Binance Square
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@CRYPTOMECHANIC , lūdzu, sniegs kādu BTC analīzi. Mani 2 darījumi ir iestrēguši kopš 3 mēnešiem 😕
@CRYPTO MECHANIC , lūdzu, sniegs kādu BTC analīzi.

Mani 2 darījumi ir iestrēguši kopš 3 mēnešiem 😕
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pārbaudiet, vai pārsteidzošie darījumi, ko veica swing tirdzniecības karalis @Whale_Tracker , pirms ir pēc attēliem $SOL tirdzniecība tika slēgta pie 185.3…. Es aizmirsu saglabāt karti ar 185.3 ierakstu Lai kā es slavēju šo puisi, ar to nepietiks
Pārbaudiet, vai pārsteidzošie darījumi, ko veica swing tirdzniecības karalis @Whale Tracker , pirms ir pēc attēliem $SOL tirdzniecība tika slēgta pie 185.3…. Es aizmirsu saglabāt karti ar 185.3 ierakstu

Lai kā es slavēju šo puisi, ar to nepietiks
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Šeit ir mu tirdzniecības brauciens @Whale_Tracker uzraudzībā Es sazinājos ar viņu jau sen, aptuveni 2023. GADA NOVEMBRI. Viņš man pastāstīja par savu VIP grupu, un es teicu, labi, ka pievienošos, jo nē, jo es to nedarīju, tad atkal sazinājos ar viņu 2024. gada februārī un es pievienojos viņa VIP grupai marts līdz šim mans maks ir gandrīz dubultā, kā redzat, viņš darīja to pašu, ko solīja Lepojamies, ka esmu daļa no vaļu izsekotāju kopienas $BTC
Šeit ir mu tirdzniecības brauciens @Whale Tracker uzraudzībā

Es sazinājos ar viņu jau sen, aptuveni 2023. GADA NOVEMBRI. Viņš man pastāstīja par savu VIP grupu, un es teicu, labi, ka pievienošos, jo nē, jo es to nedarīju, tad atkal sazinājos ar viņu 2024. gada februārī un es pievienojos viņa VIP grupai marts līdz šim mans maks ir gandrīz dubultā, kā redzat, viņš darīja to pašu, ko solīja

Lepojamies, ka esmu daļa no vaļu izsekotāju kopienas $BTC
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$OM ir lācīgs…
$OM ir lācīgs…
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es tiešām šo ziņu
Es tiešām šo ziņu
Jūs zināt, kāpēc man patīk Binance Square pāri visiem citiem sociālajiem medijiem?

Jo vismaz šeit es neredzu, ka meitenes dejo. Es neredzu, ka zēni skūpstās. Sievietes ar plastisko ķirurģiju, botoksu un pildvielām. Vīrietis ar tetovējumiem, abs operāciju un steroīdu.

Man tie nav normāli. Tie ir nenormāli.

Nez kāpēc cilvēki domā, ka tādi ir visi bagātnieki un viņu dzīves biedri. Pilnīgi nepareizi. Nāciet uz Monako, jūs redzēsiet, ka īsti miljardieri sagaida, ka slavenības būs pieticīgākas un pazemīgākas.

Es nevaru minēt Dubaiju kā piemēru, atvainojiet, bet visur ir w*es. Es nekad neesmu redzējis nevienu kvalitāti starp viņiem, izņemot plastisko ķirurģiju. Es brīnos, kā viņi ir musulmaņu valsts, jo musulmaņi ir viena no pieticīgākajām kopienām, kādu esmu redzējis.

Taču, ja runājam par Dubaijas bagātajiem cilvēkiem, arī viņi ir ļoti pieticīgi.

Es varu salīdzināt Facebook ar Ņujorku un Binance Square ar Monako. Facebook jūs atradīsiet salauztus cilvēkus, kuri demonstrē savu viltus dzīvesveidu, kā mēs to redzam Ņujorkā. No otras puses, Binance laukumā jūs redzēsiet nopietnus cilvēkus, kuri vēlas mācīties, mācīt vai darīt kaut ko nopietnu, piemēram, Monako.

Jā, es zinu, ka šai platformai trūkst unikāla un kvalitatīva satura, taču dodiet tai nedaudz laika. Es uzskatu, ka tādi cilvēki kā mēs var padarīt šo vietu par labāku un drošāku nekā Facebook vai X.
Sol profit done with in 15 mints king of swing and scalping @Whale_Tracker Join our community and double your wallet If any one wants to join for 100% profitable premium signal write down in comment section And Follow whale tracker $SOL
Sol profit done with in 15 mints

king of swing and scalping @Whale Tracker

Join our community and double your wallet
If any one wants to join for 100% profitable premium signal write down in comment section
And Follow whale tracker $SOL
I missed booking profit after 3 days of signal But i waited as i was told by @Whale_Tracker and Today after more 3 days i booked profit. It took almost 6 days. $PEPE really tried my patience and I survived
I missed booking profit after 3 days of signal
But i waited as i was told by @Whale Tracker and Today after more 3 days i booked profit. It took almost 6 days.
$PEPE really tried my patience and I survived
Whale Tracker
Margin 5% only !
Use sl move technique or 100% profit to tp !
I suggest sl move
Retracement pull back !
Trading is nothing but Waiting game.. $PEPE $ARKM
Trading is nothing but Waiting game..
In the world of mean ppl there are few ppl who are really devoted to their work and students I recommend @Whale_Tracker Such a devoted and talented mentor he is… I am new to trading had 3 trades till now and got profit… He is amazing guy with brilliant skills of trading Thank you @Whale_Tracker for making me a part of your group and tolerating me
In the world of mean ppl there are few ppl who are really devoted to their work and students

