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Amber Rose pievienojas slavenību meme monētu neprātam un izlaiž savu žetonu MUVAMonētu runātāja Amber Rose pievienojas slavenību meme monētu neprātam un izlaiž savu žetonu MUVA Amerikāņu modele un repere Amber Rose Levonchuck ir iekļuvusi mēmu monētu trakā, laižot klajā savu žetonu ar nosaukumu MUVA. 24. jūnijā viņa ķircināja savus 3,5 miljonus sekotāju pakalpojumā X (iepriekš Twitter) ar jautājumu “Vai esat gatavs manai monētai nokrist?”. Dažas dienas vēlāk MUVA sāka darboties, un marķieris ir balstīts uz Solanas ekosistēmu. Apņemšanās un pārredzamības solījums Kad viņa pirmo reizi deva mājienu par jauno marķieri savā sociālo mediju kontā, blokķēdes detektīvs ZachXBT brīdināja investorus būt piesardzīgiem, jo ​​Amber Rose ir iesaistījusies viltotu kriptovalūtu projektu veicināšanā, kas saistīti ar paklāju vilkšanu vai krāpniecību.

Amber Rose pievienojas slavenību meme monētu neprātam un izlaiž savu žetonu MUVA

Monētu runātāja Amber Rose pievienojas slavenību meme monētu neprātam un izlaiž savu žetonu MUVA

Amerikāņu modele un repere Amber Rose Levonchuck ir iekļuvusi mēmu monētu trakā, laižot klajā savu žetonu ar nosaukumu MUVA.

24. jūnijā viņa ķircināja savus 3,5 miljonus sekotāju pakalpojumā X (iepriekš Twitter) ar jautājumu “Vai esat gatavs manai monētai nokrist?”. Dažas dienas vēlāk MUVA sāka darboties, un marķieris ir balstīts uz Solanas ekosistēmu.

Apņemšanās un pārredzamības solījums

Kad viņa pirmo reizi deva mājienu par jauno marķieri savā sociālo mediju kontā, blokķēdes detektīvs ZachXBT brīdināja investorus būt piesardzīgiem, jo ​​Amber Rose ir iesaistījusies viltotu kriptovalūtu projektu veicināšanā, kas saistīti ar paklāju vilkšanu vai krāpniecību.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Solana ETF var pārvarēt Bitcoin ieguvumus, ja Tramps kļūst par prezidentuMonētu runātāja Solana ETF var pārvarēt Bitcoin ieguvumus, ja Tramps kļūst par prezidentu Ceturtdien kriptovalūtu tirgus veidotājs GSR publicēja ziņojumu, kurā teikts, ka izredzes uz vietas Solana ETF apstiprināšanu Donalda Trampa prezidentūras laikā varētu vairākkārt palielināt laiku. Rezultātā tā sagaida spēcīgu mītiņu Solanā, ja Tramps šogad atsāks savu amatu. Interesanti, ka tā sagaida, ka Solana sniegs labāku atdevi nekā Bitcoin spot ETF debijas gadījumā. GSR ziņojums ir paralēls Bitcoin cenas rādītājiem pēc Bitcoin ETF palaišanas šī gada sākumā ASV. Konkrēti, Bitcoin cena pieauga 2,3 reizes, no 27 000 USD 2023. gada oktobrī — aptuveni trīs mēnešus pirms SEC apstiprināšanas — līdz aptuveni 63 000 USD šajā mēnesī. GSR šo pieaugumu galvenokārt saista ar ETF saistītajām norisēm. Tādējādi GSR izceļ trīs Solana iespējamā cenu pieauguma scenārijus:

Solana ETF var pārvarēt Bitcoin ieguvumus, ja Tramps kļūst par prezidentu

Monētu runātāja Solana ETF var pārvarēt Bitcoin ieguvumus, ja Tramps kļūst par prezidentu

Ceturtdien kriptovalūtu tirgus veidotājs GSR publicēja ziņojumu, kurā teikts, ka izredzes uz vietas Solana ETF apstiprināšanu Donalda Trampa prezidentūras laikā varētu vairākkārt palielināt laiku. Rezultātā tā sagaida spēcīgu mītiņu Solanā, ja Tramps šogad atsāks savu amatu. Interesanti, ka tā sagaida, ka Solana sniegs labāku atdevi nekā Bitcoin spot ETF debijas gadījumā.

GSR ziņojums ir paralēls Bitcoin cenas rādītājiem pēc Bitcoin ETF palaišanas šī gada sākumā ASV. Konkrēti, Bitcoin cena pieauga 2,3 reizes, no 27 000 USD 2023. gada oktobrī — aptuveni trīs mēnešus pirms SEC apstiprināšanas — līdz aptuveni 63 000 USD šajā mēnesī. GSR šo pieaugumu galvenokārt saista ar ETF saistītajām norisēm. Tādējādi GSR izceļ trīs Solana iespējamā cenu pieauguma scenārijus:
Skatīt oriģinālu
ASV prezidenta cerības sāncensis kriptovalūtu pirmajās 2024. gada debatēsMonētu runātāja ASV prezidenta cerības pirmajās debatēs 2024. gadā Pirmajās 2024. gada Amerikas Savienoto Valstu prezidenta debatēs, kas notika 27. jūnijā, diskusijā īpaši nebija iekļauta kriptogrāfija. Prezidents Džo Baidens un republikāņu kandidāts Donalds Tramps koncentrējās uz tradicionālajiem politikas jautājumiem, atstājot bez uzmanības strauji augošo digitālo līdzekļu nozari. Debatēs, kas norisinājās plkst. 21:00 ET Atlantā, Džordžijas štatā, tika apskatītas dažādas tēmas, tostarp ekonomika, aborti, imigrācija un ārpolitika.

ASV prezidenta cerības sāncensis kriptovalūtu pirmajās 2024. gada debatēs

Monētu runātāja ASV prezidenta cerības pirmajās debatēs 2024. gadā

Pirmajās 2024. gada Amerikas Savienoto Valstu prezidenta debatēs, kas notika 27. jūnijā, diskusijā īpaši nebija iekļauta kriptogrāfija. Prezidents Džo Baidens un republikāņu kandidāts Donalds Tramps koncentrējās uz tradicionālajiem politikas jautājumiem, atstājot bez uzmanības strauji augošo digitālo līdzekļu nozari.

Debatēs, kas norisinājās plkst. 21:00 ET Atlantā, Džordžijas štatā, tika apskatītas dažādas tēmas, tostarp ekonomika, aborti, imigrācija un ārpolitika.
Skatīt oriģinālu
SOL lec par 6% pēc VanEck failiem Solanas fondamCoinspeaker SOL lec par 6% pēc VanEck failiem Solanas fondam VanEck, vadošā aktīvu pārvaldīšanas firma, kas atrodas Ņujorkā, atklāja plānus debitēt biržā tirgotu ieguldījumu produktu, pamatojoties uz Solana (SOL) marķiera cenu. Konkrēti, pēc ETF emitenta iesniegtā pieteikuma altcoin cena uzrādīja savu lielāko kāpumu pēdējo 30 dienu laikā. Saskaņā ar Bloomberg ziņojumu VanEck ceturtdien Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijā (SEC) iesniedza Solanas ieguldījumu produktu un cenšas debitēt VanEck Solana Trust. Ir svarīgi atzīmēt, ka jaunajā produktā SOL marķieris tiks glabāts tieši, kā minēts dokumentācijā, un VanEck ir pirmā firma, kas turēs altcoin.

SOL lec par 6% pēc VanEck failiem Solanas fondam

Coinspeaker SOL lec par 6% pēc VanEck failiem Solanas fondam

VanEck, vadošā aktīvu pārvaldīšanas firma, kas atrodas Ņujorkā, atklāja plānus debitēt biržā tirgotu ieguldījumu produktu, pamatojoties uz Solana (SOL) marķiera cenu. Konkrēti, pēc ETF emitenta iesniegtā pieteikuma altcoin cena uzrādīja savu lielāko kāpumu pēdējo 30 dienu laikā.

Saskaņā ar Bloomberg ziņojumu VanEck ceturtdien Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijā (SEC) iesniedza Solanas ieguldījumu produktu un cenšas debitēt VanEck Solana Trust. Ir svarīgi atzīmēt, ka jaunajā produktā SOL marķieris tiks glabāts tieši, kā minēts dokumentācijā, un VanEck ir pirmā firma, kas turēs altcoin.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Fuse un NexusPay komanda uzlabo kriptovalūtu maksājumus Āfrikas lietotājiemCoinspeaker Fuse un NexusPay komanda uzlabos kriptovalūtu maksājumus Āfrikas lietotājiem Šīs partnerības mērķis ir nodrošināt netraucētus un efektīvus digitālo līdzekļu darījumus lietotājiem Āfrikā. Paziņojumā Fuse uzsvēra, ka sadarbība ar NexusPay izmantos abu uzņēmumu stiprās puses, lai novērstu tradicionālo finanšu sistēmu trūkumus. Darījums paredz, ka abi uzņēmumi strādās kopā, lai nodrošinātu nepieciešamos rīkus lietotājiem Āfrikas un citās pasaules reģionos bez bankām un banku nepietiekamības, lai viņi varētu piedalīties jaunās ekonomikas attīstībā.

