidējies no USD 115 līdz USD 200 ar atbalstu 200 dienu MA un bullish Ichimoku mākoņa apvērsumu. SUI cena ir pieaugusi kopš augusta vidus, konsolidējoties šaurā diapazonā. Iknedēļas darbība norāda uz potenciālu dubultā dibena modeli, un rādītāji liecina par jaunu augšupeju, pieaugot pirkšanas spiedienam. SUI ir gatavs izrāvienam, cenšoties sasniegt jaunus visu laiku rekordus.
Lūk, kas tiek gaidīts par $SOL un $SUI cenām oktobrī: vai tie abi var izraisīt 25% pieaugumu? - CoinPedia Analytics

SUI ir ieguvusi spēku, nospiežot cenas virs galvenās pretestības zonas, kas liecina par iespējamu kāpumu. Žetonam ir izveidojies bullish raksturs, un pēc kakla izgriezuma sasniegšanas varēja novērot ievērojamu ralliju. Solana DEX apjoms salīdzinājumā ar Ethereum arī norāda uz ilgtermiņa bullish potenciālu abām kriptogrāfijām.

SOL cena cieši seko Bitcoin cenai, un abas diagrammas ir līdzīgas viena otrai. Trešo reizi 50 dienu laikā SOL ir saskārusies ar noraidījumu USD 161 apmērā, kas liecina par iespējamu lāču noskaņojumu. Tomēr tas ir konsolidējies no USD 115 līdz USD 200 ar atbalstu 200 dienu MA un bullish Ichimoku mākoņa apvērsumu.

SUI cena ir pieaugusi kopš augusta vidus, konsolidējoties šaurā diapazonā. Iknedēļas darbība norāda uz potenciālu dubultā dibena modeli, un rādītāji liecina par jaunu augšupeju, pieaugot pirkšanas spiedienam. SUI ir gatavs izrāvienam, cenšoties sasniegt jaunus visu laiku rekordus.
3 reasons why $ETH will hit $10K next bull cycle - Cointelegraph Analytics Ethereum's native token, Ether (ETH), could reach $10,000 in the coming months, driven by bullish fractal indicators. A price fractal between January 2023 and March 2024 shows similarities to current price action, suggesting a breakout toward $10,000 if momentum continues. Analyst Julien Bittel predicts this as a possible year-end target. A long-term Fibonacci retracement analysis supports this projection, with key levels at $6,978 and $10,623. If ETH reclaims its 50-week EMA, the token could follow historical trends and hit these targets. Global M2 money supply growth also bodes well for Ethereum, as liquidity increases and central banks ease monetary policies. This macroeconomic factor has historically influenced crypto prices, including ETH, pointing to further potential growth.
3 reasons why $ETH will hit $10K next bull cycle - Cointelegraph Analytics

Ethereum's native token, Ether (ETH), could reach $10,000 in the coming months, driven by bullish fractal indicators. A price fractal between January 2023 and March 2024 shows similarities to current price action, suggesting a breakout toward $10,000 if momentum continues. Analyst Julien Bittel predicts this as a possible year-end target.

A long-term Fibonacci retracement analysis supports this projection, with key levels at $6,978 and $10,623. If ETH reclaims its 50-week EMA, the token could follow historical trends and hit these targets.

Global M2 money supply growth also bodes well for Ethereum, as liquidity increases and central banks ease monetary policies. This macroeconomic factor has historically influenced crypto prices, including ETH, pointing to further potential growth.
$XRP eyes over 5% gains, could break above July 2024 high amidst positive developments - FXS Analytics Ripple (XRP) is advancing in the development of its stablecoin, Ripple USD (RUSD), currently being tested on the XRP Ledger and Ethereum blockchain. XRP is trading at $0.6251, with potential for a 5.55% gain, holding above key support at $0.6200. The MACD indicator shows positive momentum, with a possible rally toward $0.6602, the 50% Fibonacci retracement level. XRP may face resistance at $0.6434, with support found in the Fair Value Gap between $0.5972 and $0.6076. If it breaks through, XRP could continue toward $0.6602. Pro-crypto attorney John Deaton believes an SEC appeal against Ripple’s lawsuit ruling is possible but argues it would be a waste of taxpayer money. Despite uncertainty, XRP holders are watching the situation closely.
$XRP eyes over 5% gains, could break above July 2024 high amidst positive developments - FXS Analytics

Ripple (XRP) is advancing in the development of its stablecoin, Ripple USD (RUSD), currently being tested on the XRP Ledger and Ethereum blockchain. XRP is trading at $0.6251, with potential for a 5.55% gain, holding above key support at $0.6200. The MACD indicator shows positive momentum, with a possible rally toward $0.6602, the 50% Fibonacci retracement level.

