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Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitwise faili XRP ETF kā SEC apelācijas termiņa stellesBitwise, uzticams spēlētājs kriptovalūtu pārvaldīšanas sektorā, ir reģistrējies Delavēras korporāciju nodaļā, lai izveidotu jaunu vienību ar nosaukumu “Bitwise XRP ETF”. Tiek uzskatīts, ka iesniegšana veido pamatu potenciālajam ETF produktam, kas saistīts ar Ripple XRP marķieri. ETF eksperti saskata nelielas izredzes saņemt apstiprinājumu, ja SEC izskatīs apelāciju. Bitwise investīciju direktors Metjū Hougans apstiprināja šo soli pēc ziņu izplatīšanās, piebilstot, ka sīkāka informācija tiks sniegta. Bitwise iesniedz pieteikumu, jo tuvojas SEC termiņš Ripple lietas pārsūdzēšanai, un eksperti saka, ka drīzumā tiks iesniegta apelācija.

Bitwise faili XRP ETF kā SEC apelācijas termiņa stelles

Bitwise, uzticams spēlētājs kriptovalūtu pārvaldīšanas sektorā, ir reģistrējies Delavēras korporāciju nodaļā, lai izveidotu jaunu vienību ar nosaukumu “Bitwise XRP ETF”. Tiek uzskatīts, ka iesniegšana veido pamatu potenciālajam ETF produktam, kas saistīts ar Ripple XRP marķieri.

ETF eksperti saskata nelielas izredzes saņemt apstiprinājumu, ja SEC izskatīs apelāciju.

Bitwise investīciju direktors Metjū Hougans apstiprināja šo soli pēc ziņu izplatīšanās, piebilstot, ka sīkāka informācija tiks sniegta. Bitwise iesniedz pieteikumu, jo tuvojas SEC termiņš Ripple lietas pārsūdzēšanai, un eksperti saka, ka drīzumā tiks iesniegta apelācija.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Fantom Token pieaug par 71%, kad tīkls gatavojas Sonic jaunināšanaiTLDR FTM cena 30 dienu laikā pieauga par 71%, 2. oktobrī sasniedzot 0,6850 USD Paredzams, ka gaidāmais Sonic jauninājums palielinās tīkla veiktspēju līdz vairāk nekā 2000 TPS Fantom Foundation pārdēvēts par Sonic Labs, plānojot mainīt marķiera zīmi no FTM uz S Kopējā bloķētā vērtība (TVL) Fantom DeFi ekosistēmā palielinājās par 55% līdz 108,8 miljoniem USD Ikdienas aktīvās adreses Fantom blokķēdē laikā no 1. septembra līdz 1. oktobrim pieauga par 162%. Kriptovalūtu tirgus ir piedzīvojis ievērojamu Fantom (FTM) cenas pieaugumu, kas ir Fantom layer-1 viedā līguma platformas sākotnējā marķiera marķieris.

Fantom Token pieaug par 71%, kad tīkls gatavojas Sonic jaunināšanai


FTM cena 30 dienu laikā pieauga par 71%, 2. oktobrī sasniedzot 0,6850 USD

Paredzams, ka gaidāmais Sonic jauninājums palielinās tīkla veiktspēju līdz vairāk nekā 2000 TPS

Fantom Foundation pārdēvēts par Sonic Labs, plānojot mainīt marķiera zīmi no FTM uz S

Kopējā bloķētā vērtība (TVL) Fantom DeFi ekosistēmā palielinājās par 55% līdz 108,8 miljoniem USD

Ikdienas aktīvās adreses Fantom blokķēdē laikā no 1. septembra līdz 1. oktobrim pieauga par 162%.

Kriptovalūtu tirgus ir piedzīvojis ievērojamu Fantom (FTM) cenas pieaugumu, kas ir Fantom layer-1 viedā līguma platformas sākotnējā marķiera marķieris.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ethereum kāršu spēle “Shardbound” sāk atvērto beta versiju lielākajās spēļu platformāsTLDR Ethereum stratēģijas kāršu spēle Shardbound nonāk atvērtajā beta versijā 9. oktobrī Pieejams Steam un Epic Games Store bez NFT integrācijas sākotnēji Apvieno klāja veidošanas, karšu savākšanas un uz gājieniem balstītu kaujas lauka elementus NFT būs pieejami atsevišķi ar plāniem turpmākai integrācijai spēlē Sākotnēji kopfinansēts 2017. gadā, tagad jauni izstrādātāji to atdzīvinājuši ar Web3 elementiem Stratēģiskā kāršu spēle Shardbound, kas veidota uz Ethereum 2. slāņa mērogošanas tīkla Immutable zkEVM, ir iestatīta uz atvērto beta versiju 2024. gada 9. oktobrī.

Ethereum kāršu spēle “Shardbound” sāk atvērto beta versiju lielākajās spēļu platformās


Ethereum stratēģijas kāršu spēle Shardbound nonāk atvērtajā beta versijā 9. oktobrī

Pieejams Steam un Epic Games Store bez NFT integrācijas sākotnēji

Apvieno klāja veidošanas, karšu savākšanas un uz gājieniem balstītu kaujas lauka elementus

NFT būs pieejami atsevišķi ar plāniem turpmākai integrācijai spēlē

Sākotnēji kopfinansēts 2017. gadā, tagad jauni izstrādātāji to atdzīvinājuši ar Web3 elementiem

Stratēģiskā kāršu spēle Shardbound, kas veidota uz Ethereum 2. slāņa mērogošanas tīkla Immutable zkEVM, ir iestatīta uz atvērto beta versiju 2024. gada 9. oktobrī.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Edvards Snoudens Kripto konferencē apšauba Solanas decentralizācijuTLDR Edvards Snoudens kritizēja Solanu par centralizāciju konferencē Token 2049 Solana kopienas locekļi aizstāvēja tīkla decentralizāciju Debates izraisīja vecās bažas par centralizāciju, kas aizsākās FTX asociācijā Solana izstrādātāji uzsvēra gaidāmo Firedancer klientu, lai uzlabotu decentralizāciju Kritika tiek uzskatīta par daļu no pastāvīgās konkurences starp blokķēdes ekosistēmām Edvards Snoudens, bijušais ASV izlūkošanas darbuzņēmējs un trauksmes cēlējs, virtuālajā uzstāšanās laikā Singapūrā notikušajā kriptovalūtu konferencē Token 2049 izraisīja asas debates par Solanas decentralizāciju.

Edvards Snoudens Kripto konferencē apšauba Solanas decentralizāciju


Edvards Snoudens kritizēja Solanu par centralizāciju konferencē Token 2049

Solana kopienas locekļi aizstāvēja tīkla decentralizāciju

Debates izraisīja vecās bažas par centralizāciju, kas aizsākās FTX asociācijā

Solana izstrādātāji uzsvēra gaidāmo Firedancer klientu, lai uzlabotu decentralizāciju

Kritika tiek uzskatīta par daļu no pastāvīgās konkurences starp blokķēdes ekosistēmām

Edvards Snoudens, bijušais ASV izlūkošanas darbuzņēmējs un trauksmes cēlējs, virtuālajā uzstāšanās laikā Singapūrā notikušajā kriptovalūtu konferencē Token 2049 izraisīja asas debates par Solanas decentralizāciju.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ziemeļkarolīnas Bitcoin kopiena organizē viesuļvētras Helēnas palīdzības misijuTLDR Ziemeļkarolīnas Bitcoin kopiena organizē meklēšanas un glābšanas misiju viesuļvētras Helēna upuriem 12 cilvēku komanda ar transportlīdzekļiem un piederumiem, kas jāizvieto 4. oktobrī no Grīnsboro Koncentrējieties uz aizmirstajām ziemeļu ziemeļu rietumu kopienām ar nelielu valsts/federālo atbalstu Komandas sastāvā ir neatliekamās palīdzības ārsti, brīvprātīgie, atvaļinātie militārpersonas Bitcoin un Fiat ziedojumu pieņemšana misijas atbalstam Pēc viesuļvētras Helēna postošās ietekmes uz Amerikas Savienoto Valstu dienvidaustrumiem Ziemeļkarolīnas Bitcoin kopienas locekļi ir apvienojušies, lai organizētu meklēšanas un glābšanas operāciju skartajos apgabalos štata rietumu daļā.

