Binance Square
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Skatīt oriģinālu
$DOT atrodas pirkšanas zonā. Šī zona 5.70 - 6.00 saglabājās spēcīga pagājušajā mēnesī, un tirdzniecības dati liecina par lielāku augšupvērsumu līdz 6.6 līmenim. Ja $DOT nokrītas zem 5,7, mēs virzāmies uz zonu no 4,5 līdz 4,7, tāpēc, iespējams, ir vērts atstāt USDT malā šim scenārijam. {spot}(DOTUSDT)
$DOT atrodas pirkšanas zonā.

Šī zona 5.70 - 6.00 saglabājās spēcīga pagājušajā mēnesī, un tirdzniecības dati liecina par lielāku augšupvērsumu līdz 6.6 līmenim. Ja $DOT nokrītas zem 5,7, mēs virzāmies uz zonu no 4,5 līdz 4,7, tāpēc, iespējams, ir vērts atstāt USDT malā šim scenārijam.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$TRB Punkta signāls Ieeja: 100 -110 SL: 94 TP1: 120 TP2: 140 TP3: 160 TP4: 180 {spot}(TRBUSDT)
$TRB Punkta signāls
Ieeja: 100 -110
SL: 94
TP1: 120
TP2: 140
TP3: 160
TP4: 180
Skatīt oriģinālu
$FTM Iespējams, ir vērts nogrammēt dažus 0,50–0,60 līmenī. $FTM nesen sasniedza 1800 dienu mainīgo vidējo rādītāju aptuveni 0,46, kas, šķiet, ir būtisks atbalsts spēcīgā noraidījuma dēļ. Ja tirgus turpinās pieaugt īstermiņā, mēs varētu redzēt strauju pieaugumu līdz aptuveni 0.67 līmenim. {spot}(FTMUSDT)
$FTM Iespējams, ir vērts nogrammēt dažus 0,50–0,60 līmenī.

$FTM nesen sasniedza 1800 dienu mainīgo vidējo rādītāju aptuveni 0,46, kas, šķiet, ir būtisks atbalsts spēcīgā noraidījuma dēļ. Ja tirgus turpinās pieaugt īstermiņā, mēs varētu redzēt strauju pieaugumu līdz aptuveni 0.67 līmenim.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$FLOKI Punkta signāls Ieraksts: 0,00016700 - 0,00017000 SL: 0,00016400 TP1: 0,00018300 TP2: 0,00019410 TP3: 0,00021700 TP4: 0,00023650 {spot}(FLOKIUSDT)
$FLOKI Punkta signāls

Ieraksts: 0,00016700 - 0,00017000
SL: 0,00016400
TP1: 0,00018300
TP2: 0,00019410
TP3: 0,00021700
TP4: 0,00023650
$LINK Spot Signal Entry:14.00-14.3 SL: 13.59 TP1: 14.88 TP2: 15.44 TP3: 16.13 TP4: 17.03 {spot}(LINKUSDT)
$LINK Spot Signal

SL: 13.59
TP1: 14.88
TP2: 15.44
TP3: 16.13
TP4: 17.03
Skatīt oriģinālu
$FIL Punkta signāls Ieeja: 4.3-4.5 SL: 3,99 TP1: 5,00 TP2: 5,27 TP3: 5,63 TP4: 6.1
$FIL Punkta signāls

Ieeja: 4.3-4.5
SL: 3,99
TP1: 5,00
TP2: 5,27
TP3: 5,63
TP4: 6.1
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai $API3 aizstās #WAVES ? Šķiet, ka abi projekti sniedz līdzīgus pakalpojumus (t.i., #WEB3 un savieno datus ar blokķēdi.). Tātad tagad, kad #WAVES ir noņemts no saraksta, vai tas nozīmē, ka #WAVES vaļi uzkrāj $API3 ? Es domāju, ka ir vērts riskēt iegādāties $API3 šajā līmenī $1,80-2,30 katram gadījumam, ja tas sagādās tādu briesmīgu ralliju kā #WAVES sākumā. {spot}(API3USDT)
Vai $API3 aizstās #WAVES ?

Šķiet, ka abi projekti sniedz līdzīgus pakalpojumus (t.i., #WEB3 un savieno datus ar blokķēdi.). Tātad tagad, kad #WAVES ir noņemts no saraksta, vai tas nozīmē, ka #WAVES vaļi uzkrāj $API3 ?

Es domāju, ka ir vērts riskēt iegādāties $API3 šajā līmenī $1,80-2,30 katram gadījumam, ja tas sagādās tādu briesmīgu ralliju kā #WAVES sākumā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BNB Punkta signāls. Ieraksts: 580-585 SL: 575 TP1: 590 TP2: 595 TP3: 600 TP4: 605 Pastāv liela iespēja, ka $BNB nepārsniegs TP2, jo tā ir galvenā pretestības zona. Tāpēc pārliecinieties, ka esat ārpus savas pozīcijas $595 līmenī
$BNB Punkta signāls.

Ieraksts: 580-585
SL: 575
TP1: 590
TP2: 595
TP3: 600
TP4: 605
Pastāv liela iespēja, ka $BNB nepārsniegs TP2, jo tā ir galvenā pretestības zona. Tāpēc pārliecinieties, ka esat ārpus savas pozīcijas $595 līmenī
$ORDI Spot signal. Entry: 37.00-41.00 TP1: 45.00 TP2 : 47.60 TP3 : 49.30 TP4 : 53.10 {spot}(ORDIUSDT)
$ORDI Spot signal.

