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**News Flash: Zetrix Launches Global Digital ID Service for Chinese Nationals** Zetrix, a Malaysian blockchain platform, has introduced ZCert, an electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) service for Chinese nationals abroad. This service leverages the Chinese state-run Xinghuo Blockchain Infrastructure and Facility (BIF) to publish official Digital Identities (IDs). - **Global Reach**: Zetrix's integration with Xinghuo BIF, managed by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, enables this service. - **Comprehensive Solution**: ZCert combines Chinese Digital ID with Malaysia's National ID and World ID, aiming to be the most extensive global Digital ID solution. - **Future Expansion**: Plans include adding verification for other critical documents, such as Chinese driving licenses. - **Self-Sovereign Identity**: Users can control which identity elements to disclose, ensuring data authenticity and security. Zetrix's parent company, MY EG Services, has collaborated with the Malaysian government and Worldcoin to integrate advanced digital infrastructure. This move is part of a broader strategy to enhance cross-border services, including identity verification and supply-chain finance, across ASEAN countries. Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving digital identity landscape.
**News Flash: Zetrix Launches Global Digital ID Service for Chinese Nationals**

Zetrix, a Malaysian blockchain platform, has introduced ZCert, an electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) service for Chinese nationals abroad. This service leverages the Chinese state-run Xinghuo Blockchain Infrastructure and Facility (BIF) to publish official Digital Identities (IDs).

- **Global Reach**: Zetrix's integration with Xinghuo BIF, managed by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, enables this service.
- **Comprehensive Solution**: ZCert combines Chinese Digital ID with Malaysia's National ID and World ID, aiming to be the most extensive global Digital ID solution.
- **Future Expansion**: Plans include adding verification for other critical documents, such as Chinese driving licenses.
- **Self-Sovereign Identity**: Users can control which identity elements to disclose, ensuring data authenticity and security.

Zetrix's parent company, MY EG Services, has collaborated with the Malaysian government and Worldcoin to integrate advanced digital infrastructure. This move is part of a broader strategy to enhance cross-border services, including identity verification and supply-chain finance, across ASEAN countries.

Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving digital identity landscape.
Skatīt oriģinālu
**Investori dodas uz zeltu un Bitcoin, augot ģeopolitiskajai spriedzei** Saskaņā ar jaunāko JPMorgan ziņojumu investori arvien vairāk pievēršas zeltam un Bitcoin kā nodrošinājumam pret iespējamiem ekonomiskiem satricinājumiem. Tā sauktā "pazemošanās tirdzniecība" kļūst arvien populārāka sakarā ar paaugstinātu ģeopolitisko nenoteiktību un gaidāmajām vēlēšanām ASV. Galvenie punkti: - Pieaugošā ģeopolitiskā spriedze un ASV vēlēšanas veicina pieprasījumu pēc zelta un Bitcoin. - "Pazemināšanas tirdzniecību" veicina ilgtermiņa inflācijas bažas un augsts valsts budžeta deficīts. - Institūciju interese par BTC nākotnes līgumiem CME ir palielinājusies, un kopš 2024. gada sākuma līgumi ir pieauguši no 10 000 līdz 40 000. - Arī privātie investori izrāda jaunu interesi par Bitcoin ETF, kas septembrī piedzīvoja ievērojamu pieplūdumu. - SEC apstiprināja spot BTC un Ether ETF šā gada sākumā, vēl vairāk palielinot tirgus uzticību. - Iespējamā Trampa uzvara novembra vēlēšanās varētu pastiprināt šo tendenci, ņemot vērā viņa kriptovalūtu atbalstošu nostāju un solījumus pārskatīt SEC vadību. Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par to, kā šīs tendences veidos finanšu ainavu.
**Investori dodas uz zeltu un Bitcoin, augot ģeopolitiskajai spriedzei**

Saskaņā ar jaunāko JPMorgan ziņojumu investori arvien vairāk pievēršas zeltam un Bitcoin kā nodrošinājumam pret iespējamiem ekonomiskiem satricinājumiem. Tā sauktā "pazemošanās tirdzniecība" kļūst arvien populārāka sakarā ar paaugstinātu ģeopolitisko nenoteiktību un gaidāmajām vēlēšanām ASV.