Fuse un NexusPay komanda uzlabo kriptovalūtu maksājumus Āfrikas lietotājiem

Coinspeaker Fuse un NexusPay komanda uzlabos kriptovalūtu maksājumus Āfrikas lietotājiem

Šīs partnerības mērķis ir nodrošināt netraucētus un efektīvus digitālo līdzekļu darījumus lietotājiem Āfrikā.

Paziņojumā Fuse uzsvēra, ka sadarbība ar NexusPay izmantos abu uzņēmumu stiprās puses, lai novērstu tradicionālo finanšu sistēmu trūkumus.

Darījums paredz, ka abi uzņēmumi strādās kopā, lai nodrošinātu nepieciešamos rīkus lietotājiem Āfrikas un citās pasaules reģionos bez bankām un banku nepietiekamības, lai viņi varētu piedalīties jaunās ekonomikas attīstībā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Coinbase atgriežas, iesūdz SEC un FDIC par FOIA pārkāpumiemMonētu skaļrunis Coinbase atgriežas, iesūdz SEC un FDIC par FOIA pārkāpumiem Parasti kriptovalūtu firmu priekšgalā tiesvedības ierosina izpildiestādes. Tomēr šoreiz tabulas ir apgriezušās. Vadošā ASV bāzētā kriptovalūtu birža Coinbase iesūdzējusi tiesā ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisiju (SEC) un Federālo noguldījumu apdrošināšanas korporāciju (FDIC) par informācijas brīvības likuma (FOIA) prasību neievērošanu. Tā lūdz tiesas izpildrakstu, lai piespiestu aģentūras publiskot pieprasīto informāciju.

Coinbase atgriežas, iesūdz SEC un FDIC par FOIA pārkāpumiem

Monētu skaļrunis Coinbase atgriežas, iesūdz SEC un FDIC par FOIA pārkāpumiem

Parasti kriptovalūtu firmu priekšgalā tiesvedības ierosina izpildiestādes. Tomēr šoreiz tabulas ir apgriezušās. Vadošā ASV bāzētā kriptovalūtu birža Coinbase iesūdzējusi tiesā ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisiju (SEC) un Federālo noguldījumu apdrošināšanas korporāciju (FDIC) par informācijas brīvības likuma (FOIA) prasību neievērošanu. Tā lūdz tiesas izpildrakstu, lai piespiestu aģentūras publiskot pieprasīto informāciju.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Wanchain debitē jaunu tiltu, lai savienotu Polkadot un Cardano BlockchainsCoinspeaker Wanchain debitē jauns tilts, lai savienotu Polkadot un Cardano blokķēdes Wanchain, visilgāk darbojošais decentralizētās sadarbspējas risinājums, ieviesa jaunu tiltu, lai savienotu Cardano un Polkadot Relay Chain. Tilts ir pirmais, kas ļauj divām pamanāmām virtuālās mašīnas ķēdēm, kas nav Ethereum virtuālās mašīnas (EVM), sazināties viena ar otru un bez problēmām īstenot DOT marķieru pārsūtīšanu uz Cardano un otrādi. Polkadot-Cardano tilts ir pieejams, izmantojot Wanchain Bridge tīmekļa portālu. Tilts ir ne tikai tehnisks sasniegums, bet arī solis, lai mudinātu abas kopienas sadarboties, teikts paziņojumā presei.

Wanchain debitē jaunu tiltu, lai savienotu Polkadot un Cardano Blockchains

Coinspeaker Wanchain debitē jauns tilts, lai savienotu Polkadot un Cardano blokķēdes

Wanchain, visilgāk darbojošais decentralizētās sadarbspējas risinājums, ieviesa jaunu tiltu, lai savienotu Cardano un Polkadot Relay Chain. Tilts ir pirmais, kas ļauj divām pamanāmām virtuālās mašīnas ķēdēm, kas nav Ethereum virtuālās mašīnas (EVM), sazināties viena ar otru un bez problēmām īstenot DOT marķieru pārsūtīšanu uz Cardano un otrādi.

Polkadot-Cardano tilts ir pieejams, izmantojot Wanchain Bridge tīmekļa portālu. Tilts ir ne tikai tehnisks sasniegums, bet arī solis, lai mudinātu abas kopienas sadarboties, teikts paziņojumā presei.
South Korea’s Seoul High Court Rules in Favor of Fantom Foundation Over Network Development’s Own...Coinspeaker South Korea’s Seoul High Court Rules in Favor of Fantom Foundation over Network Development’s Ownership After years of legal battles in South Korea, the Fantom (FTM) ecosystem is free from the lawsuit shackles filed by SikSin, a food tech start-up led by CEO Byung-Ik Ahn. According to the Fantom Foundation, the Seoul High Court has dismissed all the reliefs sought by SikSin and Ahn due to lack of merit. Additionally, the South Korean court has confirmed that the Fantom Foundation spearheaded the network’s development led by Andre Cronje and Quan Nguyen. “The Seoul High Court’s ruling confirms what we have consistently said for years: that our own development team, initially led by Cronje and Nguyen, created the success we have today. I thank the court for their careful review of the facts and evidence in this case,” Michael Kong, CEO of Fantom, noted. How Fantom Foundation Triumphed the Seoul Case The Fantom Foundation has been fighting a legal battle in South Korea as SikSin and its CEO claimed over 198 million FTM tokens for the alleged development services offered. The South Korean court concluded that SikSin and Ahn failed to design a feasible Lachesis protocol as per the initial agreement. “The more we reviewed the materials, the more the pieces of the puzzle of Fantom’s arguments began to fall into place. We are very satisfied that the appellate court made its decision based on this completed puzzle,” Young Seok Lee and Jeong Min Lee from RosettaLegal, who represented Fantom, noted. Market Impact Following the Seoul High Court ruling against SikSin’s allegations, the Fantom network can now grow exponentially in the near future. Moreover, more web3 developers can build on the Fantom network without any worry of an impending legal backlash. As of this report, the Fantom network had a total value locked of about $97 million and a stablecoins market cap of around $346 million. Some of the top web3 projects that have leveraged the Fantom network include SpookySwap, Beefy, Beethoven X, and Equalizer, among many others. Meanwhile, FTM price bumped 3 percent in the last 24 hours to trade around $0.5854 on Thursday. The mid-cap altcoin, with a fully diluted valuation of about $1.8 billion and a daily average traded volume of around $142 million, has dropped nearly 30 percent in the last four weeks. From a technical standpoint, FTM price against the US dollar has rebounded from the support level of around 55 cents in the last two weeks. If the midterm bulls take over, FTM price is aiming at the range between $1.27 and $1.76, which coincides with the daily 1.618 and 2.618 Fibonacci Retracement. next South Korea’s Seoul High Court Rules in Favor of Fantom Foundation over Network Development’s Ownership

South Korea’s Seoul High Court Rules in Favor of Fantom Foundation Over Network Development’s Own...

Coinspeaker South Korea’s Seoul High Court Rules in Favor of Fantom Foundation over Network Development’s Ownership

After years of legal battles in South Korea, the Fantom (FTM) ecosystem is free from the lawsuit shackles filed by SikSin, a food tech start-up led by CEO Byung-Ik Ahn. According to the Fantom Foundation, the Seoul High Court has dismissed all the reliefs sought by SikSin and Ahn due to lack of merit.

Additionally, the South Korean court has confirmed that the Fantom Foundation spearheaded the network’s development led by Andre Cronje and Quan Nguyen.

“The Seoul High Court’s ruling confirms what we have consistently said for years: that our own development team, initially led by Cronje and Nguyen, created the success we have today. I thank the court for their careful review of the facts and evidence in this case,” Michael Kong, CEO of Fantom, noted.

How Fantom Foundation Triumphed the Seoul Case

The Fantom Foundation has been fighting a legal battle in South Korea as SikSin and its CEO claimed over 198 million FTM tokens for the alleged development services offered.

The South Korean court concluded that SikSin and Ahn failed to design a feasible Lachesis protocol as per the initial agreement.

“The more we reviewed the materials, the more the pieces of the puzzle of Fantom’s arguments began to fall into place. We are very satisfied that the appellate court made its decision based on this completed puzzle,” Young Seok Lee and Jeong Min Lee from RosettaLegal, who represented Fantom, noted.

Market Impact

Following the Seoul High Court ruling against SikSin’s allegations, the Fantom network can now grow exponentially in the near future. Moreover, more web3 developers can build on the Fantom network without any worry of an impending legal backlash.

As of this report, the Fantom network had a total value locked of about $97 million and a stablecoins market cap of around $346 million. Some of the top web3 projects that have leveraged the Fantom network include SpookySwap, Beefy, Beethoven X, and Equalizer, among many others.

Meanwhile, FTM price bumped 3 percent in the last 24 hours to trade around $0.5854 on Thursday. The mid-cap altcoin, with a fully diluted valuation of about $1.8 billion and a daily average traded volume of around $142 million, has dropped nearly 30 percent in the last four weeks.

From a technical standpoint, FTM price against the US dollar has rebounded from the support level of around 55 cents in the last two weeks. If the midterm bulls take over, FTM price is aiming at the range between $1.27 and $1.76, which coincides with the daily 1.618 and 2.618 Fibonacci Retracement.


