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Vai esat dzirdējuši, kas pēdējā laikā notiek ekosistēmā $PROM ? Gatavojieties jauninājumu satricinājumam! $PROM satricina lietas, integrējot Areon Network — revolucionāru Layer 1 tīklu, kas no jauna definē rentabilitātes un stabilitātes noteikumus! Iedomājieties jaudīgu ekosistēmu, kurā zibenīgi ātra veiktspēja, gluda drošība un mērogojamās dApps apvienojas pilnīgā harmonijā. Tieši to būvē $PROM un Areon — decentralizētu utopiju, kurā var attīstīties nākamās paaudzes projekti! Pateicoties Areon progresīvajām tehnoloģijām un Prom vīzijai par spēcīgu infrastruktūru, iespējas ir bezgalīgas. Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo sprādzienbīstamo sadarbību, kas uz visiem laikiem mainīs blokķēdes izskatu! #PromToken #PromEcosystem #AreonNetwork #Innovation
Vai esat dzirdējuši, kas pēdējā laikā notiek ekosistēmā $PROM ?

Gatavojieties jauninājumu satricinājumam! $PROM satricina lietas, integrējot Areon Network — revolucionāru Layer 1 tīklu, kas no jauna definē rentabilitātes un stabilitātes noteikumus!

Iedomājieties jaudīgu ekosistēmu, kurā zibenīgi ātra veiktspēja, gluda drošība un mērogojamās dApps apvienojas pilnīgā harmonijā. Tieši to būvē $PROM un Areon — decentralizētu utopiju, kurā var attīstīties nākamās paaudzes projekti!

Pateicoties Areon progresīvajām tehnoloģijām un Prom vīzijai par spēcīgu infrastruktūru, iespējas ir bezgalīgas.

Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo sprādzienbīstamo sadarbību, kas uz visiem laikiem mainīs blokķēdes izskatu!

#PromToken #PromEcosystem #AreonNetwork #Innovation
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨 Jaunākās ziņas: $PROM Levels Up Ecosystem Security! 🚨 Sagatavojieties spēlei, kas maina sadarbību! Prom ir sajūsmā, ka savā ekosistēmā integrē Omniscia, nozares celmlauži viedajā līgumu auditā! 🤝 Pateicoties Omniscia zināšanām, vairāk nekā 500 projekti ir sasnieguši visaugstāko drošību. Viņu veterānu komanda nodrošina, ka viedie līgumi ir gludi, optimizēti un aizsargāti pret dažādiem uzbrukumiem. 🔒 Drošība ir Prom galvenā prioritāte, un šī partnerība paaugstina lietotāju un produktu drošības latiņu! 🔝 Sekojiet līdzi aizraujošākiem paziņojumiem, jo ​​Prom turpina mainīt Web3 ainavu! 🚀 #Web3 #Security #smartcontracts #PromEcosystem #PromToken
🚨 Jaunākās ziņas: $PROM Levels Up Ecosystem Security! 🚨

Sagatavojieties spēlei, kas maina sadarbību! Prom ir sajūsmā, ka savā ekosistēmā integrē Omniscia, nozares celmlauži viedajā līgumu auditā! 🤝

Pateicoties Omniscia zināšanām, vairāk nekā 500 projekti ir sasnieguši visaugstāko drošību. Viņu veterānu komanda nodrošina, ka viedie līgumi ir gludi, optimizēti un aizsargāti pret dažādiem uzbrukumiem. 🔒

Drošība ir Prom galvenā prioritāte, un šī partnerība paaugstina lietotāju un produktu drošības latiņu! 🔝

Sekojiet līdzi aizraujošākiem paziņojumiem, jo ​​Prom turpina mainīt Web3 ainavu! 🚀
#Web3 #Security #smartcontracts #PromEcosystem #PromToken
Skatīt oriģinālu
$PROM Revolucionizē GameFi ar SoonVerse integrāciju! Gatavojieties revolucionārai sadarbībai! Prom ir sajūsmā paziņojot, ka SoonVerse, vadošās Web3 spēles un metaversu paātrinātājs un inkubators, pievienojas savai plaukstošajai ekosistēmai! SoonVerse apvieno savas zināšanas augstākās klases Web3 spēļu veicināšanā, nodrošinot visaptverošu atbalstu veidotājiem un atklājumu portālu spēlētājiem. Apvienojot Web2 un Web3 spējas, SoonVerse nodrošina vērienīgus spēļu projektus no optimizācijas līdz palaišanai. Šī integrācija iezīmē nozīmīgu pavērsienu Prom ceļojumā, paplašinot GameFi ekosistēmu ar SoonVerse specializētajām zināšanām. Iespējas ir bezgalīgas, un Prom ir gatavs virzīt nozares izaugsmi kā nekad agrāk! Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo aizraujošo partnerību! #PromToken #PromEcosystem #GameFi. #web3
$PROM Revolucionizē GameFi ar SoonVerse integrāciju!