Ziemeļkarolīnas Bitcoin kopiena organizē viesuļvētras Helēnas palīdzības misiju


Ziemeļkarolīnas Bitcoin kopiena organizē meklēšanas un glābšanas misiju viesuļvētras Helēna upuriem

12 cilvēku komanda ar transportlīdzekļiem un piederumiem, kas jāizvieto 4. oktobrī no Grīnsboro

Koncentrējieties uz aizmirstajām ziemeļu ziemeļu rietumu kopienām ar nelielu valsts/federālo atbalstu

Komandas sastāvā ir neatliekamās palīdzības ārsti, brīvprātīgie, atvaļinātie militārpersonas

Bitcoin un Fiat ziedojumu pieņemšana misijas atbalstam

Pēc viesuļvētras Helēna postošās ietekmes uz Amerikas Savienoto Valstu dienvidaustrumiem Ziemeļkarolīnas Bitcoin kopienas locekļi ir apvienojušies, lai organizētu meklēšanas un glābšanas operāciju skartajos apgabalos štata rietumu daļā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tron kļūst par otro lielāko stabilo monētu blokķēdi 2023. gada trešajā ceturksnīTLDR Tron Network 2023. gada trešajā ceturksnī publicēja rekordlielus ieņēmumus USD 577 miljonu apmērā 74% ieņēmumu nāca no likmju likšanas, 26% no dedzināšanas Trons apsteidza Bitcoin un Ethereum ceturkšņa ienākumu ziņā Tron ir otrā lielākā stabilo monētu blokķēde pēc Ethereum SunPump, Tron memecoin ieviestājs, kopš palaišanas ir nopelnījis 5,4 miljonus USD Tron tīkls ir ziņojis par rekordlieliem ieņēmumiem USD 577 miljonu apmērā 2023. gada trešajā ceturksnī, pārspējot lielākās blokķēdes platformas, piemēram, Bitcoin un Ethereum ceturkšņa ienākumu ziņā. Šis nozīmīgais pavērsiens izceļ Tron pieaugošo ietekmi kriptovalūtu jomā, jo īpaši stabilo monētu un mememonētu jomā.

Tron kļūst par otro lielāko stabilo monētu blokķēdi 2023. gada trešajā ceturksnī


Tron Network 2023. gada trešajā ceturksnī publicēja rekordlielus ieņēmumus USD 577 miljonu apmērā

74% ieņēmumu nāca no likmju likšanas, 26% no dedzināšanas

Trons apsteidza Bitcoin un Ethereum ceturkšņa ienākumu ziņā

Tron ir otrā lielākā stabilo monētu blokķēde pēc Ethereum

SunPump, Tron memecoin ieviestājs, kopš palaišanas ir nopelnījis 5,4 miljonus USD

Tron tīkls ir ziņojis par rekordlieliem ieņēmumiem USD 577 miljonu apmērā 2023. gada trešajā ceturksnī, pārspējot lielākās blokķēdes platformas, piemēram, Bitcoin un Ethereum ceturkšņa ienākumu ziņā.

Šis nozīmīgais pavērsiens izceļ Tron pieaugošo ietekmi kriptovalūtu jomā, jo īpaši stabilo monētu un mememonētu jomā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ripple vs SEC: nākamā fāze sākas ar apelācijas iesniegšanuTLDR SEC iesniedza paziņojumu pārsūdzēt 2023. gada jūlija tiesas nolēmumu Ripple lietā Ripple izpilddirektors un CLO kritizē SEC lēmumu, solot turpināt cīņu Pēc apelācijas paziņojuma XRP cena samazinājās par 11%. Ripple apsver pārsūdzību par institucionālo pārdošanas lēmumu un 125 miljonu dolāru soda naudu Bitwise iesniedza pieteikumu XRP ETF, neskatoties uz notiekošo juridisko cīņu ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) ir iesniegusi paziņojumu, lai pārsūdzētu daļu no 2023. gada jūlija tiesas sprieduma tās lietā pret Ripple Labs, tādējādi atjaunojot ilgstošo juridisko cīņu par XRP kriptovalūtas statusu.

Ripple vs SEC: nākamā fāze sākas ar apelācijas iesniegšanu


SEC iesniedza paziņojumu pārsūdzēt 2023. gada jūlija tiesas nolēmumu Ripple lietā

Ripple izpilddirektors un CLO kritizē SEC lēmumu, solot turpināt cīņu

Pēc apelācijas paziņojuma XRP cena samazinājās par 11%.

Ripple apsver pārsūdzību par institucionālo pārdošanas lēmumu un 125 miljonu dolāru soda naudu

Bitwise iesniedza pieteikumu XRP ETF, neskatoties uz notiekošo juridisko cīņu

ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) ir iesniegusi paziņojumu, lai pārsūdzētu daļu no 2023. gada jūlija tiesas sprieduma tās lietā pret Ripple Labs, tādējādi atjaunojot ilgstošo juridisko cīņu par XRP kriptovalūtas statusu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tehniska kļūme Bank of America lietotājiem rada 0 ASV dolāru atlikuma parādīšanuTLDR Bank of America 2023. gada 2. oktobrī piedzīvoja plašu tīkla pārtraukumu Klienti ziņoja par 0 ASV dolāru atlikumiem un nespēju piekļūt kontiem Vairāk nekā 18 000 ziņojumu tika reģistrēti Downdetector 15 minūšu laikā Bank of America paziņoja, ka problēmas ir "pilnībā atrisinātas" līdz 3. oktobrim Daži klienti ziņoja par pastāvīgām problēmām pat pēc bankas paziņojuma 2023. gada 2. oktobrī Bank of America, viena no lielākajām bankām Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, piedzīvoja ievērojamu tīkla pārtraukumu, kas skāra tūkstošiem klientu visā valstī.

Tehniska kļūme Bank of America lietotājiem rada 0 ASV dolāru atlikuma parādīšanu


Bank of America 2023. gada 2. oktobrī piedzīvoja plašu tīkla pārtraukumu

Klienti ziņoja par 0 ASV dolāru atlikumiem un nespēju piekļūt kontiem

Vairāk nekā 18 000 ziņojumu tika reģistrēti Downdetector 15 minūšu laikā

Bank of America paziņoja, ka problēmas ir "pilnībā atrisinātas" līdz 3. oktobrim

Daži klienti ziņoja par pastāvīgām problēmām pat pēc bankas paziņojuma

2023. gada 2. oktobrī Bank of America, viena no lielākajām bankām Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, piedzīvoja ievērojamu tīkla pārtraukumu, kas skāra tūkstošiem klientu visā valstī.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tramps atkārtoti apstiprina apņemšanos atbalstīt Free Silk Road dibinātāju Rosu UlbrihtuTLDR Tramps solīja "glābt" Rosu Ulbrihu, Silk Road dibinātāju Ulbrihs ir izcietis 12 gadus no mūža ieslodzījuma par Darknet tirgus vadīšanu Silk Road spēlēja galveno lomu Bitcoin agrīnajā ieviešanā un reputācijā Tramps iepriekš solīja mainīt Ulbrihtam piespriesto sodu, ja tiks pārvēlēts Lieta turpina dalīt viedokļus kriptogrāfijas kopienā Bijušais prezidents Donalds Tramps atkal ir apņēmies "glābt" Rosu Ulbrihu, bēdīgi slavenā tumšā tīkla tirgus laukuma Silk Road dibinātāju. Šis atjaunotais solījums nāk, kad Ulbrihs sāk savu 12. gadu cietumā, izciešot mūža ieslodzījumu plus 40 gadus par lomu platformas izveidē un darbībā, kas kļuva par sinonīmu Bitcoin agrīnai lietošanai un bēdīgajai slavai.

Tramps atkārtoti apstiprina apņemšanos atbalstīt Free Silk Road dibinātāju Rosu Ulbrihtu


Tramps solīja "glābt" Rosu Ulbrihu, Silk Road dibinātāju

Ulbrihs ir izcietis 12 gadus no mūža ieslodzījuma par Darknet tirgus vadīšanu

Silk Road spēlēja galveno lomu Bitcoin agrīnajā ieviešanā un reputācijā

Tramps iepriekš solīja mainīt Ulbrihtam piespriesto sodu, ja tiks pārvēlēts

Lieta turpina dalīt viedokļus kriptogrāfijas kopienā

Bijušais prezidents Donalds Tramps atkal ir apņēmies "glābt" Rosu Ulbrihu, bēdīgi slavenā tumšā tīkla tirgus laukuma Silk Road dibinātāju.

Šis atjaunotais solījums nāk, kad Ulbrihs sāk savu 12. gadu cietumā, izciešot mūža ieslodzījumu plus 40 gadus par lomu platformas izveidē un darbībā, kas kļuva par sinonīmu Bitcoin agrīnai lietošanai un bēdīgajai slavai.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto tirgus atjauninājums: Bitcoin turas stabili kā Altcoins saskaras ar spiedienuTLDR Bitcoin joprojām ir stabils virs 61 100 USD, neskatoties uz ģeopolitisko spriedzi Novērota ievērojama Bitcoin vaļu uzkrāšanās Bitcoin ETF redz aizplūšanu, savukārt Ethereum ETF piedzīvo ieplūdi XRP samazinās par vairāk nekā 10% pēc SEC lēmuma pārsūdzēt regulatīvo lēmumu Kopējais kriptovalūtu tirgus samazinās piesardzīga investoru noskaņojuma apstākļos Kriptovalūtu tirgus virzās nemierīgos ūdeņos, jo ģeopolitiskā spriedze un regulējuma attīstība investoriem rada sarežģītu ainavu. Neskatoties uz šiem izaicinājumiem, Bitcoin ir parādījis ievērojamu noturību, stabili turoties virs 61 000 USD atzīmes. Šī stabilitāte rodas, saskaroties ar notiekošajiem konfliktiem Tuvajos Austrumos, kas tradicionāli ir mazinājuši entuziasmu par riska aktīviem.

