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Airdrop Allert : SmartLayer 🚀 Explore the SmartLayer Airdrop: Your Second Opportunity Post AltLayer! 🌐 If you missed out on AltLayer's thrilling airdrop, don't worry—SmartLayer is offering you a second chance to join the excitement! 🚀 What makes SmartLayer stand out? Drawing from lessons learned from AltLayer, SmartLayer is set to transform the crypto space. With cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions, it aims to make a distinctive impact on the blockchain ecosystem. This airdrop isn't just about tokens; it's your chance to support the next big thing in crypto. How to Get Involved: Follow this link ( ) to access the SmartLayer airdrop. Eligibility involves completing various tasks, such as following SmartLayer on social media, joining community channels, or spreading the word to your network. Make sure to complete all tasks to maximize your potential rewards. Success Tips: 1. Verify Official Links: Protect yourself from scams by using only the official SmartLayer links. 2. Act Promptly: Airdrop slots are limited, so act quickly to secure your spot. 3. Stay Informed: Join SmartLayer's official channels for updates and additional tasks. Stay ahead and delve into the project's progress. In Conclusion: Missing one airdrop doesn't mean missing them all. The SmartLayer airdrop is your opportunity to be part of a groundbreaking project. Use this link ( ), complete tasks, and position yourself for potential success with SmartLayer! 🌟 #SmartLayer #Airdrop #ALT #BTC  #MANTA  $ALT  $MANTA

Airdrop Allert : SmartLayer

🚀 Explore the SmartLayer Airdrop: Your Second Opportunity Post AltLayer! 🌐

If you missed out on AltLayer's thrilling airdrop, don't worry—SmartLayer is offering you a second chance to join the excitement! 🚀

What makes SmartLayer stand out? Drawing from lessons learned from AltLayer, SmartLayer is set to transform the crypto space. With cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions, it aims to make a distinctive impact on the blockchain ecosystem. This airdrop isn't just about tokens; it's your chance to support the next big thing in crypto.

How to Get Involved:
Follow this link ( ) to access the SmartLayer airdrop. Eligibility involves completing various tasks, such as following SmartLayer on social media, joining community channels, or spreading the word to your network. Make sure to complete all tasks to maximize your potential rewards.

Success Tips:
1. Verify Official Links: Protect yourself from scams by using only the official SmartLayer links.
2. Act Promptly: Airdrop slots are limited, so act quickly to secure your spot.
3. Stay Informed: Join SmartLayer's official channels for updates and additional tasks. Stay ahead and delve into the project's progress.

In Conclusion:
Missing one airdrop doesn't mean missing them all. The SmartLayer airdrop is your opportunity to be part of a groundbreaking project. Use this link ( ), complete tasks, and position yourself for potential success with SmartLayer! 🌟 #SmartLayer #Airdrop
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pelniet naudu bez ieguldījumiemVai vēlaties nopelnīt lielisku naudu, neieguldot naudu? Esmu redzējis, ka daudzi cilvēki man prasa naudas pelnīšanas padomus. ICE ir tas, ko tagad varu ieteikt! Plānots, ka monēta drīzumā tiks iekļauta sarakstā. Pirms dažiem mēnešiem es biju starp šī projekta pirmajiem kalnračiem, un es priecājos, ka tajā kaut kas veidojas. Esi daļa no manas komandas, kas iegūst ICE 👉 Tiem, kam ir ledus monētas, Ledus sadales process👇 Lai nodrošinātu godīgu un vienlīdzīgu izplatīšanas procesu, esam noteikuši īpašas prasības lietotājiem, lai saņemtu ICE monētas. Lai varētu saņemt ledus monētu izplatīšanu, lietotājiem ir jāatbilst šādiem kritērijiem:

Pelniet naudu bez ieguldījumiem

Vai vēlaties nopelnīt lielisku naudu, neieguldot naudu?

Esmu redzējis, ka daudzi cilvēki man prasa naudas pelnīšanas padomus.

ICE ir tas, ko tagad varu ieteikt!

Plānots, ka monēta drīzumā tiks iekļauta sarakstā.

Pirms dažiem mēnešiem es biju starp šī projekta pirmajiem kalnračiem, un es priecājos, ka tajā kaut kas veidojas.

Esi daļa no manas komandas, kas iegūst ICE 👉

Tiem, kam ir ledus monētas, Ledus sadales process👇

Lai nodrošinātu godīgu un vienlīdzīgu izplatīšanas procesu, esam noteikuši īpašas prasības lietotājiem, lai saņemtu ICE monētas. Lai varētu saņemt ledus monētu izplatīšanu, lietotājiem ir jāatbilst šādiem kritērijiem:
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bezmaksas Airdrop — varonis X.To var izdarīt bez maksas, un to nevajadzētu izlaist. 1. Dodieties uz savu PlayStore vai Apple veikalu un instalējiet Character X. 2. Reģistrējieties ar savu e-pastu un izmantojiet ielūguma kodu: MANS kods: DOO4JH Pēc tam noklikšķiniet uz "Tālāk" 3. Dodieties uz "Airdrop" Izpildiet tālāk norādītās darbības un pievienojieties uzdevumiem, lai pieprasītu CX marķieri — CXT. 4. Atveriet sadaļu "Nopelnīt" "Pieprasīt bezmaksas CXC" + Pabeidziet paziņošanas uzdevumu un pieprasiet punktu. + Noklikšķiniet uz "Sākt", kur redzat AI aprēķinu. Turpiniet pieskarties pogai Pieskarieties, lai sāktu. Jo vairāk pieskarsities, jo vairāk punktu skaits palielinās. + Dodieties uz "Ikdienas reģistrēšanās" un pieprasiet punktus par reģistrēšanos.