South Korea’s Seoul High Court Rules in Favor of Fantom Foundation over Network Development’s Ownership
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šveices Kriptobankas Sygnum pievieno 20 jaunus aizdevējus biznesa uzlabojumiemCoinspeaker Swiss Crypto Bank Sygnum pievieno 20 jaunus aizdevējus biznesa uzlabojumiem Sygnum, daudznacionāla digitālo aktīvu grupa ar Šveices un Singapūras saknēm, šodien paziņoja par 20 jaunu banku partneru pievienošanu, lai paplašinātu piekļuvi kriptovalūtu pakalpojumiem un uzlabotu uzņēmuma saimniecisko darbību. 27. jūnija paziņojumā uzņēmums norādīja, ka, sadarbojoties ar šiem aizdevējiem, Sygnum turpina paplašināt savu sasniedzamību un nodrošināt visaptverošākus kriptovalūtu risinājumus saviem bizness-uzņēmumiem (B2B) klientiem.

Šveices Kriptobankas Sygnum pievieno 20 jaunus aizdevējus biznesa uzlabojumiem

Coinspeaker Swiss Crypto Bank Sygnum pievieno 20 jaunus aizdevējus biznesa uzlabojumiem

Sygnum, daudznacionāla digitālo aktīvu grupa ar Šveices un Singapūras saknēm, šodien paziņoja par 20 jaunu banku partneru pievienošanu, lai paplašinātu piekļuvi kriptovalūtu pakalpojumiem un uzlabotu uzņēmuma saimniecisko darbību.

27. jūnija paziņojumā uzņēmums norādīja, ka, sadarbojoties ar šiem aizdevējiem, Sygnum turpina paplašināt savu sasniedzamību un nodrošināt visaptverošākus kriptovalūtu risinājumus saviem bizness-uzņēmumiem (B2B) klientiem.
Tron Founder Justin Sun Dumps 173M TRX, Price Crash Ahead?Coinspeaker Tron Founder Justin Sun Dumps 173M TRX, Price Crash Ahead? In a major development, Tron founder Justin Sun and his team have transferred a total of 173 million TRX coins to crypto exchange Binance, as per data from Arkham Intelligence. Alongside moving $21 million worth of TRX, Justin Sun also moved 120.149 billion BitTorent (BTT), worth around $105,000, and 20.293 billion WINkLink (WIN), valued at $1.79 million, to Binance. Following this move of huge amounts of TRX, the altcoin is facing a minor selling pressure. As of press time, Tron (TRX) is facing a minor fall of 0.86% and trading at $0.1232 with a market cap of $10.7 billion. Despite a major fall in the altcoin market over the last week, Tron’s TRX has witnessed 6% gains thereby leaving behind Avalanche (AVAX) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) to become the 11th largest cryptocurrency by market cap. In a June 26 post on X, crypto analytics firm IntoTheBlock reported a consistent rise in the number of active addresses on the TronDAO network since the beginning of the year. The daily average of active addresses is now nearing 2.5 million, significantly outpacing other leading Layer 1 networks. This increase highlights the growing adoption and usage of the TronDAO network. Since the beginning of the year, the number of active @trondao addresses has steadily increased, approaching a daily average of 2.5 million, far surpassing other leading Layer 1 networks — IntoTheBlock (@intotheblock) June 26, 2024 If the buying momentum continues, Tron buyers could be eyeing to convert the $0.127 resistance into support. If they are successful, the TRX price can rally another 12% reaching the next resistance of $0.143. However, it will be interesting to see whether the broader crypto market supports this move. Tron (TRX) Price Breakout On the daily time frame, the TRX price shows a bullish outlook. On the technical chart, TRX is on the verge of completing the right shoulder of the inverse head and shoulders pattern, with the pattern’s neckline at $0.13. A breakout from this neckline would confirm the upward momentum, potentially leading to a new all-time high of $0.158. Photo: TradingView Supporting this bullish possibility are the daily RSI and MACD readings. Both indicators show a bullish divergence aligned with the pattern. Additionally, the MACD has moved into positive territory, and the RSI is nearing the 70 mark. On the other hand, Tron Network’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) TronDAO is eyeing massive revenue growth with the capability to generate $1.65 billion in fees over the next twelve months. next Tron Founder Justin Sun Dumps 173M TRX, Price Crash Ahead?

Tron Founder Justin Sun Dumps 173M TRX, Price Crash Ahead?

Coinspeaker Tron Founder Justin Sun Dumps 173M TRX, Price Crash Ahead?

In a major development, Tron founder Justin Sun and his team have transferred a total of 173 million TRX coins to crypto exchange Binance, as per data from Arkham Intelligence. Alongside moving $21 million worth of TRX, Justin Sun also moved 120.149 billion BitTorent (BTT), worth around $105,000, and 20.293 billion WINkLink (WIN), valued at $1.79 million, to Binance.

Following this move of huge amounts of TRX, the altcoin is facing a minor selling pressure. As of press time, Tron (TRX) is facing a minor fall of 0.86% and trading at $0.1232 with a market cap of $10.7 billion. Despite a major fall in the altcoin market over the last week, Tron’s TRX has witnessed 6% gains thereby leaving behind Avalanche (AVAX) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) to become the 11th largest cryptocurrency by market cap.

In a June 26 post on X, crypto analytics firm IntoTheBlock reported a consistent rise in the number of active addresses on the TronDAO network since the beginning of the year. The daily average of active addresses is now nearing 2.5 million, significantly outpacing other leading Layer 1 networks. This increase highlights the growing adoption and usage of the TronDAO network.

Since the beginning of the year, the number of active @trondao addresses has steadily increased, approaching a daily average of 2.5 million, far surpassing other leading Layer 1 networks

— IntoTheBlock (@intotheblock) June 26, 2024

If the buying momentum continues, Tron buyers could be eyeing to convert the $0.127 resistance into support. If they are successful, the TRX price can rally another 12% reaching the next resistance of $0.143. However, it will be interesting to see whether the broader crypto market supports this move.

Tron (TRX) Price Breakout

On the daily time frame, the TRX price shows a bullish outlook. On the technical chart, TRX is on the verge of completing the right shoulder of the inverse head and shoulders pattern, with the pattern’s neckline at $0.13. A breakout from this neckline would confirm the upward momentum, potentially leading to a new all-time high of $0.158.

Photo: TradingView

Supporting this bullish possibility are the daily RSI and MACD readings. Both indicators show a bullish divergence aligned with the pattern. Additionally, the MACD has moved into positive territory, and the RSI is nearing the 70 mark.

On the other hand, Tron Network’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) TronDAO is eyeing massive revenue growth with the capability to generate $1.65 billion in fees over the next twelve months.


Tron Founder Justin Sun Dumps 173M TRX, Price Crash Ahead?
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Bybit kļūst par otro lielāko biržu pasaulē pēc FTX sabrukumaCoinspeaker Bybit kļūst par otro lielāko biržu pasaulē pēc FTX sabrukuma Dubaijā bāzētā kriptovalūtu birža Bybit ir kļuvusi par otro lielāko pasaulē pēc tirdzniecības apjoma. Šis pieaugums notika pēc krāpnieciskās biržas FTX sabrukuma, norāda Bloomberg. Meteoriskais pieaugums izceļ gan notiekošo kriptovalūtu tirgus atveseļošanos, gan regulējuma ainavas attīstību. Foto: Kaiko Bybit apvērsums notika pēc tam, kad birža stratēģiski mērķēja uz bijušajiem FTX lietotājiem kopā ar pieaugošo lietotāju bāzi Eiropā un Krievijā. "Kad FTX sabruka, mēs redzējām iespēju," sacīja Bybit līdzdibinātājs un izpilddirektors Bens Džou, atsaucoties uz Sema Bankmana-Frīda kādreiz dominējošās biržas sabrukumu.

Bybit kļūst par otro lielāko biržu pasaulē pēc FTX sabrukuma

Coinspeaker Bybit kļūst par otro lielāko biržu pasaulē pēc FTX sabrukuma

Dubaijā bāzētā kriptovalūtu birža Bybit ir kļuvusi par otro lielāko pasaulē pēc tirdzniecības apjoma. Šis pieaugums notika pēc krāpnieciskās biržas FTX sabrukuma, norāda Bloomberg. Meteoriskais pieaugums izceļ gan notiekošo kriptovalūtu tirgus atveseļošanos, gan regulējuma ainavas attīstību.