Galvenie punkti:
- Pieaugošā ģeopolitiskā spriedze un ASV vēlēšanas veicina pieprasījumu pēc zelta un Bitcoin.
- "Pazemināšanas tirdzniecību" veicina ilgtermiņa inflācijas bažas un augsts valsts budžeta deficīts.
- Institūciju interese par BTC nākotnes līgumiem CME ir palielinājusies, un kopš 2024. gada sākuma līgumi ir pieauguši no 10 000 līdz 40 000.
- Arī privātie investori izrāda jaunu interesi par Bitcoin ETF, kas septembrī piedzīvoja ievērojamu pieplūdumu.
- SEC apstiprināja spot BTC un Ether ETF šā gada sākumā, vēl vairāk palielinot tirgus uzticību.
- Iespējamā Trampa uzvara novembra vēlēšanās varētu pastiprināt šo tendenci, ņemot vērā viņa kriptovalūtu atbalstošu nostāju un solījumus pārskatīt SEC vadību.

Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par to, kā šīs tendences veidos finanšu ainavu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
**Bitcoin sagaida nemierīga nedēļa ģeopolitiskās spriedzes apstākļos** Bitcoin (BTC) ir piedzīvojis strauju kritumu, no 29. septembra līdz 3. oktobrim nokrītot par 6000 USD, sasniedzot divu nedēļu zemāko līmeni – 59 860 USD. Analītiķi šo izpārdošanu skaidro ar ģeopolitisko spriedzi Tuvajos Austrumos un ASV ekonomikas datu vājināšanos. Galvenie atbalsta līmeņi, tostarp 50 dienu un 100 dienu eksponenciālie mainīgie vidējie (EMA), ir pārkāpti, norādot uz iespējamu turpmāku lejupslīdi. Analītiķis AlphaBTC iesaka saglabāt rezerves dziļākam kritumam ar īstermiņa mērķiem no USD 57 500 līdz USD 61 300. Citi eksperti prognozē iespējamās korekcijas līdz 52 000 USD, ja 60 000 USD atbalsts neizdosies. 200 dienu EMA ar 59 890 USD tiek uzskatīta par pēdējo aizsardzības līniju, kas ir ļoti svarīga, lai izvairītos no lielākiem zaudējumiem. Investoriem ieteicams būt piesardzīgiem un pašiem veikt izpēti pirms tirdzniecības lēmumu pieņemšanas.
**Bitcoin sagaida nemierīga nedēļa ģeopolitiskās spriedzes apstākļos**

Bitcoin (BTC) ir piedzīvojis strauju kritumu, no 29. septembra līdz 3. oktobrim nokrītot par 6000 USD, sasniedzot divu nedēļu zemāko līmeni – 59 860 USD. Analītiķi šo izpārdošanu skaidro ar ģeopolitisko spriedzi Tuvajos Austrumos un ASV ekonomikas datu vājināšanos.

Galvenie atbalsta līmeņi, tostarp 50 dienu un 100 dienu eksponenciālie mainīgie vidējie (EMA), ir pārkāpti, norādot uz iespējamu turpmāku lejupslīdi. Analītiķis AlphaBTC iesaka saglabāt rezerves dziļākam kritumam ar īstermiņa mērķiem no USD 57 500 līdz USD 61 300.

Citi eksperti prognozē iespējamās korekcijas līdz 52 000 USD, ja 60 000 USD atbalsts neizdosies. 200 dienu EMA ar 59 890 USD tiek uzskatīta par pēdējo aizsardzības līniju, kas ir ļoti svarīga, lai izvairītos no lielākiem zaudējumiem.

Investoriem ieteicams būt piesardzīgiem un pašiem veikt izpēti pirms tirdzniecības lēmumu pieņemšanas.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai vēlaties uzzināt noslēpumaino Bitcoin radītāju? HBO un filmu veidotājs Kalens Hobeks gatavojas izlaist filmu "Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery" 8. oktobrī. Pazīstams ar savu darbu pie "Q: Into the Storm", Hoback tagad ienirst Satoši Nakamoto, nenotveramā Bitcoin tēla mīklā. . Kamēr Hobeks ķircina aizraujošu ceļojumu, viņš apstājas, lai apstiprinātu Nakamoto identitāti. Filma dod mājienus par dažādām iespējām, atstājot skatītājus savā sēdvietā. Vai šī dokumentālā filma beidzot varētu atklāt personu vai grupu aiz Bitcoin? Piesakies nākam otrdien, lai uzzinātu!
Vai vēlaties uzzināt noslēpumaino Bitcoin radītāju? HBO un filmu veidotājs Kalens Hobeks gatavojas izlaist filmu "Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery" 8. oktobrī. Pazīstams ar savu darbu pie "Q: Into the Storm", Hoback tagad ienirst Satoši Nakamoto, nenotveramā Bitcoin tēla mīklā. .

