Binance Square
I'm a beginner, trying to understand binance but failed. suggest me any clear YouTube channel.
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Skatīt oriģinālu
2023. gads bija iPhone gads, 2024. gads ir pi-phone gads. pi tīkls ir bezmaksas monētas līdz palaišanai. zemāk esošā saite, lai lejupielādētu, instalētu un pievienotos pi coin. saņemiet 1pi monētu bez maksas. Ieteikuma kods ir: asimlakho
2023. gads bija iPhone gads, 2024. gads ir pi-phone gads.
pi tīkls ir bezmaksas monētas līdz palaišanai.
zemāk esošā saite, lai lejupielādētu, instalētu un pievienotos pi coin. saņemiet 1pi monētu bez maksas. Ieteikuma kods ir: asimlakho
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pi tīkla cenu prognoze 2024.–2030. gadamPirms turpināt, lejupielādējiet instalēšanas join un saņemiet 1 pi monētu bez maksas. Izmantojot tālāk norādīto saiti, novirzīšanas kods ir asimlakho . Noklikšķiniet uz: Pi tīkla popularitāte pieaug, jo projekts tuvojas publiskai atklāšanai. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīta Pi monētu cenas prognoze 2024. gadam un nākamajiem gadiem, kā tā atrodas pašlaik un kā tā varētu darboties nākotnē. Šis raksts nesniedz ieguldījumu konsultācijas; tā vietā mēs mudinām investorus veikt savu uzticamības pārbaudi un uzņemties tikai to, ko viņi var atļauties zaudēt.

Pi tīkla cenu prognoze 2024.–2030. gadam

Pirms turpināt, lejupielādējiet instalēšanas join un saņemiet 1 pi monētu bez maksas. Izmantojot tālāk norādīto saiti, novirzīšanas kods ir asimlakho . Noklikšķiniet uz:

Pi tīkla popularitāte pieaug, jo projekts tuvojas publiskai atklāšanai. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīta Pi monētu cenas prognoze 2024. gadam un nākamajiem gadiem, kā tā atrodas pašlaik un kā tā varētu darboties nākotnē.

Šis raksts nesniedz ieguldījumu konsultācijas; tā vietā mēs mudinām investorus veikt savu uzticamības pārbaudi un uzņemties tikai to, ko viņi var atļauties zaudēt.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai Pi tīkls var sasniegt 1000 USD?Vai Pi tīkls var sasniegt 1000 USD? Es domāju, ka tas var sasniegt 1000 USD vai pat vairāk. Kāds iemesls šeit: tai tagad ir 30 miljoni cilvēku, kas izmanto Pi tīklu. Drīz tas sasniegs 100 miljonus. Jo daudz cilvēku ieguves vairāk hype un vērtību pi cenu. Bloķēšanas mehānisms mudina cilvēkus bloķēt 90% savu pi 3 gadu laikā. Tātad aptuveni 10 miljardi pi pie atvērtā galvenā tīkla. Ieguves temps ievērojami kritās 2022. gada 1. martā, cilvēki pamatā iegūst mazāk nekā 1 pi dienā. Tas tiek pielāgots katru mēnesi, un, ja 100 miljoni cilvēku sāks ieguvi, tas samazināsies vēl ievērojami.

Vai Pi tīkls var sasniegt 1000 USD?

