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$NOT Visas drāmas ir beigušās @NOT lido šodien neparedzama kustība #NOTUSDT🚨
Visas drāmas ir beigušās @NOT lido šodien neparedzama kustība

$FLOKI #FLOKI TODAY 1;30 (UTC5:30) FLOKI NEE ATH 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀. 0.00045
$FLOKI #FLOKI TODAY 1;30 (UTC5:30) FLOKI NEE ATH 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀. 0.00045
Skatīt oriģinālu
$NOT #NOTUSDT🚨 #USTCUSDT #folki/usdt #XEC/USDT. PĀRDOD VISU SAVU HOLING USTC, Xec un folki Es pērku nevis monētu, manu visu ieguldījumu tikai vienu NE ANT @ustc @lunac @xec plz katram šo monētu kā palīdzēt investoriem jūsu guļam mēs esam lieta, jūs esat miris jums nav nekādas darbības mēs gaidām daudzus mēnešus, bet nekas nenotiek
$NOT #NOTUSDT🚨 #USTCUSDT #folki/usdt #XEC/USDT. PĀRDOD VISU SAVU HOLING USTC, Xec un folki Es pērku nevis monētu, manu visu ieguldījumu tikai vienu NE
ANT @ustc @lunac @xec plz katram šo monētu kā palīdzēt investoriem jūsu guļam mēs esam lieta, jūs esat miris jums nav nekādas darbības mēs gaidām daudzus mēnešus, bet nekas nenotiek
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$NOT Tagad pārdošanas laiks rezervējiet savu peļņu

Tagad pārdošanas laiks rezervējiet savu peļņu
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$FLOKI FlokI ļoti drīz sasniedz 0.01, turpini noturēties #FLOKI/USDT

FlokI ļoti drīz sasniedz 0.01, turpini noturēties
Skatīt oriģinālu
SEC nodrošina uzvaru, tiesai paziņojot par LUNA un UST vērtspapīriem
ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) ir uzvarējusi lielo lietu pret TerraForm Labs (Terra) un tās dibinātāju Do Kwon.
Vakar izdotajā tiesas rīkojumā teikts, ka tiesnesis Džeds Rakovs atzina Terru un Do Kvonu par vainīgiem federālo likumu pārkāpšanā. Viņi tika apsūdzēti par divu vērtspapīru TerraUSD (UST) un LUNA pārdošanu bez atbilstošas ​​reģistrācijas.
SEC apsūdzības pret Terra pēc ekosistēmas sabrukuma
Pēc Terra ekosistēmas dramatiskās lejupslīdes, kuras rezultātā pagājušajā gadā tika nodarīti zaudējumi vairāk nekā 40 miljardu dolāru apmērā, ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) 2023. gada februārī iesniedza prasību tiesā. SEC apgalvo, ka Terra ir iesaistījusies četru preču piedāvāšanā un pārdošanā. kriptoaktīvi, klasificējot tos kā nereģistrētus vērtspapīrus.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Terra Classic (LUNC) kopiena nobalso par priekšlikumu sadedzināt 8 miljonus USTC
Terra Classic ekosistēmas marķieri LUNC un USTC ir bijuši nemierīgā ceļojumā ar avāriju un pēc tam pacelšanos no pelniem. Tagad centrā ir strīdīgas debates par tokenomiku.
Šīs cīņas centrālais punkts ir 11958. priekšlikums, kurā tiek prasīts sadedzināt 8 miljonus USTC no kopienas fonda, lai atdzīvinātu uzsprāgušās Terra Classic žetonus, tostarp LUNC un USTC.
Degošs jautājums: vai tas aizdegsies vai izplūst?
Degšanas atbalstītāji apgalvo, ka tas ir nepieciešams solis ceļā uz deflācijas un stabilitātes sasniegšanu. Viņi uzskata, ka 8 miljoni USTC ir liekā bagāža, un kopienas fondā jau ir ievērojami 3,49 miljardi LUNC, kas ir pietiekami, lai segtu darbības izmaksas.
$USTC #LUNC/USDT. #USTC/USDT "Everyone expected USTC to reach $1, but there was a situation where not more than 90% of the holders held on; they panic-sold. Despite this, I believe it will reach $1. I have faith and am holding onto it. Today, my profit stands at 1500 USDT, but I have not sold."