Gatavojieties revolucionārai sadarbībai! Prom ir sajūsmā paziņojot, ka SoonVerse, vadošās Web3 spēles un metaversu paātrinātājs un inkubators, pievienojas savai plaukstošajai ekosistēmai!

SoonVerse apvieno savas zināšanas augstākās klases Web3 spēļu veicināšanā, nodrošinot visaptverošu atbalstu veidotājiem un atklājumu portālu spēlētājiem. Apvienojot Web2 un Web3 spējas, SoonVerse nodrošina vērienīgus spēļu projektus no optimizācijas līdz palaišanai.

Šī integrācija iezīmē nozīmīgu pavērsienu Prom ceļojumā, paplašinot GameFi ekosistēmu ar SoonVerse specializētajām zināšanām. Iespējas ir bezgalīgas, un Prom ir gatavs virzīt nozares izaugsmi kā nekad agrāk!

Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo aizraujošo partnerību!

#PromToken #PromEcosystem #GameFi. #web3
Skatīt oriģinālu
BOOM! $PROM Aizdedzina Web3 revolūciju ar pieejamības integrāciju! Gatavojieties mainīgai savienībai! Prom ir gatavs apvienot spēkus ar Avail Project — labāko Web3 apvienošanas slāni! Kopā viņi nojauc šķēršļus un atbloķē vienotu, mērogojamu un drošu blokķēdes ekosistēmu! Avail revolucionārā tehnoloģija ir slepenā mērce, kas padara to visu iespējamu. Tās moduļu kaudze un apvienošanas slānis ir atslēgas, lai atvērtu jaunu savietojamības un inovāciju laikmetu! Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo sprādzienbīstamo sadarbību, kas uz visiem laikiem mainīs Web3 izskatu! #PromToken #Avail #Web3 #Revolution #PromEcosystem
BOOM! $PROM Aizdedzina Web3 revolūciju ar pieejamības integrāciju!

Gatavojieties mainīgai savienībai! Prom ir gatavs apvienot spēkus ar Avail Project — labāko Web3 apvienošanas slāni! Kopā viņi nojauc šķēršļus un atbloķē vienotu, mērogojamu un drošu blokķēdes ekosistēmu!

Avail revolucionārā tehnoloģija ir slepenā mērce, kas padara to visu iespējamu. Tās moduļu kaudze un apvienošanas slānis ir atslēgas, lai atvērtu jaunu savietojamības un inovāciju laikmetu!

Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo sprādzienbīstamo sadarbību, kas uz visiem laikiem mainīs Web3 izskatu!
#PromToken #Avail #Web3 #Revolution
Skatīt oriģinālu
$PROM ar prieku paziņo, ka ir apvienojis spēkus ar Linear Finance — jaunu decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu ℓUSD likšanai un veidošanai! Lineārās finanses maina veidu, kā lietotāji veido, pārvalda un tirgo sintētiskos un reālos aktīvus — ātri un rentabli! Ar savu gaidāmo tirgu un novatorisko cauruļvadu Linear Finance virza DeFi un Web3 robežas! Prom piekrīt Linear Finance vīzijai par decentralizētu nākotni, kurā dominē pieejamība, pārredzamība un vienotība! Kopā Prom un Linear Finance ir gatavi strauji palielināt savu mērogojamību un izaugsmi, paceļot platformas jaunos augstumos! Sekojiet līdzi vēl aizraujošākiem atjauninājumiem! $LINA #PromToken #PromEcosystem #DeFi
$PROM ar prieku paziņo, ka ir apvienojis spēkus ar Linear Finance — jaunu decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu ℓUSD likšanai un veidošanai!