Kamēr Hobeks ķircina aizraujošu ceļojumu, viņš apstājas, lai apstiprinātu Nakamoto identitāti. Filma dod mājienus par dažādām iespējām, atstājot skatītājus savā sēdvietā. Vai šī dokumentālā filma beidzot varētu atklāt personu vai grupu aiz Bitcoin? Piesakies nākam otrdien, lai uzzinātu!
Skatīt oriģinālu
**Marks kubietis kritizē mememonētus Paklāju radio aplādes režīmā** Investors Marks Kubans nesen dalījās pārdomās par kriptovalūtu nozari, uzstājoties Rug Radio podkāstā. Kubietis visus mememonētus apzīmēja kā "izstieptu paklāju vilkšanu" bez reālas lietderības, pielīdzinot mēmu tirdzniecību ar "mūzikas krēslu" un ruletes spēli. Viņš apgalvoja, ka, lai gan memekoiniem var būt spēcīgas kopienas, tiem trūkst noturības, un tos virza Lielā muļķu teorija, kurā investori cer pārdot pārvērtētus aktīvus citiem ar peļņu. Neskatoties uz skepsi, Kubietis atzina, ka laiku pa laikam apsver iespēju tirgot mememonētus, taču vienmēr ir atturējies no tā. Saistītajās ziņās pēdējo 30 dienu laikā Solana tīklā tika izveidota 381 401 jauna mememonēta, no kurām daudzas zaudē nozīmīgu vērtību neilgi pēc palaišanas. Tomēr daži memekoīni, piemēram, PEPE un Dogwifhat (WIF), ir piedzīvojuši īslaicīgu pieaugumu, lai gan šie ieguvumi bieži vien nav ilgstoši.
**Marks kubietis kritizē mememonētus Paklāju radio aplādes režīmā**

Investors Marks Kubans nesen dalījās pārdomās par kriptovalūtu nozari, uzstājoties Rug Radio podkāstā. Kubietis visus mememonētus apzīmēja kā "izstieptu paklāju vilkšanu" bez reālas lietderības, pielīdzinot mēmu tirdzniecību ar "mūzikas krēslu" un ruletes spēli. Viņš apgalvoja, ka, lai gan memekoiniem var būt spēcīgas kopienas, tiem trūkst noturības, un tos virza Lielā muļķu teorija, kurā investori cer pārdot pārvērtētus aktīvus citiem ar peļņu.

Neskatoties uz skepsi, Kubietis atzina, ka laiku pa laikam apsver iespēju tirgot mememonētus, taču vienmēr ir atturējies no tā.

Saistītajās ziņās pēdējo 30 dienu laikā Solana tīklā tika izveidota 381 401 jauna mememonēta, no kurām daudzas zaudē nozīmīgu vērtību neilgi pēc palaišanas. Tomēr daži memekoīni, piemēram, PEPE un Dogwifhat (WIF), ir piedzīvojuši īslaicīgu pieaugumu, lai gan šie ieguvumi bieži vien nav ilgstoši.
**PayPal Completes First Payment Using PYUSD Stablecoin** PayPal has made waves in the fintech world by completing its first business payment using its own USD-pegged stablecoin, PYUSD. The transaction, reported by Bloomberg on Oct. 3, was made to Ernst & Young via SAP’s digital currency hub. While the invoice amount remains undisclosed, this move showcases the potential of stablecoins for instant corporate payments. Launched in August 2023, PYUSD is backed by US dollar deposits and short-term US Treasurys, boasting a market cap of $699 million. This positions it as the eighth-largest stablecoin, according to DefiLlama. Stablecoins, pegged to fiat currencies like the US dollar, offer stability, making them ideal for everyday transactions. PayPal’s senior VP of blockchain, Jose Fernandez da Ponte, emphasized the suitability of stablecoins in corporate environments. In a bid to expand its digital asset capabilities, PayPal recently allowed US business users (excluding New York) to buy, sell, and trade crypto directly from their accounts. The stablecoin market is seeing increased interest, with companies like Robinhood and Revolut eyeing their own stablecoin launches. Currently, Tether’s USDT leads the stablecoin market with a $119.7 billion market cap, followed by USD Coin (USDC) at $35.3 billion. As regulations like the EU’s MiCA come into play, the stablecoin landscape is set for significant changes.
**PayPal Completes First Payment Using PYUSD Stablecoin**

PayPal has made waves in the fintech world by completing its first business payment using its own USD-pegged stablecoin, PYUSD. The transaction, reported by Bloomberg on Oct. 3, was made to Ernst & Young via SAP’s digital currency hub. While the invoice amount remains undisclosed, this move showcases the potential of stablecoins for instant corporate payments.

Launched in August 2023, PYUSD is backed by US dollar deposits and short-term US Treasurys, boasting a market cap of $699 million. This positions it as the eighth-largest stablecoin, according to DefiLlama.

