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$BTC Īstermiņā tirgus ir nedaudz nepastāvīgs, tāpēc tiem, kam ir īssavienojums, jābūt uzmanīgiem! Ļaujiet man analizēt, kāpēc: Pirmkārt, Bitcoin pusē šķiet, ka visi steidzas, lai iegūtu naudu. Divas dienas pēc kārtas Bitcoin ETF neto aizplūde ir vairāk nekā 100 miljoni ASV dolāru, kas nav maz. Bet, no otras puses, ETH ir dzīva. Vakar pēkšņi ieplūda 5,9 miljoni ASV dolāru jaunas naudas. Šī ir pirmā reize, kad tā ir "atkopusies" pēc naudas izspļaušanas 9 dienas pēc kārtas. Vēl svarīgāk ir tas, ka pašreizējā ETH un BTC cenas attiecība ir zemākā pēdējo trīs gadu laikā. Ikviens uzskata, ka šī ir laba iespēja noslēgt darījumu. Nākotnē ETH var pieaugt ātrāk nekā BTC. Parunāsim par riskiem. Ja Bitcoin pieaugs līdz 61 000 USD, tie, kas to saīsināja, iespējams, raudās, jo vairāk nekā 1,2 miljardi īso pasūtījumu būs spiesti slēgt. No otras puses, ja Bitcoin nokrīt zem 58 000 USD, arī tiem, kas ir gari, jābūt uzmanīgiem, un var ciest vairāk nekā 800 miljonus garu pasūtījumu. Kas attiecas uz Ethereum, tad, kad cena pārsniegs 2700 USD, vairāk nekā 400 miljonu USD īso pozīciju būs problēmas. Šķiet, ka tirgus ir vairāk tendēts uz buļļiem. Ir arī neliela epizode. Lieta, ko sauc par Floki, drīz sasniegs virsotni. Pašreizējā cena ir 0,155. Ieteicams to pārdot augstākajā punktā un notīrīt pozīciju, vēlākais, rīt līdz 8:00, jo, tiklīdz labās lietas ir rokā, nākamā var būt slikta ziņa. Visbeidzot, ļaujiet man pastāstīt jums smagu ziņu. Nesen "vaļi" tikai četrās dienās nopirka 200 000 Ethereum, iztērējot vairāk nekā 540 miljonus dolāru. Tas acīmredzami ir bullish signāls! Tirgus īstermiņā var nedaudz svārstīties, taču kopējā bullish tendence ir acīmredzama, īpaši Ethereum, kas ir pelnījis mūsu uzmanību. Par konkrētiem lielajiem gājieniem paziņošu vēlāk. Noklikšķiniet uz iemiesojuma, lai sekotu man un kopīgotu tieši! $ETH $ $BTC #TelegramCEO
$BTC Īstermiņā tirgus ir nedaudz nepastāvīgs, tāpēc tiem, kam ir īssavienojums, jābūt uzmanīgiem! Ļaujiet man analizēt, kāpēc:
Pirmkārt, Bitcoin pusē šķiet, ka visi steidzas, lai iegūtu naudu. Divas dienas pēc kārtas Bitcoin ETF neto aizplūde ir vairāk nekā 100 miljoni ASV dolāru, kas nav maz. Bet, no otras puses, ETH ir dzīva. Vakar pēkšņi ieplūda 5,9 miljoni ASV dolāru jaunas naudas. Šī ir pirmā reize, kad tā ir "atkopusies" pēc naudas izspļaušanas 9 dienas pēc kārtas. Vēl svarīgāk ir tas, ka pašreizējā ETH un BTC cenas attiecība ir zemākā pēdējo trīs gadu laikā. Ikviens uzskata, ka šī ir laba iespēja noslēgt darījumu. Nākotnē ETH var pieaugt ātrāk nekā BTC.
Parunāsim par riskiem. Ja Bitcoin pieaugs līdz 61 000 USD, tie, kas to saīsināja, iespējams, raudās, jo vairāk nekā 1,2 miljardi īso pasūtījumu būs spiesti slēgt. No otras puses, ja Bitcoin nokrīt zem 58 000 USD, arī tiem, kas ir gari, jābūt uzmanīgiem, un var ciest vairāk nekā 800 miljonus garu pasūtījumu. Kas attiecas uz Ethereum, tad, kad cena pārsniegs 2700 USD, vairāk nekā 400 miljonu USD īso pozīciju būs problēmas. Šķiet, ka tirgus ir vairāk tendēts uz buļļiem.
Ir arī neliela epizode. Lieta, ko sauc par Floki, drīz sasniegs virsotni. Pašreizējā cena ir 0,155. Ieteicams to pārdot augstākajā punktā un notīrīt pozīciju, vēlākais, rīt līdz 8:00, jo, tiklīdz labās lietas ir rokā, nākamā var būt slikta ziņa.
Visbeidzot, ļaujiet man pastāstīt jums smagu ziņu. Nesen "vaļi" tikai četrās dienās nopirka 200 000 Ethereum, iztērējot vairāk nekā 540 miljonus dolāru. Tas acīmredzami ir bullish signāls!
Tirgus īstermiņā var nedaudz svārstīties, taču kopējā bullish tendence ir acīmredzama, īpaši Ethereum, kas ir pelnījis mūsu uzmanību.
Par konkrētiem lielajiem gājieniem paziņošu vēlāk. Noklikšķiniet uz iemiesojuma, lai sekotu man un kopīgotu tieši!
$ETH $ $BTC #TelegramCEO
Skatīt oriģinālu
Brāļi, šodien es papļāpāju ar lielu vīru aplī. Tas bija patiešām klasisks, un katrs vārds bija pērle! Es ātri apkopoju mums dažus punktus. Jums tie ir jāizlasa. Tas jums noteikti palīdzēs! 1. Dodieties prom, kad nopelnāt daudz naudas, nomierinieties un atpūšaties vai ceļojat pa pasauli, lai atpūstos! Brāļi, atcerieties šo teikumu! Neesiet mantkārīgs, kad nopelnāt daudz naudas, ātri aizbrauciet, izbaudiet dzīvi, ceļojiet un atpūtieties! 2. Ja nepārtrauktais zudums pārsniedz 10%, noteikti noskaidro zaudējumu cēloni, lai izvairītos no iekrišanas purvā. Tā ir galvenā prioritāte! Brāļi, ja jūs nepārtraukti zaudējat naudu, ātri apstājieties un atrodiet iemeslu, neļaujiet sevi iedziļināties un dziļāk! 3. Ja darāt īstermiņa tirdzniecību, netirgojiet, ja ir neskaidrības. Šādas iespējas ir visvieglāk zaudēt naudu. Īstermiņa tirdzniecībai jums ir skaidri jāredz, pirms rīkojaties! Ja nav skaidrs, nejauciet, pretējā gadījumā jūs zaudēsiet savu naudu! 4. Nepārbaudiet, ja pieaugums pārsniedz 50%. Bieži vien šādas iespējas ir lamatas. Pērkot ir viegli iesprostot. Atcerieties, brāļi! Ja redzat pieaugumu par vairāk nekā 50%, nesekojiet tendencei! Bieži vien tie ir lamatas, un jūs tiksiet iesprostoti, tiklīdz ieiesiet! 5. Pēc nepārtraukta uzplūda neesiet greizsirdīgs par lielo apjomu, kas parasti ir vilinājums iegādāties vairāk. Kontrolējiet savas emocijas un neiegādājieties. Pēc kāpuma lielais apjoms izskatās vilinoši, taču bieži vien tas ir vilinājums iegādāties vairāk! Brāļi, jums šajā laikā jāvalda savas emocijas un nepērkaties! 6. Pērciet zemu, kad tas ir vājš, un iegādājieties pēc atkāpšanās, kad tas ir stiprs. Šis teikums ir būtība! Kad vājš, mēs pērkam zemu; ja stiprs, pirms pirkšanas pagaidiet atvilkšanu. Šī operācija ir stabila! 7. Ja neizprotat situāciju, nepievienojiet pozīcijas bez 90% pārliecības. Tas ir stabils, lai izveidotu pozīcijas partijās zemās pozīcijās. Amatu pievienošana nav nejaušs papildinājums, brāļi! Ja neizproti situāciju un neesi par 90% pārliecināts, nejaucies! Veidojiet pozīcijas partijās zemās pozīcijās, lai tā būtu stabila!
Brāļi, šodien es papļāpāju ar lielu vīru aplī. Tas bija patiešām klasisks, un katrs vārds bija pērle! Es ātri apkopoju mums dažus punktus. Jums tie ir jāizlasa. Tas jums noteikti palīdzēs!

