Binance Square
I AM Pro trader 😎
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💎 Pagājušas simts dienas, vēl daudzas. Šobrīd mēs esam: Tirgus kapitalizācija (tirgus vāciņš): $1 097 349 445 (18 214,13 BTC) Reitings: #59 Visu laiku augstākais rādītājs (ATH): 0,0294 $ (550% virs visu laiku zemākā līmeņa) Tirgus ierobežojums ATH: 2,68 miljardi ASV dolāru Visu laiku zemākais līmenis (ATL): 0,00452 ASV dolāri Pašreizējā cena: -62,76% no ATH +138% no ATL Popularitāte vietnē Telegram: Kanāls notcoin ir Telegram kanālu top 5 ar auditoriju vairāk nekā 15 miljonu abonentu. Kopējais izņemtais ķēdē: Vairāk nekā 5 miljoni. Ķēdes turētāji: 2 612 117 📈 Tiekamies vēl pēc 100 dienām, un mēs salīdzināsim! $NOT $TON {future}(NOTUSDT)
💎 Pagājušas simts dienas, vēl daudzas. Šobrīd mēs esam:

Tirgus kapitalizācija (tirgus vāciņš):
$1 097 349 445 (18 214,13 BTC)


Visu laiku augstākais rādītājs (ATH):
0,0294 $ (550% virs visu laiku zemākā līmeņa)

Tirgus ierobežojums ATH:
2,68 miljardi ASV dolāru

Visu laiku zemākais līmenis (ATL):
0,00452 ASV dolāri

Pašreizējā cena:
-62,76% no ATH
+138% no ATL

Popularitāte vietnē Telegram:
Kanāls notcoin ir Telegram kanālu top 5 ar auditoriju vairāk nekā 15 miljonu abonentu.

Kopējais izņemtais ķēdē:
Vairāk nekā 5 miljoni.

Ķēdes turētāji:
2 612 117 📈

Tiekamies vēl pēc 100 dienām, un mēs salīdzināsim!

Skatīt oriģinālu
"#MarketDownturn Pašreizējo kriptovalūtu tirgus kritumu var saistīt ar vairākiem faktoriem, tostarp: - Globālā ekonomiskā nenoteiktība - Regulatīvā pārbaude - Pārvērtēšana un tirgus korekcija Lai gūtu labumu no lejupslīdes: - Dolāra izmaksu vidējā vērtība - Portfeļu dažādošana - Ieguldījums spēcīgos pamatos Padomi, kā saglabāt spēku: - Esiet informēts, nevis emocionāls - Ilgtermiņa perspektīva - Kopienas atbalsts Virzīsimies šajā tirgū kopā! Dalieties savās atziņās un stratēģijās!"

Pašreizējo kriptovalūtu tirgus kritumu var saistīt ar vairākiem faktoriem, tostarp:

- Globālā ekonomiskā nenoteiktība
- Regulatīvā pārbaude
- Pārvērtēšana un tirgus korekcija

Lai gūtu labumu no lejupslīdes:

- Dolāra izmaksu vidējā vērtība
- Portfeļu dažādošana
- Ieguldījums spēcīgos pamatos

Padomi, kā saglabāt spēku:

- Esiet informēts, nevis emocionāls
- Ilgtermiņa perspektīva
- Kopienas atbalsts

Virzīsimies šajā tirgū kopā! Dalieties savās atziņās un stratēģijās!"
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance Square Official
Ierakstiet par #MarketDownturn, lai laimētu līdz pat 1000 USDC!
Piedalieties mūsu #MarketDownturn kampaņā, lai iegūtu iespēju laimēt līdz pat 1000 USDC! Dalieties savās domās par kriptovalūtu tirgus kritumu, tā cēloņiem un savām stratēģijām, kā no tā gūt maksimālu labumu. Būsim stipri un virzīsimies šajā tirgū kopā!
Kampaņas periods: 2024-08-05 00:00 līdz 2024-08-11 23:59 (UTC)