Lineārās finanses maina veidu, kā lietotāji veido, pārvalda un tirgo sintētiskos un reālos aktīvus — ātri un rentabli!

Ar savu gaidāmo tirgu un novatorisko cauruļvadu Linear Finance virza DeFi un Web3 robežas!

Prom piekrīt Linear Finance vīzijai par decentralizētu nākotni, kurā dominē pieejamība, pārredzamība un vienotība!

Kopā Prom un Linear Finance ir gatavi strauji palielināt savu mērogojamību un izaugsmi, paceļot platformas jaunos augstumos!

Sekojiet līdzi vēl aizraujošākiem atjauninājumiem!

$LINA #PromToken #PromEcosystem #DeFi
Get Ready for a Gaming Revolution! $PROM is thrilled to announce its latest integration with TRALA, a cutting-edge, all-in-one gaming platform! TRALA is on a mission to unite Web3 and Web2 gaming communities, creating a seamless GameFi experience for players of all crypto levels. By joining forces, Prom and TRALA are driving mass adoption in the GameFi space! TRALA's platform is a hub for AAA crypto games, offering a wealth of onboarding tools and expertise. This collaboration will further enrich Prom's ecosystem with valuable knowledge exchange in the gaming realm. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! The future of GameFi has never looked brighter! #AAAgame #GameFi #TRALA #PromToken
Get Ready for a Gaming Revolution!

$PROM is thrilled to announce its latest integration with TRALA, a cutting-edge, all-in-one gaming platform!

TRALA is on a mission to unite Web3 and Web2 gaming communities, creating a seamless GameFi experience for players of all crypto levels. By joining forces, Prom and TRALA are driving mass adoption in the GameFi space!

TRALA's platform is a hub for AAA crypto games, offering a wealth of onboarding tools and expertise. This collaboration will further enrich Prom's ecosystem with valuable knowledge exchange in the gaming realm.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates! The future of GameFi has never looked brighter!

#AAAgame #GameFi #TRALA #PromToken
$PROM Revolutionizes Bitcoin's Potential with TuringBitchain Integration! Get ready for a game-changing collaboration! Prom is thrilled to welcome TuringBitchain, a groundbreaking public blockchain, into its ecosystem! TuringBitchain unlocks Bitcoin's full potential, supercharging its scalability and paving the way for a thriving BVM ecosystem. This powerhouse blockchain already supports NFTs, DeFi, storage, BTCFI, and more, making it a perfect match for Prom's innovative approach. Prom and TuringBitchain share a common mission: to elevate the Bitcoin ecosystem through cutting-edge technology. By joining forces, they'll explore new collaboration opportunities, driving future technical advancements. Stay tuned for exciting updates on this revolutionary integration! Prom is pushing the boundaries of what's possible, and you won't want to miss it! #PromToken #PromEcosystem
$PROM Revolutionizes Bitcoin's Potential with TuringBitchain Integration!

Get ready for a game-changing collaboration! Prom is thrilled to welcome TuringBitchain, a groundbreaking public blockchain, into its ecosystem!

TuringBitchain unlocks Bitcoin's full potential, supercharging its scalability and paving the way for a thriving BVM ecosystem. This powerhouse blockchain already supports NFTs, DeFi, storage, BTCFI, and more, making it a perfect match for Prom's innovative approach.

Prom and TuringBitchain share a common mission: to elevate the Bitcoin ecosystem through cutting-edge technology. By joining forces, they'll explore new collaboration opportunities, driving future technical advancements.

Stay tuned for exciting updates on this revolutionary integration! Prom is pushing the boundaries of what's possible, and you won't want to miss it!

#PromToken #PromEcosystem
Game-Changer! 🚀 $PROM 's ecosystem just got a whole lot stronger! 🤩 Prom is excited to announce that XRADERS, a revolutionary AI-powered decentralized expert curation platform, is now part of Prom's family! 🤝 XRADERS is changing the game by providing real-time market insights through a community-driven approach that rewards expert opinions. It's like having a superpower in your trading arsenal! 💪 Prom is pumped to collaborate with XRADERS and make DeFi interactions more engaging, fun, and rewarding. Stay tuned for exciting updates and announcements! 📣 Let's shape the future of Web3 together! 🚀 #Xraders #PromToken #DeFi #GameFi. #Web3
Game-Changer! 🚀

$PROM 's ecosystem just got a whole lot stronger! 🤩 Prom is excited to announce that XRADERS, a revolutionary AI-powered decentralized expert curation platform, is now part of Prom's family! 🤝

XRADERS is changing the game by providing real-time market insights through a community-driven approach that rewards expert opinions. It's like having a superpower in your trading arsenal! 💪

Prom is pumped to collaborate with XRADERS and make DeFi interactions more engaging, fun, and rewarding.

