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Jauns Crypto IEO, ko skatīties — eTukTuk ($ TUK) saraksti drīzumāŠis raksts tika apmaksāts* Viena no 2024. gada karstākajām kriptovalūtu iepriekšpārdošanām — eTukTuk ($TUK) – šobrīd ir noslēguma stadijā un drīzumā varētu beigties. Iepriekšpārdošana jau ir palielinājusi vairāk nekā 3,4 miljonus USD, kas liecina par tās lielo pieprasījumu un zaļo kriptovalūtu pieaugošo potenciālu.  eTukTuk spēle, lai nopelnītu, ko iedvesmojis Crazy Taxi, kā arī tās ilgtermiņa mērķis popularizēt eTukTuks jaunattīstības valstīs, piemēram, Šrilankā, ir piesaistījusi viedo naudas tirgotāju uzmanību.  Daži populāri YouTube tirdzniecības eksperti, piemēram, Gain Trading Crypto, ir atzinuši eTukTuk kā nākamo 100x kriptovalūtu. 

Jauns Crypto IEO, ko skatīties — eTukTuk ($ TUK) saraksti drīzumā

Šis raksts tika apmaksāts*

Viena no 2024. gada karstākajām kriptovalūtu iepriekšpārdošanām — eTukTuk ($TUK) – šobrīd ir noslēguma stadijā un drīzumā varētu beigties. Iepriekšpārdošana jau ir palielinājusi vairāk nekā 3,4 miljonus USD, kas liecina par tās lielo pieprasījumu un zaļo kriptovalūtu pieaugošo potenciālu. 

eTukTuk spēle, lai nopelnītu, ko iedvesmojis Crazy Taxi, kā arī tās ilgtermiņa mērķis popularizēt eTukTuks jaunattīstības valstīs, piemēram, Šrilankā, ir piesaistījusi viedo naudas tirgotāju uzmanību. 

Daži populāri YouTube tirdzniecības eksperti, piemēram, Gain Trading Crypto, ir atzinuši eTukTuk kā nākamo 100x kriptovalūtu. 
Skatīt oriģinālu
PancakeSwap pievieno Zyfi, lai veicinātu DeFi tirdzniecību bez komisijas maksasPancakeSwap nesen ir integrējis Zyfi, lai atvieglotu DeFi tirdzniecību bez maksas. Šī vienkāršotā tirdzniecības pieredze varētu ļaut PancakeSwap iegūt lielāku tirgus daļu no centralizētām biržām. Apskatīsim visu tālāk sniegto informāciju.  DeFi: PancakeSwap mērķis ir iegūt lielāku tirgus daļu no centralizētām apmaiņām ar Zyfi Kā paredzēts, PancakeSwap ir uzlabojis savu lietotāja pieredzi, ieviešot bezmaksas darījumus, pateicoties integrācijai ar Zyfi vietnē zkSync Era. Izmantojot šo integrāciju, DEX lietotāji varēs gūt labumu no bezmaksas darījumiem ar noteiktiem marķieru pāriem, izmantojot PancakeSwap, zkSync vai citu DeFi protokolu sponsorētās maksas.

PancakeSwap pievieno Zyfi, lai veicinātu DeFi tirdzniecību bez komisijas maksas

PancakeSwap nesen ir integrējis Zyfi, lai atvieglotu DeFi tirdzniecību bez maksas. Šī vienkāršotā tirdzniecības pieredze varētu ļaut PancakeSwap iegūt lielāku tirgus daļu no centralizētām biržām.

Apskatīsim visu tālāk sniegto informāciju. 

DeFi: PancakeSwap mērķis ir iegūt lielāku tirgus daļu no centralizētām apmaiņām ar Zyfi

Kā paredzēts, PancakeSwap ir uzlabojis savu lietotāja pieredzi, ieviešot bezmaksas darījumus, pateicoties integrācijai ar Zyfi vietnē zkSync Era.

Izmantojot šo integrāciju, DEX lietotāji varēs gūt labumu no bezmaksas darījumiem ar noteiktiem marķieru pāriem, izmantojot PancakeSwap, zkSync vai citu DeFi protokolu sponsorētās maksas.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šīs AI monētas varētu eksplodēt, jo SingularityNET, un Ocean Protocol sāks ASI apvienošanosŠis raksts tika apmaksāts* AI monētas atkal ir uzmanības centrā, jo trīs galvenie nozares dalībnieki piedzīvo nozīmīgu apvienošanos.  Trīsvirzienu apvienošanās starp SingularityNET (AGIX), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) un (FET) sāksies šodien, 11. jūnijā, un noslēgsies 13. jūnijā.  Kā daļu no šī līguma trīs uzņēmumu vietējie marķieri kļūs par vienu — zem jumta — un tiks pārdēvēti par ASI, kas apzīmē mākslīgā superinteliģences aliansi.  Eksperti uzskata, ka apvienošanās varētu izraisīt plašāku AI monētu mītiņu. Jauni žetoni, piemēram, WienerAI — ar AI darbināma mēmu monēta — arī saskaras ar ievērojamu pieprasījumu, jo savā ICO jau ir savākti vairāk nekā 5,3 miljoni USD. 

Šīs AI monētas varētu eksplodēt, jo SingularityNET, un Ocean Protocol sāks ASI apvienošanos

Šis raksts tika apmaksāts*

AI monētas atkal ir uzmanības centrā, jo trīs galvenie nozares dalībnieki piedzīvo nozīmīgu apvienošanos. 

Trīsvirzienu apvienošanās starp SingularityNET (AGIX), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) un (FET) sāksies šodien, 11. jūnijā, un noslēgsies 13. jūnijā. 

Kā daļu no šī līguma trīs uzņēmumu vietējie marķieri kļūs par vienu — zem jumta — un tiks pārdēvēti par ASI, kas apzīmē mākslīgā superinteliģences aliansi. 

Eksperti uzskata, ka apvienošanās varētu izraisīt plašāku AI monētu mītiņu. Jauni žetoni, piemēram, WienerAI — ar AI darbināma mēmu monēta — arī saskaras ar ievērojamu pieprasījumu, jo savā ICO jau ir savākti vairāk nekā 5,3 miljoni USD. 
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance uzsāk 55. palaišanas baseina projektu: IONET (IO) marķiera iekļaušanu sarakstāBinance nesen paziņoja par IONET kā savu 55. palaišanas baseina projektu, un IO marķieris ir pieejams tirdzniecībai un kotēšanai, sākot no šodienas. Konkrēti, IONET revolucionizē AI (mākslīgo intelektu) un mākoņdatošanu. Apskatīsim visu tālāk sniegto informāciju.  IO marķieris ir pieejams tirdzniecībai un kotēšanai Binance  Kā jau tika gaidīts, Binance, vadošā criptovalute birža visā pasaulē, ir atklājusi savu 55. Launchpool projektu: IONET (IO).  Lietotāji tagad var izmantot IO, šīs decentralizētās mākslīgā intelekta un mākoņdatošanas platformas sākotnējo marķieri, izmantojot BNB un FDUSD.

Binance uzsāk 55. palaišanas baseina projektu: IONET (IO) marķiera iekļaušanu sarakstā

Binance nesen paziņoja par IONET kā savu 55. palaišanas baseina projektu, un IO marķieris ir pieejams tirdzniecībai un kotēšanai, sākot no šodienas. Konkrēti, IONET revolucionizē AI (mākslīgo intelektu) un mākoņdatošanu.

Apskatīsim visu tālāk sniegto informāciju. 

IO marķieris ir pieejams tirdzniecībai un kotēšanai Binance 

Kā jau tika gaidīts, Binance, vadošā criptovalute birža visā pasaulē, ir atklājusi savu 55. Launchpool projektu: IONET (IO). 

Lietotāji tagad var izmantot IO, šīs decentralizētās mākslīgā intelekta un mākoņdatošanas platformas sākotnējo marķieri, izmantojot BNB un FDUSD.
Skatīt oriģinālu
ZKsync palaiž ļoti gaidīto pārbaudītāju ZK marķiera gaisa nolaišanai: kopiena dodas...Šeit mēs esam: pēc ilgiem gaidīšanas mēnešiem beidzot Ethereum layer-2 risinājums ZKsync palaiž ZK marķiera airdrop pārbaudītāju, ļaujot visiem lauksaimniekiem pārbaudīt savu atbilstību. Šis ir viens no lielākajiem gaisa kritieniem vēsturē, kas potenciāli varētu pārspēt pat Arbitrum 2023. gada martā reģistrētos panākumus. Kopumā tika atzīts, ka aptuveni 700 000 adrešu ir piemērotas, kas atbilst 17,5% no kopējā ZK piedāvājuma, un kopējā izplatītā vērtība, kas, domājams, pārsniedz miljardu dolāru.

ZKsync palaiž ļoti gaidīto pārbaudītāju ZK marķiera gaisa nolaišanai: kopiena dodas...

Šeit mēs esam: pēc ilgiem gaidīšanas mēnešiem beidzot Ethereum layer-2 risinājums ZKsync palaiž ZK marķiera airdrop pārbaudītāju, ļaujot visiem lauksaimniekiem pārbaudīt savu atbilstību.

Šis ir viens no lielākajiem gaisa kritieniem vēsturē, kas potenciāli varētu pārspēt pat Arbitrum 2023. gada martā reģistrētos panākumus.

Kopumā tika atzīts, ka aptuveni 700 000 adrešu ir piemērotas, kas atbilst 17,5% no kopējā ZK piedāvājuma, un kopējā izplatītā vērtība, kas, domājams, pārsniedz miljardu dolāru.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Chiliz: izlaiž īpašo izdevumu fanu žetonu īpašniekiem Argentīnā, Portugālē un...Itālijas nacionālā komanda sadarbībā ar Argentīnu un Portugāli izlaiž digitālu kolekcionējamu sēriju, izmantojot — produktu, kura pamatā ir Chiliz: fanu žetonu īpašniekiem no Argentīnas, Itālijas un Portugāles būs piekļuve šīm oficiālajām kolekcijām.  Apskatīsim visu tālāk norādīto informāciju.  Chiliz un ekskluzīva piekļuve fanu žetonu īpašniekiem Kā jau bija paredzēts, vietne ir laidusi klajā savas populārās ģērbtuves funkcijas īpašo izdevumu, kas ļauj faniem iegūt oficiālus savu iecienītāko komandu digitālos kolekcionējamos priekšmetus, īslaicīgi bloķējot viņu fanu žetonus.

Chiliz: izlaiž īpašo izdevumu fanu žetonu īpašniekiem Argentīnā, Portugālē un...

Itālijas nacionālā komanda sadarbībā ar Argentīnu un Portugāli izlaiž digitālu kolekcionējamu sēriju, izmantojot — produktu, kura pamatā ir Chiliz: fanu žetonu īpašniekiem no Argentīnas, Itālijas un Portugāles būs piekļuve šīm oficiālajām kolekcijām. 