Bezmaksas Airdrop — varonis X.

To var izdarīt bez maksas, un to nevajadzētu izlaist.

1. Dodieties uz savu PlayStore vai Apple veikalu un instalējiet Character X.

2. Reģistrējieties ar savu e-pastu un izmantojiet ielūguma kodu:


Pēc tam noklikšķiniet uz "Tālāk"

3. Dodieties uz "Airdrop" Izpildiet tālāk norādītās darbības un pievienojieties uzdevumiem, lai pieprasītu CX marķieri — CXT.

4. Atveriet sadaļu "Nopelnīt"

"Pieprasīt bezmaksas CXC"

+ Pabeidziet paziņošanas uzdevumu un pieprasiet punktu.

+ Noklikšķiniet uz "Sākt", kur redzat AI aprēķinu.

Turpiniet pieskarties pogai Pieskarieties, lai sāktu.

Jo vairāk pieskarsities, jo vairāk punktu skaits palielinās.

+ Dodieties uz "Ikdienas reģistrēšanās" un pieprasiet punktus par reģistrēšanos.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Xraders Genesis Airdrop📌 Airdrop beigsies 2024. gada 31. martā. 📌 Tirdzniecība sākas 2024. gada aprīlī. Kas ir Xraders? Xraders ir augšup un lejup vērsta platforma, kas ļauj lietotājiem prognozēt Bitcoin cenu, lai nopelnītu XR žetonus kā atlīdzību. Šī platforma ir ieviesusi to, ko viņi sauc par Genesis Airdrop, kas ļauj ikvienam nopelnīt bezmaksas XR marķieri, izmantojot Airdrop, līdz 2024. gada 31. martam, pirms marķieris tiks iekļauts augstākā līmeņa biržās līdz 2024. gada aprīlim. Kā nopelnīt bezmaksas XR? 1. Lejupielādējiet Coinlive, izmantojot vietni 2. Reģistrējoties pārliecinieties, vai jūsu ielūguma kods parāda 3RePlcWFbr

Xraders Genesis Airdrop

📌 Airdrop beigsies 2024. gada 31. martā.

📌 Tirdzniecība sākas 2024. gada aprīlī.

Kas ir Xraders?

Xraders ir augšup un lejup vērsta platforma, kas ļauj lietotājiem prognozēt Bitcoin cenu, lai nopelnītu XR žetonus kā atlīdzību.

Šī platforma ir ieviesusi to, ko viņi sauc par Genesis Airdrop, kas ļauj ikvienam nopelnīt bezmaksas XR marķieri, izmantojot Airdrop, līdz 2024. gada 31. martam, pirms marķieris tiks iekļauts augstākā līmeņa biržās līdz 2024. gada aprīlim.

Kā nopelnīt bezmaksas XR?

1. Lejupielādējiet Coinlive, izmantojot vietni

2. Reģistrējoties pārliecinieties, vai jūsu ielūguma kods parāda 3RePlcWFbr
Skatīt oriģinālu
Eagle Mining mobilajās ierīcēs #BTCLEJUPIELĀDĒJIET lietotni Eagle Mining vietnē Playstore vai Apple Store un izmantojiet tālāk norādīto novirzīšanas kodu 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 {{airdrophunter46}}, lai saņemtu 10 egomonotas Lielapjoma #Miners (Iesniedziet TIKAI veikala e-pastu) Atruna:🗣🗣Veiciniet mūsu misiju: ​​padomi specializētam pakalpojumam. 🗣🗣 👉Lietotāji tiek aicināti atbalstīt misiju, piedāvājot dāsnus padomus.🗣 Tas ļauj radītājiem strādāt vēl vairāk, nodrošinot nepārtrauktu augstākās klases ieguldījumu konsultāciju sniegšanu. KAS IR KOMANDAS RAŽŅI Komandas kalnrači ir kalnrači, kuri nav un nekad nav maksājuši par lielapjoma jaudas palielināšanas bilanci. Komandas ogļrači veic ieguvi bez maksas un nākamreiz izstāsies pēc beztaras kalnračiem

Eagle Mining mobilajās ierīcēs

#BTCLEJUPIELĀDĒJIET lietotni Eagle Mining vietnē Playstore vai Apple Store un izmantojiet tālāk norādīto novirzīšanas kodu 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
{{airdrophunter46}}, lai saņemtu 10 egomonotas
Lielapjoma #Miners
(Iesniedziet TIKAI veikala e-pastu)
Atruna:🗣🗣Veiciniet mūsu misiju: ​​padomi specializētam pakalpojumam. 🗣🗣
👉Lietotāji tiek aicināti atbalstīt misiju, piedāvājot dāsnus padomus.🗣
Tas ļauj radītājiem strādāt vēl vairāk, nodrošinot nepārtrauktu augstākās klases ieguldījumu konsultāciju sniegšanu.