"Everyone expected USTC to reach $1, but there was a situation where not more than 90% of the holders held on; they panic-sold. Despite this, I believe it will reach $1. I have faith and am holding onto it. Today, my profit stands at 1500 USDT, but I have not sold."
Binance News
Binance Market atjauninājums (2023-12-31)
Saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem globālā kriptovalūtu tirgus maksimālā vērtība šobrīd ir USD 1,63 T, kas ir samazinājums par -2,52% pēdējās dienas laikā.

Bitcoin (BTC) pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir tirgojies no USD 41 520 līdz USD 42 785. Šodien pulksten 9:30 (UTC) BTC tirgojas par USD 42 733, kas ir par 2,79% vairāk.

Lielākā daļa lielāko kriptovalūtu pēc tirgus ierobežojuma tirgojas augstāk. Tirgus labākie rezultāti ir ICP, ONT un KDA, attiecīgi pieaugot par 35%, 19% un 19%.

Dienas populārākie stāsti:

Valkyrie's Bitcoin Miner ETF beidzas 2023. gadā kā visefektīvākais bezsviras ETF ASV ar 314% atdevi
Oficiāli apstiprināts Genuine Labs Terra Classic izstrādes priekšlikums
Kopiena ir oficiāli apstiprinājusi Terra Classic izstrādes priekšlikumu no Genuine Labs, Cosmos steka izstrādes komandas.
Terra Luna Classic kopiena ir apstiprinājusi galveno priekšlikumu no Genuine Labs — izstrādātāju grupai, kas ir pieredzējuši Cosmos steka darbā ar L1TF un citiem izstrādātājiem Terra Classic ķēdes izstrādē. Izstrādes komanda atklāja daudzas problēmas ar Terra Luna Classic un sniedza palīdzību to risināšanā.
Terra Luna Classic kopiena apstiprina īstu laboratorijas piedāvājumu
11940. priekšlikums “Genuine Labs Terra Classic attīstības priekšlikums” veiksmīgi tika pieņemts balsojumā par Terra Luna Classic kopienas atbalstītā stacijas maka pārvaldību. Komanda ierosināja izstrādāt Terra Luna Classic sadarbībā ar L1 komandu.
Safeguarding Your P2P Trading: Beware of Scams and Frozen Bank Accounts In the fast-paced world of P2P trading, it's crucial to stay vigilant against potential scams that can lead to the freezing of bank accounts. This article aims to guide P2P traders on protecting themselves and their assets.1. Say No to 3rd-Party Payments: Avoid accepting payments from third parties. Stick to direct transactions between the involved parties to minimize the risk of scams and unauthorized transactions.2. Verify Every Transaction: Take the time to verify each transaction thoroughly. Confirm the details with the counterparty and ensure that the payment source is legitimate before proceeding.3. Collect Selfie Documents: Implement an extra layer of security by requesting selfie documents from the trading partner. This can include a selfie with the trading partner holding their ID and a note with the transaction details and date.4. Timestamp Transactions: Always timestamp your transactions. This creates a record of the exact time and date of the trade, which can be valuable in case of any disputes or discrepancies.5. Be Skeptical of Unusual Requests: Stay alert for any unusual requests during the trading process. If something seems off or raises suspicion, take the necessary steps to investigate before proceeding.By adhering to these precautions, P2P traders can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to scams and encountering issues like frozen bank accounts. Remember, a proactive approach to security is key in the world of cryptocurrency trading.#By adhering to these precautions, P2P traders can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to scams and encountering issues like frozen bank accounts. Remember, a proactive approach to security is key in the world of cryptocurrency trading.#

