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⚠️ Arbitrum (ARB) cenu izrāviens virs 1 $, var nebūt pēdējais Arbitrum (ARB) cena tirgojas virs kritiskā pretestības līmeņa 1,17 USD, taču šis izrāviens var nebūt noturīgs. Iemesls, visticamāk, ir tas, ka potenciālā peļņa rodas ARB turētāju rokās, ņemot vērā peļņas pieaugumu. 🔸 Šķiet, ka Arbitrum investori vēlas pārdot Var atzīmēt, ka Arbitrum cena ir samazinājusies, jo ARB turētāji arvien vairāk krīt. Viņu noskaņojums liecina, ka pārdošana ir iespējamais rezultāts, ko pamato tirgus vērtības un realizētās vērtības (MVRV) attiecība. MVRV koeficients novērtē ieguldītāja peļņu vai zaudējumus. Arbitrum 30 dienu MVRV ir 20%, kas liecina par peļņu, potenciāli veicinot pārdošanu. Vēsturiski ARB korekcijas notiek 7% līdz 24% MVRV diapazonā, iezīmējot to kā bīstamu zonu. Šo perspektīvu vēl vairāk nostiprina fakts, ka investori gūst peļņu. Tā kā ARB pagājušajā nedēļā pieauga par 20%, tas arī radīja pirmo pieaugumu gandrīz mēneša laikā. Realizētie zaudējumi kļuva par realizēto peļņu visā tīklā un, iespējams, turpinās pieaugt. Tas ir iespējams, tikai pārdodot, un ARB investori varētu izvēlēties nodrošināt savus ienākumus, pirms notiek vēl viens kritums. 🔸 ARB cenu prognoze: dominē lāču rādītāji Arbitrum cena pārsniedza mēneša pretestību 1,17 USD apmērā, un altcoin pašlaik mainās uz USD 1,18. Taču, neskatoties uz šo izrāvienu, kriptovalūta, visticamāk, saskarsies ar lejupslīdi intensīvu lāču signālu klātbūtnes dēļ. Ichimoku mākonis ir viens no šādiem rādītājiem, kas liecina, ka tirgus joprojām ir lācīgs. Tas ir visaptverošs tehniskās analīzes indikators, kas sniedz ieskatu par atbalstu, pretestību, tendenču virzienu un impulsu. Kamēr mākonis ir sarkans, tas liecina, ka pozitīvs iznākums ir maz ticams, un tas varētu būt arī ARB gadījumā. Tomēr atbalsta atlēciens par USD 1,17 varētu izraisīt atgūšanos līdz USD 1,30. Ja kāpumu var noturēt, tas var arī padarīt nederīgu lāču tēzi. $ARB #ARB #Arbitrum
⚠️ Arbitrum (ARB) cenu izrāviens virs 1 $, var nebūt pēdējais
Arbitrum (ARB) cena tirgojas virs kritiskā pretestības līmeņa 1,17 USD, taču šis izrāviens var nebūt noturīgs.
Iemesls, visticamāk, ir tas, ka potenciālā peļņa rodas ARB turētāju rokās, ņemot vērā peļņas pieaugumu.
🔸 Šķiet, ka Arbitrum investori vēlas pārdot
Var atzīmēt, ka Arbitrum cena ir samazinājusies, jo ARB turētāji arvien vairāk krīt. Viņu noskaņojums liecina, ka pārdošana ir iespējamais rezultāts, ko pamato tirgus vērtības un realizētās vērtības (MVRV) attiecība.
MVRV koeficients novērtē ieguldītāja peļņu vai zaudējumus. Arbitrum 30 dienu MVRV ir 20%, kas liecina par peļņu, potenciāli veicinot pārdošanu. Vēsturiski ARB korekcijas notiek 7% līdz 24% MVRV diapazonā, iezīmējot to kā bīstamu zonu.
Šo perspektīvu vēl vairāk nostiprina fakts, ka investori gūst peļņu. Tā kā ARB pagājušajā nedēļā pieauga par 20%, tas arī radīja pirmo pieaugumu gandrīz mēneša laikā.