Kripto tirgus atjauninājums: Bitcoin turas stabili kā Altcoins saskaras ar spiedienu


Bitcoin joprojām ir stabils virs 61 100 USD, neskatoties uz ģeopolitisko spriedzi

Novērota ievērojama Bitcoin vaļu uzkrāšanās

Bitcoin ETF redz aizplūšanu, savukārt Ethereum ETF piedzīvo ieplūdi

XRP samazinās par vairāk nekā 10% pēc SEC lēmuma pārsūdzēt regulatīvo lēmumu

Kopējais kriptovalūtu tirgus samazinās piesardzīga investoru noskaņojuma apstākļos

Kriptovalūtu tirgus virzās nemierīgos ūdeņos, jo ģeopolitiskā spriedze un regulējuma attīstība investoriem rada sarežģītu ainavu.

Neskatoties uz šiem izaicinājumiem, Bitcoin ir parādījis ievērojamu noturību, stabili turoties virs 61 000 USD atzīmes. Šī stabilitāte rodas, saskaroties ar notiekošajiem konfliktiem Tuvajos Austrumos, kas tradicionāli ir mazinājuši entuziasmu par riska aktīviem.
Crypto Theft Reaches $750 Million in Q3 2024TLDR Over $750 million stolen in crypto in Q3 2024 despite fewer hacks Phishing and private key compromises were the dominant attack vectors Ethereum remains the primary target for attacks Only 4.1% of stolen funds were recovered in Q3 Average loss per hack reached $5.93 million The cryptocurrency sector witnessed a significant increase in the value of stolen assets during the third quarter of 2024, despite a decrease in the number of hacking incidents. According to a recent report by cyber security firm CertiK, thieves made off with over $750 million across 155 incidents, bringing the year’s total losses to nearly $2 billion. This marks a 9.5% increase in the value lost compared to the previous quarter, even though there were 27 fewer incidents. The report highlights phishing and private key compromises as the most prevalent attack vectors, accounting for a staggering $668 million in losses. Phishing attacks alone caused $343 million in damages across 65 incidents. One notable case involved a Bitcoin whale who suffered a $238 million loss in August, making it the single most significant phishing attack for Q3. Although some funds were recovered by the community, most of the stolen amount remains unaccounted for. Private key compromises were responsible for approximately $317 million in losses across just 10 incidents. The most notable private key attack targeted WazirX, one of India’s leading crypto exchanges. In July, hackers exploited WazirX’s private key vulnerabilities, leading to the theft of $231 million across more than 200 cryptocurrencies, including Shiba Inu (SHIB), Ethereum (ETH), and Polygon (MATIC). Ethereum continues to be the prime target for attacks, with $387.8 million stolen across 86 incidents, far surpassing any other blockchain. Multichain hacks were also prominent, with $89.8 million stolen across several networks, revealing the potential risks associated with cross-chain functionality. While phishing and private key compromises led the quarter in terms of value lost, other notable attack methods included code vulnerabilities and reentrancy exploits. Code vulnerabilities resulted in $39.6 million in losses over 44 incidents, while reentrancy attacks – which allow hackers to repeatedly withdraw funds before the system can update balances – accounted for $30.3 million in losses across five incidents. The Q3 CertiK report reveals a concerning trend in fund recovery. Only 4.1% of stolen funds were recovered this quarter, a sharp decline from the 14.4% recovered in Q2. Despite fewer incidents, the average loss per hack reached $5.93 million, with the median loss at $120,529. These figures stand in stark contrast to the findings reported by Immunefi, a bug bounty and security services platform, for August 2024. Immunefi noted a major drop in crypto-related losses during that month, with total losses amounting to just $15 million across five incidents. This marked the lowest monthly total year-to-date and represented a 94.5% decrease from July’s figures. The discrepancy between the quarterly and monthly reports highlights the volatile nature of cryptocurrency security. While individual months may show improvements, the overall trend for the quarter indicates a significant increase in the value of assets stolen. The post Crypto Theft Reaches $750 Million in Q3 2024 appeared first on Blockonomi.

Crypto Theft Reaches $750 Million in Q3 2024


Over $750 million stolen in crypto in Q3 2024 despite fewer hacks

Phishing and private key compromises were the dominant attack vectors

Ethereum remains the primary target for attacks

Only 4.1% of stolen funds were recovered in Q3

Average loss per hack reached $5.93 million

The cryptocurrency sector witnessed a significant increase in the value of stolen assets during the third quarter of 2024, despite a decrease in the number of hacking incidents.

According to a recent report by cyber security firm CertiK, thieves made off with over $750 million across 155 incidents, bringing the year’s total losses to nearly $2 billion.

This marks a 9.5% increase in the value lost compared to the previous quarter, even though there were 27 fewer incidents.

The report highlights phishing and private key compromises as the most prevalent attack vectors, accounting for a staggering $668 million in losses.

Phishing attacks alone caused $343 million in damages across 65 incidents. One notable case involved a Bitcoin whale who suffered a $238 million loss in August, making it the single most significant phishing attack for Q3. Although some funds were recovered by the community, most of the stolen amount remains unaccounted for.

Private key compromises were responsible for approximately $317 million in losses across just 10 incidents. The most notable private key attack targeted WazirX, one of India’s leading crypto exchanges.

In July, hackers exploited WazirX’s private key vulnerabilities, leading to the theft of $231 million across more than 200 cryptocurrencies, including Shiba Inu (SHIB), Ethereum (ETH), and Polygon (MATIC).

Ethereum continues to be the prime target for attacks, with $387.8 million stolen across 86 incidents, far surpassing any other blockchain.

Multichain hacks were also prominent, with $89.8 million stolen across several networks, revealing the potential risks associated with cross-chain functionality.

While phishing and private key compromises led the quarter in terms of value lost, other notable attack methods included code vulnerabilities and reentrancy exploits.

Code vulnerabilities resulted in $39.6 million in losses over 44 incidents, while reentrancy attacks – which allow hackers to repeatedly withdraw funds before the system can update balances – accounted for $30.3 million in losses across five incidents.

The Q3 CertiK report reveals a concerning trend in fund recovery. Only 4.1% of stolen funds were recovered this quarter, a sharp decline from the 14.4% recovered in Q2.

Despite fewer incidents, the average loss per hack reached $5.93 million, with the median loss at $120,529.

These figures stand in stark contrast to the findings reported by Immunefi, a bug bounty and security services platform, for August 2024.

Immunefi noted a major drop in crypto-related losses during that month, with total losses amounting to just $15 million across five incidents. This marked the lowest monthly total year-to-date and represented a 94.5% decrease from July’s figures.

The discrepancy between the quarterly and monthly reports highlights the volatile nature of cryptocurrency security. While individual months may show improvements, the overall trend for the quarter indicates a significant increase in the value of assets stolen.

The post Crypto Theft Reaches $750 Million in Q3 2024 appeared first on Blockonomi.
EverValue’s EVA Token Presale Success Fuels Anticipation for XT Launchpad DebutEverValue, is thrilled to announce the phenomenal success of its ongoing presale! Launched on September 23rd, the presale has surpassed all expectations, raising over 75 BTC within the first week—doubling the initial goal of 35 BTC. This overwhelming community support underscores the immense interest in EverValue’s innovative, secure, and profitable cryptocurrency investment approach. The presale has raised over 75 wBTC, which are now securely backing the EVA token in the Burn Vault, ensuring its stability and potential for future appreciation. Currently Evervalue is leveraging over 1,000 advanced mining machines that actively mine and contribute Bitcoin to the Burn Vault on a daily basis. Recently, 250,000 EVA tokens were burned, a process set to repeat on the 23rd of every month, effectively reducing the total supply and enhancing EVA’s value in relation to wBTC. These strategies are designed to facilitate continuous appreciation of EVA against Bitcoin. With daily Bitcoin contributions to the Burn Vault and a regular reduction in EVA supply, the project establishes a sustainable growth model for its investors. Following the success of the presale, EverValue is gearing up for its next major step—listing EVA tokens on the XT Exchange Launchpad. This listing, set to go live in early October, will provide broader access to the EVA token, opening the door for more investors to participate in the project through a globally recognized platform. The XT Exchange Launchpad offers a dynamic trading environment, known for its social-infused trading features and wide selection of coins. This listing will further enhance liquidity and increase exposure to a growing community of cryptocurrency traders. With strong presale results, ongoing Bitcoin backing, and decreasing EVA supply, EverValue is positioned as a standout project in the DeFi space. The combination of innovative tokenomics and the upcoming XT Exchange Launchpad listing is set to drive long-term growth and success for EVA investors. For more information on how to participate in the presale and stay updated on future developments, visit the Evervalue website and follow them on Twitter and Telegram. About Evervalue EverValue is a robust project backed by Bitcoin and its mining, built on the Arbitrum network, dedicated to providing Bitcoin investors with a secure and transparent method to increase their Bitcoin holdings. The EVA token is designed to continually appreciate against Bitcoin, offering investors the security of a guaranteed minimum price in wBTC that only increases over time. This innovative mechanism ensures that, regardless of market conditions, the value of EVA in Bitcoin will consistently grow. The post EverValue’s EVA Token Presale Success Fuels Anticipation for XT Launchpad Debut appeared first on Blockonomi.