Vai Pi tīkls var sasniegt 1000 USD?
Es domāju, ka tas var sasniegt 1000 USD vai pat vairāk. Kāds iemesls šeit:

tai tagad ir 30 miljoni cilvēku, kas izmanto Pi tīklu. Drīz tas sasniegs 100 miljonus. Jo daudz cilvēku ieguves vairāk hype un vērtību pi cenu.
Bloķēšanas mehānisms mudina cilvēkus bloķēt 90% savu pi 3 gadu laikā. Tātad aptuveni 10 miljardi pi pie atvērtā galvenā tīkla.
Ieguves temps ievērojami kritās 2022. gada 1. martā, cilvēki pamatā iegūst mazāk nekā 1 pi dienā. Tas tiek pielāgots katru mēnesi, un, ja 100 miljoni cilvēku sāks ieguvi, tas samazināsies vēl ievērojami.
Skatīt oriģinālu
20 populārāko kriptovalūtu saraksts šodien, 2024. gada 11. maijā20 populārāko kriptovalūtu saraksts šodien #kripto#rangs#top20 #11052024 #atjauninājumi #pašreizējā#cena#šodien Viss top 20 monētu saraksts 1Bitcoin  2EthereumETH  3Piesiet USDUSDT  4BNBBNB  5SolanaSOL  6USDCUSDC  7 XRPXRP  8Lido Staked EtherstETH  9ToncoinTON  10DogecoinDOGE  11CardanoADA  12Shiba InuSHIB  13LavinaAVAX  14TRONTRX  0,127 ASV dolāri 15Iesaiņots šķidrums ar ēteru 2.0wstETH  16Iesaiņots BTCWBTC  17PolkadotDOT 

20 populārāko kriptovalūtu saraksts šodien, 2024. gada 11. maijā

20 populārāko kriptovalūtu saraksts šodien
#kripto#rangs#top20 #11052024
#atjauninājumi #pašreizējā#cena#šodien

Viss top 20 monētu saraksts



3Piesiet USDUSDT 





8Lido Staked EtherstETH 




12Shiba InuSHIB 



0,127 ASV dolāri

15Iesaiņots šķidrums ar ēteru 2.0wstETH 

16Iesaiņots BTCWBTC 

Skatīt oriģinālu
20 populārāko kriptovalūtu saraksts šodien #crypto #ranking #top20 #11052024 #updates #pašreizējā#cena#šodien Viss top 20 monētu saraksts 1Bitcoin  2EthereumETH  3Piesiet USDUSDT  4BNBBNB  5SolanaSOL  6USDCUSDC  7 XRPXRP  8Lido Staked EtherstETH  9ToncoinTON  10DogecoinDOGE  11CardanoADA  12Shiba InuSHIB  13LavinaAVAX  14TRONTRX  $ 0.127 15Iesaiņots šķidrums ar ēteru 2.0wstETH  16Iesaiņots BTCWBTC  17PolkadotDOT  18Iesaiņots EtherWETH  19Bitcoin CashBCH  20ChainlinkLINK  avots:
20 populārāko kriptovalūtu saraksts šodien
#crypto #ranking #top20 #11052024
#updates #pašreizējā#cena#šodien

Viss top 20 monētu saraksts



3Piesiet USDUSDT 





8Lido Staked EtherstETH 




12Shiba InuSHIB 



$ 0.127

15Iesaiņots šķidrums ar ēteru 2.0wstETH 

16Iesaiņots BTCWBTC 


18Iesaiņots EtherWETH 

19Bitcoin CashBCH 


Skatīt oriģinālu
5 populārākās valstis pēc kriptovalūtas izmantošanas 1. Indija — aptuveni 94 miljoni kriptovalūtu lietotāju 2. Ķīna — aptuveni 59 miljoni kriptovalūtu lietotāju 3. ASV — aptuveni 53 miljoni kriptovalūtu lietotāju 4. Vjetnama — aptuveni 21 miljons kriptogrāfiju lietotāju 5. Pakistāna — aptuveni 16 miljoni kriptovalūtu lietotāju Avoti: Yahoo, Triple-A
5 populārākās valstis pēc kriptovalūtas izmantošanas

