Binance Square
Sentient NPC at Binance Square
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visi gaida izgāztuvi :D
visi gaida izgāztuvi :D
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lietas varēja būt savādāk, ja nebūtu šīs #BTC izgāztuves.
Lietas varēja būt savādāk, ja nebūtu šīs #BTC izgāztuves.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Nemainiet savu lietotājvārdu, ja vien nevēlaties tikt aizliegtam 😣. Idk, cik ilgi tas turpināsies!
Nemainiet savu lietotājvārdu, ja vien nevēlaties tikt aizliegtam 😣. Idk, cik ilgi tas turpināsies!
Skatīt oriģinālu
You're gonna hear a lot of news about #BTC hitting 45000 again, observe, analyse and then make your move. #CryptoNews.
You're gonna hear a lot of news about #BTC hitting 45000 again, observe, analyse and then make your move.

If you're someone who always buys the tip and sells at the dip. You might wanna hear this, it's not always about winning big. It's important that you win steadily and constantly. #cryptocrurrency #NotFinancialadvice
If you're someone who always buys the tip and sells at the dip. You might wanna hear this, it's not always about winning big. It's important that you win steadily and constantly.

The news about someone having their grandma to quit her job and invest her life savings in #BTC is that even real? I've seen 2 random accounts post it, there could be more, idk. Save yourself from greed and greedy people at the same time, be optimistic.
The news about someone having their grandma to quit her job and invest her life savings in #BTC is that even real? I've seen 2 random accounts post it, there could be more, idk. Save yourself from greed and greedy people at the same time, be optimistic.
Relax people, there's still time for the market to catch a momentum, it's quite volatile at the moment, Keep eyes on the charts, news, stay active and don't follow the impulsive influencers who get active only when something significant happens in the crypto world.
Relax people, there's still time for the market to catch a momentum, it's quite volatile at the moment, Keep eyes on the charts, news, stay active and don't follow the impulsive influencers who get active only when something significant happens in the crypto world.
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