1. Dodieties prom, kad nopelnāt daudz naudas, nomierinieties un atpūšaties vai ceļojat pa pasauli, lai atpūstos!
Brāļi, atcerieties šo teikumu! Neesiet mantkārīgs, kad nopelnāt daudz naudas, ātri aizbrauciet, izbaudiet dzīvi, ceļojiet un atpūtieties!

2. Ja nepārtrauktais zudums pārsniedz 10%, noteikti noskaidro zaudējumu cēloni, lai izvairītos no iekrišanas purvā.
Tā ir galvenā prioritāte! Brāļi, ja jūs nepārtraukti zaudējat naudu, ātri apstājieties un atrodiet iemeslu, neļaujiet sevi iedziļināties un dziļāk!

3. Ja darāt īstermiņa tirdzniecību, netirgojiet, ja ir neskaidrības. Šādas iespējas ir visvieglāk zaudēt naudu.
Īstermiņa tirdzniecībai jums ir skaidri jāredz, pirms rīkojaties! Ja nav skaidrs, nejauciet, pretējā gadījumā jūs zaudēsiet savu naudu!

4. Nepārbaudiet, ja pieaugums pārsniedz 50%. Bieži vien šādas iespējas ir lamatas. Pērkot ir viegli iesprostot.
Atcerieties, brāļi! Ja redzat pieaugumu par vairāk nekā 50%, nesekojiet tendencei! Bieži vien tie ir lamatas, un jūs tiksiet iesprostoti, tiklīdz ieiesiet!

5. Pēc nepārtraukta uzplūda neesiet greizsirdīgs par lielo apjomu, kas parasti ir vilinājums iegādāties vairāk. Kontrolējiet savas emocijas un neiegādājieties.
Pēc kāpuma lielais apjoms izskatās vilinoši, taču bieži vien tas ir vilinājums iegādāties vairāk! Brāļi, jums šajā laikā jāvalda savas emocijas un nepērkaties!

6. Pērciet zemu, kad tas ir vājš, un iegādājieties pēc atkāpšanās, kad tas ir stiprs.
Šis teikums ir būtība! Kad vājš, mēs pērkam zemu; ja stiprs, pirms pirkšanas pagaidiet atvilkšanu. Šī operācija ir stabila!

7. Ja neizprotat situāciju, nepievienojiet pozīcijas bez 90% pārliecības. Tas ir stabils, lai izveidotu pozīcijas partijās zemās pozīcijās.

Amatu pievienošana nav nejaušs papildinājums, brāļi! Ja neizproti situāciju un neesi par 90% pārliecināts, nejaucies! Veidojiet pozīcijas partijās zemās pozīcijās, lai tā būtu stabila!
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ja 2015. gadā jūs ieguldījāt USD 100 Dogecoin ($ DOGE ), tas būtu noticis: - 2015. gadā DOGE cena bija aptuveni USD 0,0002 par monētu. - Ar 100 USD jūs būtu varējuši nopirkt aptuveni 500 000 DOGE monētu. - Pārejot uz priekšu līdz 2021. gadam, DOGE cena sasniedza visu laiku augstāko līmeni — USD 0,74 par monētu. - Ja jūs turētu pie savām 500 000 DOGE monētām, to vērtība būtu aptuveni 370 000 USD. Tā ir ieguldījumu atdeve (IA) 369 900% apmērā! Tomēr, lūdzu, ņemiet vērā: - Kriptovalūtu tirgi ir ļoti nestabili, un cenas var strauji svārstīties. - Šis ir hipotētisks scenārijs, un faktiskie rezultāti var atšķirties. - Ieguldījumi kriptovalūtā ir saistīti ar risku, un jums nekad nevajadzētu ieguldīt vairāk, nekā varat atļauties zaudēt. Bet, oho, kāds mežonīgs brauciens tas būtu bijis #doge⚡ #DogeCommunity
Ja 2015. gadā jūs ieguldījāt USD 100 Dogecoin ($ DOGE ), tas būtu noticis:

- 2015. gadā DOGE cena bija aptuveni USD 0,0002 par monētu.

- Ar 100 USD jūs būtu varējuši nopirkt aptuveni 500 000 DOGE monētu.

- Pārejot uz priekšu līdz 2021. gadam, DOGE cena sasniedza visu laiku augstāko līmeni — USD 0,74 par monētu.

- Ja jūs turētu pie savām 500 000 DOGE monētām, to vērtība būtu aptuveni 370 000 USD.

Tā ir ieguldījumu atdeve (IA) 369 900% apmērā!
Tomēr, lūdzu, ņemiet vērā:

- Kriptovalūtu tirgi ir ļoti nestabili, un cenas var strauji svārstīties.

- Šis ir hipotētisks scenārijs, un faktiskie rezultāti var atšķirties.