Foto: Kaiko

Bybit apvērsums notika pēc tam, kad birža stratēģiski mērķēja uz bijušajiem FTX lietotājiem kopā ar pieaugošo lietotāju bāzi Eiropā un Krievijā. "Kad FTX sabruka, mēs redzējām iespēju," sacīja Bybit līdzdibinātājs un izpilddirektors Bens Džou, atsaucoties uz Sema Bankmana-Frīda kādreiz dominējošās biržas sabrukumu.
JPMorgan Analysts: Mt. Gox Repayments Might Trigger Market SlumpCoinspeaker JPMorgan Analysts: Mt. Gox Repayments Might Trigger Market Slump JPMorgan analysts believe that the upcoming Bitcoin repayment plan by defunct crypto exchange Mt. Gox might exert downward pressure on the market due to anticipated sell-offs by creditors. However, a market comeback might start in August. Mt. Gox, once the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, collapsed in 2014 after a massive cyberattack. Under the restoration plan, it will repay creditors with 142,000 Bitcoins, worth around $9 billion at current prices. The repayments are planned to occur between July and October, although JPMorgan analysts predict that most of the distributions will take place in July. Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, leading the team of JPMorgan analysts, explained that the market might experience similar downside risks in July as seen with the Gemini Earn creditors’ recent liquidations. Last month, Gemini Earn creditors received $2.18 billion worth of digital assets in two installments, 97% on May 29 and the remaining 3% on June 20. Interestingly, the repayment coincided with a significant decline in the broader crypto market since late May. During this period, Bitcoin has fallen by over 10%. This pattern indicates that some Gemini creditors, primarily retail investors, may have sold part of their assets, capitalizing on Bitcoin’s fourfold price increase since November 2022. JPMorgan’s Bitcoin futures position indicator also backs this assumption. It indicates that recent selling activity has primarily been driven by retail investors rather than institutional ones. According to the analysts, the upcoming Bitcoin repayments to Mt. Gox creditors in July are expected to mirror this trend. “Assuming most of the liquidations by Mt. Gox creditors take place in July, it creates a trajectory where crypto prices come under further pressure in July, but start rebounding from August onwards,” they stated. A Sigh of Relief On the other hand, creditors of the once-leading crypto exchange FTX are also expected to receive repayments in the coming months. Unlike Mt. Gox and Gemini, FTX creditors will receive their repayments in cash, estimated to be around $14 billion to $16 billion, following the final approval of its wind-down plan on October 7. JPMorgan analysts suggest that these cash repayments could positively influence the crypto market, as crypto-friendly creditors are likely to reinvest their funds back into cryptocurrencies. However, they noted a potential market challenge: a three-month gap between the expected liquidations by Mt. Gox creditors in July and the anticipated reinvestments by FTX creditors in October or November. Bitcoin is currently trading at approximately $61,150, having dropped 8% in the past week. This represents a 17% decline from its all-time high of $73,750 recorded in March this year. Meanwhile, the fear and greed index stands at 40, signifying a sense of fear in the market. next JPMorgan Analysts: Mt. Gox Repayments Might Trigger Market Slump

JPMorgan Analysts: Mt. Gox Repayments Might Trigger Market Slump

Coinspeaker JPMorgan Analysts: Mt. Gox Repayments Might Trigger Market Slump

JPMorgan analysts believe that the upcoming Bitcoin repayment plan by defunct crypto exchange Mt. Gox might exert downward pressure on the market due to anticipated sell-offs by creditors. However, a market comeback might start in August.

Mt. Gox, once the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, collapsed in 2014 after a massive cyberattack. Under the restoration plan, it will repay creditors with 142,000 Bitcoins, worth around $9 billion at current prices. The repayments are planned to occur between July and October, although JPMorgan analysts predict that most of the distributions will take place in July.

Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, leading the team of JPMorgan analysts, explained that the market might experience similar downside risks in July as seen with the Gemini Earn creditors’ recent liquidations. Last month, Gemini Earn creditors received $2.18 billion worth of digital assets in two installments, 97% on May 29 and the remaining 3% on June 20.

Interestingly, the repayment coincided with a significant decline in the broader crypto market since late May. During this period, Bitcoin has fallen by over 10%. This pattern indicates that some Gemini creditors, primarily retail investors, may have sold part of their assets, capitalizing on Bitcoin’s fourfold price increase since November 2022.

JPMorgan’s Bitcoin futures position indicator also backs this assumption. It indicates that recent selling activity has primarily been driven by retail investors rather than institutional ones.

According to the analysts, the upcoming Bitcoin repayments to Mt. Gox creditors in July are expected to mirror this trend. “Assuming most of the liquidations by Mt. Gox creditors take place in July, it creates a trajectory where crypto prices come under further pressure in July, but start rebounding from August onwards,” they stated.

A Sigh of Relief

On the other hand, creditors of the once-leading crypto exchange FTX are also expected to receive repayments in the coming months. Unlike Mt. Gox and Gemini, FTX creditors will receive their repayments in cash, estimated to be around $14 billion to $16 billion, following the final approval of its wind-down plan on October 7.

JPMorgan analysts suggest that these cash repayments could positively influence the crypto market, as crypto-friendly creditors are likely to reinvest their funds back into cryptocurrencies. However, they noted a potential market challenge: a three-month gap between the expected liquidations by Mt. Gox creditors in July and the anticipated reinvestments by FTX creditors in October or November.

Bitcoin is currently trading at approximately $61,150, having dropped 8% in the past week. This represents a 17% decline from its all-time high of $73,750 recorded in March this year. Meanwhile, the fear and greed index stands at 40, signifying a sense of fear in the market.


JPMorgan Analysts: Mt. Gox Repayments Might Trigger Market Slump
Gulf Energy Invests $271M to Boost AI Data Center FacilityCoinspeaker Gulf Energy Invests $271M to Boost AI Data Center Facility Sarath Ratanavadi, Thailand’s second-richest person, and Gulf Energy plans to capitalize on the burgeoning market around cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The energy billionaire seeks to enhance his holdings in data centers with a new investment. As reported by Bloomberg, his company, Gulf Energy, together with its partners have announced an investment of 10 billion baht which is equivalent to $271 million, to expand their data center facility near Bangkok. This comes amidst increasing demand for cloud computing and AI solutions. It also follows an initial outlay on the suburban Bangkok data center. Gulf Energy Expands to Crypto and AI Gulf Energy Development Plc’s foray into the digital asset sector started with a partnership with a Binance subsidiary to form Gulf Binance Co. This firm later metamorphosed into Binance TH. Apparently, Gulf Energy invested in the Series Seed Preferred Stock issued by BAM Trading Services Inc, the operator of the regulated digital asset exchange. Although the exact worth of the investment was not disclosed. Though the proposed trading platform was billed to launch in the second quarter of 2022, it was not made accessible to the public until much later. This was after it secured the necessary licenses and approvals from Thailand’s Ministry of Finance in May 2023. With this new investment, the data center facility will see its energy consumption rise from its previously announced 25 megawatts to 50 megawatts. According to Gulf Energy Chief Financial Officer Yupapin Wangviwat, the deal is expected to be completed in March. As a serial entrepreneur, Ratanavadi is boosting his portfolio to include virtual banking, cryptocurrency trading, and other technology businesses. Due to the excess capacity of electricity generation in Southeast Asia’s second-biggest economy, there is a rising demand for data centers. Concurrently, global tech companies are spending billions of dollars to spur cloud computing and AI services. During a press conference in Bangkok, the energy billionaire said: “We set the expansion of the second phase now because we expect a surge in demand for our data center services. A jump in AI adoption and cloud computing will substantially increase demand for our data center bandwidth.” It is worth noting that Gulf Energy and Google parent company Alphabet Inc held a joint briefing recently where they discussed their cloud computing partnership in Thailand. Malta Grabs a Piece of AI Hype Meanwhile, many other companies are working towards claiming a slice of the ongoing AI hype. GO Plc, one of Malta’s top telecommunications companies, is looking to replace humans with AI for most of its operations. Currently, about 20% of all its marketing content is designed by AI and 30% of its codes are written using AI. This has obviously reduced the need for developers in the company. The concerns around the use of AI tools, ranging from issues of deepfakes to AI crypto scams, have not deterred these companies from their newfound mission. next Gulf Energy Invests $271M to Boost AI Data Center Facility

Gulf Energy Invests $271M to Boost AI Data Center Facility

Coinspeaker Gulf Energy Invests $271M to Boost AI Data Center Facility

Sarath Ratanavadi, Thailand’s second-richest person, and Gulf Energy plans to capitalize on the burgeoning market around cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The energy billionaire seeks to enhance his holdings in data centers with a new investment.

As reported by Bloomberg, his company, Gulf Energy, together with its partners have announced an investment of 10 billion baht which is equivalent to $271 million, to expand their data center facility near Bangkok. This comes amidst increasing demand for cloud computing and AI solutions. It also follows an initial outlay on the suburban Bangkok data center.

Gulf Energy Expands to Crypto and AI

Gulf Energy Development Plc’s foray into the digital asset sector started with a partnership with a Binance subsidiary to form Gulf Binance Co. This firm later metamorphosed into Binance TH. Apparently, Gulf Energy invested in the Series Seed Preferred Stock issued by BAM Trading Services Inc, the operator of the regulated digital asset exchange. Although the exact worth of the investment was not disclosed.

Though the proposed trading platform was billed to launch in the second quarter of 2022, it was not made accessible to the public until much later. This was after it secured the necessary licenses and approvals from Thailand’s Ministry of Finance in May 2023.

With this new investment, the data center facility will see its energy consumption rise from its previously announced 25 megawatts to 50 megawatts. According to Gulf Energy Chief Financial Officer Yupapin Wangviwat, the deal is expected to be completed in March.

As a serial entrepreneur, Ratanavadi is boosting his portfolio to include virtual banking, cryptocurrency trading, and other technology businesses. Due to the excess capacity of electricity generation in Southeast Asia’s second-biggest economy, there is a rising demand for data centers. Concurrently, global tech companies are spending billions of dollars to spur cloud computing and AI services.

During a press conference in Bangkok, the energy billionaire said:

“We set the expansion of the second phase now because we expect a surge in demand for our data center services. A jump in AI adoption and cloud computing will substantially increase demand for our data center bandwidth.”

It is worth noting that Gulf Energy and Google parent company Alphabet Inc held a joint briefing recently where they discussed their cloud computing partnership in Thailand.