Safeguarding Your P2P Trading: Beware of Scams and Frozen Bank Accounts

In the fast-paced world of P2P trading, it's crucial to stay vigilant against potential scams that can lead to the freezing of bank accounts. This article aims to guide P2P traders on protecting themselves and their assets.1. Say No to 3rd-Party Payments: Avoid accepting payments from third parties. Stick to direct transactions between the involved parties to minimize the risk of scams and unauthorized transactions.2. Verify Every Transaction: Take the time to verify each transaction thoroughly. Confirm the details with the counterparty and ensure that the payment source is legitimate before proceeding.3. Collect Selfie Documents: Implement an extra layer of security by requesting selfie documents from the trading partner. This can include a selfie with the trading partner holding their ID and a note with the transaction details and date.4. Timestamp Transactions: Always timestamp your transactions. This creates a record of the exact time and date of the trade, which can be valuable in case of any disputes or discrepancies.5. Be Skeptical of Unusual Requests: Stay alert for any unusual requests during the trading process. If something seems off or raises suspicion, take the necessary steps to investigate before proceeding.By adhering to these precautions, P2P traders can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to scams and encountering issues like frozen bank accounts. Remember, a proactive approach to security is key in the world of cryptocurrency trading.#By adhering to these precautions, P2P traders can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to scams and encountering issues like frozen bank accounts. Remember, a proactive approach to security is key in the world of cryptocurrency trading.#
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Attention 🚨🚨
Just-In: Terra Classic Development Proposal By Genuine Labs Officially Passed !!

#BTC #etf #ETH #sol #BinanceSquare Terra Classic development proposal by Cosmos stack developer group Genuine Labs has officially passed by the community.

The Terra Luna Classic community has approved a major proposal by Genuine Labs, a group of developers experienced in Cosmos stacks, to work with L1TF and other developers on Terra Classic chain development. The developer team discovered a number of issues with Terra Luna Classic and offered a helping hand to address these issues.

Genuine Labs Proposal Passed By Terra Luna Classic Community

Proposal 11940 “Genuine labs Terra Classic Development Proposal” is passed successfully in governance voting on the Terra Luna Classic community-backed Station wallet. The team proposes to work in collaboration with the L1 teams on Terra Luna Classic.
The proposal has received 84.98% ‘Yes’ votes showing the community approves the developer team to work on Terra Classic development. However, the proposal has also received 3.23% “No” and 0.43%% “No with veto” votes, as well as 11.37% “Abstain” votes. Most top validators including Allnodes voted in favor of the proposal.

The developer group plans to initially focus on integrating and improving the IBC Hooks and Packet Forward Middleware (PFM) features, as well as enhancing the end-to-end testing and interchain testing for the fee tax charging mechanism. Former L1TF member Fragwuerdig noted that IBC-hooks and PFM have already been implemented on the following branch and Genuine Labs may need to repost the job proposal.

LUNC price fell 3% in the past 24 hours, with the price currently trading at $0.000140. The 24-hour low and high are $0.000138 and $0.000146, respectively. Moreover, trading volume has decreased by 20% in the last 24 hours, indicating a lack of interest among traders.

Meanwhile, USTC price trades at $0.0323, down 1% in the last 24 hours. The trading volume has decreased by 20% amid despite a number of USTC burn proposals.
Bullish Buzz: LUNA & LUNC Soar, Defying Predictions – What’s Next?
Montenegro court ruling seemingly boosts LUNA, LUNC, USTC surge as market optimism soars.

LUNA’s 10% spike highlights the market’s positive response to legal developments.

Despite volatility, LUNC and USTC show resilience post-Kwon’s extradition halt.

Terra’s tokens, LUNA, LUNC, and USTC, have witnessed a significant surge in their market prices. This unexpected uptick aligns closely with the recent legal developments involving Do Kwon, the former co-founder and CEO of Terraform Labs. Notably, the Montenegro Appeals Court has overturned the decision to extradite Kwon to other countries, positively impacting investor sentiment toward Terra’s tokens.

Legal Ruling Sparks Market Optimism

The decision by the Montenegro Appeals Court halting Kwon’s extradition has renewed optimism within the Terra ecosystem. This judicial turn has effectively revoked the possibility of Kwon facing trials in South Korea and the U.S., at least for now. 


— Tree News (@News_Of_Alpha) December 19, 2023

Consequently, the market has responded favorably, with notable price increases across LUNA, LUNC, and USTC. This development suggests a direct correlation between Kwon’s legal proceedings and the valuation of Terra-backed tokens.

