Binance Square
iWrite II iDeFi II iCode II Building II Making #Injective easy to navigate II 2corri 5:19
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Iedomājieties, ka jums pieder daļa no uzņēmuma @BlackRock īpašuma, kura cena ir USD BUILD, neticami pareizi 😉 Tas ir tas, ko @Injective ir padarījis iespējamu, izmantojot HelixApp_, padarot to pirmo reizi pastāvīgajam indeksu tirgum, lai izsekotu $BUILD piedāvājumam. BUIDL ir līdz šim lielākais tokenizētais fonds, kura pārvaldīšanā aktīvi ir vairāk nekā USD 500 miljoni. Kad viņi sauc Injective par "RWA mājām", zina, ka tā nav klišeja
Iedomājieties, ka jums pieder daļa no uzņēmuma @BlackRock īpašuma, kura cena ir USD BUILD, neticami pareizi 😉

Tas ir tas, ko @Injective ir padarījis iespējamu, izmantojot HelixApp_, padarot to pirmo reizi pastāvīgajam indeksu tirgum, lai izsekotu $BUILD piedāvājumam.

BUIDL ir līdz šim lielākais tokenizētais fonds, kura pārvaldīšanā aktīvi ir vairāk nekā USD 500 miljoni.

Kad viņi sauc Injective par "RWA mājām", zina, ka tā nav klišeja
Skatīt oriģinālu
165. kārta no @Injective iknedēļas apdegumu izsoles noslēdzās ar vairāk nekā 9 k $INJ  sadedzinātiem Līdz šim kopējais sadedzināto INJ apjoms ir aptuveni 6,1 miljons USD INJ Ņemot vērā neseno tokenomikas jauninājumu, mēs varētu divreiz palielināt kopējo summu, nekā paredzēts Padarot $INJ par vislielāko deflācijas faktoru Apdeguma pierādījums;
165. kārta no @Injective iknedēļas apdegumu izsoles noslēdzās ar vairāk nekā 9 k $INJ  sadedzinātiem

Līdz šim kopējais sadedzināto INJ apjoms ir aptuveni 6,1 miljons USD INJ

Ņemot vērā neseno tokenomikas jauninājumu, mēs varētu divreiz palielināt kopējo summu, nekā paredzēts

Padarot $INJ par vislielāko deflācijas faktoru

Apdeguma pierādījums;
Skatīt oriģinālu
Institūciju kvalitātei, kas atbalsta projektu, ir ļoti liela nozīme, un tas var būt arī viens no faktoriem, kam jāpievērš uzmanība, veicot ieguldījumus. Viens no galvenajiem iemesliem, kādēļ esmu bijis ļoti uzmanīgs par @SAWorld_io, ir tas, ka tas ir BACKERS Ņemot vērā, ka BACKERS patīk - @PanteraCapital - @TheSpartanGroup - @cbventures ar ilgstošu uzticamību telpā Jūs noteikti zināt, ka jums nav jāpazūd @SAWorld_io veidotais $INJ
Institūciju kvalitātei, kas atbalsta projektu, ir ļoti liela nozīme, un tas var būt arī viens no faktoriem, kam jāpievērš uzmanība, veicot ieguldījumus.

Viens no galvenajiem iemesliem, kādēļ esmu bijis ļoti uzmanīgs par @SAWorld_io, ir tas, ka tas ir BACKERS

Ņemot vērā, ka BACKERS patīk
- @PanteraCapital
- @TheSpartanGroup
- @cbventures ar ilgstošu uzticamību telpā

Jūs noteikti zināt, ka jums nav jāpazūd @SAWorld_io veidotais
Skatīt oriģinālu
BalancedDAO, vairāku ķēžu dapp, kas ļauj lietotājiem veikt tādas finanšu darbības kā - aizņemties, - Mainās - Vietējo līdzekļu savienošana dažādās ķēdēs tagad ir palaista pa tālruni @Injective Tas nozīmē, ka injicējoši lietotāji tagad var nemanāmi pārsūtīt līdzekļus starp citām ekosistēmām Šī poza ir izdevīga abiem projektiem. Nindzjas sveic jūs @BalancedDAO
BalancedDAO, vairāku ķēžu dapp, kas ļauj lietotājiem veikt tādas finanšu darbības kā

- aizņemties,
- Mainās
- Vietējo līdzekļu savienošana dažādās ķēdēs tagad ir palaista pa tālruni @Injective

Tas nozīmē, ka injicējoši lietotāji tagad var nemanāmi pārsūtīt līdzekļus starp citām ekosistēmām

Šī poza ir izdevīga abiem projektiem. Nindzjas sveic jūs @BalancedDAO
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vairāk nekā 252 000 cilvēku ir reģistrējušies un ieguvuši savu pirmo universālā domēna vārda pakalpojumu Izmantojot vienu DNS, varat nemanāmi veikt darījumus pa @Solana_Official un @Injective , izmantojot vienu domēna nosaukumu Vēl neesat to ieguvuši, izveidojiet savu 👇🏽
Vairāk nekā 252 000 cilvēku ir reģistrējušies un ieguvuši savu pirmo universālā domēna vārda pakalpojumu