Malta Grabs a Piece of AI Hype

Meanwhile, many other companies are working towards claiming a slice of the ongoing AI hype. GO Plc, one of Malta’s top telecommunications companies, is looking to replace humans with AI for most of its operations. Currently, about 20% of all its marketing content is designed by AI and 30% of its codes are written using AI. This has obviously reduced the need for developers in the company.

The concerns around the use of AI tools, ranging from issues of deepfakes to AI crypto scams, have not deterred these companies from their newfound mission.


Gulf Energy Invests $271M to Boost AI Data Center Facility
Crypto Investors Can Lose $25B to Deep Fakes in 2024, Says BitgetCoinspeaker Crypto Investors Can Lose $25B to Deep Fakes in 2024, Says Bitget As per the latest report from Bitget Research, crypto investors hold the risk of losing $25 billion this year to deep fake scams and risks. As per the June 27 report, Bitget highlights a massive 245% surge in the number of deep fakes worldwide, so far in 2024. During the first quarter of this year, China, the USA, Vietnam, Germany, Ukraine, and the UK had the most deep fakes detected. Simultaneously, the crypto industry saw a 217% jump in deep fakes in comparison to Q1 2023. As per the research team at Bitget, this surge in deep fakes led to $6.3 billion in crypto losses during the first quarter. The crypto exchange states that these losses can further increase to $10 billion by 2025. “Deepfakes are moving into the crypto sector in force, and there is little we can do to stop them without proper education and awareness,” Bitget CEO Gracy Chen said in a statement. Photo: Bitget Research The interesting thing is that deep fake fraudsters have been employing the same tactics over the years. Most crypto losses to deep fakes occur through fake projects, phishing attacks, and Ponzi schemes, where deep fake technology is employed to deceive cryptocurrency investors. In the past two years, these methods have accounted for over half of all deep fake-related crypto losses. Bitget Research noted: “By impersonating influential figures, these schemes create the illusion of credibility and substantial project capitalization, thereby receiving large investments from victims without thorough due diligence.” No bonus points for guessing, deep fraudsters have been targeting MicroStrategy executive chairman Michael Saylor. Earlier this year in January, Saylor and his team managed to remove 80 artificial intelligence (AI)-generated fae videos of him. Deep Fakes Can Contribute to 70% of Crypto Crimes Biutget predicts that without proper combat measures in place, deep fakes can contribute to 70% of crypto crimes by 2030. Bitget Research chief analyst Ryan Lee said: “Criminals are increasingly employing fake photos, videos, and audio to exert a stronger influence over their victims. For instance, a video impersonating someone close to the victim could be pivotal for fraudsters, whereas a fake video of an influencer might bolster investor confidence in a scam project as an ancillary tool.” Lee identifies a significant immediate concern with deep fake technology: AI-backed voice impersonators, which enable scammers to call users pretending to be their relatives and request money. Additionally, deep fakes can be used to bypass Know Your Customer (KYC) measures, allowing unauthorized access to a user’s funds. next Crypto Investors Can Lose $25B to Deep Fakes in 2024, Says Bitget

Crypto Investors Can Lose $25B to Deep Fakes in 2024, Says Bitget

Coinspeaker Crypto Investors Can Lose $25B to Deep Fakes in 2024, Says Bitget

As per the latest report from Bitget Research, crypto investors hold the risk of losing $25 billion this year to deep fake scams and risks. As per the June 27 report, Bitget highlights a massive 245% surge in the number of deep fakes worldwide, so far in 2024.

During the first quarter of this year, China, the USA, Vietnam, Germany, Ukraine, and the UK had the most deep fakes detected. Simultaneously, the crypto industry saw a 217% jump in deep fakes in comparison to Q1 2023.

As per the research team at Bitget, this surge in deep fakes led to $6.3 billion in crypto losses during the first quarter. The crypto exchange states that these losses can further increase to $10 billion by 2025.

“Deepfakes are moving into the crypto sector in force, and there is little we can do to stop them without proper education and awareness,” Bitget CEO Gracy Chen said in a statement.

Photo: Bitget Research

The interesting thing is that deep fake fraudsters have been employing the same tactics over the years.

Most crypto losses to deep fakes occur through fake projects, phishing attacks, and Ponzi schemes, where deep fake technology is employed to deceive cryptocurrency investors. In the past two years, these methods have accounted for over half of all deep fake-related crypto losses. Bitget Research noted:

“By impersonating influential figures, these schemes create the illusion of credibility and substantial project capitalization, thereby receiving large investments from victims without thorough due diligence.”

No bonus points for guessing, deep fraudsters have been targeting MicroStrategy executive chairman Michael Saylor. Earlier this year in January, Saylor and his team managed to remove 80 artificial intelligence (AI)-generated fae videos of him.

Deep Fakes Can Contribute to 70% of Crypto Crimes

Biutget predicts that without proper combat measures in place, deep fakes can contribute to 70% of crypto crimes by 2030. Bitget Research chief analyst Ryan Lee said:

“Criminals are increasingly employing fake photos, videos, and audio to exert a stronger influence over their victims. For instance, a video impersonating someone close to the victim could be pivotal for fraudsters, whereas a fake video of an influencer might bolster investor confidence in a scam project as an ancillary tool.”

Lee identifies a significant immediate concern with deep fake technology: AI-backed voice impersonators, which enable scammers to call users pretending to be their relatives and request money. Additionally, deep fakes can be used to bypass Know Your Customer (KYC) measures, allowing unauthorized access to a user’s funds.


Crypto Investors Can Lose $25B to Deep Fakes in 2024, Says Bitget
Blockchain Firm Unicoin Plans to Go Public in US Market Coinspeaker Blockchain Firm Unicoin Plans to Go Public in US Market  Unicoin, a public reporting company backed by real-world assets (RWAs) such as real estate and equity in high-growth companies, is set to become a publicly traded company in the United States. According to a recent announcement, the company which launched its primary offer for trading in March 2024 is preparing to expand its business offerings by going public at a later date this year. Path to Public Listing Unicoin initially revealed its intention to go public in February 2024 when it filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for approval of its planned migration. In a recent letter to shareholders from CEO Alex Konanykhin, Unicoin said it is exploring various avenues to achieve its public listing goals, including direct listing, reverse merger, or engaging in traditional IPO. Konanykhin said in the letter that the listing could happen through any of the listed avenues.  However,  he is leaning towards reverse merger which he described as the fastest way to go public. “The market situation has indeed become favorable for crypto companies listed on major exchanges. A reverse merger. That’s the fastest way to go public and we are reviewing some NYSE and NASDAQ listed companies identified as suitable for such a merger,” he said. Preparing for Public Debut As part of its preparation to go public, Konanykhin told in an interview on Thursday that Unicoin is conducting a large-scale advertising campaign to increase brand awareness and attract potential investors. “We are conducting an extensive advertising campaign ahead of our public listing to elevate the visibility and perceived value of Unicoin, promoting its unique advantages,” Konanykhin emphasized. Upon listing, Unicoin plans to introduce its own native crypto called Unicorns for investors. These security tokens, which had been in the works 2022, as shown on the SEC’s filing will be backed by Unicoin’s real estate and equity portfolio. However, Konanykhin clarified that the value of these digital assets will not be directly tied to the underlying assets. “Unicoins do not represent ownership in any specific asset. Our portfolio, including real estate holdings, serves as collateral to ensure Unicoin’s potential to establish itself as a leading cryptocurrency brand and promote its unique advantages,” the firm explained Unicorn’s Crypto Token Already Available For now, investors can purchase Unicoins through the “swaps for real estate or other kinds of RWAs, without using any cash” features introduced by the company. Additionally, the tokens can be acquired via the “Buy Now, Pay Later deals”, which give investors five years to pay for the purchase. next Blockchain Firm Unicoin Plans to Go Public in US Market 

Blockchain Firm Unicoin Plans to Go Public in US Market 

Coinspeaker Blockchain Firm Unicoin Plans to Go Public in US Market 

Unicoin, a public reporting company backed by real-world assets (RWAs) such as real estate and equity in high-growth companies, is set to become a publicly traded company in the United States.

According to a recent announcement, the company which launched its primary offer for trading in March 2024 is preparing to expand its business offerings by going public at a later date this year.

Path to Public Listing

Unicoin initially revealed its intention to go public in February 2024 when it filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for approval of its planned migration.

In a recent letter to shareholders from CEO Alex Konanykhin, Unicoin said it is exploring various avenues to achieve its public listing goals, including direct listing, reverse merger, or engaging in traditional IPO.

Konanykhin said in the letter that the listing could happen through any of the listed avenues.  However,  he is leaning towards reverse merger which he described as the fastest way to go public.

“The market situation has indeed become favorable for crypto companies listed on major exchanges. A reverse merger. That’s the fastest way to go public and we are reviewing some NYSE and NASDAQ listed companies identified as suitable for such a merger,” he said.

Preparing for Public Debut

As part of its preparation to go public, Konanykhin told in an interview on Thursday that Unicoin is conducting a large-scale advertising campaign to increase brand awareness and attract potential investors.

“We are conducting an extensive advertising campaign ahead of our public listing to elevate the visibility and perceived value of Unicoin, promoting its unique advantages,” Konanykhin emphasized.

Upon listing, Unicoin plans to introduce its own native crypto called Unicorns for investors. These security tokens, which had been in the works 2022, as shown on the SEC’s filing will be backed by Unicoin’s real estate and equity portfolio.