XRP may face resistance at $0.6434, with support found in the Fair Value Gap between $0.5972 and $0.6076. If it breaks through, XRP could continue toward $0.6602.

Pro-crypto attorney John Deaton believes an SEC appeal against Ripple’s lawsuit ruling is possible but argues it would be a waste of taxpayer money. Despite uncertainty, XRP holders are watching the situation closely.
$ETH Whales Sell $45 Million ETH, What’s Next? - CoinGape Analytics Ethereum (ETH) recently surged to $2,600, but institutional investors sold off around $45 million in ETH. Notably, Cumberland moved 11,800 ETH to Coinbase, while ParaFi Capital withdrew 5,134 ETH from Lido, also sending it to Coinbase. These large transactions have raised concerns about potential market shifts. Despite this sell-off, crypto analyst Julien Bittel predicts ETH could reach $20,000 by early 2025. He sees similarities between Ethereum's current performance and its 2023 bullish trend, suggesting a significant rally may follow. ETH has modestly increased to $2,671.43, staying within the $2,643 to $2,728 range, showing resilience despite market volatility and institutional adjustments.
$ETH Whales Sell $45 Million ETH, What’s Next? - CoinGape Analytics

Ethereum (ETH) recently surged to $2,600, but institutional investors sold off around $45 million in ETH. Notably, Cumberland moved 11,800 ETH to Coinbase, while ParaFi Capital withdrew 5,134 ETH from Lido, also sending it to Coinbase. These large transactions have raised concerns about potential market shifts.

Despite this sell-off, crypto analyst Julien Bittel predicts ETH could reach $20,000 by early 2025. He sees similarities between Ethereum's current performance and its 2023 bullish trend, suggesting a significant rally may follow.

ETH has modestly increased to $2,671.43, staying within the $2,643 to $2,728 range, showing resilience despite market volatility and institutional adjustments.
Dogwifhat: Why $WIF ’s next rally depends on closing above $2.5 - AMB Crypto Analytics Dogwifhat (WIF) surged 37% since Monday, breaking out of a seven-week range that topped at $1.98. With WIF in its first cycle, a long-term uptrend similar to Dogecoin’s 2021 run is possible. Investors and traders should watch key levels closely. The market remains bullish, with strong buying pressure as indicated by the OBV. Fibonacci retracement levels suggest $2.5 as critical resistance, a level that previously flipped from support in July. A daily close above this point could confirm the uptrend, though Bitcoin's movement may impact WIF's price. In the short term, $2.5 remains a key resistance zone, while support sits between $1.8 and $1.9. If liquidity around $2.5 is tested, it could determine the next price direction.
Dogwifhat: Why $WIF ’s next rally depends on closing above $2.5 - AMB Crypto Analytics

Dogwifhat (WIF) surged 37% since Monday, breaking out of a seven-week range that topped at $1.98. With WIF in its first cycle, a long-term uptrend similar to Dogecoin’s 2021 run is possible. Investors and traders should watch key levels closely.

The market remains bullish, with strong buying pressure as indicated by the OBV. Fibonacci retracement levels suggest $2.5 as critical resistance, a level that previously flipped from support in July. A daily close above this point could confirm the uptrend, though Bitcoin's movement may impact WIF's price.

