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Consensys iegādājas Wallet Guard uzlabotai MetaMask drošībaiConsensys nesen iegādājās Wallet Guard — drošības rīku, kas paredzēts digitālo līdzekļu un datu aizsardzībai pret zādzībām un krāpšanu. Iegādes mērķis ir integrēt Wallet Guard uzlabotos drošības līdzekļus programmā MetaMask, uzlabojot lietotāju aizsardzību Web3 jomā. Izmantojot Wallet Guard pieredzi darījumu validācijā un klienta puses heiristikas jomā, MetaMask lietotāji var paredzēt uzlabotus drošības pasākumus, piemēram, krāpniecību un iztukšošanas atklāšanu. Integrācijas rezultātā Wallet Guard komanda pievienosies Consensys MetaMask produktu drošības komandai, lai nodrošinātu netraucētu pāreju. Šis solis uzsver pieaugošo uzsvaru uz lietotāju drošību, ņemot vērā pieaugošo kriptovalūtu uzlaušanu un krāpniecību Web3. Neskatoties uz soļiem lietotāju maka drošības stiprināšanā, Consensys saskaras ar juridisku izaicinājumu no SEC saistībā ar apgalvojumiem, ka tas darbojas kā nereģistrēts brokeris. Iegāde norāda uz Consensys apņemšanos novērst lietotāju līdzekļu zaudējumus un par prioritāti noteikt drošību kriptovalūtā. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē

Consensys iegādājas Wallet Guard uzlabotai MetaMask drošībai

Consensys nesen iegādājās Wallet Guard — drošības rīku, kas paredzēts digitālo līdzekļu un datu aizsardzībai pret zādzībām un krāpšanu. Iegādes mērķis ir integrēt Wallet Guard uzlabotos drošības līdzekļus programmā MetaMask, uzlabojot lietotāju aizsardzību Web3 jomā. Izmantojot Wallet Guard pieredzi darījumu validācijā un klienta puses heiristikas jomā, MetaMask lietotāji var paredzēt uzlabotus drošības pasākumus, piemēram, krāpniecību un iztukšošanas atklāšanu. Integrācijas rezultātā Wallet Guard komanda pievienosies Consensys MetaMask produktu drošības komandai, lai nodrošinātu netraucētu pāreju. Šis solis uzsver pieaugošo uzsvaru uz lietotāju drošību, ņemot vērā pieaugošo kriptovalūtu uzlaušanu un krāpniecību Web3. Neskatoties uz soļiem lietotāju maka drošības stiprināšanā, Consensys saskaras ar juridisku izaicinājumu no SEC saistībā ar apgalvojumiem, ka tas darbojas kā nereģistrēts brokeris. Iegāde norāda uz Consensys apņemšanos novērst lietotāju līdzekļu zaudējumus un par prioritāti noteikt drošību kriptovalūtā. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pareizās kriptovalūtu apmaiņas izvēle: visaptverošs ceļvedisAtbilstošas ​​kriptovalūtas maiņas izvēle ir ļoti svarīga drošai un ienesīgai tirdzniecībai. Veicot rūpīgu izpēti, personas var izvairīties no krāpniecības un neuzticamām platformām, kā arī noteikt apmaiņu ar stingriem drošības pasākumiem, konkurētspējīgām maksām un lietotājam draudzīgām saskarnēm. Tas ļauj ieguldītājiem saskaņot savus ieguldījumu lēmumus ar saviem mērķiem un riska toleranci. Izvēloties kriptovalūtu apmaiņu, ir svarīgi piešķirt prioritāti platformām ar spēcīgu reputāciju un drošības funkcijām, piemēram, divu faktoru autentifikāciju un aukstuma krātuvi. Turklāt uzticams klientu atbalsts ir ļoti svarīgs, lai ātri atrisinātu visas problēmas. Uzticamās biržas, piemēram, Phemex, izmanto novatoriskas tehnoloģijas, piemēram, automātisku rezervju apstiprināšanu, lai nodrošinātu lietotāju līdzekļu drošību. Tādas funkcijas kā tirdzniecības robotprogrammatūras un viltotā tirdzniecība var uzlabot tirdzniecības stratēģijas un riska pārvaldības praksi. Lai pieņemtu pārdomātus lēmumus, ir ļoti svarīgi būt informētam par nozares jaunumiem un tendencēm. Galu galā neatkarīgu pētījumu veikšana un piesardzība ir vissvarīgākie kriptovalūtas jomā. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē

Pareizās kriptovalūtu apmaiņas izvēle: visaptverošs ceļvedis

Atbilstošas ​​kriptovalūtas maiņas izvēle ir ļoti svarīga drošai un ienesīgai tirdzniecībai. Veicot rūpīgu izpēti, personas var izvairīties no krāpniecības un neuzticamām platformām, kā arī noteikt apmaiņu ar stingriem drošības pasākumiem, konkurētspējīgām maksām un lietotājam draudzīgām saskarnēm. Tas ļauj ieguldītājiem saskaņot savus ieguldījumu lēmumus ar saviem mērķiem un riska toleranci. Izvēloties kriptovalūtu apmaiņu, ir svarīgi piešķirt prioritāti platformām ar spēcīgu reputāciju un drošības funkcijām, piemēram, divu faktoru autentifikāciju un aukstuma krātuvi. Turklāt uzticams klientu atbalsts ir ļoti svarīgs, lai ātri atrisinātu visas problēmas. Uzticamās biržas, piemēram, Phemex, izmanto novatoriskas tehnoloģijas, piemēram, automātisku rezervju apstiprināšanu, lai nodrošinātu lietotāju līdzekļu drošību. Tādas funkcijas kā tirdzniecības robotprogrammatūras un viltotā tirdzniecība var uzlabot tirdzniecības stratēģijas un riska pārvaldības praksi. Lai pieņemtu pārdomātus lēmumus, ir ļoti svarīgi būt informētam par nozares jaunumiem un tendencēm. Galu galā neatkarīgu pētījumu veikšana un piesardzība ir vissvarīgākie kriptovalūtas jomā. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē
Skatīt oriģinālu
Uz blokķēdi balstītas akreditācijas sistēmas izmēģinājuma programma KambodžāKambodža ir izvēlēta kā vieta, kur izmēģināt blokķēdi darbināmu platformu Universal Trusted Credentials (UTC), digitālajai akreditācijas datu sistēmai, ko izveidojusi Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Attīstības programma (UNDP). Dfinity fonds, kas pazīstams ar interneta datoru blokķēdi, sadarbosies ar UNDP šajā iniciatīvā. Internet Computer piedāvās nepieciešamo infrastruktūru UTC nodrošināšanai un pārvaldībai. Pilotprogrammas, kurā iesaistīta Singapūras monetārā iestāde un citas organizācijas, mērķis ir veicināt mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu iesaistīšanos digitālajā ekonomikā. Projektā, kas tiks paplašināts līdz 10 valstīm, tiek izmantoti daļēji aizstājamie marķieri (SFT) licenču un tirdzniecības ierakstu pārsūtīšanai. Turklāt tiek uzsvērta Kambodžas labvēlīgā vide digitālajām inovācijām, piemēram, CBDC līdzīgā Bakong valūta un sadarbība ar Binance digitālo aktīvu regulēšanai. Interneta datora decentralizētā ekosistēma arī gūst panākumus, nodrošinot alternatīvas tradicionālajiem mākoņpakalpojumiem, piedāvājot uzlabotus drošības pasākumus valsts aģentūrām un uzņēmumiem. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē

Uz blokķēdi balstītas akreditācijas sistēmas izmēģinājuma programma Kambodžā

Kambodža ir izvēlēta kā vieta, kur izmēģināt blokķēdi darbināmu platformu Universal Trusted Credentials (UTC), digitālajai akreditācijas datu sistēmai, ko izveidojusi Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Attīstības programma (UNDP). Dfinity fonds, kas pazīstams ar interneta datoru blokķēdi, sadarbosies ar UNDP šajā iniciatīvā. Internet Computer piedāvās nepieciešamo infrastruktūru UTC nodrošināšanai un pārvaldībai. Pilotprogrammas, kurā iesaistīta Singapūras monetārā iestāde un citas organizācijas, mērķis ir veicināt mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu iesaistīšanos digitālajā ekonomikā. Projektā, kas tiks paplašināts līdz 10 valstīm, tiek izmantoti daļēji aizstājamie marķieri (SFT) licenču un tirdzniecības ierakstu pārsūtīšanai. Turklāt tiek uzsvērta Kambodžas labvēlīgā vide digitālajām inovācijām, piemēram, CBDC līdzīgā Bakong valūta un sadarbība ar Binance digitālo aktīvu regulēšanai. Interneta datora decentralizētā ekosistēma arī gūst panākumus, nodrošinot alternatīvas tradicionālajiem mākoņpakalpojumiem, piedāvājot uzlabotus drošības pasākumus valsts aģentūrām un uzņēmumiem. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē
Skatīt oriģinālu
Drošības pārkāpums Authy App datu bāzē atklāj tālruņu numurusDrošības pārkāpums Authy Android lietotnes datubāzē ļāva hakeriem piekļūt tālruņu numuriem, kas saistīti ar kontiem, kā ziņots lietojumprogrammas izstrādātāja Twilio 1. jūlija brīdinājumā. Lai gan lietotāju konti netika apdraudēti, atklātie tālruņu numuri nākotnē varētu tikt izmantoti pikšķerēšanas uzbrukumiem. Authy, ko parasti izmanto divu faktoru autentifikācijai centralizētajās apmaiņās, piemēram, Gemini un, kopš tā laika ir nodrošinājis neaizsargāto galapunktu un mudināja lietotājus atjaunināt lietotni, lai uzlabotu drošību. Pārkāpums, kas tiek attiecināts uz ShinyHunters grupu, uzsver pastāvīgos SIM apmaiņas uzbrukumu draudus, kad uzbrucēji manipulē ar tālruņu uzņēmumiem, lai iegūtu kontroli pār lietotāju tālruņu numuriem. Lai aizsargātos pret šādiem draudiem, lietotājiem ieteicams pārslēgties uz autentifikācijas lietotnēm drošai 2FA koda piegādei. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē

Drošības pārkāpums Authy App datu bāzē atklāj tālruņu numurus

Drošības pārkāpums Authy Android lietotnes datubāzē ļāva hakeriem piekļūt tālruņu numuriem, kas saistīti ar kontiem, kā ziņots lietojumprogrammas izstrādātāja Twilio 1. jūlija brīdinājumā. Lai gan lietotāju konti netika apdraudēti, atklātie tālruņu numuri nākotnē varētu tikt izmantoti pikšķerēšanas uzbrukumiem. Authy, ko parasti izmanto divu faktoru autentifikācijai centralizētajās apmaiņās, piemēram, Gemini un, kopš tā laika ir nodrošinājis neaizsargāto galapunktu un mudināja lietotājus atjaunināt lietotni, lai uzlabotu drošību. Pārkāpums, kas tiek attiecināts uz ShinyHunters grupu, uzsver pastāvīgos SIM apmaiņas uzbrukumu draudus, kad uzbrucēji manipulē ar tālruņu uzņēmumiem, lai iegūtu kontroli pār lietotāju tālruņu numuriem. Lai aizsargātos pret šādiem draudiem, lietotājiem ieteicams pārslēgties uz autentifikācijas lietotnēm drošai 2FA koda piegādei. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin aktīvo adrešu pieaugums: pozitīva zīme cenu pieaugumamJaunākie ķēdes dati atklāj Bitcoin aktīvo adrešu pieaugumu, norādot uz potenciālu pozitīvu kriptovalūtas cenas maiņu. Saskaņā ar IntoTheBlock datiem Daily Active Addresses metrika ir uzrādījusi pieaugumu, atspoguļojot paaugstinātu darījumu aktivitāti blokķēdē. Šis pieaugums liecina par pieaugošu lietotāju iesaisti, jo vairāk nekā 900 000 adreses veic darījumus 24 stundu laikā. Tendence, kas sākās jūnija sākumā, nozīmē atjaunotu interesi par Bitcoin pēc lejupslīdes perioda. Šādi aktīvo uzrunu pieaugumi vēsturiski notiek pirms cenu kāpuma, veicinot optimismu par kāpuma tempu. Tomēr, pretstatā šim optimismam, atvasināto instrumentu tirgus uzrāda likmju pieaugumu, kas, iespējams, liecina par pārkarsētu tirgu. Neskatoties uz šiem jauktajiem signāliem, Bitcoin pašreizējā cena svārstās ap 61 900 USD, izceļot kriptovalūtas pastāvīgo nepastāvību. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē

Bitcoin aktīvo adrešu pieaugums: pozitīva zīme cenu pieaugumam

Jaunākie ķēdes dati atklāj Bitcoin aktīvo adrešu pieaugumu, norādot uz potenciālu pozitīvu kriptovalūtas cenas maiņu. Saskaņā ar IntoTheBlock datiem Daily Active Addresses metrika ir uzrādījusi pieaugumu, atspoguļojot paaugstinātu darījumu aktivitāti blokķēdē. Šis pieaugums liecina par pieaugošu lietotāju iesaisti, jo vairāk nekā 900 000 adreses veic darījumus 24 stundu laikā. Tendence, kas sākās jūnija sākumā, nozīmē atjaunotu interesi par Bitcoin pēc lejupslīdes perioda. Šādi aktīvo uzrunu pieaugumi vēsturiski notiek pirms cenu kāpuma, veicinot optimismu par kāpuma tempu. Tomēr, pretstatā šim optimismam, atvasināto instrumentu tirgus uzrāda likmju pieaugumu, kas, iespējams, liecina par pārkarsētu tirgu. Neskatoties uz šiem jauktajiem signāliem, Bitcoin pašreizējā cena svārstās ap 61 900 USD, izceļot kriptovalūtas pastāvīgo nepastāvību. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē
Low Crypto Adoption in Canada Despite Thriving ATM EcosystemA recent Bank of Canada survey found that less than 3% of Canadians have utilized Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies for day-to-day transactions over the past two years. Despite a growing trend in alternative payment methods, such as e-transfers, the use of cryptocurrencies remains unpopular in the country. The reluctance to go cashless is a major factor hindering crypto adoption, with over 80% of respondents expressing no intention to stop using cash in the future. However, Canada boasts the second-largest network of Bitcoin ATMs globally, with 2,941 active machines. In a bid to promote financial innovation, the Bank of Canada has partnered with the Bank for International Settlements to establish the BIS Toronto Innovation Centre, focusing on themes like central bank digital currencies. While crypto adoption may be slow, the thriving ATM ecosystem indicates a growing interest in digital assets. Read more AI-generated news on:

Low Crypto Adoption in Canada Despite Thriving ATM Ecosystem

A recent Bank of Canada survey found that less than 3% of Canadians have utilized Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies for day-to-day transactions over the past two years. Despite a growing trend in alternative payment methods, such as e-transfers, the use of cryptocurrencies remains unpopular in the country. The reluctance to go cashless is a major factor hindering crypto adoption, with over 80% of respondents expressing no intention to stop using cash in the future. However, Canada boasts the second-largest network of Bitcoin ATMs globally, with 2,941 active machines. In a bid to promote financial innovation, the Bank of Canada has partnered with the Bank for International Settlements to establish the BIS Toronto Innovation Centre, focusing on themes like central bank digital currencies. While crypto adoption may be slow, the thriving ATM ecosystem indicates a growing interest in digital assets. Read more AI-generated news on:
Marathon Digital Holdings Holds Firm on Bitcoin Amid Market DowntrendMarathon Digital Holdings, the largest Bitcoin mining company globally, has retained its entire Bitcoin holdings despite the recent market downturn. With over 18,536 Bitcoin valued at $1.1 billion as of June, the firm plans to bolster its holdings through strategic purchases and exploring other opportunities. The company, valued at $6.25 billion, aims to reach a hash rate of 50EH/s by 2024. Additionally, Marathon's innovative Bitcoin mining project in Finland, heating a town using excess heat from mining rigs, showcases the potential for sustainable heating solutions. The company's commitment to holding Bitcoin amidst market fluctuations highlights its long-term vision and strategic approach in the crypto space, setting a precedent for other industry players. Marathon Digital's steadfast stance on Bitcoin reflects its confidence in the digital asset's future prospects and its dedication to sustainable mining practices. Read more AI-generated news on:

Marathon Digital Holdings Holds Firm on Bitcoin Amid Market Downtrend

Marathon Digital Holdings, the largest Bitcoin mining company globally, has retained its entire Bitcoin holdings despite the recent market downturn. With over 18,536 Bitcoin valued at $1.1 billion as of June, the firm plans to bolster its holdings through strategic purchases and exploring other opportunities. The company, valued at $6.25 billion, aims to reach a hash rate of 50EH/s by 2024. Additionally, Marathon's innovative Bitcoin mining project in Finland, heating a town using excess heat from mining rigs, showcases the potential for sustainable heating solutions. The company's commitment to holding Bitcoin amidst market fluctuations highlights its long-term vision and strategic approach in the crypto space, setting a precedent for other industry players. Marathon Digital's steadfast stance on Bitcoin reflects its confidence in the digital asset's future prospects and its dedication to sustainable mining practices. Read more AI-generated news on:
Enhancing Data Security in the Crypto WorldT-Mobile Deutsche Telekom MMS has teamed up with Subsquid, a decentralized data platform, to operate dedicated worker nodes within Subsquid's decentralized 'data lake.' This collaboration aims to enhance the security and efficiency of blockchain data retrieval and delivery. Worker nodes within the Subsquid network process data queries and fetch the requested information from the data lake for data consumers. Alexander Ebeling, co-founder of Web3 Unit Deutsche Telekom MMS, highlighted the importance of security in enterprise-scale systems, emphasizing the need to protect against cyber threats. The partnership with Subsquid is set to strengthen and secure permissionless data access across Web3. This initiative follows Deutsche Telekom's involvement as a validator for the Ethereum layer-2 scaling platform Polygon. The collaboration also addresses challenges such as efficient data partitioning and implementing robust security measures in a decentralized environment, ensuring the authenticity of all relevant data. Read more AI-generated news on:

Enhancing Data Security in the Crypto World

T-Mobile Deutsche Telekom MMS has teamed up with Subsquid, a decentralized data platform, to operate dedicated worker nodes within Subsquid's decentralized 'data lake.' This collaboration aims to enhance the security and efficiency of blockchain data retrieval and delivery. Worker nodes within the Subsquid network process data queries and fetch the requested information from the data lake for data consumers. Alexander Ebeling, co-founder of Web3 Unit Deutsche Telekom MMS, highlighted the importance of security in enterprise-scale systems, emphasizing the need to protect against cyber threats. The partnership with Subsquid is set to strengthen and secure permissionless data access across Web3. This initiative follows Deutsche Telekom's involvement as a validator for the Ethereum layer-2 scaling platform Polygon. The collaboration also addresses challenges such as efficient data partitioning and implementing robust security measures in a decentralized environment, ensuring the authenticity of all relevant data. Read more AI-generated news on:
Skatīt oriģinālu
RedStone Oracle nodrošina finansējumu 15 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā Blockchain Oracle risinājumamRedStone Oracle ir veiksmīgi piesaistījis 15 miljonus USD A sērijas finansēšanas kārtā savai daudzpusīgajai blokķēdes oracle platformai, piesaistot 100 klientus. Uzņēmums, kas pazīstams kā "visstraujāk augošais modulārais orākuls", plāno izmantot līdzekļus, lai uzlabotu savus Oracle produktus, piedāvājot optimizētas cenu plūsmas Ethereum virtuālās mašīnas (EVM) un apkopošanas kā pakalpojuma (RaaS) tīkliem. Arrington Capital vadībā finansēšanas kārtā piedalījās Spartan, IOSG Ventures, SevenX, Amber, HTX Ventures un eņģeļu investori. RedStone, kas dibināta 2021. gadā, kopš tā galvenā tīkla palaišanas 2023. gada janvārī ir guvusi ievērojamu popularitāti, apkalpojot vairāk nekā 100 klientus un nodrošinot vērtību 4 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Ar atbalstu 60+ blokķēdēm, RedStone mērķis ir nodrošināt rentablus risinājumus decentralizētām lietojumprogrammām, samazinot darījumu izmaksas. Uzņēmuma novatoriskā pieeja ir pozicionējusi to kā sesto lielāko orākula risinājumu tirgū, kas nodrošina 38 protokolus. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē

RedStone Oracle nodrošina finansējumu 15 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā Blockchain Oracle risinājumam

RedStone Oracle ir veiksmīgi piesaistījis 15 miljonus USD A sērijas finansēšanas kārtā savai daudzpusīgajai blokķēdes oracle platformai, piesaistot 100 klientus. Uzņēmums, kas pazīstams kā "visstraujāk augošais modulārais orākuls", plāno izmantot līdzekļus, lai uzlabotu savus Oracle produktus, piedāvājot optimizētas cenu plūsmas Ethereum virtuālās mašīnas (EVM) un apkopošanas kā pakalpojuma (RaaS) tīkliem. Arrington Capital vadībā finansēšanas kārtā piedalījās Spartan, IOSG Ventures, SevenX, Amber, HTX Ventures un eņģeļu investori. RedStone, kas dibināta 2021. gadā, kopš tā galvenā tīkla palaišanas 2023. gada janvārī ir guvusi ievērojamu popularitāti, apkalpojot vairāk nekā 100 klientus un nodrošinot vērtību 4 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Ar atbalstu 60+ blokķēdēm, RedStone mērķis ir nodrošināt rentablus risinājumus decentralizētām lietojumprogrammām, samazinot darījumu izmaksas. Uzņēmuma novatoriskā pieeja ir pozicionējusi to kā sesto lielāko orākula risinājumu tirgū, kas nodrošina 38 protokolus. Lasiet vairāk AI radīto ziņu vietnē
Crypto Regulation Forecasted to Remain Positive Regardless of Election OutcomeGalaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz predicts a favorable regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies in the US post the 2024 presidential election, emphasizing bipartisan support. Despite some opposition, most US politicians lean towards supporting crypto innovation. Novogratz anticipates positive legislation irrespective of the election winner, citing a shift towards a more favorable stance. He also discusses Bitcoin's market trends, expecting it to trade between $55,000 to $73,000. With Bitcoin currently at $62,000, Novogratz advocates for its inclusion in investment portfolios. The crypto market, valued at $2.3 trillion, sees Bitcoin dominance at 53.22%. Additionally, Galaxy has doubled its hashrate, and spot ETH ETFs may launch soon. Tether EDU and BTguru collaborate for blockchain education in Turkey. Climate activist Margot Paez praises Bitcoin as a sustainable financial system alternative. CryptoSlate's market report delves into LTHs and STHs' impact on the Bitcoin ecosystem. Read more AI-generated news on:

Crypto Regulation Forecasted to Remain Positive Regardless of Election Outcome

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz predicts a favorable regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies in the US post the 2024 presidential election, emphasizing bipartisan support. Despite some opposition, most US politicians lean towards supporting crypto innovation. Novogratz anticipates positive legislation irrespective of the election winner, citing a shift towards a more favorable stance. He also discusses Bitcoin's market trends, expecting it to trade between $55,000 to $73,000. With Bitcoin currently at $62,000, Novogratz advocates for its inclusion in investment portfolios. The crypto market, valued at $2.3 trillion, sees Bitcoin dominance at 53.22%. Additionally, Galaxy has doubled its hashrate, and spot ETH ETFs may launch soon. Tether EDU and BTguru collaborate for blockchain education in Turkey. Climate activist Margot Paez praises Bitcoin as a sustainable financial system alternative. CryptoSlate's market report delves into LTHs and STHs' impact on the Bitcoin ecosystem. Read more AI-generated news on:
Celebrity Crypto Hacks: A Growing Concern in the World of MemecoinsAmerican actress Sydney Sweeney's X account was recently hacked to promote a crypto token named after her, resulting in a pump-and-dump scheme. The Solana-based token SWEENEY quickly gained over $10 million in trading volume within hours of its launch, fueled by promotional posts from Sweeney's compromised account. The token's value plummeted by 90% shortly after, with the market cap dropping to $1.2 million. The hacker, linked to a Telegram channel, claimed responsibility for the breach and hinted at targeting more celebrities. This incident follows a trend of minor celebrities endorsing crypto tokens, with mixed results. Notable figures like Caitlyn Jenner and Floyd Mayweather have also been involved in promoting memecoins. Despite initial success, these tokens have experienced significant market cap fluctuations. The rise of celebrity-endorsed tokens poses risks, as seen in the case of Sweeney's hacked account promoting the SWEENEY token. Read more AI-generated news on:

Celebrity Crypto Hacks: A Growing Concern in the World of Memecoins

American actress Sydney Sweeney's X account was recently hacked to promote a crypto token named after her, resulting in a pump-and-dump scheme. The Solana-based token SWEENEY quickly gained over $10 million in trading volume within hours of its launch, fueled by promotional posts from Sweeney's compromised account. The token's value plummeted by 90% shortly after, with the market cap dropping to $1.2 million. The hacker, linked to a Telegram channel, claimed responsibility for the breach and hinted at targeting more celebrities. This incident follows a trend of minor celebrities endorsing crypto tokens, with mixed results. Notable figures like Caitlyn Jenner and Floyd Mayweather have also been involved in promoting memecoins. Despite initial success, these tokens have experienced significant market cap fluctuations. The rise of celebrity-endorsed tokens poses risks, as seen in the case of Sweeney's hacked account promoting the SWEENEY token. Read more AI-generated news on:
Leveraging Crypto Futures for Profit: Strategies and RisksHeadlines often highlight massive Bitcoin and crypto futures liquidations, with many blaming retail traders' excessive leverage. While retail-oriented exchanges like Bybit and Binance see high liquidation rates, not all are due to reckless trading. Professional traders also face liquidations, but it doesn't always mean losses or over-leveraging. Futures trading, especially perpetual contracts, offers easy access to high leverage but comes with risks. Traders should avoid relying solely on directional trades and consider strategies like exploiting low-liquidity pairs or cash and carry trades. Funding rate arbitrage, capitalizing on varying rates across markets, can also be profitable. These approaches show that leveraging derivatives wisely can lead to profits even in less volatile markets. However, success requires knowledge, experience, and a strong capital base to navigate market fluctuations effectively. Read more AI-generated news on:

Leveraging Crypto Futures for Profit: Strategies and Risks

Headlines often highlight massive Bitcoin and crypto futures liquidations, with many blaming retail traders' excessive leverage. While retail-oriented exchanges like Bybit and Binance see high liquidation rates, not all are due to reckless trading. Professional traders also face liquidations, but it doesn't always mean losses or over-leveraging. Futures trading, especially perpetual contracts, offers easy access to high leverage but comes with risks. Traders should avoid relying solely on directional trades and consider strategies like exploiting low-liquidity pairs or cash and carry trades. Funding rate arbitrage, capitalizing on varying rates across markets, can also be profitable. These approaches show that leveraging derivatives wisely can lead to profits even in less volatile markets. However, success requires knowledge, experience, and a strong capital base to navigate market fluctuations effectively. Read more AI-generated news on:
Uncertainty Surrounds Solana ETF Filing Amid US Presidential Election SpeculationVanEck and 21Shares have submitted a Solana-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) application, but its approval remains uncertain, hinging on the US presidential election outcome. If a Republican like Donald Trump wins, approval chances may increase. Analysts like James Seyffart believe approval is unlikely under the current administration, especially if Democrats maintain control. The appointment of a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) head by Trump could sway the decision. Speculation about potential SEC chair replacements, including Dan Gallagher, is rife. Despite skepticism, institutional interest in Solana is high, as seen with Grayscale's Solana Trust. GSR predicts a significant price surge for Solana if ETFs are approved. The complex mix of market dynamics, regulations, and politics makes the Solana ETF filings a risky bet, dependent on US leadership changes. Read more AI-generated news on:

Uncertainty Surrounds Solana ETF Filing Amid US Presidential Election Speculation

VanEck and 21Shares have submitted a Solana-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) application, but its approval remains uncertain, hinging on the US presidential election outcome. If a Republican like Donald Trump wins, approval chances may increase. Analysts like James Seyffart believe approval is unlikely under the current administration, especially if Democrats maintain control. The appointment of a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) head by Trump could sway the decision. Speculation about potential SEC chair replacements, including Dan Gallagher, is rife. Despite skepticism, institutional interest in Solana is high, as seen with Grayscale's Solana Trust. GSR predicts a significant price surge for Solana if ETFs are approved. The complex mix of market dynamics, regulations, and politics makes the Solana ETF filings a risky bet, dependent on US leadership changes. Read more AI-generated news on:
Tether Expands Presence in Turkey Through Educational InitiativesTether has strengthened its position in Turkey by collaborating with a local cryptocurrency company to enhance industry knowledge. The issuer of the Tether stablecoin, Tether, has signed a memorandum of understanding with BTguru, a local crypto platform, to explore digital asset educational programs in Turkey. The partnership aims to introduce stakeholders to the benefits of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as promote peer-to-peer technology. Tether and BTguru will also investigate real-world asset tokenization for banks and assess payment network scenarios. This move comes as Turkey experiences a surge in cryptocurrency adoption, ranking fourth in transaction volume globally. The collaboration between Tether and BTguru signifies a commitment to advancing digital assets and P2P technologies in Turkey's evolving crypto ecosystem. Read more AI-generated news on:

Tether Expands Presence in Turkey Through Educational Initiatives

Tether has strengthened its position in Turkey by collaborating with a local cryptocurrency company to enhance industry knowledge. The issuer of the Tether stablecoin, Tether, has signed a memorandum of understanding with BTguru, a local crypto platform, to explore digital asset educational programs in Turkey. The partnership aims to introduce stakeholders to the benefits of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as promote peer-to-peer technology. Tether and BTguru will also investigate real-world asset tokenization for banks and assess payment network scenarios. This move comes as Turkey experiences a surge in cryptocurrency adoption, ranking fourth in transaction volume globally. The collaboration between Tether and BTguru signifies a commitment to advancing digital assets and P2P technologies in Turkey's evolving crypto ecosystem. Read more AI-generated news on:
Singapore Raises Risk Level for Crypto Platforms in Anti-Terrorism LawsThe Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has heightened the risk assessment for cryptocurrency exchange platforms from medium-low to medium-high in accordance with the country's laws on Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT). The update to Singapore's Terrorism Financing National Risk Assessment (NRA) and National Strategy for Countering the Financing of Terrorism aims to safeguard against terrorist exploitation of the country's economic openness. Crypto exchange platforms, categorized as digital payment token (DPT) service providers, now face increased risk levels. The MAS, actively regulating the digital asset market, has expanded regulations to include digital token services providers, ensuring user protection. Singapore, known for its pro-crypto stance, recognizes Bitcoin and Ether as legal cryptocurrencies. With a high crypto adoption rate of 11.2%, Singapore remains at the forefront of embracing digital currencies. Read more AI-generated news on:

Singapore Raises Risk Level for Crypto Platforms in Anti-Terrorism Laws

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has heightened the risk assessment for cryptocurrency exchange platforms from medium-low to medium-high in accordance with the country's laws on Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT). The update to Singapore's Terrorism Financing National Risk Assessment (NRA) and National Strategy for Countering the Financing of Terrorism aims to safeguard against terrorist exploitation of the country's economic openness. Crypto exchange platforms, categorized as digital payment token (DPT) service providers, now face increased risk levels. The MAS, actively regulating the digital asset market, has expanded regulations to include digital token services providers, ensuring user protection. Singapore, known for its pro-crypto stance, recognizes Bitcoin and Ether as legal cryptocurrencies. With a high crypto adoption rate of 11.2%, Singapore remains at the forefront of embracing digital currencies. Read more AI-generated news on:
German Government's Bitcoin Holdings: A Cause for Concern or Strategic Move?The cryptocurrency community is abuzz with speculation over the German government's handling of its substantial Bitcoin reserves. A recent transfer of 1,500 BTC, valued at $95 million, has triggered concerns among seasoned investors. The fear of a potential government sell-off, reminiscent of a previous $195 million transfer that led to a 3.5% price drop, looms large. Analysts like Vijay Pravin caution against a significant market downturn if large-scale sales occur. However, some experts suggest that the transfer may be part of a strategic portfolio rebalancing effort to diversify holdings. Alternatively, it could be a test of market liquidity or a prelude to future trades. Regardless, the German government's actions underscore the increasing influence of institutional players in the crypto sphere, with their $2.82 billion Bitcoin holdings shaping market trends. Despite concerns, Bitcoin's current price of $62,947 and market cap of over $1.24 trillion signal a positive outlook. Read more AI-generated news on:

German Government's Bitcoin Holdings: A Cause for Concern or Strategic Move?

The cryptocurrency community is abuzz with speculation over the German government's handling of its substantial Bitcoin reserves. A recent transfer of 1,500 BTC, valued at $95 million, has triggered concerns among seasoned investors. The fear of a potential government sell-off, reminiscent of a previous $195 million transfer that led to a 3.5% price drop, looms large. Analysts like Vijay Pravin caution against a significant market downturn if large-scale sales occur. However, some experts suggest that the transfer may be part of a strategic portfolio rebalancing effort to diversify holdings. Alternatively, it could be a test of market liquidity or a prelude to future trades. Regardless, the German government's actions underscore the increasing influence of institutional players in the crypto sphere, with their $2.82 billion Bitcoin holdings shaping market trends. Despite concerns, Bitcoin's current price of $62,947 and market cap of over $1.24 trillion signal a positive outlook. Read more AI-generated news on:
Enhancing Crypto Market Safety in South KoreaSouth Korea’s Digital Asset Exchange Alliance (DAXA) has introduced new guidelines for reviewing over 1,300 cryptocurrencies listed on local exchanges. Starting July 19, 2024, these guidelines aim to prevent mass delistings by establishing standardized criteria and processes for transaction support reviews. Developed in collaboration with 20 domestic crypto exchanges, the 'Best Practices for Supporting Digital Asset Transactions' cover review processes, termination procedures, and disclosure requirements. Aligned with the Virtual Asset User Protection Act, the initiative seeks to create a secure and transparent market for investors. The guidelines follow recommendations from financial authorities and emphasize the need for self-regulation within the industry. To address concerns about delistings, exchanges have already implemented the review items. The six-month re-examination period will ensure fair procedures and transparency in transaction support terminations. Criteria focus on issuer reliability, user protection, technology, and compliance with laws. The move aims to enhance investor trust and market integrity in South Korea's crypto industry. Read more AI-generated news on:

Enhancing Crypto Market Safety in South Korea

South Korea’s Digital Asset Exchange Alliance (DAXA) has introduced new guidelines for reviewing over 1,300 cryptocurrencies listed on local exchanges. Starting July 19, 2024, these guidelines aim to prevent mass delistings by establishing standardized criteria and processes for transaction support reviews. Developed in collaboration with 20 domestic crypto exchanges, the 'Best Practices for Supporting Digital Asset Transactions' cover review processes, termination procedures, and disclosure requirements. Aligned with the Virtual Asset User Protection Act, the initiative seeks to create a secure and transparent market for investors. The guidelines follow recommendations from financial authorities and emphasize the need for self-regulation within the industry. To address concerns about delistings, exchanges have already implemented the review items. The six-month re-examination period will ensure fair procedures and transparency in transaction support terminations. Criteria focus on issuer reliability, user protection, technology, and compliance with laws. The move aims to enhance investor trust and market integrity in South Korea's crypto industry. Read more AI-generated news on:
Cryptocurrency Market Update and AnalysisThe crypto market saw a 2% increase in total market capitalization, reaching $2.32 trillion on July 1. Bitcoin and Ether also experienced gains of around 2.5% and 2.2% respectively. Factors contributing to this uptrend include a positive macro environment, reduced selling pressure, and a stronger market structure. Recent data suggests a strengthening market sentiment following the FOMC meeting on June 12, where the Fed Funds Target Range remained unchanged. Analysis shows increased volatility in trading activity, with corrections and consolidations. Stablecoin outflows from exchanges have decreased, indicating reduced selling pressure. Bitcoin's spot price fell below short-term holders' realized price, signaling potential seller exhaustion. Technical analysis suggests a possible rise towards $2.52 trillion, but challenges lie ahead between $2.30 trillion and $2.358 trillion. Readers are advised to conduct their own research before making investment decisions. Read more AI-generated news on:

Cryptocurrency Market Update and Analysis

The crypto market saw a 2% increase in total market capitalization, reaching $2.32 trillion on July 1. Bitcoin and Ether also experienced gains of around 2.5% and 2.2% respectively. Factors contributing to this uptrend include a positive macro environment, reduced selling pressure, and a stronger market structure. Recent data suggests a strengthening market sentiment following the FOMC meeting on June 12, where the Fed Funds Target Range remained unchanged. Analysis shows increased volatility in trading activity, with corrections and consolidations. Stablecoin outflows from exchanges have decreased, indicating reduced selling pressure. Bitcoin's spot price fell below short-term holders' realized price, signaling potential seller exhaustion. Technical analysis suggests a possible rise towards $2.52 trillion, but challenges lie ahead between $2.30 trillion and $2.358 trillion. Readers are advised to conduct their own research before making investment decisions. Read more AI-generated news on:
Northern Data AG Plans $16 Billion IPO for Bitcoin Mining EntitiesGerman Bitcoin mining and cloud computing company Northern Data AG is reportedly preparing for an initial public offering (IPO) in the United States, aiming for a valuation of up to $16 billion. The firm, Europe's largest Bitcoin miner by market cap, is looking to list its 'Taiga' and 'Ardent' entities on the Nasdaq in the first half of 2025. Additionally, Northern Data's Bitcoin mining business, Peak Mining, may also undergo a separate listing. Despite previous considerations for an IPO in February 2021, the company is now exploring this option further. With banks suggesting a valuation between $10 billion and $16 billion, Northern Data's plans are still subject to change. The company, which began as Northern Bitcoin AG in 2009, has since expanded into AI, following a trend among Bitcoin miners to diversify their operations. Read more AI-generated news on:

Northern Data AG Plans $16 Billion IPO for Bitcoin Mining Entities

German Bitcoin mining and cloud computing company Northern Data AG is reportedly preparing for an initial public offering (IPO) in the United States, aiming for a valuation of up to $16 billion. The firm, Europe's largest Bitcoin miner by market cap, is looking to list its 'Taiga' and 'Ardent' entities on the Nasdaq in the first half of 2025. Additionally, Northern Data's Bitcoin mining business, Peak Mining, may also undergo a separate listing. Despite previous considerations for an IPO in February 2021, the company is now exploring this option further. With banks suggesting a valuation between $10 billion and $16 billion, Northern Data's plans are still subject to change. The company, which began as Northern Bitcoin AG in 2009, has since expanded into AI, following a trend among Bitcoin miners to diversify their operations. Read more AI-generated news on:
Bitfarms Bitcoin Production Increases Despite Takeover AttemptsBitfarms, a Bitcoin miner, boosted its Bitcoin production by 21% in June despite facing a takeover bid from Riot Platforms. The company mined 189 Bitcoin and sold 134 for $8.8 million, holding 905 Bitcoin worth $57 million. Production dropped by 51% due to a halving event. Bitfarms raised its hashrate to 11.4 exahashes per second, aiming for 21 EH/s by 2024. It upgraded its mining fleet by adding 39,000 new miners and shutting down less efficient ones. Operations expanded in the US and faced disruptions in Paraguay. Riot's $950 million buyout offer failed, with Bitfarms blocking attempts to acquire more than 14.9% stake. Despite challenges, Bitfarms remains resilient in the face of competition and market fluctuations. Read more AI-generated news on:

Bitfarms Bitcoin Production Increases Despite Takeover Attempts

Bitfarms, a Bitcoin miner, boosted its Bitcoin production by 21% in June despite facing a takeover bid from Riot Platforms. The company mined 189 Bitcoin and sold 134 for $8.8 million, holding 905 Bitcoin worth $57 million. Production dropped by 51% due to a halving event. Bitfarms raised its hashrate to 11.4 exahashes per second, aiming for 21 EH/s by 2024. It upgraded its mining fleet by adding 39,000 new miners and shutting down less efficient ones. Operations expanded in the US and faced disruptions in Paraguay. Riot's $950 million buyout offer failed, with Bitfarms blocking attempts to acquire more than 14.9% stake. Despite challenges, Bitfarms remains resilient in the face of competition and market fluctuations. Read more AI-generated news on:
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