Impact on Token Prices

As the market assessed these developments, the price of LUNA increased by over 10% in 24 hours, reaching $0.9753. Furthermore, the 24-hour trading volume and market capitalization climbed by 4.08% and 134.98%, respectively, to $157,876,682 and $585,302,324 due to increasing interest and investment in LUNA.

LUNA/USD 24-hour price chart (source: CoinStats)

Despite the initial euphoria, Luna Classic’s price trajectory remains volatile. After a sharp 17.5% intra-day increase, the price corrected, settling at a 6.4% rise over 24 hours. Currently trading at $0.0001577, LUNC has demonstrated a downward trend since early December, with a nearly 40% decline from its previous high of $0.0002575. This pattern suggests that long-term stability remains uncertain while short-term gains are evident.

LUNC/USD 24-hour price chart (source: CoinStats)

USTC also experienced a substantial increase, rising by 2.6% to a current trading value of $0.03389. These significant uptrends underscore the influence of external factors, such as legal rulings, on cryptocurrency valuations.

USTC/USD 24-hour price chart (source: CoinStats) 

This positive trajectory for Terra’s tokens is not happening in isolation. It coincides with a broader recovery in the cryptocurrency market, particularly with the rising anticipation surrounding approving a Bitcoin spot ETF. 

While the Terra community recently rejected a major USTC burning proposal, current market sentiments indicate a different story, suggesting a potential rebound for these once-troubled tokens.

The post Bullish Buzz: LUNA & LUNC Soar, Defying Predictions – What’s Next? appeared first on Coin Edition.
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Good news 🎉🎄
What Is Tax2Gas? Will It Bring Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) And USTC Revival To $1?


With many governance proposals related to updates, burn, staking, and others passed, some key Terra Luna Classic community members and validators believe it is imperative to bring back builders on the chain to revive LUNC and repeg USTC to $1. Tax2Gas — incorporating the tax into the gas and removing the need for separate handling and calculation is under discussion now.

Terra Luna Classic Gas2Tax Solution
The Terra Luna Classic community is currently advocating for an increase in the burn tax to 1.5%. The proposal aims to increase the on-chain tax rate to 1.5%, which brings back to the original 1.2% burn tax, with 0.3% to fund the chain by the current on-chain 80/20% tax spli

However, the majority refuses to increase burn tax as it could again pause the crypto exchange Binance LUNC burn mechanism. Earlier, Binance reduced its spot and margin trading fees contribution from 100% to 50%, decreasing the overall burn amount.

Furthermore, it also prevents projects and developers from returning to the chain. The community continues to make efforts to bring back utility to the chain.

Meanwhile, the community believes the Tax2Gas is a good solution and will bring back builders. Also, high burn taxes do not bring high volume. Tax2Gas incorporates the tax into the gas and removes the need for separate handling and calculation. It will be added soon for governance voting.

LUNC price fell 1% in the past 24 hours and 10% in a week, with the price currently trading at $0.000156. The 24-hour low and high are $0.000153 and $0.000161, respectively. However, trading volume has decreased slightly in the last 24 hours.

Meanwhile, USTC price trades at $0.0352, up 3% in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour low and high are $0.0335 and $0.0366, respectively.
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Good news 🎉🎄
What Is Tax2Gas? Will It Bring Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) And USTC Revival To $1?


With many governance proposals related to updates, burn, staking, and others passed, some key Terra Luna Classic community members and validators believe it is imperative to bring back builders on the chain to revive LUNC and repeg USTC to $1. Tax2Gas — incorporating the tax into the gas and removing the need for separate handling and calculation is under discussion now.

Terra Luna Classic Gas2Tax Solution
The Terra Luna Classic community is currently advocating for an increase in the burn tax to 1.5%. The proposal aims to increase the on-chain tax rate to 1.5%, which brings back to the original 1.2% burn tax, with 0.3% to fund the chain by the current on-chain 80/20% tax spli

However, the majority refuses to increase burn tax as it could again pause the crypto exchange Binance LUNC burn mechanism. Earlier, Binance reduced its spot and margin trading fees contribution from 100% to 50%, decreasing the overall burn amount.

