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#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #BinanceTournament #Megadrop #   Bitcoin nesenās cenu izmaiņas ir bijušas pēkšņas, ko raksturo viegls atsitiens pēc krituma pēdējo divu nedēļu laikā. Saskaņā ar tirgus analītikas platformas Santiment teikto, Bitcoin atlēciens ir bijis īslaicīgs, taču ir daudzsološas pazīmes, ka pie apvāršņa varētu būt ievērojamāks atlēciens. Galvenie rādītāji Santimenta analīze norāda uz nepārtrauktu negatīvu noskaņojumu vilni kriptogrāfijas kopienā. Šī pieaugošā nepacietība ir ievērojams rādītājs, kas bieži vien liecina par iespējamu tirgus pavērsienu. Kripto baiļu un alkatības indekss pašlaik ir bailēs, kas liecina par tirgus pesimismu. Kad pūlis kļūst pārliecinoši pesimistisks, tas var radīt priekšnoteikumus cenu atgūšanai, jo tas liek domāt, ka pārdošanas spiediens varētu būt gandrīz izsmelts. Vēl viens galvenais rādītājs, kas jāskatās, ir Bitcoin relatīvā stipruma indekss (RSI). Pašlaik RSI atrodas zemā līmenī, kas ir tikai 36, un tas liecina, ka Bitcoin tuvojas pārpārdošanai. RSI ir impulsa oscilators, kas mēra cenu kustību ātrumu un izmaiņas. RSI zem 30 parasti tiek uzskatīts par pārpārdotu, norādot uz potenciālu pirkšanas iespēju. Lai gan Bitcoin vēl nav sasniedzis šo slieksni, tā tuvums tam var nozīmēt, ka atlēciens ir tuvu. Ko vēl meklēt Līdzās RSI citi tehniskie rādītāji, piemēram, mainīgie vidējie rādītāji (MA), var nodrošināt papildu kontekstu Bitcoin cenai. Bitcoin pašlaik tirgojas zem tā ikdienas SMA 50 par USD 66 341, un spēcīga kustība virs šī līmeņa varētu liecināt par jaunas augšupejas tendences sākumu. Īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā var būt svarīgi arī sekot līdzi makrofaktoriem, kas ietekmē plašākas tirgus tendences. Ekonomiskie dati, regulējošās ziņas un globālie notikumi var ietekmēt Bitcoin cenu. Rakstīšanas laikā BTC pēdējo 24 stundu laikā palielinājās par 0,18% līdz 60,877 USD.
#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #BinanceTournament #Megadrop #
Bitcoin nesenās cenu izmaiņas ir bijušas pēkšņas, ko raksturo viegls atsitiens pēc krituma pēdējo divu nedēļu laikā. Saskaņā ar tirgus analītikas platformas Santiment teikto, Bitcoin atlēciens ir bijis īslaicīgs, taču ir daudzsološas pazīmes, ka pie apvāršņa varētu būt ievērojamāks atlēciens.

Galvenie rādītāji

Santimenta analīze norāda uz nepārtrauktu negatīvu noskaņojumu vilni kriptogrāfijas kopienā. Šī pieaugošā nepacietība ir ievērojams rādītājs, kas bieži vien liecina par iespējamu tirgus pavērsienu. Kripto baiļu un alkatības indekss pašlaik ir bailēs, kas liecina par tirgus pesimismu.
Kad pūlis kļūst pārliecinoši pesimistisks, tas var radīt priekšnoteikumus cenu atgūšanai, jo tas liek domāt, ka pārdošanas spiediens varētu būt gandrīz izsmelts.

Vēl viens galvenais rādītājs, kas jāskatās, ir Bitcoin relatīvā stipruma indekss (RSI). Pašlaik RSI atrodas zemā līmenī, kas ir tikai 36, un tas liecina, ka Bitcoin tuvojas pārpārdošanai.

RSI ir impulsa oscilators, kas mēra cenu kustību ātrumu un izmaiņas. RSI zem 30 parasti tiek uzskatīts par pārpārdotu, norādot uz potenciālu pirkšanas iespēju. Lai gan Bitcoin vēl nav sasniedzis šo slieksni, tā tuvums tam var nozīmēt, ka atlēciens ir tuvu.

Ko vēl meklēt

Līdzās RSI citi tehniskie rādītāji, piemēram, mainīgie vidējie rādītāji (MA), var nodrošināt papildu kontekstu Bitcoin cenai. Bitcoin pašlaik tirgojas zem tā ikdienas SMA 50 par USD 66 341, un spēcīga kustība virs šī līmeņa varētu liecināt par jaunas augšupejas tendences sākumu.

Īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā var būt svarīgi arī sekot līdzi makrofaktoriem, kas ietekmē plašākas tirgus tendences. Ekonomiskie dati, regulējošās ziņas un globālie notikumi var ietekmēt Bitcoin cenu. Rakstīšanas laikā BTC pēdējo 24 stundu laikā palielinājās par 0,18% līdz 60,877 USD.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Trīs kriptovalūtas, kas 2024. gada beigās pārvērtīs 100 USD par 1000 USD #Megadrop #IntroToCopytrading #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions Pēdējos mēnešos kriptovalūtu tirgus ir pieņēmis neapmierinātības, ja ne tiešas izmisuma, auru tiem investoriem, kuri vēlas izmantot kriptovalūtu tendences strauji palielināt to vērtību buļļu ciklu laikā. Kriptogrāfijas lielie uzņēmumi, piemēram, Bitcoin (BTC) un Ethereum (ETH), lielākoties ir bijuši nemainīgi, taču tiem bija arī ievērojams cenu kritums, piemēram, publicēšanas brīdī, lai gan tiek ziņots, ka pat mēmu monētas fiesta ir tuvu. tās beigas.