EverValue’s EVA Token Presale Success Fuels Anticipation for XT Launchpad Debut

EverValue, is thrilled to announce the phenomenal success of its ongoing presale! Launched on September 23rd, the presale has surpassed all expectations, raising over 75 BTC within the first week—doubling the initial goal of 35 BTC. This overwhelming community support underscores the immense interest in EverValue’s innovative, secure, and profitable cryptocurrency investment approach.

The presale has raised over 75 wBTC, which are now securely backing the EVA token in the Burn Vault, ensuring its stability and potential for future appreciation. Currently Evervalue is leveraging over 1,000 advanced mining machines that actively mine and contribute Bitcoin to the Burn Vault on a daily basis. Recently, 250,000 EVA tokens were burned, a process set to repeat on the 23rd of every month, effectively reducing the total supply and enhancing EVA’s value in relation to wBTC.

These strategies are designed to facilitate continuous appreciation of EVA against Bitcoin. With daily Bitcoin contributions to the Burn Vault and a regular reduction in EVA supply, the project establishes a sustainable growth model for its investors.

Following the success of the presale, EverValue is gearing up for its next major step—listing EVA tokens on the XT Exchange Launchpad. This listing, set to go live in early October, will provide broader access to the EVA token, opening the door for more investors to participate in the project through a globally recognized platform.

The XT Exchange Launchpad offers a dynamic trading environment, known for its social-infused trading features and wide selection of coins. This listing will further enhance liquidity and increase exposure to a growing community of cryptocurrency traders.

With strong presale results, ongoing Bitcoin backing, and decreasing EVA supply, EverValue is positioned as a standout project in the DeFi space. The combination of innovative tokenomics and the upcoming XT Exchange Launchpad listing is set to drive long-term growth and success for EVA investors.

For more information on how to participate in the presale and stay updated on future developments, visit the Evervalue website and follow them on Twitter and Telegram.

About Evervalue

EverValue is a robust project backed by Bitcoin and its mining, built on the Arbitrum network, dedicated to providing Bitcoin investors with a secure and transparent method to increase their Bitcoin holdings. The EVA token is designed to continually appreciate against Bitcoin, offering investors the security of a guaranteed minimum price in wBTC that only increases over time. This innovative mechanism ensures that, regardless of market conditions, the value of EVA in Bitcoin will consistently grow.

The post EverValue’s EVA Token Presale Success Fuels Anticipation for XT Launchpad Debut appeared first on Blockonomi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Aptos iegādājas HashPalette, izvēršas Japānas Blockchain tirgūTLDR Aptos Labs iegādājas japāņu blokķēdes izstrādātāju HashPalette HashPalette līdz 2025. gada sākumam migrēs palešu ķēdi un lietotnes uz Aptos tīklu Aptos, lai darbinātu digitālo maku sistēmu izstādē Expo 2025 Osakā Pēc paziņojuma APT marķiera cena pieauga par 7,32%. Iegāde seko nesenajam 10 miljonu ASV dolāru fonda darbības uzsākšanai ar OKX Ventures Aptos Labs, uzņēmums, kas atrodas aiz Aptos Network blokķēdes, ir veicis nozīmīgu virzību Japānas blokķēdes tirgū, iegādājoties HashPalette Inc., HashPort Inc. meitasuzņēmumu un Palette blokķēdes izstrādātāju.

Aptos iegādājas HashPalette, izvēršas Japānas Blockchain tirgū


Aptos Labs iegādājas japāņu blokķēdes izstrādātāju HashPalette

HashPalette līdz 2025. gada sākumam migrēs palešu ķēdi un lietotnes uz Aptos tīklu

Aptos, lai darbinātu digitālo maku sistēmu izstādē Expo 2025 Osakā

Pēc paziņojuma APT marķiera cena pieauga par 7,32%.

Iegāde seko nesenajam 10 miljonu ASV dolāru fonda darbības uzsākšanai ar OKX Ventures

Aptos Labs, uzņēmums, kas atrodas aiz Aptos Network blokķēdes, ir veicis nozīmīgu virzību Japānas blokķēdes tirgū, iegādājoties HashPalette Inc., HashPort Inc. meitasuzņēmumu un Palette blokķēdes izstrādātāju.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Shiba Inu cenu samazināšanās izraisa vaļu migrāciju uz Moodeng ETH iepriekšpārdošanuMēmu monētu tirgus nav izņēmums no tirgus nepastāvības. Monēta, kas ir nopelnījusi miljonus vairākiem investoriem, arī nav pakļauta straujam kritumam. Tas nesen tika novērots Shiba Inu gadījumā.  Turklāt Shiba Inu cenu kritums pēdējā laikā ir mainījis investoru noskaņojumu. Investori tagad virzās uz jaunām iespējām, tostarp Moodeng ETH, kas pašlaik ir iepriekšpārdošanā. Tā kā Moodeng ETH piedāvā 10 reizes lielāku pirmspārdošanas peļņas potenciālu, vaļi to uzskata par salīdzinoši daudzsološāku, ņemot vērā dominējošās tirgus perspektīvas.

Shiba Inu cenu samazināšanās izraisa vaļu migrāciju uz Moodeng ETH iepriekšpārdošanu

Mēmu monētu tirgus nav izņēmums no tirgus nepastāvības. Monēta, kas ir nopelnījusi miljonus vairākiem investoriem, arī nav pakļauta straujam kritumam. Tas nesen tika novērots Shiba Inu gadījumā. 

Turklāt Shiba Inu cenu kritums pēdējā laikā ir mainījis investoru noskaņojumu. Investori tagad virzās uz jaunām iespējām, tostarp Moodeng ETH, kas pašlaik ir iepriekšpārdošanā. Tā kā Moodeng ETH piedāvā 10 reizes lielāku pirmspārdošanas peļņas potenciālu, vaļi to uzskata par salīdzinoši daudzsološāku, ņemot vērā dominējošās tirgus perspektīvas.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Crypto Tycoon Labels DTX apmaina jauno “Solana” par USD 0,06 — prognozē SUI pieaugumuDTX Exchange ir kļuvusi par neuzvaramu spēku DeFi sektorā. Tā nepārtraukti augošais impulss kopā ar nepārspējamu paplašināšanās potenciālu ir padarījis to par ievērojamu spēlētāju kriptovalūtu jomā. Tomēr nesenais pirmspārdošanas palielinājums vairāk nekā 3,3 miljonu USD apmērā ir piesaistījis papildu uzmanību. Ņemot vērā tā zemo vērtību un lielo atdevi, kriptogrāfijas magnāts apzīmē DTX kā kriptovalūtas pasaules jauno Solana (SOL). Tas ir saistīts ar monētas perspektīvām. Lai gan arī            Solana (SOL) demonstrē iespaidīgu ceļojumu, šī jaunā kriptovalūta ar zemu maksimālo apjomu piesaista lielāku uzmanību. SUI arī pieaug paralēli, tomēr DTX joprojām ir nepārspējams.

Crypto Tycoon Labels DTX apmaina jauno “Solana” par USD 0,06 — prognozē SUI pieaugumu

DTX Exchange ir kļuvusi par neuzvaramu spēku DeFi sektorā. Tā nepārtraukti augošais impulss kopā ar nepārspējamu paplašināšanās potenciālu ir padarījis to par ievērojamu spēlētāju kriptovalūtu jomā. Tomēr nesenais pirmspārdošanas palielinājums vairāk nekā 3,3 miljonu USD apmērā ir piesaistījis papildu uzmanību.

