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BlockDAG ievieš jauninājumus ar informācijas paneļa jauninājumiem, jo ​​iepriekšpārdošana pieaug līdz USD 0,0085, Lures Cardano Whales Ami...Pēdējos notikumos Cardano vaļi ir piesardzīgi palielinājuši savus krājumus par aptuveni 11%. Tikmēr Litecoin cenas prognoze liecina par konservatīvu perspektīvu, maijā pieaugot tikai par 4%. No otras puses, BlockDAG ir izraisījis ievērojamu interesi ar saviem novatoriskajiem informācijas paneļa uzlabojumiem un pirmspārdošanas impulsu, palielinot USD 29,8 miljonus un redzot cenu pieaugumu līdz USD 0,0085.  BlockDAG X1 ieguves lietotne, kas tiek dēvēta par labāko kriptovalūtu lietotni, ir priekšnoteikums tam, kas varētu būt revolūcija kriptovalūtu jomā. Tas sola aizēnot savus konkurentus ar stratēģiskām norisēm un bezprecedenta atdeves potenciālu.

BlockDAG ievieš jauninājumus ar informācijas paneļa jauninājumiem, jo ​​iepriekšpārdošana pieaug līdz USD 0,0085, Lures Cardano Whales Ami...

Pēdējos notikumos Cardano vaļi ir piesardzīgi palielinājuši savus krājumus par aptuveni 11%. Tikmēr Litecoin cenas prognoze liecina par konservatīvu perspektīvu, maijā pieaugot tikai par 4%. No otras puses, BlockDAG ir izraisījis ievērojamu interesi ar saviem novatoriskajiem informācijas paneļa uzlabojumiem un pirmspārdošanas impulsu, palielinot USD 29,8 miljonus un redzot cenu pieaugumu līdz USD 0,0085. 

BlockDAG X1 ieguves lietotne, kas tiek dēvēta par labāko kriptovalūtu lietotni, ir priekšnoteikums tam, kas varētu būt revolūcija kriptovalūtu jomā. Tas sola aizēnot savus konkurentus ar stratēģiskām norisēm un bezprecedenta atdeves potenciālu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
GoMining, lai atzīmētu Bitcoin picas dienu ar ekskluzīvu NFT kolekcijas atklāšanu un dāsnām balvām...Road Town, Tortola, Krievija, 2024. gada 22. maijs, Chainwire GoMining, vadošais Bitcoin ieguves uzņēmums, kas pārvalda deviņus augstākā līmeņa datu centrus visā pasaulē, ir sagatavojis aizraujošu kopienas aktivitāšu klāstu, lai atzīmētu ikgadējo Bitcoin picas dienu. Svētku programma kulminēs ar unikālas Pizza Miner kolekcijas izlaišanu un lielu kopienas konkursu ar pārsteidzošām balvām, tostarp picas piegādi viena gada garumā, 2000 GOMINING žetonu un trīs NFT ogļračus ar papildu uzlādi no svētku balvas.

GoMining, lai atzīmētu Bitcoin picas dienu ar ekskluzīvu NFT kolekcijas atklāšanu un dāsnām balvām...

Road Town, Tortola, Krievija, 2024. gada 22. maijs, Chainwire

GoMining, vadošais Bitcoin ieguves uzņēmums, kas pārvalda deviņus augstākā līmeņa datu centrus visā pasaulē, ir sagatavojis aizraujošu kopienas aktivitāšu klāstu, lai atzīmētu ikgadējo Bitcoin picas dienu. Svētku programma kulminēs ar unikālas Pizza Miner kolekcijas izlaišanu un lielu kopienas konkursu ar pārsteidzošām balvām, tostarp picas piegādi viena gada garumā, 2000 GOMINING žetonu un trīs NFT ogļračus ar papildu uzlādi no svētku balvas.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Brīdinājums par jaunu sarakstu: Option2Trade piesaista 18 000 īpašnieku Bitmart CEX sarakstam, Shiba Inu Milliiona...Kriptovalūtu tirgū joprojām notiek aizraujoši notikumi, regulāri parādās jauni marķieri un novatoriskas tehnoloģijas. Viena no jaunākajām ziņām ir par Option2Trade (O2T), kas savā nesenajā Bitmart CEX sarakstā ir parādījusi iespaidīgu 18 000 turētāju. Šo jauno investoru vidū ir ievērojams Shiba Inu (SHIB) miljonārs, kas projektam piešķir papildu uzticamību un interesi. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīta Option2Trade (O2T) nozīme un tas, kāpēc tas piesaista Shiba Inu (SHIB) kopienas uzmanību.

Brīdinājums par jaunu sarakstu: Option2Trade piesaista 18 000 īpašnieku Bitmart CEX sarakstam, Shiba Inu Milliiona...

Kriptovalūtu tirgū joprojām notiek aizraujoši notikumi, regulāri parādās jauni marķieri un novatoriskas tehnoloģijas. Viena no jaunākajām ziņām ir par Option2Trade (O2T), kas savā nesenajā Bitmart CEX sarakstā ir parādījusi iespaidīgu 18 000 turētāju. Šo jauno investoru vidū ir ievērojams Shiba Inu (SHIB) miljonārs, kas projektam piešķir papildu uzticamību un interesi. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīta Option2Trade (O2T) nozīme un tas, kāpēc tas piesaista Shiba Inu (SHIB) kopienas uzmanību.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ceļojums uz 200 000 USD: 200 USD pārvēršana bagātībā ar BEFE monētuIzmantojot BEFE Coin, jūs varat palielināt $ 200 likmi līdz $ 200 000. Šī potenciālā ieņēmumu gūšanas pamatā esošā taktika ir atklāta mūsu rakstā. Atklājiet, kā pārvietoties virtuālās bagātības valstībā. Izmantojiet BEFE monētu, lai atslēgtu durvis un saņemtu lielu atlīdzību. BEFE sāga Salīdzinājumā ar suņu un varžu imitācijas mēmu valūtām, BEFE saglabā daudz spēcīgāku pozīciju. Šis jaunākais traucētājs ietver visus izklaidējošos sākotnējo OG valūtu elementus, piemēram, Dogecoin, daudzos lietošanas gadījumos un īpašībās, kas var kļūt par nozares mēmiem.

Ceļojums uz 200 000 USD: 200 USD pārvēršana bagātībā ar BEFE monētu

Izmantojot BEFE Coin, jūs varat palielināt $ 200 likmi līdz $ 200 000. Šī potenciālā ieņēmumu gūšanas pamatā esošā taktika ir atklāta mūsu rakstā. Atklājiet, kā pārvietoties virtuālās bagātības valstībā. Izmantojiet BEFE monētu, lai atslēgtu durvis un saņemtu lielu atlīdzību.

BEFE sāga

Salīdzinājumā ar suņu un varžu imitācijas mēmu valūtām, BEFE saglabā daudz spēcīgāku pozīciju. Šis jaunākais traucētājs ietver visus izklaidējošos sākotnējo OG valūtu elementus, piemēram, Dogecoin, daudzos lietošanas gadījumos un īpašībās, kas var kļūt par nozares mēmiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ceļojums uz 200 000 USD: 200 USD pārvēršana bagātībā ar Bitgerta monētuJa kāds pieminēja ieguldījumu, kas varētu pārveidot jūsu portfeli no nulles par varoni, pastāv liela iespēja, ka daudzi investori pulcēsies uz šo konkrēto projektu. Šis ir stāstījums, uz kuru pašlaik virzās Bitgerta monēta. Neraugoties uz tirgus svārstībām un dažādu projektu parādīšanos, Bitgerts joprojām ir topā, diversificējot savu portfeli kā investors. Šis projekts ir parādījis investoriem, ka būtu vērts ieguldīt savu naudu. Bitgerts ir ne tikai parasts projekts, kas nes peļņu, bet arī aktīvi izstrādā risinājumus, lai atrisinātu tādas problēmas kā efektivitāte, drošība un uzticamība. Izmantojot vēsturiskos datus, Bitgert projekts tikai sākas, un eksperti un analītiķi vēlas redzēt šīs monētas izaugsmes prognozi.

Ceļojums uz 200 000 USD: 200 USD pārvēršana bagātībā ar Bitgerta monētu

Ja kāds pieminēja ieguldījumu, kas varētu pārveidot jūsu portfeli no nulles par varoni, pastāv liela iespēja, ka daudzi investori pulcēsies uz šo konkrēto projektu. Šis ir stāstījums, uz kuru pašlaik virzās Bitgerta monēta. Neraugoties uz tirgus svārstībām un dažādu projektu parādīšanos, Bitgerts joprojām ir topā, diversificējot savu portfeli kā investors.

Šis projekts ir parādījis investoriem, ka būtu vērts ieguldīt savu naudu. Bitgerts ir ne tikai parasts projekts, kas nes peļņu, bet arī aktīvi izstrādā risinājumus, lai atrisinātu tādas problēmas kā efektivitāte, drošība un uzticamība. Izmantojot vēsturiskos datus, Bitgert projekts tikai sākas, un eksperti un analītiķi vēlas redzēt šīs monētas izaugsmes prognozi.
“Unnecessary & Excessive” Worldcoin Ordered to Halt Operations in Hong Kong Over Privacy ViolationsThe Worldcoin cryptocurrency project, founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, has been ordered to halt operations in Hong Kong after the city’s privacy watchdog found the project to be in violation of local privacy laws. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) issued an enforcement notice on Wednesday, stating that Worldcoin’s collection of face and iris scans for identity verification was “unnecessary and excessive.” TLDR Hong Kong’s privacy watchdog, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD), has ordered the Worldcoin cryptocurrency project to halt operations in the city due to privacy law violations. The PCPD found that Worldcoin’s collection of face and iris scans for identity verification was “unnecessary and excessive,” breaching the city’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO). Worldcoin’s privacy notice was not available in Chinese, and staff did not provide adequate explanations or confirm participants’ understanding of the documents, leading to a lack of transparency and informed consent. The PCPD conducted 10 covert visits to six Worldcoin locations in Hong Kong and carried out investigations with court warrants before issuing the enforcement notice. Worldcoin’s plan to retain personal data, including face and iris images, for up to 10 years for AI model training was deemed unjustified and amounted to prolonged retention of personal data. Worldcoin, which launched in July 2023, aims to provide users with a private digital identity called a “World ID” after scanning their unique iris patterns. The project has faced scrutiny in several countries over concerns about the use of users’ personal data. In Hong Kong, the PCPD conducted an investigation involving 10 covert visits to six Worldcoin locations between December 2023 and January 2024, followed by searches with court warrants. The watchdog found that Worldcoin’s operation in Hong Kong had scanned the faces and irises of more than 8,000 people, breaching multiple rules on the purpose and manner of data collection, as well as showing insufficient transparency. The PCPD stated that there were “less privacy-intrusive means” for the group to verify the identity of participants and that the collection of face and iris images was unnecessary for confirming users’ “humanness.” The PCPD discovered that Worldcoin’s privacy notice and biometric data consent form were not available in Chinese, and staff operating the iris scanning devices did not provide explanations or confirm participants’ understanding of the documents. This lack of transparency meant that users were not given enough information to make an informed choice or provide genuine consent. The watchdog also criticized Worldcoin’s plan to retain personal data, including face and iris images, for up to 10 years for training artificial intelligence models on how to verify users. The PCPD considered this retention period to be too long and unjustified, amounting to prolonged retention of personal data. Failing to comply with the enforcement notice can result in a maximum fine of HK$50,000 (approximately $6,400) and two years in prison. The PCPD has called on the public to report any iris scanning services operated by Worldcoin immediately. In response to the enforcement notice, Worldcoin has removed all banners and logos from its office in Jordan, Hong Kong, as of Wednesday afternoon. The project maintains that the personal data collected is encrypted and safe, despite being suspended over privacy concerns in countries such as Spain, Portugal, and Kenya. The post “Unnecessary & Excessive” Worldcoin Ordered to Halt Operations in Hong Kong Over Privacy Violations appeared first on Blockonomi.

“Unnecessary & Excessive” Worldcoin Ordered to Halt Operations in Hong Kong Over Privacy Violations

The Worldcoin cryptocurrency project, founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, has been ordered to halt operations in Hong Kong after the city’s privacy watchdog found the project to be in violation of local privacy laws.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) issued an enforcement notice on Wednesday, stating that Worldcoin’s collection of face and iris scans for identity verification was “unnecessary and excessive.”


Hong Kong’s privacy watchdog, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD), has ordered the Worldcoin cryptocurrency project to halt operations in the city due to privacy law violations.

The PCPD found that Worldcoin’s collection of face and iris scans for identity verification was “unnecessary and excessive,” breaching the city’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO).

Worldcoin’s privacy notice was not available in Chinese, and staff did not provide adequate explanations or confirm participants’ understanding of the documents, leading to a lack of transparency and informed consent.

The PCPD conducted 10 covert visits to six Worldcoin locations in Hong Kong and carried out investigations with court warrants before issuing the enforcement notice.

Worldcoin’s plan to retain personal data, including face and iris images, for up to 10 years for AI model training was deemed unjustified and amounted to prolonged retention of personal data.

Worldcoin, which launched in July 2023, aims to provide users with a private digital identity called a “World ID” after scanning their unique iris patterns.

The project has faced scrutiny in several countries over concerns about the use of users’ personal data. In Hong Kong, the PCPD conducted an investigation involving 10 covert visits to six Worldcoin locations between December 2023 and January 2024, followed by searches with court warrants.

The watchdog found that Worldcoin’s operation in Hong Kong had scanned the faces and irises of more than 8,000 people, breaching multiple rules on the purpose and manner of data collection, as well as showing insufficient transparency.

The PCPD stated that there were “less privacy-intrusive means” for the group to verify the identity of participants and that the collection of face and iris images was unnecessary for confirming users’ “humanness.”

The PCPD discovered that Worldcoin’s privacy notice and biometric data consent form were not available in Chinese, and staff operating the iris scanning devices did not provide explanations or confirm participants’ understanding of the documents.

This lack of transparency meant that users were not given enough information to make an informed choice or provide genuine consent.

The watchdog also criticized Worldcoin’s plan to retain personal data, including face and iris images, for up to 10 years for training artificial intelligence models on how to verify users.

The PCPD considered this retention period to be too long and unjustified, amounting to prolonged retention of personal data.

Failing to comply with the enforcement notice can result in a maximum fine of HK$50,000 (approximately $6,400) and two years in prison. The PCPD has called on the public to report any iris scanning services operated by Worldcoin immediately.

In response to the enforcement notice, Worldcoin has removed all banners and logos from its office in Jordan, Hong Kong, as of Wednesday afternoon.

The project maintains that the personal data collected is encrypted and safe, despite being suspended over privacy concerns in countries such as Spain, Portugal, and Kenya.