Apskatīsim visu tālāk norādīto informāciju. 

Chiliz un ekskluzīva piekļuve fanu žetonu īpašniekiem

Kā jau bija paredzēts, vietne ir laidusi klajā savas populārās ģērbtuves funkcijas īpašo izdevumu, kas ļauj faniem iegūt oficiālus savu iecienītāko komandu digitālos kolekcionējamos priekšmetus, īslaicīgi bloķējot viņu fanu žetonus.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance Labs investē Zircuit, lai uzlabotu L2 ar AI iespējotu sekvencēra līmeņa drošībuDžordžtauna, Grand Cayman, 2024. gada 11. jūnijs, Chainwire Binance Labs, Binance riska kapitāla un inkubācijas grupa, ir ieguldījusi Zircuit — nulles zināšanu apkopojumā ar AI iespējotu sekvencera līmeņa drošību. Zircuit ir jauns Layer 2 (L2) tīkls, kas ievieš jaunu pieeju ķēdes drošībai. Tīkls aizsargā lietotājus ar sekvencēra līmeņa drošību un iebūvētiem, automatizētiem mākslīgā intelekta mehānismiem, kas pasargā no viediem līgumu izmantošanas un ļaunprātīgiem dalībniekiem. Tīkla hibrīda arhitektūra, kas apvieno kaujās pārbaudītu apkopošanas infrastruktūru ar nulles zināšanu pierādījumiem, nodrošina ātru, zemu izmaksu un pilnībā ar EVM saderīgu ZK apkopojumu, lai nodrošinātu lietotājiem nepārspējamu drošību, nezaudējot ātrumu vai saderību. Konkrētāk, Zircuit veiktspēju nodrošina ķēžu sadalīšana specializētās daļās un pierādījumu apkopošana, kas nodrošina lielāku efektivitāti un zemākas ekspluatācijas izmaksas. 

Binance Labs investē Zircuit, lai uzlabotu L2 ar AI iespējotu sekvencēra līmeņa drošību

Džordžtauna, Grand Cayman, 2024. gada 11. jūnijs, Chainwire

Binance Labs, Binance riska kapitāla un inkubācijas grupa, ir ieguldījusi Zircuit — nulles zināšanu apkopojumā ar AI iespējotu sekvencera līmeņa drošību.

Zircuit ir jauns Layer 2 (L2) tīkls, kas ievieš jaunu pieeju ķēdes drošībai. Tīkls aizsargā lietotājus ar sekvencēra līmeņa drošību un iebūvētiem, automatizētiem mākslīgā intelekta mehānismiem, kas pasargā no viediem līgumu izmantošanas un ļaunprātīgiem dalībniekiem. Tīkla hibrīda arhitektūra, kas apvieno kaujās pārbaudītu apkopošanas infrastruktūru ar nulles zināšanu pierādījumiem, nodrošina ātru, zemu izmaksu un pilnībā ar EVM saderīgu ZK apkopojumu, lai nodrošinātu lietotājiem nepārspējamu drošību, nezaudējot ātrumu vai saderību. Konkrētāk, Zircuit veiktspēju nodrošina ķēžu sadalīšana specializētās daļās un pierādījumu apkopošana, kas nodrošina lielāku efektivitāti un zemākas ekspluatācijas izmaksas. 
Skatīt oriģinālu
22 miljonu dolāru uzlauzšana pret kriptovalūtu biržu Lykke: komanda mēģina slēpt incidentu4. jūnijā kriptovalūtu birža Lykke, kas atrodas Šveicē un Apvienotajā Karalistē, kļuva par uzlaušanas upuri, kas platformai atņēma milzīgus 22 miljonus dolāru. Projekta komanda neveiksmīgi mēģināja slēpt incidenta pierādījumus, maskējot visu kā neplānotu apmaiņas sistēmu atjauninājumu un bloķējot lietotāju izņemšanu. Pēc dažām dienām Lykke atzina, kas noticis ar uzlaušanu, taču pārliecināja savus klientus, ka tai ir nepieciešamie līdzekļi pilnīgai naudas atmaksai. Apskatīsim visu sīkāk zemāk.

22 miljonu dolāru uzlauzšana pret kriptovalūtu biržu Lykke: komanda mēģina slēpt incidentu

4. jūnijā kriptovalūtu birža Lykke, kas atrodas Šveicē un Apvienotajā Karalistē, kļuva par uzlaušanas upuri, kas platformai atņēma milzīgus 22 miljonus dolāru.

Projekta komanda neveiksmīgi mēģināja slēpt incidenta pierādījumus, maskējot visu kā neplānotu apmaiņas sistēmu atjauninājumu un bloķējot lietotāju izņemšanu.

Pēc dažām dienām Lykke atzina, kas noticis ar uzlaušanu, taču pārliecināja savus klientus, ka tai ir nepieciešamie līdzekļi pilnīgai naudas atmaksai.

Apskatīsim visu sīkāk zemāk.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ziņas par Ethereum ETF: SEC ir pievienojusi ProSharesStarp vakardienas ziņām SEC pievienoja ProShares pieprasījumu tiem, kas būtu galīgi jāapstiprina tūlītējo Ethereum ETF emisijai.  Maijā tas bija apstiprinājis vēl astoņus, bet acīmredzot ProShares vēl nebija pienācis.  Fakts ir tāds, ka, neskatoties uz to, ka pieprasījumi jau ir apstiprināti, visas dokumentācijas galīgās apstiprināšanas process vēl nav pabeigts, un tiek pieņemts, ka tas nenotiks ātrāk par jūliju vai, augstākais, jūnija beigām, tāpēc fakts, ka vēl ir laiks iesniegt jaunus pieteikumus. 

Ziņas par Ethereum ETF: SEC ir pievienojusi ProShares

Starp vakardienas ziņām SEC pievienoja ProShares pieprasījumu tiem, kas būtu galīgi jāapstiprina tūlītējo Ethereum ETF emisijai. 

Maijā tas bija apstiprinājis vēl astoņus, bet acīmredzot ProShares vēl nebija pienācis. 

Fakts ir tāds, ka, neskatoties uz to, ka pieprasījumi jau ir apstiprināti, visas dokumentācijas galīgās apstiprināšanas process vēl nav pabeigts, un tiek pieņemts, ka tas nenotiks ātrāk par jūliju vai, augstākais, jūnija beigām, tāpēc fakts, ka vēl ir laiks iesniegt jaunus pieteikumus. 
Bitcoin Blockchain and ZKrollup: Citrea’s idea to improve scalability and interoperabilityIn this article, we explore the innovative cryptographic project Citrea, which is building a ZKrollup scaling solution on the Bitcoin blockchain, leveraging zero-knowledge proof technology and the BitVM stack. This type of second-layer networks called “Zero Knowledge Rollup” allows for significantly improving the scalability and interoperability of Bitcoin, in a manner similar to what happens on Ethereum, by wrapping more data and transactions outside of it and then bringing back a single batch to the main chain, which acts as the data availability (DA) layer. Let’s see in detail how Citrea works and how it can evolve the performance of Bitcoin. Citrea prepares for the launch of the first ZKrollup on the Bitcoin blockchain: advantages in terms of interoperability and scalability Citrea is the first ZKrollup built on the Bitcoin blockchain, designed by developer Orkun Kilic, who by combining the concept of zero-knowledge computational proofs and the idea behind BitVM, is trying to improve the scalability and interoperability of the first cryptographic network ever built. In a recent interview with Bitcoin Magazine, Orkun explained the motivations that are driving him to bring ZKproofs into such an “obsolete” blockchain with strong limitations on block size and script capabilities. The developer believes that Bitcoin offers the best infrastructure around in terms of censorship resistance and cryptographic security, and that thanks to the historic code changes offered with SegWit and Taproot it is finally possible to inscribe data within individual transactions, using the network as a data availability layer. These are the words of Orkun in the interview: “What you can do with Bitcoin beyond simple payments is extremely limited today. We want to do more using the security of Bitcoin’s block space.” Just as it happens on Ethereum, the concept of modularity can solve the problems of a blockchain that suffers from limited performance on scalability and external interoperability like Bitcoin. Gli ZKrollup  aiutano a rimuovere parte del lavoro computazionale dell’infrastruttura spostano l’elaborazione delle transazioni al di fuori della rete principale, avvolgendo i dati attorni ad un singolo batch che poi viene rispedito indietro riducendo tempi e costi della validazione. By building a rollup, developers can customize their stack to create various applications, such as payment rollup, gaming rollup, and EVM rollup. This flexibility allows for different optimizations that could scale blockchains without requiring changes to the main protocol. All these advantages, however, are also countered by some limitations: in fact, the use of Bitcoin as a layer for data availability (a practice that derives from the concept of BitVM) requires structural compromises, as the Bitcoin chain is highly costly and inefficient for performing this kind of operations. Let’s see specifically in the next paragraph what these compromises consist of and how Citrea succeeds in the goal of integrating a zkrollup to the Bitcoin blockchain. In the meantime, Citrea has just launched the public devnet for developers and users, marking a historic milestone regarding the use of Bitcoin as a DA layer and the expansion to new cryptographic horizons. 1/6 Today Citrea Public Devnet goes live for developers & users This launch marks the first time that Bitcoin is being tested as a data availability layer, making it the foundation for a dynamic financial ecosystem. Try Bitcoin's First ZK Rollup — Citrea (@citrea_xyz) June 5, 2024 Security and minimized trust: the first step to aggregate zk-proofs The implementation of a ZKrollup on the Bitcoin blockchain, although it guarantees unprecedented security, simultaneously offers lower scalability compared to other infrastructures and limitations at the on-chain architecture level. It is therefore essential to leverage Bitcoin as a DA level only when strictly necessary (when maximum security is needed), while for applications that require high throughput and low costs it is preferable to use other layers such as Celestia. Furthermore, the incompatibility with EVM creates problems when coins need to be moved outside of Bitcoin: Citrea solves this step with “Clementine”, a bidirectional peg based on BitVM that optimistically verifies ZK proofs. This mechanism aggregates Bitcoin proofs, reducing the need for frequent settlements. 1/5 Today we unveil Clementine – Citrea's BitVM based trust-minimized two-way peg program. Through Clementine, Bitcoin will have the most secure and trust-minimized two-way peg mechanism possible today without requiring a soft fork. — Citrea (@citrea_xyz) March 21, 2024 With Clementine, it is therefore possible to verify ZK proofs conveniently and securely, offering a solution in terms of scalability and interoperability that sees the aggregation of zk proofs within individual batches. The main idea behind Clementine is to provide optimistic settlements for ZK rollups as stabilizing all batches at each block turns out to be a very costly practice on Bitcoin.  By thus periodically enrolling the data and aggregating the proofs, Clementine ensures that the state remains accurate and secure. Initially, until the transfer of data from L1 to L2 and their synchronization become more economical, it will be necessary to introduce an external trust layer, which is however minimized as much as possible: hence the concept of “minimized trust”. In these early stages of Citrea’s development, an external operator will initially cover users’ withdrawal requests out of their own pocket, then aggregate the necessary proofs in a single presentation to the network. If other operators suspect that the subject is engaging in dishonest actions, they can contest the submission and have it removed from the network. This configuration introduces a minimized hypothesis of trust in which only one participant needs to be honest to ensure security. In this regard, Orkun emphasized that: “This is a significant improvement over traditional models that require a majority consensus for security.” Rollups allow nodes to reconstruct their state based on the data posted on the Layer 1. Currently, rollup constructions using Bitcoin for DA and settlement can only be trust-minimized. But with certain opcodes to Bitcoin, we can have the ideal rollups described by @0x_orkun — Citrea (@citrea_xyz) February 19, 2024 The next step for Citrea is to introduce volition, that is, a hybrid model that balances on-chain security with off-chain cost efficiency, allowing various applications to choose the most suitable data storage method based on specific needs. Orkun has finished the interview with Coindesk emphasizing how the use of Bitcoin as a settlement layer for data availability offers a strong incentive to miners to continue with their activities seeing commissioni increasing for long-term security.