Stay tuned for exciting updates and announcements! 📣

Let's shape the future of Web3 together! 🚀 #Xraders #PromToken #DeFi #GameFi. #Web3
$PROM Revolutionizes Web3 Sports with LILLIUS Integration! Get ready for a game-changing collaboration! Prom is thrilled to welcome LILLIUS, a trailblazing Web3 sports challenge platform, into its ecosystem! LILLIUS is transforming the fitness and sports landscape with cutting-edge blockchain and AI technology. Imagine a personalized fitness journey with precise motion recognition, rewarded with exclusive tokens and insights from over 70 sports stars and influencers! With LILLIUS on board, Prom's ecosystem is poised to revolutionize daily interactions in the Web3 space. Expect valuable discussions, innovative collaborations, and exciting announcements as Prom and LILLIUS join forces to shape the future of Web3 sports and fitness! Stay tuned for more updates on this groundbreaking integration! #LILLIUS #PromEcosystem #Web3
$PROM Revolutionizes Web3 Sports with LILLIUS Integration!

Get ready for a game-changing collaboration! Prom is thrilled to welcome LILLIUS, a trailblazing Web3 sports challenge platform, into its ecosystem!

LILLIUS is transforming the fitness and sports landscape with cutting-edge blockchain and AI technology. Imagine a personalized fitness journey with precise motion recognition, rewarded with exclusive tokens and insights from over 70 sports stars and influencers!

With LILLIUS on board, Prom's ecosystem is poised to revolutionize daily interactions in the Web3 space. Expect valuable discussions, innovative collaborations, and exciting announcements as Prom and LILLIUS join forces to shape the future of Web3 sports and fitness!

Stay tuned for more updates on this groundbreaking integration!

#LILLIUS #PromEcosystem #Web3
$PROM 's Ecosystem Just Leveled Up! 🚀 Prom's thrilled to integrate NADA Protocol, a trailblazing GameFi platform, into Prom's universe! 😁😆 Get ready to experience the ultimate blockchain gaming adventure with NADA Protocol! With NADA Protocol's cutting-edge mobile games and P2E mechanics, Prom's ecosystem is about to get a whole lot more exciting! The Prom ecosystem is gaining firsthand expertise in gamification mechanics, which is valuable for all the projects in its ecosystem. Stay tuned for more updates - the future of gaming has never looked brighter! #PromEcosystem #GameFi #NADAProtocol
$PROM 's Ecosystem Just Leveled Up! 🚀

Prom's thrilled to integrate NADA Protocol, a trailblazing GameFi platform, into Prom's universe! 😁😆

Get ready to experience the ultimate blockchain gaming adventure with NADA Protocol! With NADA Protocol's cutting-edge mobile games and P2E mechanics, Prom's ecosystem is about to get a whole lot more exciting!

The Prom ecosystem is gaining firsthand expertise in gamification mechanics, which is valuable for all the projects in its ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more updates - the future of gaming has never looked brighter!
#PromEcosystem #GameFi #NADAProtocol
🤝 Meet Abelian, a cutting-edge quantum-resistant blockchain infrastructure and the latest addition to $PROM 's ecosystem! 🌐 Abelian sets a new standard for blockchain security, ensuring complete protection against quantum computer attacks with post-quantum cryptographic algorithms. 🔒 Plus, it prioritizes user and transaction privacy with regulatory compliance and third-party tracking tags - aligning with Prom's core values! 🙌 Prom is thrilled to collaborate with Abelian and drive ecosystem exchange to explore further security enhancements in the fast-evolving Web3 landscape! 🌟 Stay tuned for more updates! 📣 #Prom #Abelian #Web3 #BlockchainSecurity
🤝 Meet Abelian, a cutting-edge quantum-resistant blockchain infrastructure and the latest addition to $PROM 's ecosystem! 🌐