- Ieguldījumi kriptovalūtā ir saistīti ar risku, un jums nekad nevajadzētu ieguldīt vairāk, nekā varat atļauties zaudēt.

Bet, oho, kāds mežonīgs brauciens tas būtu bijis
#doge⚡ #DogeCommunity
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto eksperts Hejs izsauc trauksmi Bitcoin! Pēc ekspertu domām, turpinoties ar Japānu saistītajai pārvadāšanas tirdzniecības atslābināšanai, BTC riski var palielināties. Lai gan nedēļas sākumā lielākais kriptogrāfijas aktīvs pieauga līdz $ 58 000, tas neradīja pārliecību. Fakts, ka kriptovalūta netika pieminēta Trampa un Harisa debatēs un Tramps aptaujās atpalika, ietekmēja BTC cenu. Pārsteidzošs komentārs nāca no kriptogrāfijas eksperta Artūra Heisa visu šo procesu vidū. Uzrunājot savus sekotājus X platformā, Hejs izteica šādu paziņojumu: “USD/JPY (ASV dolāra/Japānas jenas paritāte) ir sabrukusi, tuvojoties 140, un drīz atkal kļūs par džina pilsētu tirgos. Paskatīsimies, vai BTC var noturēties? Investori iesaistās pārnesumos, aizņemoties no valūtām ar zemām vai gandrīz nulles procentu likmēm augstākas ienesīguma aktīviem. Japānas Bankas pirmais procentu likmju paaugstinājums augustā izraisīja pārnēsātos darījumus un izraisīja sabrukumu pasaules tirgos. Hejs pauž bažas, ka “sabrukums”, kas notika augustā, var atkārtoties. Yardeni Research analīzē teikts: "Cerības, ka Fed samazinās procentu likmes un Japānas Banka paaugstinās procentu likmes, stiprina Japānas jenu un liek investoriem atvieglot savus pārnēsājamos darījumus." Saskaņā ar Yardeni teikto, ja Fed samazinās procentu likmes par 50 bāzes punktiem un virzīsies uz monetāro mīkstināšanu, pārvadājumi varētu turpināties. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Kripto eksperts Hejs izsauc trauksmi Bitcoin!
Pēc ekspertu domām, turpinoties ar Japānu saistītajai pārvadāšanas tirdzniecības atslābināšanai, BTC riski var palielināties. Lai gan nedēļas sākumā lielākais kriptogrāfijas aktīvs pieauga līdz $ 58 000, tas neradīja pārliecību.

Fakts, ka kriptovalūta netika pieminēta Trampa un Harisa debatēs un Tramps aptaujās atpalika, ietekmēja BTC cenu.

Pārsteidzošs komentārs nāca no kriptogrāfijas eksperta Artūra Heisa visu šo procesu vidū. Uzrunājot savus sekotājus X platformā, Hejs izteica šādu paziņojumu:
“USD/JPY (ASV dolāra/Japānas jenas paritāte) ir sabrukusi, tuvojoties 140, un drīz atkal kļūs par džina pilsētu tirgos. Paskatīsimies, vai BTC var noturēties?

Investori iesaistās pārnesumos, aizņemoties no valūtām ar zemām vai gandrīz nulles procentu likmēm augstākas ienesīguma aktīviem. Japānas Bankas pirmais procentu likmju paaugstinājums augustā izraisīja pārnēsātos darījumus un izraisīja sabrukumu pasaules tirgos. Hejs pauž bažas, ka “sabrukums”, kas notika augustā, var atkārtoties.

Yardeni Research analīzē teikts: "Cerības, ka Fed samazinās procentu likmes un Japānas Banka paaugstinās procentu likmes, stiprina Japānas jenu un liek investoriem atvieglot savus pārnēsājamos darījumus."

Saskaņā ar Yardeni teikto, ja Fed samazinās procentu likmes par 50 bāzes punktiem un virzīsies uz monetāro mīkstināšanu, pārvadājumi varētu turpināties.
🚨 Huge Bitcoin shakeout is coming! 🚨 In the next 2-3 weeks, Bitcoin could see a final drop before the bull run begins. People are panicking, predicting Bitcoin to hit the low 40Ks, but this is the point where most holders get shaken out before the real pump. Will we see a bear market? No. The Fed’s liquidity injection and expected rate cuts set the stage for a bull run in 2025. Key support is around the 100-week EMA at $45K. Even if Bitcoin dips, history shows a bounce is likely. Here’s your 4-step plan to stay strong: 1. Hold assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana 2. Remove leverage from your positions 3. Start DCA into strong tokens 4. Stop short-term trading to protect your capital The fear and greed index shows fear, but this is the time to stay calm and prepare for gains. What’s your strategy? Share your thoughts below 👇 #Bitcoin❗ #CPI_BTC_Watch #BullRunAhead #cryptostrategy #FinancialFreedom
🚨 Huge Bitcoin shakeout is coming! 🚨
In the next 2-3 weeks, Bitcoin could see a final drop before the bull run begins.

People are panicking, predicting Bitcoin to hit the low 40Ks, but this is the point where most holders get shaken out before the real pump.

Will we see a bear market? No. The Fed’s liquidity injection and expected rate cuts set the stage for a bull run in 2025.

Key support is around the 100-week EMA at $45K. Even if Bitcoin dips, history shows a bounce is likely.
Here’s your 4-step plan to stay strong:

1. Hold assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana

2. Remove leverage from your positions

3. Start DCA into strong tokens

4. Stop short-term trading to protect your capital

The fear and greed index shows fear, but this is the time to stay calm and prepare for gains.

What’s your strategy? Share your thoughts below 👇
#Bitcoin❗ #CPI_BTC_Watch #BullRunAhead #cryptostrategy #FinancialFreedom
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨 Hamster Kombat ($HMSTR) marķiera cenu prognozes: ko sagaidīt 2024. gadā un pēc tam! 🚀🐹Hamster Kombat, jaunākā sensācija “Pieskaroties, lai nopelnītu” pakalpojumā Telegram, rada milzīgu ažiotāžu! Tā kā nākamajā mēnesī tiek solīts par žetoniem, kas tiks izpirkti jaunai kriptovalūtai, visi skatieni ir vērsti uz USD HMSTR. Vai šis varētu būt nākamais Notcoin, kura tirgus vērtība strauji pieauga līdz 3 miljardu dolāru apmērā ar savu spēli “pieskaroties, lai nopelnītu”?🔮 Cenas prognozes: - Īstermiņa (3–6 mēneši): Gaidāms, ka USD HMSTR pieaugs līdz 0,05–0,10 USD par marķieri. Vidustermiņa (6–12 mēneši): Žetons var sasniegt milzīgus USD 0,55 par vienu marķieri!Spēle lepojas ar milzīgu lietotāju bāzi, kurā ir 148 miljoni un 40 miljoni ikdienas aktīvo spēlētāju. Bet šeit ir āķis — marķieri var tikt izsniegti divu gadu laikā, kas var ietekmēt tūlītēju vērtību.💰 Vai varat gūt peļņu no Hamster Kombat Airdrop? Lai gan Notcoin airdrop daudziem deva peļņu, Hamster Kombat airdrop balstīsies uz konta līmeni un pasīviem ienākumiem, nevis uz līdzsvaru.