Komandas kalnrači ir kalnrači, kuri nav un nekad nav maksājuši par lielapjoma jaudas palielināšanas bilanci. Komandas ogļrači veic ieguvi bez maksas un nākamreiz izstāsies pēc beztaras kalnračiem
Highly Potential Free  Mobile Mining Apps 2024…In 2024 it seems that Free Mobile Mining Apps are in to Up their Game Massively… Most are preparing for mainnet Launch,Airdrop or token Distributions ….these are just Free ways to earn a few bucks while your gadget is at work for you.. ICE NETWORK Recently Announced that token Distribution will Take place with One CEX exclusivity Listing  from 19th January, Huge Community with over 1.7 million users… join ICE Network through AVIVE NETWORK   Already listed in one CEX , with the price of $0.057, Mining is continuing…Join with below Code to additional Soul power azgu0m OVER NETWORK The OverWallet will assist you in onboarding onto the Over Protocol. Engage in daily missions to become Supernormal. log in Daily,  complete Missions & earn OVer points… planing to launch mainnet in Mid 2024, after Mainnet, Over points will Convert in to Over tokens… use BLOCK NETWORK  is the latest Mining App which gives it users with $BLOCK Tokens +Matic Coins  New Users will be welcomed with  bonus 2000 BLCK tokens + 0.02 Matic  you can join with below link & each Refferal will be rewarded too ..

Highly Potential Free  Mobile Mining Apps 2024…

In 2024 it seems that Free Mobile Mining Apps are in to Up their Game Massively…

Most are preparing for mainnet Launch,Airdrop or token Distributions ….these are just Free ways to earn a few bucks while your gadget is at work for you..

Recently Announced that token Distribution will Take place with One CEX exclusivity Listing  from 19th January, Huge Community with over 1.7 million users…
join ICE Network through

Already listed in one CEX , with the price of $0.057, Mining is continuing…Join with below Code to additional Soul power azgu0m

The OverWallet will assist you in onboarding onto the Over Protocol. Engage in daily missions to become Supernormal.
log in Daily,  complete Missions & earn OVer points…
planing to launch mainnet in Mid 2024, after Mainnet, Over points will Convert in to Over tokens…

is the latest Mining App which gives it users with $BLOCK Tokens +Matic Coins 
New Users will be welcomed with  bonus 2000 BLCK tokens + 0.02 Matic 
you can join with below link & each Refferal will be rewarded too ..
2024 DON'T MISS THIS…LET'S DO THIS AGAIN FOR  2024 …🟢2024 DON'T MISS THIS… LET'S DO THIS AGAIN FOR  2024 … 🔴 2013 - You Missed $BTC 🔴 2014 - You Missed $DOGE 🔴 2015 - You Missed $XRP 🔴 2016 - You Missed $ETH 🔴 2017 - You Missed $ADA 🔴 2018 - You Missed $BNB 🔴 2019 - You Missed $LINK 🔴 2020 - You Missed $DOT 🔴 2021 - You Missed $SHIB 🔴 2023 - You Missed $PEPE  🟢 2024  Don't Miss $XV TOKEN… MY Prediction is not To Miss $XV Token in 2024.. With its Killer Utilities…1000x 💎  *Decentralized SocialFi WebXV  *TG Sniper Trading Bot XVBOT  *GameFi PeakXV  Feel Free to add your Prediction in the Comments.. Every one entitled to Predict their Dream BAG to be the next Moon shot in 2024....



🔴 2013 - You Missed $BTC
🔴 2014 - You Missed $DOGE
🔴 2015 - You Missed $XRP
🔴 2016 - You Missed $ETH
🔴 2017 - You Missed $ADA
🔴 2018 - You Missed $BNB
🔴 2019 - You Missed $LINK
🔴 2020 - You Missed $DOT
🔴 2021 - You Missed $SHIB
🔴 2023 - You Missed $PEPE 
🟢 2024  Don't Miss $XV TOKEN…

MY Prediction is not To Miss $XV Token in 2024..
With its Killer Utilities…1000x 💎 
*Decentralized SocialFi WebXV 
*TG Sniper Trading Bot XVBOT 
*GameFi PeakXV 