Trīs kriptovalūtas, kas 2024. gada beigās pārvērtīs 100 USD par 1000 USD

#Megadrop #IntroToCopytrading #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
Pēdējos mēnešos kriptovalūtu tirgus ir pieņēmis neapmierinātības, ja ne tiešas izmisuma, auru tiem investoriem, kuri vēlas izmantot kriptovalūtu tendences strauji palielināt to vērtību buļļu ciklu laikā.
Kriptogrāfijas lielie uzņēmumi, piemēram, Bitcoin (BTC) un Ethereum (ETH), lielākoties ir bijuši nemainīgi, taču tiem bija arī ievērojams cenu kritums, piemēram, publicēšanas brīdī, lai gan tiek ziņots, ka pat mēmu monētas fiesta ir tuvu. tās beigas.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BinanceTournament #AirdropGuide #BNBHODLer #altcoins *Binance Airdrop: atlīdzība lojāliem lietotājiem* Binance, viena no pasaules vadošajām kriptovalūtu biržām, laiku pa laikam ievieš airdrop programmas, lai apbalvotu savus lojālos lietotājus. Airdrop ir bezmaksas žetonu vai monētu izplatīšana noteiktai cilvēku grupai, parasti konkrētas kriptovalūtas turētājiem vai lietotājiem, kuri ir paveikuši noteiktus uzdevumus. *Kā piedalīties* Lai piedalītos Binance airdrop, lietotājiem parasti ir jāveic šādas darbības: 1. Izveidojiet kontu pakalpojumā Binance un veiciet nepieciešamos verifikācijas procesus. 2. Turiet savā Binance kontā noteiktu kriptovalūtas daudzumu, kā to nosaka airdrop programma. 3. Pabeidziet visus papildu uzdevumus, kas nepieciešami airdrop programmai, piemēram, sekojiet Binance sociālo mediju kontiem vai nosūtiet draugus uz platformu. *Ieguvumi* Binance airdrops lietotājiem piedāvā vairākas priekšrocības, tostarp: 1. Bezmaksas žetoni vai monētas, kuras var tirgot vai turēt, lai iegūtu potenciālus ilgtermiņa ieguvumus. 2. Pakļaušana jauniem kriptovalūtas projektiem un žetoniem. 3. Pastiprināta iesaistīšanās ar Binance kopienu un kriptovalūtu ekosistēmu. Binance airdrops ir lielisks veids, kā lietotāji var nopelnīt bezmaksas žetonus un monētas, vienlaikus sadarbojoties ar kriptovalūtu kopienu. Veicot iepriekš norādītās darbības un pastāvīgi informējot par gaidāmajiem gaisa kuģa nolaišanās gadījumiem, lietotāji var maksimāli palielināt savas priekšrocības un baudīt lojāla Binance lietotāja priekšrocības.
#BinanceTournament #AirdropGuide #BNBHODLer #altcoins
*Binance Airdrop: atlīdzība lojāliem lietotājiem*

Binance, viena no pasaules vadošajām kriptovalūtu biržām, laiku pa laikam ievieš airdrop programmas, lai apbalvotu savus lojālos lietotājus. Airdrop ir bezmaksas žetonu vai monētu izplatīšana noteiktai cilvēku grupai, parasti konkrētas kriptovalūtas turētājiem vai lietotājiem, kuri ir paveikuši noteiktus uzdevumus.

*Kā piedalīties*

Lai piedalītos Binance airdrop, lietotājiem parasti ir jāveic šādas darbības:

1. Izveidojiet kontu pakalpojumā Binance un veiciet nepieciešamos verifikācijas procesus.
2. Turiet savā Binance kontā noteiktu kriptovalūtas daudzumu, kā to nosaka airdrop programma.
3. Pabeidziet visus papildu uzdevumus, kas nepieciešami airdrop programmai, piemēram, sekojiet Binance sociālo mediju kontiem vai nosūtiet draugus uz platformu.


Binance airdrops lietotājiem piedāvā vairākas priekšrocības, tostarp:
1. Bezmaksas žetoni vai monētas, kuras var tirgot vai turēt, lai iegūtu potenciālus ilgtermiņa ieguvumus.
2. Pakļaušana jauniem kriptovalūtas projektiem un žetoniem.
3. Pastiprināta iesaistīšanās ar Binance kopienu un kriptovalūtu ekosistēmu.
Binance airdrops ir lielisks veids, kā lietotāji var nopelnīt bezmaksas žetonus un monētas, vienlaikus sadarbojoties ar kriptovalūtu kopienu. Veicot iepriekš norādītās darbības un pastāvīgi informējot par gaidāmajiem gaisa kuģa nolaišanās gadījumiem, lietotāji var maksimāli palielināt savas priekšrocības un baudīt lojāla Binance lietotāja priekšrocības.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BinanceTournament #AirdropGuide #altcoins Kā piedalīties Airdrop Kas ir Airdrop? Kriptovalūtu un blokķēdes pasaulē airdrop ir reklāmas pasākums, kurā projekts vai uzņēmums plašai auditorijai izplata bezmaksas žetonus vai monētas. Airdrop mērķis ir radīt rosību un informētību par jaunu projektu, apbalvot lojālos kopienas locekļus vai mudināt cilvēkus izmēģināt jaunu pakalpojumu. Kā piedalīties Airdrop Piedalīšanās lidojumā ir samērā vienkārša. Tālāk ir norādītas vispārīgās darbības. 1. Pētījums: uzziniet par gaidāmajiem gaisa kuģa nolaišanās gadījumiem sociālajos saziņas līdzekļos, tiešsaistes forumos vai tīmekļa vietnēs, kas veltītas gaisa pilienu sarakstiem. 2. Atbilstība: pārbaudiet airdrop atbilstības kritērijus, piemēram, konkrētas kriptovalūtas turēšanu vai projekta sociālo mediju kontu ievērošanu. 3. Reģistrācija: reģistrējieties airdrop, norādot savu kriptovalūtas maka adresi un citu nepieciešamo informāciju. 4. Uzdevuma pabeigšana. Dažiem airdrops ir jāpabeidz uzdevumi, piemēram, kopīgojiet ziņu sociālajos saziņas līdzekļos vai iesauciet draugus. 5. Žetonu izplatīšana: projekts izdala žetonus vai monētas atbilstīgajiem dalībniekiem. Padomi: - Esiet piesardzīgs pret krāpniecību un nekad neizpaudiet personisko informāciju vai privātās atslēgas. - Izlasiet un izprotiet katra gaisa kuģa noteikumus un nosacījumus. - Izmantojiet cienījamu kriptovalūtas maku, lai saņemtu airdrop žetonus. Airdrops var būt jautrs un atalgojošs veids, kā izpētīt jaunus projektus un iesaistīties kriptovalūtu kopienā. Veicot šīs darbības un ievērojot padomus, jūs varat piedalīties airdrops un potenciāli atklāt jaunas iespējas blokķēdes telpā.
#BinanceTournament #AirdropGuide #altcoins Kā piedalīties Airdrop

Kas ir Airdrop?