The post “Unnecessary & Excessive” Worldcoin Ordered to Halt Operations in Hong Kong Over Privacy Violations appeared first on Blockonomi.
YouTube Investigator Coffeezilla Accuses Rabbit AI of Involvement in Gama NFT ScamYouTube investigator Stephen Findeisen, better known as “Coffeezilla,” has made allegations against artificial intelligence company Rabbit AI, accusing them of orchestrating an NFT scam and attempting to cover it up. In a video released on his YouTube channel, Coffeezilla sheds light on Rabbit AI’s alleged involvement in the NFT space, particularly with a project called Gama. TLDR YouTuber Coffeezilla has accused Rabbit AI of being involved in an NFT scam called Gama, which raised $6 million in 2021. Rabbit AI was previously known as Cyber Manufacture Co. and allegedly changed its name two months before the launch of its viral product, Rabbit R1. Rabbit AI’s CEO, Jesse Lyu, admitted to being involved in the Gama project but claimed it was just a “fun little project” that he left once the game was open-sourced. Coffeezilla presented recordings of Lyu discussing ambitious plans for Gama, including investing millions into the project and future plans for a concept called Gamaverse and a clean energy initiative related to Gama Coin. Coffeezilla and others, like WeGPT founder Josh Olin, have criticized Rabbit AI’s offerings, drawing parallels between the overhyped promises made by both Gama and Rabbit R1. According to Coffeezilla’s findings, Rabbit AI was previously known as Cyber Manufacture Co. and managed to raise $6 million in November 2021 for its “Next Generation NFT Project GAMA.” The project’s website described it as a “decentralized organization that is sending 10K crew members into space to complete energy harnessing missions across the universe.” However, just two months before the launch of Rabbit AI’s viral product, Rabbit R1, the company changed its name from Cyber Manufacture Co. to Rabbit Incorporation. Rabbit went viral at the beginning of this year, raising $30m in venture capital and selling $20m in consumer products. But most people don't know that the company Rabbit Inc used to be called Cyber Manufacture Co, and raised $6 million for an NFT project. This project was WILD — Coffeezilla (@coffeebreak_YT) May 21, 2024 Rabbit AI’s CEO, Jesse Lyu, admitted in January that he had been involved with the Gama project, but he described it as a “fun little project” that he left once the game was open-sourced. Lyu claimed that he never traded or released any tokens or crypto coins and that he bought NFTs himself just for fun. However, Coffeezilla accused Lyu of being more serious about the NFT project than he let on. The YouTuber played a Clubhouse recording of Lyu discussing ambitious plans for Gama, saying, “I don’t want to make GAMA, and none of us want to make GAMA as a hype and dump program. This is a legit team with millions of dollars of funding behind it. Basically, we’re dumping millions of monies into it just to make sure that it will be a next-level experience.” In the recording, Lyu also mentioned plans to release “GAMA Coin” and claimed it could become the “first not only carbon neutral but actually carbon negative crypto 2.0 or Bitcoin 2.0.” Coffeezilla pointed out that Lyu never released these tokens or coins, despite promising to do so. Coffeezilla claims that those who invested in Gama have not been refunded, estimating the refunds to be around $1 million. When the YouTuber inquired about the NFT project and refunds, Rabbit AI provided a statement saying that there is no way to “refund” an NFT unless the owner agrees to “burn” the NFTs on the blockchain. The company also claimed that Lyu’s statements were taken out of context and that he had decided to buy back NFTs from sellers engaging in malicious wash trading and reselling to maintain the balance and order of the community and market. Coffeezilla’s allegations have raised concerns about the $6 million in funding raised for the Gama project and where the money has been allocated. Despite Rabbit AI’s assertion that the funds were solely used for the NFT project, Coffeezilla argues that Rabbit AI’s foundation is built on the remnants of the Gama project, making it a matter of concern. The YouTuber also criticized the overhyped nature of Rabbit AI’s viral R1 product, drawing parallels between the exaggerated promises made by both Gama and R1. Coffeezilla is not alone in his skepticism about Rabbit AI’s offerings; others, like Josh Olin, the founder and CEO of WeGPT, have labeled Rabbit’s project as a “scam” and characterized it as a quick cash grab designed to lure in investors. ???? How To Spot an A.I. Grift ???? If you've ever noticed a sudden influx of endorsements for a new AI product, here's a structured approach to help discern the grifters from the genuine: Comment Section Shutdown: A promotional video without the option to comment is a major red… — Josh Olin (@JD_2020) January 14, 2024 As the allegations against Rabbit AI unfold, it remains to be seen how the company will address Coffeezilla’s claims and the growing concerns surrounding their involvement in the NFT space. The post YouTube Investigator Coffeezilla Accuses Rabbit AI of Involvement in Gama NFT Scam appeared first on Blockonomi.

YouTube Investigator Coffeezilla Accuses Rabbit AI of Involvement in Gama NFT Scam

YouTube investigator Stephen Findeisen, better known as “Coffeezilla,” has made allegations against artificial intelligence company Rabbit AI, accusing them of orchestrating an NFT scam and attempting to cover it up.

In a video released on his YouTube channel, Coffeezilla sheds light on Rabbit AI’s alleged involvement in the NFT space, particularly with a project called Gama.


YouTuber Coffeezilla has accused Rabbit AI of being involved in an NFT scam called Gama, which raised $6 million in 2021.

Rabbit AI was previously known as Cyber Manufacture Co. and allegedly changed its name two months before the launch of its viral product, Rabbit R1.

Rabbit AI’s CEO, Jesse Lyu, admitted to being involved in the Gama project but claimed it was just a “fun little project” that he left once the game was open-sourced.

Coffeezilla presented recordings of Lyu discussing ambitious plans for Gama, including investing millions into the project and future plans for a concept called Gamaverse and a clean energy initiative related to Gama Coin.

Coffeezilla and others, like WeGPT founder Josh Olin, have criticized Rabbit AI’s offerings, drawing parallels between the overhyped promises made by both Gama and Rabbit R1.

According to Coffeezilla’s findings, Rabbit AI was previously known as Cyber Manufacture Co. and managed to raise $6 million in November 2021 for its “Next Generation NFT Project GAMA.”

The project’s website described it as a “decentralized organization that is sending 10K crew members into space to complete energy harnessing missions across the universe.”

However, just two months before the launch of Rabbit AI’s viral product, Rabbit R1, the company changed its name from Cyber Manufacture Co. to Rabbit Incorporation.

Rabbit went viral at the beginning of this year, raising $30m in venture capital and selling $20m in consumer products.

But most people don't know that the company Rabbit Inc used to be called Cyber Manufacture Co, and raised $6 million for an NFT project. This project was WILD

— Coffeezilla (@coffeebreak_YT) May 21, 2024

Rabbit AI’s CEO, Jesse Lyu, admitted in January that he had been involved with the Gama project, but he described it as a “fun little project” that he left once the game was open-sourced.

Lyu claimed that he never traded or released any tokens or crypto coins and that he bought NFTs himself just for fun.

However, Coffeezilla accused Lyu of being more serious about the NFT project than he let on. The YouTuber played a Clubhouse recording of Lyu discussing ambitious plans for Gama, saying,

“I don’t want to make GAMA, and none of us want to make GAMA as a hype and dump program. This is a legit team with millions of dollars of funding behind it. Basically, we’re dumping millions of monies into it just to make sure that it will be a next-level experience.”

In the recording, Lyu also mentioned plans to release “GAMA Coin” and claimed it could become the “first not only carbon neutral but actually carbon negative crypto 2.0 or Bitcoin 2.0.” Coffeezilla pointed out that Lyu never released these tokens or coins, despite promising to do so.

Coffeezilla claims that those who invested in Gama have not been refunded, estimating the refunds to be around $1 million. When the YouTuber inquired about the NFT project and refunds, Rabbit AI provided a statement saying that there is no way to “refund” an NFT unless the owner agrees to “burn” the NFTs on the blockchain.

The company also claimed that Lyu’s statements were taken out of context and that he had decided to buy back NFTs from sellers engaging in malicious wash trading and reselling to maintain the balance and order of the community and market.

Coffeezilla’s allegations have raised concerns about the $6 million in funding raised for the Gama project and where the money has been allocated.

Despite Rabbit AI’s assertion that the funds were solely used for the NFT project, Coffeezilla argues that Rabbit AI’s foundation is built on the remnants of the Gama project, making it a matter of concern.

The YouTuber also criticized the overhyped nature of Rabbit AI’s viral R1 product, drawing parallels between the exaggerated promises made by both Gama and R1.

Coffeezilla is not alone in his skepticism about Rabbit AI’s offerings; others, like Josh Olin, the founder and CEO of WeGPT, have labeled Rabbit’s project as a “scam” and characterized it as a quick cash grab designed to lure in investors.

???? How To Spot an A.I. Grift ????

If you've ever noticed a sudden influx of endorsements for a new AI product, here's a structured approach to help discern the grifters from the genuine:

Comment Section Shutdown: A promotional video without the option to comment is a major red…

— Josh Olin (@JD_2020) January 14, 2024

As the allegations against Rabbit AI unfold, it remains to be seen how the company will address Coffeezilla’s claims and the growing concerns surrounding their involvement in the NFT space.

The post YouTube Investigator Coffeezilla Accuses Rabbit AI of Involvement in Gama NFT Scam appeared first on Blockonomi.
Tech Against Scams: Coinbase, Kraken Join Forces with Tech Giants to Combat Crypto & Romance ScamsLeading cryptocurrency exchanges Coinbase and Kraken have joined forces with other prominent tech companies to form the “Tech Against Scams” coalition. The alliance, which includes Meta, Match Group (parent company of Tinder and Hinge), Ripple, and Gemini, aims to collaborate and take action against the methods used by scammers to protect customers from falling victim to various types of online fraud. TLDR Coinbase, Kraken, and other crypto firms have joined the “Tech Against Scams” coalition to tackle online fraud and scams, including “pig butchering” scams. The coalition includes prominent companies such as Meta, Match Group (parent company of Tinder and Hinge), Ripple, and Gemini. The group aims to share best practices, threat intelligence, and tips to protect users from falling victim to romance scams and crypto scams. Losses from crypto investment scams in the U.S. reached $3.94 billion in 2023, and collaboration between tech companies is seen as essential to prevent criminal activities. The coalition plans to educate users about common scamming tactics, equip them with tools to protect themselves, and work with law enforcement when necessary. The formation of the coalition comes at a time when losses from cryptocurrency investment scams in the United States alone reached a staggering $3.94 billion in 2023, a significant increase from $2.57 billion the previous year, according to a report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The rise in fraudulent activities has highlighted the urgent need for a concerted effort to tackle the issue head-on. One of the primary focuses of the “Tech Against Scams” coalition is to address the growing threat of “pig butchering” scams. These scams involve fraudsters contacting their victims through dating apps or social media, building trust, and then pitching a money-making opportunity involving cryptocurrency. By sharing best practices, threat intelligence, and tips, the coalition aims to make it more difficult for scammers to deceive online users and protect potential victims from harm. Yoel Roth, VP of Trust & Safety at Match Group, emphasized the importance of collaboration across industries in preventing criminal activities. He stated, “As we aim to make it harder for scammers to defraud online users, we will also continue investing in features to help disrupt fraud and remove scammers from our platform before they commit harm.” The coalition recognizes that scammers often target people across multiple internet services, making it challenging for individual companies to see the full picture of malicious activity. Guy Rosen, Meta’s Chief Security Officer, noted that the companies needed to join forces to fully tackle the problem, as scammers often rely on each company working in isolation. To protect users from fraud on their respective platforms, the coalition members will share information and collaborate on ways to educate and protect consumers against the ever-evolving landscape of financial scams. They will also continue to work with law enforcement, when necessary, to support investigations by sharing information about online fraud and crimes that took place on their platforms. The formation of the “Tech Against Scams” coalition is a significant step towards combating the rising tide of online fraud and scams. By bringing together industry leaders from various sectors, including cryptocurrency, social media, finance, and dating apps, the group aims to create a united front against bad actors who seek to exploit vulnerable individuals for financial gain. The post Tech Against Scams: Coinbase, Kraken Join Forces with Tech Giants to Combat Crypto & Romance Scams appeared first on Blockonomi.

Tech Against Scams: Coinbase, Kraken Join Forces with Tech Giants to Combat Crypto & Romance Scams

Leading cryptocurrency exchanges Coinbase and Kraken have joined forces with other prominent tech companies to form the “Tech Against Scams” coalition.

The alliance, which includes Meta, Match Group (parent company of Tinder and Hinge), Ripple, and Gemini, aims to collaborate and take action against the methods used by scammers to protect customers from falling victim to various types of online fraud.


Coinbase, Kraken, and other crypto firms have joined the “Tech Against Scams” coalition to tackle online fraud and scams, including “pig butchering” scams.

The coalition includes prominent companies such as Meta, Match Group (parent company of Tinder and Hinge), Ripple, and Gemini.

The group aims to share best practices, threat intelligence, and tips to protect users from falling victim to romance scams and crypto scams.

Losses from crypto investment scams in the U.S. reached $3.94 billion in 2023, and collaboration between tech companies is seen as essential to prevent criminal activities.

The coalition plans to educate users about common scamming tactics, equip them with tools to protect themselves, and work with law enforcement when necessary.

The formation of the coalition comes at a time when losses from cryptocurrency investment scams in the United States alone reached a staggering $3.94 billion in 2023, a significant increase from $2.57 billion the previous year, according to a report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The rise in fraudulent activities has highlighted the urgent need for a concerted effort to tackle the issue head-on.

One of the primary focuses of the “Tech Against Scams” coalition is to address the growing threat of “pig butchering” scams.

These scams involve fraudsters contacting their victims through dating apps or social media, building trust, and then pitching a money-making opportunity involving cryptocurrency.

By sharing best practices, threat intelligence, and tips, the coalition aims to make it more difficult for scammers to deceive online users and protect potential victims from harm.

Yoel Roth, VP of Trust & Safety at Match Group, emphasized the importance of collaboration across industries in preventing criminal activities.

He stated,

“As we aim to make it harder for scammers to defraud online users, we will also continue investing in features to help disrupt fraud and remove scammers from our platform before they commit harm.”

The coalition recognizes that scammers often target people across multiple internet services, making it challenging for individual companies to see the full picture of malicious activity.

Guy Rosen, Meta’s Chief Security Officer, noted that the companies needed to join forces to fully tackle the problem, as scammers often rely on each company working in isolation.

To protect users from fraud on their respective platforms, the coalition members will share information and collaborate on ways to educate and protect consumers against the ever-evolving landscape of financial scams.

They will also continue to work with law enforcement, when necessary, to support investigations by sharing information about online fraud and crimes that took place on their platforms.

The formation of the “Tech Against Scams” coalition is a significant step towards combating the rising tide of online fraud and scams.

By bringing together industry leaders from various sectors, including cryptocurrency, social media, finance, and dating apps, the group aims to create a united front against bad actors who seek to exploit vulnerable individuals for financial gain.

The post Tech Against Scams: Coinbase, Kraken Join Forces with Tech Giants to Combat Crypto & Romance Scams appeared first on Blockonomi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai Tramps varētu piedot Bitcoin Jēzu? Skats uz Rodžera Vera iespējamo krāpšanu nodokļu jomāRodžers Vers, ievērojamais Bitcoin investors, kas pazīstams kā “Bitcoin Jesus”, pēc nesenā aresta Spānijā atrodas nedrošā juridiskā situācijā. Veram, kurš 2014. gadā atteicās no savas ASV pilsonības, tagad draud izdošana ASV saistībā ar apsūdzībām par izvairīšanos no nodokļu maksāšanas un nepatiesu nodokļu deklarāciju iesniegšanu. Apsūdzībā tiek apgalvots, ka Ver ir iesaistījies ASV valdības apkrāpšanas shēmā, noslēpjot savus būtiskos Bitcoin īpašumus un sniedzot maldinošu informāciju saviem juridiskajiem un finanšu konsultantiem.

Vai Tramps varētu piedot Bitcoin Jēzu? Skats uz Rodžera Vera iespējamo krāpšanu nodokļu jomā

Rodžers Vers, ievērojamais Bitcoin investors, kas pazīstams kā “Bitcoin Jesus”, pēc nesenā aresta Spānijā atrodas nedrošā juridiskā situācijā.

Veram, kurš 2014. gadā atteicās no savas ASV pilsonības, tagad draud izdošana ASV saistībā ar apsūdzībām par izvairīšanos no nodokļu maksāšanas un nepatiesu nodokļu deklarāciju iesniegšanu.

Apsūdzībā tiek apgalvots, ka Ver ir iesaistījies ASV valdības apkrāpšanas shēmā, noslēpjot savus būtiskos Bitcoin īpašumus un sniedzot maldinošu informāciju saviem juridiskajiem un finanšu konsultantiem.
BlockDAG’s Dashboard Revamp and $29.2M Presale Surge Lead Market Beyond Polygon and Chainlink Pri...The Chainlink price prediction signals steady progress, maintaining its foothold above pivotal technical indicators. Meanwhile, the Polygon (MATIC) price prediction suggests the potential for recovery. However, BlockDAG, whose presale has skyrocketed to an impressive $29.2 million due to strategic updates like its dashboard revamp, has captured the spotlight.  This enhancement has streamlined investor interaction and increased transparency, dramatically influencing presale dynamics. As BlockDAG’s price climbs to $0.0085, its newly articulated roadmap and innovative features like the virtual crypto mining rig further define its competitive edge in cryptocurrency. Chainlink Price Prediction: A Technical Outlook Despite numerous attempts by bears to lower the Chainlink price below the pivotal $12.00 support, bullish resilience has been evident. The Chainlink price prediction looks stable as it maintains above the significant 50-week simple moving average. The recent upswing, marked by nearly 15% in a single day, showcases a robust bullish momentum as Chainlink navigates above the 23.6% Fibonacci retracement level. As Chainlink’s price edges towards the $16.00 resistance, the next major test awaits at $17.40. This level is crucial as it matches the 50% Fibonacci retracement from previous fluctuations. A break beyond this resistance in the Chainlink price prediction could pave the way to the $20.00 mark. The recent pilot project with major financial institutions further bolsters confidence in Chainlink’s market positioning, reflecting positively on its trading metrics. Assessing the Stability of Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction The Polygon (MATIC) price prediction reflects a potential recovery, as MATIC trades above the crucial $0.64 support level. This comes amid investor assessments showing the asset as undervalued in broader market analyses. The Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) ratio, suggesting a 10% loss over 90 days, points to possible accumulation phases, drawing parallels with historical BTC recovery trends within similar MVRV ranges. However, resistance at $0.75 could temper the speed of this recovery. This price level has capped MATIC’s ascent for the past month, potentially anchoring it within a consolidation zone. The broader market’s bullish signals, highlighted by the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), support the optimistic Polygon (MATIC) price prediction, yet caution remains due to the established resistance. BlockDAG Revolutionizes Crypto Investment with Innovative Features BlockDAG continues to lead in the crypto industry with its significant presale achievements, now in its 14th batch, it is seeing a price surge to $0.0085. The platform’s latest updates include a revamped dashboard featuring a hot news section that immediately displays crucial updates, enhancing user convenience and eliminating the need for additional navigation. Investors benefit from an innovative ranking system that categorizes them from ‘crypto crab’ to ‘crypto whale,’ based on their investment levels. This system reveals the required investment to reach the next level, fostering a clear and motivating investment pathway. Additionally, the newly introduced leaderboard allows investors to see who the top 30 investors are and the investment required to join this elite group, thereby promoting a competitive and engaged community. Moreover, BlockDAG has introduced a feature that allows investors to access a complete transaction history, showing details such as the amount purchased, at which stage, and the currency used. This feature and the revamped referral screen showing earnings from referrals significantly enhances transparency and trust among users. These developments, coupled with a clear roadmap outlining phases like Blockchain Development, BlockDAG Scan (Explorer), and the X1 Miner Application—a focused crypto mining rig—underscore BlockDAG’s dedication to growth and investor engagement in the dynamic crypto market.   Final Analysis While the Chainlink price prediction and Polygon (MATIC) show robust potential, BlockDAG emerges as the standout with its $29.2 million presale surge and innovative dashboard enhancements. Its state-of-the-art crypto mining rig and clear investment pathway position it above competitors, making it an enticing investment option during its ongoing presale, promising more significant growth and returns. Join BlockDAG Now! Website: Presale: Telegram: Discord: The post BlockDAG’s Dashboard Revamp and $29.2M Presale Surge Lead Market Beyond Polygon and Chainlink Price Prediction appeared first on Blockonomi.