Feel Free to add your Prediction in the Comments..
Every one entitled to Predict their Dream BAG to be the next Moon shot in 2024....
Celestia Network: TIA Staking Strategies and How to Position for 5-Figure AirdropsAfter its airdrop and staking TIA became a good means to get airdrops, Celestia became the star of the modular network in late 2023. Due to the lack of information around Celestia and the airdrop prior to the debut, many individuals failed to notice this chain. On the other hand, Celestia Network is just the latest example of how unexpected jewels may shock the market in the lightning-fast world of cryptocurrency. Everything You Missed About the Celestia (TIA) Airdrop The announcement of an airdrop eligible site thrust Celestia network into the spotlight, something it had hitherto avoided. individuals didn't care to verify whether they were qualified for an airdrop since they didn't think it mattered; as a result, the team had to extend the deadline so that more individuals could claim their airdrops. Because there were so many unclaimed airdrops after the claim period ended, the team had to redistribute them all to the wallets that had claimed them, thus doubling the allotment for eligible wallets. After the airdrop, the team put all of their energy into making their chain useful, which caused the price of TIA to explode due to the increasing demand for the chain and its token. Access to Data and Its Scalability: A TIA Utility In terms of data availability and scalability, Celestia is really helpful, and it lays the groundwork for future chains to build upon. The Celestia team stood out from the competition because to its unique approach, relationships, and emphasis on practicality. Learn everything about Celestia's inner workings, its revolutionary airdrop method, and how to stake TIA to get unique airdrops and big prizes in this comprehensive tutorial. Celestia veered off the beaten road, unlike many other programs that fail after an airdrop. The platform was further developed by the team, greatly improving the Celestia chain. The native token, TIA, saw its price rise as a result of increased demand for this utility, which prioritizes data availability and scalability. Network Collaborations with Celestia (TIA) Among the many chain rollups with whom Celestia has collaborated is the Manta network, which, like Celestia, has combined calamari and EVM network utilities. Improvements in scalability and data availability via collaboration with Celestia drove increasing demand for Celestia (TIA). Network Airdrop Distribution for Celestia (TIA) The market was unprepared for Celestia's new approach to TIA airdrop distribution. In order to disperse its airdrop, Celestia had to reward all EVM users. This was in addition to its incentivized node running activities, which were designed to attract more participants in its ecosystem exploration. You may have won the TIA airdrop if you were active in the EVM chain. In order to better understand this ever-changing scene, let's go into the specifics of TIA staking, the influence of Celestia on the cryptocurrency market, and the wider consequences for investors. Why You Should Bet on TIA Staking TIA is a multi-pronged investment strategy that takes use of the Celestia platform's promising future, a potentially lucrative airdrop, and an appealing Annual Percentage Rate (APR). When considering TIA staking, investors are enticed by the attractive annual percentage rate (APR), which often surpasses 10%. Keep keep mind that the staking payouts are heavily dependent on the validator choice. The appeal of TIA staking is growing in relation to the Celestia platform's ongoing innovation and rising significance. Improvements in scalability and data availability are priorities for Celestia. As a result, TIA's demand has skyrocketed, further establishing its value as a crypto market commodity. With its revolutionary features and one-of-a-kind practical applications, Celestia has quickly become a leading blockchain platform. Therefore, using TIA stakers is a great way for any new chain to attract attention while launching and conducting an airdrop. The connection of TIA brings legitimacy and attention to initiatives built on the Celestia platform, which is especially true in this case. The fact that TIA is linked to initiatives like Dymension, where TIA stakeholders were eligible for airdrops, shows that more and more projects are using TIA stakeholders to boost their credibility and visibility. The prospect of more airdrops aimed at TIA stakeholders is growing as the number of initiatives within the Celestia chain ecosystem grows. It is important to note that the crypto market is always evolving, even if our research provides insight into the possible advantages of TIA staking. So, to make educated judgments, those thinking of TIA staking should study the market well and keep themselves updated. Markets for the Purchase of Celestia (TIA) There are a number of well-known exchanges where TIA is traded, so anybody interested in getting some may do so. You can easily buy TIA on platforms like Binance, Kucoin, OKX, and Bybit. The Celestial Being Get yourself a Keplr wallet; it's an essential part of staking. If you want to safely manage and stake TIA, you need the Keplr wallet. Users may secure their keys, create a new wallet using the seed phrase, and download the wallet. Due to the direct correlation between the safety of one's stored TIA holdings and the security of one's Keplr wallet, safeguarding access to one's crypto assets is of the utmost significance. A Guide to Obtaining Your TIA Wallet URL To get your TIA address, visit your Keplr wallet. Simply type TIA into the search box to acquire it. If it's not already accessible, you'll need to make it so. Press the hamburger icon in the upper left corner: TIA Enter TIA, turn it on, and then save changes by clicking on Manage Chain Visibility: Cleopatra 2 Note that the TIA address should begin with "Celestia," so make a note of it and copy it from your wallet's dashboard. Send TIA to the address provided by your cryptocurrency exchange. The cryptocurrency TIA is accessible on all the main exchanges, and getting your hands on it is easy. The possibility of bridging to different Cosmos chains is also available to users; for example, they may convert INJ from the Injective chain to TIA or ATOM from the Cosmos chain. Staking TIA follows when it is safely stored in the Keplr wallet. Users may stake their TIA in accordance with their preferences by accessing the Celestia Staking dashboard on Keplr. It is advisable to choose a validator that provides a substantial reward percentage. Users should make preparations ahead of time since unstaking TIA requires a 21-day processing period. Safeguard Your Frayed TIA Anyone planning to stake TIA must ensure they have a Keplr wallet. In order to manage and stake TIA securely, users must download the wallet, create a new wallet using a seed phrase they have stored, and protect their private keys appropriately. Do not ever leave your seed phrase in an easily accessible online location. It is important that you keep your seed phrase private. To ensure no one else can access your seed phrase, write it down on paper and put it somewhere secure. $TIA

Celestia Network: TIA Staking Strategies and How to Position for 5-Figure Airdrops