Ņemot vērā tā zemo vērtību un lielo atdevi, kriptogrāfijas magnāts apzīmē DTX kā kriptovalūtas pasaules jauno Solana (SOL). Tas ir saistīts ar monētas perspektīvām. Lai gan arī            Solana (SOL) demonstrē iespaidīgu ceļojumu, šī jaunā kriptovalūta ar zemu maksimālo apjomu piesaista lielāku uzmanību. SUI arī pieaug paralēli, tomēr DTX joprojām ir nepārspējams.
BlockDag Price and Moodeng ETH: The Dynamic Duo Ready to Dominate the Crypto WorldThe way to success in the cryptocurrency market is to invest in projects with high potential, and that too in their early stages. This formula requires extensive market research but greatly increases the chances of success. We have taken care of the research part, as we have found two projects that could dominate the crypto market in the coming days: BlockDag and Moodeng ETH. BlockDag and Moodeng ETH ($MOOETH) are still in their presale phase. Differing in purpose and technology, both $BDAG and $MOOETH ETH have the potential to be the next big stars in the crypto market. Experts believe that together, BlockDag and Moodeng ETH form a great combo, ready to take control of the crypto scene. BlockDag BlockDag is where the future of blockchain belongs. Simply put, BlockDag wants to be the most advanced layer-1 solution and make crypto mining extremely simple. BlockDag is the combination of strong security found in traditional blockchains with the high scalability, speed, and power of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) because it can process transactions much faster while maintaining decentralized trust. Its hybrid design allows BlockDag to process several orders of magnitude more transactions much faster than most blockchains trying to solve long-standing scaling problems. This is the reason why BlockDag has had a very successful pre-sale, which is still going on, having raised $78.9 million so far.   Moodeng ETH When it comes to the fun side of crypto, Moodeng ETH ($MOOETH) can be the memecoin investment that can make you millions. $MOOETH is now available for presale, providing the chance to invest early at a very low price: $0.000001 per token, and the $MOOETH launch is 10x times that price.  Moodeng ETH claims to be the ultimate memecoin that is inspired by the mood swings in the crypto market. As the community increases and hype for $MOOETH builds, so will the potential for mainstream success for the coin. BlockDag and Moodeng ETH: The Perfect Pairing BlockDag and Moodeng ETH may sound like extreme opposites, but on closer inspection, they are complementary within the same space.  While BlockDag is developing its cutting-edge technology to be a layer-1 market leader, Moodeng ETH embraces the viral methodology and community engagement, which is the perfect recipe for a memecoin’s success. Experts believe that the best way to go about in this market would be to put your bets in both BlockDag and Moodeng ETH to increase the chances of maximum gains. Know more about Moodeng ETH at   The post BlockDag Price and Moodeng ETH: The Dynamic Duo Ready to Dominate the Crypto World appeared first on Blockonomi.

BlockDag Price and Moodeng ETH: The Dynamic Duo Ready to Dominate the Crypto World

The way to success in the cryptocurrency market is to invest in projects with high potential, and that too in their early stages. This formula requires extensive market research but greatly increases the chances of success. We have taken care of the research part, as we have found two projects that could dominate the crypto market in the coming days: BlockDag and Moodeng ETH.

BlockDag and Moodeng ETH ($MOOETH) are still in their presale phase. Differing in purpose and technology, both $BDAG and $MOOETH ETH have the potential to be the next big stars in the crypto market. Experts believe that together, BlockDag and Moodeng ETH form a great combo, ready to take control of the crypto scene.


BlockDag is where the future of blockchain belongs. Simply put, BlockDag wants to be the most advanced layer-1 solution and make crypto mining extremely simple. BlockDag is the combination of strong security found in traditional blockchains with the high scalability, speed, and power of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) because it can process transactions much faster while maintaining decentralized trust.

Its hybrid design allows BlockDag to process several orders of magnitude more transactions much faster than most blockchains trying to solve long-standing scaling problems. This is the reason why BlockDag has had a very successful pre-sale, which is still going on, having raised $78.9 million so far.  

Moodeng ETH

When it comes to the fun side of crypto, Moodeng ETH ($MOOETH) can be the memecoin investment that can make you millions. $MOOETH is now available for presale, providing the chance to invest early at a very low price: $0.000001 per token, and the $MOOETH launch is 10x times that price. 

Moodeng ETH claims to be the ultimate memecoin that is inspired by the mood swings in the crypto market. As the community increases and hype for $MOOETH builds, so will the potential for mainstream success for the coin.

BlockDag and Moodeng ETH: The Perfect Pairing

BlockDag and Moodeng ETH may sound like extreme opposites, but on closer inspection, they are complementary within the same space. 

While BlockDag is developing its cutting-edge technology to be a layer-1 market leader, Moodeng ETH embraces the viral methodology and community engagement, which is the perfect recipe for a memecoin’s success.

Experts believe that the best way to go about in this market would be to put your bets in both BlockDag and Moodeng ETH to increase the chances of maximum gains.

Know more about Moodeng ETH at


The post BlockDag Price and Moodeng ETH: The Dynamic Duo Ready to Dominate the Crypto World appeared first on Blockonomi.
Moodeng ETH is Stealing the Spotlight – Rexas Coin and Mog Coin Investors Are Jumping InThe hype surrounding Moodeng ETH grows with each passing day of October. It has thus far captured investors who had previously taken part in other large projects such as Rexas Coin and MOG Coin. As the continuous pre-selling of Moodeng ETH occurs, it demonstrates the potentiality of something much larger than a brief success. Both investors from Rexas Coin and MOG Coin communities are beginning to take notice of the event. They are jumping on board for a ride on the potential surge of Moodeng ETH to new highs in the crypto market. Moodeng ETH: Is it at The Cusp of Disrupting MOG Coin and Rexas Coin? To say it simply, Moodeng ETH stands much apart from MOG Coin and Rexas Coin. Its playful yet sharp expression of market mood swings really resonates with many investors. Unlike Rexas Coin, which tokenizes real-world assets like real estate and commodities, Moodeng ETH embodies the chaos of the crypto market, qualifying investors to potentially profit from burgeoning memetic trends. The community surrounding Moodeng ETH is passionate. It is a lot like the cultural force that has driven MOG Coin into success, but the driver for Rexas Coin and MOG Coin investors to engage in Moodeng ETH presale is simply due to anticipated high gains. Moodeng ETH’s USP Against MOG Coin and Rexas Coin The presale of Moodeng ETH is causing ripples, with the project promising launch price increases of 10x from the presale price, making it an attractive entry point for early adopters. In its third stage of presale, Rexas Coin trades at $0.050, while MOG Coin keeps its ERC-20 presence on the Ethereum blockchain. On the contrary, Moodeng ETH draws attention because of its unpredictable nature. Investors find the simplicity of Moodeng ETH quite charming compared to Rexas Coin’s more complicated asset tokenization model and MOG Coin’s reluctant memecoin personality. As much as the memetic branding of MOG Coin and the real estate inclination of Rexas Coin seems thrilling, Moodeng ETH taps right into the core of Ethereum’s memecoin culture with an inventive twist. The Rexas Coin and Mog Coin Disruptor: How to Apply for Moodeng ETH Presale? While investors in Rexas Coin seek new avenues of growth and MOG Coin enthusiasts strive for fresh opportunities—Moodeng ETH stands out as an ideal choice—one with a more direct route to potential gains. Unlike Rexas Coin and Mog Coin, it capitalizes on the emotional ups and downs of the market. For those looking for the next big memecoin, can transfer USDT (ERC20) or ETH to the specified address on the website and will have $MOOETH airdropped to them on October 20th, 2024, at 12:00 UTC. Know more about Moodeng at The post Moodeng ETH is Stealing the Spotlight – Rexas Coin and Mog Coin Investors Are Jumping In appeared first on Blockonomi.

Moodeng ETH is Stealing the Spotlight – Rexas Coin and Mog Coin Investors Are Jumping In

The hype surrounding Moodeng ETH grows with each passing day of October. It has thus far captured investors who had previously taken part in other large projects such as Rexas Coin and MOG Coin. As the continuous pre-selling of Moodeng ETH occurs, it demonstrates the potentiality of something much larger than a brief success.

Both investors from Rexas Coin and MOG Coin communities are beginning to take notice of the event. They are jumping on board for a ride on the potential surge of Moodeng ETH to new highs in the crypto market.

Moodeng ETH: Is it at The Cusp of Disrupting MOG Coin and Rexas Coin?

To say it simply, Moodeng ETH stands much apart from MOG Coin and Rexas Coin. Its playful yet sharp expression of market mood swings really resonates with many investors. Unlike Rexas Coin, which tokenizes real-world assets like real estate and commodities, Moodeng ETH embodies the chaos of the crypto market, qualifying investors to potentially profit from burgeoning memetic trends.

The community surrounding Moodeng ETH is passionate. It is a lot like the cultural force that has driven MOG Coin into success, but the driver for Rexas Coin and MOG Coin investors to engage in Moodeng ETH presale is simply due to anticipated high gains.