Realizētie zaudējumi kļuva par realizēto peļņu visā tīklā un, iespējams, turpinās pieaugt. Tas ir iespējams, tikai pārdodot, un ARB investori varētu izvēlēties nodrošināt savus ienākumus, pirms notiek vēl viens kritums.
🔸 ARB cenu prognoze: dominē lāču rādītāji
Arbitrum cena pārsniedza mēneša pretestību 1,17 USD apmērā, un altcoin pašlaik mainās uz USD 1,18. Taču, neskatoties uz šo izrāvienu, kriptovalūta, visticamāk, saskarsies ar lejupslīdi intensīvu lāču signālu klātbūtnes dēļ.
Ichimoku mākonis ir viens no šādiem rādītājiem, kas liecina, ka tirgus joprojām ir lācīgs. Tas ir visaptverošs tehniskās analīzes indikators, kas sniedz ieskatu par atbalstu, pretestību, tendenču virzienu un impulsu.
Kamēr mākonis ir sarkans, tas liecina, ka pozitīvs iznākums ir maz ticams, un tas varētu būt arī ARB gadījumā.
Tomēr atbalsta atlēciens par USD 1,17 varētu izraisīt atgūšanos līdz USD 1,30. Ja kāpumu var noturēt, tas var arī padarīt nederīgu lāču tēzi.
$ARB #ARB #Arbitrum
Skatīt oriģinālu
⚡️ Analītiķis uzskata, ka Terra Classic palielinājās par 1134% līdz 0,00139 USD, jo LUNC apstiprina būtisku pieaugumu Kripto tirgus analītiķis Javons Markss sagaida, ka Terra Classic (LUNC) fiksēs 1134% cenas pieaugumu līdz 0,00139 USD pēc liela kāpuma modeļa apstiprināšanas. Šī cena iezīmētu jaunu LUNC visu laiku augstāko līmeni, jo pašreizējā ATH cena ir USD 0,00005922, kas tika sasniegta 2022. gada septembrī. LUNC sasniedza šo līmeni, kad četrus mēnešus pēc plašākas Terra ekosistēmas sabrukuma 2022. gada maijā piedzīvoja iespaidīgu kāpumu par 1336%. 🔸 Kopš 2023. gada oktobra Terra Classic ir augšupejoša tendence Jāpiemin, ka Terra Classic kopiena ir atbalstījusi stāstījumus, kuru mērķis ir atjaunot ekosistēmu. Paredzams, ka šis solis veicinās LUNC cenu darbību. Tomēr, tā kā šī kampaņa saskaras ar šķēršļiem sabiedrībā valdošo nesaskaņu dēļ, LUNC ir spiests atrast savu ceļu uz atveseļošanos. Terra Classic līdz šim ir atpalicis no plašākā tirgus, nosakot sev augšupejošu tendenci kopš 2023. gada oktobra. Ņemot vērā kontekstu, LUNC sabruka līdz zemākajam līmenim 0,00005506 $ 2023. gada 18. oktobrī, atzīmējot tā zemāko vērtību kopš 2022. gada jūnija. Tomēr šī cena iezīmēja tās cenu. grīdas ciklam, galu galā izraisot iespaidīgu pieaugumu. 💬 $LUNC brauca rallijā plašākā tirgū no 2023. gada 4. ceturkšņa, lai reģistrētu šo nepārtraukto augšupejošo tendenci. Līdz šim tas ir turpinājis reģistrēt augstākus minimumus, veidojot augošu tendences līniju 3 dienu diagrammā. Džeivons Markss to apstiprināja diagrammā, kas pievienota savai nesenajai analīzei. LUNC (Terra Classic) apstiprina lielu bullish modeli, kas var liecināt par ievērojamu turpinājumu pretim pirmajam mērķim USD 0,00058046! Izmantojot šo mērķi un izlaušanos, varētu notikt vairāk nekā 414% pieaugums, lai to sasniegtu, taču, skatoties uz iepriekšējo izlaušanos… — JAVON⚡️MARKS 2024. gada 20. maijs LUNC ir gatavs pieaugumam līdz USD 0,001391 Nesen veiktā šīs tendences līnijas atkārtota pārbaude ir priekšnoteikums nenovēršamam cenu kāpumam, kas varētu novest pie 2022. gada septembra maksimumiem. Pēc Marksa domām, ja šī struktūra saglabāsies, tā sākotnēji varētu izraisīt cenu pieaugumu līdz 0 USD.00058046, atzīmējot milzīgu 414% pieaugumu salīdzinājumā ar pašreizējo cenu līmeni. #LUNC
⚡️ Analītiķis uzskata, ka Terra Classic palielinājās par 1134% līdz 0,00139 USD, jo LUNC apstiprina būtisku pieaugumu
Kripto tirgus analītiķis Javons Markss sagaida, ka Terra Classic (LUNC) fiksēs 1134% cenas pieaugumu līdz 0,00139 USD pēc liela kāpuma modeļa apstiprināšanas.
