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XRP cenu prognoze uzsilst: 10 $ mērķa peldēšana, ko atbalsta potenciālā ETF palaišana 🚀📈 📈 XRP pieaug? Ripple vietējā marķiera XRP cena atkal ir aktuāla tēma. Bitcoin investors TheWignus ar lielu sekotāju skaitu sociālajos medijos ir prognozējis pieaugumu līdz 10 USD, ko veicinās potenciālā XRP biržā tirgotā fonda (ETF) darbības uzsākšana 2025. gadā. #Xrp🔥🔥 🗣️ Ripple izpilddirektors sniedz mājienus par 2025. gada XRP ETF palaišanu TheWignus prognozes izriet no Ripple izpilddirektora Breda Gārlinghausa komentāriem. Nesenā intervijā Gārlinghauss pauda pārliecību, ka tūlītējs ETF XRP varētu būt pieejams līdz 2025. gadam. Viņš uzsvēra, ka ir vērts piedāvāt daudzveidīgākas ieguldījumu iespējas kriptovalūtu tirgū, kas pārsniedz Bitcoin un Ethereum ETF. #cryptoETF 🔥 Sabiedrības satraukums un vēsturiskas paralēles Gārlinghausa optimistiskā perspektīva ir izraisījusi sajūsmu XRP kopienā. TheWignus cenu mērķis ir balstīts uz pieņēmumu, ka XRP ETF ievērojami palielinātu pieprasījumu, līdzīgi kā Bitcoin cena pieauga pēc Bitcoin spot ETF ieviešanas ASV.#CryptoCommunity#xrparmy 📊 Lai sasniegtu 10 $, ir nepieciešams milzīgs lēciens Tomēr ir svarīgi atzīmēt, ka XRP pašlaik tirgojas aptuveni USD 0,499, kas nozīmē, ka, lai sasniegtu USD 10, būtu nepieciešams satriecošs pieaugums par 1904%. 💬 Citi analītiķi dalās ar augstprātīgu noskaņojumu Kamēr TheWignus saista savu prognozi ar ETF, arī citi analītiķi ir pauduši pārliecību par XRP potenciālu sasniegt 10 USD šajā bullīšu skrējienā. Daži, piemēram, dienas tirgotāja Emīlija, uzskata, ka XRP neizbēgami sasniegs 10 USD, ja Bitcoin palielināsies līdz 100 000 USD. Citi, piemēram, Niks no Web3Alert, norāda uz vēsturiskiem modeļiem un apgalvo, ka ir gaidāms ievērojams XRP cenu pieaugums. 🤔 Ne visi ir pārliecināti Neskatoties uz bullish noskaņojumu, daži joprojām ir skeptiski. XRP zemā veiktspēja pašreizējā tirgus ciklā, kad tā cena ir iestrēgusi zem 1 USD, daudzi ir likuši noraidīt šīs prognozes kā pārāk optimistiskas. ### ⚠️ Atruna Šis raksts ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. $XRP

XRP cenu prognoze uzsilst: 10 $ mērķa peldēšana, ko atbalsta potenciālā ETF palaišana 🚀📈

📈 XRP pieaug?

Ripple vietējā marķiera XRP cena atkal ir aktuāla tēma. Bitcoin investors TheWignus ar lielu sekotāju skaitu sociālajos medijos ir prognozējis pieaugumu līdz 10 USD, ko veicinās potenciālā XRP biržā tirgotā fonda (ETF) darbības uzsākšana 2025. gadā. #Xrp🔥🔥

🗣️ Ripple izpilddirektors sniedz mājienus par 2025. gada XRP ETF palaišanu

TheWignus prognozes izriet no Ripple izpilddirektora Breda Gārlinghausa komentāriem. Nesenā intervijā Gārlinghauss pauda pārliecību, ka tūlītējs ETF XRP varētu būt pieejams līdz 2025. gadam. Viņš uzsvēra, ka ir vērts piedāvāt daudzveidīgākas ieguldījumu iespējas kriptovalūtu tirgū, kas pārsniedz Bitcoin un Ethereum ETF. #cryptoETF

🔥 Sabiedrības satraukums un vēsturiskas paralēles

Gārlinghausa optimistiskā perspektīva ir izraisījusi sajūsmu XRP kopienā. TheWignus cenu mērķis ir balstīts uz pieņēmumu, ka XRP ETF ievērojami palielinātu pieprasījumu, līdzīgi kā Bitcoin cena pieauga pēc Bitcoin spot ETF ieviešanas ASV.#CryptoCommunity#xrparmy

📊 Lai sasniegtu 10 $, ir nepieciešams milzīgs lēciens

Tomēr ir svarīgi atzīmēt, ka XRP pašlaik tirgojas aptuveni USD 0,499, kas nozīmē, ka, lai sasniegtu USD 10, būtu nepieciešams satriecošs pieaugums par 1904%.