🚨 Hamster Kombat ($HMSTR) marķiera cenu prognozes: ko sagaidīt 2024. gadā un pēc tam! 🚀

🐹Hamster Kombat, jaunākā sensācija “Pieskaroties, lai nopelnītu” pakalpojumā Telegram, rada milzīgu ažiotāžu! Tā kā nākamajā mēnesī tiek solīts par žetoniem, kas tiks izpirkti jaunai kriptovalūtai, visi skatieni ir vērsti uz USD HMSTR.
Vai šis varētu būt nākamais Notcoin, kura tirgus vērtība strauji pieauga līdz 3 miljardu dolāru apmērā ar savu spēli “pieskaroties, lai nopelnītu”?🔮 Cenas prognozes: - Īstermiņa (3–6 mēneši):
Gaidāms, ka USD HMSTR pieaugs līdz 0,05–0,10 USD par marķieri. Vidustermiņa (6–12 mēneši):
Žetons var sasniegt milzīgus USD 0,55 par vienu marķieri!Spēle lepojas ar milzīgu lietotāju bāzi, kurā ir 148 miljoni un 40 miljoni ikdienas aktīvo spēlētāju. Bet šeit ir āķis — marķieri var tikt izsniegti divu gadu laikā, kas var ietekmēt tūlītēju vērtību.💰 Vai varat gūt peļņu no Hamster Kombat Airdrop? Lai gan Notcoin airdrop daudziem deva peļņu, Hamster Kombat airdrop balstīsies uz konta līmeni un pasīviem ienākumiem, nevis uz līdzsvaru.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Iedomājieties šo: jūs ieguldāt 20 000 USD akcijās, un pietiekami drīz jūsu portfelis palielinās līdz USD 30 000. Izklausās pēc sapņa, vai ne? Bet pagaidiet - tur ir āķis. Saskaņā ar Kamalas Herisas ierosināto 25% nodokli jūs būtu pakļauti nodokļiem par šo 10 000 USD peļņu, pat ja jūs vēl neesat pārdevis nevienu akciju. Tas ir peļņas nodoklis, kas pastāv tikai uz papīra. Tagad iedomājieties šo murgu: pēc nodokļu nomaksas par šiem ieguvumiem tirgus satricina. Jūsu akcijas samazinās līdz USD 18 000, un jums paliek mazāk, nekā sākāt. Jūs maksājāt nodokļus par naudu, kuru nekad pat neiebāzāt kabatā. Bet tas nav tikai jūsu stāsts — tas varētu būt miljoniem investoru liktenis. Ietekme var būt katastrofāla. Saskaroties ar negaidītiem nodokļu rēķiniem, investori var sākt dempingot savas akcijas, lai segtu savus zaudējumus, izraisot tirgus izpārdošanu. Sekas? Straujš tirgus uzticības kritums, kas, iespējams, atspoguļo Lielās depresijas ekonomisko haosu. Vai mēs balansējam uz finanšu krīzes robežas? Vai agresīva nodokļu politika varētu mūs iegrūst ekonomiskajā satricinājumā? Jūsu ieguldījumu nākotne un globālā ekonomika var būt apdraudēta. Kā tu domā? Vai tā ir katastrofa, kuras tuvošanos neviens neredzēja? Dalieties savās domās zemāk! #BinanceBlockchainWeek #CryptoMarketMoves #CPI_BTC_Watch #DOGSONBINANCE #BullBanter
Iedomājieties šo: jūs ieguldāt 20 000 USD akcijās, un pietiekami drīz jūsu portfelis palielinās līdz USD 30 000. Izklausās pēc sapņa, vai ne? Bet pagaidiet - tur ir āķis. Saskaņā ar Kamalas Herisas ierosināto 25% nodokli jūs būtu pakļauti nodokļiem par šo 10 000 USD peļņu, pat ja jūs vēl neesat pārdevis nevienu akciju. Tas ir peļņas nodoklis, kas pastāv tikai uz papīra.

Tagad iedomājieties šo murgu: pēc nodokļu nomaksas par šiem ieguvumiem tirgus satricina. Jūsu akcijas samazinās līdz USD 18 000, un jums paliek mazāk, nekā sākāt. Jūs maksājāt nodokļus par naudu, kuru nekad pat neiebāzāt kabatā. Bet tas nav tikai jūsu stāsts — tas varētu būt miljoniem investoru liktenis.

Ietekme var būt katastrofāla. Saskaroties ar negaidītiem nodokļu rēķiniem, investori var sākt dempingot savas akcijas, lai segtu savus zaudējumus, izraisot tirgus izpārdošanu. Sekas? Straujš tirgus uzticības kritums, kas, iespējams, atspoguļo Lielās depresijas ekonomisko haosu.

Vai mēs balansējam uz finanšu krīzes robežas? Vai agresīva nodokļu politika varētu mūs iegrūst ekonomiskajā satricinājumā? Jūsu ieguldījumu nākotne un globālā ekonomika var būt apdraudēta. Kā tu domā? Vai tā ir katastrofa, kuras tuvošanos neviens neredzēja? Dalieties savās domās zemāk!
#BinanceBlockchainWeek #CryptoMarketMoves #CPI_BTC_Watch #DOGSONBINANCE #BullBanter
Could Bitcoin miners be a threat? According to analysis, the ongoing sales of Bitcoin miners could push the BTC price to $54,000. The cryptocurrency market is also going through turbulent times in September. After falling to $52,500 at the beginning of the month, BTC rose to $58,000 the other day. Although the price movement in BTC made investors nervous, it did not scare analysts. Despite analysts' expectations of an increase, #Bitcoin miners' on-chain transactions drew attention. AMBCrypto stated that the balance in miner wallets dropped to 1.8 million BTC and sales continue. #Bitcoin (BTC), which increased by more than 4 percent in the last 24 hours, could not rise above the $60,000 resistance. The sales of Bitcoin miners created anxiety amid the rise in the market. According to Glassnode's on-chain data, miners have been selling since September 2. The miner sales that took place parallel to the market decline were disrupted on September 8. It was seen that miners were selling even if BTC rose on that date. The analysis predicts that 1.8 million $BTC will continue to create selling pressure.The decrease in miners' balance also affected the hashrate on the blockchain. Coinwarz reported that #BTC hashrate has decreased to 712.57 EH/s in the last few days. AMBCrypto, who said, "Selling pressure usually results in price corrections," suggested that miners can affect the BTC price. The leading cryptocurrency recorded a trading volume of $ 35 billion in the last 24 hours. With BTC's 4 percent increase in the last 24 hours, $ 122 million was liquidated from the crypto market.
Could Bitcoin miners be a threat?
According to analysis, the ongoing sales of Bitcoin miners could push the BTC price to $54,000.
The cryptocurrency market is also going through turbulent times in September. After falling to $52,500 at the beginning of the month, BTC rose to $58,000 the other day. Although the price movement in BTC made investors nervous, it did not scare analysts.
Despite analysts' expectations of an increase, #Bitcoin miners' on-chain transactions drew attention. AMBCrypto stated that the balance in miner wallets dropped to 1.8 million BTC and sales continue.
#Bitcoin (BTC), which increased by more than 4 percent in the last 24 hours, could not rise above the $60,000 resistance.