Moodeng ETH’s USP Against MOG Coin and Rexas Coin

The presale of Moodeng ETH is causing ripples, with the project promising launch price increases of 10x from the presale price, making it an attractive entry point for early adopters. In its third stage of presale, Rexas Coin trades at $0.050, while MOG Coin keeps its ERC-20 presence on the Ethereum blockchain. On the contrary, Moodeng ETH draws attention because of its unpredictable nature.

Investors find the simplicity of Moodeng ETH quite charming compared to Rexas Coin’s more complicated asset tokenization model and MOG Coin’s reluctant memecoin personality. As much as the memetic branding of MOG Coin and the real estate inclination of Rexas Coin seems thrilling, Moodeng ETH taps right into the core of Ethereum’s memecoin culture with an inventive twist.

The Rexas Coin and Mog Coin Disruptor: How to Apply for Moodeng ETH Presale?

While investors in Rexas Coin seek new avenues of growth and MOG Coin enthusiasts strive for fresh opportunities—Moodeng ETH stands out as an ideal choice—one with a more direct route to potential gains. Unlike Rexas Coin and Mog Coin, it capitalizes on the emotional ups and downs of the market.

For those looking for the next big memecoin, can transfer USDT (ERC20) or ETH to the specified address on the website and will have $MOOETH airdropped to them on October 20th, 2024, at 12:00 UTC.

Know more about Moodeng at

The post Moodeng ETH is Stealing the Spotlight – Rexas Coin and Mog Coin Investors Are Jumping In appeared first on Blockonomi.
WallitIQ Redefines Crypto Wallets By Solving Every Single Bottleneck You Can Think Of – Get White...Users in the cryptocurrency space continue to move towards self-custody, with centralized exchanges (CEXs) no longer providing enough guarantees to secure users’ funds. However, these users encounter several issues when using decentralized crypto wallets for self-custody. Thankfully, that is where WallitIQ (WLTQ) comes in. The decentralized wallet leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and sophisticated machine learning (ML) algorithms to solve every inefficiency currently witnessed in existing crypto wallets. WallitIQ provides lasting solutions that cater to the needs of both crypto natives and newbies. Users will be able to partake in WallitIQ’s success from the start through the upcoming presale for its WallitIQ (WLTQ) token. Investors cannot afford to miss the opportunity to be part of this revolution, as Wallit’s AI-powered decentralized crypto wallet will change the game. This analysis provides insights into what to expect from WallitIQ on this exciting journey. WallitIQ Is Solving Every Issue Wallet Users Can Think Of WallitIQ (WLTQ) is solving every bottleneck crypto wallet users can think of. These include issues relating to security vulnerabilities, user experience, and limited financial literacy. Crypto exploits and hacks undoubtedly remain a major issue even among decentralized crypto wallets, with users suffering significant losses as a result. Furthermore, several decentralized crypto wallets that have emerged have failed to address issues relating to user experience. The crypto space can be difficult to navigate, especially for newbies, and these crypto wallets do not make this journey much easier, which is why many users, even crypto natives, remain skeptical about self-custody. However, WallitIQ is set to change that with its advanced technology, which provides users with a secure and seamless experience. The complexities of using these decentralized crypto wallets also pose a problem for those with limited financial literacy. Many users can’t handle the thought of keeping their private keys and seed phrases all in a bid for self-custody. Some users also make uninformed decisions due to limited financial literacy, eventually leading to significant losses. WallitIQ Eradicates Self-Custody Challenges With AI-driven Tools WallitIQ (WLTQ) uses artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to eliminate every challenge decentralized wallet users face. The AI-based decentralized wallet has developed several general and specific solutions that address these challenges collectively and separately. For instance, the crypto wallet boasts intelligent security, which helps counter potential hacks or exploits that users could suffer while using other wallets. A major highlight of this intelligent security feature is the Escrow Connect, also known as ‘AI-Einstein.’  The Escrow Connect system provides an additional layer of security as every connection to an external wallet first passes through it. It scans these sites for vulnerabilities before connecting your WallitIQ wallet to them. Furthermore, WallitIQ has taken wallet personalization to another level with its AI-driven adaptation feature. The AI analyzes each user’s behavior and suggests how to customize their wallet for easy usability. The wallet’s customization feature addresses any interface difficulty that users would otherwise experience, as they can personalize their dashboards even to the smallest detail. Thanks to WallitIQ’s AI integration, users will also enjoy smart suggestions, which make trading on decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms simpler and more cost-effective. The AI-powered smart suggestions analyze several protocols and identify the best DeFi investment opportunities for users. The gas fees on these protocols have also remained an issue while transacting. However, this AI tool solves this issue by identifying the best time for users to transact so they can save costs on gas fees. During periods of high gas fees, these transactions can be automated so they will be executed as soon as gas reduces. Time To Get Whitelisted For WallitIQ’s $WLTQ Presale With the WallitIQ (WLTQ) presale set to begin, now is the time for investors to get an exclusive whitelist to access the crypto presale. This is an opportunity for investors to purchase the WLTQ tokens early and at a discounted price. With the WallitIQ decentralized wallet set to enjoy massive success upon launch, there is no height that the wallet’s native token cannot attain. Therefore, partaking in this presale allows investors to enjoy life-changing gains in this supercycle. It is also worth highlighting the benefits those participating in the presale stand will enjoy. Specifically, the token makes interactions on the AI-powered decentralized wallet more exciting as you enjoy trading discounts, access to special features, and even juicy staking rewards. Conclusion WallitIQ (WLTQ) will be a game-changer. It will set a new standard for decentralized crypto wallets to curb users’ challenges in trying to self-custody their assets. You can get in early through the upcoming presale and participate in WallitIQ’s tremendous success. This presale is an opportunity to be a part of a redefining technology while making massive gains as an investor. You cannot afford to miss out! Join the WallitIQ (WLTQ) presale and community: Join WallitIQ (WLTQ) Presale Join the WallitIQ (WLTQ) Community The post WallitIQ Redefines Crypto Wallets By Solving Every Single Bottleneck You Can Think Of – Get Whitelisted For The Presale Token Now appeared first on Blockonomi.

WallitIQ Redefines Crypto Wallets By Solving Every Single Bottleneck You Can Think Of – Get White...

Users in the cryptocurrency space continue to move towards self-custody, with centralized exchanges (CEXs) no longer providing enough guarantees to secure users’ funds. However, these users encounter several issues when using decentralized crypto wallets for self-custody. Thankfully, that is where WallitIQ (WLTQ) comes in. The decentralized wallet leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and sophisticated machine learning (ML) algorithms to solve every inefficiency currently witnessed in existing crypto wallets. WallitIQ provides lasting solutions that cater to the needs of both crypto natives and newbies.

Users will be able to partake in WallitIQ’s success from the start through the upcoming presale for its WallitIQ (WLTQ) token. Investors cannot afford to miss the opportunity to be part of this revolution, as Wallit’s AI-powered decentralized crypto wallet will change the game. This analysis provides insights into what to expect from WallitIQ on this exciting journey.

WallitIQ Is Solving Every Issue Wallet Users Can Think Of

WallitIQ (WLTQ) is solving every bottleneck crypto wallet users can think of. These include issues relating to security vulnerabilities, user experience, and limited financial literacy. Crypto exploits and hacks undoubtedly remain a major issue even among decentralized crypto wallets, with users suffering significant losses as a result.

Furthermore, several decentralized crypto wallets that have emerged have failed to address issues relating to user experience. The crypto space can be difficult to navigate, especially for newbies, and these crypto wallets do not make this journey much easier, which is why many users, even crypto natives, remain skeptical about self-custody. However, WallitIQ is set to change that with its advanced technology, which provides users with a secure and seamless experience.

The complexities of using these decentralized crypto wallets also pose a problem for those with limited financial literacy. Many users can’t handle the thought of keeping their private keys and seed phrases all in a bid for self-custody. Some users also make uninformed decisions due to limited financial literacy, eventually leading to significant losses.

WallitIQ Eradicates Self-Custody Challenges With AI-driven Tools

WallitIQ (WLTQ) uses artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to eliminate every challenge decentralized wallet users face. The AI-based decentralized wallet has developed several general and specific solutions that address these challenges collectively and separately.

For instance, the crypto wallet boasts intelligent security, which helps counter potential hacks or exploits that users could suffer while using other wallets. A major highlight of this intelligent security feature is the Escrow Connect, also known as ‘AI-Einstein.’  The Escrow Connect system provides an additional layer of security as every connection to an external wallet first passes through it. It scans these sites for vulnerabilities before connecting your WallitIQ wallet to them.

Furthermore, WallitIQ has taken wallet personalization to another level with its AI-driven adaptation feature. The AI analyzes each user’s behavior and suggests how to customize their wallet for easy usability. The wallet’s customization feature addresses any interface difficulty that users would otherwise experience, as they can personalize their dashboards even to the smallest detail.

Thanks to WallitIQ’s AI integration, users will also enjoy smart suggestions, which make trading on decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms simpler and more cost-effective. The AI-powered smart suggestions analyze several protocols and identify the best DeFi investment opportunities for users.