Kriptovalūtu un blokķēdes pasaulē airdrop ir reklāmas pasākums, kurā projekts vai uzņēmums plašai auditorijai izplata bezmaksas žetonus vai monētas. Airdrop mērķis ir radīt rosību un informētību par jaunu projektu, apbalvot lojālos kopienas locekļus vai mudināt cilvēkus izmēģināt jaunu pakalpojumu.

Kā piedalīties Airdrop

Piedalīšanās lidojumā ir samērā vienkārša. Tālāk ir norādītas vispārīgās darbības.

1. Pētījums: uzziniet par gaidāmajiem gaisa kuģa nolaišanās gadījumiem sociālajos saziņas līdzekļos, tiešsaistes forumos vai tīmekļa vietnēs, kas veltītas gaisa pilienu sarakstiem.
2. Atbilstība: pārbaudiet airdrop atbilstības kritērijus, piemēram, konkrētas kriptovalūtas turēšanu vai projekta sociālo mediju kontu ievērošanu.
3. Reģistrācija: reģistrējieties airdrop, norādot savu kriptovalūtas maka adresi un citu nepieciešamo informāciju.
4. Uzdevuma pabeigšana. Dažiem airdrops ir jāpabeidz uzdevumi, piemēram, kopīgojiet ziņu sociālajos saziņas līdzekļos vai iesauciet draugus.
5. Žetonu izplatīšana: projekts izdala žetonus vai monētas atbilstīgajiem dalībniekiem.
- Esiet piesardzīgs pret krāpniecību un nekad neizpaudiet personisko informāciju vai privātās atslēgas.
- Izlasiet un izprotiet katra gaisa kuģa noteikumus un nosacījumus.
- Izmantojiet cienījamu kriptovalūtas maku, lai saņemtu airdrop žetonus.
Airdrops var būt jautrs un atalgojošs veids, kā izpētīt jaunus projektus un iesaistīties kriptovalūtu kopienā. Veicot šīs darbības un ievērojot padomus, jūs varat piedalīties airdrops un potenciāli atklāt jaunas iespējas blokķēdes telpā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Jaunums kriptovalūtā*Laipni lūdzam kriptovalūtu pasaulē!*#BinanceTournament #BTCFOMCWatch #AirdropGuide Vai esat jauns kriptovalūtas lietošanā un domājat, ar ko sākt? Jūs esat nonācis īstajā vietā! *Kas ir kriptovalūta?* Kriptovalūta jeb īsumā kriptovalūta ir digitāla vai virtuāla valūta, kas drošības nolūkos izmanto kriptogrāfiju un ir decentralizēta, kas nozīmē, ka to nekontrolē neviena valdība vai finanšu iestāde. *Darba sākšana* 1. *Apgūstiet pamatus*: sāciet, izprotot tādus galvenos jēdzienus kā blokķēde, maki un apmaiņa. 2. *Izvēlieties cienījamu biržu*: atrodiet uzticamu platformu kriptovalūtu pirkšanai, pārdošanai un glabāšanai.

Jaunums kriptovalūtā

*Laipni lūdzam kriptovalūtu pasaulē!*#BinanceTournament #BTCFOMCWatch #AirdropGuide
Vai esat jauns kriptovalūtas lietošanā un domājat, ar ko sākt? Jūs esat nonācis īstajā vietā!
*Kas ir kriptovalūta?*
Kriptovalūta jeb īsumā kriptovalūta ir digitāla vai virtuāla valūta, kas drošības nolūkos izmanto kriptogrāfiju un ir decentralizēta, kas nozīmē, ka to nekontrolē neviena valdība vai finanšu iestāde.
*Darba sākšana*
1. *Apgūstiet pamatus*: sāciet, izprotot tādus galvenos jēdzienus kā blokķēde, maki un apmaiņa.
2. *Izvēlieties cienījamu biržu*: atrodiet uzticamu platformu kriptovalūtu pirkšanai, pārdošanai un glabāšanai.
#bitcoin #BinanceTournament #AirdropGuide #altcoins #FIT21 "Cardano (ADA) is leading the way in sustainable blockchain development! With its proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, Cardano is reducing the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining. Plus, its scalable and secure network is supporting a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps). Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just starting out, Cardano's got something for everyone. So why not join the Cardano community today and start building a more sustainable future? #Cardano #ADA #SustainableCrypto #BinanceSquare"
#bitcoin #BinanceTournament #AirdropGuide #altcoins #FIT21

"Cardano (ADA) is leading the way in sustainable blockchain development!

With its proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, Cardano is reducing the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining.

Plus, its scalable and secure network is supporting a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps).

Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just starting out, Cardano's got something for everyone.

So why not join the Cardano community today and start building a more sustainable future?

#Cardano #ADA #SustainableCrypto #BinanceSquare"
#BinanceTournament #altcoins #CPIAlert #BTC Here is an article on the latest developments in the crypto space: Title: Crypto Market Update: Ripple's Legal Battle, Bitcoin's Price Surge, and Shiba Inu's Reversal The cryptocurrency market is abuzz with excitement as several key developments unfold. Ripple's legal battle with the SEC nears its conclusion, Bitcoin's price shows signs of a potential surge, and Shiba Inu approaches a critical threshold. Ripple's CEO, Brad Garlinghouse, has announced that the lawsuit with the SEC is expected to conclude this summer. The outcome could have significant implications for the crypto industry. Meanwhile, financial analyst John Bollinger suggests that Bitcoin's price will increase if it maintains its current level. This prediction comes as Bitcoin shows signs of a potential price surge. Shiba Inu (SHIB) is approaching a critical price threshold, and if the token can maintain its position, a major price reversal could occur. In other news, Elon Musk and Edward Snowden have expressed concerns over OpenAI's recent moves, sparking a broader conversation about AI's role in the crypto space. Finally, Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," predicts that Bitcoin's price will surge higher and could reach $350,000 by mid-August 2024. As the crypto market continues to evolve, these developments highlight the ongoing excitement and uncertainty that defines this space. Stay tuned for further updates!
#BinanceTournament #altcoins #CPIAlert #BTC
Here is an article on the latest developments in the crypto space:

Title: Crypto Market Update: Ripple's Legal Battle, Bitcoin's Price Surge, and Shiba Inu's Reversal

The cryptocurrency market is abuzz with excitement as several key developments unfold. Ripple's legal battle with the SEC nears its conclusion, Bitcoin's price shows signs of a potential surge, and Shiba Inu approaches a critical threshold.