I recommend @Whale Tracker

Such a devoted and talented mentor he is…

I am new to trading had 3 trades till now and got profit…

He is amazing guy with brilliant skills of trading

Thank you @Whale Tracker for making me a part of your group and tolerating me
Now a days market is down and dull Next Month Hope For The Best
Now a days market is down and dull
Next Month Hope For The Best
When is the next crypto bull run expected? If history is going to repeat itself, we will see a new Bitcoin bull run begin picking up steam sometime in 2024 and reach its peak in late 2025 Naturally, it's important to consider that Bitcoin's existence spans just a decade, resulting in a limited number of Bitcoin market cycles. Consequently, the market may begin to exhibit unpredictable patterns. In the table provided, it illustrates the last three significant surges in Bitcoin's value. Notably, during each of these periods, the lowest decline between the highest and lowest price of Bitcoin was at least 77%. Historically, it takes approximately four years for Bitcoin to reclaim its peak value after reaching its lowest point. 2013 BTC Bull Run $1,150 (December 2013) 2017 BTC Bull Run $19,900 (December 2018) 2017 BTC Bull Run $68,700 (November 2021)
When is the next crypto bull run expected?

If history is going to repeat itself, we will see a new Bitcoin bull run begin picking up steam sometime in 2024 and reach its peak in late 2025

Naturally, it's important to consider that Bitcoin's existence spans just a decade, resulting in a limited number of Bitcoin market cycles. Consequently, the market may begin to exhibit unpredictable patterns.

In the table provided, it illustrates the last three significant surges in Bitcoin's value. Notably, during each of these periods, the lowest decline between the highest and lowest price of Bitcoin was at least 77%. Historically, it takes approximately four years for Bitcoin to reclaim its peak value after reaching its lowest point.

2013 BTC Bull Run $1,150 (December 2013)

2017 BTC Bull Run $19,900 (December 2018)

2017 BTC Bull Run $68,700 (November 2021)
$BTC - vol calming down again it seems, momentum seems to point towards slight downside before more upside. Personally I think we got a few days left in this rally, and I'm really hoping to actually see the real rotation into all altcoins, making this a healthy bounce But after all, who knows what we get, this whole rally seems a bit odd with how the money is flowing in & out of BTC #BTC
- vol calming down again it seems, momentum seems to point towards slight downside before more upside.

Personally I think we got a few days left in this rally, and I'm really hoping to actually see the real rotation into all altcoins, making this a healthy bounce

But after all, who knows what we get, this whole rally seems a bit odd with how the money is flowing in & out of BTC
#BTC continues to follow this 6-year-long ascending channel. After breaching a downtrend of 2 years, we're now starting yet another ascend. I'm expecting 48k before the halving, but the real breakout to happen in May '24. 👇🏽
#BTC continues to follow this 6-year-long ascending channel.

After breaching a downtrend of 2 years, we're now starting yet another ascend.

I'm expecting 48k before the halving, but the real breakout to happen in May '24.

Is cyber bullish??? #BTC
Is cyber bullish???
#TRB is on fire What is next pump 125, 130, 140 $TRB
#TRB is on fire

What is next pump 125, 130, 140

Potential Scenarios For November #BTC 1. Highly optimistic scenario: Bitcoin sees an increase of 10-20%, with the potential to reach as high as $42,000. 2. Positive scenario: Bitcoin experiences a rise of 1-10%, potentially reaching up to $38,000. 3. Pessimistic scenario: Bitcoin falls by 10%, dropping to approximately $31,000. This would represent a 50% retracement of the October surge. 4. Extremely pessimistic scenario: Bitcoin sees a 20% decline, dropping to around $28,000. This would signify a complete retracement of the October surge, constituting a 100% decline.
Potential Scenarios For November

1. Highly optimistic scenario: Bitcoin sees an increase of 10-20%, with the potential to reach as high as $42,000.

2. Positive scenario: Bitcoin experiences a rise of 1-10%, potentially reaching up to $38,000.

3. Pessimistic scenario: Bitcoin falls by 10%, dropping to approximately $31,000. This would represent a 50% retracement of the October surge.