Šī cena iezīmētu jaunu LUNC visu laiku augstāko līmeni, jo pašreizējā ATH cena ir USD 0,00005922, kas tika sasniegta 2022. gada septembrī. LUNC sasniedza šo līmeni, kad četrus mēnešus pēc plašākas Terra ekosistēmas sabrukuma 2022. gada maijā piedzīvoja iespaidīgu kāpumu par 1336%.
🔸 Kopš 2023. gada oktobra Terra Classic ir augšupejoša tendence
Jāpiemin, ka Terra Classic kopiena ir atbalstījusi stāstījumus, kuru mērķis ir atjaunot ekosistēmu. Paredzams, ka šis solis veicinās LUNC cenu darbību. Tomēr, tā kā šī kampaņa saskaras ar šķēršļiem sabiedrībā valdošo nesaskaņu dēļ, LUNC ir spiests atrast savu ceļu uz atveseļošanos.
Terra Classic līdz šim ir atpalicis no plašākā tirgus, nosakot sev augšupejošu tendenci kopš 2023. gada oktobra. Ņemot vērā kontekstu, LUNC sabruka līdz zemākajam līmenim 0,00005506 $ 2023. gada 18. oktobrī, atzīmējot tā zemāko vērtību kopš 2022. gada jūnija. Tomēr šī cena iezīmēja tās cenu. grīdas ciklam, galu galā izraisot iespaidīgu pieaugumu.
💬 $LUNC brauca rallijā plašākā tirgū no 2023. gada 4. ceturkšņa, lai reģistrētu šo nepārtraukto augšupejošo tendenci. Līdz šim tas ir turpinājis reģistrēt augstākus minimumus, veidojot augošu tendences līniju 3 dienu diagrammā. Džeivons Markss to apstiprināja diagrammā, kas pievienota savai nesenajai analīzei.
LUNC (Terra Classic) apstiprina lielu bullish modeli, kas var liecināt par ievērojamu turpinājumu pretim pirmajam mērķim USD 0,00058046!
Izmantojot šo mērķi un izlaušanos, varētu notikt vairāk nekā 414% pieaugums, lai to sasniegtu, taču, skatoties uz iepriekšējo izlaušanos… — JAVON⚡️MARKS 2024. gada 20. maijs
LUNC ir gatavs pieaugumam līdz USD 0,001391
Nesen veiktā šīs tendences līnijas atkārtota pārbaude ir priekšnoteikums nenovēršamam cenu kāpumam, kas varētu novest pie 2022. gada septembra maksimumiem. Pēc Marksa domām, ja šī struktūra saglabāsies, tā sākotnēji varētu izraisīt cenu pieaugumu līdz 0 USD.00058046, atzīmējot milzīgu 414% pieaugumu salīdzinājumā ar pašreizējo cenu līmeni.