Stablecoins, pegged to fiat currencies like the US dollar, offer stability, making them ideal for everyday transactions. PayPal’s senior VP of blockchain, Jose Fernandez da Ponte, emphasized the suitability of stablecoins in corporate environments.

In a bid to expand its digital asset capabilities, PayPal recently allowed US business users (excluding New York) to buy, sell, and trade crypto directly from their accounts. The stablecoin market is seeing increased interest, with companies like Robinhood and Revolut eyeing their own stablecoin launches.

Currently, Tether’s USDT leads the stablecoin market with a $119.7 billion market cap, followed by USD Coin (USDC) at $35.3 billion. As regulations like the EU’s MiCA come into play, the stablecoin landscape is set for significant changes.
**Ether Price Dips Amid Market Uncertainty** Ether (ETH) saw a 12% drop from Oct. 1 to Oct. 3, failing to break the $2,650 resistance level. This decline erased gains from the prior two weeks, leaving traders questioning if ETH can bounce back to $2,800. Despite a 5% drop in ETH since Sept. 1, the overall crypto market cap grew by 1.4%. The much-anticipated Ether ETF launched in July underperformed, with net outflows of $552 million. Factors like sell pressure from Vitalik Buterin, reduced DApp demand, and strategic changes have kept ETH below $2,800. However, Ethereum's network activity remains strong, with significant increases in trading volumes and active addresses. For ETH to reclaim $2,800, balancing scalability and investor incentives is key.
**Ether Price Dips Amid Market Uncertainty**

Ether (ETH) saw a 12% drop from Oct. 1 to Oct. 3, failing to break the $2,650 resistance level. This decline erased gains from the prior two weeks, leaving traders questioning if ETH can bounce back to $2,800.

Despite a 5% drop in ETH since Sept. 1, the overall crypto market cap grew by 1.4%. The much-anticipated Ether ETF launched in July underperformed, with net outflows of $552 million.

Factors like sell pressure from Vitalik Buterin, reduced DApp demand, and strategic changes have kept ETH below $2,800. However, Ethereum's network activity remains strong, with significant increases in trading volumes and active addresses.

For ETH to reclaim $2,800, balancing scalability and investor incentives is key.
**News Flash: CFTC May Approve Digital Assets as Trading Collateral by Year-End** The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) could greenlight the use of digital assets as trading collateral by the end of the year. A subcommittee of the CFTC’s Global Markets Advisory Committee has recommended a proposal to allow digital ledger technology-based collateral in commodities and derivatives trading. If approved, traders could use digital assets like BlackRock’s USD Institutional Digital Liquidity Fund (BUIDL) token to settle transactions swiftly. This move could mainstream the use of blockchain-based assets in trading, which is currently limited to big players like BlackRock and JP Morgan. However, the main committee still needs to approve the subcommittee’s recommendation before it goes to the CFTC. There’s no certainty the proposal will pass or if restrictions will be placed on which institutes and blockchains can participate. In related news, spot Bitcoin ETFs saw strong inflows in September, with BlackRock’s fund leading the pack. This trend underscores the growing acceptance of digital assets in traditional finance and could influence the CFTC’s decision.
**News Flash: CFTC May Approve Digital Assets as Trading Collateral by Year-End**

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) could greenlight the use of digital assets as trading collateral by the end of the year. A subcommittee of the CFTC’s Global Markets Advisory Committee has recommended a proposal to allow digital ledger technology-based collateral in commodities and derivatives trading.

If approved, traders could use digital assets like BlackRock’s USD Institutional Digital Liquidity Fund (BUIDL) token to settle transactions swiftly. This move could mainstream the use of blockchain-based assets in trading, which is currently limited to big players like BlackRock and JP Morgan.

However, the main committee still needs to approve the subcommittee’s recommendation before it goes to the CFTC. There’s no certainty the proposal will pass or if restrictions will be placed on which institutes and blockchains can participate.

In related news, spot Bitcoin ETFs saw strong inflows in September, with BlackRock’s fund leading the pack. This trend underscores the growing acceptance of digital assets in traditional finance and could influence the CFTC’s decision.
**IMF Urges El Salvador to Rethink Bitcoin Policies** In an Oct. 3 press conference, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) renewed its call for El Salvador to scale back its Bitcoin policies. Julie Kozack, IMF's communications director, emphasized the need to narrow the scope of the Bitcoin law, strengthen regulatory frameworks, and limit public sector exposure to Bitcoin. Since El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as legal tender in 2021, the IMF has consistently urged the country to revert to traditional financial systems. Despite these pressures, many of the risks associated with Bitcoin adoption have yet to materialize. The IMF remains critical of Bitcoin, advocating for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) instead. In September, the IMF introduced the REDI framework to support CBDC development, focusing on regulation, education, design, and incentives.
**IMF Urges El Salvador to Rethink Bitcoin Policies**

In an Oct. 3 press conference, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) renewed its call for El Salvador to scale back its Bitcoin policies. Julie Kozack, IMF's communications director, emphasized the need to narrow the scope of the Bitcoin law, strengthen regulatory frameworks, and limit public sector exposure to Bitcoin.