1. Indija — aptuveni 94 miljoni kriptovalūtu lietotāju

2. Ķīna — aptuveni 59 miljoni kriptovalūtu lietotāju

3. ASV — aptuveni 53 miljoni kriptovalūtu lietotāju

4. Vjetnama — aptuveni 21 miljons kriptogrāfiju lietotāju

5. Pakistāna — aptuveni 16 miljoni kriptovalūtu lietotāju

Avoti: Yahoo, Triple-A
Crypto Usage Demographics (by Josh Howarth) March 12, 2024Naturally, as the number of cryptocurrencies has increased, so too has the number of cryptocurrency exchanges. As of March 2024, there are 724 exchanges. That figure is up from 671 in November 2023. Here is a closer look at the top five decentralized exchanges (according to right now: CMC RankExchange24hr Trading VolumeMarketsCoins1Binance$43.4 billion1,5254022Coinbase Exchange$6.09 billion3942413Bybit$6.19 billion8055604OKX$6.05 billion6443195Upbit$9.2 billion296190 All figures are accurate as of March 12, 2024. Source: CoinMarketCap Conclusion That wraps up the state of cryptocurrency today. Specifically, the number of cryptocurrencies that currently exist. Cryptocurrency has exploded into the general consciousness. And while there has been a fair amount of fluctuation, the general market is only going one way (up), with Bitcoin still leading the charge. For other related blog posts, have a look at Top 5 Cryptocurrency Trends and Top 5 DeFi trends.

Crypto Usage Demographics (by Josh Howarth) March 12, 2024

Naturally, as the number of cryptocurrencies has increased, so too has the number of cryptocurrency exchanges.
As of March 2024, there are 724 exchanges. That figure is up from 671 in November 2023.
Here is a closer look at the top five decentralized exchanges (according to right now:
CMC RankExchange24hr Trading VolumeMarketsCoins1Binance$43.4 billion1,5254022Coinbase Exchange$6.09 billion3942413Bybit$6.19 billion8055604OKX$6.05 billion6443195Upbit$9.2 billion296190
All figures are accurate as of March 12, 2024.
Source: CoinMarketCap
That wraps up the state of cryptocurrency today. Specifically, the number of cryptocurrencies that currently exist.
Cryptocurrency has exploded into the general consciousness. And while there has been a fair amount of fluctuation, the general market is only going one way (up), with Bitcoin still leading the charge.
For other related blog posts, have a look at Top 5 Cryptocurrency Trends and Top 5 DeFi trends.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Cik kriptovalūtu ir 2024. gadā (autors Džošs Hovarts) 2024. gada 12. martsValūta2013 Rank2013 Market Cap2013 Cena (2 d.p.) 2024 Rank*2024 Market Cap2024 Price (2 d.p.) Market Cap ChangeCenu izmaiņas (2 d.p.)Bitcoin1 $1,29 miljardi $115,911 $1,41 $ 1,41 triljoni $ ⑆ 7,2 triljoni. 09Litecoin2 62,3 miljoni USD 3,5920 USD 7,28 miljardi USD 97,94↑ 7,27 miljardi USD ↑ $94,35Namecoin3$6,29 miljoni$1,151,194$8,02 miljoni$0,54↑ $1,73 miljoni↓ $0,61Peercoin4$5,72 miljoni$0,301,098$10,46 miljoni$10,46 miljoni $0,46 miljoni $0,36↑ 0,36 milj 0,572 631----Devcoin6 $1,05 miljoni $0,00-----Novacoin7 1,02 miljoni USD 3,697 392 USD 164 000 USD 0,04↓ 0,86 miljoni USD ↓ 3,65 USD