BlockDAG’s Dashboard Revamp and $29.2M Presale Surge Lead Market Beyond Polygon and Chainlink Pri...

The Chainlink price prediction signals steady progress, maintaining its foothold above pivotal technical indicators. Meanwhile, the Polygon (MATIC) price prediction suggests the potential for recovery. However, BlockDAG, whose presale has skyrocketed to an impressive $29.2 million due to strategic updates like its dashboard revamp, has captured the spotlight. 

This enhancement has streamlined investor interaction and increased transparency, dramatically influencing presale dynamics. As BlockDAG’s price climbs to $0.0085, its newly articulated roadmap and innovative features like the virtual crypto mining rig further define its competitive edge in cryptocurrency.

Chainlink Price Prediction: A Technical Outlook

Despite numerous attempts by bears to lower the Chainlink price below the pivotal $12.00 support, bullish resilience has been evident. The Chainlink price prediction looks stable as it maintains above the significant 50-week simple moving average. The recent upswing, marked by nearly 15% in a single day, showcases a robust bullish momentum as Chainlink navigates above the 23.6% Fibonacci retracement level.

As Chainlink’s price edges towards the $16.00 resistance, the next major test awaits at $17.40. This level is crucial as it matches the 50% Fibonacci retracement from previous fluctuations. A break beyond this resistance in the Chainlink price prediction could pave the way to the $20.00 mark. The recent pilot project with major financial institutions further bolsters confidence in Chainlink’s market positioning, reflecting positively on its trading metrics.

Assessing the Stability of Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction

The Polygon (MATIC) price prediction reflects a potential recovery, as MATIC trades above the crucial $0.64 support level. This comes amid investor assessments showing the asset as undervalued in broader market analyses. The Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) ratio, suggesting a 10% loss over 90 days, points to possible accumulation phases, drawing parallels with historical BTC recovery trends within similar MVRV ranges.

However, resistance at $0.75 could temper the speed of this recovery. This price level has capped MATIC’s ascent for the past month, potentially anchoring it within a consolidation zone. The broader market’s bullish signals, highlighted by the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), support the optimistic Polygon (MATIC) price prediction, yet caution remains due to the established resistance.

BlockDAG Revolutionizes Crypto Investment with Innovative Features

BlockDAG continues to lead in the crypto industry with its significant presale achievements, now in its 14th batch, it is seeing a price surge to $0.0085. The platform’s latest updates include a revamped dashboard featuring a hot news section that immediately displays crucial updates, enhancing user convenience and eliminating the need for additional navigation.

Investors benefit from an innovative ranking system that categorizes them from ‘crypto crab’ to ‘crypto whale,’ based on their investment levels. This system reveals the required investment to reach the next level, fostering a clear and motivating investment pathway. Additionally, the newly introduced leaderboard allows investors to see who the top 30 investors are and the investment required to join this elite group, thereby promoting a competitive and engaged community.

Moreover, BlockDAG has introduced a feature that allows investors to access a complete transaction history, showing details such as the amount purchased, at which stage, and the currency used. This feature and the revamped referral screen showing earnings from referrals significantly enhances transparency and trust among users.

These developments, coupled with a clear roadmap outlining phases like Blockchain Development, BlockDAG Scan (Explorer), and the X1 Miner Application—a focused crypto mining rig—underscore BlockDAG’s dedication to growth and investor engagement in the dynamic crypto market.  

Final Analysis

While the Chainlink price prediction and Polygon (MATIC) show robust potential, BlockDAG emerges as the standout with its $29.2 million presale surge and innovative dashboard enhancements. Its state-of-the-art crypto mining rig and clear investment pathway position it above competitors, making it an enticing investment option during its ongoing presale, promising more significant growth and returns.

Join BlockDAG Now!





The post BlockDAG’s Dashboard Revamp and $29.2M Presale Surge Lead Market Beyond Polygon and Chainlink Price Prediction appeared first on Blockonomi.
Crypto Influencers Are Rallying Behind BlockDAG as Presale Tops $29.2M Amid Aptos’ New Partnershi...While Aptos’ partnership with Google focuses on simplifying crypto game development and Render token faces a sharp decline amidst whale activity, BlockDAG (BDAG) stands out with its $29.2 million presale success. This success is largely propelled by endorsements from famous crypto influencers, the most recent one by ‘Crypto Jogi’, and BlockDAG’s innovative low-code/no-code smart contract platform.  This groundbreaking feature is attracting developers of meme coins and NFTs, setting BlockDAG apart from competitors like Aptos and Render token. As readers look for the next significant crypto investment, BlockDAG stands out as a top crypto for 2024, offering a unique opportunity for substantial returns. Aptos Partnership: Aptos Labs & Google Cloud Collab Aptos Labs (APT-USD) has joined forces with Google Cloud to introduce the Aptos GameStack, a suite designed to simplify the development of blockchain-based games. This collaboration aims to enhance the efficiency and user experience of decentralized applications (dApps), particularly in the crypto gaming sector. By combining Google Cloud’s data management, analytics, and AI solutions with Aptos’s blockchain technology, GameStack offers tools like SDKs, API gateways, and round-the-clock support.  This initiative aims to mainstream Web3 technology in gaming, unlocking new dimensions for developers and gamers alike. Aptos has seen impressive gains over the last weeks. These bullish trends indicate strong market momentum, although technical indicators suggest a potential pullback may be imminent. Render Token Price Sees 11% Drop Render Token (RNDR) has faced significant volatility, with its price recently declining by 11%. This decline is largely due to substantial transactions by major holders. One notable whale deposited 150,000 RNDR, worth approximately $1.57 million, to Binance, contributing to the token’s downward pressure. Despite these challenges, the whale still holds 250,528 RNDR, valued at around $2.63 million, reflecting a total profit of $4.33 million. Another large holder, affiliated with Anchorage Digital, deposited 250,000 RNDR to Binance, realizing a substantial profit and contributing to the token’s volatility. These transactions highlight the difficulties RNDR faces in maintaining price stability amidst active trading by major holders. BlockDAG Gains Popularity Among Crypto Influencers   BlockDAG is capturing significant attention in the crypto space thanks to strong endorsements from influencers like YouTuber’s Crypto Jogi’s recent video.  Highlighting BlockDAG’s advanced layer-one blockchain-inspired by Bitcoin and Kaspa, Crypto Jogi emphasizes its cutting-edge proof-of-work algorithm, high decentralization, and unbeatable security. The platform’s presale has already raised $29.3 million in its presale batch 14, showcasing immense enthusiasm and potential for early investors. In addition, BlockDAG’s low-code/no-code smart contract platform is a game-changer, making blockchain development accessible to a wider audience. Users can create and deploy smart contracts using pre-built templates tailored for utility tokens, meme tokens, and NFTs. This intuitive interface lowers the barrier to entry, enabling new developers and non-technical users to participate in the blockchain ecosystem without needing deep coding knowledge. The presale, now in its 14th batch, offers significant opportunities for investors, with prices increasing with each batch. Currently, one BDAG coin is priced at 0.0085 USDT, with a projected price of $20 by 2027, suggesting a potential over 30,000x ROI. Compared to Aptos and Google’s partnership and Render Token’s market volatility, BlockDAG’s presale success and technological advancements make it a top crypto for 2024. The ongoing presale offers significant opportunities for early investors, with prices increasing at each stage as the BDAG coin has seen a 750% surge since its presale batch launch. BlockDAG’s innovative approach and strong market presence set it apart, promising substantial returns for investors. Final Say BlockDAG is positioned to be a top crypto for 2024 thanks to its innovative low-code/no-code platform and strong influencer endorsements. Unlike Aptos and Google’s partnership and Render Token’s recent market challenges, BlockDAG’s presale success and technological advancements stand out. The ease of creating and deploying smart contracts without deep coding knowledge makes it a compelling choice for developers and investors alike.  As the presale continues attracting attention, entering its batch 14 and raking in over $29.2 million, it is an opportune time to consider investing in BlockDAG’s promising ecosystem. Join BlockDAG Presale Now: Website: Presale: Telegram: Discord:  The post Crypto Influencers Are Rallying Behind BlockDAG as Presale Tops $29.2M Amid Aptos’ New Partnership & Render Token’s Price Drop appeared first on Blockonomi.

Crypto Influencers Are Rallying Behind BlockDAG as Presale Tops $29.2M Amid Aptos’ New Partnershi...

While Aptos’ partnership with Google focuses on simplifying crypto game development and Render token faces a sharp decline amidst whale activity, BlockDAG (BDAG) stands out with its $29.2 million presale success. This success is largely propelled by endorsements from famous crypto influencers, the most recent one by ‘Crypto Jogi’, and BlockDAG’s innovative low-code/no-code smart contract platform. 

This groundbreaking feature is attracting developers of meme coins and NFTs, setting BlockDAG apart from competitors like Aptos and Render token. As readers look for the next significant crypto investment, BlockDAG stands out as a top crypto for 2024, offering a unique opportunity for substantial returns.

Aptos Partnership: Aptos Labs & Google Cloud Collab

Aptos Labs (APT-USD) has joined forces with Google Cloud to introduce the Aptos GameStack, a suite designed to simplify the development of blockchain-based games. This collaboration aims to enhance the efficiency and user experience of decentralized applications (dApps), particularly in the crypto gaming sector. By combining Google Cloud’s data management, analytics, and AI solutions with Aptos’s blockchain technology, GameStack offers tools like SDKs, API gateways, and round-the-clock support. 

This initiative aims to mainstream Web3 technology in gaming, unlocking new dimensions for developers and gamers alike. Aptos has seen impressive gains over the last weeks. These bullish trends indicate strong market momentum, although technical indicators suggest a potential pullback may be imminent.

Render Token Price Sees 11% Drop

Render Token (RNDR) has faced significant volatility, with its price recently declining by 11%. This decline is largely due to substantial transactions by major holders. One notable whale deposited 150,000 RNDR, worth approximately $1.57 million, to Binance, contributing to the token’s downward pressure.

Despite these challenges, the whale still holds 250,528 RNDR, valued at around $2.63 million, reflecting a total profit of $4.33 million. Another large holder, affiliated with Anchorage Digital, deposited 250,000 RNDR to Binance, realizing a substantial profit and contributing to the token’s volatility. These transactions highlight the difficulties RNDR faces in maintaining price stability amidst active trading by major holders.

BlockDAG Gains Popularity Among Crypto Influencers  

BlockDAG is capturing significant attention in the crypto space thanks to strong endorsements from influencers like YouTuber’s Crypto Jogi’s recent video.  Highlighting BlockDAG’s advanced layer-one blockchain-inspired by Bitcoin and Kaspa, Crypto Jogi emphasizes its cutting-edge proof-of-work algorithm, high decentralization, and unbeatable security. The platform’s presale has already raised $29.3 million in its presale batch 14, showcasing immense enthusiasm and potential for early investors.

In addition, BlockDAG’s low-code/no-code smart contract platform is a game-changer, making blockchain development accessible to a wider audience. Users can create and deploy smart contracts using pre-built templates tailored for utility tokens, meme tokens, and NFTs. This intuitive interface lowers the barrier to entry, enabling new developers and non-technical users to participate in the blockchain ecosystem without needing deep coding knowledge.

The presale, now in its 14th batch, offers significant opportunities for investors, with prices increasing with each batch. Currently, one BDAG coin is priced at 0.0085 USDT, with a projected price of $20 by 2027, suggesting a potential over 30,000x ROI. Compared to Aptos and Google’s partnership and Render Token’s market volatility, BlockDAG’s presale success and technological advancements make it a top crypto for 2024. The ongoing presale offers significant opportunities for early investors, with prices increasing at each stage as the BDAG coin has seen a 750% surge since its presale batch launch. BlockDAG’s innovative approach and strong market presence set it apart, promising substantial returns for investors.

Final Say

BlockDAG is positioned to be a top crypto for 2024 thanks to its innovative low-code/no-code platform and strong influencer endorsements. Unlike Aptos and Google’s partnership and Render Token’s recent market challenges, BlockDAG’s presale success and technological advancements stand out. The ease of creating and deploying smart contracts without deep coding knowledge makes it a compelling choice for developers and investors alike.

 As the presale continues attracting attention, entering its batch 14 and raking in over $29.2 million, it is an opportune time to consider investing in BlockDAG’s promising ecosystem.

Join BlockDAG Presale Now:





The post Crypto Influencers Are Rallying Behind BlockDAG as Presale Tops $29.2M Amid Aptos’ New Partnership & Render Token’s Price Drop appeared first on Blockonomi.
Rolletto Casino Review: Casino & Sports Betting With Big Bonus, Is it Legit?Rolletto Casino launched in 2019, has quickly established itself a a great crypto-friendly casino, catering to players worldwide with an exceptional game library, lucrative bonuses and promotions, and a user-friendly interface. In our Rolletto Casino review, we’ll dive deep into every aspect that makes this online gambling destination truly stand out. From the  selection of games to the payment options and rcustomer support, we’ll cover it all. Let’s go… Visit Rolletto Casino Quick Verdict: Rolletto Casino is a reputable online gambling destination offering an exceptional user experience with its vast games, crypto-friendly options, lucrative promotions, and robust security. Quick Facts Category Information Year Established 2019 Owner Onyxion B.V. License Curacao eGaming License Game Providers NetEnt, Microgaming, Evolution Gaming, Betsoft, and more Total Games Over 3,000 Crypto Accepted Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, USDT, and more Fiat Accepted Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, Neteller Mobile Compatible Yes, with dedicated mobile app Key Features Massive game variety, crypto focus, live casino, sportsbook Welcome Bonus Up to $6,500 over first three deposits Casino Games Slots Slots are the bread and butter of any online casino, and Rolletto doesn’t disappoint. With over 2,000 slot games from renowned providers like NetEnt, Microgaming, and Betsoft, you’ll be spoiled for choice. Whether you prefer classic 3-reel slots or the latest video slots with stunning graphics and innovative features, Rolletto has it all. Some of the most popular slots include Starburst, Book of Dead, and Gonzo’s Quest. Slots Drops & Wins Drops & Wins is an exciting game category that offers players the chance to win massive prizes from random prize pools. These games have a unique twist where a portion of every bet contributes to pooled jackpots that can be won at any time. Titles like Punk Rocker and Sweet Bonanza Xmas offer the thrill of potentially life-changing wins. Drops & Wins Bonus Buys For players who want to skip the base game and go straight to the bonus rounds, Rolletto offers a fantastic selection of Bonus Buy games. These games allow you to purchase the bonus feature directly, giving you more chances to hit big wins without the grind. Popular Bonus Buy titles include Sweet Bonanza, Genie Jackpots, and Razor Shark. Bonus Buys Jackpot Games If you’re dreaming of hitting that elusive multi-million jackpot, Rolletto has you covered with an impressive range of Jackpot Games. These games feature progressive jackpots that continue to grow with every bet placed until one lucky player hits the jackpot. Some of the most renowned jackpot games available are Mega Moolah, Gladiator Jackpot, and Arabian Nights. Jackpot Games Sports Betting Rolletto Casino isn’t just a powerhouse when it comes to casino games; it’s also a top-tier destination for sports betting enthusiasts. The sportsbook section of the platform is packed with features and offers a truly immersive experience for anyone looking to place wagers on their favorite sporting events. Sports Covered Rolletto’s sportsbook covers an impressive range of sports, catering to fans from all around the world. Whether you’re a die-hard football (soccer) fan, a basketball aficionado, or you prefer the thrill of tennis or even esports, you’ll find plenty of betting opportunities. Some of the major sports covered include: Football (Soccer): Premier League, Champions League, La Liga, Serie A, and more Basketball: NBA, EuroLeague, NCAA Tennis: Grand Slams, ATP, and WTA tournaments American Football: NFL, College Football Baseball: MLB, International leagues Hockey: NHL, International tournaments Esports: Dota 2, League of Legends, CS:GO Sports Betting Betting Options Rolletto offers a wide array of betting options to suit every player’s preferences. From the classic moneyline and point spread bets to over/under (totals), prop bets, and futures betting, you’ll find it all here. Additionally, the platform excels in providing live betting (in-play) opportunities, allowing you to place wagers as the action unfolds. One standout feature is the ability to place parlays and accumulators, combining multiple bets into a single wager for potentially higher payouts. Rolletto’s odds are competitive, ensuring you get the best value for your money. The sportsbook section is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and find the markets you’re interested in. You can filter events by sport, league, or country, and the platform provides handy features like auto-suggestions and the ability to save your favorite events for quick access. Other Products Virtual Sports For those who enjoy the thrill of sports betting but prefer the convenience and round-the-clock availability of virtual events, Rolletto has a dedicated Virtual Sports section. This innovative offering simulates popular sports like football, basketball, tennis, and even racing events using realistic graphics and animations. The beauty of Virtual Sports lies in the ability to place bets and witness the outcome within minutes, making it a perfect option for players seeking instant gratification. The events run continuously, ensuring that you can enjoy the action at any time, day or night. Rolletto’s Virtual Sports section covers a wide range of events, from football matches to horse races, providing a diverse selection to cater to different preferences. The betting options are similar to those available in the traditional sportsbook, allowing you to place moneyline bets, handicaps, and more. Virtual Sports Mini Games Rolletto Casino understands that sometimes players want a quick burst of entertainment or a break from the traditional casino games. That’s where the Mini Games category comes into play. This section offers a collection of simple yet engaging games that can be enjoyed in short bursts, making them perfect for killing time or unwinding between longer gaming sessions. The Mini Games selection includes a variety of titles, from classic scratch cards and keno games to more modern offerings like Rocket Dice and Mines. These games are designed to be instantly accessible, with straightforward gameplay mechanics and visually appealing graphics. Mini Games One of the standout features of Rolletto’s Mini Games is the ability to play for free or with real money, giving players the flexibility to choose their preferred gaming experience. Welcome Bonuses Rolletto Casino understands the importance of making a great first impression, which is why they offer an incredibly generous welcome bonus package to all new players. This promotion is designed to provide an exciting start to your online gambling journey and give you the opportunity to explore the vast array of games and features with a boosted bankroll. The welcome bonus at Rolletto Casino is a three-part offer, spread across your first three deposits: 1st Deposit Bonus: 100% Match up to $1,500 When you make your first deposit at Rolletto Casino, you’ll be greeted with a 100% match bonus up to a staggering $1,500. 2nd Deposit Bonus: 50% Match up to $2,000 Your second deposit at Rolletto is rewarded with a 50% match bonus, allowing you to claim up to $2,000 in additional funds. 3rd Deposit Bonus: 25% Match up to $3,000 Last but not least, Rolletto Casino rewards your third deposit with a 25% match bonus, offering you the chance to claim up to $3,000 in bonus funds. Welcome Bonuses In total, the Rolletto Casino welcome bonus package can provide you with a staggering $6,500 in bonus funds, making it one of the most lucrative offers in the online gambling industry. It’s important to note that like any bonus offer, the welcome package at Rolletto Casino comes with specific terms and conditions, including wagering requirements and minimum deposit amounts. How to Signup Go to and click the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner. Create a username and password for your account. Enter your email address and other basic personal details like name and date of birth. Select your preferred cryptocurrency for playing and funding your account – options include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, USDT, and more. Check the box to confirm you are at least 18 years old and agree to the site’s terms and conditions. Click “Sign Up” to complete the registration process. Verify your email address by clicking the confirmation link sent to you. How To Sign Up After signing up, you’ll be able to access the full game library and claim the generous welcome bonus detailed earlier. You may need to verify your account with additional documentation for withdrawal purposes. Rolletto Casino prioritizes a straightforward registration process tailored for all players, including crypto users. Basic personal information is required upfront, but you can still maintain anonymity by using cryptocurrencies. To comply with industry regulations, you will likely need to complete a standard Know Your Customer (KYC) process by providing identification documents to access all features and cash out potential winnings down the line. Regular Promotions and Loyalty Program Regular Promotions Reload Bonuses: Rolletto Casino frequently offers reload bonuses to its existing players. These bonuses provide a percentage match on deposits, allowing players to boost their bankrolls and continue enjoying their favorite games. Free Spins: Who doesn’t love free spins? Rolletto Casino regularly offers free spin promotions on selected slot games, giving players the chance to spin the reels and potentially win big without risking their own funds. Cashback Offers: For players who experience a run of bad luck, Rolletto Casino provides cashback offers. These promotions offer a percentage of a player’s losses back as bonus funds, allowing them to recoup some of their losses and get back in the game. Tournaments and Leaderboards: Rolletto Casino hosts regular tournaments and leaderboard competitions, adding an extra layer of excitement and competition to the gaming experience. Players can compete against others for prizes, cash rewards, or free spins. Crypto Bonuses: As a crypto-friendly casino, Rolletto Casino offers special bonuses and promotions for players who use cryptocurrencies for their deposits and withdrawals, further incentivizing the use of digital currencies. Regular Promotions Loyalty Program Rolletto Casino values its loyal players and has established a dedicated loyalty program to reward them for their continued patronage. The loyalty program is designed to provide exclusive benefits and perks to players based on their level of activity and engagement with the casino. Here’s how it works: Earning Points: Players earn loyalty points for every real money wager they place on casino games or sports bets. The more they play, the more points they accumulate. Tier Levels: The loyalty program features multiple tier levels, each with its own set of benefits and rewards. Players advance through these tiers by accumulating a certain number of loyalty points within a specific period. Exclusive Benefits: As players progress through the loyalty tiers, they unlock a range of exclusive benefits, such as personalized bonuses, higher withdrawal limits, dedicated account managers, and access to special promotions and events. Loyalty Store: In addition to tier-based rewards, Rolletto Casino operates a loyalty store where players can redeem their accumulated points for various prizes, including free spins, bonus funds, merchandise, and more. Payment Methods Rolletto Casino offers a wide range of convenient and secure payment methods to cater to the diverse preferences of its global player base. Whether you prefer traditional banking options or the cutting-edge world of cryptocurrencies, Rolletto Casino has you covered. Deposit Options Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Tether, Monero, Ripple, Dash) Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, Mastercard) E-wallets (Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz) Prepaid Cards (Paysafecard) With a variety of deposit methods available, funding your account at Rolletto Casino is a breeze. Rolletto Casino embraces cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Tether, Monero, Ripple, and Dash, ensuring fast and secure transactions with enhanced privacy. Credit and debit cards, such as Visa and Mastercard, provide a familiar and straightforward option for those accustomed to traditional banking. E-wallets like Skrill, Neteller, and ecoPayz offer an added layer of convenience, while prepaid cards like Paysafecard provide an anonymous way to deposit funds. Deposit Withdrawal Options Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, Ripple) Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, Mastercard) E-wallets (Skrill, Neteller) Prepaid Cards (Paysafecard) Bank Transfers (SEPA for European players) When it comes to withdrawing your winnings, Rolletto Casino maintains the same level of flexibility and convenience. Players can choose to receive their payouts via cryptocurrencies, credit/debit cards, e-wallets, prepaid cards, or bank transfers (SEPA for European players), ensuring a seamless experience. Withdrawal requests are processed efficiently, with most methods being processed within 24-48 hours. However, for those seeking lightning-fast payouts, cryptocurrency withdrawals are hard to beat, with funds typically arriving in your digital wallet almost instantly. Is Rolletto Legit? Properly Licensed and Regulated Holds a gaming license from the Curacao eGaming authority Owned and operated by established Onyxion B.V. company Adheres to regulatory requirements for fair gaming and player protection Secure and Safeguarded Implements robust SSL encryption to safeguard user data Allows secure cryptocurrency transactions and anonymous play options Provides responsible gambling tools like self-exclusion, deposit limits, reality checks Reputable Game Providers Games supplied by trusted and renowned developers like NetEnt, Microgaming, Evolution Gaming All games are regularly tested and certified for fair and random outcomes Fast Payouts with High Limits Offers fast cryptocurrency withdrawals processed within 24-48 hours Permits high withdrawal limits of up to 7,500 USDT/week and 15,000 USDT/month No widespread complaints found about delayed or unfair payouts Established Reputation Operating successfully in the online gambling industry since its launch in 2019 Part of the Onyxion B.V. group running multiple respected casino brands Generally positive reputation with very few legitimacy complaints or concerns Is Rolletto Safe to Use? Robust Security Measures Implements advanced SSL encryption to protect user data and transactions Requires account verification to prevent fraud and underage gambling Allows secure cryptocurrency transactions for enhanced anonymity and privacy Licensed and Regulated Platform Holds a legitimate online gambling license from the Curacao eGaming authority Required to adhere to strict regulations ensuring fair gaming and player protection Games regularly tested and certified by third-parties for randomness and fairness Responsible Gambling Promoted Provides tools like deposit limits, reality checks, and self-exclusion options Promotes responsible gambling and offers resources for problem gambling support Age verification processes in place to restrict underage access Data Privacy Prioritized Employs advanced encryption and security protocols to safeguard personal data Option to use cryptocurrencies for enhanced anonymity and privacy Clear policies on data handling and user information protection Reputable Company and Track Record Owned and operated by the established Onyxion B.V. gaming company Part of a group running multiple respected and trustworthy casino brands Positive reputation with very few safety, security or fair practice complaints Design & Usability Rolletto Casino excels in providing an intuitive and user-friendly platform that ensures a seamless gaming experience for players of all levels. The website’s design is sleek and modern, with a clean layout that prioritizes easy navigation. Players can effortlessly explore different game categories, access the sportsbook, and manage their accounts without any unnecessary clutter or distractions. The casino’s interface is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring a consistent and responsive experience across various screen sizes and platforms. Whether you prefer to play on your computer or take your gaming on the go with your smartphone or tablet, Rolletto Casino adapts flawlessly, maintaining the same high-quality graphics, smooth animations, and intuitive controls. Rolletto Homepage One noteworthy aspect of Rolletto Casino’s design is the attention to detail in creating an immersive gaming atmosphere. The website’s visuals are striking, with vibrant colors, crisp graphics, and animations that bring the games to life. This attention to detail extends to the sound effects and music, which enhance the overall gaming experience without becoming overwhelming or intrusive. Rolletto Casino’s search functionality is top-notch, allowing players to quickly find their favorite games or explore new titles with ease. Members Area Rolletto Casino understands the importance of providing its players with a comprehensive and user-friendly members area, where they can easily manage their accounts, track their activity, and access various features and tools. Here’s what you can expect from the Rolletto Casino members area: Account Management The members area serves as a centralized hub for players to manage their account details, including personal information, contact details, and security settings. Users can easily update their profiles, change passwords, and enable two-factor authentication for enhanced account security. Transaction History Players can access a detailed history of their transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, and any bonuses or promotions claimed. This transparency allows for easy tracking of financial activity and responsible gambling practices. Members Area Responsible Gambling Tools Rolletto Casino takes responsible gambling seriously, and the members area provides players with access to various tools to help them maintain control over their gaming habits. These tools include deposit limits, loss limits, self-exclusion options, and reality checks, among others. Bonus and Promotion Tracking The members area keeps players informed about the latest bonuses, promotions, and special offers available at Rolletto Casino. Players can easily claim and track their progress towards meeting the requirements for these offers. Game History and Favorites Players can access a comprehensive history of the games they’ve played, including their wins, losses, and overall performance. Additionally, they can mark their favorite games for quick access, ensuring that their preferred titles are always just a few clicks away. VIP Program For frequent and loyal players, Rolletto Casino offers a rewarding VIP program. The members area provides information about the program, including the various tiers, benefits, and requirements for progression. Ease of Use Rolletto Casino excels in providing an exceptionally user-friendly and intuitive platform. The website boasts a clean and organized design, making navigation effortless. All essential features and game categories are prominently displayed for quick access. The standout search functionality, along with robust filtering options and the ability to save favorites, streamlines the process of finding desired games or betting markets. For new users, a comprehensive help section with FAQs and guides ensures a smooth onboarding experience. Registration, account management, and banking processes are designed with simplicity in mind. Customer Support Live Chat Support One of the most convenient and efficient support channels at Rolletto Casino is the live chat feature. Available 24/7, this service allows players to connect with knowledgeable customer support agents in real-time. Whether you have a general inquiry, need assistance with a specific game, or require guidance on account management or banking, the live chat agents are ready to assist you promptly and professionally. The live chat support is available in multiple languages, catering to players from various regions. Email Support For those who prefer a more traditional approach or have inquiries that require more detailed explanations, Rolletto Casino offers email support. Players can send their questions or concerns to a dedicated email address, and a member of the customer support team will respond promptly, typically within 24 hours or sooner. This channel is particularly useful for more complex issues or when players need to provide additional documentation or screenshots. Live Chat Phone Support In addition to live chat and email, Rolletto Casino also offers phone support for players who prefer a more personal touch. By calling the provided customer support hotline, players can speak directly with a friendly and knowledgeable agent who can assist them with their queries or concerns. This channel is especially useful for players who require immediate assistance or prefer to communicate verbally. Comprehensive Help Center Rolletto Casino has also invested in creating a comprehensive help center that serves as a valuable self-help resource for players. This help center includes a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section, detailed guides, and tutorials covering a wide range of topics, from account management and banking to game rules and responsible gambling tools. Conclusion Rolletto Casino has undoubtedly established itself as a premier online gambling destination, offering a truly exceptional experience for players worldwide. With a strong focus on cryptocurrencies, the casino caters to the growing demand for secure and anonymous online gambling, while also accommodating players who prefer traditional payment methods. The generous welcome bonus package, coupled with ongoing promotions and a rewarding loyalty program, ensures that players are constantly incentivized and appreciated. The casino’s commitment to responsible gambling is commendable, with a range of tools and resources available to help players maintain control over their gaming habits. Rolletto Casino’s responsive customer support, available through multiple channels, further enhances the overall user experience, ensuring that players can always find the assistance they need, when they need it. We were very happy with our experience at Rolleto and happy to recommend them to our readers. Check them out … Visit Rolletto Casino FAQs Q: Is Rolletto Casino a legitimate and safe platform? A: Yes, Rolletto Casino is a fully licensed and regulated online gambling platform that prioritizes player safety and security. It holds a license from the respected Curacao eGaming authority and implements robust security measures like SSL encryption to protect user data and transactions. Q: What games can I play at Rolletto Casino? A: Rolletto Casino offers an extensive game library with over 3,000 titles from top-tier providers like NetEnt, Microgaming, and Evolution Gaming. This includes a wide variety of slots, table games, live dealer games, and a comprehensive sportsbook covering various sports and betting markets. Q: Does Rolletto Casino accept cryptocurrencies? A: Absolutely! Rolletto Casino is a crypto-friendly platform that accepts a range of popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Tether, and more for both deposits and withdrawals. Q: What is the welcome bonus offer at Rolletto Casino? A: Rolletto Casino offers a generous welcome bonus package of up to $6,500 spread across your first three deposits. This includes a 100% match bonus of up to $1,500 on your first deposit, 50% up to $2,000 on your second deposit, and 25% up to $3,000 on your third deposit. Q: Are there any ongoing promotions for existing players? A: Yes, Rolletto Casino regularly offers promotions for existing players, such as reload bonuses, free spins, cashback offers, tournaments, and a rewarding loyalty program with exclusive benefits and rewards. Q: What customer support options are available? A: Rolletto Casino provides multiple customer support channels, including 24/7 live chat support, email support, and a comprehensive help center with FAQs and guides. Players can reach out for assistance anytime, and the knowledgeable support team is ready to help. Q: Can I play at Rolletto Casino on my mobile device? A: Yes, Rolletto Casino offers a fully optimized mobile experience through its responsive website, ensuring seamless gameplay and access to all features on smartphones and tablets. The casino may also offer a dedicated mobile app for enhanced convenience. Q: What payment methods are accepted for deposits and withdrawals? A: In addition to cryptocurrencies, Rolletto Casino accepts a variety of traditional payment methods, including credit/debit cards (Visa, Mastercard), e-wallets (Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz), prepaid cards (Paysafecard), and bank transfers (SEPA for European players). The post Rolletto Casino Review: Casino & Sports Betting With Big Bonus, Is it Legit? appeared first on Blockonomi.