Since El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as legal tender in 2021, the IMF has consistently urged the country to revert to traditional financial systems. Despite these pressures, many of the risks associated with Bitcoin adoption have yet to materialize.

The IMF remains critical of Bitcoin, advocating for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) instead. In September, the IMF introduced the REDI framework to support CBDC development, focusing on regulation, education, design, and incentives.
**Bitcoin Bounces Back: Onchain Metrics Signal Potential Shift** Bitcoin has made a notable recovery, climbing to $66,000 after dipping below $60,000 earlier this week. This marks the first higher high since its March peak of $73,835. Glassnode analysts suggest that Bitcoin might be nearing a significant phase shift, with its recent price action mirroring past cycles from 2015-16 and 2019-20. Key insights include: - A 26.5% rally from a low of $52,550 on Sept. 6 to a three-month high. - Long-term holders (LTHs) are increasing their positions, a bullish signal. - The long/short-term holder supply ratio is at its highest since June 2021. - Short-term holders (STHs) are seeing improved profitability, with 62% of their supply now in profit. These metrics indicate that Bitcoin investors are in a stronger position, making this a pivotal moment for BTC.
**Bitcoin Bounces Back: Onchain Metrics Signal Potential Shift**

Bitcoin has made a notable recovery, climbing to $66,000 after dipping below $60,000 earlier this week. This marks the first higher high since its March peak of $73,835. Glassnode analysts suggest that Bitcoin might be nearing a significant phase shift, with its recent price action mirroring past cycles from 2015-16 and 2019-20.

Key insights include:
- A 26.5% rally from a low of $52,550 on Sept. 6 to a three-month high.
- Long-term holders (LTHs) are increasing their positions, a bullish signal.
- The long/short-term holder supply ratio is at its highest since June 2021.
- Short-term holders (STHs) are seeing improved profitability, with 62% of their supply now in profit.

These metrics indicate that Bitcoin investors are in a stronger position, making this a pivotal moment for BTC.
**News Flash: Kraken Launches Derivatives Platform in Bermuda** Kraken, a major cryptocurrency exchange, has launched a new derivatives trading platform in Bermuda after securing a Class F Digital Business License from the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA). This move follows similar expansions by Coinbase International and HashKey Global. - **Offerings**: The platform features over 200 contracts, including perpetual and fixed maturity futures, with collateral options in fiat and 30+ cryptocurrencies. - **Regulatory Environment**: Bermuda's pro-crypto stance, led by Premier E. David Burt, has attracted numerous crypto firms. The BMA's rigorous yet fair licensing process ensures consumer protection and business transparency. - **Market Impact**: Kraken anticipates significant growth in derivative trading volumes, aligning with the broader market trend. Eligible customers can now access Kraken's new platform, though specific jurisdictions were not disclosed.
**News Flash: Kraken Launches Derivatives Platform in Bermuda**

Kraken, a major cryptocurrency exchange, has launched a new derivatives trading platform in Bermuda after securing a Class F Digital Business License from the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA). This move follows similar expansions by Coinbase International and HashKey Global.

- **Offerings**: The platform features over 200 contracts, including perpetual and fixed maturity futures, with collateral options in fiat and 30+ cryptocurrencies.
- **Regulatory Environment**: Bermuda's pro-crypto stance, led by Premier E. David Burt, has attracted numerous crypto firms. The BMA's rigorous yet fair licensing process ensures consumer protection and business transparency.
- **Market Impact**: Kraken anticipates significant growth in derivative trading volumes, aligning with the broader market trend.

