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Keitlina Dženere kļūst par kriptovalūtas izejas krāpniecības upuri 🚨💸 Keitlina Dženere, ievērojama mediju personība, ir kļuvusi par jaunāko vērienīgo kriptovalūtas izejas krāpniecības upuri. Krāpniecība, kas saistīta ar mēmu monētu ar nosaukumu JENNER, ir radījusi investorus satraukumā un radījusi bažas par pat labi pazīstamu personu neaizsargātību pret šīm krāpnieciskajām shēmām. Saskaņā ar ziņojumiem Dženeres kontu manipulēja starpnieks vārdā Sahils, kurš savā sociālo mediju rokturā reklamēja JENNER žetonu. Žetons, kas tika palaists Solanas platformā, sākotnēji palielinājās līdz 20 miljonu ASV dolāru tirgus kapitalizācijai, pirms tā nokrita. Attīstītājs aiz marķiera pārdeva visas savas līdzdalības, atstājot investoriem ievērojamus zaudējumus. Šis incidents parāda, cik viegli krāpnieki var manipulēt pat ar ievērojamām personām, izmantojot sociālās inženierijas taktiku, lai reklamētu savus krāpnieciskos projektus. Tas arī uzsver rūpīgas uzticamības pārbaudes un investīciju iespēju pārbaudes nozīmi kriptovalūtu tirgū. #CryptoScams#ExitScams#CaitlynJenner#JENNER #Cryptocurrency #InvestmentScams #Blockchain #CryptoNewsCommunity

Keitlina Dženere kļūst par kriptovalūtas izejas krāpniecības upuri 🚨💸

Keitlina Dženere, ievērojama mediju personība, ir kļuvusi par jaunāko vērienīgo kriptovalūtas izejas krāpniecības upuri. Krāpniecība, kas saistīta ar mēmu monētu ar nosaukumu JENNER, ir radījusi investorus satraukumā un radījusi bažas par pat labi pazīstamu personu neaizsargātību pret šīm krāpnieciskajām shēmām.

Saskaņā ar ziņojumiem Dženeres kontu manipulēja starpnieks vārdā Sahils, kurš savā sociālo mediju rokturā reklamēja JENNER žetonu. Žetons, kas tika palaists Solanas platformā, sākotnēji palielinājās līdz 20 miljonu ASV dolāru tirgus kapitalizācijai, pirms tā nokrita. Attīstītājs aiz marķiera pārdeva visas savas līdzdalības, atstājot investoriem ievērojamus zaudējumus.

Šis incidents parāda, cik viegli krāpnieki var manipulēt pat ar ievērojamām personām, izmantojot sociālās inženierijas taktiku, lai reklamētu savus krāpnieciskos projektus. Tas arī uzsver rūpīgas uzticamības pārbaudes un investīciju iespēju pārbaudes nozīmi kriptovalūtu tirgū.

#CryptoScams#ExitScams#CaitlynJenner#JENNER #Cryptocurrency #InvestmentScams #Blockchain #CryptoNewsCommunity

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Massive Mt. Gox Bitcoin Transfer Sparks Market Concerns 🤖 Bitcoin ($BTC ) experienced a 2% dip after wallets belonging to the defunct cryptocurrency exchange #MtGox钱包动态 moved a staggering 75,021 BTC, worth approximately $5 billion, to an unknown wallet. This transfer has sparked concerns among the crypto community, as it could potentially impact the broader Bitcoin market. Breakdown of the Massive Transfer 🔍 According to blockchain research firm Arkham Intelligence, the transfers occurred in multiple batches between 01:41 and 02:54 UTC on May 28th, with most of the transactions moving 2,000 BTC at a time. Additionally, Mt. Gox moved an additional 32,137 BTC to the same address at 04:11 UTC, bringing the total holdings to over $5 billion worth of Bitcoin. Potential Impact on the Bitcoin Market 💰 The sudden movement of such a large amount of Bitcoin has raised concerns among market analysts. K33 Research had previously warned that Bitcoin's movement from the Mt. Gox wallets could create significant pressure on the market. With the final refund date for Mt. Gox creditors set for October 31st, the trustees' actions have sparked fears of a potential sell-off that could further impact the price of Bitcoin. Ongoing Efforts to Resolve Mt. Gox Bankruptcy 🔍 The Mt. Gox bankruptcy case has been ongoing for several years, with the trustees working to verify the identities of creditors and prepare for the final repayment process. The recent transfer of Bitcoin is likely part of these efforts, as the trustees aim to consolidate the assets before the October 31st deadline. Crypto Community Reactions 🗣️ The crypto community has been closely monitoring the situation, with many expressing concerns about the potential market impact. Some have speculated that the trustees may be preparing to sell the Bitcoin to facilitate the repayment process, while others have raised questions about the security and storage of the assets. #Bitcoin #BTC #MtGox #CryptoMarket #CryptoNews #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency 💰💻🔍
🚀 Ethereum (ETH) Price Surges Toward $4K as Spot ETF Anticipation Builds! 🚀 Ethereum's price has been on a tear lately, surging to nearly $4,000 as the market eagerly awaits the launch of spot Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs)[1]. The second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap has seen a wave of bullish sentiment, with some analysts projecting it could climb as high as $4,500 before the ETFs even start trading[1]. DeFiance Capital founder Arthur Cheong believes the market is "underallocated" to Ethereum, citing a poll that shows nearly 50% of respondents have allocated only up to 25% of their portfolios to $ETH . This suggests there is significant room for growth as traditional investors pour money into the cryptocurrency. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently approved multiple spot Ethereum ETFs, following a series of delays. However, ETF issuers still require SEC approval for their registration statements, creating uncertainty around the exact launch date. Former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton believes the start of spot ETH ETF trading is "inevitable," but acknowledged there are still some unresolved issues. 🤔 As of press time, Ethereum is trading at $3,910, up around 3.4% over the last 24 hours and 35% over the last two weeks[1][2]. The price action may have also been influenced by pro-crypto comments from former President and 2024 Republican candidate Donald Trump over the weekend. With the market eagerly anticipating the launch of Ethereum ETFs, the price of ETH is poised for further gains as institutional money flows into the cryptocurrency. 💰 #EthereumETFs #CryptoRally #InstitutionalAdoption

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