Rolletto Casino Review: Casino & Sports Betting With Big Bonus, Is it Legit?

Rolletto Casino launched in 2019, has quickly established itself a a great crypto-friendly casino, catering to players worldwide with an exceptional game library, lucrative bonuses and promotions, and a user-friendly interface.

In our Rolletto Casino review, we’ll dive deep into every aspect that makes this online gambling destination truly stand out. From the  selection of games to the payment options and rcustomer support, we’ll cover it all.

Let’s go…

Visit Rolletto Casino

Quick Verdict: Rolletto Casino is a reputable online gambling destination offering an exceptional user experience with its vast games, crypto-friendly options, lucrative promotions, and robust security.

Quick Facts

Category Information Year Established 2019 Owner Onyxion B.V. License Curacao eGaming License Game Providers NetEnt, Microgaming, Evolution Gaming, Betsoft, and more Total Games Over 3,000 Crypto Accepted Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, USDT, and more Fiat Accepted Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, Neteller Mobile Compatible Yes, with dedicated mobile app Key Features Massive game variety, crypto focus, live casino, sportsbook Welcome Bonus Up to $6,500 over first three deposits

Casino Games


Slots are the bread and butter of any online casino, and Rolletto doesn’t disappoint. With over 2,000 slot games from renowned providers like NetEnt, Microgaming, and Betsoft, you’ll be spoiled for choice.

Whether you prefer classic 3-reel slots or the latest video slots with stunning graphics and innovative features, Rolletto has it all. Some of the most popular slots include Starburst, Book of Dead, and Gonzo’s Quest.


Drops & Wins

Drops & Wins is an exciting game category that offers players the chance to win massive prizes from random prize pools.

These games have a unique twist where a portion of every bet contributes to pooled jackpots that can be won at any time. Titles like Punk Rocker and Sweet Bonanza Xmas offer the thrill of potentially life-changing wins.

Drops & Wins

Bonus Buys

For players who want to skip the base game and go straight to the bonus rounds, Rolletto offers a fantastic selection of Bonus Buy games.

These games allow you to purchase the bonus feature directly, giving you more chances to hit big wins without the grind. Popular Bonus Buy titles include Sweet Bonanza, Genie Jackpots, and Razor Shark.

Bonus Buys

Jackpot Games

If you’re dreaming of hitting that elusive multi-million jackpot, Rolletto has you covered with an impressive range of Jackpot Games.

These games feature progressive jackpots that continue to grow with every bet placed until one lucky player hits the jackpot. Some of the most renowned jackpot games available are Mega Moolah, Gladiator Jackpot, and Arabian Nights.

Jackpot Games

Sports Betting

Rolletto Casino isn’t just a powerhouse when it comes to casino games; it’s also a top-tier destination for sports betting enthusiasts.

The sportsbook section of the platform is packed with features and offers a truly immersive experience for anyone looking to place wagers on their favorite sporting events.

Sports Covered

Rolletto’s sportsbook covers an impressive range of sports, catering to fans from all around the world. Whether you’re a die-hard football (soccer) fan, a basketball aficionado, or you prefer the thrill of tennis or even esports, you’ll find plenty of betting opportunities. Some of the major sports covered include:

Football (Soccer): Premier League, Champions League, La Liga, Serie A, and more

Basketball: NBA, EuroLeague, NCAA

Tennis: Grand Slams, ATP, and WTA tournaments

American Football: NFL, College Football

Baseball: MLB, International leagues

Hockey: NHL, International tournaments

Esports: Dota 2, League of Legends, CS:GO

Sports Betting

Betting Options

Rolletto offers a wide array of betting options to suit every player’s preferences. From the classic moneyline and point spread bets to over/under (totals), prop bets, and futures betting, you’ll find it all here. Additionally, the platform excels in providing live betting (in-play) opportunities, allowing you to place wagers as the action unfolds.

One standout feature is the ability to place parlays and accumulators, combining multiple bets into a single wager for potentially higher payouts. Rolletto’s odds are competitive, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

The sportsbook section is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and find the markets you’re interested in. You can filter events by sport, league, or country, and the platform provides handy features like auto-suggestions and the ability to save your favorite events for quick access.

Other Products

Virtual Sports

For those who enjoy the thrill of sports betting but prefer the convenience and round-the-clock availability of virtual events, Rolletto has a dedicated Virtual Sports section.

This innovative offering simulates popular sports like football, basketball, tennis, and even racing events using realistic graphics and animations.

The beauty of Virtual Sports lies in the ability to place bets and witness the outcome within minutes, making it a perfect option for players seeking instant gratification.

The events run continuously, ensuring that you can enjoy the action at any time, day or night.

Rolletto’s Virtual Sports section covers a wide range of events, from football matches to horse races, providing a diverse selection to cater to different preferences.

The betting options are similar to those available in the traditional sportsbook, allowing you to place moneyline bets, handicaps, and more.

Virtual Sports

Mini Games

Rolletto Casino understands that sometimes players want a quick burst of entertainment or a break from the traditional casino games.

That’s where the Mini Games category comes into play. This section offers a collection of simple yet engaging games that can be enjoyed in short bursts, making them perfect for killing time or unwinding between longer gaming sessions.

The Mini Games selection includes a variety of titles, from classic scratch cards and keno games to more modern offerings like Rocket Dice and Mines.

These games are designed to be instantly accessible, with straightforward gameplay mechanics and visually appealing graphics.

Mini Games

One of the standout features of Rolletto’s Mini Games is the ability to play for free or with real money, giving players the flexibility to choose their preferred gaming experience.

Welcome Bonuses

Rolletto Casino understands the importance of making a great first impression, which is why they offer an incredibly generous welcome bonus package to all new players.

This promotion is designed to provide an exciting start to your online gambling journey and give you the opportunity to explore the vast array of games and features with a boosted bankroll.

The welcome bonus at Rolletto Casino is a three-part offer, spread across your first three deposits:

1st Deposit Bonus: 100% Match up to $1,500 When you make your first deposit at Rolletto Casino, you’ll be greeted with a 100% match bonus up to a staggering $1,500.

2nd Deposit Bonus: 50% Match up to $2,000 Your second deposit at Rolletto is rewarded with a 50% match bonus, allowing you to claim up to $2,000 in additional funds.

3rd Deposit Bonus: 25% Match up to $3,000 Last but not least, Rolletto Casino rewards your third deposit with a 25% match bonus, offering you the chance to claim up to $3,000 in bonus funds.

Welcome Bonuses

In total, the Rolletto Casino welcome bonus package can provide you with a staggering $6,500 in bonus funds, making it one of the most lucrative offers in the online gambling industry.

It’s important to note that like any bonus offer, the welcome package at Rolletto Casino comes with specific terms and conditions, including wagering requirements and minimum deposit amounts.

How to Signup

Go to and click the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner.

Create a username and password for your account. Enter your email address and other basic personal details like name and date of birth.

Select your preferred cryptocurrency for playing and funding your account – options include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, USDT, and more.

Check the box to confirm you are at least 18 years old and agree to the site’s terms and conditions.

Click “Sign Up” to complete the registration process.

Verify your email address by clicking the confirmation link sent to you.

How To Sign Up

After signing up, you’ll be able to access the full game library and claim the generous welcome bonus detailed earlier. You may need to verify your account with additional documentation for withdrawal purposes.

Rolletto Casino prioritizes a straightforward registration process tailored for all players, including crypto users. Basic personal information is required upfront, but you can still maintain anonymity by using cryptocurrencies.

To comply with industry regulations, you will likely need to complete a standard Know Your Customer (KYC) process by providing identification documents to access all features and cash out potential winnings down the line.

Regular Promotions and Loyalty Program

Regular Promotions

Reload Bonuses: Rolletto Casino frequently offers reload bonuses to its existing players. These bonuses provide a percentage match on deposits, allowing players to boost their bankrolls and continue enjoying their favorite games.

Free Spins: Who doesn’t love free spins? Rolletto Casino regularly offers free spin promotions on selected slot games, giving players the chance to spin the reels and potentially win big without risking their own funds.

Cashback Offers: For players who experience a run of bad luck, Rolletto Casino provides cashback offers. These promotions offer a percentage of a player’s losses back as bonus funds, allowing them to recoup some of their losses and get back in the game.

Tournaments and Leaderboards: Rolletto Casino hosts regular tournaments and leaderboard competitions, adding an extra layer of excitement and competition to the gaming experience. Players can compete against others for prizes, cash rewards, or free spins.

Crypto Bonuses: As a crypto-friendly casino, Rolletto Casino offers special bonuses and promotions for players who use cryptocurrencies for their deposits and withdrawals, further incentivizing the use of digital currencies.

Regular Promotions

Loyalty Program

Rolletto Casino values its loyal players and has established a dedicated loyalty program to reward them for their continued patronage. The loyalty program is designed to provide exclusive benefits and perks to players based on their level of activity and engagement with the casino.

Here’s how it works:

Earning Points: Players earn loyalty points for every real money wager they place on casino games or sports bets. The more they play, the more points they accumulate.

Tier Levels: The loyalty program features multiple tier levels, each with its own set of benefits and rewards. Players advance through these tiers by accumulating a certain number of loyalty points within a specific period.

Exclusive Benefits: As players progress through the loyalty tiers, they unlock a range of exclusive benefits, such as personalized bonuses, higher withdrawal limits, dedicated account managers, and access to special promotions and events.

Loyalty Store: In addition to tier-based rewards, Rolletto Casino operates a loyalty store where players can redeem their accumulated points for various prizes, including free spins, bonus funds, merchandise, and more.

Payment Methods

Rolletto Casino offers a wide range of convenient and secure payment methods to cater to the diverse preferences of its global player base.

Whether you prefer traditional banking options or the cutting-edge world of cryptocurrencies, Rolletto Casino has you covered.

Deposit Options

Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Tether, Monero, Ripple, Dash)

Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, Mastercard)

E-wallets (Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz)

Prepaid Cards (Paysafecard)

With a variety of deposit methods available, funding your account at Rolletto Casino is a breeze.

Rolletto Casino embraces cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Tether, Monero, Ripple, and Dash, ensuring fast and secure transactions with enhanced privacy.

Credit and debit cards, such as Visa and Mastercard, provide a familiar and straightforward option for those accustomed to traditional banking. E-wallets like Skrill, Neteller, and ecoPayz offer an added layer of convenience, while prepaid cards like Paysafecard provide an anonymous way to deposit funds.


Withdrawal Options

Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, Ripple)

Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, Mastercard)

E-wallets (Skrill, Neteller)

Prepaid Cards (Paysafecard)

Bank Transfers (SEPA for European players)

When it comes to withdrawing your winnings, Rolletto Casino maintains the same level of flexibility and convenience. Players can choose to receive their payouts via cryptocurrencies, credit/debit cards, e-wallets, prepaid cards, or bank transfers (SEPA for European players), ensuring a seamless experience.

Withdrawal requests are processed efficiently, with most methods being processed within 24-48 hours. However, for those seeking lightning-fast payouts, cryptocurrency withdrawals are hard to beat, with funds typically arriving in your digital wallet almost instantly.

Is Rolletto Legit?

Properly Licensed and Regulated

Holds a gaming license from the Curacao eGaming authority

Owned and operated by established Onyxion B.V. company

Adheres to regulatory requirements for fair gaming and player protection

Secure and Safeguarded

Implements robust SSL encryption to safeguard user data

Allows secure cryptocurrency transactions and anonymous play options

Provides responsible gambling tools like self-exclusion, deposit limits, reality checks

Reputable Game Providers

Games supplied by trusted and renowned developers like NetEnt, Microgaming, Evolution Gaming

All games are regularly tested and certified for fair and random outcomes

Fast Payouts with High Limits

Offers fast cryptocurrency withdrawals processed within 24-48 hours

Permits high withdrawal limits of up to 7,500 USDT/week and 15,000 USDT/month

No widespread complaints found about delayed or unfair payouts

Established Reputation

Operating successfully in the online gambling industry since its launch in 2019

Part of the Onyxion B.V. group running multiple respected casino brands

Generally positive reputation with very few legitimacy complaints or concerns

Is Rolletto Safe to Use?

Robust Security Measures

Implements advanced SSL encryption to protect user data and transactions

Requires account verification to prevent fraud and underage gambling

Allows secure cryptocurrency transactions for enhanced anonymity and privacy

Licensed and Regulated Platform

Holds a legitimate online gambling license from the Curacao eGaming authority

Required to adhere to strict regulations ensuring fair gaming and player protection

Games regularly tested and certified by third-parties for randomness and fairness

Responsible Gambling Promoted

Provides tools like deposit limits, reality checks, and self-exclusion options

Promotes responsible gambling and offers resources for problem gambling support

Age verification processes in place to restrict underage access

Data Privacy Prioritized

Employs advanced encryption and security protocols to safeguard personal data

Option to use cryptocurrencies for enhanced anonymity and privacy

Clear policies on data handling and user information protection

Reputable Company and Track Record

Owned and operated by the established Onyxion B.V. gaming company

Part of a group running multiple respected and trustworthy casino brands

Positive reputation with very few safety, security or fair practice complaints

Design & Usability

Rolletto Casino excels in providing an intuitive and user-friendly platform that ensures a seamless gaming experience for players of all levels.

The website’s design is sleek and modern, with a clean layout that prioritizes easy navigation. Players can effortlessly explore different game categories, access the sportsbook, and manage their accounts without any unnecessary clutter or distractions.

The casino’s interface is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring a consistent and responsive experience across various screen sizes and platforms.

Whether you prefer to play on your computer or take your gaming on the go with your smartphone or tablet, Rolletto Casino adapts flawlessly, maintaining the same high-quality graphics, smooth animations, and intuitive controls.

Rolletto Homepage

One noteworthy aspect of Rolletto Casino’s design is the attention to detail in creating an immersive gaming atmosphere. The website’s visuals are striking, with vibrant colors, crisp graphics, and animations that bring the games to life.

This attention to detail extends to the sound effects and music, which enhance the overall gaming experience without becoming overwhelming or intrusive.

Rolletto Casino’s search functionality is top-notch, allowing players to quickly find their favorite games or explore new titles with ease.

Members Area

Rolletto Casino understands the importance of providing its players with a comprehensive and user-friendly members area, where they can easily manage their accounts, track their activity, and access various features and tools. Here’s what you can expect from the Rolletto Casino members area:

Account Management

The members area serves as a centralized hub for players to manage their account details, including personal information, contact details, and security settings. Users can easily update their profiles, change passwords, and enable two-factor authentication for enhanced account security.

Transaction History

Players can access a detailed history of their transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, and any bonuses or promotions claimed. This transparency allows for easy tracking of financial activity and responsible gambling practices.

Members Area

Responsible Gambling Tools

Rolletto Casino takes responsible gambling seriously, and the members area provides players with access to various tools to help them maintain control over their gaming habits. These tools include deposit limits, loss limits, self-exclusion options, and reality checks, among others.

Bonus and Promotion Tracking

The members area keeps players informed about the latest bonuses, promotions, and special offers available at Rolletto Casino. Players can easily claim and track their progress towards meeting the requirements for these offers.

Game History and Favorites

Players can access a comprehensive history of the games they’ve played, including their wins, losses, and overall performance. Additionally, they can mark their favorite games for quick access, ensuring that their preferred titles are always just a few clicks away.

VIP Program

For frequent and loyal players, Rolletto Casino offers a rewarding VIP program. The members area provides information about the program, including the various tiers, benefits, and requirements for progression.

Ease of Use

Rolletto Casino excels in providing an exceptionally user-friendly and intuitive platform. The website boasts a clean and organized design, making navigation effortless. All essential features and game categories are prominently displayed for quick access.

The standout search functionality, along with robust filtering options and the ability to save favorites, streamlines the process of finding desired games or betting markets.

For new users, a comprehensive help section with FAQs and guides ensures a smooth onboarding experience. Registration, account management, and banking processes are designed with simplicity in mind.

Customer Support

Live Chat Support

One of the most convenient and efficient support channels at Rolletto Casino is the live chat feature. Available 24/7, this service allows players to connect with knowledgeable customer support agents in real-time.

Whether you have a general inquiry, need assistance with a specific game, or require guidance on account management or banking, the live chat agents are ready to assist you promptly and professionally. The live chat support is available in multiple languages, catering to players from various regions.

Email Support

For those who prefer a more traditional approach or have inquiries that require more detailed explanations, Rolletto Casino offers email support.

Players can send their questions or concerns to a dedicated email address, and a member of the customer support team will respond promptly, typically within 24 hours or sooner.

This channel is particularly useful for more complex issues or when players need to provide additional documentation or screenshots.

Live Chat

Phone Support

In addition to live chat and email, Rolletto Casino also offers phone support for players who prefer a more personal touch.

By calling the provided customer support hotline, players can speak directly with a friendly and knowledgeable agent who can assist them with their queries or concerns.