💬 Citi analītiķi dalās ar augstprātīgu noskaņojumu

Kamēr TheWignus saista savu prognozi ar ETF, arī citi analītiķi ir pauduši pārliecību par XRP potenciālu sasniegt 10 USD šajā bullīšu skrējienā. Daži, piemēram, dienas tirgotāja Emīlija, uzskata, ka XRP neizbēgami sasniegs 10 USD, ja Bitcoin palielināsies līdz 100 000 USD. Citi, piemēram, Niks no Web3Alert, norāda uz vēsturiskiem modeļiem un apgalvo, ka ir gaidāms ievērojams XRP cenu pieaugums.

🤔 Ne visi ir pārliecināti

Neskatoties uz bullish noskaņojumu, daži joprojām ir skeptiski. XRP zemā veiktspēja pašreizējā tirgus ciklā, kad tā cena ir iestrēgusi zem 1 USD, daudzi ir likuši noraidīt šīs prognozes kā pārāk optimistiskas.

### ⚠️ Atruna

Šis raksts ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu.


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Ripple CTO Denies Rumors of Abandoning XRP ❌💬 🚨 Misconception Spreads on Social Media Whispers of Ripple potentially abandoning its native token, XRP, have been swirling in the crypto community. This speculation intensified after a quote on Ripple CTO David Schwartz's social media profile sparked concern. #Ripple💰 #XRPGoal ### 📜 Quote Fuels Speculation The quote, highlighted by an X user, detailed a fictional scenario where a financial startup battles corruption to launch an instant payment system. Facing immense pressure, the startup is forced to choose between its vision and survival. Some within the XRP community perceived this as an allegory for Ripple potentially abandoning XRP. #CryptoRumors #SocialMediaBuzz ### 🗣️ Schwartz Clarifies the Misunderstanding Swiftly addressing the rumors, Schwartz clarified that the quote was not a reflection of reality, but rather a fictional movie pitch. While the themes might resonate with real-world challenges, it doesn't represent Ripple's current situation. #FactCheck #DavidSchwartz ### 🔍 Importance of Addressing Rumors Schwartz's prompt action is particularly important given Ripple's upcoming stablecoin launch. Critics had previously speculated that the stablecoin would replace XRP, especially for cross-border payments using RippleNet (formerly ODL). #Stablecoin #CryptoNews🚀🔥 ### 🛡️ Ripple Reiterates Commitment to XRP These rumors have been repeatedly refuted by Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse, who has emphasized the company's unwavering commitment to XRP. #BradGarlinghouse #RippleXRP ### ⚠️ Disclaimer This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. $XRP
Crypto Pundit Steingraber Sets Bold Price Targets for BTC, ETH, and XRP 🚀📈 Cryptocurrency commentator Chad Steingraber has made some eye-catching predictions for the top prices of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and XRP in the current market cycle. #CryptoNews #CryptoPredictions 📉 XRP Lags Behind While major cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, and SOL have seen significant gains this year, XRP has been a notable exception, currently down 18%. However, Steingraber believes XRP is primed for a massive upswing, similar to its performance in 2017. Back then, XRP lagged behind initially before skyrocketing a staggering 48,823%. #XRP #CryptoComeback ### 💡 Steingraber's Price Predictions * **Bitcoin (BTC):** $250,000 - This aligns with projections from other analysts like Tim Draper and Raoul Pal. #Bitcoin #BTC * **Ethereum (ETH):** $25,000 - This is slightly higher than VanEck's prediction of $22,000 but significantly lower than Standard Chartered's $8,000-$14,000 range. #Ethereum #ETH * **XRP:** $250 - This is by far the most ambitious target, requiring a staggering 50,000% increase from its current price. #XRP #CryptoBull 🔍 Market Response While Steingraber's predictions have generated discussion, some analysts highlight the vast differences in the required percentage increases. Bitcoin would need a 3.5x jump, while Ethereum requires a 6.3x rise. XRP, however, needs a mind-boggling 500x surge for Steingraber's target to be met. #CryptoAnalysis #MarketTrends ⚠️ Important Disclaimer This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Cryptocurrency markets are inherently volatile, and any investment decision should involve thorough research and personal risk assessment. #CryptoInvesting💰📈📊 #FinancialAdvice #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #BTC $BTC $ETH $XRP