However, Konanykhin clarified that the value of these digital assets will not be directly tied to the underlying assets.

“Unicoins do not represent ownership in any specific asset. Our portfolio, including real estate holdings, serves as collateral to ensure Unicoin’s potential to establish itself as a leading cryptocurrency brand and promote its unique advantages,” the firm explained

Unicorn’s Crypto Token Already Available

For now, investors can purchase Unicoins through the “swaps for real estate or other kinds of RWAs, without using any cash” features introduced by the company.

Additionally, the tokens can be acquired via the “Buy Now, Pay Later deals”, which give investors five years to pay for the purchase.


Blockchain Firm Unicoin Plans to Go Public in US Market 
Cardano Foundation Proposes New Governance Model As ADA Drops 2%Coinspeaker Cardano Foundation Proposes New Governance Model as ADA Drops 2% Cardano Foundation, the non-profit organization responsible for the development and maintenance of Cardano, the blockchain network focused on scaling solutions, announced a new governance model following the Chang Hard fork, making the ecosystem more decentralized. As per an announcement, the Cardano Foundation confirmed that the new governance model will “ensure inclusivity and diversity while providing checks and balances through delegate representatives (DReps), stake pool operators (SPOs), and a constitutional committee.” It is important to note that during a bootstrapping phase between the Chang 1 and Chang 2 upgrades, the Foundation will create an Interim Constitutional Committee (ICC), which will have the authority to “approve protocol parameter changes independently and, together with SPOs, initiate hard forks”. Cardano Foundation revealed that only three governance action types will be available during this bootstrapping phase, including “parameter changes, hard fork initiations, and info action”, while further adding: “As a pioneering entity of the Cardano ecosystem, the Cardano Foundation will contribute to this bootstrapping phase in two ways, first by being an Interim Constitutional Committee (ICC) member and second by participating in the ICC election.” The ICC will be responsible for handling the tasks associated with the Cardano ecosystem, including interpreting the Cardano Constitution, reviewing governance actions, ensuring transparency and fairness in the ecosystem, supporting initial governance structures, and guiding the transition to a fully established Constitutional Committee. Moreover, each member of the ICC will have one vote, and the Cardano Foundation will participate in the voting process of the ICC. The candidates involved in the election were ranked based on their adherence to the Cardano Constitution, interaction with the community, expertise in the sector, commitment to development and communication, and transparency. The ranking was as follows: The Cardano Atlantic Council, Eastern Cardano Council, Lloyd Duhon, Johnny Kelly, Cardano Japan, and Joshua Stone. The Cardano Foundation “strongly emphasized transparency throughout the process” and participated in the election using 20 million ADA tokens. “This active involvement underscores the Foundation’s unwavering commitment to fostering a robust and transparent governance framework, ensuring the long-term success and integrity of the Cardano ecosystem,” said the announcement. Cardano (ADA) Token’s Performance While the Cardano ecosystem is moving towards stronger standards of decentralization, the native token of the blockchain, ADA, has shown a lackluster performance, down by almost 2% in the past 24 hours despite a 16.88% surge in the trading volume, which stands at $256 million. The ADA token is ranked in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market valuation, with a market capitalization of $13.6 billion. However, the price of the leading altcoin has dropped 2.67% in the past week and 17.20% in the last 30 days. Moreover, the cryptocurrency is up only 34.11% since June 2023, being outperformed by its rival Solana (SOL), which is up 730.82% since then. Earlier this week, the blockchain network was successfully able to repel a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which was part of a strategic attempt to steal the ADA tokens staked on the blockchain. The blockchain is functioning normally. next Cardano Foundation Proposes New Governance Model as ADA Drops 2%

Cardano Foundation Proposes New Governance Model As ADA Drops 2%

Coinspeaker Cardano Foundation Proposes New Governance Model as ADA Drops 2%

Cardano Foundation, the non-profit organization responsible for the development and maintenance of Cardano, the blockchain network focused on scaling solutions, announced a new governance model following the Chang Hard fork, making the ecosystem more decentralized.

As per an announcement, the Cardano Foundation confirmed that the new governance model will “ensure inclusivity and diversity while providing checks and balances through delegate representatives (DReps), stake pool operators (SPOs), and a constitutional committee.”

It is important to note that during a bootstrapping phase between the Chang 1 and Chang 2 upgrades, the Foundation will create an Interim Constitutional Committee (ICC), which will have the authority to “approve protocol parameter changes independently and, together with SPOs, initiate hard forks”.

Cardano Foundation revealed that only three governance action types will be available during this bootstrapping phase, including “parameter changes, hard fork initiations, and info action”, while further adding:

“As a pioneering entity of the Cardano ecosystem, the Cardano Foundation will contribute to this bootstrapping phase in two ways, first by being an Interim Constitutional Committee (ICC) member and second by participating in the ICC election.”

The ICC will be responsible for handling the tasks associated with the Cardano ecosystem, including interpreting the Cardano Constitution, reviewing governance actions, ensuring transparency and fairness in the ecosystem, supporting initial governance structures, and guiding the transition to a fully established Constitutional Committee.

Moreover, each member of the ICC will have one vote, and the Cardano Foundation will participate in the voting process of the ICC. The candidates involved in the election were ranked based on their adherence to the Cardano Constitution, interaction with the community, expertise in the sector, commitment to development and communication, and transparency.

The ranking was as follows: The Cardano Atlantic Council, Eastern Cardano Council, Lloyd Duhon, Johnny Kelly, Cardano Japan, and Joshua Stone. The Cardano Foundation “strongly emphasized transparency throughout the process” and participated in the election using 20 million ADA tokens.

“This active involvement underscores the Foundation’s unwavering commitment to fostering a robust and transparent governance framework, ensuring the long-term success and integrity of the Cardano ecosystem,” said the announcement.

Cardano (ADA) Token’s Performance

While the Cardano ecosystem is moving towards stronger standards of decentralization, the native token of the blockchain, ADA, has shown a lackluster performance, down by almost 2% in the past 24 hours despite a 16.88% surge in the trading volume, which stands at $256 million.

The ADA token is ranked in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market valuation, with a market capitalization of $13.6 billion. However, the price of the leading altcoin has dropped 2.67% in the past week and 17.20% in the last 30 days. Moreover, the cryptocurrency is up only 34.11% since June 2023, being outperformed by its rival Solana (SOL), which is up 730.82% since then.

Earlier this week, the blockchain network was successfully able to repel a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which was part of a strategic attempt to steal the ADA tokens staked on the blockchain. The blockchain is functioning normally.


Cardano Foundation Proposes New Governance Model as ADA Drops 2%
14-Years Old Dormant Bitcoin Wallet Transfers 50 BTC to BinanceCoinspeaker 14-Years Old Dormant Bitcoin Wallet Transfers 50 BTC to Binance Bitcoin (BTC) wallets are beginning to come out of dormancy amidst a significant drop in the value of the flagship cryptocurrency. Crypto analytics platform Lookonchain spotted activities from a Bitcoin miner’s wallet that have been silent for the last 14 years. This wallet was active in the Satoshi Nakamoto era, which was the early days of Bitcoin. Bitcoin Transfer: Potential Selloff? A few hours ago, the said wallet transferred 50 BTC to the leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance. Noteworthy, Bitcoin is currently trading at $60,761.85 with a 1.06% slump in value within the last 24 hours. By this market price, the transferred assets were worth approximately $3.03 million. A miner wallet woke up after being dormant for 14 years and deposited 50 $BTC($3.05M) to #Binance 7 hours ago. The miner earned 50 $BTC from mining on July 14, 2010. Address:1PDTDwpgRPdQaCcp3Th6zaMASgcCcm3Jcm — Lookonchain (@lookonchain) June 27, 2024 The wallet owner secured 50 Bitcoins from his mining activity on July 14, 2010. This was even before the first Bitcoin halving event ever held. The Bitcoin miner mined block 67,254 and the block details include a difficulty of 45.38682234 and a transaction volume of 1,085.85 BTC across four transactions. At the time, BTC’s mining reward was around 50 units of the coin. It is worth noting that the firstborn digital currency was barely worth a cent at the time. Precisely, its price at the time was pegged at $0.05 per coin, bringing the total worth of the 50 BTC to only $2.5. Comparing $2.5 to $3.03 million, it is obvious that the 14 years of dormancy was worth the wait after all. It could even be tagged one of the most lucrative Bitcoin HODLing endeavors in all of Bitcoin’s history. The movement of the coins suggests a potential selloff akin to all dormant wallet addresses that suddenly come alive. These wallets and their probable selloff activities might impact the broader crypto market. Whale Wallets Transfer Huge BTC Holdings The Bitcoin ecosystem has seen more whale transfers in the last couple of months, raising concerns amongst crypto enthusiasts. The German government recently dumped 400 Bitcoins on Kraken and Coinbase. These transfers were confirmed by data from blockchain analysis platform Arkham Intelligence. The 400 BTC, which was worth $24.4 million based on the cryptocurrency’s price on Tuesday. Noteworthy, this transfer came after a previous transfer of 6,500 BTC worth $425 million on June 19 and another 2,500 BTC, about $154 million from a wallet with the name, German government. Whale Alert also spotted an unknown wallet that transferred 3,746 BTC, about $243 million, from Binance, while another unknown address transferred 1,646 BTC, approximately $107 million, from OKX to an unknown wallet. According to Arkham Intelligence, several whale addresses were reactivated and transferred a total of $2 billion on-chain. Five wallets alone consolidated 50,000 BTC into four distinct wallet addresses. Last month, a Bitcoin whale wallet that had stayed inactive for nine years resumed activity. From holding 1,000 Bitcoin at a value of $468,643, the wallet was worth $30.39 million, representing a 6,301.46% increase within almost nine years. next 14-Years Old Dormant Bitcoin Wallet Transfers 50 BTC to Binance

14-Years Old Dormant Bitcoin Wallet Transfers 50 BTC to Binance

Coinspeaker 14-Years Old Dormant Bitcoin Wallet Transfers 50 BTC to Binance

Bitcoin (BTC) wallets are beginning to come out of dormancy amidst a significant drop in the value of the flagship cryptocurrency. Crypto analytics platform Lookonchain spotted activities from a Bitcoin miner’s wallet that have been silent for the last 14 years. This wallet was active in the Satoshi Nakamoto era, which was the early days of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Transfer: Potential Selloff?