This channel is especially useful for players who require immediate assistance or prefer to communicate verbally.

Comprehensive Help Center

Rolletto Casino has also invested in creating a comprehensive help center that serves as a valuable self-help resource for players.

This help center includes a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section, detailed guides, and tutorials covering a wide range of topics, from account management and banking to game rules and responsible gambling tools.


Rolletto Casino has undoubtedly established itself as a premier online gambling destination, offering a truly exceptional experience for players worldwide.

With a strong focus on cryptocurrencies, the casino caters to the growing demand for secure and anonymous online gambling, while also accommodating players who prefer traditional payment methods.

The generous welcome bonus package, coupled with ongoing promotions and a rewarding loyalty program, ensures that players are constantly incentivized and appreciated.

The casino’s commitment to responsible gambling is commendable, with a range of tools and resources available to help players maintain control over their gaming habits.

Rolletto Casino’s responsive customer support, available through multiple channels, further enhances the overall user experience, ensuring that players can always find the assistance they need, when they need it.

We were very happy with our experience at Rolleto and happy to recommend them to our readers. Check them out …

Visit Rolletto Casino


Q: Is Rolletto Casino a legitimate and safe platform?

A: Yes, Rolletto Casino is a fully licensed and regulated online gambling platform that prioritizes player safety and security. It holds a license from the respected Curacao eGaming authority and implements robust security measures like SSL encryption to protect user data and transactions.

Q: What games can I play at Rolletto Casino?

A: Rolletto Casino offers an extensive game library with over 3,000 titles from top-tier providers like NetEnt, Microgaming, and Evolution Gaming. This includes a wide variety of slots, table games, live dealer games, and a comprehensive sportsbook covering various sports and betting markets.

Q: Does Rolletto Casino accept cryptocurrencies?

A: Absolutely! Rolletto Casino is a crypto-friendly platform that accepts a range of popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Tether, and more for both deposits and withdrawals.

Q: What is the welcome bonus offer at Rolletto Casino?

A: Rolletto Casino offers a generous welcome bonus package of up to $6,500 spread across your first three deposits. This includes a 100% match bonus of up to $1,500 on your first deposit, 50% up to $2,000 on your second deposit, and 25% up to $3,000 on your third deposit.

Q: Are there any ongoing promotions for existing players?

A: Yes, Rolletto Casino regularly offers promotions for existing players, such as reload bonuses, free spins, cashback offers, tournaments, and a rewarding loyalty program with exclusive benefits and rewards.

Q: What customer support options are available?

A: Rolletto Casino provides multiple customer support channels, including 24/7 live chat support, email support, and a comprehensive help center with FAQs and guides. Players can reach out for assistance anytime, and the knowledgeable support team is ready to help.

Q: Can I play at Rolletto Casino on my mobile device?

A: Yes, Rolletto Casino offers a fully optimized mobile experience through its responsive website, ensuring seamless gameplay and access to all features on smartphones and tablets. The casino may also offer a dedicated mobile app for enhanced convenience.

Q: What payment methods are accepted for deposits and withdrawals?

A: In addition to cryptocurrencies, Rolletto Casino accepts a variety of traditional payment methods, including credit/debit cards (Visa, Mastercard), e-wallets (Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz), prepaid cards (Paysafecard), and bank transfers (SEPA for European players).

The post Rolletto Casino Review: Casino & Sports Betting With Big Bonus, Is it Legit? appeared first on Blockonomi.
BONK’s 148% Surge: Is the Memecoin Poised for Further Gains?The cryptocurrency market has been on a bullish streak, with Ethereum leading the charge following the excitement surrounding the potential approval of the first spot Ethereum ETF. Amid this market rally, Solana-based memecoin BONK has emerged as one of the top performers in the last 24 hours. TLDR BONK, the Solana-based memecoin, has broken through the resistance at $0.00003 amid the recent market rally, signaling a potential for further gains. The BONK price has increased by 148% since April, currently trading at $0.0000328, and is targeting $0.000047 and $0.0000712 if the breakout sustains. The cryptocurrency market experienced nearly $400 million in liquidations over the past 24 hours, with the majority being from short positions. Technical indicators, such as the rising EMAs and ADA slope, suggest that buyers have sufficient momentum to lead a higher rally. Ashort-term pullback is expected due to the highly positive cumulative liquidation levels delta, with key support levels at $0.0000301, $0.0000289-$0.0000295, and $0.0000272. BONK has broken through the resistance at $0.00003, signaling a change in market sentiment and the potential for further gains. The memecoin entered its current recovery trend in late April, maintaining a price above $0.000013, and has since surged by 148% to trade at $0.0000328. Bonk Coin Price at Coingecko An analysis of the daily charts reveals that the recovery has developed an inverted head and shoulder pattern, often interpreted as a bottom formation and a precursor for prolonged recovery. With the recent breakout, BONK is targeting $0.000047 and $0.0000712 if the price sustains above the neckline resistance. The cryptocurrency market has experienced significant liquidations over the past 24 hours, with nearly $400 million in liquidations, primarily from short positions. Bitcoin and Ethereum alone accounted for $218 million of the total. The market’s long-short ratio stands at 2.46, indicating a strong inclination towards long positions. Technical indicators also support the bullish sentiment for BONK. The sharp upswing in daily EMAs (20, 50, 100, and 200) suggests aggressive buying activity among traders, while the rising Average Directional Index (ADI) slope indicates that buyers have sufficient momentum to lead a higher rally. However, despite the bullish outlook, a short-term pullback is expected due to the highly positive cumulative liquidation levels delta. Key support levels to watch are $0.0000301, $0.0000289-$0.0000295, and $0.0000272, as these regions have large clusters of liquidation levels and are important based on price action. BONK’s breakout amid the recent market rally has positioned the memecoin for potential further gains, targeting $0.000047 and $0.0000712. While technical indicators support the bullish sentiment, traders should be cautious of a possible short-term pullback, given the highly positive cumulative liquidation levels delta. The post BONK’s 148% Surge: Is the Memecoin Poised for Further Gains? appeared first on Blockonomi.

BONK’s 148% Surge: Is the Memecoin Poised for Further Gains?

The cryptocurrency market has been on a bullish streak, with Ethereum leading the charge following the excitement surrounding the potential approval of the first spot Ethereum ETF.

Amid this market rally, Solana-based memecoin BONK has emerged as one of the top performers in the last 24 hours.


BONK, the Solana-based memecoin, has broken through the resistance at $0.00003 amid the recent market rally, signaling a potential for further gains.

The BONK price has increased by 148% since April, currently trading at $0.0000328, and is targeting $0.000047 and $0.0000712 if the breakout sustains.

The cryptocurrency market experienced nearly $400 million in liquidations over the past 24 hours, with the majority being from short positions.

Technical indicators, such as the rising EMAs and ADA slope, suggest that buyers have sufficient momentum to lead a higher rally.

Ashort-term pullback is expected due to the highly positive cumulative liquidation levels delta, with key support levels at $0.0000301, $0.0000289-$0.0000295, and $0.0000272.

BONK has broken through the resistance at $0.00003, signaling a change in market sentiment and the potential for further gains.

The memecoin entered its current recovery trend in late April, maintaining a price above $0.000013, and has since surged by 148% to trade at $0.0000328.

Bonk Coin Price at Coingecko

An analysis of the daily charts reveals that the recovery has developed an inverted head and shoulder pattern, often interpreted as a bottom formation and a precursor for prolonged recovery.

With the recent breakout, BONK is targeting $0.000047 and $0.0000712 if the price sustains above the neckline resistance.

The cryptocurrency market has experienced significant liquidations over the past 24 hours, with nearly $400 million in liquidations, primarily from short positions.

Bitcoin and Ethereum alone accounted for $218 million of the total. The market’s long-short ratio stands at 2.46, indicating a strong inclination towards long positions.

Technical indicators also support the bullish sentiment for BONK. The sharp upswing in daily EMAs (20, 50, 100, and 200) suggests aggressive buying activity among traders, while the rising Average Directional Index (ADI) slope indicates that buyers have sufficient momentum to lead a higher rally.

However, despite the bullish outlook, a short-term pullback is expected due to the highly positive cumulative liquidation levels delta.

Key support levels to watch are $0.0000301, $0.0000289-$0.0000295, and $0.0000272, as these regions have large clusters of liquidation levels and are important based on price action.

BONK’s breakout amid the recent market rally has positioned the memecoin for potential further gains, targeting $0.000047 and $0.0000712.

While technical indicators support the bullish sentiment, traders should be cautious of a possible short-term pullback, given the highly positive cumulative liquidation levels delta.

The post BONK’s 148% Surge: Is the Memecoin Poised for Further Gains? appeared first on Blockonomi.
Meme Mania: Memecoins Outperform Crypto Market as PEPE & FLOKI Lead the RallyThe memecoin mania is back in full force, with several major currencies posting double-digit gains and outperforming the rest of the cryptocurrency market. Leading the charge are PEPE and FLOKI, which have seen significant price increases and surging trading volumes. TLDR Memecoins like PEPE, FLOKI, DOGE, and BONK are leading the crypto rally with double-digit gains, outperforming the rest of the market. PEPE has hit a new all-time high and jumped to the 21st spot in the top cryptocurrencies by market cap, more than doubling since the beginning of the month. FLOKI is rapidly moving towards its all-time high, currently trading 6X higher than at the start of 2024. Both PEPE and FLOKI have witnessed a surge in large transaction volumes and daily active addresses, reflecting strong participation from whales. Analysts are bullish on FLOKI, citing its ecosystem growth, key product updates, and recent token burn as factors contributing to its potential price appreciation. PEPE, the Ethereum-based token themed around the popular webcomic character, has been on a winning streak, hitting a fresh all-time high and jumping to the 21st spot in the top cryptocurrencies by market cap. PEPE Coin Price at Coingecko The coin has more than doubled since the beginning of the month and was the seventh-most traded cryptocurrency in the last 24 hours, surpassing meme powerhouses like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). FLOKI, the Solana-linked coin, has also been on a tear, rapidly moving towards its all-time high of $0.0002964. At the time of writing, the coin was trading 6X higher than it was at the start of 2024. Analysts are bullish on FLOKI, citing its ecosystem growth, key product updates, and recent token burn as factors contributing to its potential price appreciation. Both PEPE and FLOKI have witnessed a surge in large transaction volumes and daily active addresses over the last 24 hours, reflecting strong participation from whales. This indicates that the memecoin rally is not just driven by retail investors but also by larger players in the market. Other memecoins, such as DOGE and BONK, are also making significant gains, with BONK posting a 4.31% increase in the last 24 hours. This suggests that the memecoin season may be gaining momentum, with investors seeking to capitalize on the hype and potential for quick profits. Data from Coinglass shows that the number of bullish long bets for PEPE and FLOKI has dipped compared to bearish short positions in the last 24 hours, indicating that traders are preparing for a potential pullback. The ongoing climb in memecoin prices highlights the strong demand for these assets, even as the hype around some of the market’s blue-chip currencies grows due to the prospect of spot ETFs. Memecoins are likely to remain a significant part of the ecosystem for this cycle, attracting retail and institutional investors seeking to capitalize on their potential for rapid growth and high returns. The post Meme Mania: Memecoins Outperform Crypto Market as PEPE & FLOKI Lead the Rally appeared first on Blockonomi.

Meme Mania: Memecoins Outperform Crypto Market as PEPE & FLOKI Lead the Rally

The memecoin mania is back in full force, with several major currencies posting double-digit gains and outperforming the rest of the cryptocurrency market. Leading the charge are PEPE and FLOKI, which have seen significant price increases and surging trading volumes.


Memecoins like PEPE, FLOKI, DOGE, and BONK are leading the crypto rally with double-digit gains, outperforming the rest of the market.

PEPE has hit a new all-time high and jumped to the 21st spot in the top cryptocurrencies by market cap, more than doubling since the beginning of the month.

FLOKI is rapidly moving towards its all-time high, currently trading 6X higher than at the start of 2024.

Both PEPE and FLOKI have witnessed a surge in large transaction volumes and daily active addresses, reflecting strong participation from whales.

Analysts are bullish on FLOKI, citing its ecosystem growth, key product updates, and recent token burn as factors contributing to its potential price appreciation.

PEPE, the Ethereum-based token themed around the popular webcomic character, has been on a winning streak, hitting a fresh all-time high and jumping to the 21st spot in the top cryptocurrencies by market cap.

PEPE Coin Price at Coingecko

The coin has more than doubled since the beginning of the month and was the seventh-most traded cryptocurrency in the last 24 hours, surpassing meme powerhouses like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB).

FLOKI, the Solana-linked coin, has also been on a tear, rapidly moving towards its all-time high of $0.0002964. At the time of writing, the coin was trading 6X higher than it was at the start of 2024.

Analysts are bullish on FLOKI, citing its ecosystem growth, key product updates, and recent token burn as factors contributing to its potential price appreciation.

Both PEPE and FLOKI have witnessed a surge in large transaction volumes and daily active addresses over the last 24 hours, reflecting strong participation from whales.

This indicates that the memecoin rally is not just driven by retail investors but also by larger players in the market.

Other memecoins, such as DOGE and BONK, are also making significant gains, with BONK posting a 4.31% increase in the last 24 hours.

This suggests that the memecoin season may be gaining momentum, with investors seeking to capitalize on the hype and potential for quick profits.

Data from Coinglass shows that the number of bullish long bets for PEPE and FLOKI has dipped compared to bearish short positions in the last 24 hours, indicating that traders are preparing for a potential pullback.

The ongoing climb in memecoin prices highlights the strong demand for these assets, even as the hype around some of the market’s blue-chip currencies grows due to the prospect of spot ETFs.

Memecoins are likely to remain a significant part of the ecosystem for this cycle, attracting retail and institutional investors seeking to capitalize on their potential for rapid growth and high returns.

The post Meme Mania: Memecoins Outperform Crypto Market as PEPE & FLOKI Lead the Rally appeared first on Blockonomi.
Unicorn Status: Farcaster Raises $150 Million in Series A Funding Round, Degen Token Surges 22%Farcaster, the decentralized social media protocol built on Ethereum, has announced a significant milestone in its development with the completion of a $150 million Series A funding round. The round, led by venture firm Paradigm, included participation from notable investment firms such as Andreessen Horowitz’s a16z crypto fund, Haun Ventures, Union Square Ventures, Variant, and Standard Crypto. TLDR Farcaster, a decentralized social media protocol built on Ethereum, raised $150 million in a Series A funding round led by Paradigm, with participation from various prominent investment firms. The raise values Farcaster at $1 billion, making it the latest crypto unicorn. Since its permissionless launch in October 2023, Farcaster has seen significant growth, with 350,000 paid sign-ups and a 50-fold increase in network activity. The funds will be used to grow daily active users and add developer primitives to the protocol, such as channels and direct messaging. Degen (DEGEN), a Farcaster community-created token, surged 22% on the news of the funding round. The successful fundraising effort has propelled Farcaster to unicorn status, with a valuation of $1 billion. This substantial infusion of capital comes at a time of rapid growth for the platform, which has seen impressive user adoption and network activity since its permissionless launch in October 2023. Farcaster co-founder Dan Romero outlined the company’s priorities for the newly raised funds, stating that they will focus on two key areas for the remainder of the year: growing daily active users and adding developer primitives to the protocol, such as channels and direct messaging. Excited to share the news about our recent fundraise! — Dan Romero (@dwr) May 21, 2024 These initiatives aim to further enhance the user experience and attract more developers to build on the Farcaster platform. The announcement of the funding round has also had a positive impact on Degen (DEGEN), a Farcaster community-created token. DEGEN, which is not an official token of the protocol, surged 17% on the news and is currently trading at $0.023, according to Coingecko. DEGEN Token Price at Coingecko The token was initially launched in January by Jacek Trociński, a frequent contributor to the Farcaster Degen channel, as a reward for users who write good content or interact with posts. Farcaster’s growth and successful fundraising round highlight the increasing interest in decentralized social media platforms as alternatives to traditional centralized networks. By building on Ethereum and leveraging its decentralized infrastructure, Farcaster aims to provide users with greater control over their data and create a more open and transparent social media ecosystem. As Farcaster continues to expand its user base and attract developers, the platform is well-positioned to become a major player in the decentralized social media space. The post Unicorn Status: Farcaster Raises $150 Million in Series A Funding Round, Degen Token Surges 22% appeared first on Blockonomi.

Unicorn Status: Farcaster Raises $150 Million in Series A Funding Round, Degen Token Surges 22%

Farcaster, the decentralized social media protocol built on Ethereum, has announced a significant milestone in its development with the completion of a $150 million Series A funding round.

The round, led by venture firm Paradigm, included participation from notable investment firms such as Andreessen Horowitz’s a16z crypto fund, Haun Ventures, Union Square Ventures, Variant, and Standard Crypto.