After its airdrop and staking TIA became a good means to get airdrops, Celestia became the star of the modular network in late 2023. Due to the lack of information around Celestia and the airdrop prior to the debut, many individuals failed to notice this chain. On the other hand, Celestia Network is just the latest example of how unexpected jewels may shock the market in the lightning-fast world of cryptocurrency.
Everything You Missed About the Celestia (TIA) Airdrop
The announcement of an airdrop eligible site thrust Celestia network into the spotlight, something it had hitherto avoided. individuals didn't care to verify whether they were qualified for an airdrop since they didn't think it mattered; as a result, the team had to extend the deadline so that more individuals could claim their airdrops.
Because there were so many unclaimed airdrops after the claim period ended, the team had to redistribute them all to the wallets that had claimed them, thus doubling the allotment for eligible wallets.
After the airdrop, the team put all of their energy into making their chain useful, which caused the price of TIA to explode due to the increasing demand for the chain and its token.
Access to Data and Its Scalability: A TIA Utility
In terms of data availability and scalability, Celestia is really helpful, and it lays the groundwork for future chains to build upon. The Celestia team stood out from the competition because to its unique approach, relationships, and emphasis on practicality.
Learn everything about Celestia's inner workings, its revolutionary airdrop method, and how to stake TIA to get unique airdrops and big prizes in this comprehensive tutorial.
Celestia veered off the beaten road, unlike many other programs that fail after an airdrop. The platform was further developed by the team, greatly improving the Celestia chain. The native token, TIA, saw its price rise as a result of increased demand for this utility, which prioritizes data availability and scalability.
Network Collaborations with Celestia (TIA)
Among the many chain rollups with whom Celestia has collaborated is the Manta network, which, like Celestia, has combined calamari and EVM network utilities. Improvements in scalability and data availability via collaboration with Celestia drove increasing demand for Celestia (TIA).
Network Airdrop Distribution for Celestia (TIA)
The market was unprepared for Celestia's new approach to TIA airdrop distribution. In order to disperse its airdrop, Celestia had to reward all EVM users. This was in addition to its incentivized node running activities, which were designed to attract more participants in its ecosystem exploration. You may have won the TIA airdrop if you were active in the EVM chain.
In order to better understand this ever-changing scene, let's go into the specifics of TIA staking, the influence of Celestia on the cryptocurrency market, and the wider consequences for investors.
Why You Should Bet on TIA
Staking TIA is a multi-pronged investment strategy that takes use of the Celestia platform's promising future, a potentially lucrative airdrop, and an appealing Annual Percentage Rate (APR). When considering TIA staking, investors are enticed by the attractive annual percentage rate (APR), which often surpasses 10%.
Keep keep mind that the staking payouts are heavily dependent on the validator choice. The appeal of TIA staking is growing in relation to the Celestia platform's ongoing innovation and rising significance.
Improvements in scalability and data availability are priorities for Celestia. As a result, TIA's demand has skyrocketed, further establishing its value as a crypto market commodity.
With its revolutionary features and one-of-a-kind practical applications, Celestia has quickly become a leading blockchain platform. Therefore, using TIA stakers is a great way for any new chain to attract attention while launching and conducting an airdrop. The connection of TIA brings legitimacy and attention to initiatives built on the Celestia platform, which is especially true in this case.
The fact that TIA is linked to initiatives like Dymension, where TIA stakeholders were eligible for airdrops, shows that more and more projects are using TIA stakeholders to boost their credibility and visibility. The prospect of more airdrops aimed at TIA stakeholders is growing as the number of initiatives within the Celestia chain ecosystem grows.
It is important to note that the crypto market is always evolving, even if our research provides insight into the possible advantages of TIA staking. So, to make educated judgments, those thinking of TIA staking should study the market well and keep themselves updated.
Markets for the Purchase of Celestia (TIA)

There are a number of well-known exchanges where TIA is traded, so anybody interested in getting some may do so. You can easily buy TIA on platforms like Binance, Kucoin, OKX, and Bybit.
The Celestial Being
Get yourself a Keplr wallet; it's an essential part of staking. If you want to safely manage and stake TIA, you need the Keplr wallet. Users may secure their keys, create a new wallet using the seed phrase, and download the wallet. Due to the direct correlation between the safety of one's stored TIA holdings and the security of one's Keplr wallet, safeguarding access to one's crypto assets is of the utmost significance.
A Guide to Obtaining Your TIA Wallet URL
To get your TIA address, visit your Keplr wallet. Simply type TIA into the search box to acquire it. If it's not already accessible, you'll need to make it so.
Press the hamburger icon in the upper left corner:

Enter TIA, turn it on, and then save changes by clicking on Manage Chain Visibility:

Cleopatra 2
Note that the TIA address should begin with "Celestia," so make a note of it and copy it from your wallet's dashboard. Send TIA to the address provided by your cryptocurrency exchange.
The cryptocurrency TIA is accessible on all the main exchanges, and getting your hands on it is easy. The possibility of bridging to different Cosmos chains is also available to users; for example, they may convert INJ from the Injective chain to TIA or ATOM from the Cosmos chain.

Staking TIA follows when it is safely stored in the Keplr wallet. Users may stake their TIA in accordance with their preferences by accessing the Celestia Staking dashboard on Keplr. It is advisable to choose a validator that provides a substantial reward percentage.
Users should make preparations ahead of time since unstaking TIA requires a 21-day processing period.
Safeguard Your Frayed TIA
Anyone planning to stake TIA must ensure they have a Keplr wallet. In order to manage and stake TIA securely, users must download the wallet, create a new wallet using a seed phrase they have stored, and protect their private keys appropriately.
Do not ever leave your seed phrase in an easily accessible online location. It is important that you keep your seed phrase private. To ensure no one else can access your seed phrase, write it down on paper and put it somewhere secure.