The sales of Bitcoin miners created anxiety amid the rise in the market.

According to Glassnode's on-chain data, miners have been selling since September 2.

The miner sales that took place parallel to the market decline were disrupted on September 8. It was seen that miners were selling even if BTC rose on that date.

The analysis predicts that 1.8 million $BTC will continue to create selling pressure.The decrease in miners' balance also affected the hashrate on the blockchain. Coinwarz reported that #BTC hashrate has decreased to 712.57 EH/s in the last few days.

AMBCrypto, who said, "Selling pressure usually results in price corrections," suggested that miners can affect the BTC price.

The leading cryptocurrency recorded a trading volume of $ 35 billion in the last 24 hours. With BTC's 4 percent increase in the last 24 hours, $ 122 million was liquidated from the crypto market.
3 whales prefer the newly released meme coin: heavy intake in 4 days While the 2024 bull season is in many discussions, it is eagerly awaited whether the meme coins will be able to continue their rallies. In the last 4 days, 3 whales made serious purchases at meme coin SUNDOG, which Justin Sun also supports. Justin Sun's desire to bring the same situation to the TRON network by seeing the meme coin madness in the Solana network caused the emergence of many meme coins such as SUNDOG. While SUNDOG was the biggest meme coin of the network, it also received great attention in a short time. Like the Pumpfun platform in the Solana network, the SUNDOG, which was created on the SunPump meme coin extraction platform, entered the radar of the whales with the support of Justin Sun. SUNDOG, which has increased by more than 600% since its removal in August, has started to be taken up again by whales in the last 4 days. Wallets set up 4 days ago... According to the information given by the on-chain tracking platform Lookonchain; 3 wallets established just 4 days ago made significant purchases during this period. TEKzxy wallet 957 thousand dollars 3.8 million pieces, TGNrkv wallet 525 thousand dollars 2.1 million pieces They also bought 870 thousand SUNDOGs for the TPXvFH wallet for 217 thousand dollars. Purchases were made through the MEXC exchange. SUNDOG, which made an airdrop of 2 million dollars to 500 thousand TRX owners in total, also received a grant of 2 million dollars from the TRON team.
3 whales prefer the newly released meme coin: heavy intake in 4 days

While the 2024 bull season is in many discussions, it is eagerly awaited whether the meme coins will be able to continue their rallies. In the last 4 days, 3 whales made serious purchases at meme coin SUNDOG, which Justin Sun also supports.

Justin Sun's desire to bring the same situation to the TRON network by seeing the meme coin madness in the Solana network caused the emergence of many meme coins such as SUNDOG. While SUNDOG was the biggest meme coin of the network, it also received great attention in a short time.

Like the Pumpfun platform in the Solana network, the SUNDOG, which was created on the SunPump meme coin extraction platform, entered the radar of the whales with the support of Justin Sun. SUNDOG, which has increased by more than 600% since its removal in August, has started to be taken up again by whales in the last 4 days.

Wallets set up 4 days ago...
According to the information given by the on-chain tracking platform Lookonchain; 3 wallets established just 4 days ago made significant purchases during this period.
TEKzxy wallet 957 thousand dollars 3.8 million pieces,

TGNrkv wallet 525 thousand dollars 2.1 million pieces

They also bought 870 thousand SUNDOGs for the

TPXvFH wallet for 217 thousand dollars.

Purchases were made through the MEXC exchange.

SUNDOG, which made an airdrop of 2 million dollars to 500 thousand TRX owners in total, also received a grant of 2 million dollars from the TRON team.
Harris who will face Trump did not surprise again: No crypto The official political plan of Kamala Harris, who will appear on a debate program with Donald Trump tonight, has been announced. The fact that cryptocurrencies were not included in all of these positions, also known as the "political stance position", did not escape the eyes. Unlike Donald Trump, who gave great support to the crypto world, especially Bitcoin miners, the Kamala Harris group remains silent. Cryptocurrencies were not included in Harris's last published "political stance position". On the website of his campaign, Harris is committed to supporting American innovation and employees, and states that he will also give importance to the artificial intelligence sector and other emerging technologies. However, it seems that Harris has never mentioned the crypto world or the Bitcoin mining industry, which Trump promised great support. He didn't even pronounce Unlike Donald Trump, Harris hasn't even pronounced crypto until now, despite the demand from many Democratic business people. In fact, Harris did not even go into these issues in his past. Harris, who does not have a positive explanation about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, nor does he express a negative opinion, is not expected to touch on this area in his discussion program with Trump tonight.
Harris who will face Trump did not surprise again: No crypto

The official political plan of Kamala Harris, who will appear on a debate program with Donald Trump tonight, has been announced. The fact that cryptocurrencies were not included in all of these positions, also known as the "political stance position", did not escape the eyes.

Unlike Donald Trump, who gave great support to the crypto world, especially Bitcoin miners, the Kamala Harris group remains silent. Cryptocurrencies were not included in Harris's last published "political stance position".