A few hours ago, the said wallet transferred 50 BTC to the leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance. Noteworthy, Bitcoin is currently trading at $60,761.85 with a 1.06% slump in value within the last 24 hours. By this market price, the transferred assets were worth approximately $3.03 million.

A miner wallet woke up after being dormant for 14 years and deposited 50 $BTC($3.05M) to #Binance 7 hours ago.

The miner earned 50 $BTC from mining on July 14, 2010.


— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) June 27, 2024

The wallet owner secured 50 Bitcoins from his mining activity on July 14, 2010. This was even before the first Bitcoin halving event ever held. The Bitcoin miner mined block 67,254 and the block details include a difficulty of 45.38682234 and a transaction volume of 1,085.85 BTC across four transactions. At the time, BTC’s mining reward was around 50 units of the coin.

It is worth noting that the firstborn digital currency was barely worth a cent at the time. Precisely, its price at the time was pegged at $0.05 per coin, bringing the total worth of the 50 BTC to only $2.5. Comparing $2.5 to $3.03 million, it is obvious that the 14 years of dormancy was worth the wait after all. It could even be tagged one of the most lucrative Bitcoin HODLing endeavors in all of Bitcoin’s history.

The movement of the coins suggests a potential selloff akin to all dormant wallet addresses that suddenly come alive. These wallets and their probable selloff activities might impact the broader crypto market.

Whale Wallets Transfer Huge BTC Holdings

The Bitcoin ecosystem has seen more whale transfers in the last couple of months, raising concerns amongst crypto enthusiasts. The German government recently dumped 400 Bitcoins on Kraken and Coinbase.

These transfers were confirmed by data from blockchain analysis platform Arkham Intelligence. The 400 BTC, which was worth $24.4 million based on the cryptocurrency’s price on Tuesday. Noteworthy, this transfer came after a previous transfer of 6,500 BTC worth $425 million on June 19 and another 2,500 BTC, about $154 million from a wallet with the name, German government.

Whale Alert also spotted an unknown wallet that transferred 3,746 BTC, about $243 million, from Binance, while another unknown address transferred 1,646 BTC, approximately $107 million, from OKX to an unknown wallet.

According to Arkham Intelligence, several whale addresses were reactivated and transferred a total of $2 billion on-chain. Five wallets alone consolidated 50,000 BTC into four distinct wallet addresses.

Last month, a Bitcoin whale wallet that had stayed inactive for nine years resumed activity. From holding 1,000 Bitcoin at a value of $468,643, the wallet was worth $30.39 million, representing a 6,301.46% increase within almost nine years.


14-Years Old Dormant Bitcoin Wallet Transfers 50 BTC to Binance
Paradigm Launches Reth 1.0, Ethereum Client Meant to Boost Speed and StabilityCoinspeaker Paradigm Launches Reth 1.0, Ethereum Client Meant to Boost Speed and Stability Paradigm, a crypto investment firm, has announced the official release of Reth 1.0, marking an important step in Ethereum client development. This new iteration of Reth comes after nearly two years of development and a rigorous audit conducted by Sigma Prime, a respected name in blockchain security. Reth 1.0 is a welcome addition to the growing list of Ethereum execution clients. Having a variety of execution clients is important for maintaining the network’s strength and resilience. Key Features Reth 1.0 places a strong emphasis on stability, a key feature essential for reliable operation. Paradigm has improved block-sealing processes to minimize delays in processing chain updates, ensuring smooth performance. Since its beta phase, Reth 1.0 has recorded zero crashes, demonstrating its suitability for continuous, high-uptime use. To improve efficiency, Reth 1.0 has optimized resource management to prevent memory leaks and ensure steady performance on different hardware setups. Paradigm suggests using Reth 1.0 on high-performance solid-state drives (SSDs) with sufficient input/output operations per second (IOPS) or on reliable cloud platforms like Latitude’s bare metal servers. In terms of security, Reth 1.0 has undergone rigorous testing with partners such as Sigma Prime to identify and resolve potential vulnerabilities. These steps establish a secure deployment structure, enhancing trust in Reth 1.0’s dependability and resilience for Ethereum network operations. Reth 1.0 Versus Other Ethereum Clients Reth 1.0 represents a significant leap in Ethereum client technology compared to traditional options like Geth and Nethermind. It syncs faster, around 50 hours from genesis to the latest block, and requires only 2.25 terabytes of storage for archive nodes, much less than its competitors. In comparison, Geth and Nethermind require over a month for full synchronization and utilize 14.5 TB of storage. Reth 1.0 supports various Ethereum-based chains, including Ethereum mainnet, Goerli, Sepolia, and the Ethereum Foundation’s testnets. Reth 1.0 also improves Remote Procedure Call (RPC) throughput and reduces latency, ensuring quicker transaction processing and smoother data management. With robust security measures and a focus on reliability, it aims to offer a dependable and user-friendly experience for both Ethereum users and node operators. Invitation to Industry Players Paradigm invites industry players to use Reth 1.0 for their Ethereum mainnet operations. The firm has encouraged professional operators to integrate Reth 1.0 into their infrastructure for cost optimization and better service performance. Stakers are also urged to diversify Ethereum clients by moving their stake to Reth 1.0, following guidelines from the Ethereum Foundation’s staking launchpad. next Paradigm Launches Reth 1.0, Ethereum Client Meant to Boost Speed and Stability

Paradigm Launches Reth 1.0, Ethereum Client Meant to Boost Speed and Stability

Coinspeaker Paradigm Launches Reth 1.0, Ethereum Client Meant to Boost Speed and Stability

Paradigm, a crypto investment firm, has announced the official release of Reth 1.0, marking an important step in Ethereum client development. This new iteration of Reth comes after nearly two years of development and a rigorous audit conducted by Sigma Prime, a respected name in blockchain security. Reth 1.0 is a welcome addition to the growing list of Ethereum execution clients. Having a variety of execution clients is important for maintaining the network’s strength and resilience.

Key Features

Reth 1.0 places a strong emphasis on stability, a key feature essential for reliable operation. Paradigm has improved block-sealing processes to minimize delays in processing chain updates, ensuring smooth performance. Since its beta phase, Reth 1.0 has recorded zero crashes, demonstrating its suitability for continuous, high-uptime use.

To improve efficiency, Reth 1.0 has optimized resource management to prevent memory leaks and ensure steady performance on different hardware setups. Paradigm suggests using Reth 1.0 on high-performance solid-state drives (SSDs) with sufficient input/output operations per second (IOPS) or on reliable cloud platforms like Latitude’s bare metal servers.

In terms of security, Reth 1.0 has undergone rigorous testing with partners such as Sigma Prime to identify and resolve potential vulnerabilities. These steps establish a secure deployment structure, enhancing trust in Reth 1.0’s dependability and resilience for Ethereum network operations.

Reth 1.0 Versus Other Ethereum Clients

Reth 1.0 represents a significant leap in Ethereum client technology compared to traditional options like Geth and Nethermind. It syncs faster, around 50 hours from genesis to the latest block, and requires only 2.25 terabytes of storage for archive nodes, much less than its competitors.

In comparison, Geth and Nethermind require over a month for full synchronization and utilize 14.5 TB of storage. Reth 1.0 supports various Ethereum-based chains, including Ethereum mainnet, Goerli, Sepolia, and the Ethereum Foundation’s testnets.

Reth 1.0 also improves Remote Procedure Call (RPC) throughput and reduces latency, ensuring quicker transaction processing and smoother data management. With robust security measures and a focus on reliability, it aims to offer a dependable and user-friendly experience for both Ethereum users and node operators.

Invitation to Industry Players

Paradigm invites industry players to use Reth 1.0 for their Ethereum mainnet operations. The firm has encouraged professional operators to integrate Reth 1.0 into their infrastructure for cost optimization and better service performance. Stakers are also urged to diversify Ethereum clients by moving their stake to Reth 1.0, following guidelines from the Ethereum Foundation’s staking launchpad.