Publicējiet savu ieskatu par kriptovalūtu tirgus kritumu, izmantojot Binance Square hashtag #MarketDownturn .
Analīze par to, kas izraisa tirgus kritumu;
Jūsu stratēģijas, lai gūtu labumu no lejupslīdes;

Padomi, kā saglabāt spēku un izturību tirgus svārstību laikā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
turēt vai aizvērt? Jebkurš $SOL {future}(SOLUSDT)
turēt vai aizvērt? Jebkurš
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
hold and close ? $ETH
hold and close ?
hold and close ? $ETH
hold and close ?
any suggestions ? $ETH $XRP
any suggestions ?
#TON is growing much faster than #Solana. The new crypto leader is on the way ☑️ Daily Active Addresses 3M change: $SOL + 17% $TON + 108% ☑️ Daily Transactions 3M change: $SOL + 23% $TON + 41% ☑️ TVL 3M change: $SOL -5.6% $TON +387% 💪
#TON is growing much faster than #Solana. The new crypto leader is on the way

☑️ Daily Active Addresses 3M change:
$SOL + 17%
$TON + 108%

☑️ Daily Transactions 3M change:
$SOL + 23%
$TON + 41%

☑️ TVL 3M change:
$SOL -5.6%
$TON +387% 💪
#AirdropGuide : Unlocking the Secrets of Crypto Airdrops In the realm of cryptocurrency, airdrops have become a popular way for projects to distribute tokens, reward communities, and generate buzz. But what exactly is a crypto airdrop, and how do they work? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of airdrops, exploring types, examples, and strategies for finding and participating in these exciting events. What is a Crypto Airdrop? A crypto airdrop is the distribution of free tokens or coins to a specific group of people, often as a promotional strategy. Airdrops can be used to: - Reward early adopters and loyal community members - Generate interest and buzz around a project - Distribute tokens to a wide audience, promoting decentralization - Encourage users to try out a new platform or service Types of Airdrops: 1. *Bounty Airdrops*: Reward users for completing specific tasks, such as social media sharing or content creation. 2. *Holder Airdrops*: Distribute tokens to existing holders of a specific cryptocurrency or token. 3. *Exclusive Airdrops*: Limited to specific groups, such as VIP members or community leaders. 4. *Surprise Airdrops*: Unannounced drops, often as a thank-you to the community. Real-Life Examples: - *EOS*: Distributed millions of tokens through a year-long airdrop, generating massive interest and growth. - *Uniswap*: Airdropped UNI tokens to liquidity providers, rewarding their contributions. - *Binance*: Conducted various airdrops, including a surprise drop of BNB tokens to users. Strategies for Finding and Participating in Airdrops: 1. *Follow Crypto News and Media*: Stay informed about upcoming airdrops through reputable sources. 2. *Join Crypto Communities*: Engage with project communities to stay updated on airdrop opportunities. 3. *Use Airdrop Calendars*: Utilize online calendars tracking upcoming airdrops. 4. *Set up Alerts*: Receive notifications from exchanges, wallets, or projects about airdrops. 5. *Research and Verify*: Always research the project and verify the airdrop's legitimacy before participating.
#AirdropGuide : Unlocking the Secrets of Crypto Airdrops

In the realm of cryptocurrency, airdrops have become a popular way for projects to distribute tokens, reward communities, and generate buzz. But what exactly is a crypto airdrop, and how do they work? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of airdrops, exploring types, examples, and strategies for finding and participating in these exciting events.

What is a Crypto Airdrop?