Eligible customers can now access Kraken's new platform, though specific jurisdictions were not disclosed.
**Meta Unveils Hyperscape: A Glimpse into the Future of Telepresence** Meta is pushing the boundaries of the metaverse with its latest tech, Hyperscape. Revealed at the recent "Connect" event, Hyperscape transforms photos into real-time 3D environments, potentially revolutionizing remote work and telepresence. - **Orion Smart Glasses:** CEO Mark Zuckerberg also introduced Orion smart glasses, offering a seamless heads-up display that integrates digital info with the physical world. - **Hyperscape Demo:** Users can scan areas with a phone camera, converting them into navigable digital spaces. A demo with Meta’s Quest 3 VR headset was likened to Star Trek's "Holodeck." - **Future Potential:** Future versions could enable real-time rendering of any environment, enhancing virtual meetings and social interactions. This tech could bridge Web3 and reality, making the metaverse more immersive and socially engaging. Stay tuned as Meta continues to innovate in the VR and Web3 space!
**Meta Unveils Hyperscape: A Glimpse into the Future of Telepresence**

Meta is pushing the boundaries of the metaverse with its latest tech, Hyperscape. Revealed at the recent "Connect" event, Hyperscape transforms photos into real-time 3D environments, potentially revolutionizing remote work and telepresence.

- **Orion Smart Glasses:** CEO Mark Zuckerberg also introduced Orion smart glasses, offering a seamless heads-up display that integrates digital info with the physical world.

- **Hyperscape Demo:** Users can scan areas with a phone camera, converting them into navigable digital spaces. A demo with Meta’s Quest 3 VR headset was likened to Star Trek's "Holodeck."

- **Future Potential:** Future versions could enable real-time rendering of any environment, enhancing virtual meetings and social interactions. This tech could bridge Web3 and reality, making the metaverse more immersive and socially engaging.

Stay tuned as Meta continues to innovate in the VR and Web3 space!
**Crypto Trading Volumes Dip in September, Binance Leads Despite Slump** Global crypto exchange Binance saw a notable drop in trading activity last month. According to a CCData report, Binance's derivatives trading volume fell 21% to $1.25 trillion, its lowest since October 2023. Spot trading also took a hit, dropping 22.9% to $344 billion, marking the lowest since November 2023. Consequently, Binance's market share in derivatives and spot trading slipped to 40.7% and 27%, respectively. However, Binance still leads the global spot trade market among centralized exchanges (CEXs). Meanwhile, gained traction, with its spot and derivatives volumes rising over 40%, making it the fourth-largest exchange by volume. Overall, the total trading volume on centralized exchanges fell by 17% to $4.34 trillion, the lowest since June. Analysts expect trading activity to pick up as the US Federal Reserve's rate cuts boost liquidity and capital flows into cryptocurrencies.
**Crypto Trading Volumes Dip in September, Binance Leads Despite Slump**

Global crypto exchange Binance saw a notable drop in trading activity last month. According to a CCData report, Binance's derivatives trading volume fell 21% to $1.25 trillion, its lowest since October 2023. Spot trading also took a hit, dropping 22.9% to $344 billion, marking the lowest since November 2023. Consequently, Binance's market share in derivatives and spot trading slipped to 40.7% and 27%, respectively.

However, Binance still leads the global spot trade market among centralized exchanges (CEXs). Meanwhile, gained traction, with its spot and derivatives volumes rising over 40%, making it the fourth-largest exchange by volume.

Overall, the total trading volume on centralized exchanges fell by 17% to $4.34 trillion, the lowest since June. Analysts expect trading activity to pick up as the US Federal Reserve's rate cuts boost liquidity and capital flows into cryptocurrencies.
**Bitcoin's Rocky Start in October: What Traders Are Saying** October is usually a strong month for Bitcoin, often called "Uptober," but this year is off to a rough start. Bitcoin and Ether have both seen declines since October 1st, with Bitcoin dropping 5.6% and Ether 11.4%. Trader Oliver Velez and Cane Island Alternative Advisors' Timothy Peterson suggest patience. They argue that the real gains typically come in the second half of the month. Velez believes the early weakness might set the stage for a stronger market push later. Despite the slow start, some traders remain optimistic, noting that Bitcoin performed better than expected in September. Stay tuned, as the latter part of October could still bring bullish trends.
**Bitcoin's Rocky Start in October: What Traders Are Saying**

October is usually a strong month for Bitcoin, often called "Uptober," but this year is off to a rough start. Bitcoin and Ether have both seen declines since October 1st, with Bitcoin dropping 5.6% and Ether 11.4%.

Trader Oliver Velez and Cane Island Alternative Advisors' Timothy Peterson suggest patience. They argue that the real gains typically come in the second half of the month. Velez believes the early weakness might set the stage for a stronger market push later.