Skatīt oriģinālu
📉 Bitcoin cena sasniedz zem 67 000 USD: lielākais lāču analītiķis Kapo dalās, ko sagaidīt tālāk Il Capo of Crypto, viens no pazīstamākajiem kriptovalūtu analītiķiem, savā paziņojumā novērtēja Bitcoin cenu, kas nokritās zem 67 000 USD. BTC cena piedzīvoja atkāpšanos stundās, kad tika gaidīts lēmums par Ethereum Spot ETF. Kriptovalūtu biržā Binance Bitcoin nokritās līdz 66 770 USD. Paredzams, ka Ethereum Spot ETF liktenis tiks noteikts ap pulksten 23:30 pēc Turcijas laika (UTC+3). Tomēr il Capo teica, ka pēc atlēciena pēc 65 000 USD tas sasniedza mērķi no 69 000 līdz 70 000 USD un šobrīd piedzīvo kritumu. Pašlaik diapazons no 66 500 līdz 67 000 USD darbojas kā atbalsts un veido augstāku dibenu. Ja šos līmeņus izdosies noturēt, palielināsies iespēja uzbrukt iepriekšējam visu laiku augstākajam cenu līmenim un var tikt sasniegts sekundārais mērķis no 74 000 līdz 76 000 USD, sacīja il Capo. Analītiķis atzīmēja, ka tas ir viņa galvenais scenārijs. Tomēr analītiķis teica, ka gadījumā, ja šie atbalsta līmeņi nenotiks, tiks pārbaudīts vismaz $ 65 000 līmenis, un Ethereum Spot ETF lēmumam arī būs galvenā loma šajā procesā. $BTC #BTC #Bitcoin
📉 Bitcoin cena sasniedz zem 67 000 USD: lielākais lāču analītiķis Kapo dalās, ko sagaidīt tālāk
Il Capo of Crypto, viens no pazīstamākajiem kriptovalūtu analītiķiem, savā paziņojumā novērtēja Bitcoin cenu, kas nokritās zem 67 000 USD.
BTC cena piedzīvoja atkāpšanos stundās, kad tika gaidīts lēmums par Ethereum Spot ETF. Kriptovalūtu biržā Binance Bitcoin nokritās līdz 66 770 USD.
Paredzams, ka Ethereum Spot ETF liktenis tiks noteikts ap pulksten 23:30 pēc Turcijas laika (UTC+3).
Tomēr il Capo teica, ka pēc atlēciena pēc 65 000 USD tas sasniedza mērķi no 69 000 līdz 70 000 USD un šobrīd piedzīvo kritumu. Pašlaik diapazons no 66 500 līdz 67 000 USD darbojas kā atbalsts un veido augstāku dibenu.
Ja šos līmeņus izdosies noturēt, palielināsies iespēja uzbrukt iepriekšējam visu laiku augstākajam cenu līmenim un var tikt sasniegts sekundārais mērķis no 74 000 līdz 76 000 USD, sacīja il Capo. Analītiķis atzīmēja, ka tas ir viņa galvenais scenārijs.
Tomēr analītiķis teica, ka gadījumā, ja šie atbalsta līmeņi nenotiks, tiks pārbaudīts vismaz $ 65 000 līmenis, un Ethereum Spot ETF lēmumam arī būs galvenā loma šajā procesā.
$BTC #BTC #Bitcoin
🔥 BREAKING: Ethereum spot ETFs approved by SEC ! The US Securities and Exchange Commission said it has approved the launch of spot Ethereum ETFs for accelerated launch. Ethereum ETFs face a weeks-long process of finalizing S-1 registration statements, a form required by the SEC for ETFs to list securities, and establishing exchange agreements through multiple rounds of SEC communication. The move is expected to bring a substantial influx of institutional capital into the Ethereum market, with Standard Chartered Head of Digital Assets Research Geoff Kendrick predicting inflows of $15 to $45 billion in the first 12 months. To address SEC concerns, potential spot ETH ETF issuers, including Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, Ark, Invesco, Grayscale, Bitwise, and VanEck, have updated their filings to confirm they will not stake ETH for yield. Earlier this week, Bloomberg analysts Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart have increased the odds of a spot Ethereum ETF being approved this month from 25% to 75%. The approval of Ethereum ETFs and the passage of the FIT21 crypto bill suggest a shift in the Biden Administration’s stance on crypto, following former President Trump’s pledge to support the industry and foster a business-friendly environment in the US. The approval comes just five months after the SEC gave the green light to 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs, marking a significant shift in the regulatory landscape for crypto in the US. $ETH #ETH #etherreum #SEC #ETF
🔥 BREAKING: Ethereum spot ETFs approved by SEC !
The US Securities and Exchange Commission said it has approved the launch of spot Ethereum ETFs for accelerated launch.
Ethereum ETFs face a weeks-long process of finalizing S-1 registration statements, a form required by the SEC for ETFs to list securities, and establishing exchange agreements through multiple rounds of SEC communication.