In the short term, $2.5 remains a key resistance zone, while support sits between $1.8 and $1.9. If liquidity around $2.5 is tested, it could determine the next price direction.
$SHIB on Verge of Price Tripling as 'Uptober' Nears - Utoday Analytics As October nears, Shiba Inu (SHIB) may be poised for a major price spike, sparking excitement within the SHIB community. Historical data from CryptoRank suggests SHIB could triple its price, with October typically yielding strong returns. In past Octobers, SHIB has averaged a 283.4% gain, making the month a period of notable growth for the second-largest meme cryptocurrency. Dubbed "Uptober," October has a history of positive price movements for SHIB. Three years ago, SHIB surged 833%, and the trend continued with gains in both 2022 and 2023. This track record raises the question of whether 2024 will follow the same pattern. If the predicted surge occurs, SHIB could reach $0.000075, a level not seen since its early days. However, as with all crypto markets, predictions remain uncertain.
$SHIB on Verge of Price Tripling as 'Uptober' Nears - Utoday Analytics

As October nears, Shiba Inu (SHIB) may be poised for a major price spike, sparking excitement within the SHIB community. Historical data from CryptoRank suggests SHIB could triple its price, with October typically yielding strong returns. In past Octobers, SHIB has averaged a 283.4% gain, making the month a period of notable growth for the second-largest meme cryptocurrency.

Dubbed "Uptober," October has a history of positive price movements for SHIB. Three years ago, SHIB surged 833%, and the trend continued with gains in both 2022 and 2023. This track record raises the question of whether 2024 will follow the same pattern.

If the predicted surge occurs, SHIB could reach $0.000075, a level not seen since its early days. However, as with all crypto markets, predictions remain uncertain.
$SUI surges 49% – Can it overtake Litecoin in the top 20? - AMB Crypto Analytics Sui (SUI) ended the week as the top gainer among the top 25 tokens, surging 49% to $1.62 and positioning itself for potential competition with Litecoin (LTC), which rose 8% to $68.49. With SUI aiming for its March all-time high of $2.09, the chances of it surpassing Litecoin in market rank are increasing. Despite broader market volatility, SUI has shown consistent bullish movement, gaining over 100% since the start of September. However, SUI’s surge has raised questions about its sustainability. Increased trading volume and high investor interest coincide with Bitcoin's return to the $64K range, attracting more attention to SUI. Yet, the rise has led to a significant inflow of SUI into exchanges, indicating some profit-taking might occur soon. Traders remember the sharp decline SUI faced after its previous peak, raising concerns about a possible retracement. The growth rate of SUI compared to LTC is critical. While LTC has been consolidating between $60K and $70K with declining volume, SUI has experienced a notable rally. If bulls can maintain liquidity and hold the $1.70 support, SUI may well replace LTC as the 20th largest coin by market cap, especially if it targets its all-time high.
$SUI surges 49% – Can it overtake Litecoin in the top 20? - AMB Crypto Analytics

Sui (SUI) ended the week as the top gainer among the top 25 tokens, surging 49% to $1.62 and positioning itself for potential competition with Litecoin (LTC), which rose 8% to $68.49. With SUI aiming for its March all-time high of $2.09, the chances of it surpassing Litecoin in market rank are increasing. Despite broader market volatility, SUI has shown consistent bullish movement, gaining over 100% since the start of September.

However, SUI’s surge has raised questions about its sustainability. Increased trading volume and high investor interest coincide with Bitcoin's return to the $64K range, attracting more attention to SUI. Yet, the rise has led to a significant inflow of SUI into exchanges, indicating some profit-taking might occur soon. Traders remember the sharp decline SUI faced after its previous peak, raising concerns about a possible retracement.