Despite the slow start, some traders remain optimistic, noting that Bitcoin performed better than expected in September. Stay tuned, as the latter part of October could still bring bullish trends.
Grayscale Investments has unveiled a new investment fund for Aave’s governance token, AAVE, as of October 3. This fund, named the Grayscale Aave Trust, offers qualified investors a chance to gain exposure to AAVE. This addition expands Grayscale’s portfolio of single-asset crypto investment products, which recently included trusts for Sky, Bittensor, and Sui tokens. Aave, a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, facilitates transparent borrowing and lending through smart contracts. With nearly $12 billion in total value locked, Aave is a major player in the DeFi space. The AAVE token has surged over 110% in the past year. Grayscale, the largest crypto fund manager with $21 billion in assets, is known for its Bitcoin and Ether ETFs. The firm also manages private funds for other tokens like BAT and LINK. Grayscale’s head of product and research, Rayhaneh Sharif-Askary, emphasized Aave’s role in optimizing lending and borrowing by eliminating intermediaries. Looking ahead, Grayscale’s global head of ETFs, Dave LaValle, anticipates growth in the cryptocurrency ETF market, with more single-asset and diversified products on the horizon.
Grayscale Investments has unveiled a new investment fund for Aave’s governance token, AAVE, as of October 3. This fund, named the Grayscale Aave Trust, offers qualified investors a chance to gain exposure to AAVE. This addition expands Grayscale’s portfolio of single-asset crypto investment products, which recently included trusts for Sky, Bittensor, and Sui tokens.

Aave, a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, facilitates transparent borrowing and lending through smart contracts. With nearly $12 billion in total value locked, Aave is a major player in the DeFi space. The AAVE token has surged over 110% in the past year.

Grayscale, the largest crypto fund manager with $21 billion in assets, is known for its Bitcoin and Ether ETFs. The firm also manages private funds for other tokens like BAT and LINK. Grayscale’s head of product and research, Rayhaneh Sharif-Askary, emphasized Aave’s role in optimizing lending and borrowing by eliminating intermediaries.

Looking ahead, Grayscale’s global head of ETFs, Dave LaValle, anticipates growth in the cryptocurrency ETF market, with more single-asset and diversified products on the horizon.
**Bitcoin Dips Below $60K Amid Market Uncertainty** Bitcoin (BTC) briefly fell below $60,000 on Oct. 3, sparking a flurry of buying activity. Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView showed BTC hitting a low of $59,860 on Bitstamp. The dip comes amid geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, adding pressure to the crypto market. Traders are divided on BTC's next move. Analyst Toni Ghinea predicts a drop to $56,000, while CrypNuevo sees potential for a rebound after hitting stop-losses around $59,000. On-chain data from CryptoQuant indicates significant Bitcoin outflows from exchanges, suggesting strong buyer interest. Meanwhile, U.S. jobless claims data showed a stable labor market, which could support risk assets like crypto. QCP Capital remains optimistic, expecting Bitcoin to recover and continue its "Uptober" rally.
**Bitcoin Dips Below $60K Amid Market Uncertainty**

Bitcoin (BTC) briefly fell below $60,000 on Oct. 3, sparking a flurry of buying activity. Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView showed BTC hitting a low of $59,860 on Bitstamp. The dip comes amid geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, adding pressure to the crypto market.

Traders are divided on BTC's next move. Analyst Toni Ghinea predicts a drop to $56,000, while CrypNuevo sees potential for a rebound after hitting stop-losses around $59,000.

On-chain data from CryptoQuant indicates significant Bitcoin outflows from exchanges, suggesting strong buyer interest. Meanwhile, U.S. jobless claims data showed a stable labor market, which could support risk assets like crypto. QCP Capital remains optimistic, expecting Bitcoin to recover and continue its "Uptober" rally.
**Ripple Teams Up with Mercado Bitcoin for Cross-Border Payments in Brazil** Ripple has announced a partnership with Brazilian crypto exchange Mercado Bitcoin to launch a new cross-border payment solution. This tool aims to provide faster, cheaper, and more efficient international transactions for businesses in Brazil, available 24/7 and settling payments in minutes. Initially, the service will target institutional clients, facilitating transactions between Mercado Bitcoin in Brazil and its counterpart in Portugal. The solution leverages Ripple’s end-to-end payment management, introduced in 2023, to streamline internal treasury operations. Mercado Bitcoin, a major player in Latin America's crypto scene with 4 million users, has previously collaborated with Mastercard on various projects. This new partnership with Ripple is seen as a step towards internationalizing Mercado Bitcoin’s services and enhancing its product portfolio. The exchange plans to extend the service to corporate and retail customers in the future, offering a seamless experience by allowing payments directly in Brazilian Reais. Ripple has yet to comment on the upcoming tool.
**Ripple Teams Up with Mercado Bitcoin for Cross-Border Payments in Brazil**

Ripple has announced a partnership with Brazilian crypto exchange Mercado Bitcoin to launch a new cross-border payment solution. This tool aims to provide faster, cheaper, and more efficient international transactions for businesses in Brazil, available 24/7 and settling payments in minutes.