Cik kriptovalūtu ir 2024. gadā (autors Džošs Hovarts) 2024. gada 12. marts

Valūta2013 Rank2013 Market Cap2013 Cena (2 d.p.) 2024 Rank*2024 Market Cap2024 Price (2 d.p.) Market Cap ChangeCenu izmaiņas (2 d.p.)Bitcoin1 $1,29 miljardi $115,911 $1,41 $ 1,41 triljoni $ ⑆ 7,2 triljoni. 09Litecoin2 62,3 miljoni USD 3,5920 USD 7,28 miljardi USD 97,94↑ 7,27 miljardi USD ↑ $94,35Namecoin3$6,29 miljoni$1,151,194$8,02 miljoni$0,54↑ $1,73 miljoni↓ $0,61Peercoin4$5,72 miljoni$0,301,098$10,46 miljoni$10,46 miljoni $0,46 miljoni $0,36↑ 0,36 milj 0,572 631----Devcoin6 $1,05 miljoni $0,00-----Novacoin7 1,02 miljoni USD 3,697 392 USD 164 000 USD 0,04↓ 0,86 miljoni USD ↓ 3,65 USD
How Many Cryptocurrencies are There In 2024? by Josh Howarth March 12, 2024 The idea of anonymous cryptographic electronic money had long since been postulated, but it wasn’t until 2009 that decentralized cryptocurrency Bitcoin was first created. Namecoin, Litecoin, and Peercoin followed in the proceeding years and cryptocurrency began to gain momentum. By the end of 2013, there were over 50 different cryptocurrencies. And by the end of 2014, this figure had increased by approximately 10x to over 500. Today, there are over 10,000 cryptocurrencies in circulation. But how did the financial landscape reach this point? And where is it heading? This roundup will reveal key facts and figures on the state of crypto right now.
How Many Cryptocurrencies are There In 2024?

by Josh Howarth
March 12, 2024

The idea of anonymous cryptographic electronic money had long since been postulated, but it wasn’t until 2009 that decentralized cryptocurrency Bitcoin was first created. Namecoin, Litecoin, and Peercoin followed in the proceeding years and cryptocurrency began to gain momentum.

By the end of 2013, there were over 50 different cryptocurrencies. And by the end of 2014, this figure had increased by approximately 10x to over 500.

Today, there are over 10,000 cryptocurrencies in circulation.

But how did the financial landscape reach this point? And where is it heading?

This roundup will reveal key facts and figures on the state of crypto right now.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kriptokosmosa statistika (populārākā izvēle) Kopā ir 13 217 kriptovalūtas Visu kriptovalūtu kopējais tirgus ierobežojums ir 1,32 triljoni USD Visu kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības apjoms 24 stundās pašlaik ir 172 miljardi USD Bitcoin pašlaik ir visaugstākā tirgus vērtība — aptuveni 650 miljardi USD — aptuveni 3 reizes vairāk nekā tuvākajam konkurentam Ethereum. Divas no 10 populārākajām kriptovalūtām ir tieši piesaistītas USD vērtībai — Tether, USDC Aptuveni 8% ASV iedzīvotāju nodarbojas ar kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību Kā kontinentā Āzijā ir vairāk nekā 4 reizes vairāk kriptovalūtas lietotāju nekā jebkurā citā kontinentā 95% kriptovalūtu īpašnieku/kriptogrāfijas zinātkāru cilvēku zina par Bitcoin Avoti: CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap,, Triple-a
Kriptokosmosa statistika (populārākā izvēle)

Kopā ir 13 217 kriptovalūtas

Visu kriptovalūtu kopējais tirgus ierobežojums ir 1,32 triljoni USD

Visu kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības apjoms 24 stundās pašlaik ir 172 miljardi USD

Bitcoin pašlaik ir visaugstākā tirgus vērtība — aptuveni 650 miljardi USD — aptuveni 3 reizes vairāk nekā tuvākajam konkurentam Ethereum.