The growth rate of SUI compared to LTC is critical. While LTC has been consolidating between $60K and $70K with declining volume, SUI has experienced a notable rally. If bulls can maintain liquidity and hold the $1.70 support, SUI may well replace LTC as the 20th largest coin by market cap, especially if it targets its all-time high.
Analyst Sees $XRP Soaring 10,000%: Here’s Why - The Crypto Basic Analytics EGRAG's analysis highlights that XRP currently sits at a crucial level, with the potential to either soar or plummet. On the bearish side, XRP could decline by 40% to 72%, breaking key support levels and Fibonacci retracement levels. This could result in prices dropping to as low as $0.15922 (39.31% drop) or even $0.11137 (72.48% crash), reflecting XRP's ongoing struggles since its 2018 peak. Despite these risks, EGRAG points to an extraordinary upside potential if XRP breaks free from its long-term downward trend. A successful breakout could lead to a rally exceeding 10,000%, potentially elevating XRP's price to $26. Key Fibonacci extensions indicate targets of $8.34 and $26.57, contingent on XRP surpassing immediate resistance at $1.58. Traders should monitor key levels: XRP must hold above the $0.236 Fibonacci level around $0.248 to avoid further declines. If it drops below this, major supports lie at $0.159 and $0.111. Conversely, a breakout above $1.58 could lead to a significant rally, with the next resistance at $3.31 and higher Fibonacci targets beyond that.
Analyst Sees $XRP Soaring 10,000%: Here’s Why - The Crypto Basic Analytics

EGRAG's analysis highlights that XRP currently sits at a crucial level, with the potential to either soar or plummet. On the bearish side, XRP could decline by 40% to 72%, breaking key support levels and Fibonacci retracement levels. This could result in prices dropping to as low as $0.15922 (39.31% drop) or even $0.11137 (72.48% crash), reflecting XRP's ongoing struggles since its 2018 peak.

Despite these risks, EGRAG points to an extraordinary upside potential if XRP breaks free from its long-term downward trend. A successful breakout could lead to a rally exceeding 10,000%, potentially elevating XRP's price to $26. Key Fibonacci extensions indicate targets of $8.34 and $26.57, contingent on XRP surpassing immediate resistance at $1.58.

Traders should monitor key levels: XRP must hold above the $0.236 Fibonacci level around $0.248 to avoid further declines. If it drops below this, major supports lie at $0.159 and $0.111. Conversely, a breakout above $1.58 could lead to a significant rally, with the next resistance at $3.31 and higher Fibonacci targets beyond that.
$NOT tops the charts, eyes 25% gains this week - AMBCrypto Analytics Notcoin (NOT), recently launched on the TON blockchain, is revitalizing optimism within the ecosystem after a challenging period. Currently ranking third among top gainers, Notcoin has recorded over 9% growth in the last 24 hours, with trading volume increasing by 67%. This resurgence is sparking hopes for a revival of the TON blockchain, fueled by Notcoin's rise. Technical analysis shows that Notcoin has broken out of a falling wedge pattern, indicating bullish momentum. The price action has recently surpassed the 200 exponential moving average (EMA), which, if maintained, could signal further gains. Analysts suggest a potential ROI of over 25% by week's end, with previous breakouts leading to significant profits for traders. The MACD also supports this bullish outlook, indicating a sustained upward trend. Moreover, Notcoin is experiencing a positive shift in social sentiment, with rising mentions and engagement across platforms. This community backing is vital for smaller coins like NOT, enhancing the likelihood of continued price momentum. Coupled with strong technical indicators, Notcoin appears well-positioned to maintain its upward trajectory in the coming days.
$NOT tops the charts, eyes 25% gains this week - AMBCrypto Analytics

Notcoin (NOT), recently launched on the TON blockchain, is revitalizing optimism within the ecosystem after a challenging period. Currently ranking third among top gainers, Notcoin has recorded over 9% growth in the last 24 hours, with trading volume increasing by 67%. This resurgence is sparking hopes for a revival of the TON blockchain, fueled by Notcoin's rise.

Technical analysis shows that Notcoin has broken out of a falling wedge pattern, indicating bullish momentum. The price action has recently surpassed the 200 exponential moving average (EMA), which, if maintained, could signal further gains. Analysts suggest a potential ROI of over 25% by week's end, with previous breakouts leading to significant profits for traders. The MACD also supports this bullish outlook, indicating a sustained upward trend.