The move is expected to bring a substantial influx of institutional capital into the Ethereum market, with Standard Chartered Head of Digital Assets Research Geoff Kendrick predicting inflows of $15 to $45 billion in the first 12 months.
To address SEC concerns, potential spot ETH ETF issuers, including Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, Ark, Invesco, Grayscale, Bitwise, and VanEck, have updated their filings to confirm they will not stake ETH for yield.
Earlier this week, Bloomberg analysts Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart have increased the odds of a spot Ethereum ETF being approved this month from 25% to 75%.
The approval of Ethereum ETFs and the passage of the FIT21 crypto bill suggest a shift in the Biden Administration’s stance on crypto, following former President Trump’s pledge to support the industry and foster a business-friendly environment in the US.
The approval comes just five months after the SEC gave the green light to 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs, marking a significant shift in the regulatory landscape for crypto in the US.
$ETH #ETH #etherreum #SEC #ETF
💲💵Next Crypto to Hit $1 in 2024: Top 5 Contenders💲💵 Which cryptocurrency will reach the $1 mark in 2024? In this article, we delve into five promising options, including new entries like Pikamoon and well-known names such as Dogecoin, along with some surprising candidates. Let’s get started! $PIKA: The native token of the Pikamoon Play-to-Earn (P2E) game is gaining traction. With its beta version already attracting over 10,000 gaming enthusiasts, the project is off to a strong start. The fully transparent founding team has established an in-house development studio, reminiscent of Axie Infinity’s Sky Mavis. Given that PIKA’s market cap is currently 30-40 times lower than some of its competitors, it has significant growth potential during this bull run. Book of Meme ($BOME ): This meme coin has made headlines in the current crypto bull market, skyrocketing by 58,000% just 48 hours after its launch on Solana's Raydium DEX. Its subsequent listing on Binance triggered another 450% surge. Currently, $BOME is in a consolidation phase, a typical occurrence following such rapid growth. These cryptocurrencies, along with others we will discuss, showcase significant potential for reaching the $1 milestone in 2024. Stay tuned as we explore more contenders!
💲💵Next Crypto to Hit $1 in 2024: Top 5 Contenders💲💵
Which cryptocurrency will reach the $1 mark in 2024? In this article, we delve into five promising options, including new entries like Pikamoon and well-known names such as Dogecoin, along with some surprising candidates. Let’s get started!
$PIKA: The native token of the Pikamoon Play-to-Earn (P2E) game is gaining traction. With its beta version already attracting over 10,000 gaming enthusiasts, the project is off to a strong start. The fully transparent founding team has established an in-house development studio, reminiscent of Axie Infinity’s Sky Mavis. Given that PIKA’s market cap is currently 30-40 times lower than some of its competitors, it has significant growth potential during this bull run.
Book of Meme ($BOME ): This meme coin has made headlines in the current crypto bull market, skyrocketing by 58,000% just 48 hours after its launch on Solana's Raydium DEX. Its subsequent listing on Binance triggered another 450% surge. Currently, $BOME is in a consolidation phase, a typical occurrence following such rapid growth.
These cryptocurrencies, along with others we will discuss, showcase significant potential for reaching the $1 milestone in 2024. Stay tuned as we explore more contenders!
$NOT I'm really disappointed for #NOTCOİN currently position, i did invest 200 usdt when this coin 0.006 but after that I'm continuing loss. when this coin goes to pump Please tell me. 😭😭😭
$NOT I'm really disappointed for #NOTCOİN currently position, i did invest 200 usdt when this coin 0.006 but after that I'm continuing loss.
when this coin goes to pump Please tell me. 😭😭😭
Telegram bot Whale, the pioneer of burning NotCoin tokens 🔸 After waiting for a long time, the Not Coin (NOT) token was finally listed and traded in several reputable global digital currency exchanges some time ago. Since then, this token has found more uses and also started burning it. Telegram bot Whale has already been a pioneer in this field by burning 6 million NatCoin tokens worth 30 thousand dollars. Catizen has also burned 5 million tokens. #pizzaday #Notcoin 👀🔥 #Notcoin $NOT
Telegram bot Whale, the pioneer of burning NotCoin tokens
🔸 After waiting for a long time, the Not Coin (NOT) token was finally listed and traded in several reputable global digital currency exchanges some time ago. Since then, this token has found more uses and also started burning it. Telegram bot Whale has already been a pioneer in this field by burning 6 million NatCoin tokens worth 30 thousand dollars. Catizen has also burned 5 million tokens.