The gas fees on these protocols have also remained an issue while transacting. However, this AI tool solves this issue by identifying the best time for users to transact so they can save costs on gas fees. During periods of high gas fees, these transactions can be automated so they will be executed as soon as gas reduces.

Time To Get Whitelisted For WallitIQ’s $WLTQ Presale

With the WallitIQ (WLTQ) presale set to begin, now is the time for investors to get an exclusive whitelist to access the crypto presale. This is an opportunity for investors to purchase the WLTQ tokens early and at a discounted price. With the WallitIQ decentralized wallet set to enjoy massive success upon launch, there is no height that the wallet’s native token cannot attain.

Therefore, partaking in this presale allows investors to enjoy life-changing gains in this supercycle. It is also worth highlighting the benefits those participating in the presale stand will enjoy. Specifically, the token makes interactions on the AI-powered decentralized wallet more exciting as you enjoy trading discounts, access to special features, and even juicy staking rewards.


WallitIQ (WLTQ) will be a game-changer. It will set a new standard for decentralized crypto wallets to curb users’ challenges in trying to self-custody their assets. You can get in early through the upcoming presale and participate in WallitIQ’s tremendous success. This presale is an opportunity to be a part of a redefining technology while making massive gains as an investor. You cannot afford to miss out!

Join the WallitIQ (WLTQ) presale and community:

Join WallitIQ (WLTQ) Presale

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Sui Integrates SCION as a First-of-its-Kind Security Protocol for Network ValidatorsGrand Cayman, Cayman Islands, October 2nd, 2024, Chainwire Sui becomes the first blockchain to enable the most secure modern alternative to the Border Gateway Protocol Sui, the Layer 1 blockchain offering industry-leading performance and infinite horizontal scaling, announced that it will be the first blockchain to provide validators with a comprehensive defense against Internet routing attacks that have caused significant downtime on other networks, addressing the risks to Web 3.0 at the layer of the underlying Internet infrastructure and fortifying what is already the most secure and reliable Layer 1 blockchain, with 100% uptime since its mainnet launch. The new infrastructure is based on a networking technology called SCION and is currently live on Sui’s testnet. The protocol that routes data packets between the independent networks that form the Internet is called Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and was created in the late 1980s. At that time, achieving scalable global routing was the main focus, without consideration for security. Since then, the Internet has become much more important and dangerous, but unfortunately, the security of BGP has not kept pace with the increasing risks. The current lack of security enables malicious actors to reroute traffic toward their own infrastructure and then either drop it, or worse, impersonate the intended communication partners. For example, in 2018, attackers rerouted DNS traffic and redirected visitors of MyEtherWallet to their own servers – stealing over $17 million in Ethereum. Notably, the attackers didn’t just take on any small DNS server but AWS’s Route 53 service, one of the world’s largest DNS services. In 2022, an attack on KLAYswap was possible despite the fact that KLAYswap followed security best practices. Simply rerouting traffic allowed the attacker to bypass state-of-the-art security protocols DNSSEC and TLS. So far, no blockchain has a comprehensive defense against this class of attacks. Sui will be the first blockchain to integrate SCION, which is a next-generation network architecture that solves these major vulnerabilities. Importantly, the principals from the team of Swiss researchers that invented SCION have brought their unique knowledge and skills to Mysten Labs – forming the core of the team implementing this critical infrastructure technology for Sui. “SCION is the security layer that the Internet desperately needs: it is built from the ground up with security in mind,” said George Danezis, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist at Mysten Labs. “With the integration of this technology, Sui will be the first blockchain to provide validators with access to a next-generation internet that is cryptographically protected against attacks” The SCION technology being implemented on Sui’s network is an Internet architecture, which, like today’s Internet, coordinates multiple smaller networks. However, on Sui, SCION radically alters the way the Sui network will find paths toward external destinations and leverages cryptography to ensure that it cannot be influenced by unauthorized parties. This renders the type of attacks described above ineffective against Sui.  Implementing SCION arms Sui with unique resilience to network hijacking attacks and the ability to fall back from one network to another results in:  More resilient consensus participation. For individual validators on Sui, the ability to fall back from one network to another in the event of attacks against either network will mean higher resilience to network attacks that attempt to take the validator offline—an event which can impact epoch rewards. More available state-sync. For full nodes on Sui, this means higher available connections to their syncing full nodes or validators, offering an alternative to retrying other, possibly more distant nodes, and the ability to circumnavigate network bottlenecks. Robustness in the case of IP DDoS attacks. In the event of IP DDoS attacks, in which it is targeted by an attack utilizing multiple sources of attack traffic, Sui will be able to prioritize communication over SCION instead of over IP, rendering the attack against the validators ineffective. In contrast to the Internet Protocol (IP), which is used to send and forward packets in the current Internet, a SCION-enabled Sui node can select among multiple paths towards the intended destination and encode their choice in the packet’s header. SCION’s support for the simultaneous use of multiple paths allows Sui nodes to serve different types of traffic over different paths, such as assigning consensus and sync to different network paths with different properties. In addition to the security benefits it provides, by employing SCION’s new packet-forwarding protocol, Sui enables new control for end hosts that also further improves the networks already industry-leading speeds. Experiments with the SCION-enabled network showed that the latency between distant nodes could be reduced by over 10%, through automatic path choice and optimization available via SCION-enabled Sui nodes.  The steps to SCION-enable a Sui node, in brief, involve obtaining a SCION connection from a SCION-enabled Internet service provider or network operator and running a SCION network appliance that is accessible by the Sui node (e.g., colocated with the node or on a separate host). As the SCION network is running side-by-side with the Internet, network connectivity is achieved on Sui if either IP or SCION connectivity is operational – achieving an unprecedented level of availability. Consequently, the new infrastructure further enhances Sui to become the prime blockchain for critical infrastructure use cases. The SCION infrastructure was established in collaboration with Anapaya Systems, which was responsible for building the router software and other tools necessary for the Sui SCION network implementation, Cyberlink and InterCloud, which operate the global SCION infrastructure interconnecting the Sui validators, and Martincoit Networks, which helped design and coordinate the rollout of the SCION/Sui project. Karrier One is providing SCION network connectivity in Canada and beyond, and is building up SCION-enabled data center hosting services. The SCION Association, which recently welcomed Mysten Labs as a member, was involved as the organization responsible for propagating the technology. Contact Sui Foundation The post Sui Integrates SCION as a First-of-its-Kind Security Protocol for Network Validators appeared first on Blockonomi.

Sui Integrates SCION as a First-of-its-Kind Security Protocol for Network Validators

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, October 2nd, 2024, Chainwire

Sui becomes the first blockchain to enable the most secure modern alternative to the Border Gateway Protocol

Sui, the Layer 1 blockchain offering industry-leading performance and infinite horizontal scaling, announced that it will be the first blockchain to provide validators with a comprehensive defense against Internet routing attacks that have caused significant downtime on other networks, addressing the risks to Web 3.0 at the layer of the underlying Internet infrastructure and fortifying what is already the most secure and reliable Layer 1 blockchain, with 100% uptime since its mainnet launch. The new infrastructure is based on a networking technology called SCION and is currently live on Sui’s testnet.

The protocol that routes data packets between the independent networks that form the Internet is called Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and was created in the late 1980s. At that time, achieving scalable global routing was the main focus, without consideration for security. Since then, the Internet has become much more important and dangerous, but unfortunately, the security of BGP has not kept pace with the increasing risks.

The current lack of security enables malicious actors to reroute traffic toward their own infrastructure and then either drop it, or worse, impersonate the intended communication partners. For example, in 2018, attackers rerouted DNS traffic and redirected visitors of MyEtherWallet to their own servers – stealing over $17 million in Ethereum. Notably, the attackers didn’t just take on any small DNS server but AWS’s Route 53 service, one of the world’s largest DNS services. In 2022, an attack on KLAYswap was possible despite the fact that KLAYswap followed security best practices. Simply rerouting traffic allowed the attacker to bypass state-of-the-art security protocols DNSSEC and TLS.

So far, no blockchain has a comprehensive defense against this class of attacks. Sui will be the first blockchain to integrate SCION, which is a next-generation network architecture that solves these major vulnerabilities. Importantly, the principals from the team of Swiss researchers that invented SCION have brought their unique knowledge and skills to Mysten Labs – forming the core of the team implementing this critical infrastructure technology for Sui.

“SCION is the security layer that the Internet desperately needs: it is built from the ground up with security in mind,” said George Danezis, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist at Mysten Labs. “With the integration of this technology, Sui will be the first blockchain to provide validators with access to a next-generation internet that is cryptographically protected against attacks”

The SCION technology being implemented on Sui’s network is an Internet architecture, which, like today’s Internet, coordinates multiple smaller networks. However, on Sui, SCION radically alters the way the Sui network will find paths toward external destinations and leverages cryptography to ensure that it cannot be influenced by unauthorized parties. This renders the type of attacks described above ineffective against Sui. 