Farcaster, a decentralized social media protocol built on Ethereum, raised $150 million in a Series A funding round led by Paradigm, with participation from various prominent investment firms.

The raise values Farcaster at $1 billion, making it the latest crypto unicorn.

Since its permissionless launch in October 2023, Farcaster has seen significant growth, with 350,000 paid sign-ups and a 50-fold increase in network activity.

The funds will be used to grow daily active users and add developer primitives to the protocol, such as channels and direct messaging.

Degen (DEGEN), a Farcaster community-created token, surged 22% on the news of the funding round.

The successful fundraising effort has propelled Farcaster to unicorn status, with a valuation of $1 billion. This substantial infusion of capital comes at a time of rapid growth for the platform, which has seen impressive user adoption and network activity since its permissionless launch in October 2023.

Farcaster co-founder Dan Romero outlined the company’s priorities for the newly raised funds, stating that they will focus on two key areas for the remainder of the year: growing daily active users and adding developer primitives to the protocol, such as channels and direct messaging.

Excited to share the news about our recent fundraise!

— Dan Romero (@dwr) May 21, 2024

These initiatives aim to further enhance the user experience and attract more developers to build on the Farcaster platform.

The announcement of the funding round has also had a positive impact on Degen (DEGEN), a Farcaster community-created token.

DEGEN, which is not an official token of the protocol, surged 17% on the news and is currently trading at $0.023, according to Coingecko.

DEGEN Token Price at Coingecko

The token was initially launched in January by Jacek Trociński, a frequent contributor to the Farcaster Degen channel, as a reward for users who write good content or interact with posts.

Farcaster’s growth and successful fundraising round highlight the increasing interest in decentralized social media platforms as alternatives to traditional centralized networks.

By building on Ethereum and leveraging its decentralized infrastructure, Farcaster aims to provide users with greater control over their data and create a more open and transparent social media ecosystem.

As Farcaster continues to expand its user base and attract developers, the platform is well-positioned to become a major player in the decentralized social media space.

The post Unicorn Status: Farcaster Raises $150 Million in Series A Funding Round, Degen Token Surges 22% appeared first on Blockonomi.
Ethereum Price (ETH) Surges: ETF Approval to Unleash a Tidal Wave of DemandThe cryptocurrency market is abuzz with speculation as Ethereum’s price has surged over 20% to around $3,792, fueled by growing expectations that US regulators might finally approve spot Ether ETFs. The sudden price rally has caught many traders by surprise, as most had anticipated the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would delay or reject the first Ether ETF by Thursday. TLDR Ethereum’s price has surged over 20% to around $3,792 due to growing expectations of spot Ether ETF approval by US regulators. Standard Chartered is 80-90% confident that Ether spot ETFs will launch in the US this week, predicting significant inflows of 2.39-9.15 million ether ($15-45 billion) in the first 12 months after approval. Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Eric Balchunas has increased his prediction for approval to 75%, up from 25%, citing potential policy shifts at the SEC. VanEck and ARK Investment Management are leading the charge for spot Ether ETFs, with decision deadlines set for May 23 and May 24, respectively. Ethereum whales have yet to participate in the current rally, and their involvement could potentially drive the ETH price further past $4,000. Adding to the bullish sentiment, Standard Chartered has expressed high confidence in the launch of Ether spot ETFs in the US this week. Geoff Kendrick, Head of FX Research and Digital Assets Research at the bank, stated that they are 80-90% confident in the approval and predict significant inflows of 2.39-9.15 million ether in the first 12 months following the green light. In US dollar terms, this equates to roughly $15 billion to $45 billion. Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Eric Balchunas has also significantly upped his prediction for approval, now at 75%, up from 25%. In an X post, Balchunas mentioned that he was hearing about a potential policy shift at the SEC, causing everyone to scramble as they had previously assumed the applications would be denied. The SEC is set to announce its decision on several Ether ETF applications this week, with VanEck and ARK Investment Management leading the charge. These issuers, along with seven others, are seeking approval to launch ETFs that directly track the price of Ethereum. The decision deadlines for VanEck and ARK are set for May 23 and May 24, respectively. UPDATE: It's happening. We have at least 5 of the potential #Ethereum ETF issuers that have submitted their Amended 19b-4's in the last ~25 min. Fidelity, VanEck, Invesco/Galaxy, Ark/21Shares, & Franklin all submitted via CBOE. — James Seyffart (@JSeyff) May 21, 2024 Oon-chain data reveals that Ethereum whales have yet to participate in the current rally. If these large players decide to enter the market, it could potentially drive the ETH price even higher, possibly surpassing the $4,000 mark and targeting new all-time highs. Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin, who is also the founder of crypto infrastructure firm ConsenSys, believes that the approval of spot Ether ETFs could lead to a “floodgate” of demand for Ethereum. He stated that there is going to be a significant amount of natural, pent-up pressure to purchase Ether through the ETFs. The post Ethereum Price (ETH) Surges: ETF Approval to Unleash a Tidal Wave of Demand appeared first on Blockonomi.

Ethereum Price (ETH) Surges: ETF Approval to Unleash a Tidal Wave of Demand

The cryptocurrency market is abuzz with speculation as Ethereum’s price has surged over 20% to around $3,792, fueled by growing expectations that US regulators might finally approve spot Ether ETFs.

The sudden price rally has caught many traders by surprise, as most had anticipated the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would delay or reject the first Ether ETF by Thursday.


Ethereum’s price has surged over 20% to around $3,792 due to growing expectations of spot Ether ETF approval by US regulators.

Standard Chartered is 80-90% confident that Ether spot ETFs will launch in the US this week, predicting significant inflows of 2.39-9.15 million ether ($15-45 billion) in the first 12 months after approval.

Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Eric Balchunas has increased his prediction for approval to 75%, up from 25%, citing potential policy shifts at the SEC.

VanEck and ARK Investment Management are leading the charge for spot Ether ETFs, with decision deadlines set for May 23 and May 24, respectively.

Ethereum whales have yet to participate in the current rally, and their involvement could potentially drive the ETH price further past $4,000.

Adding to the bullish sentiment, Standard Chartered has expressed high confidence in the launch of Ether spot ETFs in the US this week.

Geoff Kendrick, Head of FX Research and Digital Assets Research at the bank, stated that they are 80-90% confident in the approval and predict significant inflows of 2.39-9.15 million ether in the first 12 months following the green light. In US dollar terms, this equates to roughly $15 billion to $45 billion.

Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Eric Balchunas has also significantly upped his prediction for approval, now at 75%, up from 25%.

In an X post, Balchunas mentioned that he was hearing about a potential policy shift at the SEC, causing everyone to scramble as they had previously assumed the applications would be denied.

The SEC is set to announce its decision on several Ether ETF applications this week, with VanEck and ARK Investment Management leading the charge. These issuers, along with seven others, are seeking approval to launch ETFs that directly track the price of Ethereum. The decision deadlines for VanEck and ARK are set for May 23 and May 24, respectively.

UPDATE: It's happening. We have at least 5 of the potential #Ethereum ETF issuers that have submitted their Amended 19b-4's in the last ~25 min.
Fidelity, VanEck, Invesco/Galaxy, Ark/21Shares, & Franklin all submitted via CBOE.

— James Seyffart (@JSeyff) May 21, 2024

Oon-chain data reveals that Ethereum whales have yet to participate in the current rally. If these large players decide to enter the market, it could potentially drive the ETH price even higher, possibly surpassing the $4,000 mark and targeting new all-time highs.

Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin, who is also the founder of crypto infrastructure firm ConsenSys, believes that the approval of spot Ether ETFs could lead to a “floodgate” of demand for Ethereum.

He stated that there is going to be a significant amount of natural, pent-up pressure to purchase Ether through the ETFs.

The post Ethereum Price (ETH) Surges: ETF Approval to Unleash a Tidal Wave of Demand appeared first on Blockonomi.
Trump’s Crypto Army: Campaign Embraces Cryptocurrency Donations for 2024 ElectionDonald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign has taken another step in embracing the cryptocurrency industry by announcing that it will now accept crypto donations. The move positions Trump as the first major party candidate to openly welcome digital currency contributions, setting the stage for a potential clash with the Biden administration over the future of crypto regulation. TLDR Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has started accepting cryptocurrency donations, making him the first major party candidate to do so. The move is part of Trump’s efforts to court the crypto community and position himself as the pro-crypto candidate in the 2024 election. The campaign aims to build a “crypto army” to combat the “anti-crypto army” championed by Senator Elizabeth Warren. Crypto donations will be reported as in-kind contributions and will follow Federal Election Commission regulations. The announcement comes as Trump appears to be making gains on President Joe Biden’s fundraising lead. The Trump campaign’s decision to accept crypto donations is part of a broader strategy to court the cryptocurrency community, which tends to skew younger and more male. By aligning himself with the pro-crypto movement, Trump aims to differentiate himself from the Biden administration, which has taken a more skeptical stance toward the industry. In a statement released by the campaign, Trump’s team declared that supporters can now donate using “any cryptocurrency accepted through the Coinbase Commerce product.” The announcement tied President Joe Biden to Senator Elizabeth Warren, a vocal crypto critic who has pushed for stricter regulations on the nascent industry. The campaign stated that “MAGA supporters, now with a new cryptocurrency option, will build a crypto army moving the campaign to victory on November 5th!” The acceptance of crypto donations opens up a new source of potential funds for the Trump campaign, which has been working to close the gap with Biden’s fundraising efforts. Crypto donations will be reported as in-kind contributions, similar to gifts of stock, and the campaign will have the option to either liquidate the digital currency or hold onto it. Trump’s embrace of cryptocurrency marks a shift from his previous stance during his time as president, when he expressed skepticism about the industry. However, since leaving office, Trump has invested in crypto both politically and personally, with an estimated $3 million of his $7 billion net worth comprised of cryptocurrency. The announcement comes as the House is expected to vote on legislation that would shift a significant portion of regulatory oversight of digital currency from the Securities and Exchange Commission to the more industry-friendly Commodity Futures Trading Commission. While the bill has garnered bipartisan support in the Senate, the White House has indicated that Biden would veto the legislation, citing concerns about financial instability and market uncertainty. With Trump positioning himself as the pro-crypto candidate and Biden’s administration maintaining a more cautious approach, the battle lines are being drawn for a potential showdown over the future of digital currency in the United States. The post Trump’s Crypto Army: Campaign Embraces Cryptocurrency Donations for 2024 Election appeared first on Blockonomi.

Trump’s Crypto Army: Campaign Embraces Cryptocurrency Donations for 2024 Election

Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign has taken another step in embracing the cryptocurrency industry by announcing that it will now accept crypto donations.

The move positions Trump as the first major party candidate to openly welcome digital currency contributions, setting the stage for a potential clash with the Biden administration over the future of crypto regulation.


Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has started accepting cryptocurrency donations, making him the first major party candidate to do so.

The move is part of Trump’s efforts to court the crypto community and position himself as the pro-crypto candidate in the 2024 election.

The campaign aims to build a “crypto army” to combat the “anti-crypto army” championed by Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Crypto donations will be reported as in-kind contributions and will follow Federal Election Commission regulations.

The announcement comes as Trump appears to be making gains on President Joe Biden’s fundraising lead.

The Trump campaign’s decision to accept crypto donations is part of a broader strategy to court the cryptocurrency community, which tends to skew younger and more male.

By aligning himself with the pro-crypto movement, Trump aims to differentiate himself from the Biden administration, which has taken a more skeptical stance toward the industry.

In a statement released by the campaign, Trump’s team declared that supporters can now donate using “any cryptocurrency accepted through the Coinbase Commerce product.”

The announcement tied President Joe Biden to Senator Elizabeth Warren, a vocal crypto critic who has pushed for stricter regulations on the nascent industry.

The campaign stated that

“MAGA supporters, now with a new cryptocurrency option, will build a crypto army moving the campaign to victory on November 5th!”

The acceptance of crypto donations opens up a new source of potential funds for the Trump campaign, which has been working to close the gap with Biden’s fundraising efforts.

Crypto donations will be reported as in-kind contributions, similar to gifts of stock, and the campaign will have the option to either liquidate the digital currency or hold onto it.

Trump’s embrace of cryptocurrency marks a shift from his previous stance during his time as president, when he expressed skepticism about the industry.

However, since leaving office, Trump has invested in crypto both politically and personally, with an estimated $3 million of his $7 billion net worth comprised of cryptocurrency.

The announcement comes as the House is expected to vote on legislation that would shift a significant portion of regulatory oversight of digital currency from the Securities and Exchange Commission to the more industry-friendly Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

While the bill has garnered bipartisan support in the Senate, the White House has indicated that Biden would veto the legislation, citing concerns about financial instability and market uncertainty.

With Trump positioning himself as the pro-crypto candidate and Biden’s administration maintaining a more cautious approach, the battle lines are being drawn for a potential showdown over the future of digital currency in the United States.

The post Trump’s Crypto Army: Campaign Embraces Cryptocurrency Donations for 2024 Election appeared first on Blockonomi.
Uniswap Fights Back: Responds to SEC’s Wells Notice, Calls Case “Weak and Wrong”Uniswap Labs, the developer behind the popular decentralized exchange (DEX) Uniswap, has fired back at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in response to a Wells notice issued against the company last month. The notice, which typically precedes formal charges, alleges that the Uniswap DEX functions as an unregistered securities exchange and broker-dealer, with the platform’s native UNI token representing an investment contract. TLDR Uniswap Labs has responded to the SEC’s Wells notice, arguing that the regulator’s case against them is weak and misguided. The SEC alleges that the Uniswap DEX acts as an unregistered securities exchange and broker-dealer, with UNI tokens representing an investment contract. Uniswap Labs contends that the SEC is attempting to stretch its jurisdiction beyond its authority and that the majority of trading on the platform involves commodities like ETH, WBTC, and stablecoins. The company believes that Congressional intervention is needed to regulate the crypto industry and that the SEC should embrace open-source technology instead of trying to litigate it out of existence. Despite the Wells notice, trading volume on Uniswap remained strong, with nearly $3 trillion in volume in the days following the notice. In a comprehensive 43-page submission published on Tuesday, Uniswap Labs laid out its case for why the SEC should not pursue legal action against them. The company argues that the regulator’s “aggressive theories” are an attempt to extend its reach beyond its jurisdiction and that the majority of trading on the platform involves commodities such as Ethereum (ETH), Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), and stablecoins, which account for approximately 65% of the total trading volume. Uniswap Labs’ Chief Legal Officer, Martin Ammori, took to social media to further explain the company’s stance, stating that the SEC’s arguments are “weak and wrong” and rest on the false assumption that nearly all tokens are securities. Today, @Uniswap has submitted our response to the SEC Wells notice we received in April. The Uniswap protocol represents an innovation in commerce that solves long-standing problems– with near-instant, intermediary-free, secure trading of any assets. It is the first widely used… — Marvin Ammori (@ammori) May 21, 2024 Ammori emphasized that tokens are merely a file format, like PDFs or JPEGs, and can represent any value, with the vast majority representing commodities, memes, and access to useful networks. The company also highlighted the decentralized nature of the Uniswap protocol, noting that it does not maintain user accounts or collect personal data, which complicates the SEC’s push for increased transparency and regulatory oversight. Uniswap Labs believes that Congressional intervention is necessary to properly regulate the crypto industry and that the SEC should embrace open-source technology that improves outdated commercial and financial systems instead of trying to litigate it out of existence. The response from Uniswap Labs comes amidst a broader crackdown by the SEC on the crypto sector, with a particular focus on Ethereum and decentralized finance (DeFi) players in recent months. The agency has issued Wells notices, filed lawsuits, or reached settlements with several crypto firms, including ShapeShift, TradeStation, and Consensys, which preemptively sued the SEC in April, alleging overreach on the part of the regulator. The industry argues that if Ethereum’s native token, ETH, is classified as a security, it could have far-reaching implications for the future of the Ethereum network and many adjacent crypto firms. Exchanges would be forced to choose between registering with the SEC or delisting ETH altogether. Despite the looming legal challenges, Uniswap’s trading volume remained strong in the days following the Wells notice, with nearly $3 trillion in volume recorded. The DEX continues to be one of the largest decentralized exchanges by volume, bringing in $71.45 billion in spot volume in April alone, which accounted for 56% of the month’s total volume. As the crypto community awaits the SEC’s next move, Uniswap Labs remains confident in its position, with Ammori stating, “We’re confident that our work is on the right side of history. The SEC should not devote its taxpayer-funded resources to bringing a case against us.” The post Uniswap Fights Back: Responds to SEC’s Wells Notice, Calls Case “Weak and Wrong” appeared first on Blockonomi.

Uniswap Fights Back: Responds to SEC’s Wells Notice, Calls Case “Weak and Wrong”

Uniswap Labs, the developer behind the popular decentralized exchange (DEX) Uniswap, has fired back at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in response to a Wells notice issued against the company last month.