4. Extremely pessimistic scenario: Bitcoin sees a 20% decline, dropping to around $28,000. This would signify a complete retracement of the October surge, constituting a 100% decline.
November Outlook For Bitcoin Price: Another Pump Or Retrace? November has frequently emerged as a remarkable month for Bitcoin, as historical records suggest an impressive average price surge of 43%. Such a surge would potentially drive Bitcoin's value to approximately $48,000. However, given that October has already witnessed a substantial price uptick, one must ponder whether Bitcoin will sustain its bullish trajectory or if a reversal could be looming.November Monthly ReturnsHistorically, November has exhibited a strong bullish pattern for Bitcoin, with an average price increase of 43% over the years. If this trend continues in the current year, there's a possibility of Bitcoin reaching the $48,000 mark.Nonetheless, it's essential to acknowledge that this remarkably high average is heavily skewed by the exceptional 453% surge in 2013. If we omit this outlier, the average stabilizes at approximately 11.54%. This adjustment results in a more cautious prediction, suggesting a potential increase to approximately $38,000. Bitcoin monthly returns over the years.Delving further into the historical data, it becomes evident that in 8 out of the past 13 years, November witnessed price surges, making the possibility of another increase this month appear plausible. However, upon closer examination, it's worth noting that in 4 out of the last 5 Novembers, there was a decline in prices.#BTC

November Outlook For Bitcoin Price: Another Pump Or Retrace?

November has frequently emerged as a remarkable month for Bitcoin, as historical records suggest an impressive average price surge of 43%. Such a surge would potentially drive Bitcoin's value to approximately $48,000. However, given that October has already witnessed a substantial price uptick, one must ponder whether Bitcoin will sustain its bullish trajectory or if a reversal could be looming.November Monthly ReturnsHistorically, November has exhibited a strong bullish pattern for Bitcoin, with an average price increase of 43% over the years. If this trend continues in the current year, there's a possibility of Bitcoin reaching the $48,000 mark.Nonetheless, it's essential to acknowledge that this remarkably high average is heavily skewed by the exceptional 453% surge in 2013. If we omit this outlier, the average stabilizes at approximately 11.54%. This adjustment results in a more cautious prediction, suggesting a potential increase to approximately $38,000. Bitcoin monthly returns over the years.Delving further into the historical data, it becomes evident that in 8 out of the past 13 years, November witnessed price surges, making the possibility of another increase this month appear plausible. However, upon closer examination, it's worth noting that in 4 out of the last 5 Novembers, there was a decline in prices.#BTC
Bitcoin to Score 'Golden Cross' After 30% Price Surge in Two Weeks The forthcoming price pattern would signal a strengthening of bullish momentum.It's important to note that while these indicators are closely monitored by trend-following traders, they rely on historical data and do not consistently provide clear signals of bullish or bearish trends. Bitcoin has encountered nine golden crosses in its history, but three of these, which occurred on July 11, 2014, July 15, 2015, and February 19, 2020, were ultimately invalidated within three months by death crosses, leading to significant downtrends.A trader who maintained a long position for a year after the occurrence of the first two golden crosses, along with the one in May 2020, would have seen their investment grow by triple-digit percentages.Following the September 2021 golden cross, Bitcoin surged to an all-time high of $69,000 within a few weeks, only to almost completely erode those gains within three months, ultimately resulting in a death cross. The upcoming golden cross has the potential to align with its historical reputation, given the positive sentiment surrounding the possible launch of a U.S.-based spot exchange-traded fund (ETF), increased macroeconomic uncertainty, Bitcoin's rising attractiveness as a safe-haven asset, and the forthcoming halving of mining rewards in the next year.Golden cross indicates a bullish shift in long-term trend. (TradingView/CoinDesk) (TradingView/CoinDesk)According to an email from Toronto-based crypto platform FRNT Financial on Wednesday, halvings are considered to have a positive impact on BTC's price. They achieve this by diminishing the selling pressure from miners and slowing down the rate at which BTC's supply is expanded.#BTC

Bitcoin to Score 'Golden Cross' After 30% Price Surge in Two Weeks

The forthcoming price pattern would signal a strengthening of bullish momentum.It's important to note that while these indicators are closely monitored by trend-following traders, they rely on historical data and do not consistently provide clear signals of bullish or bearish trends. Bitcoin has encountered nine golden crosses in its history, but three of these, which occurred on July 11, 2014, July 15, 2015, and February 19, 2020, were ultimately invalidated within three months by death crosses, leading to significant downtrends.A trader who maintained a long position for a year after the occurrence of the first two golden crosses, along with the one in May 2020, would have seen their investment grow by triple-digit percentages.Following the September 2021 golden cross, Bitcoin surged to an all-time high of $69,000 within a few weeks, only to almost completely erode those gains within three months, ultimately resulting in a death cross. The upcoming golden cross has the potential to align with its historical reputation, given the positive sentiment surrounding the possible launch of a U.S.-based spot exchange-traded fund (ETF), increased macroeconomic uncertainty, Bitcoin's rising attractiveness as a safe-haven asset, and the forthcoming halving of mining rewards in the next year.Golden cross indicates a bullish shift in long-term trend. (TradingView/CoinDesk) (TradingView/CoinDesk)According to an email from Toronto-based crypto platform FRNT Financial on Wednesday, halvings are considered to have a positive impact on BTC's price. They achieve this by diminishing the selling pressure from miners and slowing down the rate at which BTC's supply is expanded.#BTC
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