Entry: 37.00-41.00
TP1: 45.00
TP2 : 47.60
TP3 : 49.30
TP4 : 53.10
$LISTA seems to be a decent project. Its the type of project that does well in the short to medium term because most of the supply is locked and the staking rewards are relatively high to incentivize investors. So, it might be a good idea to allocate some capital to it and stake it in their platform. I look to get into this project in the $0.45-0.55 range. {spot}(LISTAUSDT)
$LISTA seems to be a decent project. Its the type of project that does well in the short to medium term because most of the supply is locked and the staking rewards are relatively high to incentivize investors. So, it might be a good idea to allocate some capital to it and stake it in their platform. I look to get into this project in the $0.45-0.55 range.
$ZRO is a really good project but currently it is overvalued. It seems that the $2.7-3.00 range is a rwally good range to get into this project. Buying in this range could have good returns in the short term 1-2 months. {spot}(ZROUSDT)
$ZRO is a really good project but currently it is overvalued. It seems that the $2.7-3.00 range is a rwally good range to get into this project. Buying in this range could have good returns in the short term 1-2 months.
$AVAX is in the accumulation zone. This is a decent range to get into this project because it is a major support on the 1W timeframe. We might see further decline to the $20 to shake off futures traders so make sure you leave some USDT for that scenario.
$AVAX is in the accumulation zone.

This is a decent range to get into this project because it is a major support on the 1W timeframe. We might see further decline to the $20 to shake off futures traders so make sure you leave some USDT for that scenario.
$DOT is in the buy zone. If this support area is broken we might see further decline to $4.7, and if it holds we could see a rally up to the $7 range. That's why it is a good idea to start accumulating from this zone, as this seems like a strong support area. {spot}(DOTUSDT)
$DOT is in the buy zone.

If this support area is broken we might see further decline to $4.7, and if it holds we could see a rally up to the $7 range. That's why it is a good idea to start accumulating from this zone, as this seems like a strong support area.
$ID Spot Signal. This is a really good zone to get this project. Entry: 0.41-0.46 SL: 0.39 TP1: 0.4950 TP2: 0.5230 TP3: 0.5588 TP4: 0.5960 {spot}(IDUSDT)
$ID Spot Signal.
This is a really good zone to get this project.

Entry: 0.41-0.46
SL: 0.39
TP1: 0.4950
TP2: 0.5230
TP3: 0.5588
TP4: 0.5960
$IO Volume suggests that many people are looking to get in at the range from $3-4 (-50% from ath). However, if you are looking to long term invest in this project, then it might be a good idea to start accumulating from now. Perhaps a good plan would be: # 10% at market price # 15% at the recent low (3.50) # 20% at $3.00. # 25% at 2.50. # 30% at 2.00. {spot}(IOUSDT)
$IO Volume suggests that many people are looking to get in at the range from $3-4 (-50% from ath). However, if you are looking to long term invest in this project, then it might be a good idea to start accumulating from now. Perhaps a good plan would be:
# 10% at market price
# 15% at the recent low (3.50)
# 20% at $3.00.
# 25% at 2.50.
# 30% at 2.00.
$ENS will most likely retest $24 level before going any further. Entry: $24 TP1 : $26.5 TP2 : $30.15 TP3 : $33.25 TP4 : $36.7 Only use spot.
$ENS will most likely retest $24 level before going any further.

Entry: $24
TP1 : $26.5
TP2 : $30.15
TP3 : $33.25
TP4 : $36.7
Only use spot.
It is probably a good idea to sell some of your altcoin bag when $BTC reaches MA600. There is a really good chance that $BTC will go back down from there. {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(FTMUSDT) {spot}(DOTUSDT)
It is probably a good idea to sell some of your altcoin bag when $BTC reaches MA600. There is a really good chance that $BTC will go back down from there.
Stables dominating the gainer list; Is this the start of another cycle that takes us to 73k $BTC and 4.8k $ETH . Does not hurt to spot buy some of the large caps and set a stoploss just below the low they made yesterday. {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(DOTUSDT) {spot}(FTMUSDT)
Stables dominating the gainer list; Is this the start of another cycle that takes us to 73k $BTC and 4.8k $ETH . Does not hurt to spot buy some of the large caps and set a stoploss just below the low they made yesterday.
$DOT is preparing to make a legendary close on most higher time frames. Is this the head of a reverse head snd shoulders pattern that will take us back to $11?. Either way I'm accumulating as this goes down further. In the short term, I think this current move might take us to at least $6.3 to $6.6 range. {spot}(DOTUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT)
$DOT is preparing to make a legendary close on most higher time frames. Is this the head of a reverse head snd shoulders pattern that will take us back to $11?. Either way I'm accumulating as this goes down further. In the short term, I think this current move might take us to at least $6.3 to $6.6 range.
$ZK is probably undervalued. Scaling solutions for $ETH usually do really well. A good entry for this one is sround 0.15 to 0.20. I expect this to hit at least 0.5 by the end of July. Only buy on spot. {spot}(ZKUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT)
$ZK is probably undervalued.

Scaling solutions for $ETH usually do really well. A good entry for this one is sround 0.15 to 0.20. I expect this to hit at least 0.5 by the end of July. Only buy on spot.
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