Izmantojot vienu DNS, varat nemanāmi veikt darījumus pa @Solana Official un @Injective , izmantojot vienu domēna nosaukumu

Vēl neesat to ieguvuši, izveidojiet savu 👇🏽
900M ON-CHAIN TRANSACTION 🎉 It's no longer news about how fast @Injective processes its transaction Considering the recent upgrade which slashed blocks time to 0.65s on average, hitting 1 BILLION transactions will come sooner than expected What is your definition of speed 🥷🏽 $INJ

It's no longer news about how fast @Injective processes its transaction

Considering the recent upgrade which slashed blocks time to 0.65s on average, hitting 1 BILLION transactions will come sooner than expected

What is your definition of speed 🥷🏽 $INJ
This is week #34 $INJ STATS looking at the info. below, without mincing words @Injective truly walk the talk - Transaction count (1 BILLION incoming) and they said "chain is dead" 🤡 - The $INJ burn will x2 before ending of Q4 considering the burn rate that comes with the ALTARIS upgrade - Staked $INJ keeps increasing, 💪🏽showing people strength For a POS Layer 1, this is very bullish and I hope you are staying positioned
This is week #34 $INJ STATS

looking at the info. below, without mincing words @Injective truly walk the talk

- Transaction count (1 BILLION incoming) and they said "chain is dead" 🤡

- The $INJ burn will x2 before ending of Q4 considering the burn rate that comes with the ALTARIS upgrade

- Staked $INJ keeps increasing, 💪🏽showing people strength

For a POS Layer 1, this is very bullish and I hope you are staying positioned
THE SEASON 12 of @SAWorld_io HARVEST HEIST has become even 12x better with the introduction of LEGENDARY TICKET Now aside the - slick user interface - enhanced gaming experience - amazing Here is a list of upgrades you should take note of while farming $SAE - Basic tickets now take 6 hours to recharge and you can now buy them from the shop - cap has been placed on the number of seeds to buy in each season, so as to keep a balance in the game NB; Seeds you buy expire after 2 seasons so don't stock so much YOU WANT TO GET STARTED? -- Here's how to farm $SAE $ASG -- Log into the website, and register -- start completing the task NB: Works perfectly with both PC and MOBILE
THE SEASON 12 of @SAWorld_io HARVEST HEIST has become even 12x better with the introduction of LEGENDARY TICKET

Now aside the
- slick user interface
- enhanced gaming experience
- amazing

Here is a list of upgrades you should take note of while farming $SAE

- Basic tickets now take 6 hours to recharge and you can now buy them from the shop

- cap has been placed on the number of seeds to buy in each season, so as to keep a balance in the game

NB; Seeds you buy expire after 2 seasons so don't stock so much

-- Here's how to farm $SAE $ASG

-- Log into the website, and register

-- start completing the task
NB: Works perfectly with both PC and MOBILE
For the past week since the ALTARIS UPGRADE $INJ has been burning 3 digits in USD This is no coincidence Chad, this is an intentional move by the @Injective team to keep $INJ as the most Deflationary POS (proof of stake) chain Burn baby burn 🔥🔥
For the past week since the ALTARIS UPGRADE $INJ has been burning 3 digits in USD

This is no coincidence Chad, this is an intentional move by the @Injective team to keep $INJ as the most Deflationary POS (proof of stake) chain

Burn baby burn 🔥🔥
Hey Blockchain enthusiast, Save the Date, Sept 18, 2024 at MO BAR in Singapore, @Injective will be having an evening session at Injective Function during Token 2049 with @GoogleCloudTech. You don't want to miss out on this one because there you will meet with like minds and connect. Register;… FYI: #TOKEN2049 is one of the world's largest crypto events, bringing together great projects on the space
Hey Blockchain enthusiast, Save the Date, Sept 18, 2024 at MO BAR in Singapore,

@Injective will be having an evening session at Injective Function during Token 2049 with @GoogleCloudTech.

You don't want to miss out on this one because there you will meet with like minds and connect.


FYI: #TOKEN2049 is one of the world's largest crypto events, bringing together great projects on the space
Instead of complaining about the $INJ dip, why don't you take advantage of these juicy APY on MitoFinance Stop keeping your $INJ idle, put them to work. Idle money makes no money Passive income is the game, so play it well
Instead of complaining about the $INJ dip, why don't you take advantage of these juicy APY on MitoFinance

Stop keeping your $INJ idle, put them to work. Idle money makes no money

Passive income is the game, so play it well
The harvest heist $SAE farming season 11 is here, and it came with lots of excitement and upgrades Among which players are already having a feel of (UI), and to foster inclusivity @SAWorld_io added Vietnamese language support. For those who want to get started, - visit - switch to Desktop mode - Log in with your X account and enter the referral code.… LFG famers 👨🏽‍🌾 #airdrop
The harvest heist $SAE farming season 11 is here, and it came with lots of excitement and upgrades

Among which players are already having a feel of (UI), and to foster inclusivity @SAWorld_io added Vietnamese language support.