Moreover, Notcoin is experiencing a positive shift in social sentiment, with rising mentions and engagement across platforms. This community backing is vital for smaller coins like NOT, enhancing the likelihood of continued price momentum. Coupled with strong technical indicators, Notcoin appears well-positioned to maintain its upward trajectory in the coming days.
$BTC Reaches $65K — Market Braces for Major Options Expiry - Bitcoin com News Analytics Bitcoin (BTC) has surged today, peaking at $65,499 during the morning trading hours. Out of a total crypto trade volume of $95.27 billion, BTC represented $32.04 billion of that activity. After reaching the $65K mark at 10:15 a.m. Eastern Time, bitcoin’s price quickly settled into the mid-$64K range, but by 11:40 a.m., it had returned above $65K once again. In the past 24 hours, approximately $21.19 million in BTC shorts were liquidated, alongside $12.46 million in longs, contributing to a total of $131 million in liquidations across the crypto market. This included $66.5 million in long positions and $64.4 million in shorts. A total of around 54,129 traders were affected by these liquidations as the market rallied. Additionally, a significant quarterly options expiry is set for Friday, with around $9 billion in BTC and ETH contracts due for settlement. Open interest in futures and options has been steadily increasing, alongside positive inflows into spot bitcoin and ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs) over recent days.
$BTC Reaches $65K — Market Braces for Major Options Expiry - Bitcoin com News Analytics

Bitcoin (BTC) has surged today, peaking at $65,499 during the morning trading hours. Out of a total crypto trade volume of $95.27 billion, BTC represented $32.04 billion of that activity. After reaching the $65K mark at 10:15 a.m. Eastern Time, bitcoin’s price quickly settled into the mid-$64K range, but by 11:40 a.m., it had returned above $65K once again.

In the past 24 hours, approximately $21.19 million in BTC shorts were liquidated, alongside $12.46 million in longs, contributing to a total of $131 million in liquidations across the crypto market. This included $66.5 million in long positions and $64.4 million in shorts. A total of around 54,129 traders were affected by these liquidations as the market rallied.

Additionally, a significant quarterly options expiry is set for Friday, with around $9 billion in BTC and ETH contracts due for settlement. Open interest in futures and options has been steadily increasing, alongside positive inflows into spot bitcoin and ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs) over recent days.
Will $TON Price Hit $10 After the Hamster Kombat Airdrop? - CoinGape Analytics Toncoin (TON), the cryptocurrency linked to Telegram, is experiencing a promising upward trend as it approaches key support levels. Speculators are closely watching the asset, particularly with the upcoming Hamster Kombat Airdrop event, as Toncoin aims for a $10 milestone. A rigorous load test on September 26 will assess the network's capacity, coinciding with the airdrop, which is expected to boost Toncoin’s value given the project's large user base. Currently trading at $5.82, Toncoin has seen a 3.20% increase in the last day, although it remains below its all-time high of $8.24 from June 15, 2024. Despite modest gains compared to the broader crypto market, interest is growing as the Hamster Kombat airdrop approaches. The overall crypto market shows mixed activity, with Bitcoin maintaining resilience above $63,800. Technical indicators for Toncoin are showing positive trends. The Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) at 0.25 indicates strong buying pressure, while the Awesome Oscillator has shifted from red to green bars, signaling increasing market momentum. If this bullish trend continues, Toncoin could breach the $6 barrier and aim for a $10 mark, representing a potential 71% increase in a favorable market environment.
Will $TON Price Hit $10 After the Hamster Kombat Airdrop? - CoinGape Analytics

Toncoin (TON), the cryptocurrency linked to Telegram, is experiencing a promising upward trend as it approaches key support levels. Speculators are closely watching the asset, particularly with the upcoming Hamster Kombat Airdrop event, as Toncoin aims for a $10 milestone. A rigorous load test on September 26 will assess the network's capacity, coinciding with the airdrop, which is expected to boost Toncoin’s value given the project's large user base.

Currently trading at $5.82, Toncoin has seen a 3.20% increase in the last day, although it remains below its all-time high of $8.24 from June 15, 2024. Despite modest gains compared to the broader crypto market, interest is growing as the Hamster Kombat airdrop approaches. The overall crypto market shows mixed activity, with Bitcoin maintaining resilience above $63,800.

Technical indicators for Toncoin are showing positive trends. The Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) at 0.25 indicates strong buying pressure, while the Awesome Oscillator has shifted from red to green bars, signaling increasing market momentum. If this bullish trend continues, Toncoin could breach the $6 barrier and aim for a $10 mark, representing a potential 71% increase in a favorable market environment.
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