Fantom Reduces Validator Requirement to 50k FTM, Prioritizes DecentralizationFantom Network has significantly lowered the threshold for validators, reducing the required assets for a self-staking node from 500,000 FTM to 50,000 FTM. The company announced this change on social media, emphasizing the move's impact on decentralization and the network's overall accessibility. By reducing the requirements for node operators, Fantom aims to enhance its decentralized ecosystem and protect against potential malicious attacks. The company believes that increasing the number of validators running the network makes it more challenging for malicious actors to launch an attack. Unlike Ethereum, Fantom Network employs a system where validators confirm and bundle transactions before sending them to others for agreement. With more validators, transactions can reach consensus faster, addressing concerns about slow and clustered systems. Fantom Network is striving to position itself as a future-proof decentralized network, aiming to prevent a concentration of power in the hands of a few validators. The platform anticipates that new validators will be able to join and contribute significantly to the network, with larger validators projected to handle the majority of transactions to ensure stability. Additionally, the company has dismissed concerns about a downgrade in onboarding new validators, stating that performance will not be affected by the new development. The cost of becoming a validator has now dropped to approximately $25,000, with FTM trading at $0.40 at the time of the announcement. $FTM

Fantom Reduces Validator Requirement to 50k FTM, Prioritizes Decentralization

Fantom Network has significantly lowered the threshold for validators, reducing the required assets for a self-staking node from 500,000 FTM to 50,000 FTM. The company announced this change on social media, emphasizing the move's impact on decentralization and the network's overall accessibility.
By reducing the requirements for node operators, Fantom aims to enhance its decentralized ecosystem and protect against potential malicious attacks. The company believes that increasing the number of validators running the network makes it more challenging for malicious actors to launch an attack.
Unlike Ethereum, Fantom Network employs a system where validators confirm and bundle transactions before sending them to others for agreement. With more validators, transactions can reach consensus faster, addressing concerns about slow and clustered systems.
Fantom Network is striving to position itself as a future-proof decentralized network, aiming to prevent a concentration of power in the hands of a few validators. The platform anticipates that new validators will be able to join and contribute significantly to the network, with larger validators projected to handle the majority of transactions to ensure stability.
Additionally, the company has dismissed concerns about a downgrade in onboarding new validators, stating that performance will not be affected by the new development. The cost of becoming a validator has now dropped to approximately $25,000, with FTM trading at $0.40 at the time of the announcement.
Binance Web3 Airdrop (MAV)The airdrops which boost your portfolio . Binance has announced another address for binance users . Airdrop - MAV coin. All users have to swap at least 10 dollar in binance Web3 wallet & each qualified users earn 30 dollars worth of MAV coin in their wallet. Are you ready to claim this airdrop. Let me know in comment below. . #MAV  #BTC  $MAV

Binance Web3 Airdrop (MAV)

The airdrops which boost your portfolio .

Binance has announced another address for binance users .

Airdrop - MAV coin.

All users have to swap at least 10 dollar in binance Web3 wallet & each qualified users earn 30 dollars worth of MAV coin in their wallet.

Are you ready to claim this airdrop.
Let me know in comment below. .

Feeles Trasnaction Coin: XNOProject: Nano (XNO). XNO makes the crypto earning easier by using a breakthrough tech that allows you to manage it on your phone. The Coin- Nano, a cryptocurrency designed for fast and feeless transactions, stands out in the crypto space due to its unique technology. Launched in 2015 as RaiBlocks, it was later rebranded to Nano in 2018. At the core of Nano's architecture is a technology called Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), specifically the Block Lattice structure. How to get this currency for free. Download and Install: Begin by downloading the TipNano app from Google Play store. Install the app on your mobile device and launch it. Create a Free Account: Sign up for a free TipNano account. Provide the necessary details and create a secure password. Navigate to the Faucet Section: Once logged in, explore the app's interface and locate the Faucet section. Complete Daily Tasks: Engage with the platform by completing daily tasks and activities provided in the Faucet section.Tasks may include watching ads, participating in surveys, or other user-friendly interactions. Claim Your Nano Rewards: After completing tasks, claim your Nano rewards from the Faucet section.Faucet rewards are distributed regularly, providing you with a steady stream of free Nano. Withdraw Your Nano: Once you've accumulated a desirable amount of Nano, you can withdraw your earnings. TipNano typically provides user-friendly withdrawal options. Enjoy the Nano Experience: Use your earned Nano for transactions, explore Nano's unique features, and witness the fast and feeless nature of Nano transactions firsthand. Kindly show your support by following, liking, sharing, and commenting #XNO #NANO #FaucetMining

Feeles Trasnaction Coin: XNO

Project: Nano (XNO).

XNO makes the crypto earning easier by using a breakthrough tech that allows you to manage it on your phone.

The Coin- Nano, a cryptocurrency designed for fast and feeless transactions, stands out in the crypto space due to its unique technology. Launched in 2015 as RaiBlocks, it was later rebranded to Nano in 2018. At the core of Nano's architecture is a technology called Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), specifically the Block Lattice structure.

How to get this currency for free.

Download and Install:
Begin by downloading the TipNano app from Google Play store. Install the app on your mobile device and launch it.
Create a Free Account:
Sign up for a free TipNano account. Provide the necessary details and create a secure password.
Navigate to the Faucet Section:
Once logged in, explore the app's interface and locate the Faucet section.
Complete Daily Tasks:
Engage with the platform by completing daily tasks and activities provided in the Faucet section.Tasks may include watching ads, participating in surveys, or other user-friendly interactions.
Claim Your Nano Rewards:
After completing tasks, claim your Nano rewards from the Faucet section.Faucet rewards are distributed regularly, providing you with a steady stream of free Nano.
Withdraw Your Nano:
Once you've accumulated a desirable amount of Nano, you can withdraw your earnings. TipNano typically provides user-friendly withdrawal options.
Enjoy the Nano Experience:
Use your earned Nano for transactions, explore Nano's unique features, and witness the fast and feeless nature of Nano transactions firsthand.
Kindly show your support by following, liking, sharing, and commenting
#XNO #NANO #FaucetMining
PXR Network AIRDROP🎁 Free Airdrop 🎁 Project: PXR Network. PXR makes the crypto mining easier by using a breakthrough tech that allows you to manage it on your phone. The Coin- PXR Blockchain is a peer-to-peer network of computers and servers known as ‘nodes ‘ that both participate and monitor the transfer of information and assets. Every transfer is recorded on each user’s computer. The nodes for the computer will be available by the launch of the PXR Bank. How to get this currency for free. Download the PXR Network application from the Google Play Store, register and generate currency for free from your phone. Invite: [daa27] On the homepage, click "Start" to begin receiving the airdrop rewards (24 hours/session). Eligibility: Open to all Token Distribution: Post mainnet launch Remember: Q4-OCT 2024 PXR BANK Platform Launch. Network is still closed in the mining phase on the phone. Disclaimer: Prior to engaging in any airdrop initiative, it is strongly advised to conduct thorough research (DYOR). Keep in mind that airdrops are entirely free, and sending fees to receive airdrop tokens is unnecessary. Your financial security is of utmost importance. Kindly show your support by following, liking, sharing, and commenting.