Implementing SCION arms Sui with unique resilience to network hijacking attacks and the ability to fall back from one network to another results in: 

More resilient consensus participation. For individual validators on Sui, the ability to fall back from one network to another in the event of attacks against either network will mean higher resilience to network attacks that attempt to take the validator offline—an event which can impact epoch rewards.

More available state-sync. For full nodes on Sui, this means higher available connections to their syncing full nodes or validators, offering an alternative to retrying other, possibly more distant nodes, and the ability to circumnavigate network bottlenecks.

Robustness in the case of IP DDoS attacks. In the event of IP DDoS attacks, in which it is targeted by an attack utilizing multiple sources of attack traffic, Sui will be able to prioritize communication over SCION instead of over IP, rendering the attack against the validators ineffective.

In contrast to the Internet Protocol (IP), which is used to send and forward packets in the current Internet, a SCION-enabled Sui node can select among multiple paths towards the intended destination and encode their choice in the packet’s header. SCION’s support for the simultaneous use of multiple paths allows Sui nodes to serve different types of traffic over different paths, such as assigning consensus and sync to different network paths with different properties.

In addition to the security benefits it provides, by employing SCION’s new packet-forwarding protocol, Sui enables new control for end hosts that also further improves the networks already industry-leading speeds. Experiments with the SCION-enabled network showed that the latency between distant nodes could be reduced by over 10%, through automatic path choice and optimization available via SCION-enabled Sui nodes. 

The steps to SCION-enable a Sui node, in brief, involve obtaining a SCION connection from a SCION-enabled Internet service provider or network operator and running a SCION network appliance that is accessible by the Sui node (e.g., colocated with the node or on a separate host). As the SCION network is running side-by-side with the Internet, network connectivity is achieved on Sui if either IP or SCION connectivity is operational – achieving an unprecedented level of availability. Consequently, the new infrastructure further enhances Sui to become the prime blockchain for critical infrastructure use cases.

The SCION infrastructure was established in collaboration with Anapaya Systems, which was responsible for building the router software and other tools necessary for the Sui SCION network implementation, Cyberlink and InterCloud, which operate the global SCION infrastructure interconnecting the Sui validators, and Martincoit Networks, which helped design and coordinate the rollout of the SCION/Sui project. Karrier One is providing SCION network connectivity in Canada and beyond, and is building up SCION-enabled data center hosting services. The SCION Association, which recently welcomed Mysten Labs as a member, was involved as the organization responsible for propagating the technology.


Sui Foundation

The post Sui Integrates SCION as a First-of-its-Kind Security Protocol for Network Validators appeared first on Blockonomi.
Nibiru Foundation Launches Venture Arm to Support Web3 InnovationCayman Islands, Grand Cayman, October 2nd, 2024, Chainwire The Nibiru Foundation launches Nibiru Ventures, a strategic venture arm dedicated to supporting blockchain projects building natively in the Nibiru ecosystem. Through funding and guidance, Nibiru Ventures will cultivate the next generation of builders and help bring their application visions to market. Product and operational support are vital, but capital introductions and commitments have emerged as the most commonly requested resources from founders building applications. Whether targeting multi-chain expansion or building exclusively on Nibiru, product integration comes with costs in the form of developer time and salaries spent. “Nibiru Ventures was created to overcome the challenges faced by ecosystem dApp founders and expand the scope of the services that Nibiru provides, offering upfront funding and broad support to accelerate their journey,” says Nibiru Chain COO Jonathan Chang. Chang emphasized that Nibiru Ventures hopes to mitigate the upfront risk associated with integrating an application to a new chain while ensuring alignment with Nibiru, and without enforcing chain exclusivity. On top of this, the team offers guidance on entity formation, pitching, fundraising, go-to-market strategy and technical assistance. Nibiru Ventures Investment Strategy Ideas are abundant in the Web3 space, but the path to widespread adoption requires applications that deliver tangible utility. Nibiru Ventures is focused on supporting consumer-facing applications that naturally drive meaningful interest and engagement, in contrast to more esoteric infrastructure projects. Typical investments focus on pre-seed and seed-stage rounds and priority is given to those with shorter time-to-market. Key areas of focus include pioneering models of decentralized exchanges (DEXs), lending, derivatives, and vaults for structured products. “For Nibiru Ventures, these sectors are considered particularly promising due to their alignment with patterns of historical adoption, parallels to successes in Web2, and a solid base of existing technology to build upon,” explains Nibiru co-founder, Unique Divine. To date, one of Nibiru Ventures’ significant investments was made in LayerBank, a decentralized multi-chain lending platform looking to become a liquidity hub across EVM-compatible Layer 2 and rollup chains. With $675+ million USD in total value locked (TVL) and growth potential, LayerBank will introduce cross-chain lending functionality in Q4 2024. This innovation will consolidate fragmented liquidity across various Layer 2s into a unified liquidity pool. To learn more about the application process for Nibiru Ventures and to apply for funding, readers can visit the application form. By applying, projects gain the opportunity to join a carefully curated portfolio. Nibiru Ventures seeks to partner with forward-thinking founders and teams to drive positive growth in Web3. About Nibiru Nibiru Chain is a smart contract ecosystem with a high-performance, EVM-equivalent execution layer (Nibiru EVM). The Nibiru blockchain is engineered to meet the growing demand for versatile, scalable, and easy-to-use Web3 applications. Having secured $20.5 million in strategic and seed funding rounds, Nibiru is backed by investors, including NGC Ventures, HashKey Capital, Kraken Ventures, and Tribe Capital. Contact Nibiru Chain The post Nibiru Foundation Launches Venture Arm to Support Web3 Innovation appeared first on Blockonomi.

Nibiru Foundation Launches Venture Arm to Support Web3 Innovation

Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman, October 2nd, 2024, Chainwire

The Nibiru Foundation launches Nibiru Ventures, a strategic venture arm dedicated to supporting blockchain projects building natively in the Nibiru ecosystem. Through funding and guidance, Nibiru Ventures will cultivate the next generation of builders and help bring their application visions to market.

Product and operational support are vital, but capital introductions and commitments have emerged as the most commonly requested resources from founders building applications. Whether targeting multi-chain expansion or building exclusively on Nibiru, product integration comes with costs in the form of developer time and salaries spent.

“Nibiru Ventures was created to overcome the challenges faced by ecosystem dApp founders and expand the scope of the services that Nibiru provides, offering upfront funding and broad support to accelerate their journey,” says Nibiru Chain COO Jonathan Chang.

Chang emphasized that Nibiru Ventures hopes to mitigate the upfront risk associated with integrating an application to a new chain while ensuring alignment with Nibiru, and without enforcing chain exclusivity. On top of this, the team offers guidance on entity formation, pitching, fundraising, go-to-market strategy and technical assistance.

Nibiru Ventures Investment Strategy

Ideas are abundant in the Web3 space, but the path to widespread adoption requires applications that deliver tangible utility. Nibiru Ventures is focused on supporting consumer-facing applications that naturally drive meaningful interest and engagement, in contrast to more esoteric infrastructure projects.

Typical investments focus on pre-seed and seed-stage rounds and priority is given to those with shorter time-to-market. Key areas of focus include pioneering models of decentralized exchanges (DEXs), lending, derivatives, and vaults for structured products.

“For Nibiru Ventures, these sectors are considered particularly promising due to their alignment with patterns of historical adoption, parallels to successes in Web2, and a solid base of existing technology to build upon,” explains Nibiru co-founder, Unique Divine.

To date, one of Nibiru Ventures’ significant investments was made in LayerBank, a decentralized multi-chain lending platform looking to become a liquidity hub across EVM-compatible Layer 2 and rollup chains. With $675+ million USD in total value locked (TVL) and growth potential, LayerBank will introduce cross-chain lending functionality in Q4 2024. This innovation will consolidate fragmented liquidity across various Layer 2s into a unified liquidity pool.

To learn more about the application process for Nibiru Ventures and to apply for funding, readers can visit the application form. By applying, projects gain the opportunity to join a carefully curated portfolio. Nibiru Ventures seeks to partner with forward-thinking founders and teams to drive positive growth in Web3.

About Nibiru

Nibiru Chain is a smart contract ecosystem with a high-performance, EVM-equivalent execution layer (Nibiru EVM). The Nibiru blockchain is engineered to meet the growing demand for versatile, scalable, and easy-to-use Web3 applications. Having secured $20.5 million in strategic and seed funding rounds, Nibiru is backed by investors, including NGC Ventures, HashKey Capital, Kraken Ventures, and Tribe Capital.


Nibiru Chain

The post Nibiru Foundation Launches Venture Arm to Support Web3 Innovation appeared first on Blockonomi.
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