Binance Square
RATS Official
Rats Official Account. Rats is a Meme Token on the Bitcoin-Chain.
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Skatīt oriģinālu
🔥Mēs vēlamies pateikt visiem pasaules cilvēkiem, kas ir $RATS. 🐭 Mēs jūs mīlam, puiši! Lūdzu, pievērsiet uzmanību $RATS!!!
🔥Mēs vēlamies pateikt visiem pasaules cilvēkiem, kas ir $RATS.

🐭 Mēs jūs mīlam, puiši! Lūdzu, pievērsiet uzmanību $RATS!!!
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ja procentu likmes netiks paaugstinātas, vai, jūsuprāt, jūnijā tiks samazināta likme? #žurkas
Ja procentu likmes netiks paaugstinātas, vai, jūsuprāt, jūnijā tiks samazināta likme? #žurkas
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mēness gaismas skūpsts! #žurkas
Mēness gaismas skūpsts! #žurkas
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mans kriptovalūtu ceļojums ir beidzies. Pārdevu māju par 400 000 u, un viss bija #rats. Pārdevu sētu par 100k u un dubultoju #žurkas. Solītie 10% gada procenti manam tētim ir drīzumā, bet tagad man ir atlikuši tikai 50k pārdot. Aston Martin, kuru es apsolīju savai sievai, tagad var iegādāties tikai Alpines ledenes. Iznīcini mani, pasaule.
Mans kriptovalūtu ceļojums ir beidzies. Pārdevu māju par 400 000 u, un viss bija #rats. Pārdevu sētu par 100k u un dubultoju #žurkas. Solītie 10% gada procenti manam tētim ir drīzumā, bet tagad man ir atlikuši tikai 50k pārdot. Aston Martin, kuru es apsolīju savai sievai, tagad var iegādāties tikai Alpines ledenes. Iznīcini mani, pasaule.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šādā tirgū tie, kas naudu aizņēmās uz vietas, patiešām ir iesprostoti. Viņi var izmantot tikai savas meitas Jaungada naudu, lai nopirktu # žurkas!
Šādā tirgū tie, kas naudu aizņēmās uz vietas, patiešām ir iesprostoti. Viņi var izmantot tikai savas meitas Jaungada naudu, lai nopirktu # žurkas!
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ak, #žurkas Pozīciju pievienošana ➕ ēka.
Ak, #žurkas Pozīciju pievienošana ➕ ēka.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Saglabājiet savu garastāvokli, kā mazajam investoram vienīgais, ko varat darīt, ir būvēt. FUD ir efektīvs, es īsu katru dienu? #žurkas #RatsFriend
Saglabājiet savu garastāvokli, kā mazajam investoram vienīgais, ko varat darīt, ir būvēt. FUD ir efektīvs, es īsu katru dienu? #žurkas #RatsFriend
Skatīt oriģinālu
Žurkas IP būvniecība iet uz visu!
Žurkas IP būvniecība iet uz visu!
Home of RATS Discord Global 🌍 Rats Global Channel 📢 Rats Global Community 🌍 Rats Chinese Community 🇨🇳 Discord RatsFriend NFT
Home of RATS Discord Global 🌍 Rats Global Channel 📢 Rats Global Community 🌍 Rats Chinese Community 🇨🇳 Discord RatsFriend NFT
Community members, please make sure to keep the rune images well-preserved. With this level of enthusiasm, if that project directly airdrops to rune addresses, the rune images could suddenly become valuable! Be sure to hold onto them! #rats #ratsfriend #RuneRats
Community members, please make sure to keep the rune images well-preserved. With this level of enthusiasm, if that project directly airdrops to rune addresses, the rune images could suddenly become valuable! Be sure to hold onto them! #rats #ratsfriend #RuneRats
【Rats建设基金委员会】再次起航!!!🎉🎆🍻 现开始面向全体社区成员接受募捐捐款 众所周知社区的发展离不开资金的支持,支出项目包括但不限于:Rats海外活动宣发、Rats文化品牌建设与营销推广等各项活动。🤝💪 特此设置筹款通道,所有账户会保证完全公开透明。🧡❤️ 所有的捐款目前由@Kumi_Bert 进行统一的管理和公示,每笔资金动向第一时间发布。 现接受USDT/BTC/ $Rats 捐助,以下是社区的捐款地址分别有波场、ETH链、币安链和比特币链地址,将会全部公布公开透明。 USDT - 波场TRC20地址: TXVCQhZbUMiA816o3vXA16L1SW4F3q2GPC USDT - BNB链&以太坊ERC20地址: 0x64a710b55e48dbc08f09908539911ad57cead6fd Rats & BTC Taproot 地址: bc1pjsqrhz4a7vgeghhf2vpju5szrf3kf8zj8jdygl0rcv5q4rdxn0eqnnpjxc 希望转账后大家可以截图发评论到这条推文,我们会登记捐款者信息,以后社区的福利会绝大部分给到捐款者!❤️
【Rats建设基金委员会】再次起航!!!🎉🎆🍻 现开始面向全体社区成员接受募捐捐款 众所周知社区的发展离不开资金的支持,支出项目包括但不限于:Rats海外活动宣发、Rats文化品牌建设与营销推广等各项活动。🤝💪 特此设置筹款通道,所有账户会保证完全公开透明。🧡❤️ 所有的捐款目前由@Kumi_Bert 进行统一的管理和公示,每笔资金动向第一时间发布。 现接受USDT/BTC/ $Rats 捐助,以下是社区的捐款地址分别有波场、ETH链、币安链和比特币链地址,将会全部公布公开透明。 USDT - 波场TRC20地址: TXVCQhZbUMiA816o3vXA16L1SW4F3q2GPC USDT - BNB链&以太坊ERC20地址: 0x64a710b55e48dbc08f09908539911ad57cead6fd Rats & BTC Taproot 地址: bc1pjsqrhz4a7vgeghhf2vpju5szrf3kf8zj8jdygl0rcv5q4rdxn0eqnnpjxc 希望转账后大家可以截图发评论到这条推文,我们会登记捐款者信息,以后社区的福利会绝大部分给到捐款者!❤️