A crypto airdrop is the distribution of free tokens or coins to a specific group of people, often as a promotional strategy. Airdrops can be used to:

- Reward early adopters and loyal community members
- Generate interest and buzz around a project
- Distribute tokens to a wide audience, promoting decentralization
- Encourage users to try out a new platform or service

Types of Airdrops:

1. *Bounty Airdrops*: Reward users for completing specific tasks, such as social media sharing or content creation.
2. *Holder Airdrops*: Distribute tokens to existing holders of a specific cryptocurrency or token.
3. *Exclusive Airdrops*: Limited to specific groups, such as VIP members or community leaders.
4. *Surprise Airdrops*: Unannounced drops, often as a thank-you to the community.

Real-Life Examples:

- *EOS*: Distributed millions of tokens through a year-long airdrop, generating massive interest and growth.
- *Uniswap*: Airdropped UNI tokens to liquidity providers, rewarding their contributions.
- *Binance*: Conducted various airdrops, including a surprise drop of BNB tokens to users.

Strategies for Finding and Participating in Airdrops:

1. *Follow Crypto News and Media*: Stay informed about upcoming airdrops through reputable sources.
2. *Join Crypto Communities*: Engage with project communities to stay updated on airdrop opportunities.
3. *Use Airdrop Calendars*: Utilize online calendars tracking upcoming airdrops.
4. *Set up Alerts*: Receive notifications from exchanges, wallets, or projects about airdrops.
5. *Research and Verify*: Always research the project and verify the airdrop's legitimacy before participating.
#AirdropGuide#AirdropGuide : Unlocking the Secrets of Crypto Airdrops In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, airdrops have emerged as a popular strategy for projects to distribute tokens, foster community engagement, and generate excitement. But what exactly is a crypto airdrop, and how do they function? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the realm of airdrops, exploring their types, examples, and strategies for finding and participating in these coveted events. What is a Crypto Airdrop? A crypto airdrop is the free distribution of tokens or coins to a specific group of individuals, often as a promotional tactic. Airdrops aim to: - Reward early adopters and loyal community members - Generate buzz and interest in a project - Distribute tokens widely, promoting decentralization - Encourage users to explore new platforms or services Types of Airdrops: 1. *Bounty Airdrops*: Reward users for completing specific tasks, such as social media sharing or content creation. 2. *Holder Airdrops*: Distribute tokens to existing holders of a specific cryptocurrency or token. 3. *Exclusive Airdrops*: Limited to specific groups, like VIP members or community leaders. 4. *Surprise Airdrops*: Unannounced drops, often as a thank-you to the community. Real-Life Examples: - *EOS*: Distributed millions of tokens through a year-long airdrop, generating massive interest and growth. - *Uniswap*: Airdropped UNI tokens to liquidity providers, rewarding their contributions. - *Binance*: Conducted various airdrops, including a surprise drop of BNB tokens to users. Strategies for Finding and Participating in Airdrops: 1. *Follow Crypto News and Media*: Stay informed about upcoming airdrops through reputable sources. 2. *Join Crypto Communities*: Engage with project communities to stay updated on airdrop opportunities. 3. *Use Airdrop Calendars*: Utilize online calendars tracking upcoming airdrops. 4. *Set up Alerts*: Receive notifications from exchanges, wallets, or projects about airdrops. 5. *Research and Verify*: Always research the project and verify the airdrop's legitimacy before participating. Additional Tips: - *Stay Active*: Engage with projects and communities to increase chances of eligibility. - *Be Cautious*: Beware of phishing scams and never share personal information or private keys. - *Diversify*: Explore various airdrops to minimize risk and maximize potential gains. Conclusion: Crypto airdrops offer a unique way for projects to engage with their communities and distribute tokens. By understanding the different types of airdrops and strategies for finding and participating in them, you can unlock the secrets of this exciting aspect of the cryptocurrency world. Stay informed, stay engaged, and happy airdropping! $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT)


#AirdropGuide : Unlocking the Secrets of Crypto Airdrops

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, airdrops have emerged as a popular strategy for projects to distribute tokens, foster community engagement, and generate excitement. But what exactly is a crypto airdrop, and how do they function? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the realm of airdrops, exploring their types, examples, and strategies for finding and participating in these coveted events.