Bitcoin Blockchain and ZKrollup: Citrea’s idea to improve scalability and interoperability

In this article, we explore the innovative cryptographic project Citrea, which is building a ZKrollup scaling solution on the Bitcoin blockchain, leveraging zero-knowledge proof technology and the BitVM stack.

This type of second-layer networks called “Zero Knowledge Rollup” allows for significantly improving the scalability and interoperability of Bitcoin, in a manner similar to what happens on Ethereum, by wrapping more data and transactions outside of it and then bringing back a single batch to the main chain, which acts as the data availability (DA) layer.

Let’s see in detail how Citrea works and how it can evolve the performance of Bitcoin.

Citrea prepares for the launch of the first ZKrollup on the Bitcoin blockchain: advantages in terms of interoperability and scalability

Citrea is the first ZKrollup built on the Bitcoin blockchain, designed by developer Orkun Kilic, who by combining the concept of zero-knowledge computational proofs and the idea behind BitVM, is trying to improve the scalability and interoperability of the first cryptographic network ever built.

In a recent interview with Bitcoin Magazine, Orkun explained the motivations that are driving him to bring ZKproofs into such an “obsolete” blockchain with strong limitations on block size and script capabilities.

The developer believes that Bitcoin offers the best infrastructure around in terms of censorship resistance and cryptographic security, and that thanks to the historic code changes offered with SegWit and Taproot it is finally possible to inscribe data within individual transactions, using the network as a data availability layer.

These are the words of Orkun in the interview:

“What you can do with Bitcoin beyond simple payments is extremely limited today. We want to do more using the security of Bitcoin’s block space.”

Just as it happens on Ethereum, the concept of modularity can solve the problems of a blockchain that suffers from limited performance on scalability and external interoperability like Bitcoin.

Gli ZKrollup  aiutano a rimuovere parte del lavoro computazionale dell’infrastruttura spostano l’elaborazione delle transazioni al di fuori della rete principale, avvolgendo i dati attorni ad un singolo batch che poi viene rispedito indietro riducendo tempi e costi della validazione.

By building a rollup, developers can customize their stack to create various applications, such as payment rollup, gaming rollup, and EVM rollup. This flexibility allows for different optimizations that could scale blockchains without requiring changes to the main protocol.

All these advantages, however, are also countered by some limitations: in fact, the use of Bitcoin as a layer for data availability (a practice that derives from the concept of BitVM) requires structural compromises, as the Bitcoin chain is highly costly and inefficient for performing this kind of operations.

Let’s see specifically in the next paragraph what these compromises consist of and how Citrea succeeds in the goal of integrating a zkrollup to the Bitcoin blockchain.

In the meantime, Citrea has just launched the public devnet for developers and users, marking a historic milestone regarding the use of Bitcoin as a DA layer and the expansion to new cryptographic horizons.

1/6 Today Citrea Public Devnet goes live for developers & users

This launch marks the first time that Bitcoin is being tested as a data availability layer, making it the foundation for a dynamic financial ecosystem.

Try Bitcoin's First ZK Rollup

— Citrea (@citrea_xyz) June 5, 2024

Security and minimized trust: the first step to aggregate zk-proofs

The implementation of a ZKrollup on the Bitcoin blockchain, although it guarantees unprecedented security, simultaneously offers lower scalability compared to other infrastructures and limitations at the on-chain architecture level.

It is therefore essential to leverage Bitcoin as a DA level only when strictly necessary (when maximum security is needed), while for applications that require high throughput and low costs it is preferable to use other layers such as Celestia.

Furthermore, the incompatibility with EVM creates problems when coins need to be moved outside of Bitcoin: Citrea solves this step with “Clementine”, a bidirectional peg based on BitVM that optimistically verifies ZK proofs. This mechanism aggregates Bitcoin proofs, reducing the need for frequent settlements.

1/5 Today we unveil Clementine – Citrea's BitVM based trust-minimized two-way peg program.

Through Clementine, Bitcoin will have the most secure and trust-minimized two-way peg mechanism possible today without requiring a soft fork.

— Citrea (@citrea_xyz) March 21, 2024

With Clementine, it is therefore possible to verify ZK proofs conveniently and securely, offering a solution in terms of scalability and interoperability that sees the aggregation of zk proofs within individual batches.

The main idea behind Clementine is to provide optimistic settlements for ZK rollups as stabilizing all batches at each block turns out to be a very costly practice on Bitcoin.  By thus periodically enrolling the data and aggregating the proofs, Clementine ensures that the state remains accurate and secure.

Initially, until the transfer of data from L1 to L2 and their synchronization become more economical, it will be necessary to introduce an external trust layer, which is however minimized as much as possible: hence the concept of “minimized trust”.

In these early stages of Citrea’s development, an external operator will initially cover users’ withdrawal requests out of their own pocket, then aggregate the necessary proofs in a single presentation to the network. If other operators suspect that the subject is engaging in dishonest actions, they can contest the submission and have it removed from the network.

This configuration introduces a minimized hypothesis of trust in which only one participant needs to be honest to ensure security.

In this regard, Orkun emphasized that:

“This is a significant improvement over traditional models that require a majority consensus for security.”

Rollups allow nodes to reconstruct their state based on the data posted on the Layer 1.

Currently, rollup constructions using Bitcoin for DA and settlement can only be trust-minimized.

But with certain opcodes to Bitcoin, we can have the ideal rollups described by @0x_orkun

— Citrea (@citrea_xyz) February 19, 2024

The next step for Citrea is to introduce volition, that is, a hybrid model that balances on-chain security with off-chain cost efficiency, allowing various applications to choose the most suitable data storage method based on specific needs.

Orkun has finished the interview with Coindesk emphasizing how the use of Bitcoin as a settlement layer for data availability offers a strong incentive to miners to continue with their activities seeing commissioni increasing for long-term security.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto ziņas: Ripple XRP virsgrāmatā tiek parādīta stabila monēta ar zeltuStarp šodienas kriptovalūtu jaunumiem nevar palaist garām digitālās finanšu kompānijas Meld Gold paziņojumu. Viņi ir izveidojuši jaunu partnerību ar Ripple, lai XRP Ledger (XRPL) laistu klajā ar zeltu nodrošināto stabilo monētu.  Kriptoziņas: stabilā monēta, kas piesaistīta zeltam Ripple XRPL, tiks izlaista 2024. gada trešajā ceturksnī Digitālo finanšu uzņēmums Meld Gold ir paziņojis, ka ir izvēlējies Ripple's XRP Ledger, lai izstrādātu un laistu klajā jaunu ar zeltu nodrošināto stabilo monētu.  2/5 Kāpēc XRPL? Kā decentralizēta 1. slāņa blokķēde, kas pazīstama ar uzticamību un stabilitāti kriptovalstu un reālās pasaules aktīvu marķierizācijā un apmaiņā, XRP Ledger piedāvā institucionāla līmeņa funkcionalitāti un iebūvētas funkcijas, lai nodrošinātu drošu, efektīvu un mērogojamu…

Kripto ziņas: Ripple XRP virsgrāmatā tiek parādīta stabila monēta ar zeltu

Starp šodienas kriptovalūtu jaunumiem nevar palaist garām digitālās finanšu kompānijas Meld Gold paziņojumu. Viņi ir izveidojuši jaunu partnerību ar Ripple, lai XRP Ledger (XRPL) laistu klajā ar zeltu nodrošināto stabilo monētu. 

Kriptoziņas: stabilā monēta, kas piesaistīta zeltam Ripple XRPL, tiks izlaista 2024. gada trešajā ceturksnī

Digitālo finanšu uzņēmums Meld Gold ir paziņojis, ka ir izvēlējies Ripple's XRP Ledger, lai izstrādātu un laistu klajā jaunu ar zeltu nodrošināto stabilo monētu. 