🎁 Free Airdrop 🎁

Project: PXR Network.

PXR makes the crypto mining easier by using a breakthrough tech that allows you to manage it on your phone.

The Coin- PXR Blockchain is a peer-to-peer network of computers and servers known as ‘nodes ‘ that both participate and monitor the transfer of information and assets. Every transfer is recorded on each user’s computer. The nodes for the computer will be available by the launch of the PXR Bank.

How to get this currency for free.

Download the PXR Network application from the Google Play Store, register and generate currency for free from your phone.

Invite: [daa27]

On the homepage, click "Start" to begin receiving the airdrop rewards (24 hours/session).

Eligibility: Open to all

Token Distribution:

Post mainnet launch

Remember: Q4-OCT 2024
PXR BANK Platform Launch. Network is still closed in the mining phase on the phone.

Disclaimer: Prior to engaging in any airdrop initiative, it is strongly advised to conduct thorough research (DYOR). Keep in mind that airdrops are entirely free, and sending fees to receive airdrop tokens is unnecessary. Your financial security is of utmost importance.

Kindly show your support by following, liking, sharing, and commenting.
Top 10 Upcoming Crypto Airdrops Set to Make Waves in 2024!Unlock the potential for substantial gains ranging from $20,000 to $50,000. Take proactive steps by bookmarking, employing strategic research techniques (consider watching informative videos on YouTube), and kickstart your airdrop journey. 1. Manta Network 2. Zksync 3. Scroll 4. LayerZero 5. Linea 6. Starknet 7. Blast 8. Fuel 9. Orbiter Finance 10. Celestia Stake $TIA (20+) and $ATOM (20+), and hold $OSMOS (100+) in either 'keplrwallet' or 'leap_cosmos wallet' to qualify for multiple enticing airdrops. Don't miss out on the crypto revolution! #[Manta](

Top 10 Upcoming Crypto Airdrops Set to Make Waves in 2024!

Unlock the potential for substantial gains ranging from $20,000 to $50,000.

Take proactive steps by bookmarking, employing strategic research techniques (consider watching informative videos on YouTube), and kickstart your airdrop journey.

1. Manta Network
2. Zksync
3. Scroll
4. LayerZero
5. Linea
6. Starknet
7. Blast
8. Fuel
9. Orbiter Finance
10. Celestia
Stake $TIA (20+) and $ATOM (20+), and hold $OSMOS (100+) in either 'keplrwallet' or 'leap_cosmos wallet' to qualify for multiple enticing airdrops.
Don't miss out on the crypto revolution!

Over Protocol AIDROPAIDROPS Alerts? Over protocol app, build the future in Over protocol earn up 1000 over protocol points daily, No investment. Over Protocol is a new layer 1 blockchain designed to address the issue of blockchain bloat and promote decentralization by enabling lightweight full nodes can earn overprotocol points by daily claiming and answering simple questions daily Here are the steps on how to download the Over Protocol app and its uses 1. Visit the official app stores: - Android: Access the Google Play Store and search for "OverWallet: for Over Protocol." - iOS: Go to the Apple App Store and search for "OverWallet: for Over Protocol." 2. Install the app: - Tap the "Install" or "Get" button next to the app's listing. - Wait for the download and installation to complete. 3. Open the app: - Once installed, tap the "Open" button or find the app's icon on your device's home screen. Using the Over Protocol App: 1. Create an account: - If you're new to Over Protocol, create an account using code "5V8AL1HLUN" providing your email address and setting a secure password. 2. Access your wallet: - After signing in, you'll see your OverWallet, where you can manage your OVER tokens and other supported blockchain assets. 3. Claim your over protocol points, increase it by answering simple question. Everyday questions updated. Disclaimer; information provided is based on the user's input and may not reflect the actual working or legitimacy of the Avive app. Users are advised to exercise caution and conduct through research before engaging in any investment or mining. Remember: Providing you with the best investment articles takes a lot of effort. Your generous tips empower our mission and support us in delivering the best investment advice.

Over Protocol AIDROP


Over protocol app, build the future in Over protocol earn up 1000 over protocol points daily, No investment.

Over Protocol is a new layer 1 blockchain designed to address the issue of blockchain bloat and promote decentralization by enabling lightweight full nodes

can earn overprotocol points by daily claiming and answering simple questions daily

Here are the steps on how to download the Over Protocol app and its uses

1. Visit the official app stores:
- Android: Access the Google Play Store and search for "OverWallet: for Over Protocol."
- iOS: Go to the Apple App Store and search for "OverWallet: for Over Protocol."