The notice, which typically precedes formal charges, alleges that the Uniswap DEX functions as an unregistered securities exchange and broker-dealer, with the platform’s native UNI token representing an investment contract.


Uniswap Labs has responded to the SEC’s Wells notice, arguing that the regulator’s case against them is weak and misguided.

The SEC alleges that the Uniswap DEX acts as an unregistered securities exchange and broker-dealer, with UNI tokens representing an investment contract.

Uniswap Labs contends that the SEC is attempting to stretch its jurisdiction beyond its authority and that the majority of trading on the platform involves commodities like ETH, WBTC, and stablecoins.

The company believes that Congressional intervention is needed to regulate the crypto industry and that the SEC should embrace open-source technology instead of trying to litigate it out of existence.

Despite the Wells notice, trading volume on Uniswap remained strong, with nearly $3 trillion in volume in the days following the notice.

In a comprehensive 43-page submission published on Tuesday, Uniswap Labs laid out its case for why the SEC should not pursue legal action against them.

The company argues that the regulator’s “aggressive theories” are an attempt to extend its reach beyond its jurisdiction and that the majority of trading on the platform involves commodities such as Ethereum (ETH), Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), and stablecoins, which account for approximately 65% of the total trading volume.

Uniswap Labs’ Chief Legal Officer, Martin Ammori, took to social media to further explain the company’s stance, stating that the SEC’s arguments are “weak and wrong” and rest on the false assumption that nearly all tokens are securities.

Today, @Uniswap has submitted our response to the SEC Wells notice we received in April.

The Uniswap protocol represents an innovation in commerce that solves long-standing problems– with near-instant, intermediary-free, secure trading of any assets. It is the first widely used…

— Marvin Ammori (@ammori) May 21, 2024

Ammori emphasized that tokens are merely a file format, like PDFs or JPEGs, and can represent any value, with the vast majority representing commodities, memes, and access to useful networks.

The company also highlighted the decentralized nature of the Uniswap protocol, noting that it does not maintain user accounts or collect personal data, which complicates the SEC’s push for increased transparency and regulatory oversight.

Uniswap Labs believes that Congressional intervention is necessary to properly regulate the crypto industry and that the SEC should embrace open-source technology that improves outdated commercial and financial systems instead of trying to litigate it out of existence.

The response from Uniswap Labs comes amidst a broader crackdown by the SEC on the crypto sector, with a particular focus on Ethereum and decentralized finance (DeFi) players in recent months.

The agency has issued Wells notices, filed lawsuits, or reached settlements with several crypto firms, including ShapeShift, TradeStation, and Consensys, which preemptively sued the SEC in April, alleging overreach on the part of the regulator.

The industry argues that if Ethereum’s native token, ETH, is classified as a security, it could have far-reaching implications for the future of the Ethereum network and many adjacent crypto firms. Exchanges would be forced to choose between registering with the SEC or delisting ETH altogether.

Despite the looming legal challenges, Uniswap’s trading volume remained strong in the days following the Wells notice, with nearly $3 trillion in volume recorded.

The DEX continues to be one of the largest decentralized exchanges by volume, bringing in $71.45 billion in spot volume in April alone, which accounted for 56% of the month’s total volume.

As the crypto community awaits the SEC’s next move, Uniswap Labs remains confident in its position, with Ammori stating,

“We’re confident that our work is on the right side of history. The SEC should not devote its taxpayer-funded resources to bringing a case against us.”

The post Uniswap Fights Back: Responds to SEC’s Wells Notice, Calls Case “Weak and Wrong” appeared first on Blockonomi.
VanEck’s Spot Ethereum ETF Listed on DTCC, Awaits SEC ApprovalThe anticipation surrounding the potential approval of a spot Ethereum exchange-traded fund (ETF) has reached new heights as VanEck’s proposed product has been listed on the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation’s (DTCC) new securities list under the ticker $ETHV. This development, coupled with recent directives from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and growing market optimism, has led to a significant surge in Ethereum’s price, with the cryptocurrency trading at around $3,700, up 31% over the past 7 days. TLDR VanEck’s proposed spot Ethereum ETF has been listed on the DTCC’s new securities list under the ticker $ETHV, but is still awaiting SEC approval. The SEC recently directed U.S. firms to update and refile their 19b-4 forms for proposed spot Ether ETFs, which is seen as a positive sign for potential approval. Bloomberg ETF analysts estimate a 75% chance of SEC approval for a spot Ethereum ETF, citing staking removal and political issues as key drivers. Standard Chartered is bullish on Ethereum’s price, projecting it could reach $8,000 by the end of the year. Ethereum (ETH) has surged 31% over the past 7 days, trading at around $3,700, as ETF approval chances rise. While the DTCC listing is a crucial step for VanEck’s spot Ethereum ETF, it is important to note that the product is not yet operational and still requires SEC approval. The DTCC, known for its post-trade clearance, settlement, custody, and information services, lists both active and pre-launch funds. VanEck’s ETF is currently marked as inactive under the create/redeem column, indicating that it cannot be processed until it receives all necessary regulatory approvals. $ETHV from the DTCC Website The path to a spot Ethereum ETF has been filled with hurdles, as the SEC has previously been hesitant to approve such products. However, recent developments suggest that the regulatory landscape may be shifting in favor of approval. The SEC has recently directed U.S. firms to update and refile their 19b-4 forms for proposed spot Ether ETFs, which is seen as a positive sign by industry experts. These forms are crucial for notifying the SEC about proposed rule changes and are key to the approval process. In response to the SEC’s directive, the Cboe BZX exchange has posted amended 19b-4 forms for spot Ether ETFs from several significant firms, including Franklin Templeton, Fidelity, VanEck, Invesco Galaxy, and Ark Invest with 21Shares. This follows Franklin Templeton’s spot Ether ETF listing on the DTCC last month, further highlighting the growing interest and momentum behind these products. Market analysts and financial institutions have also expressed optimism regarding the potential approval of a spot Ethereum ETF. Bloomberg ETF analysts Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart estimate a 75% chance of SEC approval, citing factors such as the removal of staking and political issues as key drivers. Standard Chartered has also shown confidence in the regulatory approval potential, forecasting that Ethereum’s price could reach $8,000 by the end of the year. The positive developments surrounding the potential approval of a spot Ethereum ETF have had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency’s price. Ethereum (ETH) has surged 31% over the past 7 days, breaking through the $3,500 key level and trading at around $3,700 at the time of writing. This impressive performance can be attributed to the growing optimism and increased odds of ETF approval, as highlighted by Bloomberg analysts. The post VanEck’s Spot Ethereum ETF Listed on DTCC, Awaits SEC Approval appeared first on Blockonomi.

VanEck’s Spot Ethereum ETF Listed on DTCC, Awaits SEC Approval

The anticipation surrounding the potential approval of a spot Ethereum exchange-traded fund (ETF) has reached new heights as VanEck’s proposed product has been listed on the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation’s (DTCC) new securities list under the ticker $ETHV.

This development, coupled with recent directives from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and growing market optimism, has led to a significant surge in Ethereum’s price, with the cryptocurrency trading at around $3,700, up 31% over the past 7 days.


VanEck’s proposed spot Ethereum ETF has been listed on the DTCC’s new securities list under the ticker $ETHV, but is still awaiting SEC approval.

The SEC recently directed U.S. firms to update and refile their 19b-4 forms for proposed spot Ether ETFs, which is seen as a positive sign for potential approval.

Bloomberg ETF analysts estimate a 75% chance of SEC approval for a spot Ethereum ETF, citing staking removal and political issues as key drivers.

Standard Chartered is bullish on Ethereum’s price, projecting it could reach $8,000 by the end of the year.

Ethereum (ETH) has surged 31% over the past 7 days, trading at around $3,700, as ETF approval chances rise.

While the DTCC listing is a crucial step for VanEck’s spot Ethereum ETF, it is important to note that the product is not yet operational and still requires SEC approval.

The DTCC, known for its post-trade clearance, settlement, custody, and information services, lists both active and pre-launch funds. VanEck’s ETF is currently marked as inactive under the create/redeem column, indicating that it cannot be processed until it receives all necessary regulatory approvals.

$ETHV from the DTCC Website

The path to a spot Ethereum ETF has been filled with hurdles, as the SEC has previously been hesitant to approve such products.

However, recent developments suggest that the regulatory landscape may be shifting in favor of approval. The SEC has recently directed U.S. firms to update and refile their 19b-4 forms for proposed spot Ether ETFs, which is seen as a positive sign by industry experts.

These forms are crucial for notifying the SEC about proposed rule changes and are key to the approval process.

In response to the SEC’s directive, the Cboe BZX exchange has posted amended 19b-4 forms for spot Ether ETFs from several significant firms, including Franklin Templeton, Fidelity, VanEck, Invesco Galaxy, and Ark Invest with 21Shares.

This follows Franklin Templeton’s spot Ether ETF listing on the DTCC last month, further highlighting the growing interest and momentum behind these products.

Market analysts and financial institutions have also expressed optimism regarding the potential approval of a spot Ethereum ETF. Bloomberg ETF analysts Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart estimate a 75% chance of SEC approval, citing factors such as the removal of staking and political issues as key drivers.

Standard Chartered has also shown confidence in the regulatory approval potential, forecasting that Ethereum’s price could reach $8,000 by the end of the year.

The positive developments surrounding the potential approval of a spot Ethereum ETF have had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency’s price.

Ethereum (ETH) has surged 31% over the past 7 days, breaking through the $3,500 key level and trading at around $3,700 at the time of writing.

This impressive performance can be attributed to the growing optimism and increased odds of ETF approval, as highlighted by Bloomberg analysts.

The post VanEck’s Spot Ethereum ETF Listed on DTCC, Awaits SEC Approval appeared first on Blockonomi.
Buckle Up: Bitcoin’s Rally to $1 Million Has Only Just Begun, Bull Run Could Last 300 DaysBitcoin’s recent price surge above $71,000 has sparked a wave of optimism among crypto analysts and traders, with many believing that the world’s largest cryptocurrency is in the midst of a major bullish reversal. The 14% price increase over the past week has convinced some that Bitcoin could be on track to reach new all-time highs, with predictions ranging from $90,000 to as high as $1 million. TLDR Bitcoin’s recent price surge to over $71,000 is seen as a bullish reversal pattern, with some analysts predicting it could reach $90,000-$100,000 before the next correction. The Bitcoin VWAP Oscillator suggests the current rally is only halfway through, with consolidation needed below the all-time high before a potential second leg up. BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes predicts that actions by the Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan to rescue the yen could drive Bitcoin’s price to $1 million. An analyst suggests the current Bitcoin bull run could last another 300 days, barring any unforeseen disruptions. Positive market sentiment and demand for spot Bitcoin ETFs are expected to contribute to the ongoing uptrend. One analyst, who goes by the pseudonym “Roman,” believes that the current market pump is the “real deal,” citing the confluence of fundamental and technical factors. Roman points to the bullish reversal pattern on Bitcoin’s price chart as a strong indicator that the cryptocurrency won’t experience another significant correction until it surpasses its previous all-time high of $73,679 by at least 20%. “I think we will move to at least $90,000-$100,000 before we see another consolidation period or correction,” Roman stated. This sentiment is echoed by on-chain analyst Willy Woo, who suggests that the current Bitcoin rally is only halfway through its bullish journey. Using the Bitcoin Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) Oscillator, Woo demonstrates that the indicator has just bottomed out from oversold territory and is now at the neutral zero mark. He believes that a period of consolidation below the all-time high is necessary before a potential “second leg” propels Bitcoin to new heights. This #BItcoin move is now at the halfway mark. Consolidation under all-time-high needs to happen for a little, then we see if the second leg gives us escape velocity to new highs which will open up the flood gates. — Willy Woo (@woonomic) May 21, 2024 BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes has an even more ambitious prediction, arguing that actions by the Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan to rescue the Japanese yen could drive Bitcoin’s price to $1 million. Hayes believes that the complex entanglement between central banks over the yen will lead to a scenario where the Bank of Japan resorts to “the easy button” – unlimited US dollar “swap lines” – to strengthen the yen while simultaneously weakening the dollar. This environment of increased money printing, he argues, will be a boon for Bitcoin and other assets. Another analyst suggests that the current Bitcoin bull run could last another 300 days, barring any unforeseen disruptions such as the impact of a major exchange going bankrupt. This prediction is based on the analysis of short-term holder (STH) profit and loss, which is currently moving lower but remains relatively high. As market sentiment improves and prices recover, the pace at which Bitcoin moves higher will depend on external factors such as the stance of the United States Federal Reserve and the inflow of funds into spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The positive shift in market sentiment is evident, with the Crypto Fear and Greed Index shooting up by 12 points in just 24 hours, reaching an “Extreme Greed” score of 76 on May 21. This surge in optimism is largely attributed to speculation that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission could be moving to approve spot Ether ETFs, which has had a spillover effect on Bitcoin’s price. As Bitcoin continues its upward trajectory, traders and investors are closely monitoring key resistance levels and potential consolidation phases. While some anticipate minor corrections along the way, the overall consensus appears to be that Bitcoin is in the midst of a significant bullish trend that could potentially lead to new all-time highs and much beyond. The post Buckle Up: Bitcoin’s Rally to $1 Million Has Only Just Begun, Bull Run Could Last 300 Days appeared first on Blockonomi.

Buckle Up: Bitcoin’s Rally to $1 Million Has Only Just Begun, Bull Run Could Last 300 Days

Bitcoin’s recent price surge above $71,000 has sparked a wave of optimism among crypto analysts and traders, with many believing that the world’s largest cryptocurrency is in the midst of a major bullish reversal.

The 14% price increase over the past week has convinced some that Bitcoin could be on track to reach new all-time highs, with predictions ranging from $90,000 to as high as $1 million.


Bitcoin’s recent price surge to over $71,000 is seen as a bullish reversal pattern, with some analysts predicting it could reach $90,000-$100,000 before the next correction.

The Bitcoin VWAP Oscillator suggests the current rally is only halfway through, with consolidation needed below the all-time high before a potential second leg up.

BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes predicts that actions by the Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan to rescue the yen could drive Bitcoin’s price to $1 million.

An analyst suggests the current Bitcoin bull run could last another 300 days, barring any unforeseen disruptions.

Positive market sentiment and demand for spot Bitcoin ETFs are expected to contribute to the ongoing uptrend.

One analyst, who goes by the pseudonym “Roman,” believes that the current market pump is the “real deal,” citing the confluence of fundamental and technical factors.

Roman points to the bullish reversal pattern on Bitcoin’s price chart as a strong indicator that the cryptocurrency won’t experience another significant correction until it surpasses its previous all-time high of $73,679 by at least 20%.

“I think we will move to at least $90,000-$100,000 before we see another consolidation period or correction,” Roman stated.

This sentiment is echoed by on-chain analyst Willy Woo, who suggests that the current Bitcoin rally is only halfway through its bullish journey.

Using the Bitcoin Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) Oscillator, Woo demonstrates that the indicator has just bottomed out from oversold territory and is now at the neutral zero mark.

He believes that a period of consolidation below the all-time high is necessary before a potential “second leg” propels Bitcoin to new heights.

This #BItcoin move is now at the halfway mark. Consolidation under all-time-high needs to happen for a little, then we see if the second leg gives us escape velocity to new highs which will open up the flood gates.

— Willy Woo (@woonomic) May 21, 2024

BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes has an even more ambitious prediction, arguing that actions by the Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan to rescue the Japanese yen could drive Bitcoin’s price to $1 million.

Hayes believes that the complex entanglement between central banks over the yen will lead to a scenario where the Bank of Japan resorts to “the easy button” – unlimited US dollar “swap lines” – to strengthen the yen while simultaneously weakening the dollar.

This environment of increased money printing, he argues, will be a boon for Bitcoin and other assets.

Another analyst suggests that the current Bitcoin bull run could last another 300 days, barring any unforeseen disruptions such as the impact of a major exchange going bankrupt.

This prediction is based on the analysis of short-term holder (STH) profit and loss, which is currently moving lower but remains relatively high.

As market sentiment improves and prices recover, the pace at which Bitcoin moves higher will depend on external factors such as the stance of the United States Federal Reserve and the inflow of funds into spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

The positive shift in market sentiment is evident, with the Crypto Fear and Greed Index shooting up by 12 points in just 24 hours, reaching an “Extreme Greed” score of 76 on May 21.

This surge in optimism is largely attributed to speculation that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission could be moving to approve spot Ether ETFs, which has had a spillover effect on Bitcoin’s price.

As Bitcoin continues its upward trajectory, traders and investors are closely monitoring key resistance levels and potential consolidation phases.

While some anticipate minor corrections along the way, the overall consensus appears to be that Bitcoin is in the midst of a significant bullish trend that could potentially lead to new all-time highs and much beyond.

The post Buckle Up: Bitcoin’s Rally to $1 Million Has Only Just Begun, Bull Run Could Last 300 Days appeared first on Blockonomi.
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