Abelian sets a new standard for blockchain security, ensuring complete protection against quantum computer attacks with post-quantum cryptographic algorithms. 🔒

Plus, it prioritizes user and transaction privacy with regulatory compliance and third-party tracking tags - aligning with Prom's core values! 🙌

Prom is thrilled to collaborate with Abelian and drive ecosystem exchange to explore further security enhancements in the fast-evolving Web3 landscape! 🌟

Stay tuned for more updates! 📣
#Prom #Abelian #Web3 #BlockchainSecurity
Big News! $PROM has integrated Fandom Studio into its ecosystem! Fandom Studio is the pioneering Fan-Fi project that connects communities with artists through NFTs and fan tokens, revolutionizing the entertainment content industry with Web3 tools! By empowering content creators and global artists, Fandom Studio builds diverse cultural, artistic, and entertainment content, boosting brand awareness and driving adoption of premium NFT collections. And the excitement doesn't stop there - Fandom Studio's partners include TikTok, one of the largest social platforms for short video content! Prom and its ecosystem members are thrilled to explore fresh community-building avenues with Fandom's expertise in content management! Stay tuned for more updates! #PromEcosystem #Fandom #NFT​ #TikTok #Web3Tools
Big News! $PROM has integrated Fandom Studio into its ecosystem!

Fandom Studio is the pioneering Fan-Fi project that connects communities with artists through NFTs and fan tokens, revolutionizing the entertainment content industry with Web3 tools! By empowering content creators and global artists, Fandom Studio builds diverse cultural, artistic, and entertainment content, boosting brand awareness and driving adoption of premium NFT collections. And the excitement doesn't stop there - Fandom Studio's partners include TikTok, one of the largest social platforms for short video content!

Prom and its ecosystem members are thrilled to explore fresh community-building avenues with Fandom's expertise in content management!

Stay tuned for more updates!

#PromEcosystem #Fandom #NFT​ #TikTok #Web3Tools
Hello Web3 gamers! I want you to meet $PROM 's new partner: BubbleFong Friends! BubbleFong Friends is a vibrant Play-to-Earn project inspired by classic arcade puzzle games, offering fun gameplay for all experience levels and a sustainable P2E mechanism to boost engagement. With a long-term strategic approach, BubbleFong Friends is set to make waves in the global esports scene. $PROM is excited to have them join its GameFi ecosystem, bringing top-notch gaming expertise to the table. $PROM ecosystem just got a whole lot stronger! Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting partnership! #PROM #BubbleFongFriends #GameFi
Hello Web3 gamers! I want you to meet $PROM 's new partner: BubbleFong Friends!

BubbleFong Friends is a vibrant Play-to-Earn project inspired by classic arcade puzzle games, offering fun gameplay for all experience levels and a sustainable P2E mechanism to boost engagement. With a long-term strategic approach, BubbleFong Friends is set to make waves in the global esports scene.

$PROM is excited to have them join its GameFi ecosystem, bringing top-notch gaming expertise to the table. $PROM ecosystem just got a whole lot stronger!

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting partnership!

#PROM #BubbleFongFriends #GameFi
Win-Win! Meet another addition to the $PROM ecosystem: NIRVANA! Get ready to level up your gaming experience! Prom is electrified to welcome NIRVANA, a revolutionary one-stop gaming ecosystem, to its vibrant community! NIRVANA Project is a game-changer, harnessing blockchain technology to unite points and digital assets across platforms and games. This innovative platform rewards both developers and users, creating a win-win scenario! With NIRVANA's cutting-edge infrastructure, blockchain integration into game projects becomes seamless, paving the way for a connected Web3 gaming ecosystem. Prom is thrilled to join forces with NIRVANA, unlocking boundless opportunities for gaming projects within it's ecosystem. Stay tuned for more thrilling announcements! #PromEcosystem #NIRVANAProject #Web3Gaming

Meet another addition to the $PROM ecosystem: NIRVANA!

Get ready to level up your gaming experience! Prom is electrified to welcome NIRVANA, a revolutionary one-stop gaming ecosystem, to its vibrant community!

NIRVANA Project is a game-changer, harnessing blockchain technology to unite points and digital assets across platforms and games. This innovative platform rewards both developers and users, creating a win-win scenario!