Paradigm Launches Reth 1.0, Ethereum Client Meant to Boost Speed and Stability
Rarimo’s RariMe Offers Anonymous Passport Verification for Web3Coinspeaker Rarimo’s RariMe Offers Anonymous Passport Verification for Web3 Worldcoin may have a new competitor in privacy-focused tech company Rarimo, which just launched RariMe as an alternative app to its World ID. The app challenges the controversial identity verification methods used by platforms like Worldcoin. Unlike Worldcoin’s iris-scanning orbs, RariMe uses smartphones to scan passports and generate zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) that verify a user’s identity without revealing any personal details. RariMe Aims to Provide Proof of Identity without Sacrificing Privacy Traditional identity frameworks rely on third-party verification of credentials. However, ZKPs offer a game-changing alternative. This technology allows users to prove certain attributes without necessarily having to disclose any personal data. Kitty Horlick, Director of Rarimo provider Rarilabs, meanwhile, has hinted at what to expect from the RariMe app. Particularly in the area of how it fairs in comparison to other identity platforms. Her statement reads in part: “The same way that a decentralized application (Dapp) could gate something with proof of humanity, they can now do the same with proof of citizenship, or proof of age, and simply request the proofs.” Similarly, Rarilabs co-founder Lasha Antadze has also hailed the timing of the RariMe app launch. He noted that privacy is gradually becoming a thing of the past, particularly in online spaces. This issue is what he shared that the new app intends to address. Antadze said: “RariMe will allow users to go incognito, interacting in a truly anonymous fashion across Web3.” Pushing Boundaries It might be worth noting that Rarimo is no stranger to the game of pushing boundaries. Earlier this year, the company’s tech team was behind the launch of an anonymous, blockchain-powered referendum challenging the legitimacy of Vladimir Putin’s re-election. The first practical application of RariMe will involve the use of passport ZKs to distribute programmable airdrops to citizens of a select few countries. RariMe’s approach comes as an irresistible alternative to identity verification methods that currently exist. By leveraging ZKPs, the app does not only provide users with the control and privacy they desire. It also provides an enabling environment for secure interactions within the fast-growing Web3 space. next Rarimo’s RariMe Offers Anonymous Passport Verification for Web3

Rarimo’s RariMe Offers Anonymous Passport Verification for Web3

Coinspeaker Rarimo’s RariMe Offers Anonymous Passport Verification for Web3

Worldcoin may have a new competitor in privacy-focused tech company Rarimo, which just launched RariMe as an alternative app to its World ID. The app challenges the controversial identity verification methods used by platforms like Worldcoin.

Unlike Worldcoin’s iris-scanning orbs, RariMe uses smartphones to scan passports and generate zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) that verify a user’s identity without revealing any personal details.

RariMe Aims to Provide Proof of Identity without Sacrificing Privacy

Traditional identity frameworks rely on third-party verification of credentials. However, ZKPs offer a game-changing alternative. This technology allows users to prove certain attributes without necessarily having to disclose any personal data.

Kitty Horlick, Director of Rarimo provider Rarilabs, meanwhile, has hinted at what to expect from the RariMe app. Particularly in the area of how it fairs in comparison to other identity platforms. Her statement reads in part:

“The same way that a decentralized application (Dapp) could gate something with proof of humanity, they can now do the same with proof of citizenship, or proof of age, and simply request the proofs.”

Similarly, Rarilabs co-founder Lasha Antadze has also hailed the timing of the RariMe app launch. He noted that privacy is gradually becoming a thing of the past, particularly in online spaces. This issue is what he shared that the new app intends to address. Antadze said:

“RariMe will allow users to go incognito, interacting in a truly anonymous fashion across Web3.”

Pushing Boundaries

It might be worth noting that Rarimo is no stranger to the game of pushing boundaries. Earlier this year, the company’s tech team was behind the launch of an anonymous, blockchain-powered referendum challenging the legitimacy of Vladimir Putin’s re-election.

The first practical application of RariMe will involve the use of passport ZKs to distribute programmable airdrops to citizens of a select few countries.

RariMe’s approach comes as an irresistible alternative to identity verification methods that currently exist. By leveraging ZKPs, the app does not only provide users with the control and privacy they desire. It also provides an enabling environment for secure interactions within the fast-growing Web3 space.


Rarimo’s RariMe Offers Anonymous Passport Verification for Web3
Vanuatu’s Long-Awaited Crypto Bill Set for Enactment in September, Says VFSCCoinspeaker Vanuatu’s Long-Awaited Crypto Bill Set for Enactment in September, Says VFSC The South Pacific island of Vanuatu aims to be­come a prominent player in the­ global crypto sector with the imminent passage­ of a long-awaited digital asset bill. The bill is e­xpected to be passe­d in September 2024, marking a significant ste­p towards legitimizing crypto businesses and foste­ring economic growth within the island nation. Attending the­ digital assets symposium on June 27, Branan Karae, Commissione­r of the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC), share­d his positive remarks regarding bill approval in the­ first week of parliament. The­ bill, first introduced in 2020, faced delays due­ to government changes but is now on track for approval. Once­ passed, it will create a cle­ar system for licensing and registe­ring Virtual Asset Service Provide­rs (VASPs) in Vanuatu. The regulatory framework is vital for Vanuatu to me­et international standards set by the­ Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The FATF guideline­s require countries to manage­ risks associated with cryptocurrency activities. Lore­tta Joseph, the VFSC policy consultant, stresse­d that no country could ignore these re­quirements. Bill Enforces Stricter Crypto Oversight The propose­d bill outlines a five-tier lice­nsing system for VASPs. It classifies service­ providers based on their role­s, such as allowing the exchange of cryptocurre­ncies for fiat or offering crypto custody service­s. The VFSC will act as the regulatory body, ove­rseeing VASP activities and e­nsuring adherence to Anti-Mone­y Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) re­gulations. The act grants the VFSC Commissioner authority to ve­to licenses and appoint inspectors to conduct compliance­ checks. To promote innovation, the bill include­s a “Fintech Sandbox Utility”. This program allows companies applying for VASP license­s to operate without a formal license­ for a 12-month trial period. Failure to comply with the act can re­sult in hefty penalties. Individuals face­ fines of up to 25 million Vanuatu vatu (approximately $207.7 million) or 15 years imprisonme­nt. Corporations risk fines excee­ding $2.1 million. Crypto Bill Propels Vanuatu Growth Proponents of the bill believe it can be a catalyst for economic prosperity in Vanuatu: “They’re islands, they can’t build cars, can’t build a car manufacturing unit,” explained Joseph.  “These jurisdictions, which become offshore financial centers, play a very important role in economic traffic and moving money around.” In 2022, Vanuatu’s GDP was $1.1 billion, according to the World Bank. The country mainly has an agricultural economy. However, its status as a tax haven and international financial center gives it a strong position to benefit from the cryptocurrency sector. Over 2,300 registered institutions already provide various financial services in Vanuatu. next Vanuatu’s Long-Awaited Crypto Bill Set for Enactment in September, Says VFSC

Vanuatu’s Long-Awaited Crypto Bill Set for Enactment in September, Says VFSC

Coinspeaker Vanuatu’s Long-Awaited Crypto Bill Set for Enactment in September, Says VFSC

The South Pacific island of Vanuatu aims to be­come a prominent player in the­ global crypto sector with the imminent passage­ of a long-awaited digital asset bill. The bill is e­xpected to be passe­d in September 2024, marking a significant ste­p towards legitimizing crypto businesses and foste­ring economic growth within the island nation.

Attending the­ digital assets symposium on June 27, Branan Karae, Commissione­r of the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC), share­d his positive remarks regarding bill approval in the­ first week of parliament.

The­ bill, first introduced in 2020, faced delays due­ to government changes but is now on track for approval. Once­ passed, it will create a cle­ar system for licensing and registe­ring Virtual Asset Service Provide­rs (VASPs) in Vanuatu.

The regulatory framework is vital for Vanuatu to me­et international standards set by the­ Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The FATF guideline­s require countries to manage­ risks associated with cryptocurrency activities. Lore­tta Joseph, the VFSC policy consultant, stresse­d that no country could ignore these re­quirements.

Bill Enforces Stricter Crypto Oversight

The propose­d bill outlines a five-tier lice­nsing system for VASPs. It classifies service­ providers based on their role­s, such as allowing the exchange of cryptocurre­ncies for fiat or offering crypto custody service­s. The VFSC will act as the regulatory body, ove­rseeing VASP activities and e­nsuring adherence to Anti-Mone­y Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) re­gulations.

The act grants the VFSC Commissioner authority to ve­to licenses and appoint inspectors to conduct compliance­ checks. To promote innovation, the bill include­s a “Fintech Sandbox Utility”. This program allows companies applying for VASP license­s to operate without a formal license­ for a 12-month trial period.

Failure to comply with the act can re­sult in hefty penalties. Individuals face­ fines of up to 25 million Vanuatu vatu (approximately $207.7 million) or 15 years imprisonme­nt. Corporations risk fines excee­ding $2.1 million.

Crypto Bill Propels Vanuatu Growth

Proponents of the bill believe it can be a catalyst for economic prosperity in Vanuatu:

“They’re islands, they can’t build cars, can’t build a car manufacturing unit,” explained Joseph.  “These jurisdictions, which become offshore financial centers, play a very important role in economic traffic and moving money around.”

In 2022, Vanuatu’s GDP was $1.1 billion, according to the World Bank. The country mainly has an agricultural economy. However, its status as a tax haven and international financial center gives it a strong position to benefit from the cryptocurrency sector. Over 2,300 registered institutions already provide various financial services in Vanuatu.


Vanuatu’s Long-Awaited Crypto Bill Set for Enactment in September, Says VFSC
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