Ripple's CEO, Brad Garlinghouse, has announced that the lawsuit with the SEC is expected to conclude this summer. The outcome could have significant implications for the crypto industry.

Meanwhile, financial analyst John Bollinger suggests that Bitcoin's price will increase if it maintains its current level. This prediction comes as Bitcoin shows signs of a potential price surge.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is approaching a critical price threshold, and if the token can maintain its position, a major price reversal could occur.

In other news, Elon Musk and Edward Snowden have expressed concerns over OpenAI's recent moves, sparking a broader conversation about AI's role in the crypto space.

Finally, Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," predicts that Bitcoin's price will surge higher and could reach $350,000 by mid-August 2024.

As the crypto market continues to evolve, these developments highlight the ongoing excitement and uncertainty that defines this space. Stay tuned for further updates!
#BinanceTournament #Eidmubarak2024 #AirdropGuide Wishing Eid ul Adha Mubarak Eid ul Adha Mubarak: A Joyous Celebration of Faith and Sacrifice As the crescent moon shines bright, Muslims around the world prepare to celebrate Eid ul Adha, a joyous occasion commemorating the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismail (Ishmael). This auspicious day marks a triumph of faith, obedience, and devotion. On this blessed day, we come together with family, friends, and community to rejoice in the spirit of sacrifice and generosity. We honor the noble act of Prophet Ibrahim, who embodied unwavering trust in Allah's plan. As we exchange gifts, share delicious meals, and distribute meat to those in need, let us remember the true essence of Eid ul Adha: - Faith: May our belief in Allah's mercy and guidance strengthen. - Sacrifice: May our willingness to give and share bring joy to others. - Compassion: May our hearts be filled with kindness and empathy. - Gratitude: May we cherish the blessings bestowed upon us. Eid ul Adha Mubarak to all! May this joyous celebration bring happiness, peace, and spiritual growth to your life and the lives of those around you. May Allah accept our prayers, sacrifices, and good deeds. Ameen.
#BinanceTournament #Eidmubarak2024 #AirdropGuide
Wishing Eid ul Adha Mubarak

Eid ul Adha Mubarak: A Joyous Celebration of Faith and Sacrifice

As the crescent moon shines bright, Muslims around the world prepare to celebrate Eid ul Adha, a joyous occasion commemorating the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismail (Ishmael). This auspicious day marks a triumph of faith, obedience, and devotion.

On this blessed day, we come together with family, friends, and community to rejoice in the spirit of sacrifice and generosity. We honor the noble act of Prophet Ibrahim, who embodied unwavering trust in Allah's plan.

As we exchange gifts, share delicious meals, and distribute meat to those in need, let us remember the true essence of Eid ul Adha:

- Faith: May our belief in Allah's mercy and guidance strengthen.
- Sacrifice: May our willingness to give and share bring joy to others.
- Compassion: May our hearts be filled with kindness and empathy.
- Gratitude: May we cherish the blessings bestowed upon us.

Eid ul Adha Mubarak to all! May this joyous celebration bring happiness, peace, and spiritual growth to your life and the lives of those around you.

May Allah accept our prayers, sacrifices, and good deeds. Ameen.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BNB Šeit ir atjaunināts raksts ar papildu peļņas rīkiem: “Nopelniet bezmaksas kriptovalūtu, izmantojot Binance! "Vai vēlaties nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu bez problēmām? 🤔 Nemeklējiet tālāk par Binance! 🎉 Binance, pasaulē vadošā kriptovalūtu birža, piedāvā virkni veidu, kā nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu. Ir daudz iespēju, sākot ar likmēm un beidzot ar ieteikumu programmām un citām iespējām, kā iegūt bezmaksas digitālos līdzekļus. 🤑 Šeit ir daži veidi, kā nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu, izmantojot Binance: - _Binance Staking_: nopelniet atlīdzību, savā Binance kontā turot noteiktas kriptovalūtas. - _Ieteikumu programma_: uzaiciniet draugus pievienoties Binance un nopelniet daļu no viņu tirdzniecības maksām. - _Binance Learn_: pabeidziet tiešsaistes kursus un nopelniet kriptogrāfijas balvas. - _Binance Launchpad_: piedalieties žetonu pārdošanā un nopelniet jaunus žetonus. - _Binance Liquid Swap_: nopelniet atlīdzību, nodrošinot platformā likviditāti. - _Binance DeFi_: piedalieties decentralizētās finanšu (DeFi) protokolos un nopelniet procentus. - _Binance NFT_: izveidojiet, pērciet un pārdodiet NFT un nopelniet atlīdzības. Nepalaidiet garām šo iespēju papildināt savu kriptovalūtu portfeli! 🚀 Reģistrējieties Binance jau šodien un sāciet pelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu! 🎉 #Binance#FreeCrypto#EarnCrypto#Kriptovalūta#Blockchain#Staking
$BNB Šeit ir atjaunināts raksts ar papildu peļņas rīkiem:

“Nopelniet bezmaksas kriptovalūtu, izmantojot Binance!