【Rats建设基金委员会】再次起航!!!🎉🎆🍻 现开始面向全体社区成员接受募捐捐款 众所周知社区的发展离不开资金的支持,支出项目包括但不限于:Rats海外活动宣发、Rats文化品牌建设与营销推广等各项活动。🤝💪 特此设置筹款通道,所有账户会保证完全公开透明。🧡❤️ 所有的捐款目前由@kumi_wang 进行统一的管理和公示,每笔资金动向第一时间发布。 现接受USDT/BTC/ $Rats 捐助,以下是社区的捐款地址分别有波场、ETH链、币安链和比特币链地址,将会全部公布公开透明。 USDT - 波场TRC20地址: TXVCQhZbUMiA816o3vXA16L1SW4F3q2GPC USDT - BNB链&以太坊ERC20地址: 0x64a710b55e48dbc08f09908539911ad57cead6fd Rats & BTC Taproot 地址: bc1pjsqrhz4a7vgeghhf2vpju5szrf3kf8zj8jdygl0rcv5q4rdxn0eqnnpjxc 希望转账后大家可以截图发评论到这条推文,我们会登记捐款者信息,以后社区的福利会绝大部分给到捐款者!❤️
【Rats建设基金委员会】再次起航!!!🎉🎆🍻 现开始面向全体社区成员接受募捐捐款 众所周知社区的发展离不开资金的支持,支出项目包括但不限于:Rats海外活动宣发、Rats文化品牌建设与营销推广等各项活动。🤝💪 特此设置筹款通道,所有账户会保证完全公开透明。🧡❤️ 所有的捐款目前由@kumi_wang 进行统一的管理和公示,每笔资金动向第一时间发布。 现接受USDT/BTC/ $Rats 捐助,以下是社区的捐款地址分别有波场、ETH链、币安链和比特币链地址,将会全部公布公开透明。 USDT - 波场TRC20地址: TXVCQhZbUMiA816o3vXA16L1SW4F3q2GPC USDT - BNB链&以太坊ERC20地址: 0x64a710b55e48dbc08f09908539911ad57cead6fd Rats & BTC Taproot 地址: bc1pjsqrhz4a7vgeghhf2vpju5szrf3kf8zj8jdygl0rcv5q4rdxn0eqnnpjxc 希望转账后大家可以截图发评论到这条推文,我们会登记捐款者信息,以后社区的福利会绝大部分给到捐款者!❤️
That's it, we're off!
That's it, we're off!
The wind of the inscription section has arrived, with #rats ranking fourth in popularity! #rats #RatsFriend #RuneRats
The wind of the inscription section has arrived, with #rats ranking fourth in popularity! #rats #RatsFriend #RuneRats
The most correct approach for you in this bull market is to prioritize the interests of the community and move forward or step back together with the #rats family! #rats #RatsFriend #RuneRats
The most correct approach for you in this bull market is to prioritize the interests of the community and move forward or step back together with the #rats family! #rats #RatsFriend #RuneRats
Today's runes are rallying, and the high gas rally is different from before. The big move in the brc20 sector is really here! #rats #RatsFriend #RuneRats
Today's runes are rallying, and the high gas rally is different from before. The big move in the brc20 sector is really here! #rats #RatsFriend #RuneRats
Since mint #rats last November and holding a position worth over $10 million, I haven't made any moves. Today, due to the extremely high gas fees, I added to my position in #rats for the first time on the exchange! #rats won't disappoint anyone!
Since mint #rats last November and holding a position worth over $10 million, I haven't made any moves. Today, due to the extremely high gas fees, I added to my position in #rats for the first time on the exchange! #rats won't disappoint anyone!
减半就是好,旷工要住皇宫了!这GAS费! #rats #RatsFriend #runerats
减半就是好,旷工要住皇宫了!这GAS费! #rats #RatsFriend #runerats
Runes is a game of transfer payments; miners are crying after the halving. Can this GAS handle it? It's all profit even without doing anything, but the gas fees aren't even enough to break even! Miner: Let me thank you, bosses who love playing with runes. A retail investor deposits 1000u, receives 700u, buys 500u, wants to sell, but finds gas is insufficient. Recharges another 500u, receives 300u, sells everything, gets 100u, totaling 1500u deposited, sells 100u, withdraws to the exchange, and ends up with only 3u left!
Runes is a game of transfer payments; miners are crying after the halving. Can this GAS handle it? It's all profit even without doing anything, but the gas fees aren't even enough to break even! Miner: Let me thank you, bosses who love playing with runes. A retail investor deposits 1000u, receives 700u, buys 500u, wants to sell, but finds gas is insufficient. Recharges another 500u, receives 300u, sells everything, gets 100u, totaling 1500u deposited, sells 100u, withdraws to the exchange, and ends up with only 3u left!
Apskati tev domātu saturu
Reģistrējies, lai iegūtu iespēju nopelnīt atlīdzību 100 USDT vērtībā!
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