#pizzaday #Notcoin 👀🔥 #Notcoin $NOT
1. PEPE is currently rising but might dip to 0.00001420 before potentially climbing again. 2. Many are trading due to the ETH SPOT ETF news, but it could lead to a crash, posing a risk for PEPE. 3. Caution is advised with short-term trades on PEPE as it might decline soon. It's wiser to wait for the market to stabilize before making significant moves. 4. PEPE has long-term ambitions, but it's prudent to wait before anticipating substantial gains.
1. PEPE is currently rising but might dip to 0.00001420 before potentially climbing again.
2. Many are trading due to the ETH SPOT ETF news, but it could lead to a crash, posing a risk for PEPE.
3. Caution is advised with short-term trades on PEPE as it might decline soon. It's wiser to wait for the market to stabilize before making significant moves.
4. PEPE has long-term ambitions, but it's prudent to wait before anticipating substantial gains.
$PEPE just broke All Time High 🚀 Yesterday everyone was saying it’s over for memes 😂🤦‍♂️ #pepe ⚡ #MemeWatch2024
$PEPE just broke All Time High 🚀
Yesterday everyone was saying it’s over for memes 😂🤦‍♂️ #pepe #MemeWatch2024
$PEPE Got 900$ profit. For new traders who don't know this is called "Future trading" If you have low capital like 100$ or less it would be better for you to do Future trading instead of Spot trading. You can take loans from Binance. Binance gives 2X to 125X loans on your capital. Suppose you have $100 and you took 10X Loans (Leverage) you will get $1000 on your account. And now you can trade with this $1000 instead of $100. If you made profits you can take all of it. If you made losses then only your $100 will be gone. Binance won't ask you for their $1000! So It's a win win situation right? It’s not like you have to put all of your $100 into one asset. You can buy multiple assists. Your per $10 would be worth $100 if you take 10X loans. I Don't recommend taking more loans then 10X Suppose you bought $100 ($1000) of PEPE Your buy price is 0.00000900 Liquidation price 0.00000750 What is liquidation Price? It's mean if PEPE drops below 750 you will lost your $100. Remember the more you take loans the liquidation price comes more closer. 10X loans = 10X risks, 50X loans = 50X risks You can set stop loss to not loss all of your money. And now if Pepe Price increase to 1000 you will almost have another $100 on your account. For more information go search on YouTube and learn the skill on "How to do future trading in Binance" I tried my best to simplify for new traders. All the best. Have a good day.
$PEPE Got 900$ profit. For new traders who don't know this is called "Future trading" If you have low capital like 100$ or less it would be better for you to do Future trading instead of Spot trading.
You can take loans from Binance. Binance gives 2X to 125X loans on your capital. Suppose you have $100 and you took 10X Loans (Leverage) you will get $1000 on your account. And now you can trade with this $1000 instead of $100.
If you made profits you can take all of it. If you made losses then only your $100 will be gone. Binance won't ask you for their $1000!
So It's a win win situation right?
It’s not like you have to put all of your $100 into one asset. You can buy multiple assists. Your per $10 would be worth $100 if you take 10X loans. I Don't recommend taking more loans then 10X
Suppose you bought $100 ($1000) of PEPE
Your buy price is 0.00000900
Liquidation price 0.00000750
What is liquidation Price? It's mean if PEPE drops below 750 you will lost your $100.
Remember the more you take loans the liquidation price comes more closer. 10X loans = 10X risks, 50X loans = 50X risks
You can set stop loss to not loss all of your money. And now if Pepe Price increase to 1000 you will almost have another $100 on your account.
For more information go search on YouTube and learn the skill on "How to do future trading in Binance"
I tried my best to simplify for new traders. All the best. Have a good day.