Kāpēc XRPL?
Kā decentralizēta 1. slāņa blokķēde, kas pazīstama ar uzticamību un stabilitāti kriptovalstu un reālās pasaules aktīvu marķierizācijā un apmaiņā, XRP Ledger piedāvā institucionāla līmeņa funkcionalitāti un iebūvētas funkcijas, lai nodrošinātu drošu, efektīvu un mērogojamu…
Mining crypto: Bitfarms opposes the acquisition of Riot BlockchainAfter the news a few days ago about Riot Blockchain’s interest in Bitfarms, the crypto mining company is taking steps to make the acquisition more difficult. In fact, Bitfarms has adopted a plan regarding shareholder rights that would allow a hostile takeover attempt only in very limited circumstances.  Riot Blockchain and the expansion of crypto mining Riot Blockchain, now known as Riot Platforms, is a publicly traded company that engages in crypto mining.  A few days ago, the news spread that it is looking for new solutions to compensate for the reduction in revenue caused by the halving of Bitcoin.  The halving, which occurred on April 20, halved the reward for miners, but the competition has not decreased by much.  Taking the weekly averages from Hashrate Index, Bitcoin’s hashrate went from 650 Eh/s on April 19 to the current 604, reducing by only 7% after the halving.  Mining is a competition in which those with more hashrate earn more, so miners are effectively encouraged to keep their hashrate as high as possible.  Only with the halving, the prize revenues have been halved, and since it is precisely the hashrate that consumes electricity, and therefore generates the highest costs, the miners now have a problem.  The profitability of mining has collapsed after the halving, dropping from about $0.11 per day per THash/s to the current $0.05, more than halving. This level is currently the lowest ever.  RIOT in the stock market Riot Platforms is listed on the stock exchange at Nasdaq with the ticker RIOT. After the annual peaks in February, when the price of its shares had risen above $17, during the month and a half preceding the halving it collapsed below $8, losing more than half of its value.  The investors and speculators feared that the company might have problems as a result of the halving, and in fact, they were right.  However, subsequently the price has risen, so much so that it is now just below $10. The current price level, however, is close to the lows of 2024, and it is in line with what RIOT stocks had in mid-December 2023 before the rise began.  It is worth noting, however, that it is higher than that of October and November, when it was even below 9$, and especially that it is much higher than that of the end of 2022, when it dropped to almost 3$. It is however important to highlight that the historical highs of 2021 are still very far away, given that it reached almost 80$.  The difference between the almost $80 of February 2021 and the $17 of February 2024 says a lot about how excessive the FOMO was back then, as well as how much the financial markets have already “punished” Riot before the halving due to the inevitable effects that this event would have had on its revenues.  The acquisition of Bitfarms  Among the various solutions that Riot Platforms is trying to study to contain the losses, there are mergers and acquisitions.  In particular, he has set his eyes on Bitfarms, another crypto mining company from America.  Anche Bitfarms è quotata in borsa al Nasdaq, con i ticker BITF, ma mentre ieri RIOT è salita dell’1,8$, BITF è scesa di quasi il 4,2%. In after-market ha poi recuperato un misero 0,4%. The BITF stock, however, is performing less poorly than that of RIOT in the medium-long term, because compared to the $1.1 at the end of 2023, the current price of $2.3 is significantly higher.  Furthermore, in percentage terms, it is less distant from the historical highs of 2021 compared to RIOT, and from the 0.4% at the end of 2022, it has gained a lot.  So it really seems that Riot Platforms wants to incorporate a rival company that, at least on the stock market, is performing better.  Note that RIOT capitalizes 2.8 billion dollars, while BITF less than 900 million, so it is three times smaller.  Crypto mining: The opposition of Bitfarms to the OPA of Riot Blockchain Bitfarms, however, would not want to be acquired.  It should be noted that Bitfarms is a “public” company, because as much as 75% of its shares are on the market (in borsa).  So in theory Riot Platforms should not have major problems launching a hostile takeover bid against it, provided that it offers shareholders an interesting selling price.  The company, however, reacted to try to oppose this hostile takeover, developing a plan regarding shareholders’ rights that would allow a hostile takeover only in very limited circumstances.  In fact, the plan provides that in the event that a single entity manages to acquire at least 15% of the shares by September 20, and then increases the stake to 20% without the approval of the board, the other shareholders could purchase ordinary shares at a significant discount compared to the market price.  Bitfarms is a Canadian company, and in Canada these measures are allowed by law. The result would be that Riot could still launch a hostile takeover bid, but it would see its shareholding diluted once the shares are purchased on the market.  Riot is actually already a shareholder of Bitfarms, and in fact, the climb has already begun, given that today it should have become the single largest shareholder with more than 11% of the shares.  Furthermore, during the recent shareholders’ meeting of Bitfarms, its very own co-founder, Emiliano Grodzki, was ousted from the board of directors.  In other words, a real internal clash is taking place within Bitfarms between Riot, which is trying to take it over, and the other shareholders who do not want the company to be acquired in this way.

Mining crypto: Bitfarms opposes the acquisition of Riot Blockchain

After the news a few days ago about Riot Blockchain’s interest in Bitfarms, the crypto mining company is taking steps to make the acquisition more difficult.

In fact, Bitfarms has adopted a plan regarding shareholder rights that would allow a hostile takeover attempt only in very limited circumstances. 

Riot Blockchain and the expansion of crypto mining

Riot Blockchain, now known as Riot Platforms, is a publicly traded company that engages in crypto mining. 

A few days ago, the news spread that it is looking for new solutions to compensate for the reduction in revenue caused by the halving of Bitcoin. 

The halving, which occurred on April 20, halved the reward for miners, but the competition has not decreased by much. 

Taking the weekly averages from Hashrate Index, Bitcoin’s hashrate went from 650 Eh/s on April 19 to the current 604, reducing by only 7% after the halving. 

Mining is a competition in which those with more hashrate earn more, so miners are effectively encouraged to keep their hashrate as high as possible. 

Only with the halving, the prize revenues have been halved, and since it is precisely the hashrate that consumes electricity, and therefore generates the highest costs, the miners now have a problem. 

The profitability of mining has collapsed after the halving, dropping from about $0.11 per day per THash/s to the current $0.05, more than halving. This level is currently the lowest ever. 

RIOT in the stock market

Riot Platforms is listed on the stock exchange at Nasdaq with the ticker RIOT.

After the annual peaks in February, when the price of its shares had risen above $17, during the month and a half preceding the halving it collapsed below $8, losing more than half of its value. 

The investors and speculators feared that the company might have problems as a result of the halving, and in fact, they were right. 

However, subsequently the price has risen, so much so that it is now just below $10.

The current price level, however, is close to the lows of 2024, and it is in line with what RIOT stocks had in mid-December 2023 before the rise began. 

It is worth noting, however, that it is higher than that of October and November, when it was even below 9$, and especially that it is much higher than that of the end of 2022, when it dropped to almost 3$.

It is however important to highlight that the historical highs of 2021 are still very far away, given that it reached almost 80$. 

The difference between the almost $80 of February 2021 and the $17 of February 2024 says a lot about how excessive the FOMO was back then, as well as how much the financial markets have already “punished” Riot before the halving due to the inevitable effects that this event would have had on its revenues. 

The acquisition of Bitfarms 

Among the various solutions that Riot Platforms is trying to study to contain the losses, there are mergers and acquisitions. 

In particular, he has set his eyes on Bitfarms, another crypto mining company from America. 

Anche Bitfarms è quotata in borsa al Nasdaq, con i ticker BITF, ma mentre ieri RIOT è salita dell’1,8$, BITF è scesa di quasi il 4,2%. In after-market ha poi recuperato un misero 0,4%.

The BITF stock, however, is performing less poorly than that of RIOT in the medium-long term, because compared to the $1.1 at the end of 2023, the current price of $2.3 is significantly higher. 

Furthermore, in percentage terms, it is less distant from the historical highs of 2021 compared to RIOT, and from the 0.4% at the end of 2022, it has gained a lot. 

So it really seems that Riot Platforms wants to incorporate a rival company that, at least on the stock market, is performing better. 

Note that RIOT capitalizes 2.8 billion dollars, while BITF less than 900 million, so it is three times smaller. 

Crypto mining: The opposition of Bitfarms to the OPA of Riot Blockchain

Bitfarms, however, would not want to be acquired. 

It should be noted that Bitfarms is a “public” company, because as much as 75% of its shares are on the market (in borsa). 

So in theory Riot Platforms should not have major problems launching a hostile takeover bid against it, provided that it offers shareholders an interesting selling price. 

The company, however, reacted to try to oppose this hostile takeover, developing a plan regarding shareholders’ rights that would allow a hostile takeover only in very limited circumstances. 

In fact, the plan provides that in the event that a single entity manages to acquire at least 15% of the shares by September 20, and then increases the stake to 20% without the approval of the board, the other shareholders could purchase ordinary shares at a significant discount compared to the market price. 

Bitfarms is a Canadian company, and in Canada these measures are allowed by law. The result would be that Riot could still launch a hostile takeover bid, but it would see its shareholding diluted once the shares are purchased on the market. 

Riot is actually already a shareholder of Bitfarms, and in fact, the climb has already begun, given that today it should have become the single largest shareholder with more than 11% of the shares. 

Furthermore, during the recent shareholders’ meeting of Bitfarms, its very own co-founder, Emiliano Grodzki, was ousted from the board of directors. 

In other words, a real internal clash is taking place within Bitfarms between Riot, which is trying to take it over, and the other shareholders who do not want the company to be acquired in this way.
Travala integrates The Open Network and supports the crypto TONThe crypto-native travel booking site, Travala, has integrated The Open Network, offering its users the possibility to use Toncoin (TON).  Travala integrates The Open Network and supports the crypto TON Travala has announced that it has integrated Telegram Open Network, allowing its users to use the crypto Toncoin (TON) to book trips.  EXCITING NEWS: TON is now LIVE on Travala!@ton_blockchain is bringing crypto to every pocket. Building the #Web3 ecosystem in Telegram, TON makes digital ownership easy for billions! Now you can book millions of hotels, flights & fun activities with $TON Read more — (@travalacom) June 10, 2024 “EXCITING NEWS: TON is now LIVE on Travala!@ton_blockchain is bringing cryptocurrency to everyone’s pockets. By building the #Web3 ecosystem in Telegram, TON makes digital ownership easy for billions of people! Now you can book millions of hotels, flights, and fun activities with $TON” In practice, on Travala, users will also be able to use the crypto TON to book over 3,000,000 travel products, in more than 230 countries.  On the other hand, the new partnership allows to increase the adoption of TON, expanding the use cases of the crypto.  Travala and the support for Telegram’s crypto: Toncoin (TON) In the blog post, Travala describes Toncoin as a decentralized and open internet, created by the community with technology designed by Telegram. Regarding the new partnership, Juan Otero, CEO of, stated:  “In continuing our commitment towards the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies, we are pleased to collaborate with Toncoin to support the growth of the cryptocurrency community and bring a new real use case to TON.” Founded in 2017, is the leading crypto-native travel booking service with over 2,200,000 properties in 230 countries, over 400,000 activities, and 600+ airlines globally.  Not only that, is a champion of the adoption of criptovalute, accepting over 100 major cryptos along with traditional payment methods. The price of TON At the moment, the news does not seem to have caused the price of TON to skyrocket, which, on the contrary, is in a bear dump of -2.5% in the last 24 hours.  Certainly though, Telegram’s crypto is riding the wave of the bull run. In fact, TON is the ninth crypto by market capitalization, just below Dogecoin (DOGE). Its total market cap is 16.7 billion dollars. Not only that, at the time of writing, the price of TON is $6.90. Its all-time high was reached last week, exactly on June 7, at $7.70. 

Travala integrates The Open Network and supports the crypto TON

The crypto-native travel booking site, Travala, has integrated The Open Network, offering its users the possibility to use Toncoin (TON). 

Travala integrates The Open Network and supports the crypto TON

Travala has announced that it has integrated Telegram Open Network, allowing its users to use the crypto Toncoin (TON) to book trips. 

EXCITING NEWS: TON is now LIVE on Travala!@ton_blockchain is bringing crypto to every pocket. Building the #Web3 ecosystem in Telegram, TON makes digital ownership easy for billions!

Now you can book millions of hotels, flights & fun activities with $TON

Read more

— (@travalacom) June 10, 2024

“EXCITING NEWS: TON is now LIVE on Travala!@ton_blockchain is bringing cryptocurrency to everyone’s pockets. By building the #Web3 ecosystem in Telegram, TON makes digital ownership easy for billions of people! Now you can book millions of hotels, flights, and fun activities with $TON”

In practice, on Travala, users will also be able to use the crypto TON to book over 3,000,000 travel products, in more than 230 countries. 

On the other hand, the new partnership allows to increase the adoption of TON, expanding the use cases of the crypto. 

Travala and the support for Telegram’s crypto: Toncoin (TON)

In the blog post, Travala describes Toncoin as a decentralized and open internet, created by the community with technology designed by Telegram.