With NIRVANA's cutting-edge infrastructure, blockchain integration into game projects becomes seamless, paving the way for a connected Web3 gaming ecosystem.

Prom is thrilled to join forces with NIRVANA, unlocking boundless opportunities for gaming projects within it's ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more thrilling announcements!

#PromEcosystem #NIRVANAProject #Web3Gaming
Experience the Future of DeFi on Bitcoin 🚀 Hello web3 enthusiast, here's the news you've been waiting for! $PROM and BITLiquidity joining forces to revolutionize DeFi on Bitcoin! BITLiquidity is a game-changer - the first L1 + L2 Liquidity aggregator on Bitcoin, bringing efficiency and unity to the trading experience! With BITLiquidity, you'll get access to a suite of solutions, including: • Trading aggregator • Earning platform • Bridge • Lending • Borrowing solutions As a multichain solution, Prom is excited to share its expertise and collaborate with BITLiquidity to drive innovation and growth across its ecosystem. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to experience the future of DeFi on Bitcoin! #PromEcosystem #BITLiquidity #Web3
Experience the Future of DeFi on Bitcoin 🚀

Hello web3 enthusiast, here's the news you've been waiting for! $PROM and BITLiquidity joining forces to revolutionize DeFi on Bitcoin!

BITLiquidity is a game-changer - the first L1 + L2 Liquidity aggregator on Bitcoin, bringing efficiency and unity to the trading experience!

With BITLiquidity, you'll get access to a suite of solutions, including:

• Trading aggregator
• Earning platform
• Bridge
• Lending
• Borrowing solutions

As a multichain solution, Prom is excited to share its expertise and collaborate with BITLiquidity to drive innovation and growth across its ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to experience the future of DeFi on Bitcoin!

#PromEcosystem #BITLiquidity #Web3
Web3 Just Got More Socal! 📱 Hello Web3 enthusiasts! 🤖 Have you heard the exciting news? 🤔 $PROM is thrilled to announce that Dechat has joined its ecosystem! 🚀 Dechat is a game-changer in web3 communications, offering a secure and open protocol for decentralized user interactions. 🤝 Imagine a platform where you can chat, transfer assets, and enjoy rich messaging options, all while maintaining control over your digital identity and assets! 🤩 Stay tuned for more updates on this collaboration and get ready to experience the future of social interactions! #Dechat #PromEcosystem #Web3
Web3 Just Got More Socal! 📱

Hello Web3 enthusiasts! 🤖 Have you heard the exciting news? 🤔 $PROM is thrilled to announce that Dechat has joined its ecosystem! 🚀

Dechat is a game-changer in web3 communications, offering a secure and open protocol for decentralized user interactions. 🤝 Imagine a platform where you can chat, transfer assets, and enjoy rich messaging options, all while maintaining control over your digital identity and assets! 🤩

Stay tuned for more updates on this collaboration and get ready to experience the future of social interactions!

#Dechat #PromEcosystem #Web3
Boosting Web3 Innovation: $PROM Ecosystem Welcomes ARPA In a significant development, the Prom ecosystem has announced the integration of ARPA, a permissionless threshold BLS signature network. This move is expected to bolster the ecosystem's infrastructure and enhance its capabilities. ARPA's verifiable on-chain randomness oracle, Randcast, is now live on multiple chains, including Ethereum, Optimism, Base, and Redstone. This integration is anticipated to have a profound impact on Web3 gaming and beyond. The collaboration is expected to facilitate cross-product innovation and exchange within the Prom ecosystem. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to level up your Web3 experience! 🚀 #PromEcosystem #ARPA #Web3Gaming
Boosting Web3 Innovation: $PROM Ecosystem Welcomes ARPA

In a significant development, the Prom ecosystem has announced the integration of ARPA, a permissionless threshold BLS signature network. This move is expected to bolster the ecosystem's infrastructure and enhance its capabilities.

ARPA's verifiable on-chain randomness oracle, Randcast, is now live on multiple chains, including Ethereum, Optimism, Base, and Redstone. This integration is anticipated to have a profound impact on Web3 gaming and beyond.

The collaboration is expected to facilitate cross-product innovation and exchange within the Prom ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to level up your Web3 experience!