On the website of his campaign, Harris is committed to supporting American innovation and employees, and states that he will also give importance to the artificial intelligence sector and other emerging technologies. However, it seems that Harris has never mentioned the crypto world or the Bitcoin mining industry, which Trump promised great support.
He didn't even pronounce

Unlike Donald Trump, Harris hasn't even pronounced crypto until now, despite the demand from many Democratic business people. In fact, Harris did not even go into these issues in his past. Harris, who does not have a positive explanation about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, nor does he express a negative opinion, is not expected to touch on this area in his discussion program with Trump tonight.
🚨🔒 How Hackers Target Your Binance Account: Stay Vigilant! ⚠️💡 Hackers use various techniques to compromise Binance accounts and steal your assets. Here’s how they operate: Social Engineering: Hackers manipulate users into divulging sensitive information like passwords or 2FA codes through phishing emails, fake calls, or deceptive messages. Be cautious and verify sources! Password Hacking: Using methods like brute force attacks, hackers attempt numerous password combinations to gain access. Ensure you use strong, unique passwords! Phishing Emails: Fake emails that mimic Binance or related services trick users into clicking on malicious links or entering credentials on fake websites. Always check the sender’s address and verify links! SIM Swapping: Hackers gain control of your phone number by working with telecom employees, then use it to intercept 2FA codes and access your account. Secure your phone number and contact your provider if you suspect foul play. Malware: Malicious software, such as keyloggers, tracks your keystrokes to capture login details. Avoid downloading unknown software and keep your system protected with up-to-date security software. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MITM): These attacks intercept communications between you and Binance, especially on unsecured networks. Use secure connections and avoid public Wi-Fi for transactions. API Exploits: Hackers exploit poorly secured or poorly coded APIs connected to your Binance account to execute unauthorized trades. Be cautious with third-party services and review API permissions regularly. Dusting Attacks: Small amounts of cryptocurrency are sent to your wallet to track transactions and identify your true identity. Stay vigilant and regularly check your account for unexpected transactions. Stay safe by using strong passwords, enabling 2FA, avoiding suspicious links, and securing your devices. Protect your assets and stay informed! 🔐🚀 #BinanceSecurity #HackerAlert #CyberSecurity #ProtectYourAssets #StayVigilant
🚨🔒 How Hackers Target Your Binance Account: Stay Vigilant! ⚠️💡

Hackers use various techniques to compromise Binance accounts and steal your assets. Here’s how they operate:

Social Engineering: Hackers manipulate users into divulging sensitive information like passwords or 2FA codes through phishing emails, fake calls, or deceptive messages. Be cautious and verify sources!

Password Hacking: Using methods like brute force attacks, hackers attempt numerous password combinations to gain access. Ensure you use strong, unique passwords!

Phishing Emails: Fake emails that mimic Binance or related services trick users into clicking on malicious links or entering credentials on fake websites. Always check the sender’s address and verify links!

SIM Swapping: Hackers gain control of your phone number by working with telecom employees, then use it to intercept 2FA codes and access your account. Secure your phone number and contact your provider if you suspect foul play.

Malware: Malicious software, such as keyloggers, tracks your keystrokes to capture login details. Avoid downloading unknown software and keep your system protected with up-to-date security software.
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MITM): These attacks intercept communications between you and Binance, especially on unsecured networks. Use secure connections and avoid public Wi-Fi for transactions.

API Exploits: Hackers exploit poorly secured or poorly coded APIs connected to your Binance account to execute unauthorized trades. Be cautious with third-party services and review API permissions regularly.

Dusting Attacks: Small amounts of cryptocurrency are sent to your wallet to track transactions and identify your true identity. Stay vigilant and regularly check your account for unexpected transactions.

Stay safe by using strong passwords, enabling 2FA, avoiding suspicious links, and securing your devices. Protect your assets and stay informed! 🔐🚀
#BinanceSecurity #HackerAlert #CyberSecurity #ProtectYourAssets #StayVigilant
Presently, $PAAL has validated its support at 0.12$ and is progressing towards our next target of 0.56$ with considerable volume. We also expect $BTC to remain bullish. The last rally resulted in 32x gains as per our tracking.
Presently, $PAAL has validated its support at 0.12$ and is progressing towards our next target of 0.56$ with considerable volume. We also expect $BTC to remain bullish.
The last rally resulted in 32x gains as per our tracking.
🚨Important Developments: 🇹🇷The Turkish unemployment rate will be announced on Tuesday, September 10 at 10:00. •Expectation: - •Previous: 9.2% 🗣️On Tuesday, September 10, US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will hold a mutual debate. 🇺🇸On Tuesday, September 10, the US House of Representatives Committee will hold the first of its discussions on cryptocurrencies. 🇺🇸The US Consumer Price Index (CPI) will be announced on Wednesday, September 11 at 15:30. •Expectation: 2.6% •Previous: 2.9% 🇪🇺The European Central Bank Interest Rate Decision will be announced on Thursday, September 12 at 15:15. •Expectation: 3.65% •Previous: 4.25% 🇺🇸The US Producer Price Index (PPI) will be released on Thursday, September 12 at 15:30. •Expectation: 0.2% •Previous: 0.1% 🇺🇸The US unemployment claims will be released on Thursday, September 12 at 15:30. •Expectation: 228K •Previous: 227K
🚨Important Developments:

🇹🇷The Turkish unemployment rate will be announced on Tuesday, September 10 at 10:00.

•Expectation: - •Previous: 9.2%
🗣️On Tuesday, September 10, US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will hold a mutual debate.

🇺🇸On Tuesday, September 10, the US House of Representatives Committee will hold the first of its discussions on cryptocurrencies.

🇺🇸The US Consumer Price Index (CPI) will be announced on Wednesday, September 11 at 15:30.

•Expectation: 2.6% •Previous: 2.9%
🇪🇺The European Central Bank Interest Rate Decision will be announced on Thursday, September 12 at 15:15.

•Expectation: 3.65% •Previous: 4.25%
🇺🇸The US Producer Price Index (PPI) will be released on Thursday, September 12 at 15:30.

•Expectation: 0.2% •Previous: 0.1%
🇺🇸The US unemployment claims will be released on Thursday, September 12 at 15:30.

•Expectation: 228K •Previous: 227K
If recession happened BTC will fall to 30k. Get ready to buy BTC at that level. As I told you earlier crypto market already had its bull run in the start of 2024 where bitcoin leaped from 25k to 71k. This is correction against that pump because it happened before the harvest. Now they are taking it back to the same level and it will take you to December of 2024. No bull run in 2024 whether it's Election, Trump wins or anything. Hope is alight for 2025.
If recession happened BTC will fall to 30k.
Get ready to buy BTC at that level.
As I told you earlier crypto market already had its bull run in the start of 2024 where bitcoin leaped from 25k to 71k.
This is correction against that pump because it happened before the harvest.
Now they are taking it back to the same level and it will take you to December of 2024.
No bull run in 2024 whether it's Election, Trump wins or anything.
Hope is alight for 2025.
$BTC exactly follow same pattern as I mentioned you guys .. Must be in good profit if you guys take Long as per Instructions .. hit 57k as predicted .. Soon will hit 58k..Must keep Long trades.. $BTC must follow same pattern .. $BTC /USDT has rocketed to $57,012.85, leaping 4.88% in just 30 minutes! With bulls taking full control, BTC has smashed through the resistance of $57,017.19. The 24-hour low of $54,184 now feels like ancient history as volume skyrockets, with 31,511.99 BTC traded. If you're holding your position, you might just be witnessing the start of another massive surge. Could this be the breakout the crypto world has been waiting for? Hold on tight, because things are getting wild! Are you ready for the next target? #BTC☀ #CPI_BTC_Watch #CryptoMarketMoves #predictons #BullBanter
$BTC exactly follow same pattern as I mentioned you guys .. Must be in good profit if you guys take Long as per Instructions .. hit 57k as predicted .. Soon will hit 58k..Must keep Long trades..