"Vai vēlaties nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu bez problēmām? 🤔 Nemeklējiet tālāk par Binance! 🎉

Binance, pasaulē vadošā kriptovalūtu birža, piedāvā virkni veidu, kā nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu. Ir daudz iespēju, sākot ar likmēm un beidzot ar ieteikumu programmām un citām iespējām, kā iegūt bezmaksas digitālos līdzekļus. 🤑

Šeit ir daži veidi, kā nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu, izmantojot Binance:

- _Binance Staking_: nopelniet atlīdzību, savā Binance kontā turot noteiktas kriptovalūtas.
- _Ieteikumu programma_: uzaiciniet draugus pievienoties Binance un nopelniet daļu no viņu tirdzniecības maksām.
- _Binance Learn_: pabeidziet tiešsaistes kursus un nopelniet kriptogrāfijas balvas.
- _Binance Launchpad_: piedalieties žetonu pārdošanā un nopelniet jaunus žetonus.
- _Binance Liquid Swap_: nopelniet atlīdzību, nodrošinot platformā likviditāti.
- _Binance DeFi_: piedalieties decentralizētās finanšu (DeFi) protokolos un nopelniet procentus.
- _Binance NFT_: izveidojiet, pērciet un pārdodiet NFT un nopelniet atlīdzības.

Nepalaidiet garām šo iespēju papildināt savu kriptovalūtu portfeli! 🚀 Reģistrējieties Binance jau šodien un sāciet pelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu! 🎉

Skatīt oriģinālu
#BTC☀ #altcoins #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH $BTC Kriptogrāfijas tirgū jūnijā ir vērojama strauja tendence: atdzimšanas zīme? Ievads: Jūnijā kriptovalūtu tirgus ir piedzīvojis ievērojamu pieaugumu, un daudzas monētas piedzīvoja ievērojamu pieaugumu. Šī straujā tendence ir radījusi cerību investoros un entuziastos, domājot, vai tas liecina par plašāku tirgus atveseļošanos. Šajā rakstā mēs izpētīsim šīs augšupejas iemeslus un to, ko tas varētu nozīmēt kriptovalūtas nākotnei. Bullish tendences cēloņi: - Palielināta pieņemšana: pieaugošie kriptovalūtu pieņemšanas un izmantošanas gadījumi ir veicinājuši to vērtības pieaugumu. - Normatīvā skaidrība: skaidrākas vadlīnijas un regulējumi ir mazinājuši investoru bažas, vairojot uzticēšanos tirgum. - Tehniskie sasniegumi: mērogojamības, drošības un lietojamības uzlabojumi ir uzlabojuši kriptovalūtu pievilcību. Labākie izpildītāji: - Bitcoin (BTC): pionieru kriptovalūta ir vadījusi lādiņu, izlaužot galvenos pretestības līmeņus. - Ethereum (ETH): viedā līgumu platforma ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamus ieguvumus, ko veicina DeFi lietojumprogrammas un NFT. - Altcoins: daudzas mazākas vāciņa monētas ir piedzīvojušas ievērojamu pieaugumu, jo investori meklē slēptos dārgakmeņus. Tirgus noskaņojums: - Investoru optimisms: kāpuma tendence investoros atkal ir radījusi cerību un entuziasmu, palielinot pieprasījumu. - Palielināts tirdzniecības apjoms: lielāki tirdzniecības apjomi liecina par aktīvāku tirgu, kas veicina augšupejošu impulsu. Secinājums: Kriptogrāfijas tirgus kāpuma tendence jūnijā ir daudzsološa zīme, taču ilgtspējība un stabilitāte joprojām ir galvenās bažas. Tā kā tirgus turpina attīstīties, ir ļoti svarīgi uzraudzīt norises un tendences, lai noteiktu, vai šī augšupeja iezīmē ilgtermiņa atveseļošanās sākumu.
#BTC☀ #altcoins #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH $BTC Kriptogrāfijas tirgū jūnijā ir vērojama strauja tendence: atdzimšanas zīme?

Jūnijā kriptovalūtu tirgus ir piedzīvojis ievērojamu pieaugumu, un daudzas monētas piedzīvoja ievērojamu pieaugumu. Šī straujā tendence ir radījusi cerību investoros un entuziastos, domājot, vai tas liecina par plašāku tirgus atveseļošanos. Šajā rakstā mēs izpētīsim šīs augšupejas iemeslus un to, ko tas varētu nozīmēt kriptovalūtas nākotnei.

Bullish tendences cēloņi:

- Palielināta pieņemšana: pieaugošie kriptovalūtu pieņemšanas un izmantošanas gadījumi ir veicinājuši to vērtības pieaugumu.
- Normatīvā skaidrība: skaidrākas vadlīnijas un regulējumi ir mazinājuši investoru bažas, vairojot uzticēšanos tirgum.
- Tehniskie sasniegumi: mērogojamības, drošības un lietojamības uzlabojumi ir uzlabojuši kriptovalūtu pievilcību.

Labākie izpildītāji:

- Bitcoin (BTC): pionieru kriptovalūta ir vadījusi lādiņu, izlaužot galvenos pretestības līmeņus.
- Ethereum (ETH): viedā līgumu platforma ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamus ieguvumus, ko veicina DeFi lietojumprogrammas un NFT.
- Altcoins: daudzas mazākas vāciņa monētas ir piedzīvojušas ievērojamu pieaugumu, jo investori meklē slēptos dārgakmeņus.

Tirgus noskaņojums:

- Investoru optimisms: kāpuma tendence investoros atkal ir radījusi cerību un entuziasmu, palielinot pieprasījumu.
- Palielināts tirdzniecības apjoms: lielāki tirdzniecības apjomi liecina par aktīvāku tirgu, kas veicina augšupejošu impulsu.