Divas no 10 populārākajām kriptovalūtām ir tieši piesaistītas USD vērtībai — Tether, USDC

Aptuveni 8% ASV iedzīvotāju nodarbojas ar kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību

Kā kontinentā Āzijā ir vairāk nekā 4 reizes vairāk kriptovalūtas lietotāju nekā jebkurā citā kontinentā

95% kriptovalūtu īpašnieku/kriptogrāfijas zinātkāru cilvēku zina par Bitcoin

Avoti: CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap,, Triple-a
#History #crypto #currency #picoinnetwork # digital Growth Of Cryptocurrency Over Time In less than a decade, cryptocurrency has exploded onto the scene and has grown at an ever-increasing rate. The following section will highlight some of its dramatic growth with snapshots of the decentralized finance landscape at various points in time. Before we get into that, here is a quick overview of the total number of legit cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarket Cap from 2013 to today: #Coin #Market #Cap from #2013 to #today: Month, Year Number of Cryptocurrencies April 2013 : 7 January 2014 : 67 January 2015 :501 January 2016 :572 January 2017 :636 January 2018 :1,359 January 2019 :2,086 January 2020 :2,403 January 2021 :4,154 January 2022 :8,714 January 2023 :9,002 March 2024 :13,217* * According to CoinGecko
#History #crypto #currency
#picoinnetwork # digital
Growth Of Cryptocurrency Over Time

In less than a decade, cryptocurrency has exploded onto the scene and has grown at an ever-increasing rate. The following section will highlight some of its dramatic growth with snapshots of the decentralized finance landscape at various points in time.

Before we get into that, here is a quick overview of the total number of legit cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarket Cap from 2013 to today:

#Coin #Market #Cap from #2013 to #today:

Month, Year Number of Cryptocurrencies
April 2013 : 7
January 2014 : 67
January 2015 :501
January 2016 :572
January 2017 :636
January 2018 :1,359
January 2019 :2,086
January 2020 :2,403
January 2021 :4,154
January 2022 :8,714
January 2023 :9,002
March 2024 :13,217*

* According to CoinGecko
#pi #pi to PKR PI to PKR Chart Pi Network (PI) is worth ₨11,592.58 today, which is a 0.5% decline from an hour ago and a 3.2% decline since yesterday. The value of PI today is 8.1% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Pi Network traded was ₨166,423,985. 7-day price history of Pi Network (PI) to PKR The daily exchange rate of Pi Network (PI) to PKR fluctuated between a high of ₨12,186.83 on Wednesday and a low of ₨11,112.23 on Sunday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of PI in PKR had the largest 24-hour price movement on Monday (1 days ago) by ₨547.14 (4.9%). Compare the daily prices of Pi Network (PI) in PKR and their 24-hour price movements for the week. DateDay of the week1 PI to PKR24hr ChangesChange %April 30, 2024Tuesday₨11,552.41-₨426.863.6%April 29, 2024Monday₨11,659.37₨547.144.9%April 28, 2024Sunday₨11,112.23-₨506.554.4%April 27, 2024Saturday₨11,618.77₨28.030.2%April 26, 2024Friday₨11,590.74-₨272.022.3%April 25, 2024Thursday₨11,862.76-₨324.072.7%April 24, 2024Wednesday₨12,186.83-₨110.98
#pi to PKR
PI to PKR Chart

Pi Network (PI) is worth ₨11,592.58 today, which is a 0.5% decline from an hour ago and a 3.2% decline since yesterday. The value of PI today is 8.1% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Pi Network traded was ₨166,423,985.

7-day price history of Pi Network (PI) to PKR

The daily exchange rate of Pi Network (PI) to PKR fluctuated between a high of ₨12,186.83 on Wednesday and a low of ₨11,112.23 on Sunday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of PI in PKR had the largest 24-hour price movement on Monday (1 days ago) by ₨547.14 (4.9%).

Compare the daily prices of Pi Network (PI) in PKR and their 24-hour price movements for the week.