Initially, the service will target institutional clients, facilitating transactions between Mercado Bitcoin in Brazil and its counterpart in Portugal. The solution leverages Ripple’s end-to-end payment management, introduced in 2023, to streamline internal treasury operations.

Mercado Bitcoin, a major player in Latin America's crypto scene with 4 million users, has previously collaborated with Mastercard on various projects. This new partnership with Ripple is seen as a step towards internationalizing Mercado Bitcoin’s services and enhancing its product portfolio.

The exchange plans to extend the service to corporate and retail customers in the future, offering a seamless experience by allowing payments directly in Brazilian Reais. Ripple has yet to comment on the upcoming tool.
**News Flash: Itheum Revolutionizes AI Data Sharing with Blockchain** Itheum is tackling one of AI's biggest hurdles: access to quality data. By leveraging blockchain, Itheum transforms data into tradable assets via data NFTs. These tokens ensure secure, transparent data transactions, making it easier for AI developers to access diverse data sets. Key innovations include Data Coalition DAOs, which aggregate data from various sources, and privacy-preserving tech like zero-knowledge proofs. Itheum's omnichain infrastructure supports multiple blockchains, enhancing data interoperability. With a focus on gaming, music, and AI creator economies, Itheum aims to redefine data sharing and monetization.
**News Flash: Itheum Revolutionizes AI Data Sharing with Blockchain**

Itheum is tackling one of AI's biggest hurdles: access to quality data. By leveraging blockchain, Itheum transforms data into tradable assets via data NFTs. These tokens ensure secure, transparent data transactions, making it easier for AI developers to access diverse data sets.

Key innovations include Data Coalition DAOs, which aggregate data from various sources, and privacy-preserving tech like zero-knowledge proofs. Itheum's omnichain infrastructure supports multiple blockchains, enhancing data interoperability. With a focus on gaming, music, and AI creator economies, Itheum aims to redefine data sharing and monetization.
**Visa Unveils New Tokenized Asset Platform** Visa has just rolled out its Visa Tokenized Asset Platform (VTAP), a groundbreaking service aimed at issuing and managing fiat-backed tokens. Announced on October 3, VTAP is designed to support a variety of tokenized assets, including stablecoins and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The platform targets institutional investors and central banks, providing a secure infrastructure for minting, transferring, and settling digital assets on both public and permissioned blockchains. Vanessa Colella, Visa's global head of innovation, highlighted the company's excitement to help banks integrate blockchain technology. Currently in its sandbox phase, VTAP is being tested by participants like Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA). The platform is expected to launch a live pilot phase with select customers in 2025 on the public Ethereum blockchain. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
**Visa Unveils New Tokenized Asset Platform**

Visa has just rolled out its Visa Tokenized Asset Platform (VTAP), a groundbreaking service aimed at issuing and managing fiat-backed tokens. Announced on October 3, VTAP is designed to support a variety of tokenized assets, including stablecoins and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

The platform targets institutional investors and central banks, providing a secure infrastructure for minting, transferring, and settling digital assets on both public and permissioned blockchains. Vanessa Colella, Visa's global head of innovation, highlighted the company's excitement to help banks integrate blockchain technology.

Currently in its sandbox phase, VTAP is being tested by participants like Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA). The platform is expected to launch a live pilot phase with select customers in 2025 on the public Ethereum blockchain.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
**Crypto Market Faces Risks from Overvaluation and Centralization, Says Binance Report** The latest report from Binance warns of significant risks in the cryptocurrency market due to overvaluation and centralized token ownership. These issues could undermine the long-term stability of the industry if not addressed. Key Points: - Overvaluation: Inflated valuations, especially in new tokens, could create a bubble, leading to poor performance. - Centralization: Concentrated token ownership among a few large holders poses risks like governance issues and market manipulation. - Transparency: Binance emphasizes the need for decentralized control and transparency to build trust and ensure sustainable growth. The report calls for responsible financial management and detailed disclosures to counter these risks.
**Crypto Market Faces Risks from Overvaluation and Centralization, Says Binance Report**

The latest report from Binance warns of significant risks in the cryptocurrency market due to overvaluation and centralized token ownership. These issues could undermine the long-term stability of the industry if not addressed.

Key Points:
- Overvaluation: Inflated valuations, especially in new tokens, could create a bubble, leading to poor performance.
- Centralization: Concentrated token ownership among a few large holders poses risks like governance issues and market manipulation.
- Transparency: Binance emphasizes the need for decentralized control and transparency to build trust and ensure sustainable growth.

The report calls for responsible financial management and detailed disclosures to counter these risks.
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