2. Install the app:
- Tap the "Install" or "Get" button next to the app's listing.
- Wait for the download and installation to complete.

3. Open the app:
- Once installed, tap the "Open" button or find the app's icon on your device's home screen.

Using the Over Protocol App:

1. Create an account:
- If you're new to Over Protocol, create an account using code "5V8AL1HLUN" providing your email address and setting a secure password.

2. Access your wallet:
- After signing in, you'll see your OverWallet, where you can manage your OVER tokens and other supported blockchain assets.

3. Claim your over protocol points, increase it by answering simple question. Everyday questions updated.

Disclaimer; information provided is based on the user's input and may not reflect the actual working or legitimacy of the Avive app. Users are advised to exercise caution and conduct through research before engaging in any investment or mining.

Remember: Providing you with the best investment articles takes a lot of effort. Your generous tips empower our mission and support us in delivering the best investment advice.
Exciting Launchpool Opportunities, Binance Launches 44th Project (MANTA)Binance, the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange, has unveiled its 44th project on Binance Launchpool—Manta (MANTA), a revolutionary modular Layer 2 (L2) solution designed for ZK applications. The official webpage for MANTA is set to go live in approximately 5 hours, just ahead of its eagerly anticipated launch. Taking Opportunities: Commencing from January 16, 2024, at 00:00 (UTC), users will have the unique opportunity to stake their BNB and FDUSD on dedicated pools to participate in farming MANTA tokens. Listing Date and Trading Pairs: Upon the conclusion of the farming period, MANTA is scheduled to be listed on January 18, 2024, at 10:00 (UTC). The trading pairs will include MANTA/BTC, MANTA/USDT, MANTA/BNB, MANTA/FDUSD, and MANTA/TRY, with the Seed Tag assigned to MANTA. Users who have previously received MA tokens on the platform will automatically be eligible for MANTA tokens at a 1:1 ratio. MANTA Launchpool Highlights: - Token Name: Manta (MANTA) - Maximum Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 MANTA - Launchpool Token Rewards: 30,000,000 MANTA (equivalent to 3% of the maximum supply) Initial Circulating Supply: 251,000,000 MANTA (representing 25.1% of the maximum supply) KYC Verification: To participate in staking, users must undergo KYC verification. The hourly hard cap for users is set at 50,000 MANTA in the BNB pool and 12,500 MANTA in the FDUSD pool. Support Pools and Rewards: The staking pools include: Stake BNB (webpage launching in approximately 5 hours) with 24,000,000 MANTA in rewards (80%)Stake FDUSD (webpage launching in approximately 5 hours) with 6,000,000 MANTA in rewards (20%) Farming Schedule: Farming activities are scheduled to take place from January 16, 2024, at 00:00 (UTC) to January 17, 2024, at 23:59 (UTC). Daily rewards for the BNB and FDUSD pools during the farming period are set at 12,000,000 MANTA and 3,000,000 MANTA, respectively. The introduction of MANTA on Binance Launchpool marks another significant step in the evolution of decentralized finance and the adoption of innovative Layer 2 solutions. Stay tuned for the official launch and the subsequent listing of MANTA on Binance.

Exciting Launchpool Opportunities, Binance Launches 44th Project (MANTA)

Binance, the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange, has unveiled its 44th project on Binance Launchpool—Manta (MANTA), a revolutionary modular Layer 2 (L2) solution designed for ZK applications. The official webpage for MANTA is set to go live in approximately 5 hours, just ahead of its eagerly anticipated launch.

Taking Opportunities:
Commencing from January 16, 2024, at 00:00 (UTC), users will have the unique opportunity to stake their BNB and FDUSD on dedicated pools to participate in farming MANTA tokens.
Listing Date and Trading Pairs:
Upon the conclusion of the farming period, MANTA is scheduled to be listed on January 18, 2024, at 10:00 (UTC). The trading pairs will include MANTA/BTC, MANTA/USDT, MANTA/BNB, MANTA/FDUSD, and MANTA/TRY, with the Seed Tag assigned to MANTA.
Users who have previously received MA tokens on the platform will automatically be eligible for MANTA tokens at a 1:1 ratio.
MANTA Launchpool Highlights:
- Token Name: Manta (MANTA)
- Maximum Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 MANTA
- Launchpool Token Rewards: 30,000,000 MANTA (equivalent to 3% of the maximum supply)
Initial Circulating Supply: 251,000,000 MANTA (representing 25.1% of the maximum supply)
KYC Verification:
To participate in staking, users must undergo KYC verification. The hourly hard cap for users is set at 50,000 MANTA in the BNB pool and 12,500 MANTA in the FDUSD pool.
Support Pools and Rewards:
The staking pools include:
Stake BNB (webpage launching in approximately 5 hours) with 24,000,000 MANTA in rewards (80%)Stake FDUSD (webpage launching in approximately 5 hours) with 6,000,000 MANTA in rewards (20%)
Farming Schedule:
Farming activities are scheduled to take place from January 16, 2024, at 00:00 (UTC) to January 17, 2024, at 23:59 (UTC). Daily rewards for the BNB and FDUSD pools during the farming period are set at 12,000,000 MANTA and 3,000,000 MANTA, respectively.
The introduction of MANTA on Binance Launchpool marks another significant step in the evolution of decentralized finance and the adoption of innovative Layer 2 solutions. Stay tuned for the official launch and the subsequent listing of MANTA on Binance.
Explore the latest crypto news
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