DateDay of the week1 PI to PKR24hr ChangesChange %April 30, 2024Tuesday₨11,552.41-₨426.863.6%April 29, 2024Monday₨11,659.37₨547.144.9%April 28, 2024Sunday₨11,112.23-₨506.554.4%April 27, 2024Saturday₨11,618.77₨28.030.2%April 26, 2024Friday₨11,590.74-₨272.022.3%April 25, 2024Thursday₨11,862.76-₨324.072.7%April 24, 2024Wednesday₨12,186.83-₨110.98
#pi #PICoinScam Ways to Avoid Fraud in the Pi Network. First, users should take special care that if the Pi Network mainnet is not launched, its coins cannot be bought or sold from any exchange. To earn Pi Coin, you have to download its application and sign in, only then coin’s can be earned. As we have been informed it is not yet live on the mainnet.Hence, buying or selling through any social media account or post can be a scam in such a situation you should be alert. The Pi team has announced that its mainnet will launch on June 28, 2024 hence, it's not possible to buy and sell the Pi coin before launch. It can be used for mining only through its official app. Pi Network has made 10 million verified accounts Pi Network also made the milestone of more than 10 million users KYC on its network app a few days ago about which the team associated with Pi Network said that there are 10 million more users on the app. All of them have completed their KYC process and verified their identity. The team had also said in a post that if more than 15 million users on the network get KYC, its tokens will become tradable. However, Pi Network works on the “Stellar Consensus Protocol” mechanism, which gives users an advantage based on their contributions to the network. referral id: asimlakho
Ways to Avoid Fraud in the Pi Network.

First, users should take special care that if the Pi Network mainnet is not launched, its coins cannot be bought or sold from any exchange.

To earn Pi Coin, you have to download its application and sign in, only then coin’s can be earned.

As we have been informed it is not yet live on the mainnet.Hence, buying or selling through any social media account or post can be a scam in such a situation you should be alert.

The Pi team has announced that its mainnet will launch on June 28, 2024 hence, it's not possible to buy and sell the Pi coin before launch. It can be used for mining only through its official app.

Pi Network has made 10 million verified accounts

Pi Network also made the milestone of more than 10 million users KYC on its network app a few days ago about which the team associated with Pi Network said that there are 10 million more users on the app. All of them have completed their KYC process and verified their identity.

The team had also said in a post that if more than 15 million users on the network get KYC, its tokens will become tradable. However, Pi Network works on the “Stellar Consensus Protocol” mechanism, which gives users an advantage based on their contributions to the network.
referral id: asimlakho
What is Renzo? Renzo is a groundbreaking platform that offers an advanced Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) solution, built on EigenLayer’s restaking platform, aimed at providing abundant profits for users. This protocol enables users to conveniently access and enjoy the EigenLayer ecosystem while ensuring absolute safety for verified operational services and delivering superior yields compared to directly staking ETH. With its simple yet highly innovative design, Renzo Protocol eliminates complex user difficulties while facilitating effective collaboration with EigenLayer’s node operators Backed by strong support from EigenLayer, Renzo Protocol aims to facilitate continuous innovation on the Ethereum platform without permission and to promote widespread use of EigenLayer solutions. Renzo has also been listed on the Binance exchange as the 53rd project on Binance Launchpool, marking a significant milestone in the protocol’s development journey. How Does Renzo Work? Renzo Protocol utilizes a groundbreaking and efficient operating model. Key Features of Renzo In the rapidly evolving landscape of Liquid Restaking protocols aimed at optimizing user experience, Renzo has emerged as a shining star. Token Key Metrics Token Name: Renzo Ticker: REZ Blockchain: Ethereum Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 REZ Initial Circulating Supply: 1,050,000,000 REZ
What is Renzo?

Renzo is a groundbreaking platform that offers an advanced Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) solution, built on EigenLayer’s restaking platform, aimed at providing abundant profits for users. This protocol enables users to conveniently access and enjoy the EigenLayer ecosystem while ensuring absolute safety for verified operational services and delivering superior yields compared to directly staking ETH.

With its simple yet highly innovative design, Renzo Protocol eliminates complex user difficulties while facilitating effective collaboration with EigenLayer’s node operators
Backed by strong support from EigenLayer, Renzo Protocol aims to facilitate continuous innovation on the Ethereum platform without permission and to promote widespread use of EigenLayer solutions.