💰 From Chump Change to Cha-Ching: PEPE Trader Scores 958,580x Return! 🚀 #CryptoGains2024 The PEPE token has been on a tear lately, reaching its all-time high and making some investors very happy. But one trader's story takes the cake! 🎂 With a strategic investment and some serious patience, a single individual turned a mere $83 into a life-changing $79.4 million – a mind-blowing 958,580 times return! 🌟 **Blockchain Detectives Uncover the Strategy** 🕵️‍♂️ This incredible feat was unearthed by blockchain analysis firm Lookonchain. They traced the activity back to a single trader managing three interconnected wallets. Back in April 2023, this mastermind used a combined 0.041 ETH (around $83) to scoop up a massive 6.44 trillion PEPE tokens. 💎 The key to this success? Holding power. 💪 The trader didn't flinch as the PEPE value rocketed. They held onto their entire stash, letting the gains pile up. 📈 **From Pennies to Riches: The Trades Breakdown** 💸 Lookonchain pinpointed the exact transactions that triggered this meteoric rise. On April 15th, 2023, across three separate wallets (all belonging to the same individual), a flurry of activity took place on Uniswap V3. * **Wallet 1:** Swapped 0.0143 ETH ($28.73) for a cool 2.14 trillion PEPE tokens. * **Wallet 2:** Traded 0.0135 ETH ($27.23) for roughly 2.1 trillion tokens. * **Wallet 3:** Exchanged 0.0133 ETH ($26.85) for approximately 2.2 trillion tokens. Back then, PEPE was trading for a measly $0.0000000658 per token. Fast forward to today, and the price has skyrocketed by a staggering 21,564.48 times according to CoinMarketCap, reaching $0.00001232. 🤑 **PEPE's Bullish Outlook** 📈 Things are looking good for PEPE technically as well. The daily chart's MACD indicator is flashing bullish signals, with the MACD line positioned above the signal line. This suggests the upward trend has room to run. 🟢 **Remember, this is not financial advice!** 🛑 🔍 #CryptoWins #PepeToken #Dyor2024 #PEPEATH $PEPE
🍕 Bitcoin Pizza Day: A Look Back at Bitcoin's Price Journey 📈 #bitcoinpizzaday Every May 22nd, the crypto world celebrates Bitcoin Pizza Day, commemorating the first real-world Bitcoin transaction in 2010. On this day, Laszlo Hanyecz, a programmer from Florida, famously traded 10,000 BTC for two pizzas. Back then, Bitcoin was in its infancy, and those 10,000 BTC were practically worthless. Fast forward to today, and those same 10,000 BTC would be worth a staggering sum, making Hanyecz's pizza purchase a legendary – and slightly regretful – moment in Bitcoin history. **A Look Back at Bitcoin's Price on Pizza Day** 🗓️ May 22nd, 2011: Just a year later, Bitcoin was still very cheap, trading around $7.57. The total trading volume for the day was a mere $23,811, compared to billions of dollars today. 💵 May 22nd, 2012: The price dipped to a low of $4.37, but this year also saw Bitcoin's first halving event, which helped push the price up in the following year. 📉 May 22nd, 2013: Thanks to the halving effect, Bitcoin's price jumped a whopping 2,737% to reach $124 on Pizza Day. This marked the last time Bitcoin would ever trade below $100. 🚀 May 22nd, 2016: This was the final year Bitcoin dipped below $1,000 on Pizza Day. By then, 10,000 BTC would have been worth around $5.2 million. The network also underwent its second halving event this year. 💰 May 22nd, 2020: Bitcoin's value had skyrocketed to $9,232, representing a 1,658% increase from 2016. Those 10,000 BTC would have been worth roughly $100 million. 🤑 May 22nd, 2023 (and 2022): Bitcoin faced some setbacks, dipping back to the $20,000 range on these Pizza Days. 📉 May 22nd, 2024 (Today): Bitcoin is currently trading around $70,448, making those 10,000 BTC an eye-watering $704 million! 💎 **Bitcoin Pizza Day: A Reminder of Crypto's Volatility** ⚠️ 🌐 #CryptoHistory #BTC☀️ #CryptoVolatility #btc70k $BTC
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