What is a Crypto Airdrop?

A crypto airdrop is the free distribution of tokens or coins to a specific group of individuals, often as a promotional tactic. Airdrops aim to:

- Reward early adopters and loyal community members
- Generate buzz and interest in a project
- Distribute tokens widely, promoting decentralization
- Encourage users to explore new platforms or services

Types of Airdrops:

1. *Bounty Airdrops*: Reward users for completing specific tasks, such as social media sharing or content creation.
2. *Holder Airdrops*: Distribute tokens to existing holders of a specific cryptocurrency or token.
3. *Exclusive Airdrops*: Limited to specific groups, like VIP members or community leaders.
4. *Surprise Airdrops*: Unannounced drops, often as a thank-you to the community.

Real-Life Examples:

- *EOS*: Distributed millions of tokens through a year-long airdrop, generating massive interest and growth.
- *Uniswap*: Airdropped UNI tokens to liquidity providers, rewarding their contributions.
- *Binance*: Conducted various airdrops, including a surprise drop of BNB tokens to users.

Strategies for Finding and Participating in Airdrops:

1. *Follow Crypto News and Media*: Stay informed about upcoming airdrops through reputable sources.
2. *Join Crypto Communities*: Engage with project communities to stay updated on airdrop opportunities.
3. *Use Airdrop Calendars*: Utilize online calendars tracking upcoming airdrops.
4. *Set up Alerts*: Receive notifications from exchanges, wallets, or projects about airdrops.
5. *Research and Verify*: Always research the project and verify the airdrop's legitimacy before participating.

Additional Tips:

- *Stay Active*: Engage with projects and communities to increase chances of eligibility.
- *Be Cautious*: Beware of phishing scams and never share personal information or private keys.
- *Diversify*: Explore various airdrops to minimize risk and maximize potential gains.


Crypto airdrops offer a unique way for projects to engage with their communities and distribute tokens. By understanding the different types of airdrops and strategies for finding and participating in them, you can unlock the secrets of this exciting aspect of the cryptocurrency world. Stay informed, stay engaged, and happy airdropping!

$NOTWow, that's impressive! Congratulations on your gains! It sounds like Notcoin is experiencing tremendous success, with a significant increase in value, massive trading volume, and widespread adoption through the Telegram mini app. The fact that it's built on TON's scalable blockchain technology is likely a key factor in its ability to support such growth. The impact on the community is also remarkable, with millions of people earning money through Notcoin and inspiring other similar projects. It's great to see a project that prioritizes serving the people and creating value for its users. Keep shining!


Wow, that's impressive! Congratulations on your gains!
It sounds like Notcoin is experiencing tremendous success, with a significant increase in value, massive trading volume, and widespread adoption through the Telegram mini app. The fact that it's built on TON's scalable blockchain technology is likely a key factor in its ability to support such growth.
The impact on the community is also remarkable, with millions of people earning money through Notcoin and inspiring other similar projects. It's great to see a project that prioritizes serving the people and creating value for its users.
Keep shining!
Wow, that's impressive! Congratulations on your gains! It sounds like Notcoin is experiencing tremendous success, with a significant increase in value, massive trading volume, and widespread adoption through the Telegram mini app. The fact that it's built on TON's scalable blockchain technology is likely a key factor in its ability to support such growth. The impact on the community is also remarkable, with millions of people earning money through Notcoin and inspiring other similar projects. It's great to see a project that prioritizes serving the people and creating value for its users. Keep shining! $BTC $ETH $NOT #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOTCOİN #NOTCOİN
Wow, that's impressive! Congratulations on your gains!

It sounds like Notcoin is experiencing tremendous success, with a significant increase in value, massive trading volume, and widespread adoption through the Telegram mini app. The fact that it's built on TON's scalable blockchain technology is likely a key factor in its ability to support such growth.