$BTC must follow same pattern ..
$BTC /USDT has rocketed to $57,012.85, leaping 4.88% in just 30 minutes! With bulls taking full control,

BTC has smashed through the resistance of $57,017.19. The 24-hour low of $54,184 now feels like ancient history as volume skyrockets, with 31,511.99 BTC traded.

If you're holding your position, you might just be witnessing the start of another massive surge. Could this be the breakout the crypto world has been waiting for? Hold on tight, because things are getting wild! Are you ready for the next target?
#BTC☀ #CPI_BTC_Watch #CryptoMarketMoves #predictons #BullBanter
If you want to become a real trader and not a gambler, you should read this article carefully and thoroughly. If you are opening 5x-10x positions with all your money, I can safely say that you are directly gambling. With such risky positions, the probability of liquidation is very high. This is because the crypto market is a highly volatile market and 10%-20% movements are quite normal. Even if you place a stop-loss, you will lose most of your principal in a small movement. The most important word when trading is “PATIENCE”. If you are an impatient person, I am sorry but you will NOT be a good trader. Let's see why patience is important. First of all, you should not open a 10x, not even a 1x position directly with your principal. Opening a 1x position is no different than guessing the direction of the market by flipping a coin. First of all, the positions you open should definitely be 5% of your principal (initial size). At this point, if your position turns into a profit, great! In this case, you can take profit at any time and move on. In the worst case scenario, i.e. when your position is reversed, all you have to do is wait patiently. Because your position may only affect 5% of your principal. If your position is reversed by the first 10%, then it's time to add to your principal. This way, you may find yourself in a more favorable position. As the market will return to the average again, it will of course come to your entry price. (Except for exceptional tokens.) What you need to do at this point is to wait for a while when your position is in the upside and then close your position by taking your profit.
If you want to become a real trader and not a gambler, you should read this article carefully and thoroughly.

If you are opening 5x-10x positions with all your money, I can safely say that you are directly gambling.
With such risky positions, the probability of liquidation is very high.

This is because the crypto market is a highly volatile market and 10%-20% movements are quite normal.

Even if you place a stop-loss, you will lose most of your principal in a small movement.

The most important word when trading is “PATIENCE”.

If you are an impatient person, I am sorry but you will NOT be a good trader.

Let's see why patience is important.

First of all, you should not open a 10x, not even a 1x position

directly with your principal. Opening a 1x position is no different than guessing the direction of the market by flipping a coin.

First of all, the positions you open should definitely be 5% of your principal (initial size).

At this point, if your position turns into a profit, great! In this case, you can take profit at any time and move

In the worst case scenario, i.e. when your position is reversed, all you have to do is wait patiently. Because your position may only affect 5% of your principal.

If your position is reversed by the first 10%, then it's time to add to your principal.

This way, you may find yourself in a more favorable position.

As the market will return to the average again, it will of course come to your entry price. (Except for exceptional tokens.)

What you need to do at this point is to wait for a while when your position is in the upside and then close your position by taking your profit.
🚨 IT TOOK ME 4 YEARS TO LEARN THESE CRUCIAL LESSONS IN CRYPTO – YOU ONLY NEED 2 MINUTES TO READ! ⏳💡 The Unbreakable Truth: No matter the market's ups and downs, one fact remains — 8% of people will always own 21 million Bitcoin. 🧠💰 Forget the Charts, Focus on Survival: Financial, capital, and risk management skills are 100x more important than any technical analysis or crypto research. This is what keeps you in the game when others panic-sell. 🎯 Money While You Sleep: You don’t need to trade every minute. From staking to yield farming, there are countless ways to earn passively in the crypto market. 🛏️💤 Here’s the kicker: Over the past 15 years, Bitcoin has averaged 100% growth per year, yet only a handful of people make life-changing money. Why? The "get rich quick" mindset kills dreams faster than any bear market. 🐻🚫 If you can’t dedicate at least 4 hours a day to learning crypto, stick with the heavy hitters: 70% in Bitcoin, 30% in ETH. These giants aren’t going anywhere. 🔥 Rule #1: Trust no one — Do your own research. Blind trust breeds hope, and hope leads to disappointment. To win in crypto, you need to take full responsibility for every decision. This is how you become a minting machine of experience and knowledge. 💡 Investing isn’t just about getting rich — it’s about making life more meaningful. If crypto can help you achieve that, dive in! If not, maybe it’s time to rethink your strategy. 🧠💪 Remember, crypto was born from technology, but it’s now intertwined with macroeconomics and global finance The opportunity to be an early adopter of Bitcoin won’t last forever. Once it's fully mainstream, the window of massive gains will close. Seize your chance now before the door slams shut! 🚪💥 Make smart investments. Choose meaning over hype. Let crypto shape your future. 🌍🚀

The Unbreakable Truth: No matter the market's ups and downs, one fact remains — 8% of people will always own 21 million Bitcoin. 🧠💰

Forget the Charts, Focus on Survival: Financial, capital, and risk management skills are 100x more important than any technical analysis or crypto research. This is what keeps you in the game when others panic-sell. 🎯

Money While You Sleep: You don’t need to trade every minute. From staking to yield farming, there are countless ways to earn passively in the crypto market. 🛏️💤

Here’s the kicker: Over the past 15 years, Bitcoin has averaged 100% growth per year, yet only a handful of people make life-changing money. Why? The "get rich quick" mindset kills dreams faster than any bear market. 🐻🚫

If you can’t dedicate at least 4 hours a day to learning crypto, stick with the heavy hitters: 70% in Bitcoin, 30% in ETH. These giants aren’t going anywhere. 🔥

Rule #1: Trust no one — Do your own research. Blind trust breeds hope, and hope leads to disappointment.