Furthermore, it also prevents projects and developers from returning to the chain. The community continues to make efforts to bring back utility to the chain.

Meanwhile, the community believes the Tax2Gas is a good solution and will bring back builders. Also, high burn taxes do not bring high volume. Tax2Gas incorporates the tax into the gas and removes the need for separate handling and calculation. It will be added soon for governance voting.

LUNC price fell 1% in the past 24 hours and 10% in a week, with the price currently trading at $0.000156. The 24-hour low and high are $0.000153 and $0.000161, respectively. However, trading volume has decreased slightly in the last 24 hours.

Meanwhile, USTC price trades at $0.0352, up 3% in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour low and high are $0.0335 and $0.0366, respectively.
Terra Luna Classic Community Faces Critical Decisions: Burning Proposals on the Horizon
The post Terra Luna Classic Community Faces Critical Decisions: Burning Proposals on the Horizon appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

The Terra Luna Classic community, VegasMorph, a prominent validator, has boldly proposed to stir up intense discussions. The suggestion involves burning a substantial amount of TerraClassicUSD (USTC) currently held in the community pool. This move is seen as a strategic effort to induce deflation within the Terra Luna Classic ecosystem, following VegasMorph’s previous proposal to incinerate a whopping 800 million USTC from the Risk Harbor Multisig Wallet.

VegasMorph’s new proposal centers around burning approximately 8 million USTC, a substantial portion of the 7.95 million USTC currently residing in the community pool. This recommendation, leveraging a spending request directed at a burn address, has been shared across various platforms. StakeBin data confirms the current holdings in the pool.

Given the community pool’s sizable reserve of 3.3 billion LUNC, sufficient for funding on-chain activities and other expenses, the rationale behind this proposal is to utilize funds deemed surplus to community needs.

VegasMorph highlighted the importance of this action, stating, “By initiating this burn of USTC, we’re not only aligning with our deflationary goals but also showcasing our commitment to self-reliance and judicious management of community assets.”

Origins of the Proposal: Seeking Legal Safeguards

This proposal arises amid another contentious suggestion to burn 800 million USTC. After an initial proposal (number 11913) aimed at updating the Terrad client for this purpose was rejected, a new approach, currently under governance voting, seeks a legally secure method for the burn.

Terra Luna Classic validator Lunanauts raised concerns about the legal implications of the initial proposal, prompting the exploration of alternative strategies. The latest proposal (number 11927) proposes using a smart contract to incinerate the 800 million USTC left in the Risk Harbor multi-sig wallet.

This action became imperative following the revelation that Risk Harbor had lost the wallet’s keys and decided to blacklist it. To execute this burn, a core developer must create a contract that transfers all holdings to a burn address with a single MsgSend. This contract is then shifted to that code ID through governance, eliminating the need for validators to install any code and thus reducing potential legal issues.

During the initial voting phase, the proposal garnered an overwhelming 96% support, with a minority voting against or abstaining. The voting is set to conclude on December 27, but key validators are yet to cast their votes.

Market Impact: Fluctuating Prices Amidst Decisions

The market has responded as the Terra Luna Classic community deliberates these critical decisions. LUNC’s price has dipped by 3% in the past day, trading at $0.000155. Concurrently, USTC’s price has fallen to $0.0334, a 6% decrease from the previous day and 15% lower than last week. Despite these fluctuations, trading volume has surged by 141% in the last 24 hours, reflecting the community’s active engagement with these proposals and the broader Terra Luna Classic ecosystem.
USTC Sets Sights on $1 Revival As Community Starts Voting On Revolutionary Proposal
Network validators and the Terra Classic community's L1 Task Force (L1TF) have persisted in finding solutions to return $USTC to its dollar peg. A fresh proposition that they have put out as part of their efforts is now being voted on.
A New Proposal Involves the Burning of 800 Million US Dollars in Crypto
The community is planning to burn 800 million USTC tokens in a "legally absolved route" in their most recent proposal (Proposal 11927). The Luna Classic treasury, which is stored in the Risk Harbor Multisig Wallet, is where the money that are being offered for burning really originate from.
Risk Harbour confessed to having misplaced the keys to the Multisig wallet, which led to the thought of burning these monies. This led them to the conclusion that the wallet should be blacklisted. On the other hand, many in the community think that burning these tokens would be the best course of action, given the enormous quantity of USTC that might be burned and the subsequent increase in token value.
Earlier, the community has suggested burning 800,000,000 USTC through an Update to the Terrad Client. Unfortunately, many validators choose not to vote, hence the proposition did not succeed. According to LUNC validator Lunanauts, the validators he contacted with were hesitant to vote because to concerns about potential legal consequences associated with modifying their nodes' code to destroy the money.