🚀 #PromEcosystem #ARPA #Web3Gaming
Unlocking a World of Artistic Innovation! $PROM Ecosystem just got a whole lot more creative as it welcomes Art de Finance, a revolutionary platform that's bridging the gap between traditional art and blockchain! 🌉 Art de Finance is a game-changer, making art accessible to all through education, culture, and community-driven experiences. And with their blockchain expertise, they're opening up new economic opportunities for artists and art lovers alike! 🚀 This strategic partnership unlocks a world of possibilities for the ecosystem, driving innovation and adoption in the NFT-Fi art sector. Get ready for exciting collaborations, new use cases, and a whole lot more! 🤩 Stay tuned for updates and let's celebrate this milestone together! 🎉 #ArtMeetsBlockchain #Web3 #Prom
Unlocking a World of Artistic Innovation!

$PROM Ecosystem just got a whole lot more creative as it welcomes Art de Finance, a revolutionary platform that's bridging the gap between traditional art and blockchain! 🌉

Art de Finance is a game-changer, making art accessible to all through education, culture, and community-driven experiences. And with their blockchain expertise, they're opening up new economic opportunities for artists and art lovers alike! 🚀

This strategic partnership unlocks a world of possibilities for the ecosystem, driving innovation and adoption in the NFT-Fi art sector. Get ready for exciting collaborations, new use cases, and a whole lot more! 🤩

Stay tuned for updates and let's celebrate this milestone together! 🎉

#ArtMeetsBlockchain #Web3 #Prom
Game-Changer: $PROM Ecosystem Welcomes MVL Chain! ⛓️ Meet MVL, a trailblazing Web3 mobility ecosystem that's joining forces with Prom! MVL is on a mission to revolutionize the mobility industry by harnessing the power of blockchain technology. They're building a decentralized database using MVL DePIN, exploring real-world asset curves through NFTs, and incentivizing mobility data contributors through their Mobility Incentive Protocol. As the first DePIN project to join the Prom ecosystem, MVL brings a wealth of expertise and innovation to the table. This collaboration is poised to propel the blockchain ecosystem to new heights, benefiting all members and paving the way for a decentralized future! Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting partnership! The future of Web3 mobility has arrived, and it's looking brighter than ever! #MVLchain #Prom #Web3Mobility #BlockchainTechnology #DePIN #MobilityIncentiveProtocol
Game-Changer: $PROM Ecosystem Welcomes MVL Chain! ⛓️

Meet MVL, a trailblazing Web3 mobility ecosystem that's joining forces with Prom!

MVL is on a mission to revolutionize the mobility industry by harnessing the power of blockchain technology. They're building a decentralized database using MVL DePIN, exploring real-world asset curves through NFTs, and incentivizing mobility data contributors through their Mobility Incentive Protocol.

As the first DePIN project to join the Prom ecosystem, MVL brings a wealth of expertise and innovation to the table. This collaboration is poised to propel the blockchain ecosystem to new heights, benefiting all members and paving the way for a decentralized future!

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting partnership!

The future of Web3 mobility has arrived, and it's looking brighter than ever!

#MVLchain #Prom #Web3Mobility #BlockchainTechnology #DePIN #MobilityIncentiveProtocol
Level Up Your Gaming Experience! 🎮 Exciting! The $PROM ecosystem is excited to collaborate with Covenant Child team to drive GameFi adoption forward. Covenant Child is a revolutionary mobile P2E game that's changing the GameFi landscape! • Immerse yourself in a rich strategy RPG experience • Enjoy sustainable gameplay that balances fun and rewards • Seamless blockchain integration for a hassle-free experience Whether you're a Web3 veteran or new to GameFi, Covenant Child is the perfect gateway to exciting new adventures! Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to level up your gaming experience! #Prom #CovenantChild #GameFi #P2E #Gaming #Web3
Level Up Your Gaming Experience! 🎮

Exciting! The $PROM ecosystem is excited to collaborate with Covenant Child team to drive GameFi adoption forward.

Covenant Child is a revolutionary mobile P2E game that's changing the GameFi landscape!

• Immerse yourself in a rich strategy RPG experience
• Enjoy sustainable gameplay that balances fun and rewards
• Seamless blockchain integration for a hassle-free experience

Whether you're a Web3 veteran or new to GameFi, Covenant Child is the perfect gateway to exciting new adventures!

Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to level up your gaming experience!

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