Regarding the new partnership, Juan Otero, CEO of, stated: 

“In continuing our commitment towards the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies, we are pleased to collaborate with Toncoin to support the growth of the cryptocurrency community and bring a new real use case to TON.”

Founded in 2017, is the leading crypto-native travel booking service with over 2,200,000 properties in 230 countries, over 400,000 activities, and 600+ airlines globally. 

Not only that, is a champion of the adoption of criptovalute, accepting over 100 major cryptos along with traditional payment methods.

The price of TON

At the moment, the news does not seem to have caused the price of TON to skyrocket, which, on the contrary, is in a bear dump of -2.5% in the last 24 hours. 

Certainly though, Telegram’s crypto is riding the wave of the bull run. In fact, TON is the ninth crypto by market capitalization, just below Dogecoin (DOGE). Its total market cap is 16.7 billion dollars.

Not only that, at the time of writing, the price of TON is $6.90. Its all-time high was reached last week, exactly on June 7, at $7.70. 
Skatīt oriģinālu
Rallijs pēc bitkoinu sadalīšanas uz pusēm sākas ar BTC virs 70 000 USD: 4 Altcoins, kas var padarīt jūs bagātuSponsorētā ziņa* Kripto entuziasti sagaida buļļu ralliju pēc nesenās Bitcoin samazināšanās uz pusi, un tas varētu beidzot būt šeit, jo Bitcoin (BTC) pieaug virs 70 000 USD. Lai gan Bitcoin (BTC) piedāvā lielisku peļņas iespēju, investori ir pievērsušies altkoiniem ar vēl lielāku peļņas potenciālu. ETFSwap (ETFS), Arbitrum (ARB), interneta dators (ICP) un Uniswap (UNI) veido šo altkoinu sarakstu, kas var padarīt jūs bagātu. Mēs aplūkojam katru no šiem altkoiniem, lai noteiktu to peļņas potenciālu pirms pilnīgas vērša skrējiena.

Rallijs pēc bitkoinu sadalīšanas uz pusēm sākas ar BTC virs 70 000 USD: 4 Altcoins, kas var padarīt jūs bagātu

Sponsorētā ziņa*

Kripto entuziasti sagaida buļļu ralliju pēc nesenās Bitcoin samazināšanās uz pusi, un tas varētu beidzot būt šeit, jo Bitcoin (BTC) pieaug virs 70 000 USD. Lai gan Bitcoin (BTC) piedāvā lielisku peļņas iespēju, investori ir pievērsušies altkoiniem ar vēl lielāku peļņas potenciālu.

ETFSwap (ETFS), Arbitrum (ARB), interneta dators (ICP) un Uniswap (UNI) veido šo altkoinu sarakstu, kas var padarīt jūs bagātu. Mēs aplūkojam katru no šiem altkoiniem, lai noteiktu to peļņas potenciālu pirms pilnīgas vērša skrējiena.
Blockchair Takes the Lead: The Only Explorer to Support 42 Blockchains, Unleashing AI-Driven Inte...Blockchair has announced the support of 24 new blockchains into its platform, significantly enhancing its multi-blockchain explorer and professional tools offering. This expansion includes prominent names such as Solana, Base, TRON, Arbitrum One, Polygon, Polygon zkEVM, Linea, Optimism, TON, Beacon Chain, Aptos, Avalanche, DigiByte, Fantom, Handshake, Moonbeam, Peercoin, Polkadot, Sei EVM, and XRP Ledger, but also upcoming Layer 2s on Bitcoin such as BOB, Botanix, Rootstock, and Liquid Network. ‘Blockchair has historically been a Bitcoin and UTXO-chain explorer. Our expansion into the Bitcoin Layer 2 ecosystem feels nothing but natural and we’ll keep adding more and more upcoming Bitcoin Layer 2s.’ Nikita Zhavoronkov – CEO & Lead Developer at Blockchair The addition of these 24 blockchains brings unique capabilities and features to Blockchair’s already robust platform. This integration sets Blockchair apart from other block explorers by providing a unified interface to explore data across 42 popular chains. Users can now seamlessly access and analyze data from multiple blockchains, benefiting from enhanced user experience and functionality. Alongside this expansion, Blockchair has also unveiled a comprehensive platform redesign aimed at improving user experience and accessibility. New design with AI Assistant The redesigned platform boasts lightning-fast performance and a modern, clean interface that simplifies navigation and improves accessibility. Key enhancements include intuitive navigation and distinct sections dedicated to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other ecosystems. Additionally, the Blockchair AI Assistant is introduced to help users interpret and understand on-chain data effectively and get professional support. ‘Since 2016 we have received lots of similar questions from crypto users related to their on-chain transactions, and there is fundamentally no real-time tech support for decentralized cryptocurrencies. Providing crypto users with comprehensive and, what is even more important, a safe support system – is no easy task. We have solved it. We believe AI-powered human-like interactions are the future of UI.‘ Yedige Davletgaliyev – Head of Research at Blockchair Blockchair’s AI Assistant guides users in multiple languages through understanding on-chain data with questions such as: – How long will it take for my transaction to be processed? – What can be done to speed up or revert/cancel a transaction? – How to distinguish between fraudulent and legitimate advice? The AI assistant has already guided thousands of users not to send money or seed phrases to scammers, and will soon be made available for developers in the API. Blockchair also improves its UX by expanding its offering of fiat currencies in which the data can be denominated and adding KYA/KYT scores to check transaction risk evaluation. According to the Blockchair team, the platform will continue to add support for new blockchains and work on its professional developer tools. About Blockchair Blockchair offers the most private search and analytics engine and a wide range of professional tools for scientists and developers of multi-currency wallets and exchanges, for 42 different blockchains. This includes APIs, PDF receipts and Wallet statements generator, Awesome Catalog of Blockchain and Crypto services, News Aggregator, Data Dumps, an anonymous portfolio tracker, and charts with blockchain and monetary data. The website is offered in 20 languages and no user data is gathered nor shared with third parties. For more information or questions:

Blockchair Takes the Lead: The Only Explorer to Support 42 Blockchains, Unleashing AI-Driven Inte...

Blockchair has announced the support of 24 new blockchains into its platform, significantly enhancing its multi-blockchain explorer and professional tools offering. This expansion includes prominent names such as Solana, Base, TRON, Arbitrum One, Polygon, Polygon zkEVM, Linea, Optimism, TON, Beacon Chain, Aptos, Avalanche, DigiByte, Fantom, Handshake, Moonbeam, Peercoin, Polkadot, Sei EVM, and XRP Ledger, but also upcoming Layer 2s on Bitcoin such as BOB, Botanix, Rootstock, and Liquid Network.

‘Blockchair has historically been a Bitcoin and UTXO-chain explorer. Our expansion into the Bitcoin Layer 2 ecosystem feels nothing but natural and we’ll keep adding more and more upcoming Bitcoin Layer 2s.’

Nikita Zhavoronkov – CEO & Lead Developer at Blockchair

The addition of these 24 blockchains brings unique capabilities and features to Blockchair’s already robust platform. This integration sets Blockchair apart from other block explorers by providing a unified interface to explore data across 42 popular chains. Users can now seamlessly access and analyze data from multiple blockchains, benefiting from enhanced user experience and functionality.

Alongside this expansion, Blockchair has also unveiled a comprehensive platform redesign aimed at improving user experience and accessibility.

New design with AI Assistant

The redesigned platform boasts lightning-fast performance and a modern, clean interface that simplifies navigation and improves accessibility. Key enhancements include intuitive navigation and distinct sections dedicated to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other ecosystems. Additionally, the Blockchair AI Assistant is introduced to help users interpret and understand on-chain data effectively and get professional support.

‘Since 2016 we have received lots of similar questions from crypto users related to their on-chain transactions, and there is fundamentally no real-time tech support for decentralized cryptocurrencies. Providing crypto users with comprehensive and, what is even more important, a safe support system – is no easy task. We have solved it. We believe AI-powered human-like interactions are the future of UI.‘

Yedige Davletgaliyev – Head of Research at Blockchair

Blockchair’s AI Assistant guides users in multiple languages through understanding on-chain data with questions such as:

– How long will it take for my transaction to be processed?

– What can be done to speed up or revert/cancel a transaction?

– How to distinguish between fraudulent and legitimate advice?

The AI assistant has already guided thousands of users not to send money or seed phrases to scammers, and will soon be made available for developers in the API.

Blockchair also improves its UX by expanding its offering of fiat currencies in which the data can be denominated and adding KYA/KYT scores to check transaction risk evaluation. According to the Blockchair team, the platform will continue to add support for new blockchains and work on its professional developer tools.

About Blockchair

Blockchair offers the most private search and analytics engine and a wide range of professional tools for scientists and developers of multi-currency wallets and exchanges, for 42 different blockchains. This includes APIs, PDF receipts and Wallet statements generator, Awesome Catalog of Blockchain and Crypto services, News Aggregator, Data Dumps, an anonymous portfolio tracker, and charts with blockchain and monetary data. The website is offered in 20 languages and no user data is gathered nor shared with third parties.

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Dienvidkoreja pret dažiem NFT izturēsies kā pret parastajām kriptovalūtām: jauns regulējumsDienvidkoreja ir spērusi nozīmīgu soli digitālo aktīvu regulējuma virzienā, tostarp NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) jaunā vadlīniju komplektā.  Kā ziņo ziņu aģentūra Yonhap, Dienvidkorejas Finanšu pakalpojumu komisija (FSC) pirmdien paziņoja, ka tā attieksies pret dažiem NFT kā pret parastajām kriptovalūtām, ieviešot normatīvo regulējumu, kura mērķis ir pārvaldīt augošo masveidā ražoto NFT tirgu. NFT konteksts un regulējuma nepieciešamība Dienvidkorejā NFT ir unikāli digitālie aktīvi, kas izmanto blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, lai apliecinātu īpašumtiesības uz digitālu objektu, piemēram, mākslas darbiem, mūziku, video un citu digitālo saturu. Atšķirībā no tradicionālajām kriptovalūtām, piemēram, Bitcoin un Ethereum, kuras ir savstarpēji aizstājamas, katram NFT ir unikāls ciparparaksts, kas garantē tā unikalitāti. 

Dienvidkoreja pret dažiem NFT izturēsies kā pret parastajām kriptovalūtām: jauns regulējums

Dienvidkoreja ir spērusi nozīmīgu soli digitālo aktīvu regulējuma virzienā, tostarp NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) jaunā vadlīniju komplektā. 

Kā ziņo ziņu aģentūra Yonhap, Dienvidkorejas Finanšu pakalpojumu komisija (FSC) pirmdien paziņoja, ka tā attieksies pret dažiem NFT kā pret parastajām kriptovalūtām, ieviešot normatīvo regulējumu, kura mērķis ir pārvaldīt augošo masveidā ražoto NFT tirgu.