The impact on the community is also remarkable, with millions of people earning money through Notcoin and inspiring other similar projects. It's great to see a project that prioritizes serving the people and creating value for its users.

Keep shining!

$NOT💎 The $6 million worth of Notcoin donated to me 2 weeks ago has increased in price 4 times and is now valued at $24 million 📈 🚀 The daily trading volume of Notcoin reached $4 billion yesterday, making it one of the top 5 most-traded cryptocurrencies in the world 🏅 🪙 Millions of people earned money on Notcoin just by using a mini app in Telegram — and now they keep earning more. While the Notcoin mini app is accessed via Telegram, the Notcoin cryptocurrency is minted on TON — the only blockchain technology that is truly scalable and can support a new wave of super popular projects 🔋 💪 A month ago, Notcoin was the largest cryptocurrency community in the history of social media. Today, the Notcoin community is rivaled only by projects it inspired — similar mini apps on Telegram that are allowing tens of millions of users to benefit 🫰 🫡 We are proud to be the platform that serves the people. $BTC $ETH $NOT


💎 The $6 million worth of Notcoin donated to me 2 weeks ago has increased in price 4 times and is now valued at $24 million 📈

🚀 The daily trading volume of Notcoin reached $4 billion yesterday, making it one of the top 5 most-traded cryptocurrencies in the world 🏅

🪙 Millions of people earned money on Notcoin just by using a mini app in Telegram — and now they keep earning more. While the Notcoin mini app is accessed via Telegram, the Notcoin cryptocurrency is minted on TON — the only blockchain technology that is truly scalable and can support a new wave of super popular projects 🔋

💪 A month ago, Notcoin was the largest cryptocurrency community in the history of social media. Today, the Notcoin community is rivaled only by projects it inspired — similar mini apps on Telegram that are allowing tens of millions of users to benefit 🫰

🫡 We are proud to be the platform that serves the people.
💎 The $6 million worth of Notcoin donated to me 2 weeks ago has increased in price 4 times and is now valued at $24 million 📈 🚀 The daily trading volume of Notcoin reached $4 billion yesterday, making it one of the top 5 most-traded cryptocurrencies in the world 🏅 🪙 Millions of people earned money on Notcoin just by using a mini app in Telegram — and now they keep earning more. While the Notcoin mini app is accessed via Telegram, the Notcoin cryptocurrency is minted on TON — the only blockchain technology that is truly scalable and can support a new wave of super popular projects 🔋 💪 A month ago, Notcoin was the largest cryptocurrency community in the history of social media. Today, the Notcoin community is rivaled only by projects it inspired — similar mini apps on Telegram that are allowing tens of millions of users to benefit 🫰 🫡 We are proud to be the platform that serves the people. $BTC $ETH $NOT #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoin👀🔥
💎 The $6 million worth of Notcoin donated to me 2 weeks ago has increased in price 4 times and is now valued at $24 million 📈

🚀 The daily trading volume of Notcoin reached $4 billion yesterday, making it one of the top 5 most-traded cryptocurrencies in the world 🏅

🪙 Millions of people earned money on Notcoin just by using a mini app in Telegram — and now they keep earning more. While the Notcoin mini app is accessed via Telegram, the Notcoin cryptocurrency is minted on TON — the only blockchain technology that is truly scalable and can support a new wave of super popular projects 🔋

💪 A month ago, Notcoin was the largest cryptocurrency community in the history of social media. Today, the Notcoin community is rivaled only by projects it inspired — similar mini apps on Telegram that are allowing tens of millions of users to benefit 🫰

🫡 We are proud to be the platform that serves the people.