🔥🌕 $NOT Expected Upturn: Analyzing Market Dynamics When Will #Notcoin Price Increase The current market dynamics indicate that Notcoin's value is likely to start increasing within the next week or two. This anticipated upturn can be attributed to the ongoing sale of free tokens by numerous recipients. As these individuals continue to sell off their holdings, the demand for Notcoin will eventually surpass the supply, resulting in a significant increase in the coin's value. Once the buying pressure exceeds the selling pressure, Notcoin will likely experience a rapid rise in price, leading "Fear of Missing Out" (FOMO) among investors. This psychological effect may cause those who were previously impatient to hold onto their tokens to re-enter the market, further fueling the upward momentum. Given the unique circumstances surrounding Notcoin, it is essential to monitor the market closely and stay informed about the coin's evolving trajectory. #ETHETFS #BTC #BinanceLaunchpoolView
🔥🌕 $NOT Expected Upturn: Analyzing Market Dynamics
When Will #Notcoin Price Increase
The current market dynamics indicate that Notcoin's value is likely to start increasing within the next week or two. This anticipated upturn can be attributed to the ongoing sale of free tokens by numerous recipients.
As these individuals continue to sell off their holdings, the demand for Notcoin will eventually surpass the supply, resulting in a significant increase in the coin's value.
Once the buying pressure exceeds the selling pressure, Notcoin will likely experience a rapid rise in price, leading "Fear of Missing Out" (FOMO) among investors. This psychological effect may cause those who were previously impatient to hold onto their tokens to re-enter the market, further fueling the upward momentum.
Given the unique circumstances surrounding Notcoin, it is essential to monitor the market closely and stay informed about the coin's evolving trajectory.
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$REI buy now.....
$REI buy now.....
Dogecoin to hit 1$ 🔥... with recent price increases of DOGE ...and the up trend of meme coin Doge looks poised to hit 1$ and more in this bull run... Elon teased that Doge might soon be Accepted for payment on X.... also if Tesla announces to start accepting Bitcoin and Doge we could see Doge at 10$ ....if wif can hit 4$ Doge can Do more... Dogecoin is like the BTC of meme coins... Follow to keep tab on best projects and recent updates
Dogecoin to hit 1$ 🔥... with recent price
increases of DOGE ...and the up trend of
meme coin Doge looks poised to hit 1$ and
more in this bull run...
Elon teased that Doge might soon be Accepted for payment on X.... also if Tesla announces to start accepting Bitcoin and Doge we could see Doge at 10$ ....if wif can hit 4$ Doge can Do more... Dogecoin is like the BTC of meme coins...
Follow to keep tab on best projects and recent updates
plss advice I should hold $REI or sold it?
plss advice I should hold $REI or sold it?
$REI The only attitude about crypto world which can lead you to success is to have a strong nerve, patience and positive thinking about your investment. We invest here for profit not for loss so we have to be positive approach about our investment and we should ignore those negative statements which can create panic. We can never succeed in any field with a fear of loss and negative attitude. Our minds lead us according to our thoughts, so trust your decisions and have strong faith on it, only then we can become a successful trader. The key to crypto is our mind not our emotions. Thank you
The only attitude about crypto world which can lead you to success is to have a strong nerve, patience and positive thinking about your investment.
We invest here for profit not for loss so we have to be positive approach about our investment and we should ignore those negative statements which can create panic.
We can never succeed in any field with a fear of loss and negative attitude.
Our minds lead us according to our thoughts, so trust your decisions and have strong faith on it, only then we can become a successful trader.
The key to crypto is our mind not our emotions.
Thank you
$REI Next resistance line 0.12001 , if crossed , then it will go to moon tonight. Dont sell guys..$REI
$REI Next resistance line 0.12001 , if crossed , then it will go to moon tonight. Dont sell guys..$REI
🚨🚨🚨 Doge urgent very very urgent update It is showing like that it has retested support level and turn to bullish. But it is trapping us so be careful. It may show some upside move but don't long Aggressively. Nearest resistance is $0.19458 than $0.20737
🚨🚨🚨 Doge urgent very very urgent update
It is showing like that it has retested support level and turn to bullish.
But it is trapping us so be careful.
It may show some upside move but don't long Aggressively.
Nearest resistance is $0.19458 than $0.20737
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