NFT konteksts un regulējuma nepieciešamība Dienvidkorejā

NFT ir unikāli digitālie aktīvi, kas izmanto blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, lai apliecinātu īpašumtiesības uz digitālu objektu, piemēram, mākslas darbiem, mūziku, video un citu digitālo saturu. Atšķirībā no tradicionālajām kriptovalūtām, piemēram, Bitcoin un Ethereum, kuras ir savstarpēji aizstājamas, katram NFT ir unikāls ciparparaksts, kas garantē tā unikalitāti. 
The Solana Foundation removes the validators due to sandwich attacksThe Solana Foundation has recently taken decisive action by removing a group of validator operators from its delegation program due to their involvement in sandwich attacks against users. This move, aimed at safeguarding the integrity and security of the network, underscores the foundation’s commitment to maintaining a fair and secure ecosystem for all participants. What is a sandwich attack? Why is it dangerous for Solana Foundation? To fully understand the gravity of the situation, it is essential to understand what sandwich attacks are. Sandwich attacks are a form of market manipulation in cryptocurrencies and decentralized exchanges (DEX). In a sandwich attack, a malicious actor observes a pending transaction on the blockchain and inserts two transactions: one before and one after the observed one. The goal is to exploit the price fluctuations caused by the original transaction to make a profit. In other words, the malicious actor “inserts” their transactions “around” the target transaction, hence the term “sandwich”. The Solana Foundation has discovered that some validators in its delegation program were actively participating in these sandwich attacks. This behavior not only undermines users’ trust in the network, but also goes against the rules and principles established by the foundation itself. The foundation acted quickly to remove these validators, emphasizing that such harmful practices will not be tolerated. This decision was made in line with the policies of the Solana Foundation, which prohibit any activity that could damage the integrity of the network or disadvantage users. The removal of these operators not only protects users but also serves as a warning to other validators who might consider similar practices. The importance of the delegation program The delegation program of the Solana Foundation is a crucial element of the Solana ecosystem. It allows stakers to delegate their SOL tokens to trusted validators, thus contributing to the security and decentralization of the network. The validators, in turn, earn rewards for their work in validating transactions and maintaining the network. However, trust is a fundamental component in this system. Stakers must be able to trust that the validators are operating honestly and transparently. The actions of the Solana Foundation demonstrate that the organization is willing to take rigorous measures to maintain this trust, ensuring that only validators who adhere to the rules and ethical principles can participate in the delegation program. The removal of validators involved in sandwich attacks has several implications for the Solana community. Firstly, it strengthens security and trust in the network. Users can be certain that the foundation will closely monitor the behavior of validators and take action against any malicious activity. Secondly, this action can encourage other validators to maintain high ethical standards, knowing that their actions will be monitored and that any misconduct will not be tolerated. This can lead to a healthier and more responsible community of validators, further improving the stability and reputation of the Solana network. Conclusions The decision by the Solana Foundation to remove validators involved in sandwich attacks from the delegation program is a clear signal of its commitment to the security and integrity of the network. This move protects users from harmful practices and strengthens trust in the Solana ecosystem. In a rapidly evolving sector like that of cryptocurrencies, transparency and decisive action are fundamental to maintaining a safe and reliable environment. The Solana Foundation has demonstrated its willingness to take the necessary measures to ensure that the network remains a fair place for all participants, sending a strong message to the entire community: manipulation and harmful practices will not be tolerated. With this action, the foundation not only protects its users but also contributes to building a safer and more transparent future for the entire blockchain ecosystem.

The Solana Foundation removes the validators due to sandwich attacks

The Solana Foundation has recently taken decisive action by removing a group of validator operators from its delegation program due to their involvement in sandwich attacks against users. This move, aimed at safeguarding the integrity and security of the network, underscores the foundation’s commitment to maintaining a fair and secure ecosystem for all participants.

What is a sandwich attack? Why is it dangerous for Solana Foundation?

To fully understand the gravity of the situation, it is essential to understand what sandwich attacks are. Sandwich attacks are a form of market manipulation in cryptocurrencies and decentralized exchanges (DEX). In a sandwich attack, a malicious actor observes a pending transaction on the blockchain and inserts two transactions: one before and one after the observed one. The goal is to exploit the price fluctuations caused by the original transaction to make a profit. In other words, the malicious actor “inserts” their transactions “around” the target transaction, hence the term “sandwich”.

The Solana Foundation has discovered that some validators in its delegation program were actively participating in these sandwich attacks. This behavior not only undermines users’ trust in the network, but also goes against the rules and principles established by the foundation itself.

The foundation acted quickly to remove these validators, emphasizing that such harmful practices will not be tolerated. This decision was made in line with the policies of the Solana Foundation, which prohibit any activity that could damage the integrity of the network or disadvantage users. The removal of these operators not only protects users but also serves as a warning to other validators who might consider similar practices.

The importance of the delegation program

The delegation program of the Solana Foundation is a crucial element of the Solana ecosystem. It allows stakers to delegate their SOL tokens to trusted validators, thus contributing to the security and decentralization of the network. The validators, in turn, earn rewards for their work in validating transactions and maintaining the network.

However, trust is a fundamental component in this system. Stakers must be able to trust that the validators are operating honestly and transparently. The actions of the Solana Foundation demonstrate that the organization is willing to take rigorous measures to maintain this trust, ensuring that only validators who adhere to the rules and ethical principles can participate in the delegation program.

The removal of validators involved in sandwich attacks has several implications for the Solana community. Firstly, it strengthens security and trust in the network. Users can be certain that the foundation will closely monitor the behavior of validators and take action against any malicious activity.

Secondly, this action can encourage other validators to maintain high ethical standards, knowing that their actions will be monitored and that any misconduct will not be tolerated. This can lead to a healthier and more responsible community of validators, further improving the stability and reputation of the Solana network.


The decision by the Solana Foundation to remove validators involved in sandwich attacks from the delegation program is a clear signal of its commitment to the security and integrity of the network. This move protects users from harmful practices and strengthens trust in the Solana ecosystem. In a rapidly evolving sector like that of cryptocurrencies, transparency and decisive action are fundamental to maintaining a safe and reliable environment.

The Solana Foundation has demonstrated its willingness to take the necessary measures to ensure that the network remains a fair place for all participants, sending a strong message to the entire community: manipulation and harmful practices will not be tolerated. With this action, the foundation not only protects its users but also contributes to building a safer and more transparent future for the entire blockchain ecosystem.
Celebrities and memecoin scams: the influencer Mr.Thank.You promotes the crypto Beercoin and invi...In the latest Instagram stories of the influencer Mr.Thank.You, who boasts 39.3 million followers on the platform, a certain crypto called “Beercoin” (BEER) was promoted, which in the last week has recorded a growth of 164%. The subject, despite not being minimally competent in the cryptocurrency sector, has subtly invited his followers to invest in the memecoin, in view of alleged juicy profits. In reality, Beercoin will most likely turn out to be yet another scam sponsored by celebrities and famous personalities who have no qualms about making money off the backs of their followers: be careful with these trash tokens! Let’s see everything in detail below. Mr.Thank.You sponsors the crypto Beercoin on Instagram: the coin surpasses 250 million in capitalization Sergei Kosenko, also known as “Mr.Thank.You”, is promoting a crypto called “Beercoin” (BEER) to his community, which will likely end up losing 99% of its value. The influencer, very well-known on Instagram with an audience of 39.3 million users, plays a philanthropic character who gives away (obviously fake) money to his followers, in addition to having produced some songs available on Youtube and Spotify. Recently, among the latest qualities of Mr.Thank.You, the one of the “fuffa-guru” seems to have emerged: with a series of Instagram Stories, the questionable individual has subtly invited his large audience to invest in the crypto Beercoin given the supposedly solid community and the “serietà” of the project. Source: Despite the Instagram stories not being marked with ADV (given the clearly promotional nature), Mr.Thank.You explained that although he is not an expert in the field, and although he does not dispense financial advice, he will not sell his bag of Beercoin until the crypto increases its value by at least 10 times. The currency, thanks also to the push from Mr.Thank.You, has reached a market capitalization of over 250 million dollars, with a volume of 103 million dollars in the last 24 hours. The crypto operates on the blockchain Solana and is tradable on CEX such as, Mexc, Bitget, and DEX such as Raydium. Obviously Beercoin could still grow in quotations in a context where speculations find fertile ground and push the degen to purchase the BEER token. In any case, this kind of valueless projects sponsored by influencers typically end up losing value as soon as they are presented to the general public. The sense of the sponsorship would be precisely to attract new foolish buyers who offer themselves as exit liquidity for the project founders, who sell the majority of the tokens in their portfolio, causing the price to collapse. Addirittura Mr.Thank.You si sarebbe autodefinito come il prossimo “Elon Musk”, judging from his “serietà” in investments and his propensity to buy memecoin. Source: At the time of writing the article Beercoin marks a value of 0.0005255 dollars per token, up 16% in the last 24 hours. The era of celebrities who scam their followers: be careful not to get fooled Since the times of the ICO, various celebrities have leveraged their online visibility to push the retail public to invest in so-called projects, similar to the crypto Beercoin, which over time have turned out to be real scams managed ad hoc to enrich their founders and collaborators. The most fitting example is that of the ICO of “Centra Tech” strongly promoted by DJ Khaled and Floyd Mayweather in 2017 as a revolutionary payment solution, which then died miserably leaving investors holding the short end of the stick. The same Mayweather would have recently created a token called FLOYD, and invited his followers on X to invest in it, only to delete all the tweets once the rugpull was executed. Among other examples of popular characters, we find Paris Hilton and the wild sponsorship of another fraudulent ICO, as well as the support of Paul Pierce for the Safemoon token which now records a -99% from its highs. To report also Kim Kardashian and her affiliation with EMAX, which cost her a fine of 250,000 dollars from the SEC in the following years, and the NFT scam project “Cryptosis”  heavily discussed on Lana Rhoades’ social media. Mr.Thank.You is just the latest in a long series of musicians, athletes, and influencers who, in search of easy profit, have no qualms about promoting trash tokens to all those followers who have contributed to their success over time. Floyd Mayweather already deleted Some things never change with scamming your fans. — ZachXBT (@zachxbt) June 2, 2024 In the world of finance, the terms “bull” and “bear” are often used to describe market trends. A “bull” market is characterized by rising prices, while a “bear” market is marked by falling prices. Understanding these concepts is crucial for investors. The latest frontier of this terrible fraudulent trend can be observed within the launch platform of memecoin “Pump.Fun”, where anyone can easily create a token in a short time and attract buyers thanks to an appealing dashboard. On this platform, celebrities create a memecoin with references to their own name or character, and after purchasing large amounts of the currency, they share the contract on their social channels inviting investment. Once the token has reached a decent liquidity for their personal profit, generally around millions of dollars, they delete the previously published tweets and cause the token price to crash. The integration with the various TelegramBot that automate trading operations make the games even more fake than they originally are, allowing a few designated individuals to purchase large sums of cryptocurrencies at the dawn of their listings, which will then be sold in the face of the last retail investors of the bull. this shit flopped so hard if you look at the pump fun transactions was a straight rug pull mfs made 10+ sol on this project study wanna be creators trying to turn celebrities tiktok creators are the worst whole community is filled w brain rot — TJAY || WIFINANCE (@WiFlips) June 9, 2024 Attention therefore not to be fooled by these unscrupulous individuals, who in order to make money, are willing to deceive their own fans. We hope that the Securities and Exchange Commission, rather than focusing on the definition of token security and attacking the largest crypto exchange platforms in the USA, can take action and put an end to this ugly and sad market trend. Stay away from Mr.Thank.You and the crypto Beercoin.