Renzo has also been listed on the Binance exchange as the 53rd project on Binance Launchpool, marking a significant milestone in the protocol’s development journey.

How Does Renzo Work?

Renzo Protocol utilizes a groundbreaking and efficient operating model.

Key Features of Renzo
In the rapidly evolving landscape of Liquid Restaking protocols aimed at optimizing user experience, Renzo has emerged as a shining star.

Token Key Metrics

Token Name: Renzo

Ticker: REZ

Blockchain: Ethereum

Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 REZ

Initial Circulating Supply: 1,050,000,000 REZ
#BinanceLaunchpool #Megadrop #ETH #Renzo #REZCOIN Project No. 53 on Binance Launchpool is fond 🔥😯 Renzo Protocol $REZ A restocking project for Ethereum and LSTs (Liquid Staked Tokens) Binance has become very interested in restocking projects. The launchpool will start in 6 hours and will continue for 6 days 🔥 Subscription required: $FDUSD $BNB 🌟 Do you know that you can kill two birds with one stone? If you store BNB, you will collect Airdrop points and convert them into BB coins for the Bounce bit project, and you will automatically receive free coins from Launchpool $REZ 👌 🌟 Information about $REZ : Currencies offered for circulation: 1.05B billion REZ The maximum number of coins Max supply is: 10B billion REZ Offering day: April 30
Project No. 53 on Binance Launchpool is fond 🔥😯
Renzo Protocol $REZ
A restocking project for Ethereum and LSTs (Liquid Staked Tokens)
Binance has become very interested in restocking projects. The launchpool will start in 6 hours and will continue for 6 days 🔥
Subscription required:
🌟 Do you know that you can kill two birds with one stone?
If you store BNB, you will collect Airdrop points and convert them into BB coins for the Bounce bit project, and you will automatically receive free coins from Launchpool $REZ 👌
🌟 Information about $REZ :
Currencies offered for circulation: 1.05B billion REZ
The maximum number of coins Max supply is: 10B billion REZ
Offering day: April 30
🪙 Pi network 🪙 🪙 free free free 🪙 Pi coin 🪙 DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY GUYS 🥳👇 DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY GUYS 🥳👇 DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY GUYS 🥳👇 DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY GUYS 🥳👇 DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY GUYS 🥳👇 $314,159 for 1PICOIN 🚀🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Is the 🔝 topic, we all need to realize that supporting GCV $314,159, doesn't mean you cash out... and leave PICOIN👀, NO! supporting GCV $314,159 you can't withdraw to Fiat (only) (P2P)✅if you want to sell after open mainnet...we are focus on (utilities) buying and selling of goods✅ * P2P: outside users who didn't mine, can buy from the pioneers after the launch of OPEN MAINNET * OTHER EXCHANGES like BINANCE can list PICOIN if they want ✅ * PIONEERS can buy anything they want using PICOINS, that why #PiCoreTeam are working hard to achieve this ✅ * PICOIN IS like gold but limited supply, because we just have 100 billion pieces of it, but gold is unlimited supply✅ Continue supporting #PI NETWORK and GCV $314,159 thank you. HOW TO REGISTER IN PI NETWORK👇👇👇 DOWNLOAD APP PLAY STORE AND APP STORE THEN REGISTER WITH PHONE NUMBER OR FACEBOOK, ENTER STRONG PASSWORD, ENTER YOUR REAL NAME, ENTER USERNAME, CLICK SUBMIT,. THEN ENTER WHO INVITED YOU 👇 PUT THIS USERNAME👉 asimlakho 👈 Submit, then click start mining every 24 hours ✅ Don't miss this opportunity guys🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ask My WatsApp number in app chat room 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 asimlakho for any questions ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ $BNB $BTC $ETH #asimlakho# token# free# gifts # Omni # new# pioneer #PiNetwork #PiGCV #picoreteam
🪙 Pi network 🪙
🪙 free free free 🪙 Pi coin 🪙
$314,159 for 1PICOIN 🚀🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Is the 🔝 topic, we all need to realize that supporting GCV $314,159, doesn't mean you cash out... and leave PICOIN👀, NO! supporting GCV $314,159 you can't withdraw to Fiat (only) (P2P)✅if you want to sell after open mainnet...we are focus on (utilities) buying and selling of goods✅