As an alternate, this most recent suggestion was put up since validators won't have to update their node code for the burn to happen. Since validators are "legally absolved" via this way, Lunanauts may think this idea should go through without any problems. Its effect is identical to that of the original plan.
From the looks of the vote thus far, the LUNC validators are still unconcerned with the most recent proposal. Only 8.67% of the total votes have been cast, according to the voting forum data. It is worth noting that 48.31% of the votes cast so far have been marked as "abstain," indicating that they are neither explicitly supporting or opposing the candidate.
There is still time for the proposal to fulfill the pass threshold; voting concludes on December 27, which is great news for the Terra Classic community. Also, considering that 50% is the pass criterion, the fact that just 5.63% have voted "No" is encouraging. Nevertheless, 40% of the total votes are still required to meet the quorum.
#USTC #LUNC #TerraLunaClassic
Bullish Buzz: LUNA & LUNC Soar, Defying Predictions – What’s Next?
Montenegro court ruling seemingly boosts LUNA, LUNC, USTC surge as market optimism soars.

LUNA’s 10% spike highlights the market’s positive response to legal developments.

Despite volatility, LUNC and USTC show resilience post-Kwon’s extradition halt.

Terra’s tokens, LUNA, LUNC, and USTC, have witnessed a significant surge in their market prices. This unexpected uptick aligns closely with the recent legal developments involving Do Kwon, the former co-founder and CEO of Terraform Labs. Notably, the Montenegro Appeals Court has overturned the decision to extradite Kwon to other countries, positively impacting investor sentiment toward Terra’s tokens.

Legal Ruling Sparks Market Optimism

The decision by the Montenegro Appeals Court halting Kwon’s extradition has renewed optimism within the Terra ecosystem. This judicial turn has effectively revoked the possibility of Kwon facing trials in South Korea and the U.S., at least for now. 


— Tree News (@News_Of_Alpha) December 19, 2023

Consequently, the market has responded favorably, with notable price increases across LUNA, LUNC, and USTC. This development suggests a direct correlation between Kwon’s legal proceedings and the valuation of Terra-backed tokens.

Impact on Token Prices

As the market assessed these developments, the price of LUNA increased by over 10% in 24 hours, reaching $0.9753. Furthermore, the 24-hour trading volume and market capitalization climbed by 4.08% and 134.98%, respectively, to $157,876,682 and $585,302,324 due to increasing interest and investment in LUNA.

LUNA/USD 24-hour price chart (source: CoinStats)

Despite the initial euphoria, Luna Classic’s price trajectory remains volatile. After a sharp 17.5% intra-day increase, the price corrected, settling at a 6.4% rise over 24 hours. Currently trading at $0.0001577, LUNC has demonstrated a downward trend since early December, with a nearly 40% decline from its previous high of $0.0002575. This pattern suggests that long-term stability remains uncertain while short-term gains are evident.

LUNC/USD 24-hour price chart (source: CoinStats)

USTC also experienced a substantial increase, rising by 2.6% to a current trading value of $0.03389. These significant uptrends underscore the influence of external factors, such as legal rulings, on cryptocurrency valuations.

USTC/USD 24-hour price chart (source: CoinStats) 

This positive trajectory for Terra’s tokens is not happening in isolation. It coincides with a broader recovery in the cryptocurrency market, particularly with the rising anticipation surrounding approving a Bitcoin spot ETF. 

While the Terra community recently rejected a major USTC burning proposal, current market sentiments indicate a different story, suggesting a potential rebound for these once-troubled tokens.

The post Bullish Buzz: LUNA & LUNC Soar, Defying Predictions – What’s Next? appeared first on Coin Edition.
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