Celebrities and memecoin scams: the influencer Mr.Thank.You promotes the crypto Beercoin and invi...

In the latest Instagram stories of the influencer Mr.Thank.You, who boasts 39.3 million followers on the platform, a certain crypto called “Beercoin” (BEER) was promoted, which in the last week has recorded a growth of 164%.

The subject, despite not being minimally competent in the cryptocurrency sector, has subtly invited his followers to invest in the memecoin, in view of alleged juicy profits.

In reality, Beercoin will most likely turn out to be yet another scam sponsored by celebrities and famous personalities who have no qualms about making money off the backs of their followers: be careful with these trash tokens!

Let’s see everything in detail below.

Mr.Thank.You sponsors the crypto Beercoin on Instagram: the coin surpasses 250 million in capitalization

Sergei Kosenko, also known as “Mr.Thank.You”, is promoting a crypto called “Beercoin” (BEER) to his community, which will likely end up losing 99% of its value.

The influencer, very well-known on Instagram with an audience of 39.3 million users, plays a philanthropic character who gives away (obviously fake) money to his followers, in addition to having produced some songs available on Youtube and Spotify.

Recently, among the latest qualities of Mr.Thank.You, the one of the “fuffa-guru” seems to have emerged: with a series of Instagram Stories, the questionable individual has subtly invited his large audience to invest in the crypto Beercoin given the supposedly solid community and the “serietà” of the project.


Despite the Instagram stories not being marked with ADV (given the clearly promotional nature), Mr.Thank.You explained that although he is not an expert in the field, and although he does not dispense financial advice, he will not sell his bag of Beercoin until the crypto increases its value by at least 10 times.

The currency, thanks also to the push from Mr.Thank.You, has reached a market capitalization of over 250 million dollars, with a volume of 103 million dollars in the last 24 hours.

The crypto operates on the blockchain Solana and is tradable on CEX such as, Mexc, Bitget, and DEX such as Raydium.

Obviously Beercoin could still grow in quotations in a context where speculations find fertile ground and push the degen to purchase the BEER token.

In any case, this kind of valueless projects sponsored by influencers typically end up losing value as soon as they are presented to the general public.

The sense of the sponsorship would be precisely to attract new foolish buyers who offer themselves as exit liquidity for the project founders, who sell the majority of the tokens in their portfolio, causing the price to collapse.

Addirittura Mr.Thank.You si sarebbe autodefinito come il prossimo “Elon Musk”, judging from his “serietà” in investments and his propensity to buy memecoin.


At the time of writing the article Beercoin marks a value of 0.0005255 dollars per token, up 16% in the last 24 hours.

The era of celebrities who scam their followers: be careful not to get fooled

Since the times of the ICO, various celebrities have leveraged their online visibility to push the retail public to invest in so-called projects, similar to the crypto Beercoin, which over time have turned out to be real scams managed ad hoc to enrich their founders and collaborators.

The most fitting example is that of the ICO of “Centra Tech” strongly promoted by DJ Khaled and Floyd Mayweather in 2017 as a revolutionary payment solution, which then died miserably leaving investors holding the short end of the stick.

The same Mayweather would have recently created a token called FLOYD, and invited his followers on X to invest in it, only to delete all the tweets once the rugpull was executed.

Among other examples of popular characters, we find Paris Hilton and the wild sponsorship of another fraudulent ICO, as well as the support of Paul Pierce for the Safemoon token which now records a -99% from its highs.

To report also Kim Kardashian and her affiliation with EMAX, which cost her a fine of 250,000 dollars from the SEC in the following years, and the NFT scam project “Cryptosis”  heavily discussed on Lana Rhoades’ social media.

Mr.Thank.You is just the latest in a long series of musicians, athletes, and influencers who, in search of easy profit, have no qualms about promoting trash tokens to all those followers who have contributed to their success over time.

Floyd Mayweather already deleted

Some things never change with scamming your fans.

— ZachXBT (@zachxbt) June 2, 2024

In the world of finance, the terms “bull” and “bear” are often used to describe market trends. A “bull” market is characterized by rising prices, while a “bear” market is marked by falling prices. Understanding these concepts is crucial for investors.

The latest frontier of this terrible fraudulent trend can be observed within the launch platform of memecoin “Pump.Fun”, where anyone can easily create a token in a short time and attract buyers thanks to an appealing dashboard.

On this platform, celebrities create a memecoin with references to their own name or character, and after purchasing large amounts of the currency, they share the contract on their social channels inviting investment.

Once the token has reached a decent liquidity for their personal profit, generally around millions of dollars, they delete the previously published tweets and cause the token price to crash.

The integration with the various TelegramBot that automate trading operations make the games even more fake than they originally are, allowing a few designated individuals to purchase large sums of cryptocurrencies at the dawn of their listings, which will then be sold in the face of the last retail investors of the bull.

this shit flopped so hard

if you look at the pump fun transactions

was a straight rug pull mfs made 10+ sol on this project

study wanna be creators trying to turn celebrities

tiktok creators are the worst whole community is filled w brain rot

— TJAY || WIFINANCE (@WiFlips) June 9, 2024

Attention therefore not to be fooled by these unscrupulous individuals, who in order to make money, are willing to deceive their own fans.

We hope that the Securities and Exchange Commission, rather than focusing on the definition of token security and attacking the largest crypto exchange platforms in the USA, can take action and put an end to this ugly and sad market trend.

Stay away from Mr.Thank.You and the crypto Beercoin.
99Bitcoins New Crypto ICO Passes $2 Million Mark, AuditThis article was paid for* 99Bitcoins ($99BTC) – a new BRC-20 token – is hitting key milestones during its ongoing presale, catching the attention of deep-pocketed investors. The new crypto ICO has now raised over $2 million in a span of just a few weeks, a sign of its high upside potential.  Furthermore, the 99BTC smart contract has passed the SolidProof audit, boosting its already impressive fundamentals. 99Bitcoins’ strong presale performance has drawn praise from experts and crypto influencers, with some even hinting at the possibility of 10x returns after its launch.  99Bitcoins New Crypto ICO Raises $2 Million BRC-20 tokens are seeing significant demand in this bull market, owing to their strong correlation with Bitcoin. With experts’ Bitcoin price target for 2024 ranging from $100k to $250k, these tokens could also deliver outsized returns.  99Bitcoins’ entry in the BRC-20 race was met with significant hype and excitement, even from experts such as Michael Wrubel – who has over 300k subscribers on YouTube.  99Bitcoins is one of the top crypto and Bitcoin education platforms available, founded in 2013, even before the Ethereum blockchain. The platform has over 2.8 million subscribers while its YouTube channel has another 700k.  The new 99BTC token is designed to be at the core of 99Bitcoins’ transition from just a crypto education platform to a learn-to-earn ecosystem.  Essentially, the new cryptocurrency offers considerable financial incentives to the platform’s nearly 3 million subscribers, provided start holding the token. This includes alpha trading signals and strategies, access to VIP groups and lucrative staking rewards. Users can simply progress through 99Bitcoins’ learning material and receive free crypto in their wallets. This learn-to-earn utility is the key factor driving 99BTC’s demand amongst smart-money traders. If even half of the platform’s subscribers decide to buy and hold the token, it could see significant growth after its launch.  99BTC Token Passes SolidProof Audit 99BTC has also successfully completed its smart contract audit, publishing the audit report on its presale website.  The report reveals no security risks in the contract that could put investors’ funds at peril. Furthermore, it is prone to common centralization risks.  For instance, the contract is non-upgradable and therefore cannot be tampered with, especially since its ownership has also been renounced. This means that the owner cannot mint new tokens, blacklist addresses or pause the contract.  The 99Bitcoins’ SolidProof audit alleviates some of the concerns associated with new cryptocurrencies while improving its fundamentals. However, experts weren’t overly concerned with the project’s legitimacy to begin with.  Firstly, as previously mentioned, 99Bitcoins is not a new name in the crypto industry. More importantly, the token is not being run by an anonymous developer team. Instead, the 99Bitcoins founder and chairman Daniel Morgan is a well-known Web3 thought leader and evangelist.  Morgan’s popular article on Bitcoin Obituaries – a satire on several times the mainstream media claimed BTC is going to zero – gained worldwide recognition.  Furthermore, the 99BTC token has adopted community-centric tokenomics, with no portion of the supply reserved for the developer team. Investors can check out the exact token supply allocation on the presale website.  99Bitcoins Airdrop Registration Deadline Approaches 99Bitcoins has announced an airdrop for community members, offering $99,999 in Bitcoin to 99 lucky winners.  With over $1000 up for grabs for each winner, it is no wonder that the campaign already has close to 12,000 entries. However, late entrants will have just as much of a chance to secure the bounty as those registering early.  Interested participants can head to the 99Bitcoins presale website and use the Gleam widget to complete a few simple requirements. The winners will be decided on July 19th.  Considering that the Bitcoin price is on the verge of a major breakout, the airdrop winnings could end up turning into a small fortune for the lucky winners.  Visit 99Bitcoins Presale *Cryptonomist did not write the article or test the platform.

99Bitcoins New Crypto ICO Passes $2 Million Mark, Audit

This article was paid for*
99Bitcoins ($99BTC) – a new BRC-20 token – is hitting key milestones during its ongoing presale, catching the attention of deep-pocketed investors.

The new crypto ICO has now raised over $2 million in a span of just a few weeks, a sign of its high upside potential. 

Furthermore, the 99BTC smart contract has passed the SolidProof audit, boosting its already impressive fundamentals.

99Bitcoins’ strong presale performance has drawn praise from experts and crypto influencers, with some even hinting at the possibility of 10x returns after its launch. 

99Bitcoins New Crypto ICO Raises $2 Million

BRC-20 tokens are seeing significant demand in this bull market, owing to their strong correlation with Bitcoin. With experts’ Bitcoin price target for 2024 ranging from $100k to $250k, these tokens could also deliver outsized returns. 

99Bitcoins’ entry in the BRC-20 race was met with significant hype and excitement, even from experts such as Michael Wrubel – who has over 300k subscribers on YouTube. 

99Bitcoins is one of the top crypto and Bitcoin education platforms available, founded in 2013, even before the Ethereum blockchain. The platform has over 2.8 million subscribers while its YouTube channel has another 700k. 