* P2P: outside users who didn't mine, can buy from the pioneers after the launch of OPEN MAINNET
* OTHER EXCHANGES like BINANCE can list PICOIN if they want ✅
* PIONEERS can buy anything they want using PICOINS, that why #PiCoreTeam are working hard to achieve this ✅
* PICOIN IS like gold but limited supply, because we just have 100 billion pieces of it, but gold is unlimited supply✅
Continue supporting #PI NETWORK and GCV $314,159 thank you.
PUT THIS USERNAME👉 asimlakho 👈
Submit, then click start mining every 24 hours ✅
Don't miss this opportunity guys🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
ask My WatsApp number in app chat room 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 asimlakho
for any questions ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
$BNB $BTC $ETH #asimlakho# token# free# gifts # Omni # new# pioneer
#PiNetwork #PiGCV #picoreteam
pi coin 😁 🪙 This Coin will create new millionaires when launched in upcoming Crypto bull run Are you looking for the next big opportunity in the world of cryptocurrency? Look no further than Pi Network, a revolutionary project that could potentially make you a millionaire when it launches. Pi Network is not your typical cryptocurrency. It's a project that aims to make cryptocurrency mining accessible to the masses through its mobile app. This means that anyone with a smartphone can participate in mining Pi coins, unlike traditional cryptocurrencies that require expensive and energy-intensive mining rigs. So how can Pi Network create new millionaires? The key lies in its early adoption phase. Right now, Pi is in the development stage, and users can mine Pi coins at a higher rate than they will be able to once the network is fully launched. This means that those who start mining early stand to accumulate a significant amount of Pi coins before the general public even knows about it. Once Pi Network launches and gains traction, the value of Pi coins is expected to increase. Those early adopters who have accumulated a large number of Pi coins could see their wealth multiply exponentially, potentially turning them into millionaires. But the opportunity doesn't stop there. Pi Network is also exploring various ways to integrate Pi coins into everyday transactions, further increasing its value. Imagine being able to use your Pi coins to pay for goods and services, just like you would with traditional currency. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (asimlakho) as your invitation code.
pi coin 😁 🪙
This Coin will create new millionaires when launched in upcoming Crypto bull run
Are you looking for the next big opportunity in the world of cryptocurrency? Look no further than Pi Network, a revolutionary project that could potentially make you a millionaire when it launches.
Pi Network is not your typical cryptocurrency. It's a project that aims to make cryptocurrency mining accessible to the masses through its mobile app. This means that anyone with a smartphone can participate in mining Pi coins, unlike traditional cryptocurrencies that require expensive and energy-intensive mining rigs.
So how can Pi Network create new millionaires? The key lies in its early adoption phase. Right now, Pi is in the development stage, and users can mine Pi coins at a higher rate than they will be able to once the network is fully launched. This means that those who start mining early stand to accumulate a significant amount of Pi coins before the general public even knows about it.
Once Pi Network launches and gains traction, the value of Pi coins is expected to increase. Those early adopters who have accumulated a large number of Pi coins could see their wealth multiply exponentially, potentially turning them into millionaires.
But the opportunity doesn't stop there. Pi Network is also exploring various ways to integrate Pi coins into everyday transactions, further increasing its value. Imagine being able to use your Pi coins to pay for goods and services, just like you would with traditional currency.
To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (asimlakho) as your invitation code.
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