For those who want to get started,

- visit
- switch to Desktop mode
- Log in with your X account and enter the referral code.…

LFG famers 👨🏽‍🌾 #airdrop
The $INJ - $TON integration is a strategic move to create a more Interoperable DeFi ecosystem This integration transcends simple assets movement, it unlocks a trove of new possibilities. This is another win for INTEROPERABILITY, which is one of @Injective biggest strength🥷🏽
The $INJ - $TON integration is a strategic move to create a more Interoperable DeFi ecosystem

This integration transcends simple assets movement, it unlocks a trove of new possibilities.

This is another win for INTEROPERABILITY, which is one of @Injective biggest strength🥷🏽
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝗔𝗟𝗘𝗥𝗧 @utila_io a digital asset manager now supports @Injective This integration allows users to seamlessly transfer $INJ and view IBC token balances. What does this mean for $INJ users - Managing Injective assets within the Utila platform now comes with a different experience for ninjas. - It also offers automated workflows, improved governance, and simplified exchange integration for a better overall user experience. You wanna try it out ??? See
@utila_io a digital asset manager now supports @Injective

This integration allows users to seamlessly transfer $INJ and view IBC token balances. What does this mean for $INJ users

- Managing Injective assets within the Utila platform now comes with a different experience for ninjas.

- It also offers automated workflows, improved governance, and simplified exchange integration for a better overall user experience.

You wanna try it out ???
The phrase "built for finance" is not a cliche, @Injective is actually built that way - USDM (first yield bearing stable) - Highly Deflationary - Near $0 gas fees - Block time ~663ms - approx. 60% of $INJ staked - $AINJ injective staking ATP - Deep into the VM via inEVM Should I say more ???
The phrase "built for finance" is not a cliche, @Injective is actually built that way

- USDM (first yield bearing stable)
- Highly Deflationary
- Near $0 gas fees
- Block time ~663ms
- approx. 60% of $INJ staked
- $AINJ injective staking ATP
- Deep into the VM via inEVM

Should I say more ???
This week $INJ week #32 stats - Transactions count on the rise, - Total burn is shooting through the roof as we recorded on the highest weekly burn in @injective space - Juicy staking APR etc Numbers don't lie....
This week $INJ week #32 stats

- Transactions count on the rise,
- Total burn is shooting through the roof as we recorded on the highest weekly burn in @injective space
- Juicy staking APR etc

Numbers don't lie....
THE GREAT ESCAPE is finally here !!! This is more like the union of avengers in web3 gaming😁 @SAWorld_io is featuring over 30+ partners and they are giving out 1.7 million $SAE tokens in rewards. So you think you have what it takes to escape the MATRIX by just completing simple task for the biggest $SAE reward pool ever ?? How to get started simply - visit: - sign up and enter referral code 👇🏽 (saworld_rwFEFnFM) - start completing simple task NB: This might be the biggest airdrop yet @injective LFG famers 👨🏽‍🌾
THE GREAT ESCAPE is finally here !!!
This is more like the union of avengers in web3 gaming😁

@SAWorld_io is featuring over 30+ partners and they are giving out 1.7 million $SAE tokens in rewards.

So you think you have what it takes to escape the MATRIX by just completing simple task for the biggest $SAE reward pool ever ??

How to get started simply
- visit:
- sign up and enter referral code 👇🏽
- start completing simple task

NB: This might be the biggest airdrop yet @injective

LFG famers 👨🏽‍🌾
I took out time to check out the @Injective stats and chart from 2022, and boyyyyy.... all I can say is that y'all ain't ready. If you believe in the future of finance, you will believe in @injective. GM to all those still bullish on $INJ regardless of price action
I took out time to check out the @Injective stats and chart from 2022, and boyyyyy.... all I can say is that y'all ain't ready.

If you believe in the future of finance, you will believe in @injective.

GM to all those still bullish on $INJ regardless of price action
The round #161 of the @Injective Weekly burn auction concluded with over 22k+ $INJ burned, Making it the highest burn auction till date. It's just so amazing how the INJ 3.0 upgrade has upscaled the burn mechanism on @injective. For the record a total of $1.8M was burned in July alone, mind blowing right?? This shows that more will be achieved in the coming months Burn proof :
The round #161 of the @Injective
Weekly burn auction concluded with over 22k+ $INJ burned, Making it the highest burn auction till date.

It's just so amazing how the INJ 3.0 upgrade has upscaled the burn mechanism on @injective.

For the record a total of $1.8M was burned in July alone, mind blowing right??

This shows that more will be achieved in the coming months

Burn proof :
I see lots of people saying $INJ won't be able to hit $300 in the Bull market, It's the same people who still talked less about $BNB and $SOL run during the last cycle $INJ run will be televised, and you will watch it 🫵🏽😂
I see lots of people saying $INJ won't be able to hit $300 in the Bull market,

It's the same people who still talked less about $BNB and $SOL run during the last cycle

$INJ run will be televised, and you will watch it 🫵🏽😂
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