Kriptogrāfijas tirgus kāpuma tendence jūnijā ir daudzsološa zīme, taču ilgtspējība un stabilitāte joprojām ir galvenās bažas. Tā kā tirgus turpina attīstīties, ir ļoti svarīgi uzraudzīt norises un tendences, lai noteiktu, vai šī augšupeja iezīmē ilgtermiņa atveseļošanās sākumu.
$#BONK🔥🔥 #BTC☀ #Write2Earn! #altcoins #BNBAnalysis The Rise of Meme Coins: Bonk and the Crypto Coin Phenomenon In the world of cryptocurrency, a new trend has emerged: meme coins. These coins, inspired by internet memes and humor, have taken the crypto market by storm. One such coin is Bonk, which has gained significant attention and traction in recent times. In this article, we'll explore the rise of Bonk and the phenomenon of meme coins. What are Meme Coins? Meme coins are cryptocurrencies inspired by internet memes, jokes, and pop culture. They often have a lighthearted and humorous approach, distinguishing them from traditional cryptocurrencies. These coins are created and traded on blockchain platforms, just like other cryptocurrencies. Bonk: The Newest Meme Coin Sensation Bonk is a meme coin that has gained significant attention in recent weeks. It was created as a parody of the cryptocurrency space and has since gained a large following. Bonk's creators aim to poke fun at the seriousness of the crypto world, bringing a touch of humor and whimsy to the market. Characteristics of Meme Coins Meme coins like Bonk share certain characteristics: - Humorous approach: Meme coins often have a comedic or satirical take on the crypto space. - Community-driven: Meme coins rely on community engagement and participation to drive their popularity. - Limited functionality: Meme coins usually don't have complex use cases or real-world applications. - Volatility: Meme coins can experience rapid price fluctuations due to their speculative nature. The Appeal of Meme Coins So, why are meme coins like Bonk gaining traction? Several factors contribute to their appeal: - Novelty: Meme coins offer a fresh and entertaining take on the crypto space. - Community building: Meme coins foster a sense of community and shared humor among holders. - Speculation: Some investors hope to profit from the potential increase .
$#BONK🔥🔥 #BTC☀ #Write2Earn! #altcoins #BNBAnalysis
The Rise of Meme Coins: Bonk and the Crypto Coin Phenomenon
In the world of cryptocurrency, a new trend has emerged: meme coins. These coins, inspired by internet memes and humor, have taken the crypto market by storm. One such coin is Bonk, which has gained significant attention and traction in recent times. In this article, we'll explore the rise of Bonk and the phenomenon of meme coins.

What are Meme Coins?
Meme coins are cryptocurrencies inspired by internet memes, jokes, and pop culture. They often have a lighthearted and humorous approach, distinguishing them from traditional cryptocurrencies. These coins are created and traded on blockchain platforms, just like other cryptocurrencies.

Bonk: The Newest Meme Coin Sensation
Bonk is a meme coin that has gained significant attention in recent weeks. It was created as a parody of the cryptocurrency space and has since gained a large following. Bonk's creators aim to poke fun at the seriousness of the crypto world, bringing a touch of humor and whimsy to the market.

Characteristics of Meme Coins
Meme coins like Bonk share certain characteristics:

- Humorous approach: Meme coins often have a comedic or satirical take on the crypto space.
- Community-driven: Meme coins rely on community engagement and participation to drive their popularity.
- Limited functionality: Meme coins usually don't have complex use cases or real-world applications.
- Volatility: Meme coins can experience rapid price fluctuations due to their speculative nature.

The Appeal of Meme Coins
So, why are meme coins like Bonk gaining traction? Several factors contribute to their appeal:

- Novelty: Meme coins offer a fresh and entertaining take on the crypto space.
- Community building: Meme coins foster a sense of community and shared humor among holders.
- Speculation: Some investors hope to profit from the potential increase .
Best Way Of Earning Free Crypto 2024#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #BinanceSquareFamily #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #MemeCoinInsights How to Earn Free Crypto on Binance2024 $BNB $BTC $ETH Are you looking to earn some free crypto on Binance? Look no further! Binance offers several ways to earn cryptocurrency without spending a time. Here are some methods to get you started: _1. Binance Referral Program_: Refer friends to join Binance and earn 20% of their trading fees as commission. _2. Binance Academy_: Complete courses and quizzes on cryptocurrency and blockchain to earn rewards in crypto. _3. Binance Launchpool_: Stake your crypto assets to support new projects and earn rewards in the form of new tokens. _4. Binance Earn_: Deposit your crypto into a high-yield savings account and earn interest on your assets. _5. Binance NFT_: Create, buy, and sell NFTs to earn crypto from royalties and sales. _6. Binance Airdrops_: Participate in airdrop campaigns to receive free tokens from projects partnered with Binance. _7. Binance Airdrop Alerts_: Follow Binance's social media accounts to stay informed about upcoming airdrops and never miss an opportunity. _8. Binance Airdrop Quiz_: Complete quizzes related to airdrop projects to earn additional rewards. By utilizing these methods, you can earn free crypto on Binance without risking a thing! So, what are you waiting for? Start earning today!

Best Way Of Earning Free Crypto 2024

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #BinanceSquareFamily #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #MemeCoinInsights How to Earn Free Crypto on Binance2024 $BNB $BTC $ETH

Are you looking to earn some free crypto on Binance? Look no further! Binance offers several ways to earn cryptocurrency without spending a time. Here are some methods to get you started:
_1. Binance Referral Program_: Refer friends to join Binance and earn 20% of their trading fees as commission.
_2. Binance Academy_: Complete courses and quizzes on cryptocurrency and blockchain to earn rewards in crypto.
_3. Binance Launchpool_: Stake your crypto assets to support new projects and earn rewards in the form of new tokens.
_4. Binance Earn_: Deposit your crypto into a high-yield savings account and earn interest on your assets.
_5. Binance NFT_: Create, buy, and sell NFTs to earn crypto from royalties and sales.
_6. Binance Airdrops_: Participate in airdrop campaigns to receive free tokens from projects partnered with Binance.
_7. Binance Airdrop Alerts_: Follow Binance's social media accounts to stay informed about upcoming airdrops and never miss an opportunity.
_8. Binance Airdrop Quiz_: Complete quizzes related to airdrop projects to earn additional rewards.
By utilizing these methods, you can earn free crypto on Binance without risking a thing! So, what are you waiting for? Start earning today!
Celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day: A Delicious Milestone #pizzaday #btc70k #altcoins #writetoearn Fourteen years ago, on May 22, 2010, a historic transaction took place, marking the first real-world use of Bitcoin. Laszlo Hanyecz, a Florida-based programmer, offered 10,000 Bitcoins to anyone who could deliver two Papa John's pizzas to his doorstep. This seemingly trivial exchange paved the way for Bitcoin's future adoption. Today, we celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day, commemorating this groundbreaking moment. The transaction may have started as a humorous exchange, but it demonstrated the potential of Bitcoin for everyday transactions. At the time, 10,000 Bitcoins were worth approximately $25; now, they would be worth millions! Bitcoin Pizza Day serves as a reminder of the power of innovation and the community that drives it. It's a celebration of the early adopters, pioneers, and enthusiasts who believed in the potential of cryptocurrency. As we mark this milestone, we honor the spirit of collaboration and progress that defines the Bitcoin community. So, let's raise a slice (or two) to Bitcoin Pizza Day! Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just curious about the space, join us in celebrating this delicious milestone. Share your own Bitcoin story, enjoy a pizza (or two), and let's continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible with cryptocurrency! #BitcoinPizzaDay #BitcoinAnniversary #CryptoHistory #PizzaLove #BitcoinCommunity #InnovationMilestone #CryptoAdoption #BitcoinPioneers #CryptoEnthusiasts #BlockchainBirthday

Celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day: A Delicious Milestone

#pizzaday #btc70k #altcoins #writetoearn

Fourteen years ago, on May 22, 2010, a historic transaction took place, marking the first real-world use of Bitcoin. Laszlo Hanyecz, a Florida-based programmer, offered 10,000 Bitcoins to anyone who could deliver two Papa John's pizzas to his doorstep. This seemingly trivial exchange paved the way for Bitcoin's future adoption.

Today, we celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day, commemorating this groundbreaking moment. The transaction may have started as a humorous exchange, but it demonstrated the potential of Bitcoin for everyday transactions. At the time, 10,000 Bitcoins were worth approximately $25; now, they would be worth millions!

Bitcoin Pizza Day serves as a reminder of the power of innovation and the community that drives it. It's a celebration of the early adopters, pioneers, and enthusiasts who believed in the potential of cryptocurrency. As we mark this milestone, we honor the spirit of collaboration and progress that defines the Bitcoin community.

So, let's raise a slice (or two) to Bitcoin Pizza Day! Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just curious about the space, join us in celebrating this delicious milestone. Share your own Bitcoin story, enjoy a pizza (or two), and let's continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible with cryptocurrency!

#BitcoinPizzaDay #BitcoinAnniversary #CryptoHistory #PizzaLove #BitcoinCommunity #InnovationMilestone #CryptoAdoption #BitcoinPioneers #CryptoEnthusiasts #BlockchainBirthday
Celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day: A Look Back at the First Real-World Transaction#pizzaday #BTC #BNBToken #writetoearn Today, May 22nd, marks a significant milestone in the history of Bitcoin - Pizza Day! It's been 14 years since Laszlo Hanyecz made a groundbreaking offer: 10,000 $BTC in exchange for two Papa John's pizzas. This seemingly trivial transaction marked the first real-world use of Bitcoin, paving the way for its future adoption. On May 22, 2010, Hanyecz, a Florida-based programmer, posted on the Bitcoin forum, "I'll pay 10,000 $BTC for a couple of Papa John's pizzas." Jeremy Sturdivant, another Bitcoin enthusiast, took him up on the offer and had the pizzas delivered. At the time, 10,000 Bitcoins were worth approximately $25. Fast-forward to today, and those 10,000 Bitcoins would be worth millions! This transaction may have started as a humorous exchange, but it demonstrated the potential of Bitcoin for everyday transactions. As the first practical use of Bitcoin, Pizza Day represents a pivotal moment in the currency's history. So, let's celebrate this milestone with a slice (or two) of pizza! Bitcoin Pizza Day serves as a reminder of the power of innovation and the community that drives it. Here's to many more years of decentralized progress!

Celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day: A Look Back at the First Real-World Transaction

#pizzaday #BTC #BNBToken #writetoearn
Today, May 22nd, marks a significant milestone in the history of Bitcoin - Pizza Day! It's been 14 years since Laszlo Hanyecz made a groundbreaking offer: 10,000 $BTC in exchange for two Papa John's pizzas. This seemingly trivial transaction marked the first real-world use of Bitcoin, paving the way for its future adoption.

On May 22, 2010, Hanyecz, a Florida-based programmer, posted on the Bitcoin forum, "I'll pay 10,000 $BTC for a couple of Papa John's pizzas." Jeremy Sturdivant, another Bitcoin enthusiast, took him up on the offer and had the pizzas delivered. At the time, 10,000 Bitcoins were worth approximately $25.

Fast-forward to today, and those 10,000 Bitcoins would be worth millions! This transaction may have started as a humorous exchange, but it demonstrated the potential of Bitcoin for everyday transactions. As the first practical use of Bitcoin, Pizza Day represents a pivotal moment in the currency's history.

So, let's celebrate this milestone with a slice (or two) of pizza! Bitcoin Pizza Day serves as a reminder of the power of innovation and the community that drives it. Here's to many more years of decentralized progress!
#bitcoin #bitcoinhalving #BTC #write2earn🌐💹 $BTC Bitcoin, symbol of the digital financial revolution, has just crossed a symbolic threshold by reaching $70,000. This spectacular rise, which comes after a period of consolidation and volatility, is generating renewed and intense interest from investors around the world. But beyond this impressive figure, this increase reveals complex and promising market dynamics. A significant threshold crossing Bitcoin has crossed $70,000, marking a 6% increase in 24 hours and more than 10% over the past week. This event marks a first in over a month and reflects a resurgence of optimism among investors. This spectacular jump is largely attributed to a massive influx of capital in recent days into Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). And it is undoubtedly this dynamic that has just propelled the price of Bitcoin beyond $70,000 or even $71,000.
#bitcoin #bitcoinhalving #BTC #write2earn🌐💹 $BTC Bitcoin, symbol of the digital financial revolution, has just crossed a symbolic threshold by reaching $70,000. This spectacular rise, which comes after a period of consolidation and volatility, is generating renewed and intense interest from investors around the world. But beyond this impressive figure, this increase reveals complex and promising market dynamics.