The new 99BTC token is designed to be at the core of 99Bitcoins’ transition from just a crypto education platform to a learn-to-earn ecosystem. 

Essentially, the new cryptocurrency offers considerable financial incentives to the platform’s nearly 3 million subscribers, provided start holding the token. This includes alpha trading signals and strategies, access to VIP groups and lucrative staking rewards. Users can simply progress through 99Bitcoins’ learning material and receive free crypto in their wallets.

This learn-to-earn utility is the key factor driving 99BTC’s demand amongst smart-money traders. If even half of the platform’s subscribers decide to buy and hold the token, it could see significant growth after its launch. 

99BTC Token Passes SolidProof Audit

99BTC has also successfully completed its smart contract audit, publishing the audit report on its presale website. 

The report reveals no security risks in the contract that could put investors’ funds at peril. Furthermore, it is prone to common centralization risks. 

For instance, the contract is non-upgradable and therefore cannot be tampered with, especially since its ownership has also been renounced. This means that the owner cannot mint new tokens, blacklist addresses or pause the contract. 

The 99Bitcoins’ SolidProof audit alleviates some of the concerns associated with new cryptocurrencies while improving its fundamentals. However, experts weren’t overly concerned with the project’s legitimacy to begin with. 

Firstly, as previously mentioned, 99Bitcoins is not a new name in the crypto industry. More importantly, the token is not being run by an anonymous developer team. Instead, the 99Bitcoins founder and chairman Daniel Morgan is a well-known Web3 thought leader and evangelist. 

Morgan’s popular article on Bitcoin Obituaries – a satire on several times the mainstream media claimed BTC is going to zero – gained worldwide recognition. 

Furthermore, the 99BTC token has adopted community-centric tokenomics, with no portion of the supply reserved for the developer team. Investors can check out the exact token supply allocation on the presale website. 

99Bitcoins Airdrop Registration Deadline Approaches

99Bitcoins has announced an airdrop for community members, offering $99,999 in Bitcoin to 99 lucky winners. 

With over $1000 up for grabs for each winner, it is no wonder that the campaign already has close to 12,000 entries. However, late entrants will have just as much of a chance to secure the bounty as those registering early. 

Interested participants can head to the 99Bitcoins presale website and use the Gleam widget to complete a few simple requirements. The winners will be decided on July 19th. 

Considering that the Bitcoin price is on the verge of a major breakout, the airdrop winnings could end up turning into a small fortune for the lucky winners. 

Visit 99Bitcoins Presale

*Cryptonomist did not write the article or test the platform.
The price of Ethereum in Bitcoin is still falling, but not in USDIn recent days in the crypto markets, an interesting dynamic is occurring regarding the price of Ethereum in Bitcoin and in USD.  The thing is curious especially because by the end of the month, or at the latest by the first week of July, the final listing of spot ETH ETFs in the USA is expected, but despite this at the moment Ethereum appears clearly subordinate to Bitcoin.  The price of Ethereum and Bitcoin in USD Regarding the price trend in USD in recent days, there is not much to say about either Ethereum or Bitcoin. After the sudden movement on Friday, when the price of BTC dropped almost abruptly from around $72,000 to around $69,000, over the weekend it did nothing but move sideways just above $69,000. Among other things, the current level is perfectly in line with that of last Monday, so Friday did nothing but burn the gains accumulated during the week.  Indeed, at the beginning of June it was below $68,000, so the current level should still be considered very good, being in fact only 6% lower than the historical maximum.  A similar argument can also be made for Ethereum. The current price is below $3,700, and it is in line with that of the last decade of May.  Curiously, however, it is still at -25% from the absolute highs of 2021, but last week it had not risen much.  After the boom of May 20, when the news of the possible imminent approval of the applications for the issuance of a spot ETH ETF in the USA came out, it rose only until the end of the month, then started June above $3,700 and in fact has been lateralizing until now.  Friday had reached just above $3,800 before the drop that brought it back below $3,700.  During the weekend, it did not move from this last level.  The dynamics of this morning This morning, however, there was some small movement, although not significant.  The price of Bitcoin has moved from $69,700 to $69,200, as if it wanted to start a small bear trend, but once it reached this last level, it recorded a rebound that seems to have averted further declines, at least for now.  The price of Ethereum went from $3,715 to $3,655, but only to bounce back and return above $3,670. These are dynamics that only serve to liven up the markets a bit, but they are not decisive in any way, not even in the short term.  However, it cannot be ruled out that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow this period of lateralization may end, even if it is not yet clear in which direction it might go.  The Ethereum/Bitcoin ratio and the relationship with the price in USD The only truly interesting dynamic is that of the relationship between Ethereum and Bitcoin.  First of all, you can analyze the price trend of ETH expressed in BTC. At the beginning of June, one ETH was worth about 56 thousandths of BTC. However, already on June 2, this price started to drop.  In particular, on June 3rd it had dropped to 54 and on June 5th to 53.  After Friday’s drop, it ended up falling below 53 thousandths of BTC, so now it is still below.  It is worth noting that at the end of May it had also risen above 57 thousandths, so this is a decline that has been going on for more than two weeks now.  Considering instead the ratio between the market capitalization of BTC and that of ETH, today it has risen to 3.1, after being below 2.9 at the end of May. However, these are not very high values, given that before the news of the probable approval of spot ETH ETFs it was almost 3.6.  What matters most at this moment is that from Friday’s drop this ratio has risen, albeit slightly, indicating that Bitcoin is holding up better than Ethereum in these days when financial markets seem a bit worried about the Fed’s restrictive monetary policy.  The dominance of Bitcoin The picture for altcoins becomes even bleaker if we analyze the dominance of Bitcoin.  At the end of May, according to Trading View data, it had dropped to 53.7%, and since then it has started an almost constant rise.  June started above 54%, and last week it had already risen above 54.7%. The most interesting thing, however, was the reaction to Friday’s drop, with Bitcoin’s dominance suddenly jumping from 54.6% to 55.5%, although it then fell to 54.9% over the weekend. This morning, however, it rose again, returning to 55.5%, before slightly correcting to 55.4%. If we take as a reference the 51.9% at the beginning of the year, it is evident how in this 2024 it is precisely Bitcoin that dominates the crypto markets, although there are occasionally some small exceptions.  Among other things, the maximum peak of the dominance of the year was 56.3%, which is not much higher than the current levels. This gives a good idea of the fact that altcoins as a whole are not going through a good moment at all. Just think that the current levels are similar to those of the second half of April 2021, that is, in the midst of a great bull run.  In summary, despite the fact that in theory the attention at this moment should be focused on Ethereum, it is still Bitcoin that dominates the crypto markets, with the altcoins that for now are limited to suffering while waiting for better times, 

The price of Ethereum in Bitcoin is still falling, but not in USD

In recent days in the crypto markets, an interesting dynamic is occurring regarding the price of Ethereum in Bitcoin and in USD. 

The thing is curious especially because by the end of the month, or at the latest by the first week of July, the final listing of spot ETH ETFs in the USA is expected, but despite this at the moment Ethereum appears clearly subordinate to Bitcoin. 

The price of Ethereum and Bitcoin in USD

Regarding the price trend in USD in recent days, there is not much to say about either Ethereum or Bitcoin.

After the sudden movement on Friday, when the price of BTC dropped almost abruptly from around $72,000 to around $69,000, over the weekend it did nothing but move sideways just above $69,000.

Among other things, the current level is perfectly in line with that of last Monday, so Friday did nothing but burn the gains accumulated during the week. 

Indeed, at the beginning of June it was below $68,000, so the current level should still be considered very good, being in fact only 6% lower than the historical maximum. 

A similar argument can also be made for Ethereum.

The current price is below $3,700, and it is in line with that of the last decade of May. 

Curiously, however, it is still at -25% from the absolute highs of 2021, but last week it had not risen much. 

After the boom of May 20, when the news of the possible imminent approval of the applications for the issuance of a spot ETH ETF in the USA came out, it rose only until the end of the month, then started June above $3,700 and in fact has been lateralizing until now. 

Friday had reached just above $3,800 before the drop that brought it back below $3,700. 

During the weekend, it did not move from this last level. 

The dynamics of this morning

This morning, however, there was some small movement, although not significant. 

The price of Bitcoin has moved from $69,700 to $69,200, as if it wanted to start a small bear trend, but once it reached this last level, it recorded a rebound that seems to have averted further declines, at least for now. 

The price of Ethereum went from $3,715 to $3,655, but only to bounce back and return above $3,670.

These are dynamics that only serve to liven up the markets a bit, but they are not decisive in any way, not even in the short term. 

However, it cannot be ruled out that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow this period of lateralization may end, even if it is not yet clear in which direction it might go. 

The Ethereum/Bitcoin ratio and the relationship with the price in USD

The only truly interesting dynamic is that of the relationship between Ethereum and Bitcoin. 

First of all, you can analyze the price trend of ETH expressed in BTC.

At the beginning of June, one ETH was worth about 56 thousandths of BTC. However, already on June 2, this price started to drop. 

In particular, on June 3rd it had dropped to 54 and on June 5th to 53. 

After Friday’s drop, it ended up falling below 53 thousandths of BTC, so now it is still below. 

It is worth noting that at the end of May it had also risen above 57 thousandths, so this is a decline that has been going on for more than two weeks now. 

Considering instead the ratio between the market capitalization of BTC and that of ETH, today it has risen to 3.1, after being below 2.9 at the end of May.

However, these are not very high values, given that before the news of the probable approval of spot ETH ETFs it was almost 3.6. 

What matters most at this moment is that from Friday’s drop this ratio has risen, albeit slightly, indicating that Bitcoin is holding up better than Ethereum in these days when financial markets seem a bit worried about the Fed’s restrictive monetary policy. 

The dominance of Bitcoin

The picture for altcoins becomes even bleaker if we analyze the dominance of Bitcoin. 

At the end of May, according to Trading View data, it had dropped to 53.7%, and since then it has started an almost constant rise. 

June started above 54%, and last week it had already risen above 54.7%.

The most interesting thing, however, was the reaction to Friday’s drop, with Bitcoin’s dominance suddenly jumping from 54.6% to 55.5%, although it then fell to 54.9% over the weekend.

This morning, however, it rose again, returning to 55.5%, before slightly correcting to 55.4%.

If we take as a reference the 51.9% at the beginning of the year, it is evident how in this 2024 it is precisely Bitcoin that dominates the crypto markets, although there are occasionally some small exceptions. 

Among other things, the maximum peak of the dominance of the year was 56.3%, which is not much higher than the current levels. This gives a good idea of the fact that altcoins as a whole are not going through a good moment at all. Just think that the current levels are similar to those of the second half of April 2021, that is, in the midst of a great bull run. 

In summary, despite the fact that in theory the attention at this moment should be focused on Ethereum, it is still Bitcoin that dominates the crypto markets, with the altcoins that for now are limited to suffering while waiting for better times, 
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