#Notcoin👀🔥 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoin👀🔥
Notcoin is not pumping for several reasons: 1. *Organic growth*: Notcoin focuses on genuine community building and organic growth, rather than relying on artificial hype and pumps. 2. *Sustainability*: The project prioritizes long-term sustainability over short-term gains, ensuring a stable and reliable ecosystem. 3. *Fairness*: Notcoin aims to maintain a fair and accessible environment, avoiding manipulative tactics that might benefit a select few at the expense of others. 4. *Community involvement*: The project encourages community participation, transparency, and feedback, fostering a collaborative and supportive ecosystem. 5. *Real use cases*: Notcoin concentrates on developing practical applications and use cases, adding tangible value to the project and its users. By avoiding pumping and focusing on organic growth, Notcoin builds a strong foundation for a decentralized and community-driven ecosystem. $BTC $ETH $NOT #Notcoin👀🔥
Notcoin is not pumping for several reasons:

1. *Organic growth*: Notcoin focuses on genuine community building and organic growth, rather than relying on artificial hype and pumps.
2. *Sustainability*: The project prioritizes long-term sustainability over short-term gains, ensuring a stable and reliable ecosystem.
3. *Fairness*: Notcoin aims to maintain a fair and accessible environment, avoiding manipulative tactics that might benefit a select few at the expense of others.
4. *Community involvement*: The project encourages community participation, transparency, and feedback, fostering a collaborative and supportive ecosystem.
5. *Real use cases*: Notcoin concentrates on developing practical applications and use cases, adding tangible value to the project and its users.

By avoiding pumping and focusing on organic growth, Notcoin builds a strong foundation for a decentralized and community-driven ecosystem.
58 balsis • Balsošana ir beigusies
no3.2 Not-Tokenomics Total supply 102,719,221,714 $NOT — Miners and vouchers 80,219,221,714 $NOT (78%) For 35M+ people who mined Notcoin and Vouchers holders. Notcoin Community is the main stakeholder, as we wanted it from the beginning. — New users and the next phases 22,500,000,000 $NOT (22%) This category is for the next 300 million new users, traders, listing campaigns and the further years of the Notcoin development. Thank you for the donations and all the bots that sponsored it with their balances <3 The exact distribution for the second category will be defined closer to the listing. and we will burn a lot, ofc. 💎 #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #NOTCOİN $NOT
no3.2 Not-Tokenomics

Total supply
102,719,221,714 $NOT

— Miners and vouchers
80,219,221,714 $NOT (78%)

For 35M+ people who mined Notcoin and Vouchers holders. Notcoin Community is the main stakeholder, as we wanted it from the beginning.

— New users and the next phases
22,500,000,000 $NOT (22%)

This category is for the next 300 million new users, traders, listing campaigns and the further years of the Notcoin development.
Thank you for the donations and all the bots that sponsored it with their balances <3
The exact distribution for the second category will be defined closer to the listing.

and we will burn a lot, ofc.

#Notcoin👀🔥 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #NOTCOİN
$NOT3.2 Not-Tokenomics Total supply 102,719,221,714 $NOT — Miners and vouchers 80,219,221,714 $NOT (78%) For 35M+ people who mined Notcoin and Vouchers holders. Notcoin Community is the main stakeholder, as we wanted it from the beginning. — New users and the next phases 22,500,000,000 $NOT (22%) This category is for the next 300 million new users, traders, listing campaigns and the further years of the Notcoin development. Thank you for the donations and all the bots that sponsored it with their balances <3 The exact distribution for the second category will be defined closer to the listing. and we will burn a lot, ofc. 💎 #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #NOTCOİN $NOT


3.2 Not-Tokenomics

Total supply
102,719,221,714 $NOT

— Miners and vouchers
80,219,221,714 $NOT (78%)

For 35M+ people who mined Notcoin and Vouchers holders. Notcoin Community is the main stakeholder, as we wanted it from the beginning.

— New users and the next phases
22,500,000,000 $NOT (22%)

This category is for the next 300 million new users, traders, listing campaigns and the further years of the Notcoin development.
Thank you for the donations and all the bots that sponsored it with their balances <3
The exact distribution for the second category will be defined closer to the listing.

and we will burn a lot, ofc.

#Notcoin👀🔥 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #NOTCOİN
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