A significant threshold crossing

Bitcoin has crossed $70,000, marking a 6% increase in 24 hours and more than 10% over the past week. This event marks a first in over a month and reflects a resurgence of optimism among investors. This spectacular jump is largely attributed to a massive influx of capital in recent days into Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). And it is undoubtedly this dynamic that has just propelled the price of Bitcoin beyond $70,000 or even $71,000.
Do you have bitcoin? Here is what would happen once the $67,500 threshold is crossed! #bitcoin #bitcoinhalving #altcoins #BTC #write2earn Bitcoin is sparking renewed interest and excitement in financial markets. As its price approaches $67,500, analysts and investors are closely monitoring this surge. Why is this moment so important, and what could be the repercussions of this bullish trend for the future of Bitcoin? A Bitcoin Rally Fueled by Whale Demand The price of Bitcoin (BTC) experienced a spectacular rise of more than 10% last week, reaching the resistance level of $67,000. According to on-chain data, short-term holders sold their assets to long-term holders, a typical sign of an imminent bullish trend. Markus Thielen, head of research at 10x Research, estimates that: “A breakout above $67,500 could potentially lead to new all-time highs.” Cash flows to Bitcoin ETFs based in Hong Kong and the United States have been particularly notable. Hong Kong-based ETFs recorded an increase of $244 million in net assets, while U.S. ETFs accumulated more than 14,000 bitcoins over the past week. Additionally, a single entity purchased over 16,445 bitcoins, worth more than $1.1 billion, in the last 24 hours. Another crypto whale was also spotted, accumulating bitcoins worth over $106 million in a single day.$BTC $ETH
Do you have bitcoin? Here is what would happen once the $67,500 threshold is crossed!
#bitcoin #bitcoinhalving #altcoins #BTC #write2earn
Bitcoin is sparking renewed interest and excitement in financial markets. As its price approaches $67,500, analysts and investors are closely monitoring this surge. Why is this moment so important, and what could be the repercussions of this bullish trend for the future of Bitcoin?

A Bitcoin Rally Fueled by Whale Demand

The price of Bitcoin (BTC) experienced a spectacular rise of more than 10% last week, reaching the resistance level of $67,000. According to on-chain data, short-term holders sold their assets to long-term holders, a typical sign of an imminent bullish trend. Markus Thielen, head of research at 10x Research, estimates that: “A breakout above $67,500 could potentially lead to new all-time highs.”

Cash flows to Bitcoin ETFs based in Hong Kong and the United States have been particularly notable. Hong Kong-based ETFs recorded an increase of $244 million in net assets, while U.S. ETFs accumulated more than 14,000 bitcoins over the past week. Additionally, a single entity purchased over 16,445 bitcoins, worth more than $1.1 billion, in the last 24 hours. Another crypto whale was also spotted, accumulating bitcoins worth over $106 million in a single day.$BTC $ETH
Ethereum Still Lagging Behind! #bitcoin #ETH_Market_Update #altcoins #BTC #write2earn🌐💹 However, not all digital assets seem to be enjoying the same favorable dynamics for now. This is particularly the case for Ethereum. According to the analysis, ETFs backed by this blockchain saw about 23 million dollars in redemptions over the same period. A rather negative signal reflecting the persistent reservations of some institutional investors regarding this project, which is still facing a very uncertain regulatory environment. Beyond leading cryptos like Bitcoin and Ether, other promising altcoins have also managed to capture a part of last week’s massive flows. Projects like Solana, Chainlink, and Cardano have notably emerged as main targets of institutional investments during this period. This sudden influx from major investors undeniably marks a turning point for decentralized digital assets, especially Bitcoin. Confidence seems to be gradually returning, driven by hopes of a finally more favorable monetary environment. An opportunity for the crypto ecosystem to reconnect with its rapid development dynamics.
Ethereum Still Lagging Behind!
#bitcoin #ETH_Market_Update #altcoins #BTC #write2earn🌐💹
However, not all digital assets seem to be enjoying the same favorable dynamics for now. This is particularly the case for Ethereum. According to the analysis, ETFs backed by this blockchain saw about 23 million dollars in redemptions over the same period. A rather negative signal reflecting the persistent reservations of some institutional investors regarding this project, which is still facing a very uncertain regulatory environment.

Beyond leading cryptos like Bitcoin and Ether, other promising altcoins have also managed to capture a part of last week’s massive flows. Projects like Solana, Chainlink, and Cardano have notably emerged as main targets of institutional investments during this period.

This sudden influx from major investors undeniably marks a turning point for decentralized digital assets, especially Bitcoin. Confidence seems to be gradually returning, driven by hopes of a finally more favorable monetary environment. An opportunity for the crypto ecosystem to reconnect with its rapid development dynamics.
An Institutional Tsunami on Bitcoin#bitcoin #bitcoinhalving #write2earn🌐💹 According to data, no less than 932 million dollars were reinvested last week in digital asset investment products. A massive influx of capital that follows the publication of a lower-than-expected US inflation figure for April. This favorable statistic fed expectations of a potential upcoming monetary easing by the FED. A perspective that immediately triggered significant enthusiasm from institutional investors for Bitcoin in particular. Thus, no less than 942 million dollars were allocated within a few days to Bitcoin ETFs. An unprecedented level not seen in many months, also marked by positive subscriptions returning at Grayscale.
An Institutional Tsunami on Bitcoin#bitcoin #bitcoinhalving #write2earn🌐💹

According to data, no less than 932 million dollars were reinvested last week in digital asset investment products. A massive influx of capital that follows the publication of a lower-than-expected US inflation figure for April.
This favorable statistic fed expectations of a potential upcoming monetary easing by the FED. A perspective that immediately triggered significant enthusiasm from institutional investors for Bitcoin in particular. Thus, no less than 942 million dollars were allocated within a few days to Bitcoin ETFs. An unprecedented level not seen in many months, also marked by positive subscriptions returning at Grayscale.
Bitcoin: Nearly 1 Billion Dollars in Inflows in One Week!#bitcoin #bitcoinhalving #BTC #write2earn🌐💹 Last week, investment products backed by digital assets such as Bitcoin saw nearly 1 billion dollars in net inflows. A massive influx driven by growing expectations of an impending relaxation of strict monetary conditions in the United States. A surge of optimism that quickly stimulated professional investors’ appetite for the crypto sector.$BTC $BNB
Bitcoin: Nearly 1 Billion Dollars in Inflows in One Week!#bitcoin #bitcoinhalving #BTC #write2earn🌐💹
Last week, investment products backed by digital assets such as Bitcoin saw nearly 1 billion dollars in net inflows. A massive influx driven by growing expectations of an impending relaxation of strict monetary conditions in the United States. A surge of optimism that quickly stimulated professional investors’ appetite for the crypto sector.$BTC $BNB
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