To win in crypto, you need to take full responsibility for every decision. This is how you become a minting machine of experience and knowledge. 💡

Investing isn’t just about getting rich — it’s about making life more meaningful. If crypto can help you achieve that, dive in! If not, maybe it’s time to rethink your strategy. 🧠💪

Remember, crypto was born from technology, but it’s now intertwined with macroeconomics and global finance

The opportunity to be an early adopter of Bitcoin won’t last forever. Once it's fully mainstream, the window of massive gains will close. Seize your chance now before the door slams shut! 🚪💥

Make smart investments. Choose meaning over hype. Let crypto shape your future. 🌍🚀
Ever wondered what might have happened if you'd invested just $100 in Dogecoin when Elon Musk first mentioned it? Let me break it down for you. Picture this: July 17, 2020. Musk tweets a Dogecoin meme, sending ripples through the crypto world and hinting at a promising future for the quirky coin. That tweet? It went viral faster than you can say "to the moon." Now, let's go back even further to April 2, 2019, when Musk first made a casual mention of Dogecoin. If you'd invested $100 at that moment, you'd be sitting on 39,185 DOGE today. At Dogecoin's current price of $0.08420, that initial $100 would now be worth a cool $3,299.38. Fast forward to July 17, 2020, when Dogecoin hit $0.003084. If you'd invested $100 then, you’d own 32,425 DOGE, which would now be worth $2,730.19. But wait, there's more! In May 2021, Dogecoin soared to its all-time high of $0.7376. If you'd invested that same $100 based on Musk’s tweets, you'd be looking at an incredible $28,902.86 if you invested in April 2019 or $23,916.68 if you joined the July 2020 surge. If those numbers don’t have you wanting to like, follow, and maybe even drop a tip, I’m not sure what will. #doge⚡ #DogecoinCommunity #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek
Ever wondered what might have happened if you'd invested just $100 in Dogecoin when Elon Musk first mentioned it? Let me break it down for you.

Picture this: July 17, 2020. Musk tweets a Dogecoin meme, sending ripples through the crypto world and hinting at a promising future for the quirky coin. That tweet? It went viral faster than you can say "to the moon."

Now, let's go back even further to April 2, 2019, when Musk first made a casual mention of Dogecoin. If you'd invested $100 at that moment, you'd be sitting on 39,185 DOGE today. At Dogecoin's current price of $0.08420, that initial $100 would now be worth a cool $3,299.38.

Fast forward to July 17, 2020, when Dogecoin hit $0.003084. If you'd invested $100 then, you’d own 32,425 DOGE, which would now be worth $2,730.19.
But wait, there's more! In May 2021, Dogecoin soared to its all-time high of $0.7376. If you'd invested that same $100 based on Musk’s tweets, you'd be looking at an incredible $28,902.86 if you invested in April 2019 or $23,916.68 if you joined the July 2020 surge.
If those numbers don’t have you wanting to like, follow, and maybe even drop a tip, I’m not sure what will.

#doge⚡ #DogecoinCommunity #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek
Urgent Urgent Urgent !!!!!!!!! Market Update !!!!!!!!! If we look at the current market condition, BTC is stuck between $58k to $60k, and people’s sentiments are becoming quite bearish. If we look at the current market condition, BTC is stuck between $58k to $60k, and people’s sentiments are becoming quite bearish. I want to ask my followers and anyone who sees this post: the market has gone above $70k three times—why didn’t you book your profits? And for over 2 months, the market was below $16k—why didn’t you buy then? Even if the market retraces from here, I would consider it a buying opportunity. Right now, altcoins are still available at very good prices. I hope you will be among those who buy at this level and sell at the top, rather than buying at the top and getting stuck in the market. #SahmRule #CryptoMarketMoves #PowellAtJacksonHole #BlackRockETHOptions #Write2Earn!
Urgent Urgent Urgent !!!!!!!!!
Market Update !!!!!!!!!
If we look at the current market condition, BTC is stuck between $58k to $60k, and people’s sentiments are becoming quite bearish.
If we look at the current market condition, BTC is stuck between $58k to $60k, and people’s sentiments are becoming quite bearish.

I want to ask my followers and anyone who sees this post: the market has gone above $70k three times—why didn’t you book your profits? And for over 2 months, the market was below $16k—why didn’t you buy then?

Even if the market retraces from here, I would consider it a buying opportunity. Right now, altcoins are still available at very good prices. I hope you will be among those who buy at this level and sell at the top, rather than buying at the top and getting stuck in the market.
#SahmRule #CryptoMarketMoves #PowellAtJacksonHole #BlackRockETHOptions #Write2Earn!
🚨 CRITICAL ALERT: SAFEGUARD YOUR FINANCES NOW 🚨 DON’T RISK IT ALL ON CRYPTO! Recently, someone came to me, excited by my trading success, and said, "I'm thinking of putting all my earnings into crypto!" The excitement is real, but so is the risk. Going all-in on crypto can quickly turn your hard-earned savings into a rollercoaster ride with no safety net.💡 Smart Tip: Diversify, don’t dive! The crypto market, while full of opportunities, is also highly unpredictable. Even the most promising coins on Binance can experience wild swings. A well-balanced investment strategy helps you ride the waves instead of getting swept away.I’ve seen it happen too often—during the last bull run, many investors poured everything into crypto, only to see their profits evaporate overnight. They bought at the top, sold in panic, and were left wondering where it all went wrong. Don’t let that be you!How to Play It Smart - Invest Wisely: Put a portion of your earnings into crypto, not the whole pot. - Take Profits:When you’re up, take some chips off the table. - Strategic Exit: Plan your exits, don’t just react. The next cycle will reward those who prepared, not panicked.Your financial future deserves more than a gamble. Be the one who plays the game with strategy, not emotion.If this resonates with you, show some love! Like, comment, share, and follow for more insights. Your support fuels my mission to keep our Binance community informed and thriving. And if you feel like tipping, it’s greatly appreciated—it helps me continue to bring you the latest and greatest in crypto.#TON #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins #TelegramCEO #LowestCPI2021
DON’T RISK IT ALL ON CRYPTO! Recently, someone came to me, excited by my trading success, and said, "I'm thinking of putting all my earnings into crypto!" The excitement is real, but so is the risk. Going all-in on crypto can quickly turn your hard-earned savings into a rollercoaster ride with no safety net.💡 Smart Tip: Diversify, don’t dive! The crypto market, while full of opportunities, is also highly unpredictable. Even the most promising coins on Binance can experience wild swings. A well-balanced investment strategy helps you ride the waves instead of getting swept away.I’ve seen it happen too often—during the last bull run, many investors poured everything into crypto, only to see their profits evaporate overnight. They bought at the top, sold in panic, and were left wondering where it all went wrong. Don’t let that be you!How to Play It Smart
- Invest Wisely: Put a portion of your earnings into crypto, not the whole pot.
- Take Profits:When you’re up, take some chips off the table.
- Strategic Exit: Plan your exits, don’t just react. The next cycle will reward those who prepared, not panicked.Your financial future deserves more than a gamble. Be the one who plays the game with strategy, not emotion.If this resonates with you, show some love! Like, comment, share, and follow for more insights. Your support fuels my mission to keep our Binance community informed and thriving. And if you feel like tipping, it’s greatly appreciated—it helps me continue to bring you the latest and greatest in crypto.#TON #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins #TelegramCEO #LowestCPI2021
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